NC legislature overrides commie Coopers veto of election security bills.
Don’t vote and you will not get this. A big win in the state of NC, and another win against the deep state.
Republicans Override Democrat Governor’s Vetoes On Election Security Bills
“If you are black or brown, Republicans really don’t want you to vote,” the Democrat governor claimed.
“This legislation has nothing to do with election security and everything to do with Republicans keeping and gaining power,” Cooper wrote in his veto message. “It encourages voter intimidation at the polls by election deniers and conspiracy believers.”
Deny this, dipshit.
Just so it’s clear, is the “dipshit” reference aimed at the poster of the article, myself?
Are you in agreement with the commie governor?
Or am I improperly reading your comment?
The dipshit in question is our good friend
“Ray” Cooper.
OK, thanks. I can’t remember everyone that comments here unless it’s more frequent, which would be good 🙂
Without knowing the sentiments expressed, I’ll respond to the communist governors veto words…
So, the commie states the legislation has nothing to do with election security but rather, it is an attempt to “erect new barriers to younger and non-white voters”. LOL, the marxist always, every time, without fail, claims it is racism that motivates anyone opposed to their communist agenda. Fuck you Gov Cooper. It is just another lie, or you can believe that youngsters and non-whites are incapable of doing what older white folks can do. Anyone that believes that is a fucking RACIST, 100%. So, no that’s not the reason for the veto.
The commie states the legislation requires valid votes be tossed if the post office delivers them “even one minute” late. So, the commie doesn’t give a reason why we should have the post office being late, a federal agency, nor does he wish to establish a deadline… Wonder why?
And last, the commie governor states the legislation “encourages voter intimidation at the polls” but cannot identify the source of this intimidation. Wonder why?
So, in short, the communist governor was installed by election theft and does not want any impediment to election theft in the future. He’s a liar as are any of his commie defenders.
This legislation places value on free and fair elections above all else and without that none of us believe our elected officials are rightly in place. The commies cannot win free and fair elections in NC and that is why the communist vetoed the legislation.