The Daily Donnybrook, and other fine things
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Mike @Substack
New Eyrie posts go up every Monday and Friday, although the time of day may (and most likely will) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: Of coups, pRetend pResidents, and other don’t-matters.
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Recent Comments:
- Barry on COINCIDENCE!: “OK, no disagreement. My comment was poorly worded as I understand the police not only do not have any requirement…” Sep 6, 17:15
- COINCIDENCE!: “In general, see – this is a rather long law review article of case law, which is how courts…” Sep 6, 15:13on
- COINCIDENCE!: ““…and that duty does not extend, nor has it ever extended, towards the governed.” Every actual oath to serve in…” Sep 6, 14:42on
- COINCIDENCE!: ““From a prior post earlier this year: When people ask why the Russians don’t rise up, throw out their corrupt,…” Sep 6, 05:31on
- on
- Boeing: the long, slow death of a legend: “Agreed. I expect to hear of a Musk flight program in the next five years. It’s a natural fit IMO.” Sep 5, 22:01on
- Open mouth, insert…foot, this time: “In addition to them being marxists, they are stupid.” Sep 5, 21:50on
- COINCIDENCE!: ““OF COURSE this was an inside job.” Ditto, and it ain’t even close to questionable.” Sep 5, 21:41on