Definitions and re-definitions

Pondering one of the Left’s most effective, reliable, and oft-used tactics. The wind-up:

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and a group of 14 other attorneys general penned a letter to Target CEO Brian Cornell this week expressing concern about the store’s removal of some of its Pride products.

Target lit a media firestorm last month when it announced it pulled an unspecified number of products from its shelves after the company faced “confrontational behavior” at its stores as well as threats of violence on its customer hotline.

While Ellison and AGs from California, New York, Maryland and more offered support for Target’s intention to keep its workers safe, they questioned if Target gave in to threats.

“While we understand the basis for this action, we are also concerned it sends a message that those who engage in hateful and disruptive conduct can cause even large corporations to succumb to their bullying,” the AGs wrote, “and that they have the power to determine when LGBTQIA+ consumers will feel comfortable in Target stores or anywhere in society.”

And then ace relief pitcher Porretto takes the mound to hurl the (red) pill.

Of course, neither Target’s workers nor its (remaining) customers are in any danger. They have no objective reason to feel “unsafe,” regardless of their sexual and political alignments. That’s not the point. The point is to keep the LGBTQ “pride” pressure at the maximum.

The above shows us three important things about the Left:

  1. Agenda: Forcing LGBTQ “pride” crap upon normal Americans.
  2. Priority: Worth involving high law enforcement officials and veiled threats.
  3. Method: Redefining normal Americans’ reactions to “pride” marketing as bullying.

The agenda is plain enough: thrusts by the LGBTQ promoters, particularly the promotion of transgenderism, are very much in the Left’s interest. The priority takes a moment to discern; state attorneys-general are far more significant players in public affairs than most suppose, as the law enforcers of their states answer to them. The method, as it so often is, is the redefining of entirely legitimate consumer behavior – i.e., the choice not to shop at Target – as “bullying,” a prosecutable offense in most states. While it’s rather difficult to prosecute persons whose identities are unknown, that’s a mere detail. The attack rhetoric of the attorneys-general is what matters.

There’s a ball-under-the-shirt aspect to this. Those attorneys-general aren’t aiming at prosecuting consumers for not shopping at Target, an absurd undertaking. Their concern is Target’s response to the loss of consumer traffic. They want the LGBTQ “pride” campaign “out loud and proud,” represented conspicuously in as many retail establishments as possible. Forcing arrant abnormality on normal people requires a massive full-court press.

A-yup, and they never have been exactly shy about implementing it, either. That, along with their dogged, single-minded determination and their eagerness to get down into the mud and fight dirty, are all part of the reason they keep right on winning in their ongoing battle not just with us, but with objective reality itself.


The incredible arrogance of the Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ cult

The latest installment of Mike Walsh’s continuing series examining the scam of the century.

Having failed to destroy us with the Covid Hoax (even the loathsome Facebook nazis have given up on it), the Left has now moved “climate change” front and center as the international left’s preferred soul-sapping means of destruction. Based on the small (in the cosmic scheme of things), 140-year-old sample of randomly gathered temperature data, jealous and vengeful cultural Marxists have decided to extrapolate from cherry-picked, manipulated, and massaged data to convince a gullible and trusting public that the world is coming to an end any day now, unless we act now. Like sleazy used-care salesmen, they employ scare and pressure tactics in order to get you to work against your own best, self-preservative instincts and willingly destroy infrastructure, cripple food production, kill sea life, and incinerate forests.

The key to their successful sowing of confusion can be found in the Heisenberg Principle, which states: “we cannot know both the position and speed of a particle, such as a photon or electron, with perfect accuracy; the more we nail down the particle’s position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa.” In popular understanding, this term of physics is expressed thus: the act of observing a thing changes its behavior and the closer it is observed, the more its nature becomes unclear. Or, if you stare at the word “cat” long enough, you can convince yourself that “cat” is misspelled.

The same is true of the “science” of “climate change.” No one from the ancient Greeks to the mid-Victorians would have seriously entertained the notion of “man-made climate change” were it not for the relatively recent invention of rudimentary means of measuring temperature and forecasting the weather. Armed with this little bit of knowledge, we have now created — in our own minds — the dangerous thing called “climate change.” Take that, Aristotle!

The evidence-free assertion of man-made “climate change” is easily disproven without resorting to a shred of Heisenbergian data. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant (no matter what the man-made Environmental Protection Agency says) — unless, that is, you subscribe to the Leftist Suicide Cult theory that mankind itself is a pollutant. If you do, then there’s no help for you; seek psychiatric help. Further proof is provided by actual climate history, whose only constant state is one of continual change. In case you doubt that, pay a visit to any important art museum with a large landscape collection. Finally, look at the calendar, walk outside, note how the weather is pretty much exactly what you would expect in your region for this time of year and ask yourself: do I really believe we have only a few years to save the planet? Of course you don’t. The planet is doing just fine.

At which point Walsh embeds that classic George Carlin vid I’ve deployed here myself more than once, wherein Carlin dismisses the monumental arrogance behind the patently risible notion that we mere hoomons, rather than being a small, relatively recently-arrived part of the much-larger planetary ecology, are somehow outside of it, apart from it, in conflict with it, and now constitute a serious, credible threat to its continued existence. Following that, Walsh goes on to make an assertion that I myself have made over and again (which I’ll put in bold so’s you can’t miss it):

The simplest way to defeat the “climate change” hysterics would have been to ignore them, but they are relentless little devils who won’t stop until they are stopped. Unfortunately for the sane among us, they’ve enlisted those lovable scamps of the madcap Corporate Media to raise hysteria to such a fever pitch that a great many otherwise sensible people actually take a disturbed, saturnine child like Greta Thunberg seriously.

Well hey, any weapon in the armory, y’know, any tool in the box—whatever might be useful to them, they’re gonna use, and straight to hell with any- and everybody who might not like it. Credit the soulless, amoral monsters with this much, at least: they DO know how a war must be waged if one intends to win the damned thing. Not for-real shooting wars, of course, just their phony ones.


One of these things is not is JUST like the other

Sgt Mom sounds off, five by five.

Some days ago, Buck T. at Ace of Spades HQ linked to this essay regarding the great Satanic Day Care Abuse Panic, and how elements of that exercise in public/law enforcement/media insanity duplicates many of the features of the current Trans-Kids! Eleventy!!! panic. Which it does, in some respects, especially in how the establishment news media elevated the panic …because that’s what the media do: Scare the ever-living-snot out of the reading/viewing public because that is what sells issues and page views. Once the panic-train gets going, every cynical exploiter of the panic wants to leap aboard the current trend.

There are some differences, though. It’s not just so-called child-abuse therapists and ambitious law-enforcement on the make, as it eventually turned out with Satanic Panic. Now it’s a particularly vicious combine; messed-up adults wanting to generate a good supply of similarly messed up juniors so as to have their pick of sexual partners down the line, deranged parents looking for social kudos among their peers, and teens going through the awkward stage being influenced by social media to no good end. It has also been suggested in a couple of different comment threads that it’s an out for white teens and pre-teens being blamed for everything imaginable under the sun. They can climb a couple of more levels above their status as white oppressors by joining another and slightly higher class of the so-called oppressed. The current trans-fad also gives a perfect out for messed up adults to get a sexual kick out of displaying their particular kinks in front of an audience – no matter if it is their kindergarten class, the genuine women in a gym changing room or a Target bathroom. And let’s not forget how a certain class of medical specialists appear eager to ensure a long and substantial income stream, from ministering at a profit to those patients who have actually signed on to an unending round of hormones and surgery – surgeries which don’t appear from the testimonies of those unfortunates who opted for them in haste and now have repented at leisure.

As for me, my flag is nailed to the mast. One cannot change sex. It’s in your DNA, and obvious (for all but an unfortunate few) at the moment of development in the womb. Live as you want; put on a dress, grow your hair long, put on makeup and call yourself Loretta. It changes nothing about your DNA.

I’m with ya one hunnerd and ten percent on that one, Sarge. Having been well past the age of majority back when it occurred, I vividly remember the Great Satanic Panic hysteria my own self. The differences between then and now are there all right, and they’re quite real. But the biggest difference, and probably the most damaging of them in terms of societal harmony and cohesion, is that today the volume of such media-manufactured panics is greatly amplified by social media, ubiquitous cell phones and tablets, and the Innarnutz itself—where hysteria can easily travel around the globe two or three times before the truth has even had time to find its boots, much less get them on.

Another major difference looming large over all of us is that back then, the Enemedia monolith hadn’t gone wholly over to the side of Leftist delusion, deceit, and batshit insanity—or at least were a lot more cautious about putting their in-built bias proudly on display for one and all to see. Y’know, as it has now.

The wrong question

PJM’s Kevin Downey ax’s it.

The Warped Unreality of the Leftist Mind: How Many Lies Will These Idiots Swallow?

A: All of ‘em, as many as it takes. The REAL question, though, is: How many can they make the rest of us swallow, or at least pretend to?

There are people who can’t admit when they are wrong. Some folks are reluctant to admit they’ve been conned. But pinkos are emotionally weak toilet people who tie their political leanings to their self-esteem. They’ll swallow lie after lie, lest their political peers call them a horrible name — like, say, a “conservative.”

In other words, the Bolshies will eagerly lap up lefty lies to stay in the commie club, because it’s better than being considered a (gulp) Republican.

When asked why he was having trouble with working-class voters in the Midwest, then-president Obama said the following:

And it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

In one sentence, the great orator managed to remind threaten people that those who do not vote for him are to be considered angry, racist, xenophobic, gun-toting hillbillies. Mind control 101.

Leftists also need to feel they are better — dare I say superior — to someone, and that someone is you.

The better to see hear genocide you with, my dear.


An unwelcome resurrection

“Expert” me no “experts.” Nor no “intellectuals,” neither.

The Return Of The 20th Century Pestilence
The pestilence of the 20th century that killed millions was not the Spanish flu, not communism, not fascism. It was intellectuals. Intellectuals laid the foundation and rationale for communism and fascism, which resulted in millions dead, and science, art, history being stunted.

It is no wonder that both George Orwell (“So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot”) and Eric Hoffer (“When you look into the question of what it is about this country that brings out all the malice and hatred of the American intellectual, you discover that what he can’t stomach is the mass of the people”) had an intense hatred for intellectuals.

Before I continue, I must define my terms. Intellectuals are persons who have a mastery of words and are good at only words, or as Thomas Sowell has so deliciously phrased, they are “masters of verbal virtuosity.” Some disciplines’ entire raison d’être is based on this ability; examples are lawyers, journalists, pastors, writers, and several college disciplines.

This is not a modern phenomenon. It has been with us ever since some individuals were gifted with verbal diarrhea. In Ancient Greece, there were intellectuals called sophists, who were so known for this that the word “sophist” has come down to us to mean someone who is glib at advocating an absurd or immoral viewpoint. And in Roman times, Cicero observed that, “There is nothing so absurd that it has not been said by some philosopher.”

When I first went to study at a university, one of the things that I learned to my surprise is that anything can be argued for and justified. Anything! I mean anything!

Well, not necessarily, or not convincingly, anyway. Not for anyone who is truly intellectually-astute, at any rate, as the author seems to be. To wit:

Today’s leftist intellectuals offer arsenic by calling it honey, censorship of free speech by calling it hate speech, dictatorship and fraudulent elections by calling it democracy, racism by calling it inclusiveness and diversity, methods to prevent electoral fraud are called voter suppression.

Like all pathological liars, they know they are most convincing when they act like they really believe it while simultaneously knowing it is bulls**t – and many do, through the process of doublethink. Read and listen to all of the justifications that liberals use for the purpose of censorship.

The interesting thing is that their rationale at first sounds logical. It kind of makes sense. For example, you can see this phenomenon in reading the rationale for all the countless things that liberals now label “racist” (the outdoors, disliking body odor, organized pantries, horse riding, weight reduction, philosophy, preventing cheating, white paint, proper grammar). When you read the arguments, they sound reasonable, they have a certain logic to them. Except that it’s all BS. You may not be able to initially voice why the argument is BS, but you know it’s BS.

The same is true for just about every other liberal obsession. Like euthanasia, or “reparations,” or solutions for climate change. One of those solutions is that because cow flatulence is a greenhouse gas, we should kill the cows (except a handful, reserved for the elite), do away with farms, and have everyone eat crickets and cockroaches.

There is a certain logic there.

Except it’s bulls**t.

Yep, t’is. Which means that, by definition, it ain’t really logic at all. Being intellectually discriminating enough to discern the difference betwixt the geniune article and the steaming, stinking, fly-blown pile has become something of a lost art in these, the latterly days of our managed decline. And that ain’t no kind of accident, neither.


The legitimization of delegitimization

Time and past time all Real Americans just stopped caring what they think or say—about this, about that, about anything whatsoever.

Ooooooh… Al Franken Thinks The Court is Illegitimate
During a recent episode of his podcast, the disgraced former U.S. Senator Al Franken, who resigned in 2017 following a sexual harassment scandal, asserted that the Supreme Court is “illegitimate” and referred to Chief Justice John Roberts as a “villain.”

Franken cited the contentious confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who was nominated by former President Trump, and the court’s ruling last year to overturn Roe v. Wade as a basis for his statement.

“The way they didn’t take up [Obama nominee Merrick] Garland and on saying, ‘It’s an election year,’ and then they, of course, put in Coney Barrett like eight days before the election. Then, of course, Dobbs and abortion.”

Franken continued, “I think the Chief Justice is actually much more culpable for this division than people think,” Franken argued. “I think Roberts is much more the villain in this than people give him credit for.”

That’s a rather bizarre position because Roberts has become the de facto swing vote on the court and was notoriously opposed to overturning Roe v. Wade.

The radical left, of which Franken is a part, has been making mountains out of molehills regarding so-called financial scandals involving Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. But, unfortunately, they are using these allegations as a pretext for subjecting the court to congressional oversight—which, I must add, is unconstitutional.

While the accusations against Gorsuch and Thomas are unfounded and lack legal and ethical justification, the allegations against liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor are not. Sotomayor received $3.6 million from Penguin Random House, a publishing company that had business before the court. Furthermore, she opted not to recuse herself from the related proceedings, while Justice Stephen Breyer did recuse himself since he had received money from the same publisher.

I don’t think we’ll ever hear Franken argue that Sotomayor delegitimized the Supreme Court. Nor will any other Democrat, for that matter. Their objective isn’t to enhance the ethical standards the court must uphold but to force conservative justices off the court so they can retake the ideological majority on the nation’s highest court.

Well, I mean, D’UH. Contra their own lofty-sounding eructations claiming otherwise, they care not a whit about principle, ethics, or other nebulous, gauzy vagaries. What they DO care about—first, last, always, and exclusively—is expanding their power, getting their way, and plowing over anything or anyone that might conceivably hinder or thwart them in that eternal quest.

Whenever a shitlib like Franken starts in lecturing you about “principle” and such-like, better carefully check your six right away. Because there’s sure to be a big, brass cock aimed directly at your fourth point of contact—wielded by a Leftard, with malicious intent aplenty. If you indulge them by pretending to care, you only get more of the same for your trouble. Best to just tell them straightaway to go take a flying fuck at a plate-glass window instead, and have done with it.


Rand was RIGHT

Over lo, these many years, he’s developed a funny little habit of that.

Rand Paul says Democrats know the ‘consensus is switching’ on Fauci
Rand Paul says Democrats are “quietly” beginning to understand they got it wrong on COVID orthodoxy and the imagined infallibility of Anthony Fauci.Remember back when the senator would question the nation’s top doctor about the U.S. funding gain-of-function research and Fauci would get mad?

“Sen. Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about. And I want to say that officially: You do not know what you’re talking about!”

After jousting a few more times in Senate hearings, Paul kept asking important questions that no reporter was ever going to ask about the U.S. National Institute of Health’s alleged involvement with the Wuhan lab in China.

Fauci just kept saying, pretty much every time, that the senator didn’t know what he was talking about.

Then we learned Paul knew what he was talking about.

In a broad interview about the pandemic and its legacy released this week, Sen. Paul told Free the People’s Matt Kibbe (who is on the board of BASEDPolitics) that Democrats have been humbly admitting to him and other Republicans that they might have got some of the pandemic narrative wrong. 

On Fauci and gain-of-function research in particular.

“Even now, Democrats are quietly coming to us, they know the consensus is switching on this,” Paul said.

“They still don’t want to be part of it because Fauci’s the leader of the Democrat party now for them,” Paul told Kibbe. “He’s this icon and they don’t want to do anything that tarnishes him. And they see it as a partisan effort.”

Paul continued, “They’re coming quietly to me and saying, ‘well, we probably would work on a bill to maybe regulate gain-of-function research, how taxpayer dollars are spent on this.’”

Hrm—maybe I’m wrong on this, but it’s been my understanding all along that gain-of-function research already WAS illegal in the US, which is why Fauci had to sneak his megabucks into other nations’ facilities to get it done more or less under the radar. Bold in the original, by the by, not mine.

Question now is, when will the homunculus Fauci be made to PAY for his decades of evil skullduggery and blithering incompetence? Instead of being allowed to just quietly slink away into a plush, cozy retirement, overgenerous Federal pension fully intact?


“Nobody is coming for your gas stove”

Except, of course and as usual, when they are.

New York Becomes First State to Pass Legislation Banning Use of Natural Gas for Heating and Cooking
The Biden Regime said reports claiming they were seeking to ban gas stoves was a conspiracy theory.

Chuck Schumer went out of his way to chastise those concerned saying, “Nobody is taking away your gas stove.”

Although Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm mocked the millions of Americans concerned about the federal government’s plans to put restrictions on gas stoves, she admitted the Biden Regime wants to ban “some” gas stoves.

Now, New York State is banning the use of natural gas for heating and cooking in some new buildings.

According to The New York Times, “The provisions will require new buildings to be constructed with only electric hookups for appliances and utilities beginning in 2025. The law will go into effect for buildings with fewer than seven stories beginning in 2026. The requirements will kick in for taller buildings by 2029.”

Gonna be veddy interesting to find out where they think the electricity to power those new appliance hookups is going to come from—especially once the millions—hundreds of millions, that is—of mandatory EVs start being plugged in for the hours of intensive re-juicing necessary to move the useless fire hazards more than forty feet. Before they, y’know, explode, then burn your house to the ground.

Unavailable for comment at presstime were all those “avid lifelong hunter” D卐M☭CRATs who absotively, posilutely aren’t coming for your guns.


On the list of things that will kill ya, turns out AR15s aren’t all that high up.

ABC News Accidently Admits AR-15s Aren’t as Dangerous as the Dems Pretend They Are
In their latest hit piece on Long Island’s GOP Rep. George Santos, ABC News let a little fact slip about the AR-15.

Santos co-sponsored a bill to name the AR-15 the “national gun of the United States.” ABC News stroked an article about voters protesters showing up at Santos’s office to protest the bill.

The ABC article states, “Research shows an AR-15-style rifle has been used to kill at least 226 people in mass shootings since 2012.”

If my calculator is accurate, that’s roughly 22.6 people per year, or 1.8 people per month, who have been killed by AR-15s in mass shootings.

Let’s take a look at ways in which more Americans die every year than by AR-15s used in mass shootings:

  • Twenty-eight people are killed every year by lightning.
  • Roughly 2,167 Americans die annually from constipation.
  • On average, 951 people are killed by their lawnmowers while another 4,193 are killed by farm tractors and other agricultural equipment.
  • Murderous toasters kill 45 people per year.
  • Eleven teenagers die every day while texting and driving.
  • An estimated 40 people die every year while skateboarding.
  • Roughly 10,206 are accidentally strangled to death while they sleep, and for those who survive the night, another 10,386 will die every year falling out of bed.
  • As per the FBI, rifles of every variation — including but not limited to the scary AR-15 — killed 215 Americans in 2019. But another 1,533 were killed by knives, and 651 people were beaten to death by hands, fists, feet, etc.
  • In 2015, 5,051 people choked to death while eating.
  • Americans average 62 deaths per year by bees, wasps, and hornets.

What Have We Learned?
We’ve learned that if you want to cut down on needless deaths, you’re better off handing out prune juice than trying to purloin AR-15s, as we Americans are roughly 10 times more likely to die as Elvis did — on the toilet — than by an AR-15 in a mass shooting. We’re 50 times more likely to be beaten to death. We’re roughly 1,000 times more likely to be killed — either by accidental strangulation or falling — from our beds than by an AR-15.

“As Elvis did.” Sigh. I tire of having to point it out again and again, but the truth is Elvis did NOT “die on the toilet.” That story was manufactured by Vernon for a press conference in the immediate wake of The King’s demise. Being an old-school sort of backcountry coot, Papa Vern considered it much more of an embarrassment and a disgrace that his son might have died from lethal-level amounts of at least five different drugs coursing through his system than of a heart attack induced by straining unproductively on the crapper, and assumed most ordinary folks would feel the same way as he did about it.

As recounted in the second volume of Peter Guralnick’s masterful Elvis bio, Careless Love, the master bathroom at Graceland, see, had a separate-but-attached ante-room with a comfy sofa and a LaZBoy recliner therein. And that’s where Elvis was actually found crumpled dead on the floor, fully clothed in his silken jammies, with a magazine in hand. Elvis had for years been known to sit in the master-bath lounge area reading at any hour of the day or night, just relaxing, so it’s no big surprise that it might be where he expired.

Vernon’s grim fairy tale, intended to preserve some shred of dignity for his son after his death, actually had quite the opposite effect, having lingered on to haunt E’s memory as a topic of disdain and mockery ever since. Funny how our attitudes and assumptions have so radically shifted since Vernon Presley’s day, innit? Would that hoplophobic shitlibs’ knee-jerk loathing for the venerable AR15 might someday undergo a similar shift, I’m thinkin’.

Get me rewrite!

A hilarious story of cultural re-appropriation.

Egyptians complain over Netflix depiction of Cleopatra as black

A Netflix docudrama series that depicts Queen Cleopatra VII as a black African has sparked controversy in Egypt.

A lawyer has filed a complaint that accuses African Queens: Queen Cleopatra of violating media laws and aiming to “erase the Egyptian identity”.

A top archaeologist insisted Cleopatra was “light-skinned, not black”.

But the producer said “her heritage is highly debated” and the actress playing her told critics: “If you don’t like the casting, don’t watch the show.”

Adele James made the comment in a Twitter post featuring screengrabs of abusive comments that included racist slurs.

Cleopatra was born in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 69 BC and became the last queen of a Greek-speaking dynasty founded by Alexander the Great’s Macedonian general Ptolemy.

She succeeded her father Ptolemy XII in 51 BC and ruled until her death in 30 BC. Afterwards, Egypt fell under Roman domination.

Macedonians being, y’know, Greeks, and Greeks being, y’know, decidedly not black. But hey, nig-nogs gotta nig-nog, amIright?

Jada Pinkett Smith, the American actress who was executive producer and narrator, was meanwhile quoted as saying: “We don’t often get to see or hear stories about black queens, and that was really important for me, as well as for my daughter, and just for my community to be able to know those stories because there are tons of them!”

Fuckin’ Jada Pinkett Smith. Groan. I mighta known. Poor old Will badly needs to get that saucy ho’ of his under some kind of control; she’s causing chaos and doing damage everywhere she goes.

But when the trailer was released last week many Egyptians condemned the depiction of Cleopatra.

Zahi Hawass, a prominent Egyptologist and former antiquities minister, told the al-Masry al-Youm newspaper: “This is completely fake. Cleopatra was Greek, meaning that she was light-skinned, not black.”

Mr Hawass said the only rulers of Egypt known to have been black were the Kushite kings of the 25th Dynasty (747-656 BC).

“Netflix is trying to provoke confusion by spreading false and deceptive facts that the origin of the Egyptian civilisation is black,” he added and called on Egyptians to take a stand against the streaming giant.

Okay, turnabout being fair play, then, I very much look forward to another upcoming release.

Ace says fans are calling it “the role Ryan Gosling was BORN to play,” and not even knowing who the hell Ryan Gosling might be, I surely can’t dispute that. In fact, I’d go so far as to say the same about whoever that melanin-challenged chick is that’s playing Moo’ch’elle in the trailer, also.

As for Will Smith, I’ll never forgive the punk-ass bitch for ruining Wild Wild West forever by hijacking Robert Conrad’s classic Jim West character, no good reason for the usurpation ever offered. I lovedlovedLOVED that show as a kid, and never missed a rerun for years afterward as an, um, alleged “adult.” So as far as I’m concerned, he and Pinkett Smith purely deserve each other, and may they have joy of their choice.

Update! Unrelated, yes, but it all put me in mind of another fine old Robert Conrad vehicle: namely, the mighty F4U Corsair.

Heh. What a great show that was. If Jada Pinkett Smith, or anybody else for that matter, ever decides to redo Pappy Boyington as a Nee-grow PoC (actually, COL Boyington was part Sioux Injun, but still), I’ma have a real problem with it.

Musk ain’t having any

I swear, my boy Elon just keeps getting more red-pilled every day, seems like.

BBC Journo Quits Musk Interview After Elon Pushes Back On ‘Hateful Content,’ ‘Misinformation’
Twitter CEO and African-American billionaire Elon Musk yesterday sat down with BBC “journalist” James Clayton for an interview, where the two had a now-viral argument over Twitter’s alleged rise in “hateful content,” as well as Twitter’s COVID “misinformation” policy changes.

During their conversation, Clayton, without any evidence to back himself up, claimed that Musk’s acquisition of the company has resulted in “a rise in hateful content.”

“Content you don’t like or hateful, describe a hateful thing?” Musk asked.

Clayton replied, “I mean you know just content that will elicit a reaction, something I mean something that is slightly racist or slightly sexist, those kinds of things.”

“So you think if something is slightly sexist it should be banned?” Musk retorted. “No, I’m not saying anything,” said Clayton.

“I’m asking for examples. Can you name one example?” Musk said. “Honestly I honestly–” Clayton began before Musk interjected: “Can you name a single example?”

“I’ll tell you why,” the BBC wordsmith said. “Because I don’t actually use that feed anymore because I don’t particularly like it. Actually, a lot of people are quite similar.”

At this point, the journalist cited his lack of interest in Twitter’s “For You” feed as his reason for being unable to cite a single example of hate speech. Musk, unimpressed, ultimately accused the reporter of lying.

Musk replied, “Wait a second, you said you’ve seen more hateful content, but you can’t name a single example, not even one.”

“I’m not sure I used that feed for the last three or four weeks,” Clayton said. “Then how did you see the hateful content?” said Musk.

“Really!?” Clayton cried. “Yes, because you can’t give a single example of hateful content not even one tweet, and yet you’ve claimed the hateful content was high. That’s a false,” Musk explained.

“No,” replied Clayton. “You just lied,” Musk said.

Eventually, Clayton abruptly left the interview, leaving Musk alone to field questions from the audience.

Just as well, really; Elon was WAY more likely to field some halfway-intelligent questions from the audience than he ever would have from a hack propagandist like the “journalist” he handily cut up into pieces-parts. Well done, sir, and good on ya. Now do NPR, while you’re taking care of the light work. Oh wait, he just did.

Elon Musk Reaches Limit, Calls For Defunding NPR: “What hypocrites”
Twitter CEO Elon Musk is calling for defunding NPR after the broadcaster had a meltdown and quit Twitter because Musk is calling them ‘State-affiliated media and Government-funded Media.’ NPR said it will no longer post fresh content to its 52 official Twitter feeds.

NPR cited Twitter’s decision to first label the network “state-affiliated media,” the same term it uses for propaganda outlets in Russia, China and other autocratic countries for making this extraordinary decision. Twitter drives impressions to NPR and after the broadcaster had to institute layoffs you would think they would be thanking Musk.

Musk fired back saying:

“NPR literally said “Federal funding is essential to public radio” on their own website (now taken down).

“What hypocrites!

“Defund NPR.”

Okay, I think I may have just ejaculated in my pants a little bit here.


They lie

Divemedic runs the numbers.

Math, It’s a Thing

A study published this week by the Kaiser Foundation says that 1 in 5 people in the US has a family member who has died after being shot. This is a survey pretending to be science. Let’s do the math. I will even be kind and use the Kaiser foundation’s numbers. (FYI: The Kaiser Foundation is a lefty anti gun pseudoscience think tank)

Averaging the data they publish for the past 21 years, they claim that the annual firearm death rate in the US was 10.75 per 100,000. That equates to 225.75 people per 100,000 over the past 21 years. Or in other words, one person in 445 has died a so-called “gun death” in the past 21 years. Even if you assume that each person killed is from a unique family, for 1 in 5 people to have had a firearm death in their family would mean family sizes of 89 people. The math doesn’t stop there.

The average family size in the US has remained stable at 3.1 people. The statistic is impossible, even if you count grandparents, siblings, cousins, and more. The entire study is pseudoscientific garbage.

With these hoplophobic fascists, you just gotta take that as read from the very beginning. I say again: stop yammering about it and just come and take them already, shitlibs. Let’s all see how that works out for ya in the end.

Weapons of “war”

The hoplophobic, fascist shitlibs don’t have the vaguest clue what they’re prattling about. Not that that’s ever stopped them.

Sen. Kennedy Stumps Mayorkas (Again) Regarding the Definition of ‘Assault Weapons’ He Wants to Ban

Well, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is not having a good week. Earlier this week, he got raked over the coals by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) over the border crisis.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) also got a turn with Mayorkas and, as he’s been known to do, asked the secretary a few simple questions that someone in his position ought to be able to answer.

“Mr. Secretary yesterday you testified in judiciary that you support an assault weapon ban and we didn’t have much time to talk about that. Tell me your definition—once more—of an assault weapon,” the senator asked.

Easy, right? When someone says he wanst to ban assault weapons, it stands to reason that he should know what an assault weapon is. Mayorkas would prove in his responses that he has absolutely no idea.

“I am not an expert, right respect to the definition but of the assault bands. And so I defer to—”

“You are the Secretary of Homeland Security,” Kennedy reminded him, clearly suggesting that he ought to know the answer.

“—as as a I was about to say, I defer to the experts, I defer to, for example, the definition of an assault weapon that was codified in the prior iteration of the legislation that was passed and that was in operation when I served as an assistant United States attorney and the United States Attorney in the Central District.”

“So you would support the prior definition…”

“Senator I must defer to the experts with respect to the definition,” Mayorkas said again, before really stepping in it. “But I will tell you, for example, military—military-style weapons are of tremendous concern. ”

“You personally think we should ban assault weapons, and I know you tobe an intelligent man and a thinking person, so I know you’ve thought about it,” Kennedy responded. “What do you mean by military-style weapon?”

Spoiler alert: Mayorkas didn’t know the definition of “military-style weapon” either.

Naturally, Mayorkas is hardly unique in his stem-to-stern ignorance.

Jamaal Bowman Throws Unhinged Fit Against GOP in Hallway, Thomas Massie Drops a Little Reality on Him

For Democrats, whenever there is a mass shooting, it’s the fault of the gun. If the shooter is someone folks view as someone “one of theirs,” it’s the fault of the gun and the evil intolerant society that somehow must have affected the poor shooter, as we saw in the case of the Nashville shooting.

The answer, of course, is that in every case, whoever the shooter is, it’s the fault of the shooter. A gun is just a tool, that can be used for bad or for good, like a knife, a fork, or virtually anything else. The gun isn’t invested with evil powers to shoot people just because it’s an AR-15 or an AK-47. It just looks scarier to folks on the left who know nothing about guns. We heard crazy things on Tuesday from Democrats like Joe Biden claiming that an “AR-15 bullet” will “blow up inside the body.” Yet, he’s in a position of immense power to affect laws and is issuing executive orders from on high when it comes to guns.

But I think the award for the unhinged take of Wednesday has to go to Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), a radical Squad member, who just started screaming in the public hallway, falsely blaming Republicans for school shootings. To him, “doing something” means more gun control. Yet he never seems to explain how if virtually every school is “gun-free” why there are mass shootings in schools. So instead of talking about real solutions with Republicans, he throws a fit in the hallway for the cameras and calls the GOP “cowards.” No, sir, cowards are those who shout down anyone who thinks differently than you and who are afraid to deal with the real issues. But Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) stops, tries to calm him down, and gets him to talk. He does manage to lay a little reality on him.

Massie told him that schools don’t allow teachers to carry. That caused Bowman to lose his mind, screaming, “More guns equals more death.” Notice how Bowman was shouting and not listening to what Massie was saying.

Yep, just your typical, Mk 1-Mod 0 shitlib arrogance in ignorance. As for civilian vs military arms, here’s another little tidbit of information the Leftards will blithely go to their graves in total blank ignorance of (via Herschel—thanks!).

Original ATF AR-15 Classification Refutes Claim that Rifle ‘Not Meant’ for Civilians

U.S.A. – -( “This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request…concerning the following: 1. All classification letters (or if classification letters were named in some other way, those records) regarding Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle, Serial No. GX4968 which was approved in approximately 1963; and 2. All classification letters…for AR-15 platform rifles predating the submission to the ATF for the Colt AR15 SP1 Sporter Rifle,” Adam C. Siple, Chief Information and Privacy Governance Division, notified attorney Stephen Stamboulieh in a Nov. 22 response (see below). “In response to your request, we have processed a total of 2 pages of responsive material.”

That referenced FOIA request was sent in May on behalf of firearms designer Len Savage and resulted in the production of a Dec. 10, 1963, letter from what was then called Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division to Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company, Inc. This is the first such classification for the AR-15 and has not been published before.

The FOIA request itself was prompted from a Nov. 2017 article in The Atlantic in which the magazine, unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with its anti-gun bent, attempted to bolster a claim that “these rifles were meant for the military, not civilians.”

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963. It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,” one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

So, they were being sold to civilians first?

Apparently so, yes. But don’t let’s anybody be holding their breath waiting for the lying liars of the Lyin’ Left to abandon their screeching about “MILITARY-STYLE FULLY-SEMI-AUTOMATIC ASSAULTWEAPONGUNS OF WAAAAAR!!!” They won’t even tone it down a notch out of a half-decent sense of shame, count on it.

Never, ever forget: on any given topic or issue, it’s never really about what they say it’s about. They care not a fig for addressing a problem, resolving an issue, saving a life, or their perennial fave “TEH CHILDREN!” No, it is all about the same thing it always and forever is: power, and control. Period fucking dot.

To call them “pond scum” would be a gratuitous insult to the relatively innocuous slick of slimy green goo that floats atop a pond.

Update! Via WRSA, an excellent Stefan Molyneux quote.

If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it’s not that you are anti-gun. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. So you’re very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions.

Says it all, don’t it?

Precogging the Empire Of Lies

Mark Judge descried which way the ill wind was blowing many moons ago.

How My 1997 Conversation with Tucker Carlson Predicted the Future
In March 1997, I had a conversation with Tucker Carlson that would predict the future. Specifically it predicted liberalism’s current empire of lies.

Carlson has recently expressed amazement at how bad the public lies have gotten. Last week on The Glenn Beck Show, Carlson revealed footage from the Capitol January 6 that undercut our Principalities and Powers’ official narrative. Especially its claims about Jacob Chansley (the wacky guy in the Viking helmet) who was visibly nonviolent, but nonetheless got four years in prison.

Carlson sounded amazed and a bit dejected. His father had worked in government. Carlson grew up in Washington. He was used to political battles, but not such outright lying. “I know deception when I see it,” he says, “it’s demonstrable and its proven. They’re all lying.” It turns out, Tucker concluded. “Liz Cheney is affirmatively a liar.”

I thought back to a conversation I had with Carlson in 1997 that foresaw this moment. That year I attended CPAC, the annual conservative conference held at the Sheraton in Washington, D.C. I was writing a story for the New York Press.

Ahh, the New York Press—a fine old NYC weekly I used to peruse each and every week, founded by Russ Smith as a conservative competitor for the Village Voice, which had by then lapsed into complete batshit lunacy. Good times, good times. I don’t really remember him, but it figures Judge woulda worked there. Onwards.

After the conference I called Tucker Carlson, who was then a writer for the Weekly Standard. I was friendly with Carlson, wanted to get his take on conservatism, and where it was moving in the Clinton years.

Our conversation had barely started when he steered it to CPAC. ”Hey, were you at CPAC?” he asked me. I said I had been. “Did you see any drugs or heavy drinking and sexual assaults?”

I had no idea what he was talking about. I hadn’t seen anything but conservatives giving speeches and hawking their books. Tucker pointed me to an article in The New Republic. In it, a journalist described how a group of four young male conservatives conspired to sexually assault a woman. It deserves quoting at length, as twenty years later, similar lies would be resurrected to try and destroy me. It also foreshadows the contagion of lies that has infected our elites, from government to media.

“Infected”—now THAT’S putting it mildly, in my estimation. Read on for deets of the infuriating and manifestly, laughably false TNR smear job, indeed a grim harbinger of the shape of things to come, which triggered Tucker’s and Judge’s foray into the mystic realm of pure precognition. Unsurprisingly, it was penned by one Stephen Glass, who would go on to humiliating, career-destroying ignominy as a chronic fabulist—which, again, is putting it mildly, and is far more kind than the miserable cur deserves.

Fittingly, Glass is no longer employed as a Jurassic-Media “journalist—he’s a goddamned half-a-lawyer now. Which is not to say that his extended career as a shameless liar didn’t have any impact at all, mind.

Stephen Glass’s tactics are now mainstream. They were, and are, the official playbook of our elites, from the Democrats to NeverTrump zealots. People in power will tell such lies until they get caught, and even after that. One media orc who in 2018 said that he saw me buying and selling cocaine in the 1980s — a lie — just got his head handed to him by Russell Brand, and then by good guy and conservative Tom Elliot. Faced with a cavalcade of his own lies by Elliot, this dunderhead will shake it off and be back to warn us all about the evil Ron DeSantis.

This is why it is so absolutely crucial that regular people simply not engage with this new American Stasi. Imagine the worst, most unscrupulous and malicious liar you’ve ever known in your life. That person is the reporter who just showed up at your door. The assumption that leftist politicians and the media are reflections of Satan himself, the father of lies, is not an exaggeration.

Nope, nor is it hyperbole, nor any kind of coincidence. What it is, is entirely factual, the plain and simple truth.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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