Jesse Kelly says it for me, for you, for all of us.
Being in the FBI should be a mark of shame. Start treating the FBI agent in your life like you’d treat the town whore.
You’ll know we’re doing well when FBI employees start lying to friends and family about who they work for.
I’m not even close to kidding.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC)
You can have a free country or you can have a FBI. You cannot have both. Free countries don’t survive with secret police agencies. Those two things cannot coexist
The only acceptable position on the FBI is its complete abolishment.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC)
He’s right, and that’s all there is to it.
I’m not sure when I came to the conclusion there was no reforming the FBI, it simply has to be abolished, but it was years ago, before Trump.
It’s only gotten worse, all agents should be considered oppressors. If they do any “good” work on behalf of the American people it is dwarfed by the bad. And that is a big “If”.
There’s nothing wrong with the FBI that can’t be solved simply.
1) Everyone from the level of any city’s office director up to the director is prosecuted for federal crimes and incarcerated in Supermax for the appropriate terms. If any death(s) have resulted, public hangings, in no more than 90 days after conviction, and televised nationally, shall suffice.
2) Everyone below that level and not criminally implicated is fired for cause, and barred from any governmental employment down to dog catcher or sewer maintenance, and any civilian security or intelligence contracting, for life.
3) Upon request, any one of them may be transported to the country of their choice, where their US citizenship shall be revoked, and a permanent lifetime flight and Visa ban to the US is placed on their record. Their file shall thereinafter be stamped “Shoot On Sight” if they are ever encountered within the United States or its territories, to include military bases overseas or US embassies and consulates.
4) Burn all the former offices with napalm, to the ground, salt the earth, and mandate that nothing be allowed to grow thereon but weeds and thorns for 100 years, a marker be erected detailing their crimes over the years, and in a century’s time, the land be made permanent federal Bill Of Rights parks, with gibbets erected from which to hang future traitors, including anyone who suggests henceforth than any such agency is needed again, and including grandstands to watch the proceedings.
Problem solved.
Then phone over to the CIA, NSA, IRS, and BATFE, and let them know they’re next on the block.
Gonna be a whole lot of available commercial real estate available in D.C. in short order.
Bwahahaha fat fucks, and I’m a fat fuck but I’m not FBI. Where’s Henry Bowman when they need him