When vigilantism is all that’s left, then vigilantism it shall damned well be.
A 26-year-old taxi driver from the Middle East was reported for rape against a 14-year-old girl – and then found hanged in a nature reserve. Now the girl, her boyfriend and three of his brothers are suspected of the very troublesome murder, which according to the prosecutor had the character of “an execution”.
The events began in February this year when the then 15-year-old girl reported that the taxi driver had raped her when she was 14.
On March 26, a taxi was found abandoned, overflowing and with the taximeter in progress on a parking at Hjälstaviken nature reserve in Enköping municipality north of Stockholm.
On April 1, the taxi driver – was found hung in a tree 500 meters from the car.
Aww, what a shame. Bayou Peter says:
That’s what happens when the authorities can’t or won’t act against criminals, particularly unwanted alien intruders (of which Sweden has an outsize proportion among its population). It’s not limited to Sweden by any means. Friends, acquaintances and contacts of mine in law enforcement around these parts, ranging from Oklahoma City to Dallas/Fort Worth and from Amarillo to Texarkana, have all reported “unintended consequences” of crimes, sometimes fatal for the criminals, other times just very, very painful and/or impoverishing. I’d say I’ve heard of at least a couple of dozen occurrences over the past year or two, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
When police will no longer respond to a crime because it’s too “minor” for them to bother about, or because they’re too busy elsewhere, or because it’s politically incorrect to make a fuss about certain crimes and/or perpetrators…people will take it upon themselves to act. The authorities don’t like that, and will doubtless threaten dire consequences, but it’s already happening and it’s going to go on happening. After all, if those same authorities ignore the rule of law and the provisions of our constitution by encouraging (and even paying for) massive alien invasion, they shouldn’t be surprised when the crimes committed by those aliens (an increasing proportion of them, I’m told) attract consequences that also ignore the law and the constitution. One good (?) turn deserves another, and all that sort of thing.
BP unequivocally avows that he disapproves of such, but at this late date I can’t honestly say the same myself; far as I’m concerned, the bestial thug got exactly what he had coming to him, no more nor less. The Proper Authorities having consciously abjured their sworn duty to protect their citizenry in favor of political correctness, “diversity,” and multi-culti virtue signalling, I’m not exactly distraught at seeing the prey turn predator.
Ultimately, blame rests squarely on those in positions of trust and authority—both in Sweden, the US, and across most of Western Civ, sadly—who foolishly decided that importing Third World wolves en masse to have at the First World sheep without so much as a token nod towards assimilation and acculturation was a good idea. Left to their own devices, there’s only so much predation ordinary people will put up with, which is only meet and just.
The true immorality here lies neither with those finally forced to take action in their own defense, nor even with the wolves simply doing the things wolves will do. Rather, it rests with those who, having voluntarily taken solemn oaths to secure their nation’s borders and protect those within them, conspire to fling open the gates to the marauding hordes and allow them—hell, encourage them, in fact—to run completely amok. Such circumstances make vigilante reprisal inevitable; it not only will happen, it damned well ought to. Peter sums it up:
It’s very telling that many governments and their agencies are coming down more and more in favor of evil, and against good, in defiance of their citizens. It’s not just about crime – it’s about every aspect of our lives.
Precisely so. Bad as it is, what we have here is more than just defiance of said citizens, and worse as well. It’s active, open betrayal of them. Intolerable conditions will not forever be tolerated—not whilst the most tatterdemalion scrap of honor and self-respect remains among those put-upon souls subjected to them, it won’t. Every society has its breaking point, just as the individuals who created it do. Thus the day must surely dawn when the betrayed will rise up to repay their abusers in full measure, to the last bitter dregs. To expect otherwise is daylight barking madness.
Predator-class blaggards, note ye well. Their Ruling Class enablers: same-same, perhaps even moreso. We see you.
Update! Note, also, this unforgettable scene from The Watchmen.
“All the whores and politicians will look up and shout, ‘Save us!’ And I’ll whisper: NO.”
I do have a problem with this and disapprove.
There is no evidence the bastard was tortured before the hanging.
I made a Substack of this post and a few other things – https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/is-this-a-call-to-arms-in-perhaps. Good work!
Import in haste, repent at leisure.
If they’d done this to their government for letting the bastards come in the first place, they’d be immeasurably better off, and for some good time to come.
Don’t bother me about them hanging one deserving sonofabitch; give a holler when they endeavor to drive them out at the head of a mob, or else hang them all.
While generally supporting, I have a couple qualms about this:
Aside from that, the police, prosecutors, and judges who have been ignoring crimes committed by “migrants” are still collecting their paychecks. And there’s virtually nothing that the peons can do about that. That’s the true root of the problem: the ruling class can do what they want without any concern for the desires of the people. They can rig elections to make sure that positions are filled by their own. They take as much wealth as they want from the nation. They protect each other from legal attacks.
Killing, or even beating, criminal migrants is simply treating the symptoms. The real problem won’t even begin to be addressed until the members of the ruling class, and their myrmidons in “blue”, are being strung up.
All true. OTOH, killing the perp is a nice touch and address’s the immediate problem. The bastard didn’t just rape one girl.
As I say, torture first, then hang. Better deterrence than a simple hanging.
So they found the corpse on April Fools day, eh?
Was Bubba Wallace anywhere around?