Whither “governable”?

Are America’s big cities ungovernable? And if they are, do those of us who don’t live in them give a shit? SHOULD we? If so, WHY, exactly?

In the wake of the failure of failure Lori Lightfoot to gain admission to the Chicago mayoral runoff, The Atlantic, a left-inclined publication, has decided to salve her wound, though not the wound her mayoralty has inflicted upon Chicago, with an article proclaiming that “Big Cities Are Ungovernable…”

If that thesis were put to a for / against debate among scholars of urban history and dynamics, how do you think the discussion would go? Myself, I expect the participants would squabble endlessly over the definitions of “big,” “cities,” and “ungovernable.” (That would consume them so completely that they’d have nothing left for “are.”) Thus they could evade all discussion of the actual proposition until the last of the audience had drifted away.

Robert A. Heinlein was no fan of the big city:

“As a thumb rule, one can say that any time a planet starts developing cities of more than one million people, it is approaching critical mass. In a century or two it won’t be fit to live on.”

And so my own preference is clear, though it might have a Mae West feel, I shall add this: I’ve been a country dweller and I’ve been a city dweller, and honey, the country is better. But that’s all to the side.

It’s hardly a state secret that America’s largest cities are in bad shape today. They’re overrun with social pathologies, consistently underperform at “public services,” and cost a fortune to live in. Yet that was not always the case. Indeed, during the mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani, New York City returned from an abyss of squalor to a quality and livability it hadn’t known since Fiorello La Guardia. The Di Blasio and Adams mayoralties have dissipated that. Los Angeles during Ronald Reagan’s governorship over California was equally a beautiful, highly livable place. It’s not enough to say sic transit gloria mundi and pass on. We must discover the reasons for the changes and what “governability” or the lack thereof has to do with them.

Large numbers of people cannot be “governed,” in the original sense of the word, by a discrete “government.” (If that statement mystifies you, look up the function and operation of a steam engine’s governor.) They must ultimately “govern” themselves, which destroys the usual interpretation of governable and governability. Moreover, the “large number” doesn’t need to be in the millions, as The Atlantic would have it.

Today, sufficient fractions of the populaces of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and other major cities simply refuse to be governed. They do as they please, aware of the potential consequences but willing to risk them. That has rendered those cities ungovernable, in the sense generally understood by private citizens. But clearly it was not always thus.

The residents of Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York City, Chicago, and other homeless capitals have elected to tolerate the public degradation that their homeless populations impose upon them. Conditions there have made them resemble “closed systems” de facto where homelessness is concerned. They would rather tolerate huge homeless camps and what comes with them than strict code enforcement. The homeless find the results congenial to their filthy and dissolute preferences. What the city governments could do, they will not, for fear of electoral backlash.

And day by day, their entropy increases.

Is this a verdict on whether “Big Cities Are Ungovernable?” I don’t think so. History speaks to the opposite effect. But it does cast an interesting light on whether large groups of left-liberals are governable.

Well, I think the answer to that ever-more-pressing question has been made plain enough by recent history; anyone still in doubt is encouraged to take themselves a nice, long stroll around downtown Detroit late at night for further education, if they dare. Wear full Class-III body armor with ceramic plates, that’s my advice.

Governable or not, the libtards can damned sure be suppressed. Nobody seems much interested in talking about that option right now, even sotto voce. Nevertheless, it’s a conversation we’re going to need to get started on sooner rather than later.


No justice, no peace

Waitwaitwait, boogs are equestrians now too? My late wife was a professional Hunter-Jumper rider and a trainer as well, and I can’t recollect seeing any of our darker-complected brethren (or, y’know, sistren) at the many events she dragged me off to over the course of our tragically-foreshortened union. I mean, really now: who knew?

New York Times Discovers a New Source of Racism, and This One Could Be the Most Ridiculous Yet

The New York Times, that intrepid warrior for anything and everything that the Left is hysterical about, on Friday published a lengthy piece about a source of systemic racism that no one has ever noticed before: It seems that equestrian helmets are racist because they don’t accommodate the dreadlocks that some black horse riders wear. One black rider’s mother lamented: “Mostly everything in this sport isn’t designed for us.” Well, that’s got to change, and these Jackie Robinsons of the Coiffure, with the Times’ generous help, are leading the way to the Equestrian Helmet Justice that our society so desperately needs.

Chanel Robbins, the Times tells us solemnly, “has been riding horses most of her life, ever since her grandmother traded a cow from their family’s farm in Ontario for a pony when she was 7.” Horse riding “offered an escape from thoughts that weighed on her,” which included the fact that “she was the only Black girl in the neighborhood.” But when she grew dreadlocks, her helmet didn’t fit anymore, and that, as you must know by now, is racist.

Fighting back tears (really, the Times actually said she was), Robbins said: “I finally freaking feel like myself, and now society is asking me to change. I just want to be able to ride.” How dare Whitey do this! Is there nothing to which he will not stoop? Poor Chanel Robbins can only find relief on the back of a horse from the systemic racism that confronts her every hour in Amerikkka, but now Whitey has taken even that away!

The Times generously ascribes this not to malice, but to callous indifference: “Black equestrians have long felt virtually invisible in a sport that remains overwhelmingly white. For those with natural hair, which for many is a declaration of pride and Black identity, finding a helmet that fits properly can be nearly impossible, creating yet another barrier to full inclusion.” Big Helmet (ah, but not big enough) is just as indifferent to their plight as Whitey in general: “Some are now lobbying for change, mindful that horseback riding is among the leading causes of sports-related traumatic brain injury. The helmet companies say there isn’t a simple fix.”

The second most-dangerous sport in the world, actually, or used to be anyway. Snow-skiing being the first, back when my wife told me about it. Spencer’s next bit is truly sidesplitting, so swallow that mouthful of whatever you’re drinking or eating before reading on.

Well, yeah. What are the helmet companies going to do, make the helmets three feet wide? This most first-world of all first-world problems brings Oscar Gamble to mind. Baseball fans of a certain age will remember Mr. Gamble, who played major league baseball in the 1970s while sporting an Afro of truly awe-inspiring proportions. In my neighborhood, baseball cards featuring Oscar Gamble with his baseball cap stuck on the massive thing, making his head and hair look like three planets of roughly similar size orbiting in close proximity to one another, were a coveted commodity. Many marveled at his hair, some dared to laugh, but Gamble himself took it all in stride. Never once did he demand that the people who manufactured baseball caps fashion one large enough to go around his huge hair. The white kids who played baseball in the 1970s often had long hair also, and got used to having it mashed uncomfortably under the cap. In life, sometimes one must put up with a bit of discomfort, or sacrifice one desired item in order to obtain another. But that was before everything, and I do mean everything, became racist.

A pic of Gamble—who racked up good enough stats over his long and storied career as a power-hitting Major League DH to be able to wear his hair any damned way he liked—and his ludicrous, totally off-the-chain ‘Fro.


Couldn’t say why, exactly, but for some strange reason that photo puts me in mind of the classic Mad magazine parody of Starsky & Hutch—renamed Harsky & Stutch, natch—wherein the Huggy Bear character was rejiggered (ahem) into “Buggy Hair.” Gamble is also remembered among baseball mavens for his brilliant Jive-speak quote referencing the general organizational chaos that plagued the Yankees at the time he was playing for them: “They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.”

Heh. Anyways, onwards.

And so now the Times tells us that Caitlin Gooch, “who wears her hair in locs that fall to her mid-back,” takes her riding helmet along when she gets her hair done, “to ensure it will still fit.” That’s perfectly reasonable and sensible. If someone wants some extravagant hairstyle, it might cause difficulties in other areas. Sometimes one must choose between the two. But Gooch “started teaching riding lessons” and “found herself having to tell children they couldn’t ride if there was no helmet that properly fit them.” This was, once again, perfectly reasonable, but apparently it’s a new and heinously racist offense in the Times’ dizzy and ugly world.

Yeah, well, what ain’t nowadays, according to these determinedly miserable shitlib gimps.


The upraised middle digit of Diogenes

Porretto hips us to a blogger I’d never run across before, and behold! She. Is. Good.

Democrat Rep Denies Black People Have God-Given Rights. Then Steps on Rake for Good Measure

Truly, we are governed by the dumbest people, and I don’t mean that as a generic insult. I mean that in the most technical way possible. The United States government is populated and run by some of the least knowledgeable mediocrities on earth.

To provide evidence of that, I bring you Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), a man that’s no stranger to beclowning himself for the cameras. After all, this is the same guy who once brought a bucket of KFC to a hearing because then-AG Bill Barr rescheduled.

On Tuesday, Cohen decided to go on a rant denouncing the “right-wing” Supreme Court for doing things like upholding the constitution and forcing the Biden administration to follow the law. In the midst of that, the congressman proclaimed that women and black people don’t have God-given rights.

I’m sure that sounded a lot more smarter in his head.

God is not the US government. God-given rights (natural rights) are not bestowed by pieces of paper written by men. That conflation not only makes no sense, but it is the exact opposite of what the phrase God-given rights means in any historical context. Inalienable rights exist outside and in isolation of any government dictate. If rights come from politicians, then they aren’t rights. They are simply allowances by overlords.

Cohen apparently doesn’t grasp that and instead believes that a right doesn’t exist until the US government bestows it upon someone. Such a viewpoint is not only constitutionally illiterate, but it’s also dangerous in that it assumes unlimited power exists in the hands of an overarching, malleable human authority.

Unfortunately, Cohen’s view, dumb as it may be, is popular on the left. They have turned the US government into a god to be worshiped. No one has the right to do anything unless the overpaid elites in Washington give their stamp of approval. Thankfully, at least for now, the United States has a Supreme Court that is willing to check the Democratic Party’s most authoritarian instincts. At least for now.

An important caveat, that is. Because, as with all other good things, it too will sooner or later come to an end. And just like that, bang, zoom, into Ye Olde CF Blogrolle she goes.


Limousine liberal gets kicked to the curb

Not a fan, never have been, ain’t never gonna be.

Bruce Springsteen’s ticket prices are so high that his fan site ‘Backstreets’ is shutting down after 43 years

A magazine and website that has served Bruce Springsteen’s fans for 43 years is shutting down, with its publisher writing that he’s been disillusioned by the debate over ticket prices for their hero’s current tour.

Backstreets had been an unusually robust publication that imposed journalistic rigor on its writing and photography, while leaving no doubt of its fan worship.

But the complaints about high ticket prices left people there “dispirited, downhearted and yes, disillusioned,” publisher Christopher Phillips wrote late last week in a post announcing the shutdown.

“Disappointment is a common feeling among hardcore fans in the Backstreets community,” he wrote. Phillips did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

Springsteen’s manager, Jon Landau, said that “we are very sorry to hear the news of Backstreets closing and want to thank Chris Phillips for his 30 years of dedication on behalf of Springsteen fans everywhere. “

There was an uproar among some Springsteen fans when tickets first went on sale last summer, particularly over Ticketmaster’s dynamic pricing model, which sent tickets soaring to $5,000 or more when there was high demand. At a congressional hearing last month following the fiasco over Ticketmaster’s handling of Taylor Swift tour tickets, U.S. Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana suggested major artists like Springsteen and Swift should demand fee caps.

Springsteen’s team has defended the prices as being in line with what is charged today by many of his peers. Like many artists, he says he’s annoyed when unscrupulous ticket brokers — not the musicians — benefit from high markups.

Admittedly, Springsteen has a great band behind him. At the end of the day, though, even the legendary E Street Band is not enough to offset Bruce’s powerful asshole proclivities. Honestly, I always felt kinda sorry for Clarence Clemmons, Miami Steve Van Zandt, Max Weinberg, and the rest for having to put up with their insufferable, pretentious “Boss,” and couldn’t see how they managed to do it for all those years.

(Via Ed)


Lifestyles of the rich and famous drunk and weird

Yep, a Grindr date gone bad, that’s what this was.

There’s nothing about this that doesn’t look weird, Sebastian. A shit-circus, a freakshow, a maelstrom in a madhouse, that’s what.


Excellent targets for a good, hard boycott

Nice if revolting catch by Libs of Tik Tok.

It’s time to check your kid’s toys for grooming materials

They keep saying no one is grooming your kids but here we are once again.  Multiple toy companies have gone full groomer.

Our Weekly Clown World newsletter brought to your attention some of the groomer toys available to children — Fisher Price’s “RuPaul Drag Race” trans doll set for toddlers, Walmart’s body pillow shaped like a penis advertised for adults and children while the picture of the item showed a very young girl snuggling with the massive penis. And you might have thought, toys like that are rare and they slipped through the production cracks, but you would be wrong.

With the recent news that American Girl Doll books are encouraging your daughters to transition we’ve been getting a lot of submissions regarding toys. So, just in time for the biggest toy holiday of the year, we decided to take you for a walk down memory lane of how they are grooming kids via toys.

Earlier this month American Girl, an extremely popular doll company, released a 96-page book “A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image” with a section titled “Gender Joy”. This book recommended on Amazon for fourth graders through sixth graders is encouraging children to delay puberty.

“If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity.”

Scarier yet, they are grooming children to circumvent their parents!

“If you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you.”

Although this is outrageous and we are certainly seeing an uptick in transgender ideology being pushed on minors, it is important to remember this is nothing new!

Hasbro Trolls Poppy doll has caused an uproar from moms who were horrified at the sexual sounds that came out of the doll when you pushed the button that was suspiciously placed on her private parts. Of course, Hasbro claimed it was an oversight.

Ahh, but of course. Isn’t it always?

This is a truly sick, sick society we’re living in. More disgusting still is that, as the lady says, the sickness gets even worse and more staggeringly grotesque from there.



I think it’s so cute, all the things these poor widdle Snowflake Snuffleupagii think themselves entitled to in this cold, cruel world.

WATCH: Twitter’s former head of Trust & Safety claims Babylon Bee, Libs of TikTok make ‘people unsafe in the world’
Woke former head of Trust and Safety at Twitter, Yoel Roth, left the company, then Twitter, and now is pontificating about how satire is a danger to democracy. Roth made the remarks at the Knight Foundation’s “Informed: Conversations on Democracy in the Digital Age” at the end of November, after his time with Twitter had come to an end.

“Okay, Babylon Bee,” moderator Kara Swisher posed to Roth, “which is what got him to buy the thing, I think. That’s the one which is, which was not particularly funny. ‘The Babylon Bee’s Man of the Year is Rachel Levine.’ Not funny. I didn’t agree that they should have taken that down. But go ahead.”

In the spring, the Babylon Bee had been declared by Twitter to be in violation of their “hateful conduct” policies for sharing a satirical article awarding Biden’s transgender diversity hire, assistant Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services Dr. Rachel Levine, a “man of the year” award. This was in response to Time Magazine naming Levine “woman of the year.”

The satire account was locked out of Twitter pending their voluntary deletion of the tweet. Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dylan refused to comply. The violation was to the terms of Twitter’s hateful conduct policy, which reads that users “may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

Not a single fucking one of which the Bee, by making sport of a patently mentally-disturbed, delusional freak, was to the least degree guilty of. Onwards.

It was after the Bee’s very public, and controversial ban that Musk bought enough Twitter shares to become a majority owner, and shortly afterward, Musk made his $44 billion proposal to buy the entire platform. In the fall, Musk freed the Bee from Twitter jail.

“You know, it’s interesting,” Roth replied to Swisher. “It’s interesting to think about what the competing tensions around that are. And I want to start by acknowledging that the targeting and the victimization of the trans community on Twitter is very real, very life threatening and extraordinarily serious.”

Yeah, fuck you, ya mincing bumblaster. Although it somehow seems to have escaped your notice, Poindexter, the frightening fact is that life on this here blue marble is life-threatening, extraordinarily serious, and quite damned dangerous, by the very nature of the thing. Contra all the nonsense Mummy and Daddykins appear to have filled your eggshell-fragile noggin with, along with every other too-twee little plague-rat currently infesting this sorely beset former nation, none of us are getting out of this alive.

No, not even you. I strongly suggest you get used to it.

This concept from Roth that words are violence is one traveling like wildfire through liberal circles. The idea is that if anyone says anything offensive, that could encourage others to do mean things. This has been called “stochastic terrorism,” and the goal of this kind of accusation is to suppress free speech.

Yeah, “stochastic terrorism,” who cares. A fancy-sounding phrase describing nothing of any genuine import, of course and as usual, beyond their Rule Numero Uno: Our violence is speech, your speech is violence. Big fucking deal.

“We have seen from a number of Twitter accounts, including Libs of TikTok, notably, that there are orchestrated campaigns that particularly are singling out a group that is already particularly vulnerable within society,” Roth said.

“And so yeah, not only is it not funny, but it is dangerous, and it does contribute to an environment that makes people unsafe in the world. So let’s start from the premise that it’s f*cked up,” he continued.

A better, more sensible idea: let’s don’t and say we did. It’s “people” like YOU that are fucked up here, not the “premise.”

I cannot even begin to express my tremendous relief that nobody had to depend on contemptible, cowardly dorksnorts like these two prime examples of everything that’s gone haywire with this once-great country when it came time to storm the beaches at Normandy in 1944. Sadly, though, they ARE who our dying 1st Amendment rights will be relying on for their perpetuation—particularly in light of the sorry fact that not only are they vehemently opposed to the very concept, but are actually scared out of their wits by it.


Spiteful mutants

If you should ever wonder about who it is that really rules us, well, there’s your answer.

In a high-trust society, you can take risks, like trying to invent a better plow or a better way to preserve food. You can also question official orthodoxy without fear of being killed, so new ideas can get room to breathe. European people made the modern world because they reward improvement. If you can produce a better way, even if it offends a rich person, you will be rewarded.

What all of this points to is that within every human population there is a defect rate and those defects have consequences. Some of the defects turn out to be harmless, like stupid people who can be employed in simple labor. Other defects can be quite harmful, like murderers and rapists. As evolutionary psychologist Ed Dutton points out, some of these defects result in spiteful mutants.

Spiteful mutants are the men in dresses demanding everyone pretend they are some third sex rather than a lunatic. These are the feminists who make war on the normal sexual relations of society. The people policing speech online and inflicting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion programs are spiteful mutants. These are the human defects slowly making life impossible in Western countries.

Professor Dutton points out that we used to have social mechanisms for minimizing the impact of human defects. The death penalty is the extreme example, but social pressure reduced mating opportunities. The scold’s bridle was used to control what we now call feminists. Of course, most of what we think of as feminists were called witches in the past and properly burned at the stake.

Because we have systematically dismantled these mechanisms for minimizing the impact of human defects, we are now being overrun by them. Western societies are becoming unbearable due to the spiteful mutants. They have infected every aspect of society to the point where things are starting to break down. Even basic things like elections are proving impossible due to these mutants.

The various claims made by evolutionary psychology with regards to the impact of things like the death penalty are far from proven. In fact, they probably will never be fully tested because we lack the data. What these claims do is provide a useful framework for explaining the rise of Europe starting around 1500. They help us shape the narrative and make further research more productive.

They also help us understand the current crisis. The forces that increased the stock of human capital in Europe are now in reverse. Instead of reducing the proportion of defective people, social forces are now increasing their numbers. Like the inflection point in 1500, when European progress suddenly turned upward, we are approaching an inflection point where things suddenly turn much worse. This will not end well.

Yep. We made the mistake of giving the spiteful mutants an inch, and as they always and forever do, they took everything from us.


Quick, somebody explain to me how this isn’t terrorism

Interfering with airport operations? Knowingly intimidating airport patrons, employees, and security personnel for purely political purposes? Blocking access to travelers as they attempt to go about their perfectly lawful business?

Where’s the Department of Homeland Security when you really need ’em, anyhow?

These climate scientists feel ‘a higher calling’ — civil disobedience

Fine then; I have no real problem with civil disobedience, which has a long and for the most part honorable historical tradition here in the US. I am likewise fine with these weedy shitlibs being arrested, tried, and imprisoned for said civil disobedience, which would be the time-honored, traditional result of such disruption.

As world leaders discuss climate change at the United Nations summit in Egypt, activists elsewhere are targeting private jets and frequent flyers, which contribute to global warming. On Thursday, four people, including two climate scientists, were charged with trespassing after they chained themselves to entryways at Charlotte Douglas International Airport’s private jet terminal.

It was one in a series of protests at 17 airports around the world coordinated by a group called Scientist Rebellion.

Peter Kalmus of Chapel Hill studies biodiversity and ecological forecasting for NASA. Rose Abramoff of Knoxville, Tennessee, researches how climate change affects ecosystems. She doesn’t want to say where.

They’re also both activists, who have recently turned to civil disobedience. Abramoff says she struggles to keep her work and her activism separate:

“Like all scientists, we were trained to maintain a type of neutrality in all things, especially when speaking publicly. As scientists, none of us claim to represent our institutions. But we do speak from a place of greater credibility because of our educational background, and because of our training in the climate sciences,” Abramoff said.

“But when we’re engaging in advocacy, we’re citizens, you know, we’re mothers and daughters, and fathers and sons and members of our community. And we have a right to say what we’re thinking, and almost a responsibility,” Abramoff said.

Yes, you in fact DO have a right to say what you’re “thinking.” So stipulated. What you assuredly do NOT have either a “right” or a “responsibility” to do is any of the things I mentioned in the opening line above, all of which are HIGHLY illegal acts, particular when one does them at an airport. I know all of you are suffused with great pride in your superior intellects, your higher morality and concern, and your overweening, too-precious sense of God-granted entitlement to dictate to us lesser beings as to how we must conduct our own lives.

I repeat: fine, then. Put your fucking money where your fucking fat yaps are and do some hard time for the flagrant illegalities you’ve perpetrated due to your own smug, self-righteous sense of entitlement to harass other people who have done nothing whatever to deserve it. Let’s all see whether your well-muscled, proto-simian, menacing cellmate thinks as highly of you holy-rollers and your “higher calling” as you yourselves do.


A new wrinkle

Where does this madness end? If it does…?

Norwegian Man Now Identifies as a Disabled Woman, Uses Wheelchair “Almost All The Time”

A man in Norway is sparking outrage on social media after he was sympathetically interviewed about his decision to begin identifying as a disabled woman.

On October 28, Good Morning Norway (God Morgen Norge, GMN) aired an interview with Jørund Viktoria Alme, 53, an able-bodied male who now identifies as a disabled woman. In the interview, Alme stated that he had always wished he had been born a woman who was paralyzed from the waist down.

Alme, a senior credit analyst for Handelsbanken in Oslo, has received positive coverage in Norwegian media since he first announced his trans-disability publicly on Facebook in 2020. He has given several interviews, often alongside his wife, Agnes Mjålseth.

Despite having no physical handicaps, Alme currently utilizes a wheelchair “almost all the time.”

In addition to gender dysphoria, Alme claims to have a Body Integrity Disorder (BID), citing a “dissonance” between how he perceives himself and how his body functions. “I have struggled with this every day my whole life,” Alme told Vi, a Norwegian outlet, earlier this year.

“It is a cognitive dissonance: in the same way that I experience being a woman in a man’s body, I experience that I should have been paralyzed from the waist down. This is not a desire to be a burden on society. It is about the wheelchair being an aid for me to function in everyday life, both privately and at work,” Alme stated.

David Thompson deftly flenses this sick pervert.

So not just a woman, but a woman in a wheelchair, which confers bonus points. So many intersections. So many opportunities to impose on others.

Unsurprisingly, many actually disabled people, whose use of wheelchairs is not recreational or a prop in some theatrical psychodrama, have aired their reservations about this new frontier in the world of make-believe identities. Among them, Noomi Alexandersen, a woman with cerebral palsy, who told Norway’s TV 2 that Mr Alme’s professed “identity” is an insult. Mr Alme, however, prefers to think of himself – an activity well-practised – as an activist of sorts, overcoming prejudice and facilitating “diversity and inclusion.” It’s all terribly selfless and heroic.

Oh wait.

In September, Alme confessed to [Norwegian newspaper] iNyheter that his identity as a disabled woman was sexually motivated. 

As I was saying, selfless and heroic.

Mr Alma, it turns out, has been happy to share his tales of titillation:

Alme has told Norwegian outlets that his desire to be disabled stems from a childhood memory. He recalled feeling “envious” of another child with a leg injury who was using crutches while he was an elementary school student. “My reaction was an intense interest. My heart pounded, my pulse increased, and I was activated in my body. I was incredibly focused on him and what this was all about. Everyone gathered around and was going to try the crutches, while I kept my distance. I was so afraid that someone would find out what was going on inside me,” Alme told [Norwegian newspaper] Budstikke.  

He was activated in his body. Now defer to his fetish, you bigot.

So, as I’ve long suspected and repeatedly said hereabouts: ultimately, the whole diseased “transgender” farce revolves around some cross-wired transvestite springing a stiffy and beating off over the exquisite humiliation of it all. For these types, forcing normal, healthy people into becoming unwitting participants in their bizarre fantasy life is the biggest turn-on of all.

(Via Ed Driscoll)


The TRUE threat

HINT TO SHITLIBS: It ain’t us, it’s you.

Biden’s Rhetoric is a Threat to the Republic
This isn’t just pandering to the base

The only good thing about this speech is that it didn’t have a color scheme out of V for Vendetta and didn’t feature Marines in the background. Whoever runs these things at least learned from that attempt at looking like Biden was about to declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus and make everyone read Gender Queer and How To Be An Anti-Racist at gunpoint in a gulag.

With the countdown underway, voters have made it clear that they care about the economy and crime. Anyone who finds the “threat to democracy” routine persuasive is already a solid blue voter and ActBlue donor who probably showed up for at least one D.C. protest.

This isn’t just pandering to the base, it’s pandering to the Elizabeth Warren base.

Biden’s call to “vote knowing what’s at stake and not just the policy of the moment, but institutions that have held us together as we’ve sought a more perfect union are also at stake” is an admission that his faction has lost the policy argument and doesn’t have anything else to work with.

While the delivery is laughable, the premise isn’t. Biden’s speeches may not interest voters, but they continue to push the totalitarian message that “democracy” is embodied by Democrats and threatened by Republicans, that if Dems fail to win, then the result will be the end of America.

That kind of rhetoric is typical, but under Obama and Biden, it’s been backed up by arrests, investigations, surveillance, raids, imprisonment, censorship and the whole banana republic gamut.

Daniel is a bit too blasé about Slow Joe’s overheated bargain-basement histrionics amounting to no more than mere pandering to Leftard extremists to suit me. Bribem and his fellow like-minded fanatics aren’t so much pandering to their proven-violent followers as they are trying to motivate them, along with granting tacit permission for them to do what they so badly want to do already.

It’s never been more vital that Heritage Americans pay unflagging heed to a hoary old military mantra, a handy phrase I was first introduced to at the NAS Oceana O-club by the fighter-jocks therein assembled: head on a swivel, total SA. Indeed, it could well turn out to be a matter of life and death for some of us before all is said and done, depending on where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re with.


Hey, creature, leave those kids alone!

Ripping the glitter-bedecked, 5XL schmatta off “Drag Queen Story Hour” to reveal the hideous Marxist depravity underneath.

Drag Queen Story Hour—in which performers in drag read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstores—has become a cultural flashpoint. The political Right has denounced these performances as sexual transgressions against children, while the political Left has defended them as an expression of LGBTQ pride. The intellectual debate has even spilled into real-world conflict: right-wing militants affiliated with the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters have staged protests against drag events for children, while their counterparts in the left-wing Antifa movement have responded with offers to serve as a protection force for the drag queens.

Families with children find themselves caught in the middle. Drag Queen Story Hour pitches itself as a family-friendly event to promote reading, tolerance, and inclusion. “In spaces like this,” the organization’s website reads, “kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where everyone can be their authentic selves.”

This is what the pedophile freaks consider “authentic”:

Authentic my ass
As “real” as it gets

But many parents, even if reluctant to say it publicly, have an instinctual distrust of adult men in women’s clothing dancing and exploring sexual themes with their children.

*shudder* Fascist weirdos.

These concerns are justified. But to mount an effective opposition, one must first understand the sexual politics behind the glitter, sequins, and heels. This requires a working knowledge of an extensive history, from the origin of the first “queen of drag” in the late nineteenth century to the development of academic queer theory, which provides the intellectual foundation for the modern drag-for-kids movement.

The drag queen might appear as a comic figure, but he carries an utterly serious message: the deconstruction of sex, the reconstruction of child sexuality, and the subversion of middle-class family life. The ideology that drives this movement was born in the sex dungeons of San Francisco and incubated in the academy.

Incorrect. In reality, it was born in London, in 1848.

It is now being transmitted, with official state support, in a number of public libraries and schools across the United States. By excavating the foundations of this ideology and sifting through the literature of its activists, parents and citizens can finally understand the new sexual politics and formulate a strategy for resisting it.

I formulated a perfectly workable strategy for resisting it within moments of first hearing of it, as I’m sure millions of other fathers did: club said Drag Queens like baby seals every time they try to put on another of their filthy little Groomer-fests in rural America. After no more than about three such examples being made of their sinister fellows, the survivors will get the message expressed in my post title well enough, trust me.

Start with queer theory, the academic discipline born in 1984 with the publication of Gayle S. Rubin’s essay “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality.” Beginning in the late 1970s, Rubin, a lesbian writer and activist, had immersed herself in the subcultures of leather, bondage, orgies, fisting, and sado-masochism in San Francisco, migrating through an ephemeral network of BDSM (bondage, domination, sadomasochism) clubs, literary societies, and New Age spiritualist gatherings.

And hey, what fair-minded dad wouldn’t want such a sordid, doomed future for his own precious toddler?

In “Thinking Sex,” Rubin sought to reconcile her experiences in the sexual underworld with the broader forces of American society.

As with Leftism more generally, it can’t be done, it’s a logical impossibility. You cannot “reconcile” traditional American society with forces which are explicitly, openly hostile to it, and wish to see it undermined, discredited, destroyed, and replaced with their own vision of a proto-Marxist hellscape.

“Modern Western societies appraise sex acts according to a hierarchical system of sexual value,” Rubin wrote. “Marital, reproductive heterosexuals are alone at the top erotic pyramid. Clamouring below are unmarried monogamous heterosexuals in couples, followed by most other heterosexuals…Stable, long-term lesbian and gay male couples are verging on respectability, but bar dykes and promiscuous gay men are hovering just above the groups at the very bottom of the pyramid. The most despised sexual castes currently include transsexuals, transvestites, fetishists, sadomasochists, sex workers such as prostitutes and porn models, and the lowliest of all, those whose eroticism transgresses generational boundaries.”

And there’s nothing wrong with such a hierarchy, really. As a born outlaw who’s lived my entire life well outside the margins of traditionalist norms my own self, I’ve always understood a basic concept these dilettantes seem unable to grasp: any self-styled rebel requires something to rebel against. Absent a clearly-defined and established hierarchy and the standards it imposes, whither rebellion?

Rubin’s project—and, by extension, that of queer theory—was to interrogate, deconstruct, and subvert this sexual hierarchy and usher in a world beyond limits, much like the one she had experienced in San Francisco. The key mechanism for achieving this turn was the thesis of social construction. “The new scholarship on sexual behaviour has given sex a history and created a constructivist alternative to” the view that sex is a natural and pre-political phenomenon, Rubin wrote. “Underlying this body of work is an assumption that sexuality is constituted in society and history, not biologically ordained. This does not mean the biological capacities are not prerequisites for human sexuality. It does mean that human sexuality is not comprehensible in purely biological terms.”

Well, DUH. Who the hell ever said it was, moron? Human sexuality is a complex bouillabaisse which involves emotional, psychological, and even spiritual elements, not merely the physical/biological. Only over-analytical, self-obsessed nitwits could ever think otherwise. IE, shitlibs. And if you know your shitlibs at all well, then you could see this next part coming from a mile away.

In other words, traditional conceptions of sex, regarding it as a natural behavior that reflects an unchanging order, are pure mythology, designed to rationalize and justify systems of oppression. For Rubin and later queer theorists, sex and gender were infinitely malleable. There was nothing permanent about human sexuality, which was, after all, “political.” Through a revolution of values, they believed, the sexual hierarchy could be torn down and rebuilt in their image.

My God, the wretched killjoys have even politicized sex. Is it really any wonder they’re so miserable?

Where does this process end?

A: as with all other liberal “processes,” it NEVER ends. It grinds on and on and on forever, the demands escalating from the unusual, to the weird, to the off-putting, to the outrageous, to the downright bizarre, to the unthinkable and beyond. As I’ve said before, it’s only a matter of time before they’re raising immortal hell for their God-given right to marry farm animals, just you mark my words. Hey, like abortion, it’s in the Constitution, don’tchaknow.


Ecotards shit the bed…and soon, themselves

They really didn’t think this through very well, or at all, even.

We’ve seen a lot of climate change protesters in this country. They’re usually incredibly annoying, doing things like blocking traffic by linking themselves together on the highway or gluing their hands to something.

Last week as we reported, we saw these two people throw soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and glue themselves to the wall.

The usual reaction to people like this has been to cut them loose or free them from the glue and arrest them.

But the folks at Volkswagen may just have had the best response ever to this kind of idiocy.

Sixteen members of “Scientist Rebellion” (which looks like an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion) went to the Porsche pavilion at Volkswagen’s Autostadt in Germany. Nine of them glued themselves to the floor, they also had six other people, and one of the glued “scientists” claimed that some were “on hunger strike until our demands to decarbonize the German transport sector are met.”

But hold on, here comes the best part. Rather than calling the police, getting them loose, and having them arrested, the Volkswagen people left them there and closed, turning everything off, with them glued to the floor, without food, heat, and as, they complained, any way to go to the bathroom.

And with that, hilarity ensues.


Hm. Doesn’t look to me like the fucking moron specified a china, glass, or porcelain bowl for his scraggly-ass crew to crack some stink-pickles into, so I can only assume these Supergenii would have all been okay with a nice, petrochemical-based plastic one. In fact, after a few days of holding it in, they’ll all be thrilled beyond words with anydamnedthing they could get their hands on to keep from pinching a stinking loaf in their Underoos.

Suffer, bitches. Stupidity this blindingly incandescent should be painful.



Most pathetic shitlib response to the USSC’s belated correction of the original Roe misfire.

Most pathetic response SO FAR, that is.

I’d ask that somebody go explain the problem with her premise here, but this bimbette has obviously been so incurably enstupidated by the Xtreme PC virus as to render any attempt along such lines a complete waste of time. Entirely too much more lackwittery, hysteria, irrational panic, life-threatening mental illness, and sidesplitting self-beclownment here.

I do declare, I can’t for the life of me recall any other Supreme Court decisions ever being so much damned fun as these last two have been. Explanation for my post title at 7:16 or so of this vid:

The five-song Ramones concert sequence from Rock and Roll High School literally changed my life forever, which is why I embedded the whole thing up here. After I saw it for the first time (there would be many, MANY more of them), I quit the doomed-from-Day-One 70s hard-rock cover band I had been slowly circling the drain with for the previous cpl-three years to put together a punk-rock outfit which, to everyone’s complete shock, ended up leaving an indelible mark on Charlotte’s barely-noticeable music scene. The enjoyment and rich, singular experiences our unexpected success provided the four of us drove the final nails into the coffin of my meandering try at higher education, convincing me that my addiction to the risk-rife idea of a career as a no-shit Rock Star—a craving that had set a stainless-steel hook deep inside me early on; the seductive power of the thing had been steadily tightening its grip on my imagination throughout most of my life—might in fact have some real potential that could very well amount to something way beyond mere childish daydreams.

Alas, though, t’wasn’t so. Despite attaining a totally respectable level of fame, the fortune part remained elusive, so the Rock Star thing didn’t work out nearly as well for me as I had hoped it might. The platinum records, the arena tours, the mansions, the truckloads of cash, the willing supermodels, the private jets, all the other trimmings—none of that extravagant finery did I ever get within sniffing distance of, as they say. Even so, I’m still much better off than poor old Amber is, and most likely I always will be. After all, I’ve never made anything like as complete a fool of myself as she did with that lunkhead Tweet of hers up there.


The New Abby Normal

Why you will never get my gun, Reason #eighty bazillion and six.

Pennsylvania Democratic congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan has attributed her past electoral success to her focus on “civility” and “unity.” Now, she says the Republican Party is “diseased” and must be “cleansed.”

Houlahan’s comments came during a May 27 appearance on the Daily Beast‘s The New Abnormal podcast, which saw the congresswoman disparage Republicans as deplorable and anti-democratic.

“This is, in my opinion, a diseased Republican Party. And it needs to be cured and cleansed,” Houlahan said. “So the stakes of having a Republican, as an example, in my seat are more than just policy differences. They are democracy, in my opinion.”

Houlahan’s rhetoric is a far cry from 2020, when the Democrat credited her political success to her message of “civility,” “decency,” “unity,” and “empathy.” “People ask me constantly how I flipped a seat in a competitive district. One of the reasons is that I made civility and decency a core of my campaign,” Houlahan said at the time. “Pennsylvanians want unity. They want leaders who rise above the fray and lead with kindness and empathy towards all Americans.”

Houlahan’s campaign did not return a request for comment. The Democrat’s decision to abandon her message of unity in favor of more inflammatory rhetoric toward Republicans closely resembles Biden’s track record. After promising “unity” on the 2020 campaign trail, the president went on to equate Republican senators to segregationists during a January speech, a move that drew criticism from some fellow Democrats. Biden has since centered his midterm election strategy on labeling Republicans “ultra MAGA,” a term that reflects the GOP’s “extremism,” according to the White House.

“Civility and decency are solely needed to heal this country. Biden has that,” Houlahan said before the 2020 election. Just one year prior, the congresswoman compared President Donald Trump to a terrorist.

Sorry, bitch, but I’m no longer interested in healing a gott-damned thing. My sole interest now is in destroying you—destroying you, the horse you rode in on, your family and friends, and everybody who “thinks” like you so utterly, so entirely, that none of your kind can ever rise to trouble me and mine again.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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