You’re gonna need another server
Several of ’em in fact.
Will Republicans Impeach Biden? Here’s The Full Corruption Timeline
House Republicans are moving closer to an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, according to Speaker Kevin McCarthy as party leaders continue to investigate allegations that the president accepted millions of dollars in bribes from foreign entities, including individuals linked to the Chinese Communist Party.With the investigation into the alleged corruption of the Biden family — primarily Biden and his son Hunter — heating up, here is a timeline, according to House Republicans and other documentation, of the events that some lawmakers have said may lead to Biden’s impeachment:
Follows, the list, which DW claims is “complete” but, voluminous as it is, is still much too short to be truly all-inclusive. As for “impeachment,” might wanna hold off on that for a bit yet, McCarthy. As I understand it, Miss Lindsey Graham (Uniparty-Swamp) still has several blue-ribbon commissions working tirelessly to “get to the bottom” of the Russia Collusion hoax, the “election”-rigging controversy, and a plethora of other Biden-related scandals.
All of which leaves Ben Weingarten’s recommendation even more pointless and fanciful, if perfectly valid, than it already is.
Start an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden now — other presidents were impeached for less
Little could be more dangerous than for our commander-in-chief to be corrupted and compromised by foreign powers, including our worst enemies.There is growing evidence President Joe Biden just may be such a corrupted and compromised figure.
So if House Republicans launch an impeachment inquiry into the uniquely grave offenses in which Biden has been implicated, they will be doing so on uniquely justified grounds.
Certainly, Congresses impeached Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump for far less.
An impeachment inquiry, which would arm House Republicans with the most awesome investigative powers possible, would reveal what the Bidens earned, from whom, for what, what the president knew, when he knew it, what he did about it, if and how he benefited and whether he has lied about it all.
It would also allow Congress to assess whether and to what extent his family’s dealings have influenced his policies — that is, whether he is acting in America’s self-interest or his own.
Oh, I think nobody is in any confusion whatever about that, thanks. Certainly in a better, more just world—on another planet in another dimension in an alternate universe, probably—Bribem would have been impeached, convicted, and tossed out on his corrupt ass long before now. Then again, in that better world he never would have been permitted to slime his way into the White(bag) House in the first damned place.
In this world, poor Weingarten is laboring under an assumption nowhere in evidence: that the Repugnicants actually want to piss off their D卐M☭CRAT partners in crime by impeaching the manifestly corrupt and treasonous Usurper In Thief. I’m beginning to think I should work up a sort of adjunct on the Mike’s Iron Laws page, for listing all these unsupported assumptions people still insist on making.