Obscuring the issue

USA Today rides the Shitlib Express along the hot rails to Hell.

In the 13th hour of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing Tuesday, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) asked the Supreme Court nominee: “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?”

Jackson, appearing confused, responded, “I’m not a biologist.”

Scientists, gender law scholars and philosophers of biology said Jackson’s response was commendable, though perhaps misleading. It’s useful, they say, that Jackson suggested science could help answer Blackburn’s question, but they note that a competent biologist would not be able to offer a definitive answer either. Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation.

“No sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman”? Bullshit, claptrap, tommyrot, PC balderdash. Defining a woman, as any real scientist could tell you, is simplicity itself. What makes someone a woman: two, count ’em, two (2) X chromosomes. That’s all, that’s it. If you’re sportin’ a set of XY’s, then like it or not, you’re a fucking male. Take whatever hormones you want, in whatever quantities you like; mutilate yourself surgically to your heart’s content, “identify” as a baleen whale, a slab of granite, or Henry V—you will never be any sex other than the one you were born as. Biology is sometimes harsh that way, and science—REAL science, actual science, not whatever it is the ones pimping Leftist moonshine for USA Today are practicing—can be a cold, uncaring bitch.

Update! Robert Spencer tells it like it is.

Predictably, the article is a big load of hooey, or as Leftists like to call it (and indeed, as it is called in this very USA Today article), “nuance.” One of the representatives of “Science” who is quoted is Rebecca Jordan-Young, who is identified as “a scientist and gender studies scholar at Barnard College.” When you’re getting hooey straight from Barnard College, you know it’s the finest stuff available: the Left’s latest pet idea, all neatly wrapped up with a patina of intellectual respectability, the appearance of dispassionate thought, and the dismissal of the obvious with the claim that the reality is far more complicated than the simple-minded layman can understand.

This USA Today piece is actually just one example of what the Left does to us all the time. Biden’s war on the domestic oil industry didn’t cause gas prices to skyrocket; these are “Putin’s price hikes.” There is no crisis at the border. The economy is booming, and job numbers are increasing. You can file these claims and others with “war is peace,” “freedom is slavery,” and “ignorance is strength,” the three Big Lies that the totalitarian regime in Orwell’s 1984 forced upon its people.

USA Today is playing the role of Obrien, demanding that we Winston Smiths break with reality and agree that 2 + 2 equals 5. We must hold firm, our eyes clear, seeing what is and what isn’t, no matter what they threaten us with.

Not any great hardship for me, since the very idea of cooperating with them, accepting their premises, or acting in any way as if I gave a damp fart about their thoughts and feelings is utterly repulsive to me. I’m with Picard:

Defiance today, defiance tomorrow, defiance forever.

Updated update! Long as we’re on the topic of who “identifies” as what, Peters has nailed down clean and tight exactly what the 15-minutes-famous swimmer dude’s true identity is.

We do know what “she” is, actually. That being an asshole. Something humans of both sexes have but which only a few are.

How do we know “she” is an asshole? Because it takes an asshole to steal scholarships and awards from people who deserved to win them.

“She” doesn’t – for the same reason the varsity football team doesn’t deserve to win the national trophy for JV football.

The same reason you don’t serve people cat and tell them it’s chicken.

See how simple this stuff is, once the Leftist smokescreen has been waved away?

Update to the updated update! The Bee provides a handy, helpful “Who’s a dame?” checklist.

  1. Are you always cold?
  2. Has a human ever popped out of you?
  3. Have you ever decorated a bed with six or more pillows?
  4. Can you tell the difference between cream white and rustic farmhouse white?
  5. Have you run into a curb in the past 24 hours? Be honest, CAROL.

There are seven more, but those five would probably do in a pinch.

PC worlds are colliding

Peak Wokester insanity reached?

For a solid five minutes this week, I believed that an elderly woman in New York City had killed and decapitated another elderly woman. I believed it because it was in the papers. It was there in black and white. In the apartment of this ‘83-year-old Brooklyn woman’, the New York Times reported, cops found the decapitated head of Susan Leyden, a 68-year-old lady who had gone missing. Police became suspicious of the 83-year-old woman and so they ‘searched her apartment’, the BBC said, wherein they found ‘a human head’. A few days later, not far from this seemingly evil woman’s apartment, they also found Ms Leyden’s leg and torso. Grim. And surely unprecedented. When was the last time a very old woman was alleged to have killed and then gruesomely dismembered another woman?

I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the idea that an 83 year old woman would be physically capable of such a thing in the first place.

Then it hit me. I got to the very final line of the BBC report and saw these words – this 83-year-old ‘now identifies as a transgender woman’. I got further into the NYT piece, too. Its headline may have said ‘She Killed Two Women. At 83, She Is Charged With Dismembering a Third’, but then came this killer line: ‘[she] was listed as male in earlier court records but now identifies as a woman.’ So it wasn’t a woman. It wasn’t an 83-year-old lady who somehow summoned up the wickedness and the power to allegedly kill and horrifically mutilate a 68-year-old woman. It was a man. The NYT’s headline was a flagrant lie. So was the BBC’s entire account of this ‘woman’, she, allegedly killing Ms Leyden and then brutalising her corpse. I had been told, in no uncertain terms, that a woman killed a woman, and it was completely untrue.

This case is horrifying for two reasons. First and foremost because a woman has been killed and dismembered. That is appalling and it is essential that justice is done. But it’s also horrifying because the media are refusing to tell us the truth about it.

No shit, Dick Tracy, where’s the fucking squad car? And you find this revoltin’ development shocking…why, exactly?

Two of the most established media institutions in the Western world are misinforming their readers, telling us that a woman murdered a woman, because they now put ideology before truth. They put being politically pure before reporting the facts. We should not underestimate how serious this is, what a betrayal of journalism it represents. It is so clear now: the ideology of woke poses a very real, very grave threat to truth, objectivity and the gathering and dissemination of accurate information.

Not one of which things have played any discernible role in Praetorian Media “journalism” for many a long year now.

This is not an isolated incident.

A serious contender for Understatement Of The Year, that.

This is an offence against truth, reason and the very ability of society to record crimes and to understand the problems that it faces. It is also deeply insulting to the victims of male violence, who could find themselves forced in court to refer to the man who brutalised them as ‘she’. We need to stop pinning men’s crimes on women. More importantly, we need to overturn the mad idea that anyone who claims to be a woman is a woman. And we need to stop lying. BBC, NYT and all the rest of you: stop spreading misogynistic misinformation.

Welcome to the party, pal. Sadly, though, I must strongly advise you to not be holding your breath waiting for it.

The Hypocrisy, It Burns

Oh, wait, it was the hot sauce.

Instagram Model Claims Rapper Drake Put Hot Sauce In Used Condom To Prevent Sperm Theft

According to various reports circulating online, the chart-topping rapper Drake is alleged to have utilized a rather unique method to prevent fans and groupies from stealing his sperm after doing the proverbial deed by putting hot sauce inside of his used condoms.

If you pay any attention at all to the men’s rights people, the paternity rights legal debate, or anything related, you’ll have heard of spermjacking, in which a woman gets sperm from a man who did not intend to conceive a child with her and places it up in her vagina. She hopes to get pregnant and either trap the man into marriage or trap him into decades of paying for the child support gravy train.

If you pay any attention to the opposite side of the debate you’ll hear women angrily asserting that this does not happen and it’s just a matter of men ducking responsibility for their actions.

Well, here we are. Drake is apparently a wise man and made sure to destroy the sperm in his discarded condom, just in case he got spermjacked. A few minutes later the screaming started.

Your reply, feminists?


“Equity” achieved!

Eat it, FemiNazis.

PIERS MORGAN: It made me sick to watch a once-male special forces combat veteran beat up a woman on TV – it’s time to stop this trans sport insanity before women start being killed
It was the moment ideology met cold, hard reality.

Alana McLaughlin, 38, the second transgender MMA fighter to compete in the sport, used a powerful choke hold to beat Celine Provost, 32.

The latter was demonstrably a more skilled and experienced fighter during their bout on Friday night – McLaughlin only took up MMA earlier this year, whereas Provost’s been doing it for a decade – but just couldn’t compete with the overwhelming physical strength of her opponent.

Provost’s punches bounced off McLaughlin like a baby lion’s off its father, and when she was pinned to the ground, she couldn’t move and quickly tapped out.

None of which is entirely surprising given that McLaughlin spent six years serving in the US special forces as a man.

I found the bout sickening to watch.

It was obvious very quickly that McLaughlin was too strong, and equally obvious that this strength came from the 33 years she spent as a biological man.

As I’ve said before, the restrictive hormone treatment that sports authorities make transgender women do before they can compete in women’s sport does not reduce muscle density or power.

This creates a bad enough unfairness in non-contact sports like sprinting or weightlifting, but when it comes to combat sport like MMA it creates a potentially deadly disparity.

Tough noogies. This is the world shitlibs wanted—the world they designed, created, and crammed down our throats. It’s only right that they be forced to live in that insane, topsy-turvy world themselves. They need to be forced to enjoy the fruits of their “victory” in full, to its bitter dregs.


Truly, embarrassingly pathetic

One of these things is NOT like the other.

Now just you go ahead and try to tell me that, should we ever be so foolish as to get ourselves into a military dustup with the Russkies—of any scale, scope, or intensity imaginable—we aren’t well, truly, and completely fucked. Those tough, all-business Russian soldiers would go through Cpl Fluffybutt, her two mommies, and each and every gender-puzzled dainty in their circle of acquaintance like shit through a goose, and never break a sweat doing it.

Don’t even bother asking if it gets worse, either. You already know it does.

Nearly Half of Female Soldiers Still Failing New Army Fitness Test, While Males Pass Easily
More than seven months after the official launch of the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT, nearly half of female soldiers are still falling short, with enlisted women struggling the most, has learned. The data again raises questions about whether the Army’s attempt to create a fitter force is creating more barriers to success for women.

Internal Army figures from April show 44% of women failed the ACFT, compared to 7% of men since Oct. 1. “Female soldiers continue to lag male soldier scores in all events,” according to a United States Army Forces Command briefing obtained by

The pass rate for women is up 12% from last year, yet enlisted women continue to struggle the most, with a 53% fail rate. Female officers have only a 23% fail rate, but that’s still significantly higher than the fail rate for men, enlisted or officer.

“The ACFT — as part of the Army’s overall physical readiness program — continues to evolve, reduce injuries and empower Soldiers to perform basic Soldier tasks,” a FORSCOM spokesman told in a statement Monday.

Oh, how I do love that “evolve” folderol. You’re “evolving” all right—from a military Force To Be Reckoned With into…well, into something entirely else.

“Reduce injuries” is a good one too, I think. As if “reducing injuries” ought to be an item of much importance in a program whose core mission used to be training American youth in the killing of people and the breaking of things. All this, mind, from some REMF PR flack in the employ of a once-respected, nay feared, war machine whose flinty-eyed, hardcase DIs used to swear by the maxim that “the more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat.” Guess that one’s gone by the wayside and forgotten now, as so many other needful things have. Hell, Higher would probably toss any NCO overheard uttering the phrase straight into USDB Leavenworth these days, or cashier him outright for Crimes Against Diversity Which Is Our Strength Amen.

What a sad, pitiful joke we’ve become.

Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful a neurotic, narcissistic bitch

Ace flenses this scrunt so enjoyably it inspired me take a crack at her myself. Y’know, so to speak.

I’m All For Feminism, But It’s Kinda Making It Harder To Date

Another case of something working exactly as intended, then.

It doesn’t take much for me to overanalyze a guy’s intentions nowadays. I used to see a guy opening a door for me as nice and polite, but lately, gestures like this have been making me angry. I know the guys offering these acts of chivalry have no intention to make me feel small or lesser than, but now that my eyes have been opened to feminist theory, it’s all I’m able to think about.

And just like that, the mystery is solved. See how easy that was?

Even though the feminist movement is pretty much the best thing to happen to this world since sliced bread, it’s taking its toll in the dating scene. The thing is, I’m starting to get a bit of a stand-offish vibe from guys, like they’re afraid to make a move, and I think it’s because they think that we don’t need them anymore.

Ehh, not so much. “Guys” (do note how she never uses the word “men) have had more than adequate demonstration of the fact that FemiNazis don’t LIKE them, and have concomitantly been driven into the early stages of reciprocating that dislike in full measure. No real mystery to that one either, I’m afraid.

I’m not gonna go and cry a river for them because that’s something they’re gonna have to figure out within their own psyches. It’s just something I’ve noticed and it’s a bit of a shame.

May I suggest, then, that this difficulty in finding a date you’re lamenting is something you’re gonna have to figure out your own damned self?

When I’m out with a guy and he says one thing that’s even REMOTELY offensive towards women, I find it really hard to recover. I instantly write guys off if they aren’t “woke” to the current social mindset towards gender politics and can’t let it go. Let’s just say I’ve gone on A LOT of first dates that never go anywhere.

Gee, what a shock. Let’s see: tetchy; hyper-sensitive; so over-the-top bitchy that you respond to a difference in viewpoint by “instantly writing guys off” for a single “even REMOTELY offensive” remark—the really stunning thing here is that you get any “first dates” at all. One can only wonder what kind of “guy” would even dream of going out with you. Masochistic fools, Mommy’s-basement-dwelling fatbodies desperate for any interaction with a female, or the grotesquely unattractive and/or disfigured, I’d bet.

Guys are feeling the heat and we can all tell.

I dunno, maybe considering taking the heat OFF them a little, then? But of course, she immediately seques into another self-contradiction, another question that obviously answers itself, something she does again and again in this article.

They’re afraid to compliment us or relate to us in the way they were always taught to and trust me, this is a good thing. However, women still like to be pursued (at least I do) and it’s unfortunate that by finally standing up for our rights and demanding respect, we’re totally scaring men away. It’s so messed up and a total shame.

“I still like to be pursued…and the moment any man tries it, I’ll verbally flay him for a Wokeness quotient not up to my exacting standards. I demand that ‘guys’ I date unquestioningly defer to me, crawl to me on hands and knees, and genuflect every minute I agree to grace them with my exalted presence, in respectful acknowledgment of my overall excellence and superiority. Isn’t it, like, just so bizarre that fewer and fewer of them seem at all interested in spending time with me?”

More of the same abject stupidity follows before the bint wraps it up with a restatement of the self-solving mystery.


SRSLY?!? Only the most clueless, unreflecting dullard in the galaxy could find that puzzling. The answers to all the riddles, the solution to all the problems, can only be found within, babe. Feminist, heal thyself. Otherwise, as Ace so pithily puts it:

Nah, you’re fine. Keep on doing what you’re doing.

After the collapse of my disastrous second marriage, I swore off all association with the female of the species beyond the purely platonic. After reading this, I’ve never been happier I did.

Strongerer, smarterer, BETTERER than YOU!

If you don’t believe it, just ask ’em.

A number of women have come forth asserting they would prefer to keep wearing masks, even after the general public has discarded them, with some of the women offering explanations such as a mask functions as an “invisibility cloak” or acts “almost like taking away the male gaze.”

Fine by me; keep wearing the filthy, dehumanizing things then. I don’t give a shit what you do. Which, as usual and as always, is the primary difference between live-and-let-live types like moi, and fascist-busybody types like vous.

The women who preferred keeping masks were interviewed by The Guardian, which reported some of these comments:

“I don’t want to feel the pressure of smiling at people to make sure everyone knows I’m ‘friendly’ and ‘likable.’ It’s almost like taking away the male gaze. There’s freedom in taking that power back.”

“Maybe it’s because I’m a New Yorker or maybe it’s because I always feel like I have to present my best self to the world, but it has been such a relief to feel anonymous. It’s like having a force field around me that says ‘don’t see me.’”

“I appreciated that I felt a bit more anonymous in a mask and more gender ambiguous. After lockdown ended, it was confronting to go out and be exposed to all that offhand racism, sexism and misgendering from strangers again … Sometimes when I’m just going out to grab takeaway, I’ve enjoyed keeping the mask on even though it’s not really necessary here now.”

“I just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my appearance. My double chin seems six times larger, my eye bags are too deep of a purple, etc … Even when there’s a heatwave and my apartment is close to 90 degrees, I’ll wear a turtleneck that I can pull up. I pack on thick makeup that makes my skin peel. I 10,000% plan on wearing it for the foreseeable future. After a full work day of worrying and not being able to focus on my actual job, it just feels nice to blend in. Simply put, I’m sick of being perceived.”

AWW yeah, these are some mentally strong, healthy, well-adjusted females talkin’. Real role models, the lot of ’em, good examples for the rest of us to idolize and to emulate. Worthy of admiration, the kind of even-keeled, unflappable, just plain solid people that are pretty much the glue holding any functioning society together. We lesser mortals can only look up to such Olympians in awe.

Far from the empowerment the Women’s Movement always claimed it sought, the piteous mewling of wretches so thoroughly debilitated they actually quake in abject terror over the prospect of exposing their uncovered faces to “the male gaze” again suggests that sixty years worth of immersion in the toxic brew of “feminist” cant has resulted in something altogether else. Veronica Hayes, for her part, refuses to call a spade a shovel.

How pathetic. This poor woman would prefer to live in a sterile, faceless world so as to avoid some potential discomfort (or making an effort). That is not freedom. This woman’s dependency on the mask displays weakness, insecurity, and is a willful self-subjugation. Additionally, it attaches blame to men for simply existing in the public arena as it assumes every look holds malicious intent.

Why not a hijab? Why not go all out and wear a full burqa? Or get thee to a nunnery. Covering up for modesty’s sake is a worthwhile endeavor, but concealing one’s visage out of spite against men?

Most of these tremulous twats would be okay with the burqa, if the puzzling Progtard alliance-of-convenience with jihadists is any indication. But no, a nunnery just wouldn’t DO. Nunneries tend to be full of those icky, ooky Christians, and that ain’t acceptable.

The mask as a feminist power symbol is both cringey and counter-intuitive. Women should be celebrating their beauty and femininity rather than feel compelled to cover up out of misplaced fear/hatred for men.

Some women should be, but that would NOT include the Leftard ones. From what I’ve seen of them over the years, I would greater prefer they stick with masking up, myself. Indefinitely. I would consider it a real boon, and would be most grateful to the Progfem community if they just went ahead and made it a permanent thing.

Masks are at once dehumanizing and coddling. Persistent mask-wearing even without the presence of health risk is indulging fragile, poorly-adjusted individuals to remain so. The dependency of those who are not eagerly awaiting the unmasking of America is irrational. Personal insecurities are preventing people from surrendering the mask as well as addressing and overcoming internal issues which create this reliance. Mask-wearing is fostering a sense of general distrust between and among individuals, and in this case, is being used by feminists as another way to demonize men. 

Can’t for the life of me figure out exactly when it was that frailty, neurosis, and an utter inability to cope with even the most trifling of life’s discomforts and annoyances became things to celebrate and indulge, rather than sad markers of personal weakness and inadequacy—character defects that most of those afflicted would go to some length to keep their embarrassing condition private.

Leftybint lecture archetype

Too much pork for just one fork.

I just can’t figure out how it could be that this mouthy termegant is still single, to rephrase Starwarsgirl’s take. As pointless, predictably vapid, and cliched as the irksome cunt’s Standard-Issue, Mark-1 Mod-0 Progtard harangue is, though, there IS one modestly useful aspect here: it provides one and all with a handy catalogue of Lefty jabberwock, all in one handy-dandy place.

“You are either actively part of the solution, or you are part of the problem,” is it? Got me in one, bitch; I am pleased and proud to be thought of by the likes of you as “actively part of the problem.” I intend to do absolutely everything within my power to hinder you and your loathsome ilk—to harry you, cramp your style, piss you off, and do you harm in all and every conceivable way, by any means at hand. My compassion for you is nil; my regard for you, your rights, and your well-being is imperceptible even with an electron microscope; my intentions toward you are nothing but through-and-through ILL; my only wish for you is misfortune, hardship, and a lifetime of suffering, all capped off by a slow and excruciatingly painful death.

Think of the above as a threat if you want; be assured I don’t give a tinker’s most hearty damn what you might think, about anything whatsoever. Myself, I think of it as a most solemn oath.

“Actively part of the problem”? Take my word for it, little darlin’, when I say that you and yours ain’t seen NOTHIN‘ yet. You rectal fissures think you want a fight? Keep on as you are and you’ll get yourselves one. I promise you you won’t enjoy it. It ain’t related, but here’s a little slice of fun from which I lifted my opening line for some reason. Consider it a palate-refresher to cleanse our mouths of the foul taste of strident, bitter Feminazi.

A real breakthrough in the gender-bender wars


Chuck Norris Comes Out Of Closet As Even More Of A Man
DALLAS, TX—In an explosive interview, Chuck Norris has come out of the closet, finally revealing to the world that he is even manlier than everyone originally thought.

“It’s time to come clean. I’ve been living a lie for so long,” said the martial arts master and action movie star. “For a long time, everyone thought I was a regular manly man who could defeat bad guys with a single roundhouse kick, but the reality is that I think I’m at least three men trapped inside one man’s body.”

The action star went on to explain that for decades, he attempted to conceal his epic manliness in order to blend in with normal men, but kept failing as he amassed black belt after black belt.

“Some people in my life did grow suspicious when it was found that my tears cure cancer even though I’ve never cried, or when it was discovered that Superman wears Chuck Norris Pajamas. I always had some excuse to explain it away, but I’m tired of living that life,” he said.

Scientists worry that if Chuck Norris chooses to outwardly live as his fully manly self, it could be the end of all life in the universe as we know it. Chuck Norris has assured us that if he does accidentally end the universe with his epicness, we don’t have to worry because he’ll just slap together a new one.

I wish you all the best on your courageous, heroic journey of transition, Chuck. Verily, you are an inspiration to us all.

Creature feature

Harpy (noun)

har·​py | \ ˈhär-pē  \
plural harpies

Definition of harpy
1 capitalized : a foul malign creature in Greek mythology that is part woman and part bird
2: a shrewish woman

battle-axe, dragon lady, harridan, shrew, termagant

Just in time to freeze the blood of every male in existence for Halloween, and make his testicles draw all the way up into the back of his throat—because they’ve heard that tune before, too may times, and know all too well what it forebodes. Every one of the guys I forwarded the vid to confessed with a shudder that they could only stand about ten or fifteen seconds of it before having to turn it off, and no wonder; one of them compared its powerful psychological impact to what he imagined having a needle-sharp icicle plunged straight into his heart might feel like. Via our old friend Stephen, whose lovely wife thankfully does NOT resemble the above dictionary in any way, bless herwarm, sweet heart.

As shitlib propagandist Walter Cronkite used to intone gravely: it oughta scaaaare yuh to death. But it does make for a note-perfect segue into tonight’s TuneDamage selection, I do believe.

That’s the legendary Swedish band Backyard Babies, masters of a subgenre that came to be known as Sleaze Rock. Their guitarist, Dregen, was also in another fine aggregation of Swedish hard-rockers yclept the Hellacopters, who I’ll have to remember to feature here sometime soon. I’m eternally grateful for having been put onto both bands by an Australian BPs fan, Helen, with whom I was quite close friends indeed for a goodish while there. Well, as close as two people can ever be who live half a world away from each other, I guess.

All Swedish rock bands have a rep for being almost preternaturally precise in their songwriting, performing, and recording too—a rep which is entirely justified, if you ask me. That almost anal-retentive approach to music holds true across genres, too; some Swedish buds of mine have a rockabilly outfit called the Go-Getters, and it’s the exact same way with them. They’re crazy good, almost too perfect, like some kind of clockwork machine when it comes to their music.

But to talk to ’em, Peter and his boys are just the nicest, most polite bunch of tall, blonde, blue-eyed devils you’d ever want to meet. Perhaps unexpectedly, though, they have not a trace of the cold, aloof arrogance that seems to be hardwired into the German musicians I’ve known. They had some swagger onstage, which is as it should always be, but offstage Peter and the other Swedish players I’ve had the opportunity to spend some green-room time with were all diffident and deferential, almost to the point of being downright painfully shy.

Be they arrogant or retiring, those Swedes can sure lay down some mighty fine rock and roll, all of ’em I ever heard tell of anyway.

Nut check

Say it ain’t so.

The U.S. Navy SEALs and the Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC) recently changed their ethos and creed statements to reflect a gender-neutral presentation of the elite Navy outfits, doing away with gendered terms like “brotherhood.”

One change to the SEAL ethos was to alter a sentence in the first paragraph of the ethos to say, “Common citizens with uncommon desire to succeed” instead of the original, “A common man with uncommon desire to succeed.”

Naval Special Warfare spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup confirmed the changes to the ethos and creed statements in an emailed statement to American Military News.

“Naval Special Warfare continues to deliberately develop a culture of tactical and ethical excellence that reflects the nation we represent, and that draws upon the talents of the all-volunteer force who meet the standards of qualification as a SEAL or SWCC,” Stroup said.

Stroup said the changes to the ethos and creed statements were made to comply with changes in law opening the potential for women to join the elite military units.

“The previous versions of the SEAL Ethos and SWCC Creed were written prior to the law allowing women to serve as operators in Naval Special Warfare. The changes do not in any way reflect lowering standards of entry, rather they ensure that all those who meet the requirements to train to become a SEAL or SWCC are represented in the ethos or creed they live out. This improves the posture of the NSW force by ensuring we draw from the greatest pool of talent available.

Stroup confirmed, “To date, no women completed the SEAL or SWCC qualification training pipelines.”

So why bother with taking a knee at the PC altar now, pray tell?

Keep the faith, baby

Not crazy. NOT. No, really. I mean it.

The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple

See? NOT crazy. Just a perfectly normal, sane reaction to the death of a sickly, feeble, 87 year old woman who had been battling cancer for years— a woman you never even met, no less.

I am a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I often walk with my children to get ice cream and spend weekends hiking through a national park. I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times.

And YOU are not a normal person.

Like so many other women in the United States, when I learned of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing, my first reaction was not grief but fear. I fear that American citizens are inching closer to living in a theocracy or dictatorship and that the checks meant to prevent this from happening are close to eroding beyond repair.

Those checks having been eroded by…let’s see now, which side is it that’s been hacking away at the Constitution, the Founders, and the idea of limited government since its inception, anyway? Remind me, if you would, I’m having trouble remembering.

When Justice Ginsburg died, I knew immediately that action was needed on a scale we have not seen before. Our democracy has become so fragile that the loss of one of the last guardians of common sense and decency in government less than two months before a pivotal election has put our civil and reproductive rights in danger like never before. 

Common sense. Decency. Government. One of these things is not like the other, dearie.

And, so, I have turned to Satanism.

Well, what the hell else were you supposed to do? I mean, really now, who WOULDN’T have?

Members of the Satanic Temple do not believe in the supernatural or superstition. In the same way that some Unitarians and some Jews do not believe in God, Satanic Temple members do not worship Satan and most are atheists. They are not affiliated in any way with the Church of Satan. Instead, the Satanic Temple uses the devil as a symbol of rebellion.

Just like other faiths,

Nice to see that little back-door acknowledgement of atheism as another “faith,” babe.

the Satanic Temple has a code that their members believe in deeply and use to guide their lives. These Seven Fundamental Tenets include that “one should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason,” that “the struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions,” and that “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”

Reading through the Seven Tenets, I was struck by how closely they aligned with the unwritten code I had used to try to guide my own life for several years. I realized, happily, that these were my people and that I had been a Satanist for several years without even knowing it.

Oh, I can one-hundred-percent assure you that Satanists are “your people” all right. In fact, for Leftists, they always have been.

In the hours after Justice Ginsburg’s death, I sat wondering what the future would hold for my daughters.

If they turn out like Mom, I’d say their future includes: nihilism; narcissicism; mindless, directionless hedonism; intellectual vapidity; dissatisfaction; an aimless, selfish existence bereft of real fulfillment, contentment, and enduring happiness.

Oh, and lots and lots and lots of abortions, denying you any grandchildren; your genetic line will end with them, for which the rest of us can only be thankful. Any cultural and intellectual influence you may have had will die with your daughters—washed away like footprints in the surf, your personal legacy wafted away like dandelion fluff on a stiff breeze. A tragedy for you, a boon for Mankind.

One more thing, since I’m tired of having to wade through the HuffPo muck and am not going to waste any more time on it. Given the incredible frustration, angst, and just plain misery even the possibility of losing an election creates for you people because of the grotesque, all-encompassing importance of politics it suggests, you Progtards might want to reconsider that old “the personal is political” slogan of yours, I’m thinking.

Thanks just the same there, Juggsy

Nice of her to admit it, I guess, even though we all knew it already anyway.


Done and done, Theo.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: this lackwit missed her true calling in life when she decided to run for Congress instead of heading on down to Flashdancers in Manhattan for a job working that Pole. Hey, it’s honest work, she woulda made fantastic tips (about fifteen hundred a night; ask me how I know), and would’ve made a lot of horny fellas very, very happy.

I just can’t see any way around it, fellas: she’s dumb as a bag of hammers, but she’s also a smokin’ hot, sexy little thing. Great big bodacious titties; nice, warm, open smile; smooth, un-self-conscious dance moves and gyrations—c;mon, man, what’s not to like? Other than pretty much every squawk emitted whenever she opens her fat, stupid yap, I mean.

Link to Theo Spark’s Tweet-tit capture via MisHum, who throws in:

We’ve dealt too long with gloves on and at least one if not two arms tied behind our backs. Fight. Fight back against the progressives who want to destroy this country.

24 flawless carats of Gott Damned Skippy.

Who IS this “Karen” person, anyway?

And why is she running our lives all of a damned sudden?

A Karen is a person, usually a woman, who is never satisfied with the service she’s receiving and demands to talk to the manager. It doesn’t matter if Karen’s complaints are valid or not.

This is because Karen has been incentivized by cowardly corporate officers and government officials (but, I repeat myself) to get something she doesn’t deserve simply because they want her to shut up and not disturb everyone else.

It was one thing to indulge Karen her entitled behavior when she was getting a free order of fries or month of cable. It’s quite another when Karens become the State’s target audience for public policy.

It’s worst of all when they’re the ones MAKING policy, a la Commissar Gretchen “Karen” Whitler.

Karens, at heart, are simply spoiled children who have never had boundaries properly set. A little power creates a self-reinforcing feedback loop.

Progressives are the ultimate Karens, never satisfied with having moved society in a terrible direction through their constant complaining. Never once do they self-reflect that maybe they’ve been wrong and all of their demands have made things materially worse rather than us not having indulged them enough.

Progressives are the worst winners I’ve ever met. They’ve won every political battle of note for the past 100+ years and are still whining in their lattes about us electing Trump, whose presidency they’ve destroyed with their incessant Karen-isms and his inherent weakness.

So is is any surprise that we’ve reached a point where the government is more worried about keeping the Karens from complaining than actually governing effectively?

In fairness, who among us wouldn’t be willing to go to some pretty extraordinary lengths to get Karen to just shut the fuck up and go bother somebody else?

Yes, you’re gonna want to read the whole thing, trust me.

(Via WRSA)


A risk-free society ain’t a healthy one.

The panic over the virus is something new to modern society. This virus is not a threat to humanity, but it is treated as one. We know there was no panic over the Swine flu, the Asian flu, the Hong Kong flu and so on. There was no panic over the great influenza outbreak of 2017 that killed 80,000 Americans. Yet with the death toll soaring to 4,000 with the Chinese flu, America is paralyzed with fear.

It could be that when a civilization becomes sufficiently advanced, three things happen that change how it interacts with the world. One is the birth rate falls. This is something we have seen all over the world. Once a society can reliably feed its people and it reduces interpersonal violence to a certain level, total fertility rates fall. At the same time, the society feminizes. Women begin to take up positions of authority in both civil and government institutions, changing the nature of those institutions.

That’s the third thing, what we are seeing today. A society dominated by women is extremely risk averse. The focus first shifts to elevating the value of life, then to guarding the children against any potential risk. We saw this happen in the 90’s and 00’s with the millennial generation, who were sheltered from everything. Finally, the society shifts to organizing against any threat, even those that promise to merely trim a few years off the lifespan of the octogenarians.

A society that is hyper-focused on preventing even the slightest risk is not a society taking great risks to explore the stars. Maybe that’s why the cost of going back to the moon is prohibitively high. The safety precautions that would be required make the venture pointlessly expensive. The reason it takes ten years to build a building that a century ago only took a year to build, is that today’s society is risk intolerant. If just one worker gets a hangnail or stubs a toe, the cost is considered too high.

Ahh, but the cost of quivering in terror at the mere prospect of risk is far higher. Or will be when a stronger, bolder, more virile one comes along to kick its cowardly ass, subjugate it, and eventually replace it completely, while the lily-livered, man-bunned MenWymryn all cringe weeping in a corner—soiling their expensive designer skinny-jeans in fright, pleading from their weak knees for a mercy not forthcoming from their steely-eyed conquerors.

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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