An idea originated by Bill Whittle per Stephanie Gutmann, via Glenn Reynolds.
This post has been a long time developing. Back during the #MeToo pogroms, and the pink pussy hats, and the screeching on Capitol Hill, and the Stalin-esque career-killing accusations and the disappeared men, I wanted badly to write something titled “Why Are Women so Angry?”—for watching #MeToo had been like watching the spread of a contagion, a mind virus, to use Elon Musk’s term, and a contagion that was spliting society further into two camps.
There is certainly a growing political divide between men and women. Women are more likely to be left-wing and in so far as left wing is crazy….
Now, rampaging leftism will certainly get you to crazy pretty fast, but it’s this quality of crazy even among women who aren’t overtly political: The quality is there in the blowsy thirty-something woman in the unflattering bike shorts and crop top doing an illegal climb to the top of a fragile Mayan pyramid in the Mexican jungle, where she does a bawdy dance (Instagram, don’t you know.) It’s the much older women having affairs with teenaged boys and then filming themselves (Trigger Warning! This is an actual YouTube genre) making out with much younger men, even boys. It’s the flagrancy, the exhibitionism, the unhingedness we saw so often during the Gaza Encampments among the women who often seemed to be leading the crusades and who, so often, just seemed to be using “Gaza genocide” as an excuse to get hysterical.
There are actually good reasons (not excuses, reasons) why Bat Shit Crazy contagion should be at peak right about now:
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not necessarily opposed to the exhibitionism per se, if it was actually attractive women participating instead of the usual shrieking, butt-ugly manatees who no sane person wants to see get nekkid doing it. Follows, an in-depth listing and analysis of a few of those good reasons, and then:
Is all of this a recipe for civil war? Probably not.
People who throw around the notion of an incipient civil war seem to forget that wars still depend on a huge supply of young men, fit and motivated enough for that “bitter arithmetic” and, what with very real testosterone deficits among men these days, we barely have enough sufficiently aggressive men to fill our regular army.
So we may not see civil war (at least along these lines) any time soon, but we can expect lots more Bat Shit Crazy before a new CINC can help restore sanity.
I must beg to differ with that last; it is NOT up to any CiNC, new or old, to help restore sanity, nor should we be looking for one to do it for us. The mindset that reflexively looks to FederalGovCo for the solution to every problem great or small is a major factor in how we got ourselves into this mess in the first damned place.
Ultimately, we are back to the basic biological issues of women’s emotionality vs. men’s rationality, and women’s desire to cry and act out vs. men’s instinct to problem solve.
All of which does not speak well for giving women the level of political power they possess.
Women, whether they like it or not, are looking for the entity that will take care of them and their children*. Once they throw men out of the picture they need the replacement, and that is the government daddy. I doubt it’s as many as it seems, but even 25% is a huge number.
*it doesn’t matter if they have children
Single women vote Democrat so the government taxes people more, so it has more money to give women. Married women vote Republican so the government taxes their husband less so he has more money to give women.
The job of the CinC is to increase the crazy. It’s like that guy thinks elections matter or something.