The GOP assured us that the 2020 election was the most secure EVER.
The GOP in control of numerous state legislatures participated in the 2020 election theft.
The GOP stood by while Americans, many republicans, were jailed and held for months without trial.
The GOP stood by while sham trials were taking place in DC, sentencing Americans to years in jail for nothing worse than trespass at best, and in many cases for absolutely nothing – they weren’t even in DC on Jan 6.
The GOP stood by while Trump was impeached not once but twice on bogus charges.
The GOP is standing by while Trump is prosecuted on bogus charges by the DOJ and state actors.
The GOP is voting with the democrats on spending bills, all of it.
The GOP is all in on tranny appointments to the highest levels of government.
The GOP is all in on sham military appointments at the highest levels.
The GOP never lifted a finger to stop the shutdowns over the scam virus.
The GOP wore their masks like good little boys and girls.
The GOP stood by, indeed participated in the Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit investigation. The GOP was part and parcel to the whole illegal and corrupt affair.
The GOP had control of the senate and the house in Trumps first two years, and failed to repeal Obamacare as they promised, failed to fund building a wall on the southern border as they promised, and failed to support Trump in almost every way.
The GOP controlled senate never went out of session during Trumps presidency in order to stop Trump from making any recess appointments.
We keep telling you the problem isn’t the democrats, the problem is the republicans that fool you into believing there is some opposition. There is not. Any opposition you find is just a token, and the Marxists march right on.
“It’s not particularly important why the GOP did next to nothing to block (or even delay) the most radical and unqualified people (Becerra, Levine, Gupta) that the Biden Administration nominated for high government positions. It’s more important to recall that the GOP establishment put up a lot more resistance to President Trump’s nominations for high government positions.”
Read on for even more enlightenment:
Probably should have been included, but I compiled my list before this announcement and it wasn’t on my radar – Congressman Mike Gallagher (marxist, TDS) is resigning, and what is the effective date? One that makes it much more difficult to keep the R party in control.
Let’s spell it out for the folks in Rio Linda: The R party wants to stop Trump, but they cannot appear to do this so blatantly. They need to have the democrat division of the unified marxist cabal do that.
Liberty Daily – Expel Gallagher Now
Independent Sentinel – Robinson Believes
Just remember republicans engineered the election of this marxist:
Murkowski (Marxist, TDS) threatens to leave the party
If you’re faced with an enemy and a traitor and you have only one bullet, shoot the traitor.
Ideally, line them up with your high powered bullet making a pass through the first level…
Here’s a 2-minute underground documentary about Republican fecklessness in the 2020 election. It was published after the election but before the certification:
Thus the statement:
“The GOP in control of numerous state legislatures participated in the 2020 election theft.”
I’m not going to give the Dems a pass here either. We DO have more than one bullet.
The GOPe are simply Dems in disguise, but it’s obvious now.
Destroy the Uniparty. Make no distinctions when there are no differences…
I’m not giving them a pass, but there is an unstated conclusion that is perhaps not as obvious to others –
The democrat party are radical marxists at the 100% level*. They were not always like this. They can and are this way because they are joined with the marxist republicans. Were there an actual opposition the democrats would be forced to have far less radical membership in control of the power levers.
*I’m not talking about the neighbors next door that vote democrat because they are brainwashed morons
There aren’t two parties. BOTH must be defeated. The “Republicans” are, in the majority, simply Dems who are tasked with lying and garnering representation for Dems in swing or slightly red districts.
Look at McConnell himself. Kentucky is a pretty Red State. Right? Yet we get him as a Senator?
It’s because the Primaries are rigged. So that you have to vote for McConnell in the General because “what are you going to do, vote for the Dem?” Even if you stay home, eventually all that means is a Dem wins! OR, they simply rig the General for McConnell!
Why? Because they WANT THE SHOW of having an Opposition. Otherwise, we might run real Republicans.
The most apt description of the Game is The Harlem Globetrotters- Washington Generals.
It’s ALL a Show, the Globetrotters and Generals both work for the same Organization, the Generals are tasked to Lose, but make it look good, and play straight man to Meadowlark and Curly. Or whomever is the latest.
What we need to change is the whole calculus FOR BOTH PARTIES that there aren’t repercussions for this whole Charade.
Trump is our Weapon while we choose to remain within the System.
Apres Trump…
PS Notice even when we send Mr. Smith to Washington he is invariably corrupted as well? There is just too much money sloshing around for anyone to get agitated over fighting each other. The whole calculus is not to upset the apple cart.
As Les Grossman said to Rick Peck in Tropic Thunder:
After Trump, even assuming he is able to take office is a real problem. Almost no one else can have the political quality of owing no one…
Trump is unique. I have no clue how we replace him. Perhaps someone (there are many) will step up.
I’m referring to the failure to fix things working WITHIN the System. Trump is our last hope to get the System to reset.
If the System is reset then we might get viable candidates.
Granted, I am not even optimistic about that.
What I think Trump did, and could do, is convince enough people that the System does indeed, Need to be Reset.
No argument from me.
Trying to predict what is going to happen going forward is damn near impossible. It all depends on when (not if IMO) the Americans wake up, and if they wake up in time to solve the issues peacefully.
Plenty of D’s in R clothing.
Washington needs to be purged,
id settle for a smoking crater though, cool with that.
sometimes reality is harsh