“No evidence” of Bribem Crime Family corruption

Of course the D卐M☭CRATs are screaming their throats raw and bloody about the rotting rutabaga’s impeachment; as we all know, they will always and forever remain in pluperfect compliance with both Mike’s Iron Law #4296-54e, addendum 67, and Mike’s Iron Law #462. But don’t think for a minute that they’re the only ones squealing like stuck pigs.

GOP Rep. Ken Buck Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Absurd” Impeachment Remarks – Says There’s No Evidence Linking Joe Biden to a “High Crime or Misdemeanor”
In an interview with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on MSNBC, Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) expressed strong disagreement with fellow Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) over her “absurd” calls for impeaching President Joe Biden. Buck argued that there is currently no evidence linking Biden to a “high crime or misdemeanor.”

On Saturday, Marjorie Taylor Greene said that “our country deserves for Congress to vote for an impeachment inquiry for very important reasons, not a rush impeachment vote.”

When asked by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about his position on launching an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, Rep. Buck said Greene’s remark is “absurd.”

“Marjorie filed impeachment articles on President Biden before he was sworn into office more than two and a half years ago. So the idea that she is now the expert on impeachment or that she is someone who should set the timing on impeachment is absurd,” said Ken Buck.

Buck, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, claimed that there is currently no evidence linking Biden to a “high crime or misdemeanor” and thus, no grounds for impeachment.

“The time for impeachment is the time when there’s evidence linking President Biden -if there’s evidence linking President Biden- to a high crime or misdemeanor, that doesn’t exist right now, and it isn’t really something that we can say, well, in February, we’re going to do this. It’s based on the facts. You go where the facts take you,” Buck added.

Bold Hoft’s, I assume. MTG fired back at the Vichy GOPe loyalist, good and hard.

In an X post, Greene responded to Buck’s allegations, saying, “When is Ken Buck going to announce he’s a Democrat? The amount of shilling for Joe Biden is astounding. Almost like he’s hoping Joe is going to appoint him for something.”

“This is the same guy that wrote a book called ‘Drain the Swamp’, who is now arguing against an impeachment inquiry,” Greene told CNN. “I really don’t see how we can have a member on Judiciary that is flat out refusing to impeach…It seems like, can he even be trusted to do his job at this point?”

Oh, he’s doing his job all right, Marge. It’s just that his job is in no way, shape, or form the one you think it ought to be. As for the shitstorm of “no evidence” bushwa, I’ll just let the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability handle that one.

There is mounting evidence that Joe Biden was involved in his family’s influence peddling schemes, including while he served as Vice President. However, Democrats and their corporate media allies continue to ignore this overwhelming evidence as they seek to distract the American people from the Biden family’s corruption. Below are over 20 examples of Joe Biden’s involvement.

1) In July 2023, former Biden business associate Devon Archer described how Joe Biden was “The Brand” and was used to send “signals” of power, access, and influence to enrich the Biden family from foreign sources.

2) Devon Archer alone was aware of at least 20 times in which then-Vice President Biden spoke on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates. Democrats would have Americans believe that these phone calls with then-Vice President Biden were simply to discuss the weather.

3) In February 2014, then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with oligarchs from Russia and Kazakhstan who funneled millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and his business associates.

4) In April 2015, then-Vice President Biden dined with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates, including Ukrainian Burisma executive Vadym Pozharsky. Burisma was then being investigated by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin for corruption.

5) Then-Vice President Biden had coffee with Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associate, Jonathan Li of BHR, in Beijing and wrote a college letter of recommendation for his daughter.

6) In 2015, then-Vice President Biden hosted Hunter Biden and Devon Archer and other business associates at the official residence of the Vice President. The topic of discussion was filling the top seat at the United Nations. The Kazakhstani government official who wanted the U.N. position attended both dinners at Café Milano with then-Vice President Biden.

7) Using the pseudonym “Robert L. Peters,” Vice President Biden was informed by his staff of a call in 2016 with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Copied on that official email? Hunter Biden, who was sitting on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma.

8) On December 4, 2015, Biden business associate Eric Schwerin wrote to Kate Bedingfield in the Office of the Vice President providing quotes to use in response to media outreach regarding Hunter Biden’s role in Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Later that day, Ms. Bedingfield responded to Mr. Schwerin saying, “VP signed off on this[.]” According to Devon Archer, after a Burisma board of directors meeting in Dubai on the evening of December 4, 2015, Hunter Biden “called D.C.” to discuss pressure that Burisma asked him to relieve.

9) In May 2017, James Gilliar, a Biden family associate, emailed Hunter Biden and other associates to formalize how they would divide the profit from their deal with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party linked energy company. Gilliar indicated Joe Biden would receive 10 percent, which has been confirmed by former Biden family associate, Tony Bobulinski.

10) On May 20, 2017, James Gilliar told Tony Bobulinksi, another business associate, “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face[.] I know u know that but they are paranoid[.]”

When you’re as thoroughly and wholly corrupt as Jaux Buyhim has been known to be for so many decades, having someone claim you AREN’T corrupt amounts to a direct, personal insult. It’s like you did all that grifting for nothing—slaving tirelessly away at becoming the very best in your chosen field, only to have people deny you credit for all your diligent effort.

An aerial view of Lyin’ Jaux’s Delaware “house”:


That’s his former home estate, he’s since moved on to more “modest” digs. This is one of his numerous current domiciles, all purchased “honestly” on a Senator’s 174k yearly salary:


If I’m not mistaken, and I could be, this is the house where he “securely” kept all those purloined classified documents he had no business whatsoever to be handling. Being a career politician is nice work if you can get it, no?

“No evidence”—shyeeaaah, right. Who you gonna believe, Mr and Mrs America, all those scuttling, scurrying Swamp critters or your own lyin’ eyes?

Update! Need I remind you of what the second item from Article II, Section 4 is? Not that Faux Jaux isn’t patently guilty of all of them, of course. But that second one surely ought to be plenty enough all by itself to put his balls in a vise.


Yertle McTurtle shouted down during speech

And I gotta say, I have questions. One in particular.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was interrupted and heckled for five straight minutes during his speech in his home state at the St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic on Saturday, a premier political event in Kentucky.

Instead of a respectful silence, the audience delivered a relentless, clear, and loud message for a full five minutes, drowning out his speech.

Foot-stomping and chants echoed around the venue, making it abundantly clear that the senator’s reception was far from warm in his home state. He is done.

The dissenting voices underscore the sentiment that McConnell, at 81 years old and with nearly four decades of senatorial service, is more of a representative of Washington’s political ‘Swamp’ than the average American he’s supposed to represent.

Chants of “RETIRE” and “DITCH MITCH” overwhelmed his address, causing a scene of utter humiliation for the long-serving senator.

All fine and well, I suppose. But a significant portion of the rest of the country has been wondering for quite some time now why the hell Kentucky voters didn’t ditch his sorry, Swampy ass a long damned time ago.


House Republicans refuse to impeach Biden, go on Vacation

Quoting Sundance as he has said all that needs to be said:

The House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee has a team of lawyers and staff.

Evidence in public shows the sitting president of the United States took payments from foreign business interests in a scheme to use the power of the U.S. government to influence foreign government policy and protect/enhance the business interests of the people who paid him.

To wit…. The Republicans in the House of Representatives have thousands of Joe and Hunter Biden bank records, hundreds of trace records for wire transfer statements and payments, hundreds of reported U.S. Treasury suspicious activity reports, thousands of emails and subpoenaed text messages, audio and video recordings, thousands of photographs, access to the laptop of Hunter Biden and all the content therein, documented witnesses to the activity, testimony under oath corroborating how the Bidens collected tens of millions from foreign nations as unregistered foreign agents which was subsequently laundered through 20 shell companies.

The House committee also has FBI witness reports (FD-1023) from verified and reliable Confidential Human Sources who documented the intent and purpose of the transactions, along with US government attorneys in Philadelphia who investigated and confirmed the substance of the confidential human source allegations therein. Additionally, the Republicans in Congress have sworn affidavits and testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who testified the US attorney in Delaware was working with the U.S. Dept of Justice in Washington DC to bury the results of the investigation.

Lastly, and most recently, the Republicans have a transparently corrupt federal plea agreement rejected as presented by U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, because the intent of the construct was to protect the son of the President of the United States from legal exposure within the business that provided the material wealth for himself and the family of the President, providing immunity for their Foreign Agent Registration Act violations…

….And the Republican Speaker of the House is letting the Republican controlled Congress go on vacation for the next two months.

All of this,…. ALL OF THIS…. while the former Republican president and current 2024 election front-runner is being railroaded by the same Dept of Justice the Speaker refuses to confront.

If you didn’t understand that the republican party is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the other marxist party, maybe now you will.

If you didn’t understand that the GOPe’s chosen candidates for any office including president are corrupt to the core, completely under the thumb of the deep state, maybe now you will.

The republican party is just as corrupt, more so, than the democrat party. At least the democrats are now telling us they are insane. The R’s are still trying to fool you.

Republicant’s on Vacation


You’re gonna need another server

Several of ’em in fact.

Will Republicans Impeach Biden? Here’s The Full Corruption Timeline
House Republicans are moving closer to an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, according to Speaker Kevin McCarthy as party leaders continue to investigate allegations that the president accepted millions of dollars in bribes from foreign entities, including individuals linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

With the investigation into the alleged corruption of the Biden family — primarily Biden and his son Hunter — heating up, here is a timeline, according to House Republicans and other documentation, of the events that some lawmakers have said may lead to Biden’s impeachment:

Follows, the list, which DW claims is “complete” but, voluminous as it is, is still much too short to be truly all-inclusive. As for “impeachment,” might wanna hold off on that for a bit yet, McCarthy. As I understand it, Miss Lindsey Graham (Uniparty-Swamp) still has several blue-ribbon commissions working tirelessly to “get to the bottom” of the Russia Collusion hoax, the “election”-rigging controversy, and a plethora of other Biden-related scandals.

All of which leaves Ben Weingarten’s recommendation even more pointless and fanciful, if perfectly valid, than it already is.

Start an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden now — other presidents were impeached for less
Little could be more dangerous than for our commander-in-chief to be corrupted and compromised by foreign powers, including our worst enemies.

There is growing evidence President Joe Biden just may be such a corrupted and compromised figure.

So if House Republicans launch an impeachment inquiry into the uniquely grave offenses in which Biden has been implicated, they will be doing so on uniquely justified grounds.

Certainly, Congresses impeached Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump for far less.

An impeachment inquiry, which would arm House Republicans with the most awesome investigative powers possible, would reveal what the Bidens earned, from whom, for what, what the president knew, when he knew it, what he did about it, if and how he benefited and whether he has lied about it all.

It would also allow Congress to assess whether and to what extent his family’s dealings have influenced his policies — that is, whether he is acting in America’s self-interest or his own.

Oh, I think nobody is in any confusion whatever about that, thanks. Certainly in a better, more just world—on another planet in another dimension in an alternate universe, probably—Bribem would have been impeached, convicted, and tossed out on his corrupt ass long before now. Then again, in that better world he never would have been permitted to slime his way into the White(bag) House in the first damned place.

In this world, poor Weingarten is laboring under an assumption nowhere in evidence: that the Repugnicants actually want to piss off their D卐M☭CRAT partners in crime by impeaching the manifestly corrupt and treasonous Usurper In Thief. I’m beginning to think I should work up a sort of adjunct on the Mike’s Iron Laws page, for listing all these unsupported assumptions people still insist on making.


Bang for the buck

I’ve said several times that, after the tampering/rigging/fraud debacles of ’20 and ’22, the only interest I’ll have in national “elections” going forward will be for their entertainment value, nothing more. Which, for 2024, is already looking as if it might turn out to be much higher than anticipated.

Good news, everyone! Mitt Romney (D, but R when necessary-Utah) has a plan for victory in the 2024 presidential race. That plan involves forcing Trump out of the field of candidates. Romney outlined his pathway to victory in an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal. While bemoaning the fact that Trump will likely be the nominee, Romney holds out hope that The Donald can be defeated, provided the race is narrowed down to two contenders before Trump “sews up” the nomination. For that to happen, the mega-donors and influencers in the GOP must convince those candidates who do not have a realistic chance of winning to drop out of the race.

HA! To rejigger that great Morpheus line just a wee mite: Mitt, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

He concedes that this may be easier said than done, but the risk of having expendable candidates in the race is just too high:

There are incentives for no-hope candidates to overstay their prospects. Coming in behind first place may grease another run in four years or have market value of its own: Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum got paying gigs. And as former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu has observed, “It is fun running for president if you know you cannot win.”

Left to their own inclinations, expect several of the contenders to stay in the race for a long time. They will split the non-Trump vote, giving him the prize. A plurality is all that is needed for winner-take-all primaries.

Romney suggests a drop-dead date of Monday, Feb. 26. That is the first business day after the contests in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada. He goes so far as to suggest that donors to lower-tier candidates extract a pledge from them that they will drop out if their prospects are dim after the fateful Monday.

Keep in mind that this is the same guy who was singing the praises of hot dogs just last week. And a man who has not shown his face at a single state or county GOP convention since he ran for Senate. I should know. I’ve been to more of them than he has.

Man, talk about your no-hopers—if ever there was one, it would have to be Mittens Romneycare, whose only real rival in terms of manifestly-doomed pResidential runs was recently-anointed grifter and pedophile Faux Jaux Bribem. As for Too Old Jaux, just a wweek or so ago his handlers announced his intention to conduct his “campaign” for re-“election” from his sarcophagus in the palatial basement of his Delaware home mansion palace, being far too frail and decrepit to actually come outside and attempt to move around any without the risk of falling and breaking his hip yet again.

Which jacks the entertainment value straight up to Everest-level heights.


Tucker to host “inquisition”

Showconservative Inc™ waves its chubby little fists and cries like a little girl over it.

More than one Republican presidential campaign expressed surprise, even trepidation, when RealClearPolitics broke the news in March that Tucker Carlson would moderate a presidential forum hosted by the Family Leader.

In the spring, several candidates accepted Bob Vander Plaats’s invitation to address his influential group of social and religious conservatives. None knew Carlson would be waiting for them on stage in the summer. “This isn’t prepping for an interview,” said a senior aide to one presidential candidate. “It’s an interrogation.”

Carlson is out at Fox News, half a dozen candidates have entered the race for the Republican presidential nomination since his exit, and whether they like it or not, six White House hopefuls will sit down Friday with the opinionated commentator described by one GOP campaign official as a “fast-talking, new age populist.”

Writing in National Review, Noah Rothman warned that “any competent political campaign with an instinct for self-preservation should avoid Carlson.” Sharing a stage with him for the 2024 field, the conservative writer argued, would be “a tacit countenancing” of his caricature of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as “sweaty and rat-like, a comedian turned oligarch” or the mainstreaming of his flirtations with vaccine critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Let’s see now, would that last be anything like you NRO NeverTrumpTards mainstreaming your “flirtations” with—actually, your outright endorsement ofHillary!™ back in 2015, for the simple reason that you hated Trump so intensely that it blinded you to absolutely everything else? Or no?

National Review to Endorse Hillary

Okay, never mind. As you were; forget I brought that unpleasantness up.

So basically, then, what we have here is the old-line Vichy GOPe losers, who would rather send the nation spiralling faster down the drain than it already is than countenance an unapproved outsider who hasn’t been a professional career politician since he was in knee-britches take office. Gotta love Rothman’s panicky-sounding denunciation of Tucker’s departure from the Swamp consensus on the Forever-War Sargasso in Ukraine, too.

I don’t give a tinker’s damn about the “race” for president, nor about whichever hapless sock-puppet the GOPe eventually decides on to help Uniparty Productions keep the kabukikkake going for one last run, before the whole shitshow gets closed down by an enraged audience who are no longer entertained by the sordid mess. With any luck, the stage will soon be cleared so’s something fresh and new can take its place. But Jeez O Pete, the BALLS on these worthless, double-dealing motherfuckers.


Traitors and turncoats and frauds, oh MY!

I have here in my hand a list.

The Full List of RINOs Who Helped Adam Schiff Avoid Fine and Censure
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) had a plan to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his role in perpetuating the Russia hoax, which ended up costing U.S. taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, and almost irreparable damage to the country’s political system.

The move was supported by a large swathe of America First Republicans, though DeSantis supporters like Rep. Thomas Massie came out against it, on spurious terms.

Now, the full list of so-called Republicans who sided with Democrats and Adam Schiff can be revealed, perhaps demonstrating which so-called “conservatives” need primary challengers at their next election.

Primaries? Oh HELL no. What they actually need is to be swung from a DC lamppost, pour encourager les autres. That might seem somewhat excessive, but I’ve gotten grouchy and obstreporous in my old age.

The list follows, and none of the names will come as any big surprise. Which is illustrative of the underlying problem here.

Head on a swivel, JD

Hopefully the good Senator Vance knows enough by now to keep carefully checking six, scrupulously and ceaselessly. If he follows through on this gutsy but ultimately doomed maneuver, he’s damned sure gonna need to.

Vance Vows to Use Senate Rules to Stop Merrick Garland’s Partisan Lawfare, Demand Cloture Vote for Most DOJ Nominees
There is a reason the Left went all in to stop the election of Sen. JD Vance in Ohio. Like that other Republican son of the Buckeye State, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, this man knows how to fight. His plan is to vote against unanimous consent resolutions on virtually all DOJ nominees. A filibuster will follow, which will force a cloture vote.

Vance plans to be the sand in the gears that slows Attorney General Merrick Garland and President Joe Biden’s Justice Department to a snail’s pace in the Senate nominating process. He is vowing to be a one-man version of a factory labor slowdown. In this case, the factory is the U.S. Senate, and its product is left-leaning judges and prosecutors who will aid and abet Merrick Garland’s persecution of Christian pro-lifers and political enemies of the Democratic Party like Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump is merely the latest victim of a Department of Justice that cares more about politics than law enforcement. Merrick Garland’s department harasses Christians for pro-life advocacy but allows hardened criminals to walk our streets unpunished. This must stop, and I will do everything in my ability to ensure it does. Starting today, I will hold all Department of Justice nominations. If Merrick Garland wants to use these officials to harass Joe Biden’s political opponents, we will grind his department to a halt.”

Vance said he would make an exception for U.S. Marshals Service appointments. But he will vote no on all unanimous consent resolutions. These resolutions are the normal way the Senate moves groups of nominations forward. Now for every single nominee, there must be an individual floor vote in the Senate. It means every vote would require a quorum with members of the Senate present and voting. All procedural resolutions and speaking opportunities would have to be respected and gone through before a nomination could be put to a vote. In short, every nominee could face the type of Sente maneuvering usually reserved for Supreme Court nominees. S-L-O-W, deliberative, and ever so annoying.

Sen. Vance plans a well-thought-out and stubborn defense of religious and political freedom. Filibuster and cloture are the tools he has chosen to fight DOJ overreach. Democrats will not be happy. The next question is how Republican leadership will respond to this scorched earth counterattack. Will they support Sen. Vance or Attorney General Merrick Garland and his reckless policy decisions?

OHHH yeah, a real headscratcher, that one. Which way might the Swampy slimewads of the Vichy GOPe jump? We wonders, Precious, yes we wonders.

Update! Meanwhile, over on the House side.

One of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s primary goals, having regained leadership of the House, must be to reinstate the institutional integrity that was honored only in the breach over and over again by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Long-standing fundamental House rules and protocols repeatedly were violated under Pelosi, for the single purpose of pursuing a partisan political agenda at the expense of historically honored principles. The formation of the House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol and its indisputable perversion of important House rules highlight the issue. The rules that were violated allowed the committee to abuse the subpoena process and deny subpoenaed witnesses basic protections the rules were intended to provide. This must be corrected immediately.

There is one mechanism readily available to the speaker to restore order and respect for the rules. It is called the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (“BLAG”).

The BLAG was created in 1993 by a Democrat-controlled House, over the objection of a majority of Republicans in the House. It is a body comprised of five members of the House leadership, three majority party members and two minority party members, that speaks for the House in directing litigation in which the BLAG perceives the House to have a direct interest.

Republicans who opposed the formation of BLAG argued that the entire House should vote before a legal position that purports to speak for the House is adopted. The Democrats prevailed, and now by House rule, once BLAG members vote to direct the House general counsel to participate in litigation and take a position, even if the vote is 3-2, its position speaks for the entire House.

McCarthy characterized the degree to which the Jan. 6 Committee flagrantly violated long-entrenched House protocol and rules to support its partisan political agenda as “unprecedented” and “an egregious abuse of power.” However, when the rules violations have been challenged, courts have concluded that they were bound by the House’s own interpretation and application of its rules and had to yield to the BLAG as the official advocacy voice of the House. Since BLAG endorsed the Jan. 6 Committee’s actions by a 3-2 vote, their rules violations were permitted with impunity, notwithstanding the express language of the House rules.

McCarthy must now convene the BLAG, as he has the full authority to do, to reverse its partisan political perversion by Pelosi and company, and to return the House to a body that at least honors its own rules, without regard to a politically expedient agenda of the day.

Yeah, I shan’t be holding my breath awaiting it. Neither should you, nor anybody else, lest they turn blue and fall over deader’n a ProPol’s integrity. Whatever else McCarthy may or may not be, he’s already proven himself to be no JD Vance, not by a long yard he ain’t. As the very next two ‘graphs after the above excerpt confirm well enough, he already rolled over, wagged his tail, and showed Pelosi his yellow belly once. So forgive me for thinking that it’s gonna be a mighty long wait for any such thing. The addled-pated old soak rightly doesn’t expect any such show of defiance and rectitude from him, and neither should anybody else.



Yet another cave from the Vichy GOPe, just another act in FederalGovCo Kabuki theater. UNEXPECTED!!!™

House GOP drops plan to hold FBI director in contempt

Anybody out there surprised by this? If so, may I ask WHY, exactly?

The Republican-led House Oversight Committee on Wednesday dropped its plans to advance a measure holding FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress.

Why it matters:

A: It doesn’t. It never did. I repeat: SSDD.

The contempt push was the closest House Republicans have come to direct action against an executive branch official as part of their vast array of probes into the Biden administration.

  • The House Foreign Affairs Committee similarly scrapped its plans last month to target Secretary of State Antony Blinken with contempt.
  • GOP lawmakers have also inched closer to impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Driving the news: Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a statement the FBI accepted his demand to let all his panel’s members review a 2020 document detailing allegations against President Biden.

  • “After weeks of refusing to even admit the FD-1023 record exists, the FBI has caved,” Comer said, calling it “an important step toward conducting oversight of the FBI.”
  • The committee’s planned markup on its 17-page contempt resolution, planned for Thursday, has been removed from the schedule.

Context: Republicans have honed in on the document — which, they say, accuses Biden of taking payments from a foreign national in exchange for affecting policy decisions as vice president — to try to bolster their case that he and his family are corrupt.

Which none but a fool—or a Biden-boosting butt-boy and/or Jurassic Media “journalist” (BIRM)—didn’t already know anyway.

Joe Biden allegedly paid $5M by Burisma executive as part of a bribery scheme, according to FBI document
Biden’s son Hunter was a board member of Burisma and also allegedly in on the scheme

EXCLUSIVE: President Joe Biden was allegedly paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, where his son Hunter Biden sat on the board, a confidential human source told the FBI during a June 2020 interview, sources familiar told Fox News Digital.

The sources briefed Fox News Digital on the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 form alleging a criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over U.S. policy decisions.

The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, is the FBI’s interview with a “highly credible” confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top Burisma executive over the course of several years, starting in 2015. Fox News Digital has not seen the form, but it was described by several sources who are aware of its contents.

According to the FD-1023 form, the confidential human source said the Burisma executive discussed Hunter’s role on the board. The confidential human source questioned why the Burisma executive needed his or her advice in acquiring access to U.S. oil if he had Hunter Biden on the board. The Burisma executive answered by referring to Hunter Biden as “dumb.”

The Burisma executive explained to the confidential source that Burisma had to “pay the Bidens” because Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma, and explained how difficult it would be to enter the U.S. market in the midst of that investigation.

The confidential source further detailed that conversation, suggesting to the Burisma executive that he “pay the Bidens $50,000 each,” to which the Burisma executive replied, it is “not $50,000,” it is “$5 million.”

“$5 million for one Biden, $5 million for the other Biden,” the Burisma executive told the confidential human source, according to a source familiar with the document.

In related news, Sen Ms Lindsey Graham (“R”—Swamp) announced that he would immediately be empaneling a “blue-ribbon investigative commission” to “get to the bottom” of these “serious allegations.” When reached for comment on Ms Graham’s declaration of “intent,” Hunter Biden and his father both tried unsuccessfully to stifle yawns, after which Hunter asked, “Say, Big Guy, anything good on TV tonight?”

Eminently impeachable update! One of these things is not like the other.

BREAKING: Trump Says He Has Been Indicted By Biden’s DOJ — Will Be Arraigned Tuesday in Miami!
Former President Donald Trump has posted to Truth Social that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has indicted him and he will be arraigned in Miami on Tuesday. According to Trump, the indictment is over the “boxes hoax” in which he allegedly had classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump maintains that the documents were declassified before he left office.

“The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys that I have been Indicted, seemingly over the Boxes Hoax, even though Joe Biden has 1850 Boxes at the University of Delaware, additional Boxes in Chinatown, D.C., with even more Boxes at the University of Pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floor where he parks his Corvette, and which is ‘secured’ by only a garage door that is paper thin, and open much of the time,” Trump wrote in the first of three posts to Truth Social.

Trump continued, “I have been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM. I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former President of the United States, who received far more votes than any sitting President in the History of our Country, and is currently leading, by far, all Candidates, both Democrat and Republican, in Polls of the 2024 Presidential Election. I AM AN INNOCENT MAN!”

Oh, rest assured, Mr President sir, it WOULDN’T happen to any other former president. As with impeachment, that dubious “honor” is reserved exclusively for you, I’m afraid.

Smoke, mirrors, and the fog of (pseudo) war

I wish I could argue with TL on this, any of it. Alas, I cannot.

We find ourselves under more tyrannical oppression than at the time of the Revolutionary War. I’d say that we’re under more oppression than the Soviet population during Stalin. American citizens don’t readily recognize it, because a lot of it’s going on in the background. Whereas Stalin had to send troops to a person’s door, the federal government comes right in, taps into SMART phones, refrigerators, electric meters, Wi-Fi connections and home speakers, which are actually microphones. This is equivalent to having British troops quartering with every family in America and the British didn’t even do that. Instead they recognized people for their opinions toward independence or resistance and quartered troops in their homes. Now, the Feds invade every home, every phone, everything posted or even written on Wi-Fi connected computers, like this one.

Free speech is dead, though many continue to verbalize their opinions, they’re forced to recognize the possible consequences. The wrong words can lead to unemployment and increasingly, with ESG and DEI, outcast, literally exiled from public interactions. It worked during the pandemic and that set up the model for the future of government interactions with the serfs, aided wholeheartedly by compromised corporations, who eagerly sign on to these discriminatory measures in order to receive government grants and positive representations in their increasingly hostile regulatory environment.

Like many readers, I knew somehow McCarthy would cave. I thought that fear of losing the Speaker of the House role through a motion to vacate the chair would deter him from making it too bad, but my understanding is that not only did he give Biden everything he could have wanted from the debt deal, he also agreed to align openly as the uniparty by requesting Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrat Leader, to join him in passing the deal in the House where more Democrats voted for it than Republicans. For those 73 Republicans who voted no, well I’d say good job, but that’s the only thing they were sent there to do and they did it. I hate telling someone “good job” for doing what is expected. I usually save that for someone who outperforms.

People like Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene surprisingly voted for the bill. Intellectually, I know they did so for assurances that they would be able to expose the January 6th videos or to be able to bring impeachment charges to the floor for several members of the Biden Administration, but Steve Bannon made a good point when he acknowledged that if they voted for the debt limit increase bill, they don’t have the stomach to fully prosecute anything else; they won’t be able to hold the DOJ or FBI accountable, because they gave away the purse strings to Biden and Jeffries.

When it comes to vacating the chair, McCarthy doesn’t have to worry. Sure, some Republican will call that to a vote, but now we know that a significant part of the Democrats in Congress will vote to retain him. What would be interesting is if they betrayed him on that promise and got enough RINOs to go along and they elected Hakeem Jeffries Speaker of the House in a Republican congress. While that would destroy the purpose of having a majority in the House, who cares at this point when the people have been so thoroughly betrayed?

Not me, for one. God, how I would LOVE to see ’em do precisely that. At that point, even the pretense of a sham of a Kabuki of a fraud would be well and truly finished, beyond any possibility of further debate—even on the part of the most adamant “but muh DEMUHCRACY!!” reality-denialist.

Not just Republicans, either. The House bill that McCarthy went into negotiations with was supported by 75% of the people, including Democrats and Independents. If this were a vaunted “democracy” as they claim, they just proved that it’s not even that.

Most of what is going on in our country is illegal, unethical, or in violation of some operating principle. You just have to find your niche and dig into it. If enough of us who feel betrayed and daily insulted by the woke/DEI/green agenda would do that we would find some means of pushing back that would be effective and could be repeated.

There’s always a workaround, and humans will always find it eventually. It’s bringing enough of them around to wanting to, to finally admitting to themselves that they really need to, that’s tough.


Another GOPe “win”

Doesn’t even rise to the customary level of a Pyrrhic victory, so they’ve really outdone themselves this time.

McCarthy’s debt-ceiling deal with Biden comes up short on his vow to rein in IRS
Kevin McCarthy trumpeted a debt-ceiling deal Sunday, but increasing debt another $4 trillion with minimal concessions is nothing to boast about.

To be fair, the House speaker has a razor slim majority and Republicans don’t control the Senate, where Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his sidekick Lindsey Graham have announced that the only thing they care about is Ukraine.

But McCarthy’s one dealbreaker should have been his promise to defund President Biden’s massive $80 billion to turbocharge an already weaponized IRS.

This was the totemic centerpiece of his pitch to become speaker.

It was the most memorable promise of the Republicans’ midterm campaign to win back the House.

It struck a chord with voters, wary of funding a new “army” of armed IRS agents to harass middle-class families and small business owners and abuse their powers to target political dissidents, Soviet-style.

“Our very first bill will repeal the funding for 87,000 new IRS agents,” McCarthy vowed.

“You see, we believe government should be to help you, not go after you.”

Actually, Kev, it’s my own belief that the government should just stick to its Constitutionally-prescribed remit, which consists entirely of:

  • Securing the national borders
  • Providing for the common defense
  • Regulating interstate commerce
  • And otherwise just leaving me the fuck alone, forget about all that “helping” bushwa

But that’s probably just me, I do admit. Anyhoo, guess what happened next. Go on, guess. I DARES ya.

“Promises made,” the newly minted speaker said Jan. 9, banging the gavel on the first bill of the Republican-controlled House. 

What about promises kept? 

In the debt-ceiling deal outlined Sunday and due to be inked later this week, McCarthy has allowed the lion’s share of that extra IRS funding to remain unmolested: preserving $78.1 billion of the $80 billion. 

As rebel GOP Rep Dan Bishop put it: “So there will be 85,260 more IRS agents rather than 87,000 to eat you alive. Big win.”

A-yup, that’s about the size of it. Perfectly typical of the in-cahoots Vichy GOPe swine, though.

Overpromising and underdelivering is what turns voters off the GOP. 

True enough, I suppose. What it also does, though, is expose beyond possibility of further debate just who exactly they really are, and what exactly it is they’re really doing.

You don’t mount a powerful six-month fear campaign about 87,000 new, armed IRS agents ready to break down people’s doors, and then meekly capitulate at the first sign of resistance. 

Even if those fears were exaggerated, your credibility rests on delivering a lot more than 2% of what you promised. 

Ahh, but that statement assumes some things that are decidedly NOT in evidence with the Vichy GOPe swine: one, that they have at least some integrity, and two, that they give a tinker’s damn about any perception of “credibillity” among an electorate that they assume won’t be paying attention to what they’re doing in the first place. Just, y’know, to name two of ‘em.

Much more yet to this fine if somewhat bitter-tasting article, of which you should read the all.

(Via Sefton)


Who owns what, anyway?

The right to repair.

John Deere Corporate Might Have Reason to Panic, But Farmers Will Love What’s Happening
Farmers have been battling the manufacturers of their high-tech farming machinery for years over the right to repair their equipment on their own.

Major companies in the space, including John Deere, began restricting products to manufacturer exclusive service contracts.

These contracts lock out the farmers who own tractors, for instance, from making even small repairs to their machines. Instead, when something breaks down, farmers have to call the manufacturer or dealer to schedule a repairman to come out and service the device, forcing the farmer to shut down his operations while waiting for the repairman to come out to the farm.

This is obviously a serious problem for farmers who are under strict time restrictions during planting and harvesting seasons.

Farmers have been contesting this situation for years, ever since some manufacturers of equipment have begun implementing such exclusionary practices. It has resulted in a campaign among farmers called the “right to repair” movement, where farmers are fighting for the right to make repairs to the tractors and other instruments they bought and own.

The farmers claim that they lose money and time while waiting for these repair men to show up. Not only that, but they contend that if a tractor maker holds the sole right to repair, then the farmers don’t really even own their tractors despite paying tens of thousands for the vehicles.

As the truck drivers always say, so it is for the farmers: if the wheels ain’t turning, they ain’t earning. Not that the corporate types at John Deere, in defense of their “right” to bleed hardworking farmers like a deer tick on a hound with those exorbitantly priced “maintenance contracts” of theirs, give a discernible damn about that.

Now, however, the state of Colorado has become the first to give farmers the legal right to repair their equipment without being forced to pay for a manufacturer’s repair teams. That law was passed on Tuesday.

For their part, companies such as John Deere say that farming equipment is now so highly technical and computer-driven that repairs are often beyond the skill of barn tinkerers. Even more importantly, manufacturers say that if just anyone can start tearing down and rebuilding their high-tech machinery, their proprietary technology will be all too easily open for corporate theft.

Well, which is it, then? Are those slackjawed yokels too stupid to comprehend all that tech, or are those sharpie-farmers looking to inflate their incomes via some sophisticated reverse-engineering and corporate espionage?

For what it may be worth, my Uncle Gene flatly refused to own anything his whole life but a Deere…right up until his last one, which he spent a lot more time cussing and spitting at than actually riding the piece of junk.

Manufacturers also say that allowing tractor owners to make any manner of repair also allows them to bypass emissions controls set by governments and to crank up horsepower or make other modifications that violate laws. This, they say, puts equipment operators at risk of injury, and in turn would unfairly place the manufacturers in a position to be sued for those injuries.

Ahhh, and there it is: the cold, dead hand of government. You knew it would figure into all this somehow. Now for a little compare-contrast.

“Forcing a business to disclose trade secrets, software, and jeopardize consumer safety is poor public policy,” said Colorado state Rep. Matt Soper, a Republican who opposed “right to repair” measures in the Centennial State.

The opposition was not enough to stall the legislation. Colorado’s Democrat Gov. Jared Polis happily signed the new bill into law last Tuesday, saying, “This bill will save farmers and ranchers time and money and support the free market in repair” before exclaiming, “first in the nation!’”

Against all odds and expectations, we’ve now reached the point where the GOPer argues for restricting the rights of hard-working American farmers to do what they wish with the property they nominally “own,” while the Democrat stands up for freedom, real ownership, independent repair shops, and non-interference with said rights. UNEXPECTED!™

Step 1: Open mouth; Step 2: Insert foot

How the legislative sausage is made.

‘Garbage’: Jesse Watters Asks Sen. Lindsey Graham If He Actually ‘Read’ A Key Bill He Co-Sponsored

Fox News host Jesse Watters grilled Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina about his co-sponsorship of the RESTRICT Act Wednesday, asking if the senator read the bill he co-sponsored.

“Did the United States Senate just say we are going to protect you from China by spying on you? Let’s try to get some answers out of Sen. Lindsey Graham who supports this and is here now,” Watters said just prior to Graham appearing on the show. “You have got to be kidding me, Senator. Did you read this?”

The White House announced it would support the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act, which targets technology from Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, China and Venezuela on March 7, NBC News reported. The legislation does not explicitly name TikTok, but senators supporting the legislation have cited the national-security concerns surrounding the Chinese-owned app.

“I don’t think I support the RESTRICT Act,” Graham told Watters.

“You don’t support this?” Watters asked, “Because you were named as one of the supporters, ‘cause this is garbage.”

Graham co-sponsored the RESTRICT Act, S 686, on Monday, according to, joining 20 other senators. Many conservatives criticized the legislation over the potential to be used against American citizens.

Well, hey, isn’t that selfsame “potential” the barely-sub rosa intent of ALL legislation in Amerika v2.0?

A big fuckin’ deal

Tucker must be directly over the target, what with all the flack Establishment fucksticks like Shcrewmer and Mitch the Bitch are sending up trying to take him down.

(House Speaker Kevin) McCarthy seems to have a quaint notion that he should follow an agenda other than the one set by leftist media and other activists. He recently provided journalist Tucker Carlson access to Jan. 6 footage. When it was announced, CNN and other leftist groups got upset. But nothing compares to the angry reaction when Carlson showed some of the footage on his top-ranked Fox News program on Monday night. The program showed footage indicating that the Jan. 6 Committee had falsely conveyed the circumstances of Sen. Josh Hawley’s evacuation from the Capitol, had falsely added audio to clips, had not pursued evidence that mysterious protester Ray Epps had lied about his whereabouts, and had concealed evidence that Jan. 6 protesters who had entered the Capitol were not treated as threats.

The media and other partisans shrieked in horror that this footage was being shown to the American people. It burst through the media-enforced narratives about the day.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., took to the Senate floor to call for the censorship of Fox News, where this author is a contributor, and prevention of more footage being made available to Americans. He said Carlson exercising his freedom of the press was a threat to democracy.

As one former White House reporter put it, “It’s frightening to see Senate leaders demand a media company ‘stop’ reporting on the government, police, issues of law and justice.

Frightening indeed. Funny, innit, how this Shcrewmer boll weevil isn’t in the least embarrassed about standing barefaced in the well of the Upper Chamber, pounding the lectern in righteous fury, and demanding that, in order to preserve “democracy”—which, in this country, we AREN’T supposed to have—then SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!!!™ about denying Tucker Carlson’s God-given right to freedom of speech—which we ARE?

As no lesser a light than Thomas Jefferson reputedly forewarned, when the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Doesn’t take a professionally-trained meteorologist to figure out which way the wind is blowing here, now does it?

Surely this would be an opportunity for the otherwise weak and feckless Senate Republicans to show some backbone, right? Wrong.

Romney said that showing Americans footage from Jan. 6 meant Carlson had gone “off the rails,” and compared him to Alex Jones. He also went after McCarthy for being transparent with the American people. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., took a break from working on an amnesty bill to tell Raju that Carlson showing new footage of the protest that countered the left’s narrative was “bullsh-t.” South Dakota Sens. Mike Rounds and John Thune, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, and North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer also fell for the media campaign against Carlson.

Leading the group was Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Raju invited him to bash McCarthy. It’s not saying much, but McConnell was at least smart enough to decline that opportunity. But he did take the opportunity to attack a media outlet for daring to say something different than what a police leader said. Really. He said, “It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that is completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.”

Republicans, you have a serious problem.

In the middle of the midterm elections, McConnell went out of his way to sabotage candidates and their voters, once again pushing Democrat narratives about “candidate quality.” McConnell, the country’s least popular politician, did nothing to stop Romney from running a shadow campaign against a sitting GOP senator, fellow Utah Sen. Mike Lee. After he led the Republicans in the Senate to a loss, he responded by helping Democrats pass their $1.7 trillion omnibus bill, cheerleading for Biden’s Ukraine war, and campaigning with Joe Biden.

Instead of punishing Romney for his act of sabotage against fellow Republicans, he punished the victim by removing him from a powerful committee. Other Republican senators have also been punished by the famously vindictive and petty McConnell for not supporting his re-election as Republican leader. 

Elon Musk, of all people, said it best when he tweeted of McConnell, “I keep forgetting which party he belongs to.”

Easy-peasy, Elon: the Deep State Uniparty, that’s which one. As for the purblind Pollyannas who still cling to the preposterous belief that anything at all is actually as it’s purported to be by TPTB anymore, they’re unlikely to ever figure it out. They’d like you to know, though, that they’re very interested in that beachfront property in Arizona that’s up for sale. The pig in the poke, too. Also, These Magic Beans.

As for the rest of the Shadow State malefactors, they’re quaking in manufactured outrage to mask the fear. Because, thanks to Tucker, everyone knows…ahem.

Caveat update! My post title above asserts that Tucker’s huge scoop is, to quote the finest senile corruptocrat we’ve ever had as “pResident,” a “big fuckin’ deal.” And that, it most certainly is. It has unleashed a political earthquake; Swamp rats can feel the very ground shifting under their feet from it, and they ain’t liking the sensation even a little bit.

While I do see it as a bona-fide game changer in the long run, though, nobody should be expecting these revelations to be the long-awaited Final Straw, the offense that will at last spark outright revolt and resistance against FederalGovCo. It gets us a big step farther along that road, yes, and it will serve to erase any lingering misplaced faith in the good intentions of their central Leviathan-state among Normals—particularly after they’ve been so blatantly, continously lied to over the last several years.

But it isn’t going to move anyone to start putting heads on pikes, taking up the trusty ol’ blunderbuss for a march on Mordor On The Potomac, or lighting up the torches, I don’t think. Yes, it’s a big fuckin’ deal for sure, but let’s not anyone get their hopes up too high quite yet. It’s a long, dark road we’re walking here, too dark and uncertain to be able see the end of it as of right now.


Just keep on keepin’ on

Gonna have to “excerpt” damned near all of this one, I’m afraid, since it expresses my own thoughts on DeSantis the Destroyer pretty precisely.

We Need to Talk About Mark Levin’s Interview With Ron DeSantis Last Night
On Sunday night, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appeared on “Life, Liberty, and Levin” on Fox News, purportedly to promote his new book, The Courage to Be Free, which comes out this week.

While DeSantis has not yet declared that he’s running for president, he certainly sounded like a man who’s making the case for his candidacy. Or, if not, he’s making a case for conservatism as the path to American success and prosperity— the subtitle of the book is “Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival.”

As my colleague Stephen Green pointed out earlier today:

DeSantis isn’t traveling to early presidential primary states like Iowa or New Hamphire, at least not yet. Instead, his most recent tour was through three struggling Deep Blue cities to tout what he’s done differently in Florida… DeSantis is calmly but quite publicly holding up his state as a model for the nation, just like a governor running for president would do. Except that he has yet to announce that he’s running. He hasn’t even formed one of those exploratory committees that allows a not-yet candidate to fundraise.

I don’t see how it’s a bad thing for DeSantis to wait to announce, if he does indeed plan to run. Does anyone really think the primary season is too short and needs to be lengthened? The 2016 primary seemed like it would never end—and the personal attacks and circular firing squad did nothing to help spread the message about the benefits of conservatism.

To the best of my knowledge, contra the ceaseless nattering from Vichy GOPe blowflies seeking to play Da Guv off against Trump for their own purposes, the one and only thing DeSantis has said to date about running for Prexy in ’24 is that he ain’t gonna. He’s perfectly free to run if he wants, just as who even knows how many other ambitious governors have before him; there’s nothing especially sinister or shameful about that, really. That said, I still very much hope he won’t. For me, it all boils down to this:

Whether or not DeSantis decides to run for president, he’s demonstrated over and over again that it’s possible to stand up to the woke mob and The Swamp and win. He stood up to Disney and won—depriving the woke company of its special tax breaks and self-governing authority. He noted in the interview that on his first day in office, he sat down and read what authority the governor had and then went to work. He fired a George Soros-backed DA when he refused to enforce the law; remade a failing Florida university in the image of Hillsdale College; went after venues hosting perverts performing drag shows with little kids in the audience; and banned sexually explicit materials in the classrooms of children in grades K-2. He was one of the first governors to re-open his state during the covid pandemic and he ordered children and teachers back into their classrooms. He also refused to force vaccine mandates. Unlike Trump, who stood mutely next to Dr. Fauci while he stood at the podium and spewed his lies about the origins of the covid virus, masking, and the vaccine, DeSantis did his research and decided for himself what was best for his state.

And those are just some of the highlights.

There’s been an effort by some to portray DeSantis as a Swamp creature, beholden to Paul Ryan (who?) or something, but that’s laughable on its face. This guy is fighting the liberals and WINNING. Who cares if he ran into Kevin McCarthy in a men’s room once, or whatever it is the Twitter bots are saying this week? All I care about is winning and taking back the country. If the GOP elites want to pour money into his campaign, let them. You can’t win the presidency without money. There’s more than enough proof to indicate that DeSantis is his own man and not beholden to special interests.

Noticeably absent from the interview was any mention of Trump’s recent attacks on DeSantis. Levin mentioned that the book, which DeSantis actually wrote himself, doesn’t contain any of the gossip or attacks on other politicians that tend to be a staple in political books. Instead, it focuses on DeSantis’s biography and his policies and principles.

“It’s like if you and I would have had a private conversation three years ago, why should I regurgitate that and put that out there when you were talking to me in confidence?” the governor explained. “And so I try to focus on the policies. What does it mean to be a leader in this day and age because, as you know, Mark, when you’re standing for our values, you come under assault in American society.”

“If you’re standing for the right things, you’re going to have to show courage under fire if you ultimately want to bring this stuff in for a landing, and so we had to do that so many different times. And I just felt that’s something that people are gonna be more interested in than any kind of dishing about private conversations I may have had with somebody.”

If there’s one thing we all should have learned since 2016—the last two nightmarish years especially—it’s that the President is nothing but a figurehead, a dumbshow put on for the edification and/or entertainment of the flyover Great Unwashed rubes by the Men Behind The DC Curtain. Do yourself, your state, and your nation a solid, Ron: don’t fall for it. You’ve accomplished some truly worthwhile, significant things as governor, something no real outsider or reformer will ever be permitted to do in Mordor On The Potomac so long as the Barad-Dur still stands.

Let the Swamp players keep playing, the manipulators keep manipulating, the Beltway Bandits keep up their banditry; they’re going to, no matter what you or anybody else does or says. As we saw with the Agony of Trump, no one man can possibly fix all that’s wrong in the Garden of FederalGovCo. You’ll do much more good where you’re at than you will under siege in the White House—ineffectual, beset on all sides, while we look on in despair as the jackals strip yet another carcass clean to the bone.

Do not take this cup from them, no matter how passionately it’s urged on you. Stay the course. And for Christ’s sweet sake, stay right where you are.

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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