No big surprise here, I shouldn’t think.
The lying liars who talk about climate change know that they’re spouting bullshit.
More than 90 percent of NOAA’s temperature monitoring stations have a heat bias, according to Anthony Watts, a meteorologist, senior fellow for environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, author of climate website Watts Up With That, and director of a study that examined NOAA’s climate stations.“
And with that large of a number, over 90 percent, the methods that NOAA employs to try to reduce this don’t work because the bias is so overwhelming,” Mr. Watts told The Epoch Times.
“The few stations that are left that are not biased because they are, for example, outside of town in a field and are an agricultural research station that’s been around for 100 years…their data gets completely swamped by the much larger set of biased data. There’s no way you can adjust that out.”
The article starts with the claim from the Useless Nations about how if the planet temperature goes up by 1.5 degrees C, then we’re all going to die.
Uh, no. There are three periods in human history when the temps went up by more than 2 degrees C. The Minoan Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period, and the Medieval Warm Period. I would point out that all three of those periods corresponded with increased human growth and technology, not less. Also, no massive planet shattering cataclysms either.
Now add in data that is blatantly biased. The whole Global Warming Climate Cooling Change cult falls apart like a junkie who hasn’t gotten a fix in 24 hours.
Well, naturally. But then, what else would any reasonably well-informed, aware person expect from them other than a perfervid aversion to facts, truth, and observable reality? FederalGovCo lies so much, so continually, it’s gotta be pretty tough for ‘em by now to even realize they’re doing it at all, forget about owning up to it and trying to do better. Dishonesty, deceit, and overweening bumptiousness are the Government Grey Man’s default response at this point, regardless of topic or context: reflexive, instinctive, as if those ignoble traits were hard-coded into their DNA.
My wise old grandma put it best: they’d rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stand flatfooted and tell the truth. That a great nation could have somehow produced such horribly diseased specimens has to be one of the most grotesque ironies in the human tragicomedy.
Mid ’80’s Oregon’s State Climatologist got fired for saying there is no global warming. He said “I have monitoring stations in abandoned town that show no climate change.” Even back then there was a Narrative and cancel culture to enforce it.
“That a great nation could have somehow produced such horribly diseased specimens…”
Nothing in history has changed. Those in government will almost always lie, and lie for no reason than they hate the truth. Only a few ever stand opposed to them, and the government will then try to jail them, and kill them if that fails.
We knew the station data was corrupted and unfix-able when I was studying climatology in school in the early 70’s. My very fine professor once pointed out that a particular station that had been in a field beside a forest, was now situated in a black top bank parking lot (or something like that), and this was when they were trying to sell global cooling was going to kill us all.
The biased stations tend to be at airports, where there’s lots of black asphalt to collect solar heat energy, placed over lots of concrete, which stores it. Earth in an open field doesn’t do this, so measurements from these biased stations will be unreliable. Besides stations in open fields, sea level rise will be a better indicator, reflecting the melting of large masses of ice over large areas such as Greenland and Antarctica. Here’s a bit on sea level rise:
Now, why is Greenland called that? It’s hardly green, it’s covered with snow and ice – it’s not green at all – at least not now – or for the last 800 years… But when it was named by the Vikings, it *was* green, enough to support many farms: “Eric Thorwaldsson, better known as “The Red,” founded two separate colonies of expatriate Icelanders on Greenland’s southwest coast in 986. The larger and more southerly, “Eastern,” settlement eventually numbered some 3,000 souls (c. 1100), while the “Western” settlement, 300 miles to the northwest in the region of present day Godthaab, never grew to more then 300-350 population. Lief Ericsson’s introduction of Christianity to Greenland in 999 resulted in 16 churches eventually being built throughout the two settlements. The cathedral at Gardar was said to have been a fine edifice; its surviving foundation shows that it was 84′ long and 60′ wide. The bishop’s residence, built after a resident bishop was appointed in 1112 (“Bishop of Greenland and Vinland in partibus infidelum”), was even larger than the cathedral. By 1340, nearly all of the Western Settlement’s 190 farms had been expropriated by the Church in lieu of payments for indulgences, special masses for the departed, etc. The once free and independent Greenlanders were reduced to the status of serfs and tenant farmers on their own former holdings.” In a sense, we here share the fate of the Greenlanders, except it’s the governments reducing us to serfs and tenant farmers, instead of the Church…