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11 thoughts on “Kabuki on the border

  1. Aesop is right on the money, the big production at Eagle Pass, and a couple of miles south, is a “Potemkin fence” at best, and then it’s just a farce. See Click on the satellite view, zoom out to find areas of interest, zoom back in once you’ve found one – the scale is in the lower right hand corner – and it’s obvious that in numerous places there are no fences across roads with access to the Rio Grande, these roads lead down to a river road on the US side which is between 30 to 50 feet of the river, and these roads with access to Highway 480 are well travelled, no checkpoints, no barriers, no nothing, just open gravel road.

    1. You brought this up several days back. It certainly appears you and Aesop are right on the money.

      1. Made a Substack post of it -

  2. Believe me, I wanted to be wrong about this, and hoped that Abbott had finally found his metaphorical spine and balls.

    But it turns out he’s just as crippled morally and ethically as he is physically. The latter is merely an impediment to greatness, and a hurdle along the way to anyone of character.
    The former is an absolute bar to ever achieving anything but ignominy.

    This has been, in the memorable words of the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “nothing but boob bait for the Bubbas”. Anyone still swallowing the enormous enemedia bullshit-burger deserves whatever dyspepsia that results. The diagnosis would be hornswoggle overdose.

    The border remains broken, and Abbott’s tough talk is pure grade-A peacock strutting, with absolutely nothing of substance actually occurring, anywhere from Brownsville to El Paso.

    And if anyone in the TX NG had any balls, they’d be sounding off about it, and willing to be cashiered for telling the truth, rather than continue to take the king’s shekel for backing up the Uniparty lies.

    Nothing like that is happening.

    So anyone who thought the TX NG was on your side can put down the hopeium pipe, and start drinking some double-strong Black Pill Coffee.

    Anyone in those 25 “allied” states should start telling your governors to stop spewing fluent bullshit as well, and bring your people back home.

    Leave Emperor Abbott to deal with the fallout all alone when some little kid points out he’s naked.

  3. Here’s something else which people might find interesting:
    Apparently Bret Weinstein and his son Zach went down to the Darien Gap area in Panama, the Weinsteins have pretty extensive experience in Central and South American jungle areas doing field research, and had a look at some of the migrant camps. They all speak Spanish, and so they got to speak with a number of people, they also took photos, some surreptitiously of one of the camps. They saw two distinct streams of migrants, one composed mostly of people from all over the world but mostly Central and South America – and one composed of a majority of Chinese males of military age, i.e. 18 -30 years old. They hypothesised that the latter group were “excess population”, products of the Chinese One Child policy, but it looks and sounds pretty ominous – definitely not good. Given the total lack of a border wall as documented in my prior post – and facilitated migration by both Feds and state officials – it looks like a move is on to create havoc – or put resources in place for a fifth column should Taiwan get invaded by the Chinese – a fait accompli could be set in place, with the collusion of elements of the US government controlled by a foreign power hostile to the US. Trump vs Biden could be a false choice – or that’s what it’s beginning to look like to me. Remember, coercive COVID policies started under Trump and continued with Biden, and the big beneficiary of those policies would be Communist China. Here’s the video –

    1. “Remember, coercive COVID policies started under Trump…”

      LOL, Mr. Luce, you’re going to need a better brand of tinfoil.

      Just as a refresher, some of the Trump 1st term accomplishments:

      1) stopped ISIS cold
      2) EO stopping the drug companies from charging medicare more than what they charged foreign countries
      3) EO forcing hospitals to disclose their prices
      4) Move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
      5) ENERGY INDEPENDENCE for the first time in my lifetime of 70 years, and record low energy prices
      6) Started no new wars
      6A) Abraham Accords, bringing peace to the middle east instead of war
      7) Elimination of regulations, required to eliminate 8 to add a new one
      8) Cut Taxes across the board
      9) Increased the individual tax credit eliminating the need to file more complicated returns
      10) Started the space force, sorely needed today
      11) Replaced NAFTA with an agreement better for American workers
      12) Put tariffs on china, starting the process of moving American production out of the enemy’s land
      13) Brought back massive amounts of money saved in foreign countries
      14) Withdrew from the farce know as the Paris Climate Accords
      15) Withdrew from the Iran deal
      16) Increased the $$$ of the average family by over 5K
      17) Started the process of fixing the VA
      18) Increased the spending by other NATO countries
      19) Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
      20) Created several million jobs, actual creation not bafflegab bullshit
      21) Economic growth rates were going up, somewhere around 4% before the marxist killed the economy with the scam chinaVirus
      22) Lowest rate of unemployment ever, across the board for blacks, hispanics, asians, veterans, etc.
      23) Opened ANWAR and had the Keystone pipeline being constructed

      There is much more of course.

      Read again, special attention to 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 23 which should put the kabosh on any thought that Trump Vs biden is a false choice. You are way to smart not to get this.

      1. If Trump figures out the right kind of people to put in Cabinet posts – people who won’t sabotage him at every step of the way (Barr, Esper) or people who give him really bad advice (Fauci, Birx) or have dodgy actual Democrats like Jared Kushner for White House Chief of Staff, or have deadass legal counsel who would fold every time a Federal judge blocked the execution of one of his policies, even though such decisions were legally laughable (Muslim ban, unreviewable under 8 USC 1118(f)) – and so forth, I’d agree. But he kept getting steamrollered time after time by insubordinate appointees – when Esper refused to send in Federal troops to take care of Antifa across from the WH, Esper should have been fired on the spot. Same case for Milley, when he committed gross insubordination. It’s possible for Presidents to fire generals, Truman did it to Douglas MacArthur. Sure, he did lots of good things, but he seemed to lack the will to stand up against the kind of opposition that he was hired to do, so his policies often got set for him by Obama or Obama’s appointees. Watching the guy let himself get rolled time after time got to be just a little bit frustrating. His government was run for him by the largely Democrat Administrative State, by bureaucrats who needed badly to be brought to account, and he didn’t do it. Biden just goes along with those bureaucrats, if he goes “off script”, he just gets “walked back”, just like Trump did on Syria and Afghanistan. You have lots of good points, but Trump needs to stop screwing around and lay the axe to the root in a very serious way.

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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