The “insurrection” that wasn’t
But damned well should have been.
Yep. Watch this as well…
— Gain of Fauci (@DschlopesIsBack)
Watch these two horrific videos in their entirety—sound up, so you can hear everything the Capitol Hill Pigs are saying as they gloat over carrying out their assigned violent role in this blatant coup d’état—and then try to tell me the evil government behind the whole put-up job does not richly deserve to be brought down in flaming ruin by the outraged, infuriated populace they’re terrorizing and oppressing.
Every last one of the plotters—from gin-hag Pelosi right down to the lowliest CHPD thug—needs to swing from DC gibbets until dead, then left hanging for a month to allow the carrion fowl to feast on the carcasses. After all, buzzards gotta eat too, you know.
There simply aren’t words strong enough to express my heartsick disgust at this godawful mess. Yes, I do fully support Israel’s retaliatory assault against the Paleosimians in Gaza (and everyfuckingwhere else) and wish them all success at removing the Islamist cancer from their midst. But from the above it’s all too clear that we have no business sending carrier groups, fighters/bombers, and ground troops to assist them; there’s war aplenty to be fought right here at home—we have an illegitimate, contra-Constitutional government to deal with our own selves.