
Catchers, more like, since their job actually is when, not if, the raddled old stumblebum trips over his own aged, shuffling feet these so-called “walkers” can catch him before he faceplants into the grass and snatch him back upright—hopefully, before the press gang can get their cameras aimed and snap a pic of the senescent old fart falling down yet again.

1 big thing — Scoop: Biden’s walkers

President Biden has introduced a change to his White House departure and return routine: Instead of walking across the South Lawn to and from Marine One by himself, he’s now often surrounded by aides.

Why it matters: With aides usually walking between Biden and the press’ camera position outside the White House, the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old’s halting and stiff gait, Axios’ Hans Nichols and Alex Thompson report.

Some Biden advisers have told Axios they’re concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.

Weeks ago, the president told aides that he’d prefer a less formal approach, a White House official told Axios. He suggested that they walk with him.

White House staffers and reporters alike noticed the sudden change in Biden’s walk routine beginning in mid-April, after more than three years in which he’d typically walked solo.

Yeah, sure—for certain values of the word “walked,” that is. Bold in the original, and utterly, utterly hilarious.

(Via Ed Driscoll)

Update! Unmentioned in the above article is another cause for Bribem’s staggering, undead-like gait besides extreme old age, native clumsiness, and decrepitude: the near-impossibility of finding decent footwear that cloven hooves can fit into comfortably. That thickly-furred, reverse-hinged knees thing can be physically awkward, also.


Save the poor unicorns “Palestinians”!

Boy, did they ever send THIS alms-soliciting email to the wrong inbox.

 Greetings to you

Palestine is in the middle of a humanitarian disaster. Hundreds of children have died. Thousands of adults have died. The people will continue their fight for freedom, but they need more ammunition and necessities.

Help Palestine with BTC, ETH, USDT, DOGE, and other cryptocurrencies. The funds will be used for the support of humanitarian aid programs and the Armed Forces of Palestine.

Is it legit?

No. On the very face of it, it is NOT legit, seeing as how “Palestine” itself is not legit, nor are the so-called “Palestinian people.”

Yes! The initiative is powered by the Everstake, FTX, Kuna and Ministry of Digital Transformation of Palestine. Everstake has verified the initiative on his Twitter, and so did the Minister of Digital Transformation of Palestine.

How will the funds be used?

All funds raised through this effort go directly towards aiding Palestine. The donations are sent directly for procurement through volunteer organizations and various ministries, and to the dedicated account with the National Bank of Palestine. Here is the first report.

Thank you for saving lives

Mykhailo Fedorov (



Note ye well the parts I put in boldface, concerning how desperately the poor starving children of “Palestine” need more ammunition, and promising that this entirely “humanitarian” aid—hey, ammo to use in genocidal terrorist attacks against Israel could be considered humanitarian, right?—will go to purely fictitious entities such as “the Armed Forces of Palestine.” Which, considering that no such forces actually, y’know, exist—any more than the “Palestinian people” and “Palestine” itself do—can only refer to such famously “humanitarian” organizations as, y’know, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, et al.

Yeah, thanks for the tip, UNRWA asswipes, I’ll certainly get on sending y’all good “humanitarians” some Bitcoinz right away. Count on it; hold your breath waiting, even. Gee, I sure hope the IDF doesn’t smoke all you retarded, oxygen-thief yahoos before my donation reaches ya. Perhaps this excellent Krauthammer meme can clear things up for you yodeling troglodytes some.

Ran that one back in January in a Screamin’ meemie Monday Eyrie post, and it’s still solid gold.


What Do Republicans Do?

The GOP assured us that the 2020 election was the most secure EVER.
The GOP in control of numerous state legislatures participated in the 2020 election theft.
The GOP stood by while Americans, many republicans, were jailed and held for months without trial.
The GOP stood by while sham trials were taking place in DC, sentencing Americans to years in jail for nothing worse than trespass at best, and in many cases for absolutely nothing – they weren’t even in DC on Jan 6.
The GOP stood by while Trump was impeached not once but twice on bogus charges.
The GOP is standing by while Trump is prosecuted on bogus charges by the DOJ and state actors.
The GOP is voting with the democrats on spending bills, all of it.
The GOP is all in on tranny appointments to the highest levels of government.
The GOP is all in on sham military appointments at the highest levels.
The GOP never lifted a finger to stop the shutdowns over the scam virus.
The GOP wore their masks like good little boys and girls.
The GOP stood by, indeed participated in the Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit investigation. The GOP was part and parcel to the whole illegal and corrupt affair.
The GOP had control of the senate and the house in Trumps first two years, and failed to repeal Obamacare as they promised, failed to fund building a wall on the southern border as they promised, and failed to support Trump in almost every way.
The GOP controlled senate never went out of session during Trumps presidency in order to stop Trump from making any recess appointments.

We keep telling you the problem isn’t the democrats, the problem is the republicans that fool you into believing there is some opposition. There is not. Any opposition you find is just a token, and the Marxists march right on.

“It’s not particularly important why the GOP did next to nothing to block (or even delay) the most radical and unqualified people (Becerra, Levine, Gupta) that the Biden Administration nominated for high government positions. It’s more important to recall that the GOP establishment put up a lot more resistance to President Trump’s nominations for high government positions.

Read on for even more enlightenment:

Probably should have been included, but I compiled my list before this announcement and it wasn’t on my radar – Congressman Mike Gallagher (marxist, TDS) is resigning, and what is the effective date? One that makes it much more difficult to keep the R party in control.
Let’s spell it out for the folks in Rio Linda: The R party wants to stop Trump, but they cannot appear to do this so blatantly. They need to have the democrat division of the unified marxist cabal do that.

Liberty Daily – Expel Gallagher Now

Independent Sentinel – Robinson Believes


Just remember republicans engineered the election of this marxist:
Murkowski (Marxist, TDS) threatens to leave the party


Who is in Control?

It’s a question that has been asked many times. Among the theoretical answers has been multi-national corporations with ties to china. Another prominent answer are the big money men. And then the one that encompasses the entire range – Blackrock.

If you are following along you probably know that EV sales have taken a nosedive, that startup EV manufacturers are going under, and the big three plus the other big foreign auto manufacturers are announcing the scale back of their EV investment. Rental companies can’t rent them and are dumping them on the marketplace. EV”s are piling up in the car lots.

Along comes the biden cabal to double/triple/quadruple on the EV scheme (the one designed to ultimately confine you to no movement), and look who is running the show – Blackrock with their true master – CHINA.

Blackrock and China Chairmen

China and Blackrock – Biden EPA Rolls Out USA Auto Mandates Forcing EVs to Make Up Two-Thirds of Passenger Vehicles – Who Benefits?

At Insty as well – Instapundit


Clobberin’ time

Evil, pure evil through and through, and nothing but.

Medical Staff Ordered to Euthanize ‘Covid’ Patients: Leaked Docs
Explosive leaked documents have emerged that show medical staff were ordered to euthanize patients who had been admitted to hospital and tested positive for COVID-19.

The official documents were leaked from the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS).

The docs further confirm the previous reporting from Slay News that revealed patients were euthanized in order to boost the numbers for “Covid deaths.”

As Slay News reported, smoking gun evidence revealed that tens of thousands of elderly people were murdered to boost the mortality rates.

The data produced for the report indicated that people were being euthanized using a fatal injection of Midazolam.

The cause of their deaths was then listed as “Covid,” indicating that the virus was killing far more elderly people than it was.

The explosive data from the report was made public by Australian politician Craig Kelly, the national director of the United Australia Party.

The report obtained official UK government data on death rates and causes.

While alerting the public about the data, Kelly declared that it exposes “the crime of the century.”

I keep having to repeat this, which gives me no pleasure at all, but: Just when you think we’ve hit Peak Evil©, the filthy barstids go and raise the bar again. Or, y’know, lower it, more like.

Granted, this revelation, sensational as it is, may or may not hold up when all’s said and done. I know nothing about Slay News, Craig Kelly, or his United Australia Party, and therefore can’t speak to their credibility, if any. Documents can be fraudulent; data can be manufactured and/or manipulated; some “smoking guns” can turn out to be firing blanks. As such, could very well be this is all horseshit of the purest ray serene; it is to be hoped so, certainly.

But if I were a betting man, which I am not, I wouldn’t put one thin dime on it. After all we’ve seen these past few years, would you? Famed FauxVid hoax/Vaxx skeptic Dr Robert Malone addresses the larger issue here.

A shadow now haunts my mind. I am deeply troubled in confronting the reality that the world and version of political truths that I have been propagandized to believe over my entire life is merely smoke and mirrors. A vague uneasiness has been lurking around me over these last four years; a sense that I have not only been censored, defamed, and lied to during the time of COVID, but over my entire life. A deeply disturbing specter that the United States government is not the knighted champion of Camelot so frequently and pervasively portrayed in media and literature. Rather its actions since WW II have been those of an immature, petulant and narcissistic adolescent that feels entitled to exploit geopolitics and war to advance short term power and economic objectives that benefit a small elite, rather than more broadly advancing “democracy”, global economic development, and those ephemeral aspirations of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not only have I been propagandized and lied to, but I also sense that the window of time where this behavior by a monolithic Imperial state has been tolerated is coming to an end, winding and grinding down into mundane corruption, bickering self-interest and bureaucratic dysfunctionalism. And that there is no way to stop this accelerating funhouse carousel of painted ponies and mirrors before an abrupt catastrophic failure of the hidden gears throws all into revolutionary chaos.

Maybe something like this has been bothering you also?

Whether fortunate or not, we live in a time of both disruption and deception. A period when change has become an inevitable norm, and yet objective reality is considered an obsolete anachronism. An anachronism that cannot be tolerated, and must be twisted or expunged to serve the interests of those most powerful who will always act to maintain their privilege. Poised in transition between the relatively stable legacy “Pax Americana” bequeathed to us by American military and political victories over twentieth century totalitarian regimes, and fragmentation into an increasingly multilateral rough and tumble world characterized by shifting transitory alliances based on short term interests and opportunity. We all now confront a surrealist intellectual and psychological landscape where truthiness becomes just another product to be marketed. Or propagandized. Or censored. Marketing, propaganda and censorship each being subtle linguistic variations on a single theme of methods to exert external control over the thought and behavior of what otherwise would be autonomous, independent and sovereign individuals.

For many, including myself, the fabric of the widely shared belief in the benevolence of the American Imperial state has been irreparably rendered by the grossly dysfunctional national and transnational mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis. Others were better able than I to see through the cloud of propaganda and lies long before SARS-CoV-2 was constructed. A virus developed and assembled by a bizarre and improbable collusion between US-dominated “biodefense” intelligence interests, the Chinese CCP/PLA (and its dual function Wuhan Institute of Virology), and an international network of entitled biomedical researchers. 

But now the gloves are off, and as the underlying truths of this global tragedy are gradually being revealed, the American Imperial state and its allies (governments and corporations) are increasingly resorting to raw power to avoid the consequences of their actions. And with this, it is becoming easier to see the fist. A fist that takes the form of the most aggressive and pervasive global suppression of thought and speech ever witnessed in recorded history. One that is rapidly becoming normalized as an industrial/academic censorship and propaganda complex.

Questions, questions: Just how deep does this rot go, anyhow? Would a global cabal of developed-world governments actually resort to out-and-out murder most foul in the course of pimping their Absolute Power & Control agenda? Have we really tumbled so far as that down the slippery slope to bare-knuckled tyranny?

Most dismaying of all: At this point, dare we assume that they wouldn’t?


The Dossier. Does President Trump Have it?

Rumors abound. Like all the other illegal and corrupt stuff the government has done, there is no doubt that the government including Clinton/Obama and their gunslinger Brennan were in it up to their necks. Is the proof in the hands of Trump?



Dog bites man!

Spencer tears Hamas jihadi murderers a new asshole, although there’s really nothing here that should come as any big surprise to any even sem-sentient being who hasn’t been Rip Van Winkling the last, oh, four-five decades away.

Hamas Member Reveals That Organization’s Goal Is Not Just to Free ‘Palestine’
Virtually every political and media analyst in the Western world agrees that Hamas is a national liberation movement, dedicated to freeing Palestine from an alleged Israeli occupation. Most also assume that if the Palestinians are given a state, Hamas’ mission will end, and the organization will fade away. A video that surfaced Saturday, however, suggests that all of that analysis, despite being nearly universally accepted, is false.

The video is of a hijabed woman, identified as “Elham, Member of Hamas, Planner of a Suicide Bombing,” explaining matter-of-factly that “we don’t only fight against occupation. Our goal is to spread Islam to all, everywhere.” This suggests that Hamas would not be satisfied with a Palestinian state, but would continue its war against the diminished Israel that would remain after the creation of a Palestinian state until the remainder were Islamized as well. What’s more, Elham’s statement amounts to a declaration of war against every state that is not governed under Islamic law.

Of course, there is no indication that Elham speaks for Hamas as a whole. However, many other Hamas spokesmen have said essentially the same thing. Last December, Fathi Hammad, a member of Hamas’ Political Bureau, also spoke of Hamas as having a universal mission beyond the destruction of Israel. He explained that “the [Palestinian] people have been soldiers throughout history. They are now preparing to liberate Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and I am saying this loud and clear: [The Palestinian people] are preparing to establish the Caliphate, with Jerusalem as its capital city, Inshallah. Jerusalem will not only be the capital city of Palestine as an independent state – it will be the capital city of the Islamic Caliphate.”

In Sunni Islamic theology, an Islamic caliphate is a supranational state that commands the allegiance of all Muslims worldwide, transcending nationality and ethnicity. Thus Hammad, like Elham, sees Hamas as far more than just a movement dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Another Hamas official, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, explained in a December 2022 interview that Hamas’ universal mission would eventually bring it into war with Christianity.

Which, it will; in fact, it must. Allow me to remind all and sundry at this point of the way Pisslam divides the entire world into two separate but decidedly unequal parts: the Dar al Islam, or “House of Submission” (contra the idiot George W Bush, the word “Islam” actually means “submission,” not “peace”) and the Dar al Harb, or “House of War.”

Then there’s another ironclad truism that all sensible Westerners desperately need to acknowledge: Radical Muslims want to kill you. Moderate Moslims want the radical Moslims to kill you. Apart from a vanishingly small contingent of truly moderate, more evolved Moslims—for whom the overwhelming majority of Moslims worldwide have a specific designation: apostates, which is a de facto death sentence in and of itself—that really is all any non-Moslem needs to know.

In truth, to even refer to “radical” Muslims at all is a serious misstatement, a real clanger, as the Brits would say. Those wild-eyed, yodeling, bloodthirsty zealots are the mainstream, not the lunatic fringe. Some pusillanimous, dewy-eyed Western mugs and marks still await a phantasmagorical Moslem “reformation” that will bring the jihadi hordes more or less into line with civilized peoples, enabling them to coexist peaceably with the developed world.

Unfortunately, this pitiful triumph of hope over reality blithely ignores the fact that they already had one, back in the mid-to-late 1970s. It was conceptualized, initiated and led by one Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and…well, let’s just say that a kinder, gentler, less fanatical variety of Pisslam did NOT win out in the end.

Meanwhile, shitlibs are weeping, wailing, and gnashing their teeth over Israel’s daring rescue of two more hostages, for which Ace’s header and opening riposte meet the case sufficiently enough to suit me, no further verbiage necessary.

Israel Rescues Two Hostages in Rafah; Leftwing Propaganda Media Emphasizes the Number of Palestinians Killed in the Operation
—Disinformation Expert Ace

I. Don’t. Care.

Annnnd bingo. Nor do I, buddy, not one tiny little iota I don’t. Kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out, Bibi; as the kids say nowadays, ZFG over here. Sorry, not sorry.


A preponderance of evidence

First our very own hhluce posted his Border Kabuki pics in the comments here, then he aggregated ‘em all into one handy-dandy Stream 47 Substack post. Nice work, hh, damned nice work. Our boy has another first-rater up as well: ingeniously conceived, immaculately researched, impeccably argued. To wit:

It’s Not Migration, It’s Colonization, By The Communist Chinese
They polluted their own country so that the soil can’t grow crops that aren’t full of cadmium, mercury, and arsenic – and so now they want our land – and possession is 99% of the law…

And the “Democratic” and “Republican” Parties both facilitate this, the latter covering for the former’s bad acts. Trump has promised to deport these people back across the border, and to seal it against incursion – while Bai-den does nothing – and his CBP helps them to come across. That’s a clear choice for anyone opposed to the colonization and eventual control of the US by the Han Chinese, the most racist people on the face of the earth, who are content to live under brutal dictators, since they have no tradition of anything approaching democracy or republicanism. And both of the Democratic and Republican Establishments are giving not only comfort, but active aid – money, food, housing, medical care, transport – to these people invading the US on behalf of a hostile foreign power. Want some evidence? See the following…

Trust me, you want to, you really, really want to. It’s an entirely different take on the manufactured “border crisis” that proceeds from a place I will guar-on-gott-damn-TEE you you haven’t seen anyplace else. I repeat: DAMNED nice work, hh, and good on ya. That second excerpted piece calls for a rerun of a Kari Lake gem I used in my most recent Screamin’ meemie Monday! post, I do believe.

Seconded, most heartily. Good on you too, Ms Lake, you good-lookin’ thang, you. Arizona really screwed the pooch by not electing you Governor when they had the chance in 22. That, and re-sending Traitor John McStain to the Senate for a hundred and fifty-sixty years—I mean, what the hell is WRONG with you people out there, anyhow?


Georgia – Ground Zero for Destruction of America

Georgia, yes Georgia. The 2020 presidential election in Georgia was stolen, and then the senate seats were stolen giving the solid marxist party* control of the senate.

How does this work when the same politicians that are supposed to guarantee election integrity now work for Dominion?

Lots of bad places, but remember Georgia is run by republicans…

*the dems of course. The R’s are marxist but not solidly.

An “open air prison”

It’s not that the Paleosimians in Gaza are angry about being “mistreated” by the Israelis; they’re angry that Israel—and ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOOOZ!!!)))) generally—exists at all.

Yep, pre-Oct 7 Gaza sure looked like Hell on earth for those poor suffering Paleosimians, didn’t it? After being treated as inhumanely as that—forced by the Israelis (who, by the way, control absolutely everything and everyone in the entire world) to live in such extreme squalor and deprivation as seen above—no WONDER they’re so implacably pissed off. What rational, reasonable human being yearning only to breathe free and be left alone to live their lives in peace WOULDN’T be?

But hey, you know ((((DemPeskyJOOOOOZ!!!))) and their never-ending propaganda trickery. The above footage was probably shot in Milan or Nice or Martinique, and the IDF just P-shopped in the Arabic-language signage on the storefronts and whatnot to fool everybody. JOOJOOJOOJOOOOOOOO!!! Plus, they all have big noses, wear funny hats, are greedy as hell, and sound like a throat-cancer victim trying to hock up the world’s worst phlegm-ball when they talk in that fucked-up Yid language of theirs, the rat-bastards. Right, Jew-haters?

And those JOOOOOO women, they’re just the WORST, right? Compare, contrast:

Yep, looks like a no-brainer to me all right. Then again, I’ve obviously been deceived by the International JOOOOO Conspiracy©, so never mind, I guess.


KILL Switch

I think that yes, we are going to need a kill switch and it ain’t going to be the one the deep state marxist bureaucrats are thinking of.
Sometimes there is only one solution. Sometimes the solution is forced upon us.

Via: Liberty Daily


Pearl Harbor Day

My father, still with us, and a WW2 veteran who went at age 17 and was on the way to the Pacific theater in a “troop transport ship” (converted cattle boat) when the bombs dropped, has never forgiven the Japanese. He doesn’t hate them as individuals but he doesn’t want anything from them either. It was only in recent years that I’ve come to forgive them…


Terrorist alert!

“Palestinian” “activists”: SHOOT ON SIGHT.


Of Remembrance and forgetfulness

As Steyn notes, it’s a sad distinction.

The “Free World” the Leader purports to lead is increasingly like that, don’t you find? Stumbling around, unsure what it’s doing or why it’s here. In the years immediately after the Great War, “remembrance” was easy – because they were your sons, husbands, fathers, fiancés, and they’re not around. Then the decades roll by, and for newer generations, even though you never met those you’re “remembering”, they’re still your great-uncles or great-grandfathers, and thus part of the bond that connects you to your country and its inheritance.

And then a few more decades drift on and now we’re all multicultural, and diversity is our strength, and a nation is no more or less than whoever happens to be standing around in it, like Gate 87 at Heathrow or LAX. And the bond is non-existent – because the Glorious Dead are not your kith and kin – and, even if they were, you’ve been taught since kindergarten that they were irredeemably racist and colonialist.

Yet it is surely significant, after a month in which stooped, aged Royal British Legion poppy-sellers have been bullied and shoved away from their traditional street corners and railway stations, that this hideous, treacherous constabulary could not bring itself to show any kind of solidarity with the old soldiers.

And even the Met’s official evenhandedness – of trying to ensure that both the Royal British Legion and Hamas get to share the public space – is taking a side, is it not? Because it enables Islam to achieve its aim – of appropriating one of the most solemn days in the national calendar for its own purposes. Islamic supremacism does nothing by accident: the end of the Great War was also the end of the Caliphate and the dawn of a fractured Middle East under the French and the British, who promptly put a Jew in charge of their “Palestine” mandate.

Whether hijacking Armistice Day should be legal or illegal, it would not, in a healthy polity, be considered seemly. That’s why I always quote the otherwise wholly forgotten Lord Moulton, Director-General of the Explosives Department during the First World War, and his observation that the health of a society is determined not by what is permitted or prevented by law but by what is self-regulated by the citizenry in “the realm of manners”. In the realm of manners, the citizenry don’t need a law forbidding competing groups from swamping and desecrating Armistice Day because you couldn’t find enough people willing to do anything so obviously inappropriate. But multiculti diversity rots out the realm of manners – because the population no longer has enough in common to sustain social cohesion and so you need an ever bigger and more powerful state to mediate the competing interests of different identity groups.

And, of course, these groups are not static. Some are in decline, some are in the ascendant. What happened this weekend is not so very difficult to figure out. As some “niche Canadian” wrote almost two decades ago, the future belongs to those who show up. Well, on the streets of London, the future showed up.

It did at that, among all too many other places. Quelle surprise, that it turned out to look even bleaker, darker, and more dismal than even the worst pessimist among us feared it might.


Matt Gaetz is on Fire and He is Right

The FBI wants a nice new 300 million dollar building that would be larger than the pentagon. Making war on the American people requires vast resources. Gaetz is leading the charge to stop them.

Personally, the best idea is to close the current building, close the field offices, and send all the FBI stooges packing.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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