Welcome to Ye Olde Colde Furye Blogge’s shiny new open-comments thread, where y’all can have at it as you wish, on any topic you like. Do note that the official CF comments policy remains in effect here, as enumerated in the left sidebar. All new posts will appear below this one. There will be blood…
Mike @Substack
New Eyrie posts go up every Monday and Friday, although the time of day may (and most likely will) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: Violence: the ONLY answer.
Please do consider subscribing to The Eyrie, gang; subscribers receive email notification whenever each new post goes live. All Eyrie articles are getatable (yes, that’s really a word—trust me!) for one and all to read and enjoy totally free of charge, regardless of subscription status. However, a paid sub is required to unlock commenting privileges—an almighty incentive to kick loose and chip in if ever there was one. Thanks!
Recent Comments:
- Stumped!: “Glad you figured it out. It’s easy to look right at the thing you need and not see it. Not…” Dec 12, 02:07on
- Stumped!: “And to think, for years I eked out my meager living at this sort of work. Methinks I probably owe…” Dec 12, 01:30on
- Stumped!: “A bigger, better screen grab showing the crucial “Additional CSS” option, just for the sheer hell of it: And there…” Dec 12, 01:22on
- Stumped!: “Okay, just to prove once and for all that I am in fact an idiot: the theme I’ve used for…” Dec 12, 01:08on
- Stumped!: “HAAAA! Thanks a MILLION, Barry; I knew what the img-border code was, what I couldn’t figure out was what part…” Dec 12, 00:50on
- Stumped!: “I think it’s the following code for each: img { border: 1px solid #ea9635;” Dec 11, 23:02on
- on
- Pick us another winner, Donald: “And another, finally a female pick that I enthusiastically support: Kari Lake Director of Voice of America The VOA is…” Dec 11, 22:50on
Any progress on getting notices when someone comments or replies to a comment on particular threads again?
It’s difficult to follow conversations when you have to go back to very post looking for new comments.
Or did I miss the new app that allows this?
No, you didn’t miss anything, or if you did then I missed it as well.
I really did like the recent comments list as it made it easy to keep up with newly posted comments.
Alas, the subscribe-to-comments and recent-comments functions were the domain of two long-since-deprecated plugins that fell by the wayside several WP versions ago, and are no longer compatible with the core software. I gave up looking for replacements in despair a while back, I should probably check around and see if anybody out there in WP World has come up with anything yet.
Perhaps check with Mr Quick as DP still has “recent comments”. I just checked to be sure. Of course it might be an older WP version…
I tried using my DP login thinking I’d have a peek at the plugs Bill has installed, but no go. I only have “Author” privileges, but unless your status level is “Admin” you can’t even see the Installed plugins page at all, it seems.
Dunno why you couldn’t log in. I just now sent you a PW reset email to the mike@coldfury addy.
I was looking at that list of six editors, of which you is one. Of the six, I’m pretty sure three of them are dead – I know that IronBear is – and I’ve heard nothing from nemo nor JB for well over a year. Nemo was fairly ill the last time I talked to him, and I’ve had no connections via our shared friendship dating back to our mutual boarding school days, so I fear the worst.
Anyway, if you still have problems logging in, shoot me an email, or I can send you a phone number you can use to text.
I have wondered about Nemo. Searching the NY times doesn’t pull up an obit, I find no news of his passing, so hopefully he is still creating CO2.
I mentioned it to Steve some time back as I had lost his email. I believe Steve tried and got nothing in return.
Rare man for sure.
My dashboard has you with Editor privileges. Those stupid icons that appear on comments don’t have anything to do with the actual site privileges. Hell, at least three commenters have higher ranked icons than I do. SteveF is “administrator,” while I am a mere “author.”
If I gave a rat’s patoot, I’d probably spend a night or two chasing it down, but…I don’t.
Huh, I thought SteveF was listed as “Supreme Being”…
Good news, CF reprobates! I did indeed find a newer “recent comments” plugin, which, if I understand correctly, allows me to have inline comments below each post–a feature I’ve wanted to get back again for a long, long while but never have found a way of implementing. I’ll do a main-page post later outlining all the ins and outs; meanwhile, I gotta fiddle around with this nifty little gizmo and see how the thing works. Or, y’know, WHETHER it works.
Good news! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Dayum. I just wrote a graceful and lengthy addendum to my comment, tried to post it, and was told I exceeded the edit time limit. Maybe it could be a bit longer? I have comments nested ten levels deep, and no time limit for editing, and I’ve had surprising few problems with that setup.
Really helpful! Thank!