Steyn on the latest round of the ongoing JK Rowling “transgender” dust-up.
Yesterday was another dark day for the west’s fast-fading freedom of speech. Scotland’s new “Hate Crime” law came into effect, formalising (among other things) my perennial gag that in the UK (or at least this miserable corner of it) everything is policed except crime: The wanker coppers will now be spending ever more of their worthless days sitting around monitoring your Twitter account. Oh, don’t worry, Scotland’s “First Minister” and the plods themselves have been at pains to assure you that they’re going to keep a sense of proportion about their new thought-crime powers. That’s why their “training exercise” for the new law was a lady Tweeter called “Jo” who wants to send all transpersons to the gas chambers.
The Jo in question took it in her stride:
‘Arrest me!’: JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate crime laws
There followed on her Twitter feed a witheringly sarcastic roll call of the various bepenised women (see picture at top right) whose pathologies the decadent end-stage Scottish state has indulged.
Hers was the only sane Scots reaction I read yesterday, certainly from any public figure. Everyone else seems to have figured that cis-discretion is the better part of valour.
Her splendid isolation will surely have been noticed by that totalitarian constabulary. Maybe they will arrest her. As I said in After America some years ago, what matters are the habits of liberty. Once a people lose those, there are no easy ways back.
Written before Scots officialdom’s piteous no mas, obviously, but the essential point regarding “the habits of liberty” remains valid. Steyn follows the above rip with more which may not at first blush seem related at all, but in the long run most certainly is.
Is hanging in effigy from a lamp-post or tree limb a hate crime? How about burning at the stake in effigy? …
No. They are water for the Tree of Liberty.
We live in the Age of Disenlightenment.
A Last “True Scotsman”?