No, I am NOT a robot

Not that those CAPTCHA tests they force you to click on really care. That, after all, isn’t what they’re really all about. Of course, and as usual.

This is what clicking that ‘I’m Not A Robot’ button REALLY does — and it’s probably not what you’re thinking
This security method is known as a CAPTCHA, which stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The Turing Test, originally named the Imitation Game, was created by British computer scientist Alan Turing in the 1950s and is designed to put Artificial Intelligence to the test and determine whether it’s indistinguishable from a human mind.

So, is Google simply checking whether AI is smart enough to know to click on the “I’m Not A Robot” button? Not quite.

As revealed by the researchers from BBC’s QI in an episode that first aired in 2020, ticking the box allows Google to trawl your internet browsing history to determine whether you’re a real user or a bot trying to force entry.

QI host and comedian Sandi Toksvig explained: “Ticking the box is not the point. It’s how you behaved before you ticked the box that is analysed. To be honest, I can’t tell you all the details because they keep it secret because they don’t want people trying to cheat the test, but broadly speaking, you tick the box and it prompts the website to check your browsing history.

“For example, before you tick the box you watched a couple of cat videos and you liked a tweet about Greta Thunberg, you checked your Gmail account before you got down to work — all of that makes them think that you must be a human.”

Google, which is behind much of the CAPTCHA security tests you’ll come across online — usually under its reCAPTCHA brand name, can’t access your entire search history. Instead, it’s likely checking websites that it owns (Gmail, YouTube, searches on Google, Google Maps) or those where it has some visibility thanks to the “Sign-In With Google” buttons, analytics or advertising, or the CAPTCHA itself.

That’s a huge proportion of the internet.

So, there must be SOME way out of this—some way of safeguarding your personal privacy and security that doesn’t cost an arm, a leg, and a lot of hassle to protect yourself from yet another Goolag intrusion into what, in the end, is really none of their goddamned business, right? RIGHT?!?

No. No, there is not.

Unfortunately, if you think that using a private browsing mode in your web browser, like Incognito Mode in Google Chrome, keeps your data out of reach ― that’s not the case. In fact, Google was recently forced to add a new warning to its Incognito Mode feature to keep users in the loop about the risks.

The only way to keep your browsing history completely out-of-reach is to encrypt everything with a Virtual Private Network. NordVPN is an example of a VPN that keeps everything you do online locked away— so that even Google or your broadband provider is unable to see what you’re doing. Prices start from £3.19.

As well as trawling a slither of your recent internet history to work out whether you’re behaving like a real human being, there is another use for the CAPTCHA quizzes that you complete. Picking the correct image of a fire hydrant, zebra crossing, or school bus is actually helping to train Artificial Intelligence behind-the-scenes.

Not a single bit of which most if not all of us are interested in helping them out with, or so I’d bet. Bastards.

I must say, Tor looks better and better all the time.

(Via Stephen and Ed)

The final nail

If nominated, he will not be permitted to run. If “elected,” he will not be permitted to serve.

Democrats Signal They Might Not Certify A Trump Win In 2024
Numerous House Democrats have signaled that they would not certify a 2024 presidential election win from Donald Trump, relying on the 14th Amendment to claim Trump is an insurrectionist and thus ineligible from holding office.

Democrats including Reps. James Clyburn (SC), Jamie Raskin (MD), Adam Schiff (CA), Eric Swalwell (CA), and even House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies refused to say that they would confirm Trump to office if he won the 2024 election.

As Dan McLaughlin explained at National Review, Democrats could have the votes to sustain an objection to a Trump win if they take control of the House. “Only a simple majority is required, and unlike when the House chooses a president under the Twelfth Amendment, they don’t vote by states,” he wrote. “Unlike in 2016 or 2004, when they were in the minority, House Democrats could be playing with live ammunition.”

Still, a majority of senators would have to object to a Trump win, too. This would likely take 51 senators, and as McLaughlin pointed out, this would be a tough task for Democrats: They “either have to hold every seat they currently occupy (good luck in West Virginia), or take a Republican-held seat (the bluest of which is either Ted Cruz’s in Texas or Rick Scott’s in Florida),” he said.

Or, y’know, peel off a couple of numerous phonus-balonus Vichy GOPe RINOs in the ranks to go along with it. And if you think for one micro-millisecond that the Uniparty combine would hesitate to go to such extreme lengths to maintain their iron grip on power, then you’re as obstinately, willfully blind to the current realities of political life in Amerika v2.0 as Trump himself appears to be. Statements/promises/threats like these make it painfully clear that our leaders Masters no longer deem it necessary to bother themselves with even paying lip service to “the consent of the governed” anymore.

Update! Still think they’re not serious, just joking around here? Better think again.

As Divemedic suggests, scan a few of the unanimously-enthusiastic responses before you dismiss it all with a wave of the hand as just more unhinged online ranting from the extremist fringe. These people are real-life True Believers, as real as real gets; there are one hell of a lot of them who would dearly love to see it happen, and they are way, way more numerous than most on Our Side begins to imagine. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: They will not stop. They will never stop. They will have to BE stopped.



Err, let’s not get TOO very excited about this, ‘kay?

As per usual with Too-Big Goobermint, it’s the wheels within wheels within wheels that tend to fuck ya up.

Update! Ace runs down what’s really going on in Yertle’s labyrinthine but increasingly senile “mind.”

Senate Sources Tell Sean Davis: Mitch McConnell Isn’t Really Stepping Down. There’s a Revolt Brewing and He’ll Likely Be Removed from Leadership, So He’s Saying He’s “Stepping Down” To Stop the Vote to Remove Him.
—Disinformation Expert Ace

And he’ll un-step down when he senses that the current controversy has passed.

So this explains why he’s not ragequitting the Senate — this is all a ploy. Just like Kevin McCarthy stuck around in the House just to repeatedly attempt to be re-elected Speaker, and only finally left after a popular consensus choice had been elected to replace him.

This is a fake announcement of stepping down — he’ll be continuing to scheme to remain in power.

He just doesn’t want to be formally evicted from leadership.

So, as is nearly always the case with Republicunt “victories,” it’s pretty much Pyrrhic, then. Remember too, that Yertle hasn’t stepped down from anything yet—he only “promises” to in November. And we all ought to know by now the real-money value of a politician’s promise.


Fraud, injustice, and tripping over one’s own tiny dick 101

The best, most thorough explication of the gaping, tractor-trailer-wide hole in the underhanded “fraud” judgment against Trump & sons I’ve seen yet.

One person who defended the verdict is CNN’s Laura Coates, who clearly doesn’t understand the implications or perhaps even the details of the case.

“Wouldn’t there be many companies who would not want to do business or loan money to people like yourself for investors if they know that they can get away with fraud and there’s no recourse to protect them?” she asked.

“Excuse me, what fraud?” (Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary) asked. “This is not about Trump anymore.”

“I know,” she claimed.

“When you get a developer that builds a building and he says it’s worth 400 million, and he wants to borrow 200 million from a bank, which happens every day everywhere on Earth, including every American city — every developer is an entrepreneur, they shine the light on their building, and they say it’s worth 400. The bank does its own due diligence — as was done in this case, because they’re very good at it, the banks are very good — and they say no, it’s worth 300, we’re only going to loan you 150 million. That haggling has gone on for decades, that’s how it works.”

O’Leary continued, “And then, in this case, even the bank that was supposedly defrauded, testified and said we didn’t lose anything. We want to do business with this guy again, we’d like to, but the judge said, ‘No, no, no, no, no, no, let’s penalize this developer for $355 million. And if we’re going to do that, let’s penalize all the developers all across America. They’ve all done the same thing. All of them should go to jail and we should stop building buildings.’ That’s what the message is from New York. Even the governor herself is concerned about what this looks like to investors all around the world. It’s not just U.S. domestic. All around the world, people are talking about what happened here. You really think people want to invest money in New York after this?”

Not if they’re even the slightest bit perspicacious and business-savvy, they don’t. Yet more rich buttery goodness at the link, as if the preceding excerpt wasn’t already enough.



Aging “rocker” John Cougar Melonhead keeps on hacking away.

John Mellencamp: Show Dead Bodies to Change Hearts and Minds on Gun Control
There’s a particularly twisted subset of gun control fans who firmly believe that if Americans are only exposed to the sight of murder victims after they’ve been shot and killed, they’ll support every one of the anti-2A infringements the gun control lobby wants to shove down our throats. I’ve always liked John Mellencamp’s music, whether he was going by Johnny Cougar, John Cougar Mellencamp, or just plain old John Mellencamp, so it’s disappointing to see that he’s among those who are convinced that exploiting dead children is a price worth paying, so long as it leads to gun bans that will be ignored by the very people who’ve robbed those children of their future.

If we as a country want to find the collective will within ourselves to change our gun laws, let’s stop playing silly political games. Show the carnage on the news. Show the American people the dead children and others who have been struck down. Show us what guns and bullets can do to the human body. The news media need to be brave enough to let Americans see what slaughtered children look like. Otherwise, I fear that too many perceive gun violence as an abstract; a story that’s repeated nearly every day to numbing effect. When I was a teenager, there was a war in Vietnam. In the beginning, no one paid much attention to this problem in a foreign land until the media shouldered the responsibility and showed America how our sons were being slaughtered. Once those images were shown on TV, there was overwhelming demand for that war to be ended immediately. I say this as a father and a human being, with deep empathy for the parents whose children have had their lives ended so suddenly and so senselessly: Show America the carnage. I am not being callous, and I know it will be painful to see. But, sad to say, I think it’s the only way to shock America out of its stupor.

Clue to the clueless: We already know what guns and bullets can do to the human body—the saner sorts among us do, at any rate. It’s why we have the damned things, what we insist on our right to keep and bear them for in the first damned place, you blithering idiot. Only ign’ant, hoplophobic douchenozzles like your precious self seem not to be cognizant of this, as well as the accompanying fact that not a single gun has ever, throughout the entire course of human history, hopped out of the safe or off the nightstand, walked down the street, and shot anybody without human intervention or intent—not even once.

Only a sick, deeply depraved shitwit like Melonhead could be so cruel, so inveterately craven and soulless, as to go as far as this in clambering up onto the caskets of murdered children to use the loved and lost as mere tools to advance the Leftard political agenda in such an obscene fashion. Put in terms much more courteous than this repellent runt in any way merits:

I’m so sick and tired of this pathetic argument from the anti-gunners, which is based on the premise that the only reason people oppose gun control laws is that they just don’t care about the victims of violent crime; that they need to have some shock to their senses to bring them in line with the already enlightened likes of Mellencamp. It’s such a toxic mix of condescension and yes, callous disregard for others. Oh, he knows how painful it will be, but trust him: it’s worth other people’s pain so long as it convinces those he views as the ignorant masses to start demanding… well, Mellencamp never did get around to saying what kind of gun laws he wants to see on the books, did he? 

We’ve seen this argument used to demand bans on “assault weapons” specifically (as if it’s somehow less awful to be killed by someone using a 9mm pistol, an ice pick, or fists and feet) to outright repeal of the Second Amendment, but Mellencamp can’t even be bothered to lay out what laws he wants to see once we’ve been shocked out of our supposed stupor. 

What Mellencamp (and the other poor souls who believe this is a great idea) don’t seem to understand is that there are plenty of folks out there who have seen the brutal results of a child murdered in cold blood but who don’t believe that gun control laws are the answer; including front-line law enforcement, trauma surgeons, coroners, and moms and dads who’ll never get over the pain of losing their child. They don’t see “gun violence” in the abstract, but they don’t believe that gun control is the answer either.

Nor should they. Because, y’know, it isn’t. Never was, never will be. Not that the abhorrent likes of John Cougar Melonhead really give a shit, of course.

As I always say: stop flapping your yap and just come and take them already, dickwart. Anytime you feel froggy enough, we’re all ready and waiting for ya. Let’s see how that works out for you and yours, once and for all.

Amen, Chuck.


About those various “national anthems”

Aesop would like a quiet word.

Pardon us for not noticing this egregious public jackassery before now, having paid no interest nor attention whatsoever to yesterday’s Sportsbowl. But reportedly, they had someone singing some alleged “Black National Anthem”.

Which leads us, inexorably, to the obvious question:

When and where did anyone grant independence to some part of the United States, and declare the new nation of Ni**erstan, Welfaria, Jigaboola, or Jimbobwe established?

There are, when last we looked, literally dozens of black national anthems. In countries from Sudan to South Africa, and Liberia to Somalia. Also, doubtless, in Haiti and Jamaica. Was one of these countries’ anthems selected? If so, for what reason? Did a football team from Nigeria make it to the Superbowl this year, without us hearing about it?

Furthermore, the republic already having a national anthem, anyone at that contest possessed of American citizenship who didn’t boo, catcall, and throw things at the announcers box throughout any poseur anthem should be stripped of citizenship and deported.

And if, as has frequently been the case, taking a knee during the actual National Anthem is acceptable for Activists Of Color, then by all means, white people dropping their trousers and slapping their naked asscheeks in the direction of Wakanda should be an appropriate protest for playing this Ode To Buckwheat any time, anywhere.

Personally, I lost interest and tuned out this year’s Stuporbowl after the team captains met at midfield for the traditional wiping of their asses with the US flag, right as they were tying the white family of four to the back bumper of an old pickup for the traditional dragging around the perimeter of the field for five (5) laps, to the elated roars of the mostly-Blaque throng.

Hey, when the nig-nogs insist that “it’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand,” I’m more than happy to take that axiom to heart and apply it to the Nigger Felons League championship extravaganza. If I want to have some friends over to eat nachos and drink beer, I don’t have to have some bullshit “Big Game” blaring from my TeeWee all day long to do it.


The First Amendment: as dead as all the rest of ’em

To the surprise of precisely no one, Mordor on the Potomac kangaroo court rules that, in Amerika v2.0, there is no right to freedom of speech.

A Bad Day for America
As many of you already know, a Washington, DC jury today found the Defendants (Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg) liable for defamatory speech and reckless disregard of provable facts. Putting aside the monetary damages, the real damage done by this case is to every American who still believes in the First Amendment.

The precedent set today, and as alluded to by Justice Alito when the case was petitioned before the U.S. Supreme Court, means that disagreement and/or criticism of a matter of public policy — the founding principle of this country — is now in doubt. And should you choose to give voice to any dissent, you can brought before a jury, held responsible, and fined.

Think this is just rhetoric? Consider, Mark Steyn is a member of the media. As such, he is supposedly afforded First Amendment protections. If a member of the media is no longer protected, what do you think that means for every day citizens? And it doesn’t matter if you are in DC or Montana — anyone can file in the jurisdiction of his or her choosing.

Gee, what ought Real Americans to do about that, I wonder? I can make an excellent guess at what we actually WILL do, alas. And it disgraces us far worse than the liberty-haters on that DC jury have just disgraced themselves, although those morons are much too goddamned stupid to know they have—or care, either. Further details:

The D.C. Circuit Court has ruled: Commentator Mark Steyn and space blogger and sometime PJ contributor Rand Simberg, after 13 years of legal maneuvering funded by a dark money group…

…are indeed liable for defaming Michael Mann by reporting on the way he was lying about being a Nobel laureate and engaging in a concerted effort to defame other climate scientists — including accusing Judith Curry of sleeping her way to the top, using statistical methods to generate the results he wanted (research malpractice for mere mortals).

For which he was awarded $1 each from Steyn and Simberg in compensatory damages.

This would be a laughable award, except the jury then piled on punitive damages: $1,000,000 from Steyn and $1,000 from Simberg.

Mann’s attorneys made a play for the D.C. jury and cashed in.

As will most other shitlib liars who go venue-shopping and end up hitting the big Wheel of Juridical Fortune jackpot.


SO, how’s that 15-20 buck an hour minimum wage working out for ya, anyway?


McDonald’s CEO promises ‘affordability’ amid backlash over $18 Big Mac combos, $6 hash browns
McDonald’s CEO admitted the burger giant’s sales have taken a hit as jacked-up menu prices have turned off core customers — and signaled the chain plans to focus on “affordability” this year.

The Chicago-based fast-food behemoth — which has lately taken heat over a Big Mac combo meal priced at nearly $18 — said its global same-store sales in the latest quarter had grown just 3.4%, falling short of the 4.7% growth Wall Street had expected.

The lackluster quarter — which the company also blamed on conflict in the Middle East that has slammed franchisees overseas — sent McDonald’s shares on the New York Stock Exchange tumbling nearly 4%, to $285.97, at Monday’s close.

“I think what you’re going to see as you head into 2024 is probably more attention to what I would describe as affordability,” McDonald’s chief executive Chris Kempczinski said on a Monday earnings call with analysts.

In particular, low income customers making less than $45,000 per year have largely stopped ordering from McDonald’s. Pummeled by inflation, they’re eating at home more frequently as grocery prices come down, Kempczinski admitted.

Last week, a McDonald’s outpost in Connecticut got slammed over its “outrageous pricing” after a customer was charged $7.29 for an Egg McMuffin — and nearly $5.69 for a side of hash browns.

Over the summer, a franchisee in nearby Darien, Conn., was called out for charging $17.59 for Big Mac combo meal. That location also sold a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and Bacon meal that came with fries and a soda for $19, according to viral posts.

Experts have also warned that fast food prices could climb even higher as minimum wage hikes are implemented across the country. California’s $20-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers goes into effect in April.

McDonald’s and Chipotle both announced that they would be hiking the prices of menu items at Golden State locations beginning this year.

Because of COURSE they will. Why wouldn’t they—actually, how could they NOT, if they want to continue to exist and turn even a piddling profit? In the era of Bidenflation and a worthless paper dollar, the idiot protesters demanding fifteen bucks an hour are going to protest themselves right out of a job and onto the unemployment rolls before it’s all said and done, which serves them right if you ask me. May they all have joy of their foolish choice.


Q & A

Q: Is there anyone on this entire planet more dishonest, more despicable, more just plain old loathsome than ***”pResident”*** Faux Jaux “Pedo Pete” Biden?

A: NO. No, there most certainly is NOT.

DISGUSTING: Joe Biden Calls Grieving Mother of Killed Soldier and Misleads About Beau Biden Again
Chalk this up as another story that dumbfounds me, with Joe Biden once again fibbing to a grieving military family about how his son, Beau Biden, died.

As RedState reported, three U.S. Army soldiers were killed in Jordan in late January after an Iranian-backed group attacked it with drones. The deceased have been identified as Sergeant William Rivers, Specialist Breona Moffett, and Specialist Kennedy Sanders. Good Morning America broadcast the call Biden made to the family of Specialist Sanders in which he proceeded to mislead them about his son’s death, something he’s done in numerous calls to Gold Star families.

How many times does this need to be explained to the president? It is tragic when anyone’s child dies, and that includes Beau Biden. With that said, there is no comparison between a parent losing a child in combat and having a child pass after a long battle with cancer. When a person goes to sleep one night thinking their child is fine and then wakes up the next morning to find out their child has been brutally killed, that does something different to a person. That is not the type of pain and suffering anyone should compare themselves to unless they’ve experienced it first-hand.

Joe Biden got to be at his son’s bedside. He was able to say his goodbyes and plan for what was coming, both emotionally and practically. The parents of these killed soldiers will never have that opportunity. So no, Biden hasn’t “been there,” and no, Iraq was not how he lost his son. To this day, there’s no actual evidence that burn pits used during the conflict caused Beau Biden to develop cancer. There’s not even any evidence Beau Biden had any extensive exposure to them. He died of cancer half a decade after leaving the military.

Still, the president has repeatedly stated as fact that his son “died in Iraq” or some variant of the claim, making it sound as if he were killed in combat. It’s gross, and it long ago became stolen valor.

Bad as it is, this is still but one example from a long, long litany of Faux Jaux’s abominable crimes. Does it get even worse, though? Oh, just gimme a goddamned break, willya?

Note ye well, the three dead soldiers were killed only after 150+ similar attacks in the ME against US troops perpetrated by Iran, all of which went unanswered by our slowly-putrefying Commander In Thief. And remember, that’s just since Israel went after Hamas in Gaza post-10/7, mind. But now, Faux Jaux has the boldness, the narcissism, the unmitigated fucking gall to make this latest one all about his son Beau in the course of “comforting” the families of the dead? Bonchie closes his piece with a regrettably asinine statement:

I don’t know what needs to happen to get Biden to stop doing this, but his handlers need to get a hold of it. It’s not acceptable for the President of the United States (or anyone) to continually lie about something like this.

You may not know, Bonch, but I certainly do: Bribem will not stop “doing this” until he’s stumbled and staggered on off to join Hell’s Own Choir Invisible, not before. And even then, he’ll probably pester the lesser demons, fallen angels, and other permanent residents to utter distraction with his endless lies, self-serving misrepresentations, and tall tales. If Eff Joe Biden wasn’t already going there for all the other things he’s done over lo, these many years, the congenital lying would be enough to guarantee him a prominent position in Hell all by itself.


Congresswoman Ilhan “Omar,” D-Mogadishu

Oh, fret not, she’s representing her constituents and her country all right. It’s just that her constituents aren’t Americans from her Congressional district in the state formerly known as Minnesota, and her country isn’t what we sometimes mistakenly refer to as the United States of America.

I’ve Been Identifying Ilhan Omar as ‘D-Mogadishu’ for Years. It Turns Out I Was Right.
Ilhan Omar rocketed to notoriety a few years back by warning that some American officials have dual loyalties. As it turns out, she was one of them.

Back in 2019, the winsome and patriotic congresswoman had the courage to declare, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says that it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” She was talking about American officials who supposedly had loyalty to both the U.S. and Israel, but on Sunday, a video appeared on X showing Omar telling a Somali crowd that they all were “Somalis first, Muslims second.” Nothing about being Americans. And that was the least jarring and offensive part of the speech.

Omar was speaking in Somali, and the translation was made by someone who clearly opposes her; however, in response to the controversy that her statements sparked, she didn’t take issue with the accuracy of the translation, but only with its interpretation. To a certain extent, Omar is right about this. She is being criticized for saying, “We Somalis must have the confidence in ourselves that we call the shots in the U.S. The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else.” 

That sounds terrible, but an Omar defender on X contended that it was innocuous: “Omar says she is representing the interests of Somalis in the United States, which is a legitimate task, as a Congresswoman in any democratic system.” Commenting approvingly on that post, Omar herself added: “It’s not only slanted but completely off, but I wouldn’t expect more from these propagandists.”

All right. Certainly, a representative should stand for the interests of his or her constituents. Everyone acknowledges that. But Omar was speaking in Minneapolis and yet says nothing, at least in the available video, about fighting for her constituents’ interests in the United States. Likewise, she says nothing, as you’d expect, about fighting for the interests of the U.S. itself. Instead, she says that the U.S. government “must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia…Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system.”

In the speech, Omar said of herself: “The woman you sent to Congress is working day and night to protect your interest. She knows your plight and that of Somalia. I am as concerned about Somalia as you guys are. Together we will protect the interests of Somalia.” 

That’s swell, but members of the U.S. House of Representatives take this oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Do you see anything in there about protecting the interests of a foreign country? Neither do I. Ilhan Omar has the dual loyalties that she has claimed supporters of Israel have. In the wake of the release of this speech, many are calling for her to be expelled from the House à la George Santos, and she should be. But given the left’s tendency to circle the wagons and defend its own no matter what, that is about as likely as Old Joe Biden uttering a coherent sentence.

Expelled from the House? She ought to be expelled from the goddamned country and sent straight back to the shithole whence she slithered and slimed her way to our shores, with a quickness. But none of us should be holding our breaths waiting for it. Lest we forget:

The repellent Ilhan Omar—a traitor to this nation condemned by both her words and her deeds, and who is in this country illegally—will not be censured, expelled, impeached, or deported. There’s a reason for that, a most shameful one: it’s because WE are the ones who failed to learn the lessons of the Black Hawk Down incident, not her. Clearly, she learned and understood them completely.


Another “food desert” mirage

So first, this happened.

In-N-Out has never closed a location, until now. It cites crime as the problem
New York CNN—In-N-Out is permanently closing one of its restaurants for the first time ever, announcing that its Oakland location will soon shutter because of rampant crime in the California city.

The burger chain said in a statement that “despite taking repeated steps to create safer conditions, our customers and associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies.”

The location, which has been open for nearly two decades, will close on March 24. It’s the city’s only In-N-Out and is near the airport.

Crime has indeed substantially increased in Oakland: Burglaries were up 23% and motor vehicle thefts were up 44% in 2023 compared to a year prior, according to Oakland Police Department data obtained by CNN affiliate KGO-TV.

In-N-Out said in a statement that while “several” of its locations have relocated in its 75-year history, the Oakland closure is the first restaurant it has closed.

“We feel the frequency and severity of the crimes being encountered by our customers and associates leave us no alternative,” said Chief Operating Officer Denny Warnick, in the statement.

Notably, Warnick said its Oakland location was “busy and profitable,” but it can’t ask its customers or employees to “visit or work in an unsafe environment.” Affected employees, which amount to about 100, will transfer to a nearby restaurant in San Francisco or receive severance.

Then, the reliably-brilliant and hilarious Hodge Twins decided to have way too much fun with it, as is their wont.

Heh. Excellent rip, fellas.


Justice, (well) done

Served up piping hot.

The Chickens Come Home to Roost for Chuck Schumer As Pro-Hamas Radicals Target His Daughter
Chuck Schumer and his daughter found themselves on the receiving end of pro-Hamas extremism on Friday evening. While the two ate dinner for Shabbat, “protesters” showed up at the apartment building shouting for a “ceasefire” and accusing Schumer of killing children.

The scene was a familiar one, with crazed Hamas supporters spending the months after the October 7th attack in Israel harassing people and shutting down infrastructure. All in the name of blood-thirsty terrorists who murdered babies, raped women, and beheaded people on camera because they are just so darn “oppressed.”

My feelings about this specific situation involving Schumer are complicated.

Mine aren’t, not even slightly: FUCK him, his whole family, and the horse they all rode in on. Right in the liver, with a rusty railroad spike.

What kind of deranged psychos picket the apartment of a Jewish woman, screaming for a ceasefire with genocidal lunatics, just because her father is a senator? There’s nothing right and good about that, and the protesters themselves should be maligned and condemned.

On the other hand, Chuck Schumer wanted this. He has spent years excusing antisemitism in his own party, refusing to call out bigots like Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar. In lieu of that, he’s blamed all the world’s ills on nebulous, nearly non-existent “right-wing extremists” and “white supremacy.”

When you feed the alligator, I’m not sure you deserve much sympathy when it bites your arm off.

Exactly, precisely so—which is why my sympathy for steaming, stinking pieces of dung like Schemer is not just limited, but entirely nonexistent. He and every other conniving, double-dealing shitlib like him can all die in a fire, screaming, for all me. Protesters showing up at their homes shouting at them is but a mere tithe of what they actually deserve. To paraphrase one of my dear old grandma’s go-to aphorisms, you lay down with Jew-hating Muzzrat terrorists, you get up with fleas. So be it, then.


Law of the Jungle (bunny)

Don’t like stores closing in your dangerous, lawless shitholes? Stop looting them blind and broke then, you parasitic assholes.

Today’s fearless probe into the wilds of cause-and-effect reasoning comes from Roxbury, Massachusetts:

As this CBS “journalist” summarizes the issue: “Why do you think Walgreen’s is targeting black and brown neighborhoods?”

She refuses to ask anyone about rampant looting putting this store out of business.

“Predominantly black neighborhood.” Okay, got it. The residents of that neighborhood will now have to travel a bit further to find a Walgreen’s to loot shop at. And as those residents are “predominantly black,” this constitutes racial discrimination.

But protesting residents exercised a bit of subtlety:

“What happens to our seniors and our single parents that have no way to get to a Walgreen’s or another pharmacy anywhere near their home?”

He managed not to mention either rampant shoplifting or race. And yes, it will certainly inconvenience the locale’s senior citizens, but do they have an enforceable right to a pharmacy within walking distance? But wait: there’s more! Hearken to the Reverend Minard Pepper:

“So we think it’s insensitive, it’s unjust…Why do you think they target black and brown communities? I think because they get no push back.”

Well, there is the possibility that shoplifting in predominantly white districts is far less: a tolerable degree of what liquor store owners have traditionally called “spillage.” But once again, there’s no mention of either theft or race. One more, from former Boston NAACP president Michael Curry:

“The communities where they’re closing these pharmacies are communities where people are, uh, desperately impacted by disease. You know, two or three times higher rates in cancer, diabetes, heart disease, where life expectancy can be 15, 20 years less.”

Such awareness. Such compassion! I wonder if the thieves who’ve driven Walgreen’s out of this “predominantly black” neighborhood ever stop to think about the burdens they load onto their sick neighbors. My bet is on “no.” Where’s yours?

These black “civil rights activists” are fully aware of why Walgreen’s is closing those stores. They simply don’t want to acknowledge the facts of the matter. That would indict “their people.” It would suggest that if there’s a solution – which is unclear, as battling shoplifting has always been a difficult and expensive undertaking – it would take the form of law enforcement. But no, we can’t have that in “predominantly black” Roxbury! That would be racist.

Such closures are occurring wherever there’s a high enough percentage of blacks. And in every case, “civil rights leaders” – almost always black – step to the microphones and cameras to denounce it. But they seldom mention the plague of shoplifting. Neither do they mention the ceaseless propagandization of young blacks against law enforcement and the rights of property owners, nor the simple cause-and-effect dynamic that makes whites and businesses flee from the blacks who prey on them.

So simple, so obvious only a “liberal” Sooperdoopergenius© and the feral urban sub-primate class they’ve brainwashed into feeble, helpless dependence could fail to grasp it.

Two strategies, one issue

And only one of those approaches to handling it is sensible, Constitutionally-permissible, and non-treasonous. First, Texas Governor Abbott’s and AG Paxton’s.

BORDER SHOWDOWN: Texas to Defy Biden Admin’s Order to Give Feds Access to Park Along Rio Grande
EAGLE PASS, Texas — As of Wednesday afternoon, Army National Guard soldiers remain posted at temporary gates erected at the entrance to a city-owned park along the Rio Grande. The park was seized by order of Texas Governor Greg Abbott and closed off to Border Patrol agents unless their entrance into the area is first coordinated with state law enforcement and the Texas Military Department.

The state appears to be standing firm as a Biden administration deadline of “the end of the day” for the state to remove the gates and allow unimpeded access to the Border Patrol approaches. General Counsel Jonathan Meyer, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, communicated it to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in a letter on January 10.

As reported by Breitbart Texas, the DHS letter to Paxton was sent in response to the seizure of Shelby Park a few days earlier under a Texas statute for law enforcement and disaster relief purposes by Abbott in response to the border crisis impacting his state. The DHS letter to Paxton cited the statutory authority granted to Border Patrol agents to patrol private lands within 25 miles of the border without a warrant. The letter warned the state was impeding the federal agents with the seizure of the property and the conditions placed upon the Border Patrol for entry.

In response to the demands made by the Department of Homeland Security in Counsel Meyer’s demand to grant unimpeded access to the Border Patrol, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton responded in a letter on Wednesday. In his response to DHS, Paxton disputed the arguments made in their cease and desist letter, saying:

Texas allows prompt entry into Shelby Park by any U.S. Border Patrol personnel responding to a medical emergency, and this access is not “limited to use of the boat ramp,” as you say. TMD has ordered its Guardsmen not to impede lifesaving care for aliens who illegally cross the Rio Grande. To that end, TMD has erected gates that allow for rapid admission when federal personnel communicate the existence of some medical exigency.

Paxton went on to say:

President Biden has been warned in a series of letters, one of them hand-delivered to him in El Paso, that his sustained dereliction of duty in securing the border is illegal. By instructing your agency and others to ignore federal immigration laws, he has breached the guarantee, found in Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution, that the federal government “shall protect each of [the States] against Invasion.”

The battle over control of the park now finds the City of Eagle Pass, who opposes the state seizure of Shelby Park, and the federal government on the same side of the issue. When the Secure Fence Act was passed in 2006, the city battled with the federal government over the construction of the border fencing, which would ultimately leave Shelby Park inside the border fence and walled off from the city.

Then-President George W. Bush signed the 2006 bipartisan fence bill after passage with the support of 80 senators, including then-senate and future presidents Joseph Biden and Barrack Obama. Democrat Senators Chuck Schumer and Hilary Clinton also supported the measure. Ultimately, the city lost its bid to prevent the construction of a 1.8-mile, 14-foot-tall border fence was constructed.

SO. One side in this dispute—let’s call them the Real American Patriots, or RAPs, for short—seeks to re-establish and maintain the basic, fundamental right of the citizens of the great Republic of Texas to a secure, safe, and well-protected southern border. The other—let’s call them Evil America-hating Traitor Scum, or EAhTS—consists of RINO George, Pedo Pete Bribem, Ogabe, Schemer, Her Herness™, the CBP/FederalGovCo, and city officials of Eagle Pass, who seek to subject not only the decent, hard-working citizens of Texas but the entire nation to an unrestricted invasion of hordes of unvetted, unassimilated, disease-rife illegal aliens from all over the (Third) world across a wide-open, unguarded border-in-name-only.

Thankfully, though, we can trust the Republican’ts in Washington to stand up for us against the Swamp traitors of the D卐M☭CRAT Party, right? Right?


Um. Yeah, about that.

McConnell Ally John Thune Pushes Senate Open Borders Deal: ‘Unique Moment in Time’
Sen. John Thune (R-SD) has locked arms with President Joe Biden in calling for a deal to surrender to unlimited migration that would include tens of billions in foreign aid to Ukraine.

The retreat would hand the White House a key election year win and surrender the best leverage Republicans have had in decades to make substantive changes in border policies that could alleviate one of the American people’s greatest concerns potentially for generations.

Senate negotiators have led efforts for months to pair some sort of border security package with billions of supplemental funding, primarily to advance Ukraine’s floundering war efforts against Russia. The war has been deadlocked for almost a year, with untold hundreds of billions spent and countless lives lost.

Yet hesitancy for more foreign aid and demands for a truly substantive border package from Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) Republican House led to the search for a compromise on the two issues.

Leaded details of the deal, which essentially amount to a surrender at the border, have received widespread condemnation, with Johnson indicating he will not move that bill through the House.

On Wednesday, Biden is hosting Congressional leaders at the White House to flex his muscles and pressure Johnson to surrender.

Thune’s latest position appears supportive of Biden’s tactics, insisting that the leaked deal is worth supporting.

God bless Mike Johnson for standing firm, so far at at any rate. God damn the loathsome John Thune and all who sail in him straight to Hell for selling Real Americans and their best interests down the river—the Rio Grande, specifically.

Both links via Sefton, who heads today’s Morning Report with this image:

Heh. Good one, JJ.

Update! And while we’re making with the memes, a great one from WRSA.

Excellent questions all, especially that last. And to think, the liars STILL try to tell us that Replacement Theory is just some crazy-ass “conspiracy theory” adhered to only by mopes, dopes, losers, lunatics, and wild-eyed “insurrectionist” zealots.

Lots of good ‘uns at CA’s Thursday Early Edition, several of which will be turning up in next week’s Memezapoppin’ and Screamin’ meemie Monday posts, you betcher. In fact, the backlog on Ye Aulde Harde Drive is now so completely out of control I’m considering making tomorrow’s Eyrie offering a meme post too.

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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