Best think again

During Sporty Time, one can reasonably expect that the cops and/or soldiery will join up with the side of Righteousness and refuse to shoot their fellow Americans at the behest of an illegitimate, tyrannical government, right?


Yeah, about all that.

As if. The civilians who were threatened with force, or subjected to force, by American troops would like to have a word:

  • 1791: The Whiskey Rebellion
  • 1863: The New York City Draft Riots
  • 1877: Great Railroad Strike in 1877
  • 1932: The Bonus Army
  • 1957: Desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas
  • 1962: Desegregation of the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi
  • 1963: Desegregation of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
  • 1965 March from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama
  • 1967 Detroit Riots
  • 1967: Newark Riots
  • 1968 King assassination riots in Chicago, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
  • 1970 New York City Postal Strike in 1970
  • 1980 Cuban Refugee Crisis
  • 1989 Hurricane Hugo
  • 1992: Los Angeles Riots
  • 1993: Branch Davidians in Waco

As long a list as that is, DM still left off a few, to include Kent State in 1970 (“four dead in Ohio,” as sung/groaned by execrable über-shitlib Neal Dung) and the 5-0 bombing and burning of the MOVE HQ in Philly in 1985 which destroyed a city block entire, among others.

Update! DM commenter Big Ruckus D nails down the grim, gruesome reality.

And note that presently there’s all this talk of the invaders being tapped as new troops in exchange for citizenship. I maintain they don’t even need to recruit those, as there are plenty of bonafide Americans already serving who will obey an order to fire on other American civilians, and I suspect there are many who will do so with a certain amount of relish. The idea that wouldn’t happen is a pipe dream, and flies in the face of observable human nature. The only rights anyone truly has are the ones they are willing to kill a motherfucker who is infringing on them over. Everything else is mere words on paper and mental masturbation to guard against acknowledging unpleasant realities.

Pretty much, yeah. Tonight’s Eyrie outing, to be posted in a short (so it is written, so it shall be done), touches on this, if somewhat obliquely.

More Important – Trump Plan to Shatter the Deep State

“First, I will immediately reissue my 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats, and I will wield that power very aggressively.

“Second, we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them. The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies, which they’re doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible.

“Third, we will totally reform FISA courts, which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications. So many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong or at least they must have known. They do nothing about it.

“Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart, we will establish a truth and reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep state spying, censorship, and corruption, and there are plenty of them.

“Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives to subvert our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges.

“Sixth, we will make every inspector general’s office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.

“Seventh, I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign.

“Eight, we will continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado. As many as 100,000 government positions could be moved out, and I mean immediately of Washington to places filled with patriots who love America, and they really do love America.

“Ninth, I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate. So they deal with these companies, and they regulate these companies, and then they want to take jobs from these companies. It doesn’t work that way. Such, a public display cannot go on, and it’s taking place all the time, like with big pharma.

“Finally [Tenth], I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. This is how I will shatter the deep state and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people.”

Hat Tip: Independent Sentinel


The difference

All boldface mine, indicative of the real bottom line here, the Big Question that every Western society must soon ask itself—and answer—else surrender to eternal subjugation as another conquered part of the Dar al Pisslam.

The anxiety among Jews is perhaps most pronounced in Great Britain, where 500,000 Jews are outnumbered 10-1 by five million Muslims. Close to half of British Jews now say they are thinking of emigrating, so great has their sense of insecurity become.

What do British people think? Would they be glad to see so many British Jews leave the country, where they have for many centuries been loyal, productive, and creative citizens, driven out by Muslim migrants who have been neither loyal, nor productive, nor creative citizens of the land where they batten on government benefits of every kind, regarded as a kind of proleptic “jizyah,” and openly declare their hope and expectation, through demographic conquest, to turn the U.K. into part of Dar al-Islam, where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere? Is that the future the British feel helpless to prevent, or will they come to their senses in time, and do the following: first, put a stop to any further Muslim immigration; second, deport all migrants who are in the country illegally; third, deport all Muslims convicted of crimes after they have served their sentences; fourth, halt all welfare benefits to migrants during the first five years of their presence in the U.K.?

FIFY with that closing strikethrough, which is most apposite of all. Sefton dots the last “i” and crosses the last “t” for us.

France imported God knows how many million Arabs and Muslims from North Africa and elsewhere and the result was not millions of new French citizens, but the transformation of whole swathes of the country into beachheads of Dark Age barbarism. True, the French government and people did essentially nothing to even try and assimilate these people, but it was a lost cause from the get go. They were invited in and behaved as outsiders and, as per the tenets of Islam, the first wave of Islamic conquerers.

As the article states, 500,000 Jews still live in England but there are upwards of 5 million Muslims. The most popular baby name in England is Mohammed, and that alarming cultural warning sign first happened like five or 10 years ago. Aside from the West adopting the most radical solutions, including the mass stripping of citizenship and deportations, the trend is irreversible. It also presupposes political leadership and a mass movement of the citizenry to adopt measures that go against Western tradition and by recognizing in the first place that Islam is completely incompatible and anathema to the past 2,000 of civilizational development and progress. That too is a non-starter.

The other huge and bitter irony is that places like Germany opened their borders to mass migrants because of guilt over what they did to the Jews between 1933 and 1945. Yet look who they let in to assuage their guilt over the Holocaust: dark age throwbacks mostly from Turkey and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Perfect.

So that leaves it up to the citizenry to take matters into their own hands as they had done in Ireland in the wake of last week’s stabbing spree in Dublin. Problem is that Western governments in the main are firmly against their own people.

And as we all know, with a wide open non-existent border and joke of an immigration system over here, what’s happening in Europe will be and in fact is happening here. We are being transformed into Yugoslavia right before our very eyes.

Yugoslavia? We should be so lucky, JJ. Yemen or Ethiopia, more like.


The West’s number-one import

“SHOCKING”?!? Hardly.

SHOCKING: How Many European Women Will Be Raped Before Their Leaders Do Something About Those ‘Refugees?’
The globalists’ plan to take over the West by importing the third world has been both wildly successful and shockingly brutal, especially to European women.

As the globalists gavaged “asylum seekers” from toilet countries into Germany, France, Sweden, Ireland, England, and elsewhere, they were also sure to threaten the mostly white citizenry that complaining about the rape crisis would make them “racist.”

From an OAN interview with PJ Media’s own Robert Spencer, one of the world’s preeminent Islam scholars:

The Quran says you can take infidel women and make them what are called ‘captives of the right hand’ and it’s very clear in the Quran that these are essentially sex slaves who are non-Muslim women captured, who are captured and used in this way. This is allowed in the Islamic holy book and not only that but many of the people who are participating in the Muslim rape gangs actually said this to their victims and explained it in terms of the Quran. And many — one of them even said, raping you can [be] my prayer to Allah. Because obviously, if Allah allows this, then in a certain sense it’s a holy act, as twisted as it sounds to non-Muslim sensibilities.

So Muslim men poured into Christian nations, believing raping women is a “holy act,” and if the women complain they are considered bigots. What could go wrong?

Oh, just the obvious, that’s all—thereby confirming once again that when a developed, 1st-world nation imports hordes of unassimilable 3rd-world savages, it quickly becomes a 3rd-world nation its own self. Whodathunkit?

Not sure the link above will work, it’s a PJM VIP piece I ran through the 12ft Ladder paywall-buster. Worked fine for me, but YMMV.


Conor McGregor for Taioseach!

I’m down with that. In fact, I could wish we had one like him over here.

Today’s headline may become a regular feature here at SteynOnline – because in the vibrantly multicultural west the stabbing of the native population is becoming a routine event. Following Saturday’s pogrom at a village dance in rural France, in Dublin yesterday three schoolgirls and a member of staff were stabbed. Or as the BBC put it, lapsing into the passive voice:

Three children and a school care assistant were injured in a knife attack in the city centre.

Oh, that’s so sad. Did the knife attack them all on its own or was there a human being as its accomplice? Ah, well…

The “extraordinary outbreak of violence” had come after “hateful assumptions” were made based on material circulating online in the wake of the stabbings…

It is understood that included false claims that the attacker was a foreign national.

Sources have indicated to the BBC that the man suspected of carrying out the attack is an Irish citizen in his late 40s who has lived in the country for 20 years.

Really? You’re being a bit coy, aren’t you? If “sources have indicated to” you, maybe you could indicate to us a bit more about what those sources indicated. The “false claims” online were that the stabber was an “Algerian immigrant” or “a man from Algeria”. So is the BBC saying merely that this “Irishman” may well have originated in Algeria but he managed to procure an Irish passport so that makes him as Irish as Paddy O’Peat-Bog? Because while that may be true as a matter of law it doesn’t render the underlying claim in the least bit “false” – or the broader point: that a certain percentage of immigrants to the west enjoy stabbing infidels.

So the only “falseness” here is on the part of the Beeb, in seeking to airbrush, as they always do, the fruits of diversity.

To be fair, the Dublin media are not quite as invested in the multiculti omerta as the French press, which spent the days after the Crépol attack reporting it, much to the fury of the locals, as a teenage “brawl” – or une rixe. A brawl requires two sides – Sharks rumbling with Jets in West Side Story. This was a one-side story: A gang of North Africans rode out from the big town for the express purpose of killing whites, bringing 25cm blades with which they intentionally stabbed sixteen-year-old Thomas in the throat and in the heart. Notwithstanding the media-government omerta, everyone in France who wants to know the truth knows it.

Back in the real Ireland that Commissioner Harris purports to police, 75 per cent of people think the country has taken in too many refugees – whatever that word now means. And that figure rises to 83 per cent among supporters of Sinn Féin – who, a third of a century back, murdered Mr Harris’s dad but are not generally regarded as “far right”. The Shinners do, however, appear to discern an existential question for today’s Irish state: what’s the point of throwing off the Protestant Ascendancy only to replace it with an Islamic Ascendancy?

Given the choice between the French reaction to Saturday’s stabbings and the Irish reaction to Thursday’s, I’ll take the latter. “Virtue-signalling” is a cutesy phrase but, if it can encompass the sacrifice of your own children on the altar of diversity, then our society does not deserve to survive. If you can’t summon righteous anger over attempted re-enactments of the Massacre of the Innocents, when can you?

That seventy-five per cent poll response ought to be the baseline in the nations of the west. The political class has embarked on a mad and unprecedented experiment that discards all the most basic maxims of prudence: They have determined to transform our nations into something other. You can vote, as Britain did, for a party that promises to reduce immigration to mere thousands only to wake up to hear that its wretched and traitorous leadership have admitted 1.2 million migrants last year alone. That’s over four times as many immigrants as the United Kingdom took in during the nine centuries between 1066 and 1950 (about 200,000 Jews, 50,000 Huguenots, and a bit of flotsam and jetsam from hither and yon). What western governments are doing to their peoples is not normal, and should not be treated as such.

Twenty years ago, I still hoped we might be able to vote our way out of societal suicide. But that is increasingly unlikely. The media coverage of the Crépol and Dublin stabbings confirms that, when asked to choose between the multiculti madness and their lyin’ eyes, the elites are too invested in the former to be in the least bit susceptible to reality.

So there will be more stabbings of children. And there will be more responses to it – some like the passive weepy vigils of Wednesday but, eventually, more like the Dublin rampage of Thursday. The Irish, of all people, should surely be aware that, when push comes to shove, violence does not remain a monopoly of one side.

A shame, but the conduct of officialdom this past week suggests that in the chancelleries of Europe and the rest of the west they will leave the citizenry no other option.

Indeed so; as I’ve said more than once, if said citizenry is left with no hope for justice but vigilantism, then vigilantism it will surely be, sooner or later. Ah, but where might McGregor fit in to all this, you ask? Why, rat cheer, I fire back.

Is Conor McGregor Running for Office? Fed-Up UFC Legend Makes Vow After Violent Attack in Ireland\
Friday on X, formerly Twitter, McGregor threw down the gauntlet and promised to fix what ails his home country.

“There will be change in Ireland, mark my words. The change needed,” McGregor wrote as part of a lengthier post.

On Thursday, riots erupted in the Irish capital of Dublin following a knife attack that wounded five people, including three children. Irish journalist John McGuirk identified the suspected assailant as “an Algerian national in his 50s who came to Ireland several decades ago.”

McGregor condemned the riots but also acknowledged the rioters’ concerns.

“Last nights scenes achieved nothing toward fixing the issues we face. I do understand frustrations however, and I do understand a move must be made to ensure the change we need is ushered in. And fast!” he wrote.

“I am in the process of arranging. Believe me I am way more tactical and I have backing,” he added.

That last line undoubtedly raised eyebrows. At minimum, it raised the question of whether McGregor might attempt to follow the likes of Milei and former U.S. President Donald Trump as celebrity outsiders-turned-populist leaders.

McGregor then cited immigrant violence against Irish citizens as the context for his promised change.

“In the last month, innocent children stabbed leaving school. Ashling Murphy murdered. Two Sligo men decapitated,” the former UFC champion wrote.

“This,” according to McGregor “is NOT Ireland’s future!”

“If they do not act soon with their plan of action to ensure Ireland’s safety, I will,” he added.

Naturally, the goobermint responded to such threats of violence, Islamophobia, and bigotry exactly how we in Amerika v2.0 have come to expect.

Irish Authorities Investigate Conor McGregor for “Hate Speech”
It looks like a lot of Irish have had enough. Farmers are ordered to kill cows, crime is increasing, and illegal aliens are pouring in. The new Prime Minister thinks the country is too white at 93%, so he’s doing something about it. His election was lauded because he’s of Indian descent and gay. Maybe they should have gone for actual qualifications.

As Elon Musk said, the Prime Minister hates the Irish people, making his hate speech laws very ironic.

McGregor called out the police.

“Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough.”

“There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.”

“Make a change or make way. Ireland for the victory. God bless those attacked today, we pray.”

He also posted on X: “Do not let any Irish property be took over unannounced. Evaporate said property. It’s a war,” he added.

Run, Conor, run! As increasingly seems to be case across the Western world, your government has declared itself your enemy. So be it, then—let them be treated as such, in all ways great and small. To wit:

MMA Superstar Conor McGregor has been outspoken about the potential alien issue in the stabbings. He’s effective so he’s a target.

“McGregor’s posts are being assessed by the gardai, the Irish police, as part of an inquiry into the dissemination of online hate speech,” reports the Times.

“Disgraceful! Conor repeatedly condemned any illegal activity and is only expressing the view of the majority of Irish people on uncontrolled immigration,” remarked Keith Woods

“This state is at war with its own people,” he added.

Some Irish people are talking about having Conor run for PM. So, what does the government do? The Irish authorities investigate him for “online hate speech.” It’s a Soviet-style tactic used throughout the West, especially in the United States.

They investigated him for an alleged sexual assault in June, but couldn’t come up with charges.

Of course they couldn’t. There, as here, the process is the punishment. Godspeed to Conor McGregor, another stout lad who’s had a bellyful of it, whatever he may choose to do going forward.

Update! In case you didn’t know—I didn’t myself, until I’d read Caim McDonnell’s wonderful Bunny McGarry series of novels—the Irish PM is generally known in-country as the Taioseach. Pronounced “tee-shercchhh,” more or less, in that baffling way the Gaelic language has about it.

Update From Barry:
At the risk of stepping on the great ones toes*, Mike, I’ll link to Tucker and Bannon discussing this very topic:

*If Mike had toes, but being the “Worlds Greatest One Legged Blogger” does require sacrifices 🙂


Ask a silly question Part the Eighty Bajillion And Eleventh

Man, I really gotta start properly keeping up with the numbers on these “silly question” posts of mine, instead of just making ‘em up as I go along.

Spaniards Aren’t Afraid To Protest, So Why Are American Conservatives?

Hmmm, lemmesee now: because they’re aware that they have an overly powerful enemy in Amerika v2.0’s FBI/Stasi/Waffen SS, and will surely be summarily pronounced guilty—without benefit of legal representation, formal indictment, or trial by jury—of multiple counts of the Sacred Democracy™-annihilating Secret Felony of “unarmed parading with aggravated counter-revolutionary intent” and end up Goo(g)lagged as “violent insurrectionists” if they do?

Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded city streets across Spain since October in sustained demonstrations opposing a socialist takeover of the Spanish government. Protesters are showing their opposition toward an amnesty deal between Spain’s socialist President Pedro Sánchez and treasonous Catalan separatists, who violated the Spanish constitution in 2017 by attempting to secede from Spain. By striking a deal to free incarcerated and exiled Spanish criminals, Sánchez was able to secure a third term in power.

The protests are organized by Spain’s conservative People’s Party and Vox, its further right, populist party. In an interview between Vox President Santiago Abascal and Tucker Carlson last week, Abascal explained that the amnesty deal is a crime “against the constitution” and “national unity.”

But the massive demonstrations are not just in defense of the Spanish Constitution, Abascal explained; they’re about what an illegal third Sánchez term means for Spain, namely a failing Spanish economy, two-tier justice, mass illegal immigration from Muslim countries, speech policing, globalism, the demonization of Spanish history, and loss of Spanish identity.

The problems faced by Spaniards are strikingly similar to those facing Americans. The American left hates our heritage so much they torched American cities and destroyed historical statues and monuments for an entire summer. Our corrupt president, Joe Biden, was able to take power thanks to a rigged election, and his administration has weaponized the federal government against his most prominent political adversary, former President Donald Trump, and anyone in ideological opposition to the Democrats.

Using fear and intimidation, the left is scaring conservatives into giving up their freedom to assemble. One of the primary fear tactics is to severely punish those who, on Jan. 6, 2021, opted to protest Democrat’s election-rigging practices, such as mass mail-in balloting and Big Tech censorship. As newly-released Jan. 6 footage further reveals, many of the Jan. 6 protesters accused of rioting were peaceful.

Conservatives aren’t just afraid — they’re also hopeless. After witnessing the Marxist race riots of 2020 and the erasure of their civil liberties during Covid, many Americans no longer recognize their homeland.

Spain Understands The Stakes

Spain has first-hand experience with communism. When communists controlled Spain, both in the lead-up to and during the civil war in the 1930s, it resulted in the persecution of Spanish intellectuals, clerics, and Christian laypeople.

Spanish communists began their anti-Christian hate by banning all religious schools, removing crucifixes from classrooms, and deeming all religious marriages invalid in the eyes of the state. Eventually, they started burning Catholic Churches and mass executing Catholic religious and laypeople. Property rights were thrown out, and conservatives were unjustly convicted in kangaroo courts and executed.

In America, we are blessed not to know. However, that blessing is also a curse. We don’t appreciate how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny. Unable to oppose or even recognize tyranny, younger generations have lost touch with the American revolutionary spirit after sending generations of Americans to spend their formative years in reeducation camps run by cultural Marxists (aka public school and the university system).

Perhaps a way to regain America’s lost fortitude is by watching conservative freedom fighters in Spain. We may not have the national memory of communists burying priests alive or defiling and decapitating nuns, but we can look to Spain for motivation.

Indeed, the Spanish protests should inspire Americans, and Spanish history should be a warning. If we resign ourselves to failure or allow ourselves to be intimidated into silence, the consequences will be nothing short of complete national destruction.

After having been unequivocally and repeatedly schooled, in writing no less, by their own Founding Fathers in all anyone should ever need to know about the subject, if American conservatives don’t appreciate fully by now “how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny”—if they don’t understand the warning provided by not only contemporary Spanish history but more than a century’s historical experience with communism all over the planet—then American conservatives are just too fucking stupid to live, and richly deserve what they’re going to get.

Forget Spain; OUR OWN history, heritage, and powers of observation should provide more than sufficient inspiration to fight the menace of insidious Communism with every ounce of our strength, to our last dying breath. It’s a mark of the Left’s total success at penetrating, taking over, and perverting our education/indoctrination apparat entire that we should need to be reminded of that absolute imperative.

It’s incomprehensible to me that, to our eternal disgrace, we should remain lackadaisical about offering much in the way of meaningful resistance to the damnable Commies, much less openly denounce and defy them, much less take any action against them more effective than sotto voce grumbling amongst our fellows, then scurrying on out to VOAT HARDERER AT THEM!!!© just one more time.

Guess that would be downright uncouth of us, eh? Sometimes, despair can come to feel like the only sensible option in light of all this.

The one and only example Real American patriots need look to and follow is the one set by our illustrious, heroic forefathers. Every day, in every way, let them be our mentors, our inspiration, our spiritual guides. Without them, we are lost. We all know full well what those men would be doing in our situation right about now.

Then again, we also know they’d never have let things slide to such a dire extent that they’d find themselves in our situation in the first place. They’d consider such straits as these to be utterly intolerable, a lowly condition which no proud, self-respecting American man could ever even think of enduring without acting to avenge the insult and redeem his personal honor and dignity—promptly, vigorously, in a fashion brusque enough to preclude any possibility of misinterpretation or mistake.


Walsh gratuitously insults cats

By using them as a metaphor for the Wokester Left.

If you’re unfamiliar with the single-celled parasite toxoplasma gondii, it probably means you’re a cat lover, and if you are a cat lover it likely means you have an infection called toxoplasmosis gondii and therefore have no idea you’re sick. All you know is, you can’t get enough of cats, which is exactly what the bacillus intends. And if you have the misfortune to be a small animal, such as a mouse, the disease causes you to lose your fear of the predators, turning you from prey into lunch in short order. 

So it is with what Elon Musk has called the “woke mind virus” now found today on the international Left. Like toxoplasmosis, it seems to thrive chiefly among females, although both sexes are well represented. Its symptoms are an unaccountable compulsion to cozy up to your deadliest enemies, to soothe them and coddle them and caress them until one day they finally eat you. It’s suicidal, of course, but such is the power of the virus.

Ah, but kittens are cute, you say. What harm can there be in “rescuing” one of the little darlings? And then two, then three, then eight, then a house full of them? Once infected, you can’t stop. The bug has caused you to lose all fear for your own safety or well being, and dedicates you entirely to serving its cause, which is its survival, not yours. 

A couple was found dead inside their Yorktown home this week with nearly 150 cats inside. The man and woman were discovered Monday after a request for a welfare check at the home on Cordial Road. Yorktown police found the couple dead but were not able to investigate further due to the number of cats inside the home. “I’m surprised people could live inside with the conditions present,” said Yorktown Police Department Chief Robert Noble.

Well, they did until they didn’t. And so it is with geo-politics and the noxious poison known as “wokism” or whatever the shape-shifting radical Left is calling its war on Western civilization today. The goal, like the parasite found in cat poop, is to get well-meaning, big-hearted, but soft-headed fellow travelers to lose their fear of consequences and only see the adorable objects of their pity. World peace! Who could be against that?

But dangerous predators, no matter how small or cute or cuddly, have teeth and a willingness to use them on whatever fool crosses their path. Just two decades after 9/11, Osama bin Laden is suddenly a pop star. Who had that on his bingo card?

Who indeed. Then again though, I named this here websty in the expectation that the sudden resurgence of national pride and “unity” in the immediate aftermath of 9/11—incited as it was not by deep-seated patriotic fervor but by shock and terror—would be gone like smoke in a strong wind in no time at all, wafted off into total dissipation on a gale-force blast of the Left’s enduring hatred for America, its founding ideals, its people, its prosperity, and ultimately, for themselves.

The way I saw it, this superficial “unity” couldn’t possibly last for more than a few days, perhaps a week or two at most, before the Left’s innate Blame-America reflex would pick back up where it had momentarily left off. Sadly, I was right; as I recall, it was no more than three (3) days before the first “The US had it coming!” and “No blood for oil!” posters started showing up in street-facing apartment windows…in NEW YORK FUCKING CITY, of all places.

To my mind, the proper response to such unthinking, obnoxious perfidy could only be, must only be, cold fury: at the gross stupidity of it; at the blind, pig-ignorant malice galvanizing it; at the somber hint it provided regarding the country’s future (if any); most of all, at the considerable peril in which it would put the rest of us.

The Left as toxoplasmosis? Full-blown cancer, more like.

Mike goes on to deftly flesh out his kitteh/Lefteh comparison, offering ample justification for what at first glance looks like a badly strained metaphor and making it work in the end. His closing riff, ominous though it is, is dead on target.


Holy Hell – Girls in Paris

Muslims everywhere are quaking.
Girls. French girls. I do love them.

Via: Whatfinger News

UPDATE: As Skeptic point out in the comments, a “context” comment has been added – “The video is a choreographed stunt featuring professional trainees at the Campus Univers Cascades, a stunt training centre in France.”

Appears to be accurate.


Practical advice

Now THIS is news you can really use.

9 Ways To Scare Off Californians Looking To Move Into Your Neighborhood
Wait a minute, is that young couple looking for a home in your neighborhood from California? You better get them out of here pronto before they turn your beautiful state into a socialist cesspool! If you don’t, you’ll both have to look for a new state to move to in about ten years after they bring their California politics with them.

These are the absolute best ways to scare off a Californian:

  1. Smile and wave at them: Californians hate this! They might even be killed in the process.
  2. Offer them sweet tea: They will instantly become diabetic just by looking at a full pitcher of Southern-style Sweet Tea. As an added bonus, the polite gesture will also scare them (see above).
  3. Show off a cool gun you’re packing: They will freak out even though this is only one of the guns you are packing. The others aren’t as cool, sadly.
  4. Ask them where they are going to church immediately after meeting them for the first time: It’s normal to do that where you’re from, but this question is basically kryptonite to a Californian.
  5. Invite them to your church this Sunday: (Same as above)
  6. Show them your house and the several acres you live on: Their brains literally can not comprehend the idea that a family of four isn’t crammed into a tiny studio apartment. It will seem icky and wrong to them for it to be any other way.
  7. Point out how many houses in town have American flags: Once they notice this little detail, they will react like vampires to the sun coming up at dawn.
  8. Start talking about what they can expect when winter rolls around: They are only used to one season that lasts all year round and you may need to explain the concept of winter several times before the horror for them really sets in.
  9. Show off your Trump 2020 and 2024 bumper stickers: This is sure to send them back to California in absolute terror.

Helpful, effective, to the point, indisputably true and reliable—is it any wonder the shitlib “mainstream” media hates the Bee so much?


The way forward, the way back, the past as prelude

The problem with this kind of thinking can be summed up by the parts I’ll put in boldface.

Things are going a little sideways now, wouldn’t you agree? The world is not coming to an end, exactly, but our arrangements in it are breaking up all at once, threatening to wreck everyday life for a whole lot more people than just the poor mutts on the margins. The endless insults to common decency and common sense by the vicious governing blob that runs things don’t help, either. The main question du jour: when things break really badly, will they break against that vicious blob hard enough to make it stop?

This blob — a weird cabal alien to our heritage — is composed of people with names and duties, and institutions too. They have already lost their credibility, their authority, and their legitimacy. The problem is that they haven’t lost their power to wreck our country. Exposed and disgraced as they are, they still occupy the seats of command, still twiddle the dials on the control console, still enjoy a foolish illusion of invulnerability.

I’m in favor of wholesale impeachment of these top people as the best way to go, first, to pry their hands off the levers of power, and second, use the process of impeachment to move public sentiment to a firmly anti-blob position.

See what I’m talking about? Those two statements are self-evidently contradictory. If they still occupy the seats of command—and they assuredly do—how the hell do you propose to successfully impeach them, then? Do you seriously expect a system under their control to right itself just because you have your lawyers ask their lawyers, nicely and politely, to cut out the shenanigans and skullduggery? Even if that miracle somehow does happen, who’s going to make it stick? Or, in Stalin’s famous (and possibly apocryphal) formulation, how many divisions has the Pope?

Yes, their assumption of invulnerability is in fact a foolish illusion, but not because they’re afraid of being impeached. It’s the same old story, though: the Second Amendment has no power against tyranny if Our Side has preemptively foresworn to see that’s it enforced—ie, to ever do anything with all those guns but keep them safely locked in gun safes or closets no matter what…exactly as the rabid opponents of the 2A have mandated. They did that for a reason, and so far it’s worked out quite well indeed for them.

There’s more to Kuenstler’s piece, of course, lots of it good. But in the end he’s self-stymied by some too-familiar habits of thought and emotion: the hopeless faith that, in a rigged game wherein the rules are arbitrary and favor one side over the other, appeals to the umpire might still somehow save the day. That, despite a veritable Everest of indisputable evidence to the contrary that stacks up higher each and every day, there’s still something of honesty and probity left in the crooks and grifters at the helm of the ship of (Super)state. That, in people visibly, demonstrably evil to their very marrow, there is nevertheless some good in them somewhere that might somehow be brought forth, if we can only appeal to it vehemently enough.

Would that it were so. Alas, it is not. The number of decent men in the US Congress can be counted on one’s fingers without resort to one’s toes; much as I do appreciate them, Rand Paul and Matt Gaetz will never be able to impeach anybody all by themselves. As to dismantling Foggy Bottom, fuhgeddabouddit, ain’t gonna happen without gunplay.

Not that pointing out the mal- and mis-feasance rife throughout FederalGovCo isn’t a worthwhile endeavor, mind; in fact, it’s a vital step in the whole long slog. I repeat: a process, not an event. But at some point cold, hard steel (or lead) must come into play, and all the pleas in the world for comity and gentlemanly restraint aren’t going to change that.


Demography is destiny

An oldie-but-goodie Steyn rerun which, once again, is every bit as relevant today as it was when it first ran in 2009. Probably more so, in fact.

“Israel is unfashionable,” a Continental foreign minister said to me a decade back. “But maybe Israel will change, and then fashions will change.” Fashions do change. But however Israel changes, this fashion won’t. The shift of most (non-American) Western opinion against the Jewish state that began in the 1970s was, as my Continental politician had it, simply a reflection of casting: Israel was no longer the underdog but the overdog, and why would that appeal to a post-war polytechnic Euro-Left unburdened by Holocaust guilt?

Fair enough. Fashions change. But the new Judenhass is not a fashion, simply a stark reality that will metastasize in the years ahead and leave Israel isolated in the international “community” in ways that will make the first decade of this century seem like the good old days.

A few months after the curtailed Holocaust Day tour, I found myself in that particular corner of Tower Hamlets for the first time in years. Specifically, on Cable Street—the scene of a famous battle in 1936, when Sir Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, in a crude exercise of political muscle, determined to march through the heart of Jewish East London. They were turned back by a mob of local Jews, Irish Catholic dockers, and Communist agitators, all standing under the Spanish Civil War slogan: “No Pasaran.” They shall not pass.

From “No Pasaran” to “If you go any further, you’ll die” is a story not primarily of anti-Semitism but of unprecedented demographic transformation. Beyond the fashionable “anti-Zionism” of the Euro-Left is a starker reality: The demographic energy not just in Lionel Bart’s East End but in almost every Western European country is “Asian.” Which is to say, Muslim. A recent government statistical survey reported that the United Kingdom’s Muslim population is increasing ten times faster than the general population. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, and many other Continental cities from Scandinavia to the Côte d’Azur will reach majority Muslim status in the next few years.

Brussels has a Socialist mayor, which isn’t that surprising, but he presides over a caucus a majority of whose members are Muslim, which might yet surprise those who think we’re dealing with some slow, gradual, way-off-in-the-future process here. But so goes Christendom at the dawn of the third millennium: the ruling party of the capital city of the European Union is mostly Muslim.

There are generally two responses to this trend: The first is that it’s like a cast change in Cats or, perhaps more precisely, David Merrick’s all-black production of Hello, Dolly! Carol Channing and her pasty prancing waiters are replaced by Pearl Bailey and her ebony chorus, but otherwise the show is unchanged. Same set, same words, same arrangements: France will still be France, Germany Germany, Belgium Belgium.

The second response is that the Islamicization of Europe entails certain consequences, and it might be worth exploring what these might be. There are already many points of cultural friction—from British banks’ abolition of children’s “piggy banks” to the enjoining of public doughnut consumption by Brussels police during Ramadan.

And yet on one issue there is remarkable comity between the aging ethnic Europeans and their young surging Muslim populations: A famous poll a couple of years back found that 59 per cent of Europeans regard Israel as the greatest threat to world peace.

Proviong yet again that the more things change, the more they stay the same. But will the West learn the lesson at long, long last? Not bloody likely, alas.

The Muslim world has spent decades peddling the notion that the reason a vast oil-rich region stretching thousands of miles is politically deformed and mired in grim psychoses is all because of a tiny strip of turf barely wider than my New Hampshire township. It will make an ever more convenient scapegoat for the problems of a far vaster territory from the mountains of Morne to the Urals. There was a fair bit of this in the days after 9/11. As Richard Ingrams wrote on the following weekend in the London Observer: “Who will dare to damn Israel?”

Well, take a number and get in line. The dust had barely settled on the London Tube bombings before a reader named Derrick Green sent me a congratulatory e-mail: “I bet you Jewish supremacists think it is Christmas come early, don’t you? Incredibly, you are now going to get your own way even more than you did before, and the British people are going to be dragged into more wars for Israel.”

So it will go. British, European, and even American troops will withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, and a bomb will go off in Madrid or Hamburg or Manchester, and there will be nothing left to blame except Israeli “disproportion.” For the remnants of European Jewry, the already discernible migration of French Jews to Quebec, Florida, and elsewhere will accelerate. There are about 150,000 Jews in London today—it’s the thirteenth biggest Jewish city in the world. But there are approximately one million Muslims. The highest number of Jews is found in the 50-54 age group; the highest number of Muslims are found in the four-years-and-under category. By 2025, there will be Jews in Israel, and Jews in America, but not in many other places. Even as the legitimacy of a Jewish state is rejected, the Jewish diaspora—the Jewish presence in the wider world—will shrivel.

And then, to modify Richard Ingrams, who will dare not to damn Israel?

The joke about Mandatory Palestine was that it was the twice-promised land. But isn’t that Europe, too? And perhaps Russia and maybe Canada, a little ways down the line? Two cultures jostling within the same piece of real estate. Not long ago, I found myself watching the video of another “pro-Palestinian” protest in central London with the Metropolitan Police retreating up St. James’s Street to Piccadilly in the face of a mob hurling traffic cones and jeering, “Run, run, you cowards!” and “Allahu akbar!”

You would think the deluded multi-culti progressives would understand: In the end, this isn’t about Gaza, this isn’t about the Middle East; it’s about them. It may be some consolation to an ever-lonelier Israel that, in one of history’s bleaker jests, in the coming Europe the Europeans will be the new Jews.

And so it has come to pass. If you wonder where this all might be headed, you need only look to the name of London’s sitting mayor for a clue.

So obvious only a “liberal” could fail to understand it

Just another typically brilliant Daniel Greenfield essay.

As highly civilized people, we’ve lost touch with some basic concepts. Like war.

We complain that we never win wars anymore, but that’s because we don’t fight them. Instead, we have limited interventions against insurgents. We try to stabilize failed states. Sometimes we go in, take out a few terrorists, and then go back home. Veterans, whose wounds are very real, sit around wondering what it was all for. So do the families of the men who died fighting in a war that was never a war.

To win a war, you have to fight one.

If your enemy is fighting a war and you’re fighting something less than a war, the enemy will win.

A few rules of thumb, from people who knew a little something about it.

We fight things that are not wars to ‘stabilize’ regions. Wars are not fought for stability, but destruction. To win a war, destroy the enemy. That’s what the United States and its allies did in WWII, raining mass death and destruction on Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in ways that still make modern liberals cringe.

“The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them,” said Arthur Harris, the Royal Air Force chief of Bomber Command, in 1940.

“The harder we push, the more Germans we kill. The more Germans we kill, the fewer of our men will be killed. Pushing harder means fewer casualties. I want you all to remember that,” General Geroge Patton told the Third Army.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s obsession with taking the war to Japan led to the Doolittle Raid. One of the bombs from that raid hit a school. “It is quite impossible to bomb a military objective that has civilian residences near it without danger of harming the civilian residences as well. That is a hazard of war,” Doolittle had warned.

That is what war is. It’s why wars should not be fought lightly. But when you fight them, fight to win.

Indeed so. Or, as the rockabilly folks always like to say: Get hot or go home.


Bloggers go round in circles

First, JJ gets the train a-rolling with this, about drooling socialist shitwit and felonious Congresscritter Jamaal T’Qwon’ShiTaviousLa’VerlenDe’Etta Bowman:

In any case, what Bowman did was indeed the dictionary definition of what all of the innocent dupes who were caught up in the FBI/DOJ false flag sting operation on January 6th have been accused of – many of whom tried, convicted and sentenced to long stretches in federal prison. And what he did was worse as it could have led to actual physical harm. As opposed to the crime against humanity of walking around with a police escort dressed as Chief Wild Eagle or putting your feet up on Malig-Nancy Pelosi’s desk. The horror. The horror…

In a completely bizarre decision, Dem. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY) committed a misdemeanor and potential felony in order to stop the Constitutional function of government. I kid you not…

…We are talking breaking the law here, an act apparently performed with the goal of disrupting Constitutional congressional work. This is a Constitutional crisis because he intended to upend our Constitutional order and to topple our democracy. And stuff. Isn’t that how this works? I think so, according to the Democrats’ own rules, so this felony needs to be pursued and this man held accountable.

He won’t be held accountable, because Democrat. If he actually were held accountable, cities would burn.

Emphasis Bill’s, who responds thusly:

Wait. Is that supposed to be a threat? To me and the constitutionally governed republic I love? 

Let it burn. Let them burn. The cities are all nests of America-hating negroes, illegal aliens, organized criminals, white female supremacists, and low self-restraint barbarian savages too stupid, ignorant, and violent to see a problem with burning down their own homes, let alone our society, culture, and politics. Except for a small minority, it’s not really their society in the first place. They didn’t create it, and, in fact, seem barely to know it exists, even as they rampage through the smoking rubble of its destruction.

“Burn, baby, burn!” you threaten?

I say, fine. Let it burn. Since the American body politic seems unable to defeat the cancer eating away at its heart, perhaps stronger, more traditional cures are needed.

Seconded, with all my heart and soul. Every word he just said is true, albeit disheartening as all hell. Regardless of what sane, peaceable folks might prefer, all signs and portents indicate that the time for painful, unpleasant remedies is nigh upon us. Harsh reality will reassert itself, dream castles come crashing down. Fantasies and delusions will blow away like tiny shreds of Kleenex in a stiff wind.

Consider: Normals have been lied to, laughed at, swindled, double-crossed—their guileless trust weaponized against them; their intelligence insulted; their values and beliefs belittled. Their jobs have been outsourced to hostile nations. Their independence and freedom of movement have been slowly but steadily eroded, their businesses gratuitously destroyed, their very lives ruined, all in the name of a fraudulent climate “crisis” and a Plandemic hoax. Their children have been indoctrinated, sexualized, surgically mutilated, and taught to despise their loving parents—all while being somberly cautioned that they must never, ever mention to their parents what Teacher has been doing to them in school, mind.

They pay punitive taxes to a Superstate Leviathan that disburses those funds to feral inner-city “youths” who express their gratitude for such kindly largesse by robbing them, mugging them, hijacking their cars, invading their homes, raping their wives and/or daughters, and remorselessly murdering them for no more reason than that they think it’s “fun.” That same Leviathan-state—bloated yet never sated by a steady diet of extravagantly-usurious taxation, licensing fees, permits, and “service” charges—denounces its Normal benefactors, upon whom its very existence depends, as unevolved, bigoted, (victim of the week)-phobic, and reflexively violent. It vilifies them as an ever-present threat to all things officially deemed Good, Decent, and Acceptable—a threat that must be suppressed, exiled, incarcerated, and/or eliminated without delay.

The money Normals earn much too little of by the sweat of their brow—paid with fiat currency backed by nothing more substantive than hot air and the forked-tongue promises of politicians—has been devalued into virtual worthlessness thanks to systemic fiscal irresponsibility, staggeringly profligate spending, and just plain waste. Meanwhile, expenses for food, rent, fuel, and all consumer goods rocket into the ionosphere even while untold billions are shoveled to a corrupt and intractably mendacious foreign dictator—ostensibly to sustain a pointless proxy war FederalGovCo cannot win, waged against an army its own weakened, numerically dwindling, and poorly trained armed forces cannot defeat, but in reality a quid pro quo payoff to buy the bent dictator’s continued omertà on the topic of the Biden Crime Familia‘s chronic bribe-chasing and influence peddling, a scheme pulled off in quiet collusion with said dictator.

Normals live in a lawless society under an illegitimate occupation government, ceaselessly reviled by an amoral arts-entertainment/education/sports/journalism monolith which cordially loathes them and all that they stand for, cherish, or revere. Their generosity and good will are taken for granted; their faith in institutions and authorities betrayed; their best interests, opinions, and preferences ignored. Their patience, tolerance, and forbearance are assumed to be without limit. Because they’ve never yet risen in righteously-furious revolt to liberate themselves from such cancerous oppression, their oppressors have convinced themselves that they never will.

Yeah, if the “Biden” junta, its lackwit ghetto dupes, and sundry overprivileged, epicene, Wokester pseudo-“elites” really DO want a fight, just let ’em keep all this up. Should they carry on as they have been, I strongly suspect they just might get themselves one before too very much longer—all they wanted of one, plus.

Update! Almost forgot to include the inspiration for my post title, dang it. Ladies and germs, for your dining and dancing pleasure, allow me to present to you the one, the only, the incomparable BUDDY! MIIIILES! *insert wild, uproarious applause HERE*

FYI, that odd-looking, pint-sized keyboard-whatchamadingy Buddy blows his solo into around midway through is called a Clavietta Melodica. Reason I know this is my dad had one of ’em just like the one at this h’yar link. Man, I used to just love playing that little sucker when I was but a wee tot. I ain’t claiming I was actually any good at it, but when I was eight years old, I sure thought I was.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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