Fast food holocaust


California’s new $20-an-hour fast food minimum wage law poses headaches for school districts: ‘Harder to hire’
California’s new $20-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers won’t just impact consumers who have to pay higher prices for menu items, but it could also make it more difficult for some public schools to retain low-paid cafeteria staffers.

Cash-strapped school districts in the Golden State could be forced to compete with billion-dollar corporations such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Pizza Hut parent company Yum! Brands for food service workers who are badly needed in California.

The state – which became the first in the country to guarantee free meals for all students regardless of income – will distribute 70 million more meals this year compared to 2018, according to education officials in Sacramento.

Actually, the lunch-line-ladies angle I hadn’t consider myself before—but then, I ain’t the one in charge of decreeing absurd minimum-wage hikes for low-to-no-skill-required jobs, either. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest:

Mod Pizza closes 5 California locations as $20-an-hour minimum wage law takes effect
A popular West Coast pizza chain shuttered five of its California locations shortly before the state enacted its new minimum wage law this month that raises fast-food workers’ pay from $16 an hour to $20.

Mod Pizza — which has 500 locations across the US and Canada and has been dubbed “the Chipotle of pizza” — abruptly closed up shop at its location in Clovis, near Fresno, two weeks ago, according to former employees.

“It just kind of seemed like the right timing, two weeks before all of the fast food locations in California got that increase that we closed,” one fired worker, who was among 15 that were let go, told Fox 26 TV on Tuesday.

The law, which went into effect on April 1, has been blamed for ballooning menu prices at major fast-food chains like Burger King, as The Post reported.

The ex-worker said that while he initially supported the idea of an increase in the minimum wage, it may have come at too steep of a cost.

“For the extra money, yeah,” he said. “I mean, nobody is going to turn down a raise, but at the end of the day, with repercussions like this, was it worth it?”

I dunno, you tell me: was it?


Lefty douchebaggery too Lefty-douchebaggy to know it’s Lefty douchebaggery

Cliff’s Notes version: I don’t like cruises much, so if you do you must not be as smart as I am. The pluperfect example of what a friend of Glenn’s aptly dubs “Lefty douchebaggery.” No excerpt, because I’m so far past caring about what these assholes think and say I didn’t even bother reading it.


The “Left” is BugF’ing Insane, So is the “Right”

Every time there is an eclipse we get predictions of insane proportion.

I like the Liberty Daily, but they often link nutty stuff. And here is fruitcake thinking at it’s finest:

CERN, the Vatican, and the X-Marks-the-Spot Great American Eclipse; What Are the Powers That Be Planning?

Just so you know, many oversize and hazardous containers are prohibited from traveling during dark conditions. An eclipse produces dark conditions. The state of Texas isn’t trying to start a supply chain disruption and a one day slow down isn’t a disaster.
Just pure BS from BS purveyors.

More from the same source, Liberty Daily. When everything else fails, try religion. Invoking the bible puts fear in some…

This Is the Eclipse “Conspiracy Theory” That the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want to Talk About

And more tin foil moonbattery…
Burning Platform “Super PSYOP”

Who could have POSSIBLY foreseen…?

Mike’s Iron Law #635: If you make the cost of doing business too steep, it will close.

Fast food workers blindsided by sudden closure of Fosters Freeze in Lemoore
LEMOORE, Calif. (FOX26) — Employees at Fosters Freeze in Lemoore are out of a job.

Assistant General Manager Monica Navarro says she was called Monday morning by her boss who was at the restaurant to open, only to find the locks were being changed.

Please do note the insert that immediately follows the above for a strong hint as to why this entirely UNEXPECTED!© tragedy might have come to pass.

[RELATED] New $20 minimum wage for fast food workers in California set to start Monday

Bold in the original, entirely dispositive, and hilarious.

Navarro said she thought it was an April Fools joke.

“I was so caught off guard. We had no type of notice, no type of warning either. I mean the owner had told me happy easter,” she said.

And she wasn’t the only one.

“We had gotten a text in the group chat that we were shutting down, and I completely thought it was an April Fools joke,” said former employee Jason Boado.

After learning it was real, she drove to the restaurant on Hanford Armona Rd, where the owner was handing out final paychecks.

Navarro says the owner, Loren Wright, had previously told her the $20 minimum wage increase for fast food workers was going to be really hard on him.

Navarro says she started working three years ago and worked her way up to assistant GM.

She is a full-time student at Fresno State and was planning to work there until graduation.

She was excited about the wage increase and felt like she was stabbed in the back for not getting any kind of notice.

Bold mine this time, likewise dispositive, and hilarious. From that, one could be forgiven for jumping to the invidious conclusion that Fresno State students might not be all they should in terms of general intelligence and aptitude for deductive reasoning.

In a text from Loren Wright, he stated that he couldn’t survive the mandated wage increases:

I tried to the end to try to figure out a way to make it work. Last thing I ever wanted was to close down,” he said. “By Friday night I knew I was most likely not gonna be able to stay open but I didn’t want to ruin their Easter Sunday. Small businesses can’t survive a 120% plus min wage increase over the last 10 years. We are all more broke than we were 10 years ago its clear raising min wage isn’t helping….I am sad to see my employees off, and sad to see lemoore off. This location has been in business for 35+ years and lemoore has been such a good place. It’s painful to realize that raising min wage and regulating fast foods are putting people put if business but that is the path california leadership has taken. Thank u to my staff for everything and thank u lemoore for all the support over the years.”

“Now they’re getting laid off. They’re losing their jobs,” restaurant owner Angela Marsden told Fox News host Dana Perino. “Gavin Newsom, I hope the United States is watching. I hope he never becomes president. This man is destroying California. I don’t understand why people can’t see that he’s the biggest trickster of all time.”

As if it was only Gruesome Newsome we need to be worried about. Sadly, though, in Amerika v2.0 Newsome is just one little piece of a much bigger puzzle.


Who knew, indeed

Apropos one of the memes from Margolis’s Meme-manic Monday email, to which I am a subscriber, which I’ll append at the end of this post so’s none of y’all will miss out.

Going electric requires electricity. Who knew?
A lead article in the sober-sided New York Times is seldom funny. Yet ‘A New Surge in Power Use is Threatening US Climate Goals’ earlier this month cracked me up. Check out this sternly dramatic first paragraph: ‘Something unusual is happening in America. Demand for electricity, which has stayed largely flat for two decades, has begun to surge.’ Personally, I’d have headlined that article ‘Well, duh’ – perhaps with the subhead ‘Aw, shucks’.

Lo and behold, when you push people to electrify everything in their lives – cars, cookers, heating systems – while bribing them to go all-electric with lavish government subsidies, it turns out they use more electricity. Who would have thought? I guess this is why we need all those brainiac experts to analyse the ultra-complicated technical details of environmental policy.

One such expert worries in the Times: ‘The numbers we’re seeing are pretty crazy.’ America’s paper of record warns that in the past year the nation’s utilities have nearly doubled their estimates of how much more power they’ll need to provide in the next five years, during which an extra California’s worth of demand will be dumped on the US grid. So allow me to lead you through all the ‘well, duh’ bullet points of this hugely entertaining piece.

Electric vehicles need electricity. Surprise! Apparently simply stippling the landscape with new EV chargers, which Joe Biden’s farcically titled Inflation Reduction Act is meant to finance, isn’t quite enough. Gosh, darn it. Nobody pointed out that the chargers have to be connected to actual electricity. So far, it looks as if no one in government has worried about where it will all come from. Oh well. That’s understandable. These important people have so many other weighty matters on their minds.

Burning fossil fuels to not burn fossil fuels is a tad inconsistent. Utilities all over the US are busy building gas-fired power plants to meet rising demand for electricity, when the whole point of this exorbitant energy ‘decarbonisation’ is to stop burning the likes of gas. The Times calls it an ‘ironic twist’ that the demand for electricity from green technology is imperilling the whole point of green technology, but I call that instead ‘wholly foreseeable’. And I call this comical: one Kansas utility is keeping a coal-fired plant online that it had planned to retire – the better to power a giant EV battery factory.

Lots more to this one too, read all of it. Being a Spectator UK article it’s paywalled, although for some reason the link got me access to the entire article just this once. If it doesn’t work for you, try running the URL through either 12ft, or the venerable Wayback Machine, that orta do the trick. If all else fails, simply disable javascript in your preferred web browser’s settings until you’ve finished reading; JS is how these paywall nuisances work in the first place.

Oh yeah, almost forgot the meme:

Of course, as CF Lifers already know, it IS “just pretend.” The stupid, self-defeating EV push isn’t really about Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ or anything else but what it always and forever is; say it with me one time, people: Power, and Control. Personal vehicles are the front-line face of liberty and individual autonomy, and FederalGovCo hates that kind of thing to the very marrow of its bones.


Pot meets kettle, makes fool of self

Wow. Just…WOW.

Biden-Harris campaign describes Trump as ‘feeble, confused, and tired’
The Biden-Harris campaign issued a statement on Monday describing the incumbent president’s top 2024 rival, former President Donald Trump, as “weak and desperate” as well as “feeble, confused, and tired.”

“Donald Trump is weak and desperate — both as a man and a candidate for President,” the statement declared. “America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump.”

Does it really? For once, the RNC got its collective thumb out of its collective butt and fired back beautifully.

Heh. Good one, guys. Leave it to fugly Uniparty RINO Lizzie Cheney (D-Dipshit), though, to undercut the RNC’s atypically note-perfect retort with more of her usual bullshit.

“Well, when the party of Trump abandoned Lincoln, Reagan, and the Constitution, circumstances changed,” former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, an outspoken Trump critic, tweeted.

Don’t look now, Liz, but you resemble that remark, you stupid, treacherous bint.

Biden, who is the oldest president in U.S. history, would be 86 by the end of a second term in office. Trump, who is slightly younger than Biden, would be 82 by the conclusion of a second term if he wins election later this year.

Physician to the president Kevin O’Connor said in a memo earlier this year that Biden remains “fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.”

Yeah, there they go again with the lying. To rejigger an old saw to suit the circumstances, there are lies, damned lies, and “Biden” White House press statements.

Via Bill, who quips:

This gang of has-beens and never-weres isn’t even lively enough to come up with something original, Instead, they just borrow everything Trump has been saying about Biden for years, and substitute Trump’s name.

I guess one shouldn’t expect anything better from a senile old man like Biden, whose go-to play since the beginning of his career has been plagiarism. After this many decades it’s become a reflex, nothing more. Which is why it’s probably the only strategy he can remember at this point.

YOWCH. If the old crook even knew who or where he was, I’d say that savage, 110% accurate rip had to smart a bit. Luckily for him, he doesn’t.


Senile Grampy Gropey puts his oar in

Jeez, this guy. This fookin’ guy.

Okay, we’ve all enjoyed pointing and laughing at the buffoonish antics, pratfalls, fictitious self-aggrandizement, and meandering tall tales emitted by this doddering old fool all along, sure. But at this point, I have to say it’s just getting tiresome.

Praetorian Media to dismiss this latest episode as simply another instance of the “stuttering” problem Vigorous Auld Jaux never evinced the slightest trace of throughout his entire life up until the last three years or so in 4…3…2…


NBC hires milquetoast Vichy GOPe commentator, entire rest of roster has hissy fit

Andrew Stiles asks a question that answers itself.

What in the Actual F— Is Wrong With These People? (NBC News Edition)

Easy-peasy, Andrew: they’re Leftists, therefore completely deranged. Any further questions?

We regret to inform you that America’s journalists are in the midst of another temper tantrum. This one is in response to NBC News’s decision to hire former RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor. The network’s own employees are in open revolt, incensed at the prospect of having to share screen time with a Republican who hasn’t completely disavowed Donald Trump.

NBC chief political analyst Chuck Todd, a former Democratic campaign aide, slammed NBC executives for hiring someone with “credibility issues” and a history of “gaslighting.” Democratic scion Mika Brzezinski urged the network to “reconsider its decision.” Host Kristen Welker issued a trigger warning over the weekend before airing her interview with McDaniel on Meet the Press. Nicolle Wallace read a passage from a book about tyranny and bemoaned the degradation of “our sacred airwaves.”

It wouldn’t be the first time so-called mainstream journalists have revealed themselves to be hopelessly out of touch with the average Americans they claim to care about. The partisan tantrum over McDaniel’s hiring suggests they are incapable of self-awareness.

Perhaps we can look forward to further discussion of this “scandal” on Inside with Jen Psaki, the MSNBC weekend show hosted by the former press secretary to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Psaki could invite MSNBC contributor Robert Gibbs, another Obama press secretary, to share his thoughts on the matter. In the following segment, MSNBC contributor Ben Rhodes, the former Obama national security adviser who bragged about manipulating “clueless” reporters, could explain why McDaniel’s hiring is good for Iran.

Better yet, MSNBC host Joy Reid could deliver an unhinged monologue denouncing the network for endorsing “white supremacy.” Reid was promoted in 2020 to fill the time slot vacated by Chris Matthews, the former Democratic aide who argued it was racist to refer to Barack Obama as “Obama.” Matthews resigned abruptly after being accused of sexual harassment, whereas Reid did not resign after online sleuths uncovered bigoted posts on her old blog. She blamed it on hackers. (It wasn’t hackers.) She got promoted anyway.

Reid could continue the conversation with MSNBC political analyst Al Sharpton, the formerly obese racial agitator who instigated deadly anti-Semitic riots in New York City during the 1990s. Sharpton continues to use his platform on MSNBC to sow racial division. For example, he argued that criticizing Harvard president Claudine Gay, who resigned in disgrace earlier this year amid a flurry of scandals involving serial plagiarism and anti-Semitism on campus, was “an attack on every black woman in this country.”

This is the same network that hired Martin Bashir, who compared criticizing the IRS to using the n-word and ultimately resigned after inviting his viewers to defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth. This is the network that employed Melissa Harris-Perry, best known for making fun of Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandchild, and Ed Schultz, best known for calling Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut,” and Brian Williams, best known for lying about coming under fire in Iraq, and Touré Neblett, a 9/11 truther accused of sexual harassment who suggested Holocaust survivors benefited from “the power of whiteness.” The less said about former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann the better.

Said a mouthful there, buddy. Read on for more risible nonsense; Stiles’s closing ‘graph is a real day-maker, if you ask me.


Too old to rock and roll

Bruce/Ellen/Tilda, we hardly knew ye.

Bruce Springsteen returns to stage looking unrecognizable — and a little bit like Tilda Swinton
“Bruceeeeee!” — or Ellen DeGeneres?

Bruce Springsteen showed up to his first show in months looking unrecognizable — and a little bit like Tilda Swinton.

Dressed in a half-buttoned red flannel and dark jeans, the “Born to Run” musician, 74, returned to touring in Phoenix, Ariz., on Tuesday, after postponing shows due to his peptic ulcer disease.

Springsteen’s once-toned and tanned upper body appeared paler than usual, and he rocked stark white hair and a rather pallid complexion.

The pics are nothing short of chilling. In fact, in this one, he looks more than just a little bit like a certain ***”pRetend pResident”*** pinhead I could name, but won’t right now.

What can one say, really, but…YIKES!!!

Springsteen’s worldwide tour has been fraught with various medical complications since it was announced in May 2022.

In March, while touring in Albany, the New Jersey native was forced to postpone two of his shows after releasing a statement that said that the cancellation had been caused “due to illness.”

The following month, both Springsteen and his wife, Patti Scialfa — who was noticeably absent from Tuesday’s show — contracted COVID-19 and were forced to put a pause on performances.

Ferchrissakes, put a sock in it and go the fuck home, old man. I’m sure the servants at your palatial Nu Joisey mansion will have a nice pudding cup, a glass of warm milk, and a fresh Depends “adult undergarment” waiting for ya.


“Dear progressives, this is why we hate you”

Lincoln Brown offers an open letter of explanation.

Most of the moaning and groaning sycophants in the MSM will tell you that conservatives hate people of color, LGBTQ people, and immigrants. That is, of course, patently untrue. We don’t like crime, big government, people who want to pervert children, and hypocrites. We are fine with people of color and legal immigrants, and an increasing number of conservatives don’t care about someone’s orientation. We can even look the other way if a man decides he is a woman and wants to hang around Home Depot in an evening gown and heels. Just don’t mess with children’s growing bodies and minds. Other than that, your life is your own to screw up if you so choose.

What irks us is that you are not content to live your lives as you see fit. You demand that we live our lives as you see fit. Do you want to know the nature of our beef? Do you want to know why so many people back Trump? That’s why. If you want to live in a dumpster fire, fine. Just don’t make us climb in with you.

Which brings us to Natalie Castillo.

This Castillo “person,” as you may recall, is the stupid California bint who, of their own free will and entirely uncoerced, moved next door to a Nashville butcher shop, a family business which has operated in the neighborhood since the 1940s. MSXXZZZ Castillo and her “partner,” being far too delicate and evolved to bear the horrible, awful, offensive stench of meat being cooked, sprang into action without delay.

On June 17, 2021, Roy Meat Service’s new neighbor expressed belief that RMS is a “nuisance,” with the smell of meat cooking. What seems like a very frivolous thing has now become a legal battle. There has been 46 complaints filed against RMS to city and State agencies about the property, and to Metro Codes regarding 605 South 19th Street, the address of Roy Meat Service. The complaints include “concerns” about the establishment’s fencing, lightning, “junk” on the store’s property, and even the store front’s sign.

To date, Jeff has spent more than $20,000 on costs of excessive renovations based on the complaints, and legal fees to cover representation in the pending lawsuit.

East Nashvillians—REAL Nashvillians, that is, not Callyfrootopian transplants who insist on bringing their shitlib neuroses with them regardless of where they go—bit back. HARD.

Residents have been vocal in their support for the business owner.

“I think it’s very unfair to them to have to do that. You know they’ve had this business. They do things for the community and for people to just come in and put them through that is just wrong,” Janice McCormick, a longtime customer, told WZTV.

Music video director and former GOP congressional candidate Robby Starbuck leveled a blistering rebuke of the woman and her “narcissistic lawsuit.”

“Some great people have moved to TN in recent years. You are not one of them. You left CA but what made CA fail LIVES IN YOU. It’s an ideology and we don’t want it here in TN,” Stabuck wrote in a post on X.

“Go home. California is where you belong,” he continued. “We will protect TN like an anti-parasitic to guard against the destruction voters like you wrought upon states like California, New York and Illinois. Tennesseans will not let TN turn into CA. That’s a promise.”

Well said, Robby. Enough with these asswipes and their loudmouth presumptuousness, their arrogance, and their tiresome sanctimony. Don’t like living next door to a butcher shop? Go the fuck back home, then. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord etc. Don’t waste a moment of your precious time fretting about whether your former neighbors will miss you, either. Back to Brown for the coup de grâce.

What is Natalie doing in Tennessee? Well, the policies and people she voted for and championed have turned her state into an over-priced sewer lagoon. Crime is everywhere, and one cannot walk down the street without tripping over human feces or drugged-out humans. 

Nothing is priced within reach, and even fast-food joints are closing up shop. You can’t get a taco, cheeseburger, can of creamed corn, or a box of drywall screws in California without getting overcharged, overtaxed, and possibly putting your life in danger. To steal a quote from Barack Obama, people like her DID build that. Just because these approaches to government and life did not work in California, they have to work in Tennessee, right?

Wrong. New York, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, and California have become smoking craters on the map of America. If those policies had worked, Natalie would still be in California.

Lincoln says he doesn’t hate ‘em, but as was affirmed in some detail the other night, I suffer from no such compunction myself. Their works; their putrid ideology; their insufferable smugness; their interests, obsessions, and “concerns”; the damage and destruction they so wantonly wreak upon absolutely everything they come in contact with; their music, their art, their warped, demented “culture”; the “people” themselves—I hate ALL of it, every single last aspect and incarnation, including the fucking horse they rode in on, and am not the least bit reticent about saying so. May every man Jack of them burn in Hell for a thousand millennia for all me.

As somebody or other once said:


In your FACE, Normie!

Stridently, obnoxiously “queer” online newsragazine Them whines like a little bitch.

Lady Gaga Stands Up for Dylan Mulvaney: “Hatred Is Violence”

And so, right out of the gate we know how utterly full of horseshit of the purest ray serene they are. Wanna learn how stark the difference is between “hatred” and violence is, fucktards? Go on Fucking Around as you are and you’ll surely Find Out sooner or later. Get the hell out of our faces, on the other hand, and we’ll be perfectly happy to stay out of yours.

On Monday, March 11, Gaga shared a post of her own featuring a photo of herself and Mulvaney, writing, “It’s appalling to me that a post about National Women’s Day by Dylan Mulvaney and me would be met with such vitriol and hatred.”

“When I see a newspaper reporting on hatred but calling it ‘backlash’ I feel it is important to clarify that hatred is hatred, and this kind of hatred is violence,” the singer-songwriter continued. “‘Backlash’ would imply that people who love or respect Dylan and me didn’t like something we did. This is not backlash. This is hatred.”

Gaga noted that while this response is unfortunately “not surprising,” she feels protective of Mulvaney and the larger trans community “who continues to lead the way with their endless grace and inspiration in the face of constant degradation, intolerance, and physical, verbal, and mental violence.”

“May we all come together and be loving, accepting, warm, welcoming,” she added. “May we all stand together and honor the complexity and challenge of trans life — that we do not know, but can seek to understand and have compassion for. I love people too much to allow hatred to be referred to as ‘backlash.’ People deserve better.”

Anybody else besides me good and goddamned sick of being endlessly lectured about what hard-core Leftists think they “deserve”? Of their intentional, casual distortion of the sun-bright distinctions between “hatred,” “violence,” and “genocide”? Divemedic spells it out clearly and concisely, in such a fashion as permits no misunderstanding whatever.

So if a man says he is a woman, and you use objective reality to disagree with him, you have just committed violence against him. Why are they saying this?

So they can justify the actual violence that they are about to use in eliminating you. Make no mistake, this is the attitude that they will use to come after you, to unperson you, deny you services, and place you into reeducation camps. You will deserve it in their minds, because you called Dylan Mulvaney a ‘he’ instead of a ‘she’ while not allowing him to celebrate being a woman.

Annnnnd bingo, there you have it. Jump back and get over yourselves, you stupid, lying sissymarys. Scree scree scree as you will about what you do and do not “deserve”; we see through your silly game, and aren’t gonna dance to your shrill, rancid tune anymore. Period, full stop, end of fucking story. You, along with every other hoomon on Earth, “deserve” exactly, precisely nothing whatsoever you haven’t worked hard to earn, and that’s flat.

If you don’t believe it, try this little experiment: shag your sorry ass on out to the middle of the Gobi desert, sit down on a dune, and wait for a benevolent, caring universe to present you with all those wonderful things you insist you “deserve” thanks purely to being another useless eater and little or nothing else besides. Assuming you survive—PRO TIP: you won’t—you’ll emerge from the experience knowing at long last all about what you “deserve”—a real FAFO lesson you won’t soon forget.

Update! In his magisterial Starship Troopers, the peerless Robert Anson Heinlein explicates the basic principle at issue here far above my poor power to add or detract. From Chapter Eight’s recounting of the course of classroom instruction under the redoubtable, unforgettable COL DuBois:

“The basis of all morality is duty, a concept with the same relation to group that self-interest has to individual. Nobody preached duty to these kids in a way they could understand — that is, with a spanking. But the society they were in told them endlessly about their ‘rights.’

“The results should have been predictable, since a human being has no natural rights of any nature.”

Mr. Dubois had paused. Somebody took the bait. “Sir? How about ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’?”

“Ah, yes, the ‘unalienable rights.’ Each year someone quotes that magnificent poetry. Life? What ‘right’ to life has a man who is drowning in the Pacific? The ocean will not hearken to his cries. What ‘right’ to life has a man who must die if he is to save his children? If he chooses to save his own life, does he do so as a matter of ‘right’? If two men are starving and cannibalism is the only alternative to death, which man’s right is ‘unalienable’? And is it ‘right’? As to liberty, the heroes who signed that great document pledged themselves to buy liberty with their lives. Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called ‘natural human rights’ that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.

“The third ‘right’? — the ‘pursuit of happiness’? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore. Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can ‘pursue happiness’ as long as my brain lives — but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can insure that I will catch it.”

Far as I’m concerned, nobody’s ever said it better, either before or since. Yet another reason I’ve always maintained that anybody who hasn’t read and closely considered Heinlein’s stuff really, really needs to.

Updated update! Since they bear such uncanny relevance to our situation today, it would be grossly remiss of me not to include Chapter Eight’s penultimate ‘graphs.

“Mr. Dubois then turned to me. “I told you that ‘juvenile delinquent’ is a contradiction in terms.

“‘Delinquent’ means ‘failing in duty.’ But duty is an adult virtue — indeed a juvenile becomes an adult when, and only when, he acquires a knowledge of duty and embraces it as dearer than the self-love he was born with. There never was, there cannot be a ‘juvenile delinquent.’ But for every juvenile criminal there are always one or more adult delinquents — people of mature years who either do not know their duty, or who, knowing it, fail.

“And that was the soft spot which destroyed what was in many ways an admirable culture. The junior hoodlums who roamed their streets were symptoms of a greater sickness; their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of ‘rights’…and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure.”

And so, unsurprisingly to Heinlein devotees, it hasn’t.



I had just about decided to give this item a miss and not bother mentioning it—it’s not as if there’s any news value here at all, it’s a “dog bites man” story if ever there was one—but…but…but…God help me, I can’t. I just can’t.

DOJ Interview Transcript: Joe Biden Made Car Noises, Often Meandered Off-Topic

Say it with me one mo’ time ag’in, everbuddy: UNDERSTATEMENT. OF. THE. CENTURY.

The transcript of Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Bob Hur showed the president frequently wandered off topic, even making “car noises.”

The transcript, obtained by Breitbart News in advance of Hur’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, showed a prosecutor had asked Biden about his beloved Corvette, trying to pinpoint the timeline of when classified documents were moved to make room for the car in his home garage.

Attorney Marc Krickbuam asked Biden: “Do you remember whether it was when the Corvette was coming back after the Jay Leno show? So, in other words, it goes out for Jay Leno, eventually it comes back.” Biden responded, “Oh no, it was, it was in and out for a bunch of reasons,” before starting to chatter away.

“Because it drove me crazy; I wanted to drive it,” Biden continued. Krickbaum responded, “Got it. That makes sense. A beautiful car.” According to the transcript, Biden then proceeded to talk about his car, and make car noises.

“And the worst part was, they said I couldn’t drive it outside the driveway. It’s a long driveway. So I’d get to the bottom of the driveway, tack it up to about four grand (indiscernible) (makes car sound) (indiscernible) (laughter),” it quoted Biden.

After continuing on about how he got involved in politics, Hur finally interrupted him, saying, “So, sir, the material that you just — that you remember having, again, trying to steer us back to the end of your vice presidency and focusing on your move out of the Naval Observatory.”

Biden also meandered off on a tangent when asked, “Did you bring classified material with you from the West Wing or the Naval Observatory to the lake house?”

Biden responded, but then veered off into a detailed description of his office and pictures before recalling a trip to Mongolia.

“You know, I went to Mongolia and, and great pictures. I, unfortunately, embarrassed the hell out of the leader of Mongolia.”

“So we’re out in the middle of nowhere and they’re looking up on the hill and we see this tiny line. You know, it’s a 20-mile horse race with all these kids under the age of 16 on bareback racing to come down. And you know, there are sumo wrestlers doin’ everything they do.”

Biden continued to talk about how he was handed a bow and arrow and he hit a target on a hay bale. After that story, one of the attorneys requested to take a break.

Oh, I just bet he did at that.

Horse racing, sumo wrestlers, amateur archery demonstrations. No mention of ferris wheels, funnel cakes, Asian Transgender Cornhole, or Guess The Weight Of The Roundeye Gweilo-Bastard booths, but I betcha Too Old Jaux remembers all those too, every bit as vividly as he “remembers” anything else these days. Sounds like Mongolia has really got it goin’ ON, don’t it?


“Fiery,” yet

Gropey Grampy’s  enraged, foamy-mouthed, barely-coherent SOTU tirade is being extolled as “fiery” by auto-fellating shitlibs everywhere. What they fail to mention is that it was also “brimstoney.” Tucker slams on the reality-brakes.

Tucker Carlson: Biden Address Was ‘Darkest And Most Un-American’ State Of The Union Ever

Of COURSE it was. I mean, this is crooked Demo-creep Shifty Jaux Biden we’re talking about here; what else could it possibly have been?

In an immediate response to Biden’s State of the Union address, the former prime-time host charged the president with delivering a speech “entirely lacking in decency or generosity to his fellow Americans.”

“In fact it wasn’t a speech,” Carlson said, “it was a rant.”

In his live monologue Thursday night, Carlson also claimed Biden is unable to win a fair election.

Lucky for him, he won’t need to. To wit:

“We know they’re going to steal the election because they’re now saying so out loud,” Carlson said.

Annnnnd bingo.


SOTU follies

Doddering, decrepit old fool.

Mother Of Laken Riley Slams ‘Pathetic’ Biden For Calling Slain Daughter ‘Lincoln Riley’ During SOTU
The mother of Laken Riley, a young woman who was murdered by an illegal immigrant under the Biden administration’s watch, has publicly criticized President Joe Biden for not remembering her daughter’s name during the State of the Union address.

The incident by the 81-year-old president has sparked outrage among conservative news outlets and the general public.

During the State of the Union address, Biden was confronted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who demanded that he “say her name” in reference to Laken Riley.

In response, Biden fumbled the pronunciation of Riley’s name, which prompted her mother to speak out against the President.

In several comments posted to Facebook, Riley’s mother said, “It’s just pathetic that the President of the United States couldn’t even remember my daughter’s name. It’s like she didn’t even matter to him.”

Well, I mean, y’know, DUH, lady. Sorry to have to say it and all, but it’s the plain and simple truth, always has been.

Of course I didn’t watch a minute of the stumblebum’s speech—having much more important and productive things to do with my time, like sweeping the kitchen floor, scrubbing the toilet, and/or playing with the cats—but from what I understand, a handful of non-Vichy GOPe Repugnicants like MTG stood up on their hind legs and gave Too Aulde Jaux pure-dee hell, heckling the pRetend ***”pResident”*** with shouts of “say her name!” and “liar!” throughout the State Of The Union Show.

Hey, if national politics is going to be nothing more than entertainment, they at least owe it to us to make it entertaining, right?


Too bad, so sad

First, this happened.

Then, this happened.

Can you guess what happened next? Anybody? Bueller…?

Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, revealed that he died suddenly. In a post on X, she made this announcement:

It’s with a heavy heart today that I say he was declared neurologically deceased this week and taken off life support this morning.

The cause of Vandaelle’s sudden death has not been made public.

At 33, in apparently excellent health, mind. That is, before he took the Fake Vaxx to fake-prevent the Fake Plague, and in his staggering self-righteouness started demanding that everyone else be forced to make the same fatal error under the muzzle of the government gun.

The sad truth is that there has been a drastic increase in cardiac incidents, many involving younger people who took the jab and boosters. In addition, there have been reports of immune system issues and other unexpected developments from the vaccine.

In some of his social media posts before the sudden incident that led to his hospitalization, Vandaelle seemed to be in good health and actively engaged in work.

Concerns are continuing to grow over exactly what the longterm effects of the vaccine and boosters will be. Call me cynical, but based on the way the mandates were carried out, at times with almost Gestapo-type rigidity, I doubt the full extent of the damage these jabs have done and will do will ever be fully revealed.

Don’t give a shit, I’m glad the rat-bastard is dead. Good riddance to him and all his ilk who’ve dropped dead of Suddenly©. May every one of those neo-fascist neurotics burn in Hell for a thousand millennia.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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