Bloggers go round in circles

First, JJ gets the train a-rolling with this, about drooling socialist shitwit and felonious Congresscritter Jamaal T’Qwon’ShiTaviousLa’VerlenDe’Etta Bowman:

In any case, what Bowman did was indeed the dictionary definition of what all of the innocent dupes who were caught up in the FBI/DOJ false flag sting operation on January 6th have been accused of – many of whom tried, convicted and sentenced to long stretches in federal prison. And what he did was worse as it could have led to actual physical harm. As opposed to the crime against humanity of walking around with a police escort dressed as Chief Wild Eagle or putting your feet up on Malig-Nancy Pelosi’s desk. The horror. The horror…

In a completely bizarre decision, Dem. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY) committed a misdemeanor and potential felony in order to stop the Constitutional function of government. I kid you not…

…We are talking breaking the law here, an act apparently performed with the goal of disrupting Constitutional congressional work. This is a Constitutional crisis because he intended to upend our Constitutional order and to topple our democracy. And stuff. Isn’t that how this works? I think so, according to the Democrats’ own rules, so this felony needs to be pursued and this man held accountable.

He won’t be held accountable, because Democrat. If he actually were held accountable, cities would burn.

Emphasis Bill’s, who responds thusly:

Wait. Is that supposed to be a threat? To me and the constitutionally governed republic I love? 

Let it burn. Let them burn. The cities are all nests of America-hating negroes, illegal aliens, organized criminals, white female supremacists, and low self-restraint barbarian savages too stupid, ignorant, and violent to see a problem with burning down their own homes, let alone our society, culture, and politics. Except for a small minority, it’s not really their society in the first place. They didn’t create it, and, in fact, seem barely to know it exists, even as they rampage through the smoking rubble of its destruction.

“Burn, baby, burn!” you threaten?

I say, fine. Let it burn. Since the American body politic seems unable to defeat the cancer eating away at its heart, perhaps stronger, more traditional cures are needed.

Seconded, with all my heart and soul. Every word he just said is true, albeit disheartening as all hell. Regardless of what sane, peaceable folks might prefer, all signs and portents indicate that the time for painful, unpleasant remedies is nigh upon us. Harsh reality will reassert itself, dream castles come crashing down. Fantasies and delusions will blow away like tiny shreds of Kleenex in a stiff wind.

Consider: Normals have been lied to, laughed at, swindled, double-crossed—their guileless trust weaponized against them; their intelligence insulted; their values and beliefs belittled. Their jobs have been outsourced to hostile nations. Their independence and freedom of movement have been slowly but steadily eroded, their businesses gratuitously destroyed, their very lives ruined, all in the name of a fraudulent climate “crisis” and a Plandemic hoax. Their children have been indoctrinated, sexualized, surgically mutilated, and taught to despise their loving parents—all while being somberly cautioned that they must never, ever mention to their parents what Teacher has been doing to them in school, mind.

They pay punitive taxes to a Superstate Leviathan that disburses those funds to feral inner-city “youths” who express their gratitude for such kindly largesse by robbing them, mugging them, hijacking their cars, invading their homes, raping their wives and/or daughters, and remorselessly murdering them for no more reason than that they think it’s “fun.” That same Leviathan-state—bloated yet never sated by a steady diet of extravagantly-usurious taxation, licensing fees, permits, and “service” charges—denounces its Normal benefactors, upon whom its very existence depends, as unevolved, bigoted, (victim of the week)-phobic, and reflexively violent. It vilifies them as an ever-present threat to all things officially deemed Good, Decent, and Acceptable—a threat that must be suppressed, exiled, incarcerated, and/or eliminated without delay.

The money Normals earn much too little of by the sweat of their brow—paid with fiat currency backed by nothing more substantive than hot air and the forked-tongue promises of politicians—has been devalued into virtual worthlessness thanks to systemic fiscal irresponsibility, staggeringly profligate spending, and just plain waste. Meanwhile, expenses for food, rent, fuel, and all consumer goods rocket into the ionosphere even while untold billions are shoveled to a corrupt and intractably mendacious foreign dictator—ostensibly to sustain a pointless proxy war FederalGovCo cannot win, waged against an army its own weakened, numerically dwindling, and poorly trained armed forces cannot defeat, but in reality a quid pro quo payoff to buy the bent dictator’s continued omertà on the topic of the Biden Crime Familia‘s chronic bribe-chasing and influence peddling, a scheme pulled off in quiet collusion with said dictator.

Normals live in a lawless society under an illegitimate occupation government, ceaselessly reviled by an amoral arts-entertainment/education/sports/journalism monolith which cordially loathes them and all that they stand for, cherish, or revere. Their generosity and good will are taken for granted; their faith in institutions and authorities betrayed; their best interests, opinions, and preferences ignored. Their patience, tolerance, and forbearance are assumed to be without limit. Because they’ve never yet risen in righteously-furious revolt to liberate themselves from such cancerous oppression, their oppressors have convinced themselves that they never will.

Yeah, if the “Biden” junta, its lackwit ghetto dupes, and sundry overprivileged, epicene, Wokester pseudo-“elites” really DO want a fight, just let ’em keep all this up. Should they carry on as they have been, I strongly suspect they just might get themselves one before too very much longer—all they wanted of one, plus.

Update! Almost forgot to include the inspiration for my post title, dang it. Ladies and germs, for your dining and dancing pleasure, allow me to present to you the one, the only, the incomparable BUDDY! MIIIILES! *insert wild, uproarious applause HERE*

FYI, that odd-looking, pint-sized keyboard-whatchamadingy Buddy blows his solo into around midway through is called a Clavietta Melodica. Reason I know this is my dad had one of ’em just like the one at this h’yar link. Man, I used to just love playing that little sucker when I was but a wee tot. I ain’t claiming I was actually any good at it, but when I was eight years old, I sure thought I was.


Street justice

When vigilantism is all that’s left, then vigilantism it shall damned well be.

A 26-year-old taxi driver from the Middle East was reported for rape against a 14-year-old girl – and then found hanged in a nature reserve. Now the girl, her boyfriend and three of his brothers are suspected of the very troublesome murder, which according to the prosecutor had the character of “an execution”.

The events began in February this year when the then 15-year-old girl reported that the taxi driver had raped her when she was 14.

On March 26, a taxi was found abandoned, overflowing and with the taximeter in progress on a parking at Hjälstaviken nature reserve in Enköping municipality north of Stockholm.

On April 1, the taxi driver – was found hung in a tree 500 meters from the car.

Aww, what a shame. Bayou Peter says:

That’s what happens when the authorities can’t or won’t act against criminals, particularly unwanted alien intruders (of which Sweden has an outsize proportion among its population). It’s not limited to Sweden by any means. Friends, acquaintances and contacts of mine in law enforcement around these parts, ranging from Oklahoma City to Dallas/Fort Worth and from Amarillo to Texarkana, have all reported “unintended consequences” of crimes, sometimes fatal for the criminals, other times just very, very painful and/or impoverishing. I’d say I’ve heard of at least a couple of dozen occurrences over the past year or two, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

When police will no longer respond to a crime because it’s too “minor” for them to bother about, or because they’re too busy elsewhere, or because it’s politically incorrect to make a fuss about certain crimes and/or perpetrators…people will take it upon themselves to act. The authorities don’t like that, and will doubtless threaten dire consequences, but it’s already happening and it’s going to go on happening. After all, if those same authorities ignore the rule of law and the provisions of our constitution by encouraging (and even paying for) massive alien invasion, they shouldn’t be surprised when the crimes committed by those aliens (an increasing proportion of them, I’m told) attract consequences that also ignore the law and the constitution. One good (?) turn deserves another, and all that sort of thing.

BP unequivocally avows that he disapproves of such, but at this late date I can’t honestly say the same myself; far as I’m concerned, the bestial thug got exactly what he had coming to him, no more nor less. The Proper Authorities having consciously abjured their sworn duty to protect their citizenry in favor of political correctness, “diversity,” and multi-culti virtue signalling, I’m not exactly distraught at seeing the prey turn predator.

Ultimately, blame rests squarely on those in positions of trust and authority—both in Sweden, the US, and across most of Western Civ, sadly—who foolishly decided that importing Third World wolves en masse to have at the First World sheep without so much as a token nod towards assimilation and acculturation was a good idea. Left to their own devices, there’s only so much predation ordinary people will put up with, which is only meet and just.

The true immorality here lies neither with those finally forced to take action in their own defense, nor even with the wolves simply doing the things wolves will do. Rather, it rests with those who, having voluntarily taken solemn oaths to secure their nation’s borders and protect those within them, conspire to fling open the gates to the marauding hordes and allow them—hell, encourage them, in fact—to run completely amok. Such circumstances make vigilante reprisal inevitable; it not only will happen, it damned well ought to. Peter sums it up:

It’s very telling that many governments and their agencies are coming down more and more in favor of evil, and against good, in defiance of their citizens. It’s not just about crime – it’s about every aspect of our lives.

Precisely so. Bad as it is, what we have here is more than just defiance of said citizens, and worse as well. It’s active, open betrayal of them. Intolerable conditions will not forever be tolerated—not whilst the most tatterdemalion scrap of honor and self-respect remains among those put-upon souls subjected to them, it won’t. Every society has its breaking point, just as the individuals who created it do. Thus the day must surely dawn when the betrayed will rise up to repay their abusers in full measure, to the last bitter dregs. To expect otherwise is daylight barking madness.

Predator-class blaggards, note ye well. Their Ruling Class enablers: same-same, perhaps even moreso. We see you.

Update! Note, also, this unforgettable scene from The Watchmen.

“All the whores and politicians will look up and shout, ‘Save us!’ And I’ll whisper: NO.”


Are you good and pissed off yet?

If you aren’t, and particularly if you’re a Dad, get ready to be.

Sophie, an 11 year old girl, was abducted by her dad because of a “bitter custody dispute.” They were eventually found in Mexico, and police successfully reunited the girl with her mother and her mother’s new fiancé. The father is facing felony charges and will get up to 3 years in prison, if convicted.

But he told, in an exclusive interview that took place the day before the warrant was issued, that the only way he will return to court and bring his daughter home is if he is allowed to put his case before a jury.

OK, well that’s his right. Don’t we all have a right to a jury trial? Not so fast.

Ex-wife Kelly Long opposed the jury trial in a motion and asked for Long to be summarily jailed for 18 months plus an extra year on one count of hiding Sophie and another for failing to hand her over.

Michael was ordered in July to pay $20,000 to cover the cost of reunification therapy for Sophie and her mother, as well as therapy for her two brothers, his sons.

That’s the story, but it’s also a lie. Watch this video to understand why the father wanted to hide his daughter from her mother…

Police dismissed the ‘patently false’ information about her. Egged on by mom’s attorney, they called it part of Trump’s quest for power, and part of the “QAnon” plot. They even got the dad’s gofund me shut down as being “fraud.”

Sophie claimed she was sexually abused by her mother’s fiancée Jacob Bellington and was diagnosed with a vaginal infection after being taken to the hospital last summer. That didn’t matter.

She was also interviewed by a specialist nurse with her father outside the room and repeated the claims to her. That didn’t matter.

The courts then took custody away from the father, and banned him from having visitation. So, realizing that his ex-wife and her new Swedish boyfriend were going to continue raping his daughter, did what anyone would do—he grabbed her and took off.

Of course, the ex-wife paints all of this as being a custody stunt, and the courts believed her. They have painted him as a “fraudster” who “coached his daughter to lie” about her mother and mother’s new fiancé.

This is how our courts work. Any man who has been through a divorce, especially one involving custody, can tell you how it works. If the woman wants “her kids,” the courts take her side. She gets the kids, she gets child support, the (now ex)-husband has to pay her legal tab. The assumption is that children belong with their mother. End of story. The only thing Dad is good for, is paying the bills.

It’s nothing more than a shakedown, aided and assisted by our courts. That’s why so many men are realizing the truth—marriage is largely a losing game, and the only winning move is to not play at all. The MSM, as well as women’s magazines are all in an uproar, trying to figure out why men don’t want to get married any more. They blame easy access to sex, and they are all wrong.

There’s so much wrong here it’s difficult to know where to even begin cataloging it. But, as DM says, any Dad who has ever been involved in a bitter custody dispute with an ex can tell you right quick what our rotten-to-the-core “justice” system is, and is not.


My heart, it bleeds

Gee, hope he doesn’t die or anything. That would be just awful.

Jabbed-up Jimmy Kimmel, who once said hospitals shouldn’t treat the unvaccinated, cancels live show after contracting COVID
Comedian Jimmy Kimmel has canceled his upcoming live Strike Force Three show after contracting Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

He was scheduled to appear at the MGM in Las Vegas to record a live episode of the podcast with Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon. The comedians have been hosting the podcast during the Writer’s Guild of America strike, along with late-night hosts John Oliver and Seth Meyers, with proceeds going toward covering the costs of their crews as they remain out of work.

“Well, Las Vegas, I got COVID, and sadly, we need to cancel this weekend’s Strike Force Three show. I could never live with myself if I got my hometown friends sick.”

Of course, it’s likely that his “hometown friends,” like him, are all vaccinated, so he is essentially acknowledging that the jab he mercilessly mocked people for avoiding is not effective at preventing the disease in the first place, something that we are seeing more evidence of every day.

This is the same Jimmy Kimmel who joked in his show’s fall premiere in 2021 that hospitals shouldn’t treat people who used Ivermectin to treat COVID-19, buying into the media’s lies that the drug was horse medicine unsuitable for human usage.

On that occasion, he referenced a statement by Dr. Anthony Fauci that ICUs were filling up and hospitals would have to make “tough choices.”

Kimmel said: “That choice doesn’t seem so tough to me. Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right in. We’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy.”

Couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole, if you ask me. Do the world a favor and drop dead already, skeezy.


Wide-screen TVs, 500 dollar sneakers, and KFC hardest hit

Another Nee-grow scumbag* offed by a cop in self-defense, another American city burned and looted by frothing, yowling baboons.

Widespread Mass Looting Overnight in Philly
Mass looting is being reported all over Philadelphia tonight. There are accounts of Center City stores being cleaned out by looters, including Lululemon, the Apple Store, a Foot Locker near the Liberty Bell, and many others.

One woman screamed, “Everyone must eat!” at the looting of a wine store.

Thugs even tried to loot a Popeyes restaurant:

Because OF COURSE they did. “Hey yo, we be loo-inn ‘n’ sheeit, yo!”

If you are surprised by anything at all in that video, you are beyond help and should probably check yourself into some kind of home. Onwards.

There are unconfirmed reports of looters livestreaming their crimes, monitoring police scanners, and coordinating their efforts on social media.

The looting is reportedly in response to murder charges being dropped against a cop who allegedly acted in self-defense during a traffic stop. Eddie Irizarry, who is Hispanic*, pulled a knife on cops while in his vehicle.

Hispanic, eh? Well, what the hell, any excuse will do.

According to Fox29:

A judge has dismissed all charges, including a murder count, against Philadelphia Police Officer Mark Dial who shot and killed a driver as he sat inside his vehicle last month.

Philadelphia Municipal Judge Wendy Pew made her ruling Tuesday after watching video of the fatal shooting of 27-year-old Eddie Irizarry. The defense had asserted that Officer Mark Dial was acting in self-defense when he fired his weapon at close range through the rolled-up driver’s side window of Irizarry’s sedan during a vehicle stop on August 14….

…Irizarry’s family has said that Dial deserves a long prison sentence. The defense, meanwhile, has blasted Krasner’s decision to charge Dial with murder.

“When police officers ordered him to show his hands, he instead produced a weapon and pointed it at an armed police officer,” lawyer Brian McMonagle told reporters this month. “In no world (are) those facts murder.”

Not surprisingly, the District Attorney’s Office, headed by Soros DA Larry Krasner, announced that it would appeal the decision. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney inflamed the situation by tweeting his support for the man who pulled a knife on police officers.

Which, along with the rest of the PJM report, only means that the people of Philadelphia richly deserve whatever they get. As is usually the case, I’m with Sefton on this.

Honestly, my give-a-shit-ometer is barely registering. And I have many friends and acquaintances who live in or near Center City and in the outlying burbs, along with an abiding affection for that town. At least the town as it was years ago. Sorry to friends and family and others who voted for this as well as that overgrown, slovenly brain-addled sloth loping around the Senate and toking on spliffs in the cloak room, election after election. You got exactly what you voted for so enjoy it, my erstwhile friends. I pray you all wake the hell up and fast. I fear you never will even if you should come face to face with these poor innocent victims of institutional white supremacy. I’ve got news for you; flashing your BLM t-shirt won’t shield you.

Nor should it, either. As far as I’m concerned, the voters of Philly brought all this on themselves; now, they get to enjoy the ride they volunteered themselves for. So sit back and suck on it, assholes.

As of 11:45 p.m., looting is ongoing in the City of Brotherly Love, and police are struggling to keep up with all the reports. Pray for their safety tonight.

Shyeeeaaah, NO. Myself, I’ll be praying for casualties, as yet another shitlib city gets exactly what it voted for, good and hard. Maybe Abbott could send three or eight busloads of “migrants” to the City of Brotherly Love to help out in their time of trouble.

Local developments update! Breaking news from CLT: Gibmedats are gathering in the downtown area, threatening to “burn this mothafackah up ’n’ sheet” in a major chimp-out if De White Mayng doesn’t immediately agree to bring back Price’s Chicken Coop, in its old location.


Truck THIS

Is this post related to the one immediately below? Oh, you just bet your numb ass it is.

Truck This: Why I’m Leaving the Long-Haul Industry
I’ve been a truck driver for over 20 years. I suppose I always knew I would be, ever since that career day in the third grade when among all the kids dressed like doctors and baseball players, there I stood dressed like Jerry Reed from Smokey and the Bandit. Pop culture in the 80s painted the picture of truckers as rugged men, wild and free, burdened by nothing except their own wanderlust. That romanticized version of the American truck driver still lingers in the back of my mind, but in recent years the burden of government regulation has proven to be greater than my desire to see what’s over the next hill.

Oppressive regulation in the trucking industry has been around almost as long as the iconic chrome bulldog on the hood of Mack trucks. Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Federal Motor Carrier Act (FMCA) of 1935 during his first term. This gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), an agency originally formed to regulate railroads, the authority to regulate the burgeoning business of moving goods by tractor-trailer. The ICC ultimately decided which companies could haul certain goods, for whom, where, and what they could charge. The ICC even decided if new transportation companies could enter the market by requiring eager upstarts to prove their services were “needed.”

The only exemptions to these laws were in the agricultural sector. FDR and his horde of central planners did not want to cause an increase in food prices during a time when many Americans were already struggling to put food on the table. Nevermind the tacit admission that the FMCA would raise prices on all other goods. This exemption had its own unintended consequences. While independent drivers, commonly referred to as wildcatters in driver slang, were not subject to the price floors previously mentioned, they were limited to hauling only agricultural goods. This limitation caused a significant logistical dilemma for wildcatters delivering in industrialized parts of the country, and is largely responsible for the mythos of the outlaw trucker we all know today from music and film. Whether in an old country song from Red Sovine or Kurt Russell’s character in Big Trouble in Little China, such renegades are almost always hauling agricultural goods.

Thankfully, a trend towards deregulation began in the 1970s, and the cesspool of cronyism and perverse incentives created by FDR was substantially reined in with the FMCA of 1980. This is why we now see hundreds, if not not thousands of company names sprawled along the sides of 53-foot trailers. Granted, we still have the ICC, though today it is known as the Department of Transportation, and any truck driver that has had to spend 10 hours at a scale house without a shower or a hot meal over a minor infraction of hours of service rules (another specter of the FMCA of 1935) will tell you it remains quite burdensome. But things are still better than they used to be.

Unfortunately, the federal government continues its misguided attempts to control an industry regulators know little to nothing about. But today’s attempts tend to focus more on something they understand even less than trucking: technology.

Odd, innit, how so much of the intrusive, meddlesome legislation that still hobbles ordinary workaday Americans to this very day originated with über-Left/liberal FDR—scion of one clan amongst several of a de facto if not de jure American Royalty class, a class which to this day we flatter ourselves does not, indeed cannot, exist—who is still worshipped by contemporary shitlibs as if he were some kind of demi-God.

The author goes on to discuss electronic logs, the godawful Regen/DPF devices, and speed governors, soon to be inflicted on big-rig jockeys nationwide by our know-nothing DOT czar Pete “Penelope” Buttplug, before arriving at his grim but inevitable conclusion:

However well-intentioned these rules and regulations might be, it’s clear that no one is consulting with the long haul truckers about the totally foreseeable bad outcomes. The great problem with all central planning is that regulators lack local knowledge, and are not inclined to speak to the people living with the consequences of their decrees. Probably because we would tell them what idiots they are.

The last two decades I’ve spent traversing this beautiful nation have, by and large, been a wonderful experience. I have countless stories to share with other drivers over a cup of coffee at my favorite fuel stops or with my more stationary friends over a cold beer. I wouldn’t trade the things I’ve seen, the binds I’ve been in, or the successes I enjoyed, for anything. But the burden that has been laid on these old tired shoulders by bureaucrats and central planners has become more than I’m willing to bear. I’ll always yearn for the open road, but now I’ll have to satisfy that wanderlust in my pick-up truck. I’m pulling the parking brake on this Peterbilt for the last time.

Having spent well over twenty years myself as a freight-humper (ie, loading-dock ape) and -hauler, whose younger brother still slaves away in the industry*, I can understand the sentiment—although I must disagree vehemently with the risible notion that restrictive edicts that destroy livelihoods, erode liberty, and ruin lives are in any way “well-intentioned.” On the face of it, they cannot possibly be any such thing, being just one part of a well-established historical pattern that has never ended well for hoi-polloi kulaks such as truck drivers.

* When his dispatcher can even find any work for him, which has dried up almost completely thanks to the Biden Economic MIRACLE!©


SO: How’s that “Sanctuary Sanctimony City” bushwa working out for ya, asstards?


LA mayor ‘fearful’ that planes of illegal aliens might arrive in city that ‘welcomes immigrants’
LA boasts the label of ‘sanctuary city’ for illegal immigrants

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said she is “fearful that any day” planes filled with illegal immigrants will be flown into the city.

During an event hosted by Axios on Thursday, Bass said, “We live in a city that welcomes immigrants, and so I think we have been able to handle it, but I am fearful that any day, planes could start coming.”

She added that the transportation of immigrants from border states and Florida to “sanctuary” juristictions “is just setting the stage for the presidential election next year.”

Yeah, whereas your open-borders scheme is “just setting the stage” for the next, oh, forty or fifty of ’em.

Don’t look now, folks, but it appears that Staten Island residents are taking matters into their own hands, exactly as Texas Gov Abbott and DeSantis have done. So naturally, NYC shitlibs are weeping bitter, salty tears of OUTRAGEOUSLY OUTRAGED OUTRAGE!!© over the heartless inhumanity of being forced to put their money—and their hotels, personal safety, civic hygiene, and their city itself—where their oh-so-righteous yaps are.

NYC shelter migrants bombarded with 24/7 blaring recording telling them to leave: ‘Legal psychological warfare’
Migrants at a Staten Island shelter are being bombarded by a blaring 24/7 recording urging them to leave, claiming the site is rat- and mold-infested and that they “are being lied to by Mayor Eric Adams.”

The audio recording was being blasted from a professional speaker in five languages — English, Spanish, Ukrainian, Chinese and Urdu — at an ear-splitting level of 117 decibels Monday afternoon from the property of homeowner Scott Herkert next to the controversial former St. John Villa Academy-turned-migrant shelter.

A migrant who arrived outside the shelter with her luggage Sunday, when the warning first started playing, pulled out her phone to record it and then called an Uber and fled, residents said.

More than a dozen asylum seekers were seen leaving the site — the scene of previous large protests attended by hundreds of residents — as the audio blared Sunday and Monday.

Hrm. Wonder where that particular “wretched refuse yearning to breathe free” might’ve found the pocketful of cash it would’ve taken to pay for that Uber from.

As Ed Driscoll helpfully reminds us:

The ghost of Saul Alinsky smiles: “Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. ‘You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.’”

Heh. Indeed.


You want ’em, you got ’em

Abbott has shipped 500 busloads of illegal aliens to shitlib “Sanctuary cities”? Had no idea it was that many—good on ya, gov!

Battles are usually fought with horses, tanks or aeroplanes. Greg Abbott used buses. As of June, he shipped 500 busloads of illegal aliens to sanctuary cities. The shipments continue.

You want ’em, you got ’em.

It turns out, sanctuary cities don’t want them.

National Review reported, “The Democrat mayor of a small Massachusetts city is urging state lawmakers to reform a 40-year-old right-to-shelter law that is putting immense strain on the area as thousands of migrant families arrive.

“Woburn mayor Scott Galvin said by Friday there were about 150 families living in the city’s hotels, an arrangement he called unsustainable for his 40,000 constituents.

“Under the 1983 right-to-shelter law, Massachusetts officials are legally required to offer housing to any homeless families seeking shelter in the state. The law now covers a rising influx of migrant families, although individuals are not covered under its provisions.”

I remember when Gimme Shelter was a song by the Rolling Stones and a demand. By the way, what’s with NR calling illegal aliens “migrant families” as if MS-13 is a mom-and-pop business?

Greg Abbott did not send those illegals but he has sent illegal elsewhere. The left’s resentment is so livid that it is comical. It’s as if his name were Trump.

Don’t look now, but Governator Abbott just forced the shitlibs to put their money where their big, fat, lying yaps are, and they ain’t liking it much. I haven’t agreed with him on everything, not by a long yard I haven’t. But I couldn’t possibly agree with him more on this one. Keep ‘em howling, Governor.

OH NOES update! My heart, it bleeds for them.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that because of the huge influx of asylum seekers into the city and the lack of help from Albany and Washington, he’s been forced to ask for a 5% reduction in spending from all city departments. And if no help is forthcoming, he says he’ll have to ask for another 5% reduction in January and another 5% next March.

Adams says the migrants will cost the city up to $12 billion over the next three years. Without state and federal funds, they will “destroy New York City,” he proclaimed earlier in the week.

Frankly, it’s hard to tell if Adams is just trying to put pressure on his friend Joe Biden and his enemy Gov. Kathy Hochul, or if he’s serious about cutting billions in city services.

Gee, that’s a real head-scratcher for sure!

In a pig’s eye, it is. Myself, I think it’s easy enough to guess which it might be.

Reap what you sow update! The triumph of reality over rhetoric.

There is a huge difference between true caring and indignant self-righteousness, a fact that the mayors of many sanctuary cities are now learning. It’s one thing to climb up on your soap box and declare that immigration makes communities stronger when you have no idea what you’re talking about. The truth is that these cities never had any intention of being sanctuaries for anyone. They never dreamed that the overflow would reach them. So they smugly smirked and ridiculed the governors and mayors of border cities and states, dismissing the immigration mess and open borders as someone else’s problem.

Now their holier-than-thou attitudes have dissipated into whining. Their smugness has been replaced with poor me syndrome, as they begin to understand the full weight of the issue.

The leaders of these cities have no one to blame but themselves. They practically begged for this invasion by placing their egos ahead of their citizens. By continuing to govern in this irresponsible manner, they are only compounding an already dangerous problem.

All our “Sanctuary city” betters ever had to do was ask border towns like El Paso about it, and they could’ve saved themselves a lot of grief. But noooo, they’re MUCH too evolved, caring, and generally superior to ever stoop that low, apparently.


Resist we much!

SO—how’s that gun-grabbing thing working out for ya there, Gov?


Gun owners defy New Mexico governor, rally in Old Town Albuquerque
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s attempt to put the right to bear arms on ice in Albuquerque for 30 days is off to an inauspicious start; with the first lawsuits already underway, confusion over which law enforcement agency (if any) will try to enforce her mandate, and dozens of gun owners openly defying Grisham’s order by rallying with their firearms in the city’s Old Town on Sunday.

The rally didn’t feature any arrests or citations for those openly carrying firearms, which must be disappointing to the gun-grabbing governor. In a sign that her experiment in authoritarianism is already backfiring, several participants said their attendance marked the first time they’d ever taken part in an organized protest.

Bob Hurtado had never attended a protest in his life until Sunday.

The former engineer decided to join the crowd gathered at Old Town Plaza because he felt Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s recent emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public in and around Albuquerque was targeting the wrong people.

“She’s going after the wrong people,” Hurtado said. “I pay my taxes, I’m a God-fearing American and I think we should have our Second Amendment rights. I’m here for that.”

Better be prepared to take those rights back then, and defend them vigorously by, as the D卐M☭CRATs always say, any means necessary. With this in-your-face protest, I’d say you’ve made a fine start, sir. Hopefully, it will be only the first of many.

And speaking of “many.”

New Mexico AG to Governor on Defending her Second Amendment Suspension: Drop Dead
There are now six lawsuits (and counting) challenging New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s public health order suspending Second Amendment carry rights in the Bernalillo County and the city of Albuquerque. While literally no local authorities are willing to enforce her clearly unconstitutional diktat, Grisham is still claiming that the New Mexico State Police will do her dirty work.

The State Police, however, have remained strangely silent on the matter and no one has been cited for any violations.

This afternoon, however, New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez delivered the latest body-blow to the Governor’s authoritarian tendencies by announcing in a letter to Grisham that his office will not be defending her in court.


“Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence,” Torrez’s letter stated. “Simply put, I do not believe that the Emergency Order will have any meaningful impact on public safety but, more importantly, I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.”


Taken all together, these are EXACTLY the kind of all-in, full-court-press measures which constitute the only real hope for fighting back against tyranny without resorting to swinging filthy fascist scum like Grisham from lampposts in job lots. The operative words being ALL TOGETHER; pieces-parts, patchwork steps, here and there and now and then, are never gonna suffice.

As Bracken has always said: if you think it’s time to start burying your guns, it’s actually time to start digging them up instead.


Sic semper tyrannus

Peters’s title is so good it’s worth a link all by itself.

We Will Not Comply Our Way Out Of This
Complying with “mask” mandates only assured they’d be complied with – for years.

There is a lesson in that somewhere.

The Left figured out that passing laws is a slow, tedious and unreliable process. It is even harder to get around laws already in force – as for example the ones in New Mexico that recognize the right – as per the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and so very much the law in every state – that citizens who aren’t criminals have the lawful right to carry firearms.

How to get around those – and other inconvenient – laws?

The same way that laws prohibiting the wearing of “masks” (which in better times, only criminals wore when entering stores and could be prosecuted for doing it) and the legal right of people who aren’t by law supposed to be in prison to move freely and go about their business, as well as the constitutional right to gather together to peacefully petition the government for redress of grievances and to gather together to worship, etc. were simply waved into functional illegality by declaring an “emergency.”

That tactic is now being expanded – most recently by the Governess of New Mexico, Lujan Grisham. She has declared an “emergency” and on the basis of that decree, has suspended – presto! just like that! – the lawful right of non-criminals to carry their lawfully possessed firearms in public in Albuquerque and Bernalillo counties. She has thus waved into a state of de facto “criminality” tens of thousands of New Mexican gun owners.

And it’s not just those who have the legal right to carry a gun who are in the crosshairs – and it’s (not) just New Mexicans, either.

This is about using “emergency” powers to render “illegal” anything the Left does not like and decides to make a “crime.”

Jefferson – there is a monument to him in Washington, D.C. – said that rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. He wanted it to be the motto of the United States (it is the motto of his own state, Virginia).

Tyrants must be defied.

Whether in New Mexico or Virginia or any other place in America – which is supposed to be a country in which tyrants have no place.

The way, then, to respond to the tyrant who currently rules by decree in New Mexico is to ignore her decree – and defy her to enforce it. Upon thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of law-abiding, peaceful people who will not abide being treated as “criminals.”

Let her – let them – try to arrest everyone. It won’t work because it cannot work. The tyrants will have to back down.

Yes, it will take a few brave souls willing to risk being arrested on “charges” that have no basis in law. But those few will show it can be done – and give courage to those not quite as brave, who will follow their example and – by doing so – make it impossible to arrest everyone.

If this would only have been done three years ago with regard to “lock downs” and “mask” mandates, we would not be here, right now.

Perhaps this is how it starts, right now. It is how we put an end to it, right now.

We can only hope and pray so. Question is, does the spirit of defiance to all tyranny—to any and every meddlesome, priggish busybody, great or small, who would dare to even dream of impinging on our God-given rights and liberties—still live in American hearts, enough of them at least to turn the dismal tide at long, long last? Or has the spirit of defiance been extinguished—that most quintessentially American spirit, more so than apple pie, hot dogs, and baseball—a spirit so boisterously integral to who the American people once were, how they thought of themselves deep down in more felicitous times—after many decades of flaccid, unresistant acceptance of ever-more-naked oppression?

Very soon now, we will know. May our answer be one we can take pride in, rather than heap disgrace upon ourselves, our forefathers, and our posterity with.

Speaking strictly for myself and nobody else, I did not comply last time they tried this stupid shite; I for damned sure and certain won’t be complying this go-round, nor any other. But that’s just me—as a lifelong contrarian and naturally-obstreperous Rebel Son whose dad gleefully said of him a blue million times that he’d argue with a stop sign, I tend to be ornery like that sometimes.


Rule of law by decree

Fascists gonna fascist.

New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday issued an emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days in response to a spate of gun violence.

The Democratic governor said she expects legal challenges but was compelled to act because of recent shootings, including the death of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball stadium this week.

Lujan Grisham said state police would be responsible for enforcing what amount to civil violations. Albuquerque police Chief Harold Medina said he won’t enforce it, and Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen said he’s uneasy about it because it raises too many questions about constitutional rights.

The firearms suspension, classified as an emergency public health order, applies to open and concealed carry in most public places, from city sidewalks to urban recreational parks. The restriction is tied to a threshold for violent crime rates currently only met by the metropolitan Albuquerque. Police and licensed security guards are exempt from the temporary ban.

Bold mine, both times. The second instance underscores the essential point made three years ago by Buck Throckmorton which served as the inspiration and springboard for my Friday Eyrie post: that Real Americans will be paying for the disastrously supine response to FauxVid tyranny indefinitely, in ways both many and varied. As for the first instance, CBD has that one covered.

Well, that’s nice, but it doesn’t mean a damned thing. The state has its own thugs who will gleefully do the bidding of LandesFuhrer Lujan Grisham.

Only if the Albuquerque police and the county sheriff’s deputies stop the state police from enforcing this vile and obvious insult to our natural, God-given rights will their statements mean anything. Otherwise they are part of the problem.

Yes, if they act there will be a legal confrontation…something that is sorely missing in America today. Donald Trump should have told Fulton County Georgia DA Fani Willis to pound sand, and that if she wants him she can come and arrest him. Governor Abbot should have told U.S. District Court Judge David A. Ezra that he can enforce his edict himself, but that Texas will continue to defend its border.

Playing by the rules has gotten us to where we are today, with a compliant “opposition” party willing to get along so they can continue to pad their bank accounts while America slide farther into the abyss of totalitarianism. The left is superb at manipulating the law to their own ends, and it is far past the time when rational Americans begin to push back against the insanity of a two-tiered justice system.

Civil Disobedience? Absolutely.

Damned skippy. Civil disobedience, at the very least.

It has been argued in several places, notably around these parts by CF Lifer Barry, that DeSantis should have had the Mar A Lago-raiding FBI/Stasi goon squads stopped in their jackbooted-thug tracks before they ever arrived at the Trump casa, a sentiment with which I concur. Although, given Trump’s tiresome personal attacks against DeSantis and his entire family, I can kinda-sorta see why he might be content to sit back and let The Donald stew in his own juices also. But that only dodges the central issue here, which isn’t just the main thing, it’s the ONLY thing now.

There seems to be general acknowledgment that trouble is coming, a sentiment with which I do NOT concur, quite; trouble is in fact here, all around us, and has been since the spring of 2020. We’re up to our clavicles in it, the only question being which way we’re going to jump this time out. I won’t say it’s our last chance to get it right; I don’t feel as if there’s any real need to, frankly. Just say no, or just say bye-bye to individual liberty.

Update! Brandon Smith knows what time it is.

In terms of direct conspiracy and tyranny, the solution is usually war and the elimination of the cabal behind the agenda. That requires talking about the problem and inspiring people to organize for the fight.

But what happens when you finally have the numbers to do something? I would partially agree that the conservatives, libertarians, independents and moderates that make up what I call the “Liberty Movement” tend to talk a lot more about the problems, to the point that solutions become lost in the fervor of discussion.

After nearly 20 years writing for the movement I have noticed a consistent pattern – When I publish an article identifying a concerted attack on the US economy, for example, the audience numbers run high. When I write an article about methods for preventing collapse, such as independent barter markets and localized production, the traffic is cut in half. The truth is, real solutions are not sexy, they are scary.

People can become addicted to watching the system break down and I realize it’s hard to look away from a train wreck. But when it comes time to doing something about the mess and make some hard decisions a lot of people run away. This has to change.

It is with this issue in mind that I am launching a series of articles focusing ONLY on solutions. These are not silver bullet solutions; they will not save people from struggle or hardship. They will not end the globalist empire with a single calculated social shift or technological innovation. Such solutions do not exist and anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant or a fraud trying to lure you into complacency. The real solutions require hard work, sacrifice, courage, tenacity and above all, risk.

If a solution to tyranny and collapse doesn’t scare you at least a little, then it’s probably not a legitimate solution.

And, if there is one solution that has been demonized more than any other in our modern era, it’s the citizen militia. It’s hard to think of a greater taboo, a more sneered at and disdained concept than the militia, and that’s on both sides of the political aisle. Many leftists hate the militia because they fear it; many Republicans hate the militia because they think it makes them look “extreme.” Sorry sunshine patriots, but if there was ever a time for extreme measures, it is now.

Annnnnd Woot! There it is. He goes on in like vein from there, and although it might not be pretty or comfortable, it’s also bang on the money. I urge everyone to read it to the very last.

Updated update! More from Brandon, in reply to a commenter bringing up Sun Tzu’s dictum: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

You are misinterpreting Sun Tzu – He meant that great strength would be required to DETER the enemy from ever attacking in the first place. Strength is not shown through public engagement; public engagement is how you eventually build strength. The Covid mandates were defeated for one reason and one reason only – Millions of Americans with arms refused to comply, and the elites realized to continue would mean war. But, they never should have felt safe enough to try. With organized militias, there would have been NO covid mandates to defeat. This is what Sun Tzu meant. There is no digital silver bullet solution; this conflict will require rebellion and great sacrifice. There is no other way.

Alas for us all, there is not. If there’s anyone, anywhere, who has been more consistently correct than Brandon Smith about the current sorry state of affairs and how it might most effectively be addressed, I’m sure I don’t know who it would be.

Update to the updated update! Divemedic has questions. Good ones.

Police are used to victimizing unarmed people. That’s why they call SWAT when there is the least chance of facing armed opponents. I want to remind you of this incident, point out that the cops in New Mexico will chase anyone who runs from them instead of allowing themselves to be searched for firearms, and then ask again:

What could a four man fire support element do if they were in an overwatch position 100 yards or so away and this was a planned ambush? How hard would it be to lure police into a kill box and then overwhelm them with large amounts of fire before disengaging and disappearing before the cops can organize an effective counter ambush?

Despite the foolish fantasy cherished by all too many amongst what Brandon calls the “Liberty Movement” that cops and soldiers can reasonably be expected to “switch sides” en masse in a situation like this—which cuts across the grain of the “must get home safe to my family” mantra adopted by 5-0 in recent years as if it were an inviolable Prime Directive—we’re probably going to find out the answers to DM’s questions before too very much longer.


An idea whose time, apparently, has come

Via KT, this little slice of sarcastic slapback is too funny.

Heh. But hey, as a Person of Color myself (ALL the colors, not just the shitlib-sanctified blacque or brown), I support this. Why not? After all, it won’t be much longer before FederalGovCo will be requiring every child be tattooed at birth anyway. Y’know, with the Mark.


America That Was: what happened?

From Dream Factory to Dystopian Nightmare.

America was once the world’s dream factory. We turned imagination into reality, from curing polio to landing on the Moon to creating the internet. And we were confident that more wonders lay just over the horizon: clean and infinite energy, a cure for cancer, computers and robots as humanity’s great helpers, and space colonies. (Also, of course, flying cars.) Science fiction, from The Jetsons to Star Trek, would become fact.

But as we moved into the late 20th century, we grew cautious, even cynical, about what the future held and our ability to shape it. Too many of us saw only the threats from rapid change. The year 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the Great Downshift in technological progress and economic growth, followed by decades of economic stagnation, downsized dreams, and a popular culture fixated on catastrophe: AI that will take all our jobs if it doesn’t kill us first, nuclear war, climate chaos, plague and the zombie apocalypse. We are now at risk of another half-century of making the same mistakes and pushing a pro-progress future into the realm of impossibility.

As with almost every problem in the Western world, if you want to find the roots of what Pethokoukis calls the Great Downshift there’s but one place you need to look: cherchez le shitlib, mon frere. Sounds like another likely candidate for Mike’s Iron Laws, I believe.


Good. And. HARD

Reading these next two maddening stories, I’m more convinced than ever that no one has ever understood democracy as thoroughly as did HL Mencken. First up, a little Maui Wowie.

After President Joe Biden traveled to Maui and all-too-typically cited his own personal history in order to comfort the grieving residents of the island, where at least 115 people have been declared dead from the fire that engulfed the town of Lahaina, he was blasted on social media for his colossal insensitivity.

“Hearing you talk about your house that had a little fire, you ‘almost lost your house and your Corvette,’ there were children that were incinerated to ash, you f***king old man, you vile human being,” one man said in a viral video.

“You’re so out of touch with the common man, you don’t even know how to speak to them,” he continued. “The only way you think you can establish commonality with them is to lie, ‘The same thing happened to you no matter what the tragedy is.’ He referenced Biden attempting to commiserate with Gold Star Moms who lost their son in action by citing his son Beau’s death from brain cancer: “Your son wasn’t killed in action, by the way,” adding furiously, “Your house didn’t burn down. Your children weren’t burned to death.”

“How dare you get up there and speak this way?” he snapped. “Your job is to go there and assuage them in a way that you talk to them about their loss, that you can’t imagine what it’s like, that you can’t imagine what it’s like never to find the bodies of the poor children who were sent home from schools. They died alone! Alone. In fear. Without their parents or guardian. The most abhorrent thing happened. You’re a disgusting, despicable bastard.”

“You ‘almost lost your cat?’ Go f*** yourself,” he concluded.

Yeah, I’d say SOMEbody ought to go fuck themselves for sure and certain. I’m just not entirely sure it shouldn’t be the whole goddamned kit and kaboodle of them. Lots of other Twitter X rips on the soulless, senile old fraud included with the article—all of them coming from the overwhelmingly liberal populace of a West Pacific island chain that “voted” for none other than Pedo Jaux Buyem in 2020 by well over 63 percent, and has reliably pulled the lever for D卐M☭CRATs in every “election” since said islands inexplicably became a state.

Not that the guy’s wrong in anything he says about Buyem, mind, be he the typical Islander shitlib or no. Hey, there’s bound to be three or four Hawaiians who ain’t, right?

In our next example of getting exactly what you voted for, and richly deserving it, the “good people” of Oakland are declaring themselves fed up too.

Sick and Tired in Oakland
The city’s NAACP chapter calls out its political leaders to do something about an “intolerable public safety crisis.”

On July 27, the Oakland NAACP published a scathing letter decrying the city’s failure to keep its vulnerable communities safe from persistent violence from high-risk offenders.

“Oakland residents are sick and tired of our intolerable public safety crisis that overwhelmingly impacts minority communities,” the letter begins. “There is nothing compassionate or progressive about allowing criminal behavior to fester and rob Oakland residents of their basic rights to public safety. It is not racist or unkind to want to be safe from crime.”

The NAACP called on Oakland to declare a “state of emergency” due to the untamed spiral of crime. “Murders, shootings, violent armed robberies, home invasions, car break-ins, sideshows, and highway shootouts have become a pervasive fixture of life in Oakland,” the letter warns.

Indeed, much of the crime data support the NAACP’s portrayal of disenfranchised and increasingly endangered Oakland residents. The most recent week’s Oakland Police Department statistics show that violent crimes have risen (year to date, compared with last year) by 18 percent, while overall crime is up 28 percent. The recent trend represents a major reversal from a few years earlier. Between 2012 and 2018, the city reduced gun violence by 50 percent, aided by its Oakland Ceasefire program, which implemented strategies such as “focused enforcement” involving the highest-risk individuals. In the first two years following the George Floyd uprisings, however, homicides rose 17.6 percent.

Oakland has seen radical shifts in its police department in recent years. The department is down 100 officers, according to Councilman Noel Gallo, though the NAACP states in its letter that various experts view the department as short as many as 500 officers from optimal levels. (The force’s current size is 734 officers).

Uh HUH. SO, how’s that “defund the police” bushwa you demanded not so long ago working out for ya then, idiots? From where I sit, it looks to be working out exactly as the more intelligent among us said it would from the start—and then got denounced by you as RAYCISS!!!!™ for having the outrageous temerity to say so right out loud.

I gravely doubt if a single man Jack of these maleducated ignoramii—whether they’re breathing through their mouths in Hawaii, Kalifornia, Chicago, or NYC—has even the vaguest clue who HL Mencken was, but they could all benefit from boning up on him. Because being the irascible, curmudgeonly visionary he was, he foresaw every bit of this horseshit long, long ago.

Civilization, in fact, grows more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. Wars are no longer waged by the will of superior men, capable of judging dispassionately and intelligently the causes behind them and the effects flowing out of them. The are now begun by first throwing a mob into a panic; they are ended only when it has spent its ferine fury.

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule—and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.

Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses.

Liberty and democracy are eternal enemies, and every one knows it who has ever given any sober reflection to the matter.

Democracy turns upon and devours itself. Universal suffrage, in theory the palladium of our liberties, becomes the assurance of our slavery. And that slavery will grow more and more abject and ignoble as the differential birth rate, the deliberate encouragement of mendicancy and the failure of popular education produce a larger and larger mass of prehensile half-wits, and so make the demagogues more and more secure.

An honest, reasonably intelligent soul might wish to try argue that he’s incorrect about any of that, but I can’t for the life of me see how he’d go about it without beclowning himself spectacularly in the doing of it.

Working as intended update! Joe Mannix makes an excellent point.

As the details about the disastrous Maui fire continue to unfold, many people are left wondering how the hell a foul-up this spectacular is possible. How did everything go so wrong at every level of the response? Why did Maui have to wait for water authorization? Why were the emergency sirens not activated? Why was traffic allegedly blocked from leaving on the only good road out? Assuming that all of what we’ve heard is true, how did so much go wrong?

I think that the sad conclusion is that, in reality, nothing went wrong. Not officially. Everyone likely followed every guideline, rule, regulation and requirement. Procedural compliance was probably quite good. What apparently nobody did, however, was the single most important thing: think. The environment in which they operate has been designed to eliminate the need to think and ensure compliance instead.

The purpose of the rules laid down in such great volume for so long a time is to obviate thinking. You don’t need to think if there’s a rule to cover whatever it is you need to do. Follow the rules, comply with the procedures, adhere to the regulations and you will achieve your goal or at least be shielded from any poor consequences. Nobody is to blame, because the rules were followed. The rules are there to act as a substitute for thinking. Robotic adherence to the rules – and striving to have a rule for all things – is awfully bad in situations that even slightly deviate from the context envisioned by the rulemakers.

Juat another of the many wonderful attributes of kakistocratic bureaucracy run amok. For certain values of the word “wonderful,” that is.

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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