Smash the State
Oh noes, looks like Trump has murdered poor Peanut the Squirrel! You may laugh, but t’ain’t funny, McGee: you know as well as I do that it will be tomorrow morning’s NYT headline, and the subject of the next Kumhaula for ***”pResident”*** ad.
New York wildlife officers raided Mark Longo’s home, seizing his rescue squirrel Peanut after complaints about “unsafe squirrel housing” and “wildlife gone wild” hit the department.
Peanut is an internet sensation known for donning…
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal)
Operative words in this next one: “We complied.” That was your mistake, bud. NEVER comply with the whims of dictators and tyrants.
But without tyrannical government, who would send a multitude of officers to your animal rescue to protect you by confiscating and euthanizing your famous pet squirrel Peanut?
— Truthstream Media (@truthstreamnews)
Happily, the squirrels know the appropriate response to murderous oppression. If only we humans were as intelligent as our furry four-legged friends.
You go, gi…uhhh, squirrels! Via Ed, an explainer for why this seemingly insignificant story really does matter.
In the midst of the decisive election campaign of our lifetimes, why talk about Peanut the Squirrel? Aren’t there more important issues like the polls, turnout, shenanigans, and all the day’s news?
Actually, the Peanut saga is the WHOLE story, in a nutshell.
Yeah, yeah, sorry. Onwards.
Yes, all those things matter. But the story of Peanut matters because it is a microcosm of what we are facing. A nameless, faceless, and merciless bureaucracy with no sense of proportion or empathy can, at a whim, upend people’s lives over what amounts to nothing. It can seize a beloved family pet, the mascot of an organization that does enormous good, just because some nanny-stater decides they don’t approve.
The streets of New York City are filled with criminals and migrants, billions are spent on hotel rooms for illegals, drugs are ravaging our communities, and lawlessness is spreading in ways that degrade our civilization. Those are big problems that are difficult to deal with, so the government turns its Sauron eye to Peanut because it can overwhelm the little guy with no problem.
Improving people’s lives is hard. Killing a squirrel is easy.
And far more satisfying to the kind of miserable parasite you find burrowed deeply into all goobermint bureaucracies, too.
We all get overwhelmed by the enormous challenges we face, but we can all understand the story of a squirrel. In our guts, we know what happened is wrong–what we need to understand is that this is how government works as often as not. The ostensible reason behind the raid and 5-hour squirrel (and raccoon) hunt in a man’s home is that Peanut could have rabies, and rabies control is a government function.
Oh, absolutely! Says so right there in the, um, Constitution. Not that anybody cares about that old thing anymore. Bottom line? Just this.
Fighting rabies in the wild is hard, and it is MUCH easier to euthanize a squirrel that lives indoors and could not possibly have rabies. Eight government employees can waste a day ransacking a man’s house, kill a squirrel, and call it a day without having to do anything that actually makes the public safer. Win!
PREACH it, bruh!
Them: “So how did you get radicalized?”
Me: “I watched the NYDEC murder a happy and healthy pet squirrel named Peanut for no reason other than some useless apparatchiks had too much power.”
— Kiki (@kikisknees)
The last word is DOA’s.
“Whatcha gonna do with your head in a noose,” indeed. Although Joey Shithead’s response is “I DON’T KNOOOOW,” I most certainly do: nothing, that’s what.