I’ve been watching the news from DC and fielding call after call from all kinds of people all day, but I wanted to at least get one post up on the storming of the Capitol building, evacuation of Congressional traitor scum, and the like. It’s a sad day, but also a great one. This is the beginning of real, meaningful change at long last, and I pray that it continues on for however long it takes to achieve a successful retaking of our nation. Godspeed to all those brave patriots who willingly placed themselves in harm’s way to be a part of this historic effort. May tomorrow morning find DC liberally strewn with Commie traitor corpses, all lit up by the flames of Mordor On The Potomac burning to the fucking ground.
Consider this a sort of catch-all open thread for the nonce, y’all. I’ll have more to say this evening, you betcher.