The indecipherable yet ineluctable twisting and turning of the irrational hoplophobic mind.
Frequently Debunked Crackpots Claim the AR-15 is Worthless for Self-Defense
When the young paste-eaters at Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory, known as the Trace, team up with the stodgy window-lickers at the Gun Violence Archive to produce a story about the utility of the AR-15 platform as a modern self-defense tool, it’s hard not to get too excited.It’s like watching two freight trains headed toward each other on the same track. You know the results are going to be cataclysmic. None of these halfwits have ever heard a shot fired, much less one fired in anger, or especially one fired to good effect. They know less about what makes a reliable home defense weapon than I do about man-buns, skinny jeans, or avocado toast.
We have debunked the Trace and the Gun Violence Archive so often it’s getting old. The kids at the Trace masquerade as legitimate journalists when, in fact, they’re nothing more than highly paid anti-gun activists. The GVA purports to track gun crimes and maintain a list of mass shootings, but their data is collected from media, and even social media sources, and their stats are so inflated they’d have you believe a mass shooting occurs nearly every time someone draws from a holster. When the two anti-gun nonprofits combine for a story, it’s bound to be something as bereft of facts as it is poorly written, and to that standard, their most recent collaboration does not disappoint.
A story published Tuesday asks: “How Often Are AR-Style Rifles Used for Self-Defense? Supporters of AR-15s, often used in mass shootings and racist attacks, say they’re important for self-defense. Our analysis of Gun Violence Archive data suggests otherwise.”
Don’t give a fart in a whirlwind what your ginned-up, jerry-rigged “data” does or does not suggest. My God-given rights, as codified in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, are not up for negotiation, nor will they ever be. I like my AR, I intend to keep it, and I care not one iota whether it’s practical as a self-defense weapon or is as useless as teats on a boar-hog. That’s flat; end of discussion, no more to be said. You can’t bear the idea of me having it, you just come ahead on and try to take it from me, then. FREE ADVICE: bring help. Level III body armor might be a pretty good idea, too.
As Mr Williams points out, the writer of Tuesday’s “published story” arrived at her conclusions via data glommed off her gungrabber sob-sisters at Herr Bloomberg’s GVA, which ludicrous tag-team circle-jerkery amuses me no end. As if any gun person in existence would ponder this meticulous, scrupulously impartial and honest “analysis” and freely decide he needed to shitcan his AR, so as to improve his ability to defend himself and his family using some other alternative.
More “as ifs”:
- As if the Trace, the GVA, or any other passel of pissypantsed, pathologically gun-shy shitlibs give a fat rat’s patoot about how one might go about defending oneself more effectively
- As if they’re in the least interested in how Normals might feel about anything, at all
- As if they hadn’t demonstrated, over and again, their preference for the “rights” of the predator class over those of their victims
- As if sane, sensible Americans would trust obviously manipulated statistics and naked propaganda over their own native common sense, lived experience, and observable reality
- As if shitlibs sincerely felt obliged to honor the very concept of natural, God-given rights in the first place
As Williams says, we’re talking about people who have not only never heard a shot fired, they’ve probably never so much as even been in the same room with a gun, and are totally ignorant about them. In fact, the one and only thing they DO know about guns is that they don’t like them, and wish they would all just go away. Yet somehow this footling, cowardly neurosis translates into blanket moral authorization to trample the rights of more mentally balanced, less hysterical sorts.
So yeah, go piss up a rope, shitlib hoplophobes. I repeat: stop flapping your yaps and just come take ‘em already. Let’s see how that works out for ya in the end.
“In fact, the one and only thing they DO know about guns is that they don’t like them, and wish they would all just go away.”
Not quite. They don’t like them in your hands but they are just fine with the nazi storm troopers having them when protecting the gun grabber class. They also like them in the hands of the criminals.
I wonder what Kyle Rittenhouse would have to say about this.
That’s what I was thinking. Worked pretty fucking well for him.
Actually, AR-15s are superior to shotguns or pistols for self-defense for women and children, since they have very little recoil, they are very effective at close range (cf. Rittenhouse), and safety and proper handling are easily taught. And the hydrodynamic shock from a rifle bullet is far greater than that from a pistol bullet, leading to quicker termination of the threat,
I like the Ar-15 platform just fine and have no argument about its effectiveness. I bought a 20g shotgun for my wife to use as a training weapon. Low recoil compared to the 12, but when it is required just pick up the 10 round semi auto 12 and fire away. Recoil in that situation will not make much difference IMO, but the 20 which is also semi auto with 8 rounds will work as well.
With the 12 and 2&3/4″ shell 00 buck, that’s 90 “rounds” downrange in a very short time. I also have 3″ shells with 15 pellets but can only load with 9 = 135 pellets.
The 12g is a small cannon. I actually prefer the #4 buck at 27 pellet count which is 270 rounds downrange…
The shotgun is relatively cheap and effective if you can only afford one weapon for home defense. YMMV, it can be argued all day and is 🙂
I like the AR-15 with the .300 blackout barrel myself.