Califascist gov soon to become a Good Commie?

Aww, what a shame.

This weekend, I received information from a source with knowledge of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s health condition. He reportedly developed symptoms of Bell’s Palsy immediately after getting injected with the Moderna Covid-19 booster shot and has had trouble speaking coherently. We have sought another source to corroborate before reporting but were unable to get that confirmation until two more reports surfaced today.

The first source is inexplicably “down” as of the writing of this article. Children’s Health Defense, which has been a reliable source for Covid-related news, started experiencing problems with their website shortly after publishing the article below. The other source is Steve Kirsch’s Substack, also published below, which may be receiving his information from the same source that reached out to me as the information is quite similar.

Meanwhile, the Governor’s staff is playing it all close to the vest, claiming that he has “family obligations” that apparently popped up immediately after his injection on October 27. Within two days, he canceled his trip to COP26. As an extremely vocal climate change activist, one would think rubbing elbows with other activists worldwide would make it a “must go” for him regardless of the “family obligations.”

Whether it’s Bell’s Palsy or something else, it seems to be tied to the booster shot. All of his plans changed immediately after getting injected and he hasn’t been seen in public ever since. Both his wife and his staff are screaming about conspiracy theories and acting like it’s perfectly natural for a narcissist like Newsom to be out of the public eye for two weeks.

Suffer, bitch. Incapacitated for life, totally crippled, or stone dead—whatevs, it’s all good with me. Each and every time the Clot Shot takes down another Clot Shot pimp makes the world a better place, far as I’m concerned. Couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole.



A small but significant, and unexpected, break for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal team can brand the men shot by the teen in Kenosha, Wis., as “rioters” and “looters” when his murder trial starts next week — but prosecutors can’t call them “victims,” the judge has ruled.

In a pre-trial hearing Monday, Wisconsin Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder overturned a motion to bar the teen’s attorneys from using such terms while trying to prove his triple shooting in August last year was justified self-defense.

If prosecutors can try to portray Rittenhouse as “a cold-blooded killer,” then his defense should be free to “call someone a rioter,” the judge said, according to a Kenosha News court report.

Still, he cautioned the defense team against using pejorative terms during opening statements, saying they should be reserved for closing arguments — and only if they can produce evidence justifying the terms.

Oh, I dunno about all that, now. Seems to me there’s an abundance of evidence justifying ’em—seeing as how the filthy scumballs made a serious, credible attempt to murder the kid in cold blood and all. Then again though, I’m a reasonable, sane White Debbil™ who has refused all along to buy into this upside-down, Through The Looking Glass anti-reality the gibbering-mad Left has foisted on us. So YMMV, I guess.

(Via Ace)


Deadly serious

As hard as it is to stop laughing and wrap your head around such an impossibly absurd idea, they really are.

PROJECT VERITAS BOMBSHELL PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated
This might be one of the most insane videos you will ever watch, and its’ literally a holy hell factor America. In this latest video, an FDA Official is heard saying the unthinkable.

FDA Official: ‘Blow Dart’ African Americans with COVID Vaccine is ‘Where We’re Going…Just Shoot Everyone’ … Calls for a ‘Nazi Germany’ Style ‘Registry’ of Unvaccinated Americans: ‘Think About It Like The Jewish Star’

  • Taylor Lee, FDA Economist: “Go to the unvaccinated and blow it [COVID vaccine] into them. Blow dart it into them.”
  • Lee: “Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So, we have the infrastructure to do it [forced COVID vaccinations]. I mean, it’ll cost a ton of money.
  • But I think, at that point, I think there needs to be a registry of people who aren’t vaccinated. Although that’s sounding very [much like Nazi] Germany.”
  • Lee: “Nazi Germany…I mean, think about it like the Jewish Star [for unvaccinated Americans].”
  • Lee: “I’m gonna go door-to-door and stab everyone [with the COVID vaccine], ‘Oh, it’s just your booster shot! There you go!’”
  • Lee: “So, if you put every anti-vaxxer, like sheep, into like Texas and you closed off Texas from the rest of the world, and you go, ‘Okay, you be you in Texas until we deal with this [pandemic].’”

Hmmm. Let’s just mull that last proposition over a little, shall we?

  • Relocate Team Liberty en bloc to the Republic of Texas
  • Thereby cancelling out the undesirable effects of the recent influx of Califruitopia shitlib locusts
  • Thereby in effect creating a heat-and-eat breakaway state chockablock with hordes of heavily-armed Citizen Soldiers ready, willing, and eminently able to defy and—should FederalGovCo be so foolish as to force the issue—forcibly implement the Second Amendment Solution in the manner and for the purpose specifically laid out by the Founders
  • Thereby providing several other like-minded Southern states de facto encouragement to join the nascent regional revolt themselves
  • Thereby increasing the likelihood of success for the rebels both short- and long-term

Sounds like a br’ar patch I’d not mind in the least being thrown into, Br’er Fox.


FBI rally disappoints

A report on this weekend’s sparsely-attended GlowniggerPalooza 2021 from the sole remaining media outfit you can trust now.

FBI Rally In D.C. Ends Without Incident
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Federal Bureau of Investigation is disappointed by the low attendance at the D.C. rally they organized for Trump supporters today.

In spite of the FBI’s best efforts to lure a bunch of angry MAGA insurrectionists to the Capitol this weekend, only a few hundred FBI agents dressed as MAGA insurrectionists showed up.

“Ivermectin! Get your hot, fresh Ivermectin HEEEERRRRE!” cried one agent selling bootleg Ivermectin tablets from Tractor Supply Company. Unfortunately, he only made a couple of sales to a few other FBI agents from other field offices he didn’t recognize.

“Greetings, fellow Trump supporters,” said another agent. “Let’s go insurrect the government, shall we, fellas? Maybe kidnap Gretchen Whitmer? Whadaya say boys? Say—I sure do love racism!” He was then immediately tackled by three other FBI agents who dragged him to an unmarked van.

Another field agent passed out flyers for a “Super Secret Satanic Pedophile Meeting”, but was sad to find there were no takers, except one lady named Hillaria Clintonania.

Aww, too bad. Better luck next time, Fibbies…oops, ‘scuse me, “patriots.”

Lonely Boiz update! Since so few of us showed up for them to play with this time ’round, all they had left was to play with themselves.

Confirmed: Armed Man Arrested at J6 Rally is Federal Officer – US Attorney’s Office in DC Will Not Prosecute

No, of course they won’t.

A federal law enforcement officer was arrested carrying a gun at Saturday’s rally at the U.S. Capitol billed to support the suspects charged in January’s insurrection but will not be prosecuted.

The 27-year-old New Jersey man is an officer with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. He was arrested by Capitol Police for illegally possessing a gun on the grounds of the Capitol after people in the crowd reported seeing him with a handgun and notified nearby officers.

Generally, under federal law, law enforcement officers are given reciprocity to legally carry their weapons in other states, even those with restrictive gun laws. But the law has an exemption for government property or military bases where it is illegal to carry a gun, like the U.S. Capitol.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington said prosecutors were “not moving forward with charges” but did not provide additional information about the decision.

Two law enforcement officials said the officer was not at the rally in any official capacity.

Trust us on that. No, really, you guys!

Bottom line: As the US has now inarguably completed the transition from the Dysfunctional Republic category into straight-up Illegitimate Tyranny status, Patriots should consider showing up at only one final rally, protest, or mass gathering of any kind held in or near Mordor On The Potomac, capital city of the Occupation Government. And that last time, all attendees of said rally, protest, whatever, should NOT forget to bring the guns along. Until that day arrives, there is no longer a single, solitary reason for any Real American to risk showing his face anywhere near the God-forsaken place…and one helluva lot of excellent reasons NOT to.


Punch. Back. TWICE. As. Hard

Okay, just gonna come right out and make it official: this woman is my new hero.

Nicki Minaj Posts Phone Numbers of Reporters Harassing Her Family in Trinidad

Oh my God. I think I just came in my pants a little.

Singer Nicki Minaj is mad. She’s so mad she’s posting phone numbers and screen captures of conversations with reporters trying to get the scoop on her family members in Trinidad. Some of her millions of fans have taken it on themselves to harass the reporters as a result.

It all started earlier in the week when Minaj expressed her hesitancy over the Covid-19 injections. She told a story about a friend of her cousin in Trinidad who had a very bad experience following his jabs

Read the rest of it; it’s absolutely scrumptious. If this wonderful story doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies, I just don’t know what would. It’s about goddamned time SOMEBODY started throwing their bullshit right back in their pinched, sallow faces. I want to see much, much more of this sort of thing, and I mean NOW. Doxxing; torchlight protest marches right up to the very doorsteps of their private homes; all and every flavor of monkeywrenching, sabotage, and interference; public shaming and mockery; these and other stratagems must ALL be on the table for us as well as them, civility and forebearance be damned.

Our squeamishness about adopting the Enemy’s methods to be turned against him—the pious attitude that we are somehow too upright, too moral, too good to embrace the “dirty pool” tactics that have proved so very effective against us—simply must END. The long insistence on “taking the high road” has been our undoing. Time to try something else, something that might actually work. If we can’t overcome the blind Fauntleroyism which holds that prissy, effete high-mindedness is weapon enough to allow us to triumph in the gutter knife-fight the Left has been fighting all along, we are surely lost.

If you don’t believe that there can never be ANY measure too harsh, too distasteful or “unfair,” to be used in the eternal struggle to preserve liberty, then you’ve already been defeated, and your doom is sealed. When Goldwater famously proclaimed that “Moderation in defense of liberty is no virtue; extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,” the Left’s reaction was frenzied, almost rabid—NOT because he was wrong, but because he was RIGHT. The frothing mania of Leftist condemnation reflects their abject terror that Goldwater’s flat, reasonable, and perfectly correct statement—a statement that Americans of the Founding era would have regarded not as the wild-eyed ravings of a madman, but as no more than obvious, and quite unremarkable—might resonate deeply with Normals in numbers too great for them to overcome.


Proper procedure: 1) Find something Communist; 2) kill it

GVDL has more on that CaliCom “teacher” who got a little too balls-out and brazen for the local school board Commies’ comfort, thereby forcing them to take action.

Here is part of a statement from just one of the parents who spoke at the meeting of the School Board when Gipe was fired:

You guys fired Gabriel Gipe today, because y’all got caught yesterday. As people have mentioned, this guy had an Antifa flag on his wall. He had Chairman Mao on his wall. He was indoctrinating these kids every single day. He was abusing them, scaring them every single day. Where the hell was the principal? Where was the vice principals? Where were the faculty at this school? Where was the superintendent? Where was the rest of the district? Where were you [the school board]?

Fully aware and approving of it, naturally, every single bit of it. I imagine they were quite proud of their scion and brother-in-brainwashing, in fact. Gipe is by no means alone, rare, or even at all unusual. On the contrary, he has co-conspirators burrowed deep into the flesh of this entire nation—sickening it, weakening it, killing it apurpose.

You know, he was fired today. Why wasn’t he fired a year ago? Why wasn’t he fired two years ago? Why did this go on for so long? Why are you only doing anything about it now? Cause you got caught, exactly. And you guys, you’re going to be held accountable. This is because of you. Gabriel Gipe is a symptom, not the sickness. The sickness is in the district. The sickness is in the school. It’s everywhere. And people are sick of it. We’re aware of it. We know what’s going on, especially now. And we know what you’re doing and we’re not going to let this go.

Glad to hear it; you mustn’t, not ever. Because as soon as you let your guard down, if only momentarily, it all begins anew. They are eternally waiting for decent, liberty-oriented Americans to relax their vigilance; they are extremely patient, cunning, and opportunistic. They are also cowards, a cowardice demonstrated by the sneaky, contemptibly-underhanded way in which they never fail to operate. They must be dealt with exactly as the loathsome parasites they so literally are: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse or restraint. Every hand must be raised against them, until this deadly infestation is finally broken and the body politic is restored to health, its lifeblood cleansed of the societally-fatal toxin injected quasi-clandestinely by the most insidious parasite of them all: Leftworms.


Sick burn

This is what it sounds like/When doves generals cry.

The Conservative Case for Cyberbullying America’s Generals

Oh goodie, I like it already.

On July 22, Major General Patrick Donahoe, the Commanding General of Fort Benning, reported from his official Twitter account that he was seeing a “surge” in ICU visits among young soldiers due to Covid. He reported that he would mandate the vaccine if he had the power to do so.

I replied, pointing out that the DOD has lost a total of 26 out of over 2 million personnel in the last year and a half to the virus. In the fourth quarter of 2020, there was a 25 percent surge in suicides across all services. In those three months alone, 26 additional servicemembers took their lives compared to the prior year.

The military’s response to the Coronavirus is almost certainly to blame for the rise. I exited the service in May of 2020, having had plenty of time to witness these policies firsthand. Deployed troops returning home were forced to quarantine for weeks at a time. Masks were required in all public spaces on base. Gyms were shut down. Commanding officers dramatically reduced liberty limits to within only a few miles of base. Those, like me, who were stationed in Camp Pendleton, were prohibited from traveling just 30 minutes south to San Diego during our off hours.

In light of these draconian policies, it is no wonder that troops experienced a surge in psychological illness and suicidal ideation. Turning barracks into prisons is a recipe for problems. Nor did the catastrophic “outbreaks” of Covid materialize. Virtually all servicemembers known to be infected with the virus recover. The handful of Covid related deaths are sad, but they never rose to the level of a crisis. On average, nearly a thousand military personnel die because of training accidents, suicide, and illness every year.

General Donahoe accused me of engaging in “false equivalency” and of downplaying the vaccine, arguing that it was the path to “normalcy.” As the return of mask mandates for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated in cities like Los Angeles attest, this is clearly not true. The real path to normalcy is for military leadership to adjust their risk tolerance. Treating healthy people like biohazards over an illness that has killed two dozen personnel in a force of millions is insane. Those preventative policies have  consequences, too; the surge in depression and suicide among the young is real.

Preventative measures make matters worse. One need only look at the case of Michigan and Sweden. Both territories have an equal population. Yet, Michigan suffered 50 percent more deaths from Covid despite implementing lockdowns, school closures, and mask mandates while Sweden did not. General Donahoe simply brushed these facts aside, deciding instead to call me a member of the “disinformation tinfoil hat team” for pointing them out.

He also tweeted at the university where I am a student, Hillsdale College, and told them to “come get your boy” for questioning the military’s quarantine and lockdown policies. General Donahoe, apparently, thinks the private sector is just like the military, where criticism can be stopped, and careers ended, with a mere snap of the fingers. As the thread attracted more attention, one commenter asked the General “how many wars he’d won.” The General responded by accusing the questioner of “shilling for Putin.” When I asked if Putin was the reason America had lost in Afghanistan, the General blocked me.

Heh. Whiny-ass little bitch.

My interaction with the General serves as a microcosm of the American military’s cultural rot. Here we have a two-star General who spends his days on social media hyping a vaccine for an illness that poses minimal risk to his troops. When pressed on why America can’t win wars and why he embraces policies that treat healthy people like biohazards, his first response is to accuse his critics of treachery and then block them from view.

This is what $693 billion a year buys you: unbridled arrogance from the leaders of a military that can’t win against third world tribesmen armed with small arms and homemade explosives. A significant portion of our military leaders, like General Donahoe, are totally detached from reality. They face no consequences for losing wars or losing troops to preventable suicides. Many of them don’t really command anything at all. They are so ensconced in layers of bureaucrats, staff, operations and logistics shops, briefs, intelligence reports, public affairs officials, and aides that there is usually no danger of the public uncovering their true character, lack of leadership, or empty careers.

The American people need to demand more from their leaders. They need these heroic defenders of freedom to account for their lost wars, failed policies, and ideological radicalism. Twitter gives the people the perfect avenue to do so.

Americans are beginning to realize that their military leaders are failing them. Even if politicians fail to demand better of them, we can and should still make our opinion known. Our generals are, far too often, soft, coddled elites and unthinking ideologues. It is time for the American people to start cyberbullying their generals.

At the very least. And they should by no means limit themselves to just the generals, either. Oh, and we seem to have ourselves an answer on that “won any wars lately?” question, and guess what? Though I’m surprised beyond belief at this, it turns out that—contra Gen Deskwarrior and alllll his Pretty Perfumed Pentagon Princes, diversity might NOT in fact be “our greatest strength” after all.

The Pentagon’s wokester generals, such as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, have touted Critical Race Theory as the military’s focus and a great success story.

The guy under him, though, didn’t have such good news.

According to DefenseOne:

A brutal loss in a wargaming exercise last October convinced the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. John Hyten to scrap the joint warfighting concept that had guided U.S. military operations for decades.

“Without overstating the issue, it failed miserably. An aggressive red team that had been studying the United States for the last 20 years just ran rings around us. They knew exactly what we’re going to do before we did it,” Hyten told an audience Monday at the launch of the Emerging Technologies Institute, an effort by the National Defense Industrial Association industry group to speed military modernization.
The Pentagon would not provide the name of the wargame, which was classified, but a defense official said one of the scenarios revolved around a battle for Taiwan. One key lesson: gathering ships, aircraft, and other forces to concentrate and reinforce each other’s combat power also made them sitting ducks.

“We always aggregate to fight, and aggregate to survive. But in today’s world, with hypersonic missiles, with significant long-range fires coming at us from all domains, if you’re aggregated and everybody knows where you are, you’re vulnerable,” Hyten said.

Even more critically, the blue team lost access to its networks almost immediately.

This is ugly stuff. The military’s top strategic and tactical maneuvers — such as the massing of force  (remember “shock and awe”?) and information dominance from Big Tech, fell into enemy hands like a captured weapon. Long-range missiles made amassed force a liability, as such targets are easy to spot in a big group, while cyber-hacks (notice how those are stepping up?) took care of the rest, leaving the ships virtually useless with no information to go on.

Both things have served the U.S. well in the last wars, from the Persian Gulf War of 1991 to the Iraq and Afghanistan endless wars that followed. Apparently, the long endless wars that never ended until apparently now on Joe Biden’s watch served as a study point for our enemies to observe our strategies and tactics. Leaving the show on for a long time permitted authentic enemies with big firepower, such as Russia and China, all the study time they needed to get a sense of how our military operates.

A big mistake on their part, I’m thinking. After all, the only thing America’s increasingly ineffectual, poorly-led, and PC military might possibly have to teach anybody nowadays is how to lose very, very slowly.


Busted redux

Imagine my surprise.

Some of the members of a gay men’s chorus that released a controversial viral video in which the singers promised to “corrupt your kids” and “convert your children” appear to be convicted pedophiles, according to research conducted by The Western Journal.

The chorus roster and board of directors of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus were apparently removed from the group’s website around the time these revelations became public.

The chorus also has an outreach program that “brings [the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus] into elementary, middle, and high schools across the Bay Area to share a message of love, inclusivity, and strength.”

The Western Journal reached out to the group via email and social media on Friday.

The “Contact Us” page on the group’s website also appears to have been removed.

The choir was asked to comment on the accusations, whether there are in fact convicted pedophiles on its roster, why the chorus roster was removed from the website and if the group conducts background checks on members before sending them to places like schools where children are present.

The group did not immediately respond to our request for comment.

No, I just bet they didn’t. And won’t, if they can possibly avoid it. The KiddleDiddle Singers are in full-on defensive-crouch mode now, hoping against hope that this will all just dry up and blow away soon without too much more damage. That unenviable situation is what can happen when one lets the little head do all the thinking for the big head, as the old joke goes.

Privilege is…

Not what we’re being told. Not. At. ALL.

Privilege is wearing $300 sneakers when you’ve never had a job. Privilege is wearing $200 Apple Airpods while living on public assistance. Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan which you receive no bill for. Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don’t have a utility bill and where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table. Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that’s paid for by working people who can’t afford health insurance for their families. Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting your race that’s subsidized by federal tax dollars. Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only your race. Privilege is having a television network that supports only your race. Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such. Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or school you don’t pay for. Still waiting for this “privilege” I’m supposed to have…

According to Nemo, this was a commenter response to a racist Tweet from DC twat Muriel “Bow-wow” Bowser. I’d call it a real howler, but maybe that’s a bad-joke bridge too far even for me.


A EUroweenie who gets it

I’m doing him an injustice, actually. He doesn’t sound the slightest bit EUroweenie-ish to me.

For the most part, the Dutch are just as leftist and politically correct as any other Europeans. However, perhaps the Dutch have a teeny bit of DNA left that traces back to the 17th century, when Holland, only recently released from Hapsburg rule, was the freest country in Europe. In a time of tremendous religious schisms and fighting, the Dutch managed to be a tolerant society. Politician Thierry Baudet, in a viral video, seems to have harked back to that time when he warned his fellow Nederlanders that their response to COVID not only was a gross overreaction, but also put in place a template for future assaults on liberty.

Politically, Baudet is a conservative. He would like the Netherlands to withdraw from the E.U. and objects to unskilled immigration into Holland (just as Donald Trump objected to the unlimited flow of unskilled legal and illegal aliens into America). While Baudet is critical of Islam, he would not go as far as Geert Wilders would, since the latter advocates for banning the Koran, something that’s inconsistent with Holland’s historically liberal philosophy. Baudet also believes that cultural Marxism is eating away at the fabric of Dutch society.

In other words, Baudet is close to American conservatism in his views, which is probably why we conservatives find his video so darn good.

In said vid, Baudet says a real mouthful:

I hope there will be a moment that we wake up. That we will realize this is a collective psychosis. That the locking down of the entire country, half the world for 1.5 years because of a flu variety is insane. That walking around with those silly useless masks is insanity. That we conform ourselves to those completely senseless distancing rules. That we see that our businesses, our social lives have been destroyed. That we have held back effective primary medicines such as Ivermectin, only to give those experimental injections the status of “approved vaccine” as soon as we could.

That we now ramble on about how ‘the infections are decreasing,’ when the exact same happened last year – as it does every year. And that it will happen against as autumn arrives and new infections occur. And now we pretend it happens because of COVID-19, all the while that the thing that we used to call the ‘flu’ has completely disappeared.

But most importantly, I hope that we realize that with the hysteria about this Chinese flu as the pretext, an entire infrastructure has been built, an infrastructure that can be used again at any moment, due to any occurrence. Lockdowns, masks, social distancing, no more traveling, no handshakes, ridiculous experimental jabs.

This COVID phase has been a practice to train obedience. Our parliament and the Rutte regime have passed this training with grace. Congratulations. Klaus Schwab [promoter of the “Great Reset”] will be proud of you. The globalist plans can be carried out – and the next step towards mass surveillance and total control can be taken.

You know things are bad when such simple, self-evident, commonsensical truths sound radical. In a sane world, the general response to this would be “well, no shit Sherlock” rather than shrieks of “paranoid conspiracy theory!” and “right-wing extremist!” But, well, here we all are.

Andrea refers to Baudet as “a politician,” which I felt was somewhat light on detail. So I looked this fine fella up.

Thierry Henri Philippe Baudet (born 28 January 1983) is a Dutch politician, academic and author. He is the founder and leader of Forum for Democracy (FVD), and has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2017. He also serves as the party’s parliamentary leader. He is a controversial politician due to his political views.

Well, of COURSE he is. He’s pro-liberty, pro-individual rights, pro-border security, and anti-commie. You don’t get much more controversial than that.

Baudet is a national conservative and Eurosceptic, advocating for both Netherlands’ exit from the European Union and its eventual dissolution. He is against unskilled immigration into the Netherlands. In a speech he spoke about immigration causing a homeopathic dilution of the Dutch culture and in an interview he said he wants to preserve the native cultures and ethnicities of Europe as they are. He is opposed to Ukraine joining the European Union. Forum for Democracy set up the 2016 Dutch Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement referendum with the GeenStijl website and the Burgercomité EU association, in which Baudet voted no.

Baudet has a strong opinion on arts, the topic of his book Oikofobie, and considers non-Western art and Western post-1900 modernism in visual arts inferior to Western Realism, encourages education and programmation of tonal music opposed to atonal music and dislikes modern post-1950 architecture. In reaction to this, Musicologist Yuri Landman warned Baudet for approaching the concept of degenerate art with his conservative criticism.


Baudet is critical of Islam and has expressed concern about both high levels and lack of assimilation of migrants from Islamic societies. He has stated his disagreement with the proposals made by fellow Dutch politician Geert Wilders to ban copies of the Koran. Meanwhile, he also praised Wilders as someone who “has put on the agenda the significant problem that we have with radical Islam in our time and Muslim immigration.” Baudet has called for Islamic schools in the Netherlands to sign up with Western values. He has criticised both Dutch and wider European handling of immigration and assimilation. During the 2017 Dutch general election Baudet was one of the few Dutch politicians who said he would form a coalition with Wilders’ Party for Freedom. Baudet has also expressed admiration for Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn and both ideological and personality comparisons between the two men have been made by both Dutch and foreign media.

Okay, I take it back. Clearly, he is the Antichrist.

Wikishitlibped(ophil)ia goes on to say that Baudet “has also allegedly made anti-semitic comments,” which I’ll take to mean that he didn’t, whilst mulling over why any shitlib would feel particularly bothered by it if he had. Who knows, he could have at that, which I wouldn’t be noways cool with myself. But he’s such a rara avis in Europe these days that even someone who finds rabid (((JOOOO!!))) hate as tiresome and off-putting as I do might be inclined to at least consider letting him slide on it for the nonce, in the hope that his view would mature. As far as I can see right now I must say that, overall, I like the cut of his jib, and wish we had more like him.


Wish in one hand…

I do hope the poor woman isn’t holding her breath.

Attorney Sidney Powell spoke at the For God and Country Rally this Memorial Day Weekend in Dallas, Texas.

During her on-stage discussion, Sidney Powell was asked about what will happen if several states overturn their 2020 presidential election results.

Sidney Powell: We’re definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned. But there’s never been one at the presidential level where everybody will jump to point out. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, though. There’s always the first case. And as far as I know, this is the first case of abject fraud and obtaining a coup of the United States of America. So, it’s going to have to be dealt with. It should be that he can simply be reinstated, that a new inauguration day is set. (cheers) And Biden is told to move out of the White House. And President Trump should be moved back in.

Kinda sad at this point, I must say. The only aspect of this that’s of any real interest to me is that Powell is sporting a biker-style leather vest, which I can only assume is a gesture of solidarity with the Rolling Thunder scooter trash, who have apparently decided to wave a good old-fashioned middle-finger salute at the Deep State douchewads who tried to cancel this year’s Memorial Day run.

The annual Rolling to Remember event is set to be held this weekend in the Nation’s Capital and turnout is expected to be even greater after the  group was denied a permit for a staging area from the Pentagon under President Joe Biden’s leadership.

The highly anticipated event garnered much attention over the last few months after it was reported that the Pentagon had rejected a staging permit for the annual motorcycle event over coronavirus health concerns.

The event, formerly known as Rolling Thunder, is being organized by AMVETS, a veterans group, and is held annually each Memorial Day in Washington, DC. Organizers expect an even greater turnout now because of the attention they received after being denied the permit.

Speaking exclusively to Breitbart News, Joe Chenelly, the national executive director of AMVETS, said that Muriel Bowser, the mayor of the District of Columbia, granted the group permission to stage at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium.

“We’ve built out a very robust plan, great infrastructure, so Sunday morning we will be staging at RFK stadium,” Chenelly said, noting that the event is now “expecting 100,000 bikes.”

Chenelly also said that the Metropolitan Police Department has “been very cooperative” in working with organizers to make sure that safety measures are in effect for the event.

“The Pentagon telling us no and the story that created has actually driven up our expectations of how many people are coming in by quite a bit,” Chenelly added.

Bravo, brother, and a hearty attaboy for defying those junta pricks. By God, this news warms the cockles of my coal-black heart, whatever the hell “cockles” might be. Mike’s Iron Law #187: There’s always a workaround, and true Americans will always be able find it.

Train kept a-rollin’

Yep, still loving the guy over here.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Anti-Riot Bill Which Also Includes Civil Immunity For Drivers Who Hit Road-Blocking Protestors
Earlier Monday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB1, a new bill from the Florida legislature that establishes new criminal definitions under the anti-riot law. The House and Senate worked on the legislation for a year after Governor Ron DeSantis led the initial effort.

[HB1] “defines a “riot” as a public disturbance involving three or more people “acting with the common intent to assist each other in violent and disorderly conduct” that results in injury to another person, damage to property, or danger of injury or damage.

The law grants civil immunity to people who drive into protesters who are blocking a road, prevents people accused of rioting from bailing out of jail until after their first court appearance, and increases penalties for assaulting law-enforcement officers while engaging in a “riot.” It also penalizes local governments that interfere with efforts to stop a riot and allows law-enforcement agencies that face funding reductions to file objections.” 

The anti-riot law titled “Combating Public Disorder,” creates a new crime of “mob intimidation,” enhance penalties for riot-related looting and violence and create an affirmative defense for individuals who injure or kill violent protesters. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judge spoke at the signing.

No, America’s Governor™ can’t save us anymore than Trump could. But it sure is fun watching the man work.



Biden Claims Commercial Planes May Soon Go 21,000 MPH — Meaning a New York to LA Trip Would Take 7 Minutes

Uhhhh HUH. God, but I love this soooo much, I really do. Rave on, Gramps.

President Joe Biden claimed Wednesday that commercial aircraft would soon be able to travel at speeds of up to 21,000 miles per hour.

“I tell the kids, the young people that work for me — I told my kids, when I go on college campuses, they’re going to see more change in the next 10 years than we’ve seen in the last 50 years,” Biden said during an address about his proposed infrastructure legislation. “We’re going to talk about commercial aircraft flying at subsonic speeds, supersonic speeds, be able to figuratively, if you may, if we decide to do it, be able to traverse the world in an hour, travel at 21,000 miles an hour.”

Which, in case you didn’t know, is actually quite a bit faster than the ISS, which plods along at a bit under 18,000 mph or thereabouts. Never you mind, Gramps, you go ‘head on.

It was not clear what Biden meant by “figuratively.” The speed he suggested is roughly equivalent to Mach 28, which would make airlines capable of traversing the 2,400 miles between New York and Los Angeles in roughly seven minutes. The fastest commercial airliners presently travel at speeds of about 600 miles per hour, a little less than Mach 1.

Several companies do have plans in the works to increase top speeds to nearly 4,000 miles per hour, or Mach 5. Boeing announced plans to that effect in 2018. Florida-based Aerion announced similar plans last month for a Mach 4+ commercial airliner, which it said would be ready “before the end of the decade.”

Shyeeeaaah, like that’s ever gonna happen. I mean, I’m sure they can build ’em, but everyone who thinks the Safety Nazis will permit any such super-speedster aircraft to fly here without protest please raise your hand. Not to even mention that the sleek, beautiful, now sadly-defunct Concorde, a real pokealong at just over Mach 2, got itself banned from overland flight in the US and several other countries due to complaints about the noise from sonic booms.

It’s a beautiful, beautiful dream you have there, Gropey, it truly is. But if it ever comes true the FUSA won’t have had any part in it, it won’t be because of anything you did, and you won’t deserve an ounce of credit for it.

Not that any of that will stop him from trying to glom it for himself anyway, natch.

Back atcha!

Your sidesplitter of the week.

Readers are probably aware that Gab, the popular social media platform, was hacked last week. Allegedly its entire database was copied, although the encrypted details it contained (user passwords, etc.) have apparently not been penetrated. The hackers, a group calling themselves Distributed Denial of Secrets (previously labeled as a “criminal hacker group” by the Department of Homeland Security), appear to have timed releasing the news to coincide with the CPAC conservative political conference last weekend. They announced triumphantly that they would make the entire database available to “researchers”, to identify “far-right-wing extremists” who use Gab, and all the rest of the usual leftist nonsense.

Unsurprisingly, DDoS lied – or were, at least, “economical with the truth”, as Winston Churchill would have said. They (or someone at least associated with their hacking efforts) appear(s) to have attempted to extort about US $500,000 in Bitcoin from Gab head honcho Andrew Torba, in exchange for not releasing the database. They also appear to have used criminal hacking techniques to gain access to the database, not mere “innocent” tools and tricks. I’m hazy on the latter, not being an expert, but apparently more will come out in the wash. Even stranger, they’ve stated that they will not publicly release the entire Gab database, on the grounds of privacy. Seems strange for them to be concerned about “privacy” after ignoring it by criminally hacking the database in the first place!

What’s worse from their point of view is that Andrew Torba didn’t take their nonsense lying down:


Torba has condemned threats of violence against them (or against anyone, for that matter), but some of his fans are taking matters into their own hands. They’re tracking down everyone involved and publishing online as much information about them as they can find. Personally, I can’t help but regard that as entirely appropriate. To paraphrase a Biblical theme, “Do not hack, lest ye be hacked yourselves”!

The term “weaponized autism” has been used to describe 4Chan and its enthusiastic tech geeks. Gab appears to have more than a few of its own. They’ve been digging up all sorts of information about the Distributed Denial of Secrets crowd, some of which is now online at Here’s what one of their number had to say (click the screenshot below to be taken to the original social media post, and read the responses).


And here’s where the hilarity really gets its boots on and starts stompin’, Nancy Sinatra-style.

DDoS certainly seems to be a weird bunch, by anyone’s standards. Here, for example is “Emma Best”.


This terrifying freak has a “husband,” apparently, and Hubby doesn’t seem to much appreciate having somebody turn the fucking tables on his gruesome “wife.”


Awwwwww. Say it with me one mo’ time ag’in: WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Also: lolgetfucked

As the post acknowledges, Gab (and Andrew Torba) have explicitly disclaimed violence and doxing – but the DDoS crowd doesn’t appear to accept that. Instead, they seem to believe it’s fine for them to hack others, but not nearly so fine for others to employ similar techniques against them. What can I say except, “Boo hoo”?

Oh, I have a bit more to say than just that. For openers: IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME. The squeamishness on the side of Right about using Lefty fascists’ own methods against them, of “sinking to their level,” becoming “as bad as they are,” &c needs to cease, and I mean yesterday. Many on the Right have insisted on “taking the high road” for years now, which has gotten them nothing other than their asses kicked up between their shoulder blades. Imagine that: down and dirty gutter brawls aren’t won by sticking to Marquess of Queensberry rules. Turns out that sniffing in haughty disdain when one’s opponent proves himself so gauche as to pull a knife, in unseemly breach of all established standards of gentlemanly combat, will only get one cut to ribbons.

Our reverence for civilized conduct, honor, and fair play has become a means of attack by the Left, and a damned effective one it has become. That shouldn’t come as a surprise, though. Evil’s sole raison d’etre is to corrupt, to defile, to degrade. It doesn’t prevail through revelation, but through obfuscation. It doesn’t overcome, it undermines. Evil has always sought to turn strength into weakness, resolution into indecision, clarity into confusion.

So henceforth, every time I see some fascist freak whimpering over someone doxxing his ass in retaliation for an assault on One Of Us, I will NOT feel the slightest dismay or disgust. Nor will you be seeing any tut-tutting in sympathy from me. This websty will offer neither apology for the “offense” nor condemnation of the agent of our vengeance. Whenever some Lefty trash gets his ass doxxed—or hacked, or SWATted, or beaten about the head and shoulders with a stout stick until he quacks like a duck, even—be assured that somewhere, I’ll be standing up and cheering. With a smile on my face and a song in my heart, no less.

The Left enjoys several tremendous advantages in this struggle:

  • Absolute certainty that they will be victorious
  • Unshakable belief in the righteousness of their cause, their right and competence to rule, and their own intellectual and moral superiority over those they intend to subjugate and oppress
  • No reluctance to engage their enemies decisively; perfect clarity about their war aims and goals
  • A no-holds-barred, no-such-thing-as-a-fair-fight, rules-are-for-saps attitude towards all aspects of the war, from weaponry to tactics to how the losers will be dealt with

Meanwhile, Team Liberty dithers, waffles, and rationalizes in preference to straightforwardly acknowledging the ugly truth about The Enemy’s true nature, intentions, determination, and capabilities. In part, this is actually laudable in a way, since this attitude stems from a sense of propriety, decency, and fundamental humanity not to be found on the Left.

Which means that, laudable or not, what it also is is self-defeating—a serious opening-bell handicap which guarantees that, when the bell closing out the final round is rung, Team Liberty will have lost the fight. The sad fact that humanity, decency, and propriety are just more things the Left perceives not as admirable qualities but as additional weaknesses that can be used as weapons against us.

One of Friedrich Nietzsche’s most well-known quotes is this one:

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

Maybe so, maybe so. Philosophizing aside, slaying the collectivist/authoritarian monster is going to require some monstrous deeds of ordinarily kind-hearted and peaceable sorts who will no doubt shudder at the thought. Moreover, it is folly at best to imagine that the Left can be reasoned with, bargained with, or somehow rendered harmless and docile via some means other than unconstrained physical violence.

T’ain’t so, Mcgee. Yes, yes, all we really wanted was to be left alone. This, they will not do. Either we submit to them, or we stop them. At this late date, harsh and distasteful as otherwise decent people may find it, the only way we’ll ever free ourselves from the monster’s clutches is if we kill him.

Via Bill, who reminds one and all: Don’t start none, won’t be none. Amen, brother.

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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