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Rather than separate citations of and/or excerpted passages reporting each of these most edifying developments from Trump Admin v2.0 the last few days, I’ll just quote Ace’s capsule summary and point y’all that-a-way, wherein he includes all those encouraging stories and links in one tidy package, and call it a job well and efficiently done.

Remember the media claiming that Trump and Musk were on the outs, and Trump wanted to bannish Musk from Mar-a-Lago?

Well, thanks to @ComradeArthur/@ArthurKimes, the Daily Mail reports that Trump has offered Musk a bedroom at the White House, because he was camping out at DOGE.

RFKJr. pointed out that Champagne Socialist Bernie Sanders receives huge donations from Big Pharma. Sanders claimed that he doesn’t take donation from CEOs or PACs, and that all of the millions he’s taken from Big Phama came from “the workers.” Sure, “the workers” maxxing out donations to Senator because they’re so concerned about Sanders promoting the corporation they work for.

Senator Liz Warpath has taken $5.2 million from Big Pharma, and she earned every penny of that bribe when she demanded that RFKJr. agree to never again sue Big Pharma, after he returns to private life after serving as SecHealth.

Kash Patel promised Marsha Blackburn that he, unlike Christopher Wray, would deliver over all the Jeffrey Epstein files.

Patel confirmed that he and Trump attempted to deploy the National Guard on January 6th but Nancy Pelosi blocked the move.

Patel’s best moment came when literal goon — I mean a literal goon; she comes from the race of Goons as seen in Popeye cartoons — Amy Klobuchar said she wanted five hours to question him. “You have two minutes,” Patel said.

Unfortunately Maizie Hirono persists. I wouldn’t trust this developmentally-disabled obese woman to buff my toenails.

Senator John Kennedy to Patel: “Sounds to me we’ve got to get some new conspiracy theories because all the old ones turned out to be true. Conspiracy theorists are up something like 37 to nothin’.”

Tulsi Gabbard explains why she said that paying terrorist groups to overthrow Syria’s Assad would result in a terrorist taking power in that country. The reason she feels justified in predicting this is that this is exactly what happened — a terrorist is now in charge of Syria.

But apart from that, why did you say that, Tulsi?

Heh. Indeed. Oh, and one more excellent quote, this one from Veep (and with any luck the next President) JD Vance.

110 IQ? You’re being way too kind to this asshat, JD; I’d’ve said an IQ of no better than 85 or so myself.

Know your “rights”

Over-entitled much, bitch?

Former top DOJ immigration official says she was removed with no explanation

Uh-huh. Those of us stuck in the real word know that bizarre phenomenon not as some kind of miscarriage of justice or egregious violation of one’s God given right to gainful employment, but simply as “getting canned.”

A former top Justice Department immigration official who was removed from her position by new DOJ leadership this week told ABC News that she did not receive any explanation for her removal.

Lauren Alder Reid was one of four top officials from the agency that operates the U.S. immigration courts who was removed from her post. She had been with the agency for more than 14 years.

“They did not give me any reason, other than not citing the 16 years of outstanding performance evaluation for lack of any discipline, administrative leave or reassignment in my entire career,” Reid told ABC News.

When asked if she’s considering legal action, Reid, who was the assistant director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s office of policy, said that she and the others are considering all options available to them.

Brace yourself for the best bit of all, bold courtesy of moi.

“It’s pretty hard to sit back and imagine that this could begin to happen, at will, to any employee throughout the government, especially when we’re talking about public servants who have dedicated their careers to try to make our country the best,” she said.

Oh, I’m sure that’s what you’ve been doing right along in your comfy, overcompensated FederalGovCo sinecure, you piece of dead-weight shit. There’s a reason why Trump is now your boss—well, EX-boss, I should say—and you and your ilk’s inflated sense of your own importance is a YUUGE part of it.

Clue to the clueless: You are owed NOTHING. Not a job, not an explanation for being sacked, not an apology, not a single fucking thing. I’m not, she’s not, he’s not, we’re not, they’re not, and happily enough, neither are you. Snivel to your heart’s content about how “unfair” it all is, then, when you’re done, go hunt down the fool  who told you life itself is fair and punch him or her right in the fucking mouth for telling all those lies.

Another “Known wolf”

Not-Great Britainistan takes another bold, bloody step down the highway to Hell.

Say what you like about Axel Rudakubana, the slaughterer of three English girls under ten years old, but – unlike the British Prime Minister, the Home Secretary, the Liverpool Police and most of the court eunuchs in the UK media – he appears to be an honest man:

It’s a good thing those children are dead… I am so glad… I am so happy.

He has always been entirely upfront about such things, telephoning Britain’s so-called “Childline” and asking them:

What should I do if I want to kill somebody?

Judging from his many interactions with “the authorities” (including with the laughably misnamed “Prevent” programme), the British state’s response boiled down to: Go right ahead!

It seems likely that the perpetrator of Wednesday’s Diversity Stabbing of the Day – the Afghan “asylum seeker” who killed a two-year-old boy and seriously wounded other infants in the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg – is also “so happy”. Like Mr Rudakubana, the “asylum seeker” deliberately targeted a gathering of the very young – in this case, a kindergarten group playing in a municipal park. Like Mr Rudakubana, the “asylum seeker” did not just deliver sufficient stab wounds to kill: he plunged his knife into each target dozens and dozens of times. Like Mr Rudakubana, the “asylum seeker” was well known to the authorities: he had been detained for “violence” at least thrice.

The accompanying photo of this wretched lunatic is about as chilling as anything you’re ever likely to see.

What can one say, but: YIKES! ”Amazon killer,” no less—as if the real problem here isn’t the mass immivasion of crazed, bloodthirsty Mooselimbs at all, but the ready availablity of assorted cutlery items from various Innarnuts outlets. Steyn cuts to the chase.

It’s Islam. We all know that – and by “all” I mean everyone except politicians, policemen, reporters and baronesses.

Not all Islam, of course, but enough that, in the UK, France, Germany, anywhere west of the Czech Republic, there will be more stabbings in your future. Perhaps one day even members of the political class will be stabbed. Oh, no, wait, that already happened. In 2021 Sir David Amess was stabbed multiple times by a – go on, take a wild guess – that’s right, a Somali Muslim …and Sir David’s fellow MPs and alleged “friends” rose as one to dishonour him in death and attribute his murder to the increasing incivility in public discourse. If Sir Keir Stürmer were to be stabbed by someone who’d mistaken him for a six-year-old girl, I have no doubt that his successor would immediately announce that it was “a total disgrace” that knives were steeply discounted at Poundland.

It’s mass migration in general, and Islam more specifically: Go to Hungary, or even Ukraine – and wait for your daily Diversity Stabbing.

But Peter Lynch died in gaol, and Keir Stabber is still at liberty. The latter has now blamed the Southport carnage on “young men in their bedrooms” – which Rod Liddle amusingly took as prefiguring a crackdown on masturbation. But it’s not really funny, is it? Because Sir Keir is, as a practical matter, an accomplice of the stabbers and gang rapists. He would rather your pre-adolescent daughter gets anally branded and your kindergartner dies from up to 122 stab wounds than permit the citizenry to dissent from the state ideology that “diversity is our strength”. Which, as a practical matter, means that those who would destroy our society retain a monopoly of violence.

For as long as that lasts.

I watched the images from California – of flames consuming the entirety of Pacific Palisades, and regretted that it was not Whitehall. This is truly Orwellian: war is peace, freedom is slavery, Islamic enforcement is diversity, passivity is strength, making a fuss about stabbed and raped girls is far-right hate speech…

I feel the exactly same way about Mordor on the Potomac, Mark.


Say it with me, people: they won’t stop. They will never stop. They will have to BE stopped.

The Mean Girls of liberal media
A New York magazine hit-piece on the alleged ‘cruelty’ of Trump supporters has backfired spectacularly.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration last week, there has been much coping and seething in progressive media outlets, and among the smattering of people who still pay attention to them.

New York magazine really took the biscuit with an article this week entitled, ‘The Cruel Kids’ Table’, illustrated by a cover photo of young revellers at an exclusive Trump inauguration party in Washington, DC. The people in the photo are dressed to the nines in tuxedos and evening gowns, with glowy tanned skin and big smiles. Also, everyone in the picture is white.

The title and the photo together are clearly meant to invoke horrible memories in readers of being stuffed into lockers by the high-school jock because you – a pathetic loser – looked at his pretty, blonde, cheerleader girlfriend. The implication is crystal clear: look at these horrible, white bullies! Look how cruel they are, celebrating this new racist, homophobic regime!

Notably, the article twice references a supposed lack of non-white guests at different pro-Trump parties. However, it has since transpired that the magazine cropped out several black party-goers from the cover photograph. Black Republican CJ Pearson posted on X that he actually hosted the event in the photo. He says that New York magazine ‘intentionally left me out of their story because it would have undermined [its] narrative that MAGA is some racist cult’.

Even more damning, Pearson said that the New York article purposefully neglects to mention some of the party’s high-profile black attendees. Waka Flocka Flame, a black rapper with almost two million followers on X, gets only a fleeting mention. Gervonta Davis, a black professional boxer with eight million Instagram followers, isn’t mentioned at all. These oversights were not simply careless. This is bad faith.

Which of course is exactly what it was, and is. I repeat: who they are, what they do. I refer you yet again to Mike’s Iron Laws for further details, specifically #’s 873 and 4296-54E, addendum 67. Also #462, just for good measure. The genuinely hilarious part is, having gotten away with their shit scot-free for so very long now, Jurassic Media shitlibs think it a given that they’re always gonna. Hence the look of stunned amazement on their smug faces when that unfounded assumption whirls around and bites ’em on the ass. UNEXPECTED!!!©

Note: the above link is to Instapundit, where you’ll find a link to the excerpted article; it’s paywalled, but worked nicely for me. For whatever reason, as time has gone by 12Ft has become unreliable enough that it’s slipped from being my go-to option to being replaced by Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. In this particular instance, though, it was vice the versa: Internet Archive shit the bed, but 12Ft came through like a champ. I haven’t the vaguest clue why that might be, but…well, there it is.

Intrepid oddity

For some reason I got to thinking about the USS Intrepid Museum at NYC’s Pier 86 and 46th Street, on the Hudson River. This in turn got me to poking around for the Intrepid Museum’s origin story, in the course of which I found a decidedly curious item, which I’ll put in bold so’s you don’t miss it. To wit:

The museum was proposed in the late 1970s as a way to preserve Intrepid, and it opened on August 3, 1982. The Intrepid Museum Foundation filed for bankruptcy protection in 1985 after struggling to attract visitors. The foundation acquired USS Growler and the destroyer USS Edson in the late 1980s to attract guests and raise money, although it remained unprofitable through the 1990s. The museum received a minor renovation in 1998 after it started turning a profit. Between 2006 and 2008, the Intrepid Museum was completely closed for a $115 million renovation. A new pavilion for the Space Shuttle Enterprise opened in 2012.

The Intrepid Museum spans three of the carrier’s decks; from top to bottom, they are the flight, hangar, and gallery decks. Most of the museum’s collection is composed of aircraft, which are exhibited on the flight deck. Among the museum’s collection are a Concorde SST, a Lockheed A-12 (a/ka the SR71 Blackbird; I’ve seen it, it’s awesome—M) supersonic reconnaissance plane, and the Space Shuttle Enterprise. The hangar and gallery decks contain a variety of attractions such as exhibit halls, a theater, and flight simulators, as well as individual objects like a cockpit and an air turbine. Several craft and other objects have been sold off or removed from the museum’s collection over the years. The museum serves as a space for community and national events, such as Fleet Week and awards ceremonies.

Mayor Ed Koch announced plans for the Intrepid’s conversion in mid-April 1981, and the United States Department of the Navy transferred the Intrepid to Fisher, who led the nonprofit Intrepid Museum Foundation, on April 27, 1981. The conversion of the carrier’s top two decks cost $22 million and was funded by $2.4 million in private donations, as well as $15.2 million of tax-exempt bonds and $4.5 million from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. After the New York City Board of Estimate gave the Intrepid Museum Foundation permission to sell tax-exempt bonds in December 1980, the bonds were sold to the public in July 1981. The federal grant was approved in January 1982, even though the project “had nothing to do with housing”. The renovation involved the addition of a theater, several planes on Intrepid’s deck, and aviation and maritime exhibit halls. The carrier’s navigation and flight bridges were also restored. The city spent around $2.5 million to renovate Pier 86 on the West Side of Manhattan, where Intrepid was to be docked. The museum leased the pier from the city for 33 years at $50,000 per year, making annual payments in lieu of taxes totaling $400,000.

Now, I’ve toured the Intrepid a whole bunch of times over the years, spending hours upon hours prowling the old girl’s flight deck closely inspecting the remarkable variety of air- and/or spacecraft resident thereon, and have thoroughly enjoyed every last one of said visits. So far be it from me to carp overmuch about it, but still: HUD? SRSLY?!? WTAF, man?

Ah well, whatevs. I’m just happy to know that the Intrepid Museum—having somehow survived years of sparse attendance, financial woes, and even one (1) filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1985 (!)—is still afloat and open for public viewing by cake-eating civilians, military aviation buffs, veterans both retired and active-duty, and assorted looky-loos with some free time on their hands alike. If you’ve never been and find yourself at loose ends in NYC some fine day, I can think of a great many worse ways to kill an idle afternoon (weather permitting, natch) than a trip to Midtown West to stroll the Intrepid’s decks. Two snaps enthusiastically Up, and highly, highly recommended.

Having likewise toured the USS North Carolina and the USS Yorktown many times*, I can assure you that, good as they were—and they were—neither of those thankfully-preserved pieces of real, true American history can so much as hold a candle to the USS Intrepid, and that’s a fact.

* As well as the Brit destroyer HMS Bristol once, when she made a Wilmington port call on her way back from the Falklands dustup, a few Jack Tar swabbies took in a show the BPs did there, and graciously invited us out to the boat the next day, even going so far as to bring us below decks to drink piss-warm English beer, smoke a few fags, and share a few laughs with ‘em; great guys all, those lads were

Stolen from El Rushbo

I just GIMP’d up a meme, and seeing as how this is Memezapoppin’ night, figgered it would be à propos to go ahead and post it right away.

Heh. I slay me.

The plain, simple, and wholly obvious Truth

Ohh, shitlib D卐M☭CRATs (BIRM) ain’t gonna like this. Not a-TALL, they ain’t.

Jeremiad To The Democrats The First: Abandon The Fucking Idiot Transsexual Woke Bullshit
All of it.


That’s going to be the overarching lesson for the first few of these. But because there’s so much social justice bullshit, I’m going to have to break these lessons up to cover different types of social justice warrior bullshit.

Lesson the First: Abandon your transsexual madness.

  • Cut out all the transsexual bullshit. Sex is not a social construct. There are two sexes, male and female. If you have XY chromosomes, you are male. If you have XX chromosomes, you are female. A man cannot make himself into a woman by any means, and certainly not by simply declaring he’s a woman. Stop pretending otherwise. Stop pretending that “gender” is “fluid.” Stop pretending that a few odd genetic corner cases give you permission to pretend a man wearing a dress is a woman. Stop enabling mental illness. We’re not playing anymore.
  • Get your fucking child-mutilating hands off children. If you insane, mentally ill perverts want to mutilate your own damn body, fine. Not my circus, not my monkeys. But when you start mutilating the genitalia of children and start sterilizing children for life, fuck you and every one of your virtue-signaling comrades and expect to lose every election between now and the heat death of the universe.
  • Stop putting men pretending to be women into women’s prisons. Democrats go to great lengths to assure the public they’re against rape, but when it comes down to preventing rape or enabling their virtue signaling, Democratic prison officials across the country have decided they’re just fine and dandy with rape. Just as with UK’s Labour government being just fine with systemic child rape of British women by unassimilated Muslim immigrants in the Rotherham et. al. scandals being an acceptable price to pay for more “multicultural” voters, so too the Democratic Party seems to think repeated rape of incarcerated women by male felons claiming to be woman is necessary for the greater glory of “social justice.”
  • Stop asking government to pay for “sex change operations” for illegal aliens and convicted felons. Remember how Kamala Harris’ promise to pay for sex changes for illegal aliens in 2020 came back to bite her in the ass in 2024. Like I said, if you freaks want to pay to mutilate yourself, we don’t give a rat’s ass. But when ordinary people are having trouble paying for food because of the lingering inflation from the Biden Recession, they get angry when you use their tax dollars to pay for idiot virtue-signaling bullshit. Ditto Julian Castro’s absurd pimping of “transgender abortion.”
  • Cut out the bullshit euphemisms. Mutilating a child’s genitalia isn’t “gender affirming care,” it’s evil perversion we will hold you to account for performing. Likewise:
  • Stop pretending that refusing to indulge in the mentally ill delusion that someone is a different sex than the one they were born with is “literally killing them.” “Do what I say or I’ll kill myself” has never been a morally acceptable threat, and studies show that mutilating people in the name of “gender affirming care” doesn’t decrease the risk of suicide. Quite the opposite: “The results of this study indicate that patients who have undergone gender affirmation surgery are associated with significantly higher risks of suicide, self-harm, and PTSD compared to general population control groups.”

Annnnd KABOOM! Nailed it, clean and tight. THEY ain’t gonna like it, but I most certainly do—not that they’ll heed a word of it, much less listen. Which, y’know, is kinda tough to do anyhow with fingers jammed in each ear as you sing TRALALALALA at top volume till your throat is raw and your face is turning blue. Yet more rich, buttery goodness over at the Battleswarm hang.

Every picture video tells a story

OHHH yeah, these primordial savages are every bit as normal as you or me. After all, we’re all human beings and so want pretty much the same things in life whatever our religious beliefs might happen to be, right? Right? RIIIIIGHT?!?

WRONG, boyo.

The existential error made by Not-Great Britainistan via importing hordes of these 11th Century throwbacks against the clearly-expressed will of subjects of the Crown couldn’t be more obvious.


Welcome to this week’s installment of our Wednesday meme feature, folks. Links to the “found via” sources will be attached to the specific MiQ’s (Memes in Question) whenever I can remember them, which likely won’t be very often. Only the first two memes will appear above the fold to save on bandwidth usage, since I assume not everybody who shows up at this here websty will want to see all of them. This intro will appear at the top of each week’s Memezapoppin’! post. Enjoy, funny-pitcher lovers.

7 10BusinessDays.

Continue reading Memezapoppin’!

Civics 101

As I always say, there’s a reason this sort of thing isn’t taught in the government schools anymore.

Your obligatory “Show more” workaround:

There cannot be a “hostile takeover of the civil service.” The civil service is not a check on the Executive Branch- it IS the Executive Branch. If a Department, Office, Bureau, program, or individual is doing something counter to the will of the Executive, it’s well within the Executive’s right to nip such behavior in the bud. Because the Executive was elected by the will of the people. The bureaucracy was not.

“Prevent the civil service from becoming the President’s henchmen.” What absolute drivel.

Left-wing ideals have been left to fester and seep into every aspect of the so-called civil service, to the point it feels emboldened to act as an unelected, unvetted check on the President. Nonsense. There are three branches of gov’t that are intended to check and balance each other: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. There is no fourth branch called “The Bureuacracy” that has the right to check or balance the other three.

The bureaucracy in DC is as entrenched as a tumor grown in the bone, sucking the life force out of this country. It will take a lot of surgery – some of it messy – to fix all that damage.

Messy indeed—with the majority of said “mess” consisting of spilled blood, buckets and buckets of it.

(Via Stephen Green)

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

Glenn helpfully explains where the wrecking ball comes into the picture.

Trump is following through with unprecedented and swift action to begin his presidency – which has reset the national mood
Soon after November’s election, I suggested that if Donald Trump were smart, he’d come in like a wrecking ball: Move fast, break things and precipitate change across many fronts all at once, subjecting the Democrats, the media and the left (but I repeat myself) to shock and awe.

Boy, has he ever done that, unleashing unprecedented change in just his first 100 hours.

He banned DEI throughout the federal government, closed the borders to illegal immigrants (according to Customs and Border Protection, illegal crossings dropped 97% by Trump’s second day in office), halted government censorship efforts, refocused the Defense Department from social issues to warfighting, and started a massive cleanup at the corrupt Department of Justice.

Follows, a most edifying litany of Trump moves, directives, and initiatives, culminating with:

A week or two ago, all these things seemed too hard to accomplish. 

Now they’re simply being done

Oh, there’s resistance: The Air Force announced that as part of Trump’s DEI ban it would stop teaching cadets about the Tuskeegee Airmen scandal, an act of obvious bad faith designed to grab headlines.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who knows whereof he speaks, rightly called this “political theatrics” and “passive-aggressive performative nonsense . . . It’s all an act.” 

It is an act, and the actors should be sacked.

Indeed they should, in fact, MUST—every man Jack of them, lest this nascent movement in all the right directions be kilt a-borning.

But that they’re trying this sort of idiocy is proof that they’re flailing and desperate. Trump has the momentum.

One reason for this, of course, is that things like the DEI ban and immigration enforcement are wildly popular. 

The American public has never supported affirmative action or open borders. 

Those are policy preferences of the elites, who bullied opponents by calling them racist.

That doesn’t work anymore.

Nor should it. May it ever be thus.

The guilty flee where no man pursueth

Pardons? We don’ need no steenkin’ pardons.

There are those who have argued that the offenses of January 6th are “unreasonable” to pardon and that Trump’s pardon and commutations for persons prosecuted due to January 6th 2020’s actions are outrageous.

That assertion is false.

The issuance of a pardon imputes guilt and acceptance of one, which is voluntary, confesses guilt (Burdick .v. United States, 1915.) The reason you must voluntarily accept a pardon is that once pardoned you cannot assert 5th Amendment protections as the risk of criminal sanction has been removed. Thus you must accept it voluntarily in that you are giving up Constitutional Rights, but in doing so you also confess to the truth of the offense(s) in question.

There is no means to expunge a federal offense. Once convicted the only way to remove it from your record is to prevail on appeal in which case the offense itself is voided. Many states have a process for expungement, which is a formal and legal removal of a conviction; no such thing exists for federal crimes.

A pardon does not erase an offense — that is, the offense of “parading” or whatever have you that a person was convicted of from Jan 6 is not “gone”, however, it is undisputed, because Biden pardoned all of the Jan 6 committee members, that the government and members of Congress obstructed justice which was used to deny said persons a fair trial. That issuance of the pardon by Joe Biden imputed said guilt and the acceptance thereof confessed to same by the committee members.

That doesn’t make the actions of those who paraded (or stole and destroyed, for that matter) into “not occurred.” They did take those actions, and they were charged or convicted as the case may be. But the trials were not fair as justice was obstructed so whether the original sentences were reasonable (or whether, for example, probation or a modest fine under misdemeanor penalties was a more-appropriate penalty in the case of someone who’s crime was mere presence in the Capitol building) was never lawfully and fairly adjudicated.

Trump’s pardons and commutations thus might objectively be considered “wrong” except for Biden’s action on the way out of office, in which he pardoned obstruction of justice, witness tampering and willful destruction of evidence by persons who led to those prosecutions, all of which were part and parcel of the original charges and trials and due to the acceptance of Biden’s pardons by those committee members is in fact a confession of guilt to those federal offenses.

As a direct result Biden’s preemptive pardons make the Jan 6 pardons by Trump not only objectively reasonable they became, at the moment Biden issued them, mandatory.

It’s the esteemed Karl Denninger, so of course there’s a hefty surplusage of italics, boldfaces, and underscores scattered throughout which I’m just too damned lazy to bother transcribing. Also, having been “pardoned” by ***”President”*** Bribem, if some enterprising soul in Congress doesn’t have Herr Fauci’s (at the very least) miserable, lying ass in the hot seat toot fucking sweet, then that notable omission will in turn serve to highlight the shambolic theater production the whole sordid FederalGovCo mess is, has been for years, and likely always will remain.

Intro to history

Just clearing an old open tab here, no big thang. I promise you, though, you’re almost certainly gonna enjoy it.

OUCH! I felt that stinging slap from all the way over here.


On moving forward, looking back, and standing still

Any article that opens with Cromwell’s most well-remembered quote is bound to catch my eye, and this too-brief piece is some seriously heady stuff.

“Is it therefore infallibly agreeable to the Word of God, all that you say? I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.”–Oliver Cromwell, letter to the general assembly of the Church of Scotland (3 August 1650)

Five years ago, I wrote a book about evolution and human cognition. This was a stretch for me, as I am a three-time English major, so I did a lot of research. It was fascinating research, which taught me a lot of important things about knowledge, human nature, cognition, and storytelling. It also taught me the single most depressing thing that I know, which is this: human reason did not evolve to help us find the truth; it evolved to help us defend positions arrived at in largely unreasonable ways.

The reasons for this lie deep in the reptilian corners of our brains. Natural selection selects for what is useful, which may or may not be what is true. Decisiveness is useful. Appearing confident is useful. Defending one’s turf is useful. And winning fights is always useful. But knowing the truth about abstract universal propositions involving beauty, truth, and God? Not so much. It turns out that appearing to know the truth about these things is much more valuable, evolutionarily speaking, than actually being right.

Culture reinforces these evolutionary dynamics in different ways. Mormon culture, for example, places an enormous premium on appearing to know the truth, especially in religious matters. Few people ever stand up in testimony meeting to proclaim that they think the Church is true, or even that they hope or believe the Church is true. From the time we can talk, we announce from the pulpit that we know the Church is true. We know it from the bottom of our hearts, with every fiber of our beings, absolutely, certainly, completely, just like Moroni promised.

But here’s the deal: you are wrong about stuff. I am wrong about stuff. We are all wrong about stuff. This is just math. Given the number of things that all of us believe (or do not believe) to be facts, the number of things that we consider (or do not consider) valuable, and the number of policies that we think (or do not think) will work, there is no possible way that we are going to be right about everything. We understand this retroactively. We can all remember times that we were wrong in the past. But such is the nature of human cognition that we can barely even fathom what we might be wrong about today.

And this is why Cromwell’s challenge–“I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you might be mistaken”–is so important to us (and yes, I do realize how ironic it is to quote Oliver Cromwell on the possibility of being wrong). Another word for this is “humility.” This is important because it actually is part of our religion, and because it makes us people that other people can stand to be around. But it is also important because, as a matter of near-mathematical certainty, we actually are wrong about some religious things–and probably quite a few.

Yeah, well, with so many Leftards all around us nowadays, humility has necessarily become a quite scarce commodity.

LOVE this guy

Tom Homan, bless his gruff heart, seems to delight in laying down the smack on whiny shitlib beeyotches.

Border czar Tom Homan reacts to Selena Gomez’s viral post sobbing over ICE raids
Border czar Tom Homan said Monday night the Trump administration has “no apologies” for the ICE raids targeting illegal migrants in the US when asked about Selena Gomez’s since-deleted Instagram post in which she sobbed over the law enforcement action.

“All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry, I wish I could do something, but I can’t. I don’t know what to do. I’ll try everything, I promise,” Gomez said in the video.

Gomez was slammed for sounding out of touch and quickly took down the video, writing on her Instagram story, “Apparently it’s not ok to show empathy for people.”

When asked about the viral video on Fox News, Homan denied the alleged attacks Gomez referenced and claimed that Immigration Customs and Enforcement is only going after illegal migrants with prior criminal history.

“If they don’t like it, then go to Congress and change the law. We’re going to do this operation without apology,” Homan told Fox News.

“We’re gonna make our community safer. It is all for the good of this nation. And we’re gonna keep going. No apologies. We’re moving forward.”

Stupid bimbelina doesn’t seem to realize that she can take things down and/or delete them all she likes, but the Innarnuts is forever, and doesn’t give a fat rat’s patoot.

Truly, truly pathetic. Also futile, and utterly pointless. Elsewhere, Trump’s brassy, sassy new press sec proves her mettle without delay.

White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt confirmed it is the official policy of the Trump administration that all undocumented immigrants are considered criminals. This is a change from the Biden administration, which referred to those immigrants as undocumented noncitizens.

“If you are an individual, a foreign national, who illegally enters the United States of America, you are by definition a criminal,” Leavitt said.

According to the Justice Department, improper entry into the U.S. is a criminal offense with civil penalties, including a fine. Subsequent offenses carry stricter penalties like a five-year bar on returning to the US and possible prison time.

“They are criminals as far as this administration goes,” Leavitt said. “I know the last administration didn’t see it that way. So it’s a big culture shift in our nation to view someone who breaks our immigration law as a criminal, but that’s exactly what they are.”

You GO, girl!

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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