Q: Is there anyone on this entire planet more dishonest, more despicable, more just plain old loathsome than ***”pResident”*** Faux Jaux “Pedo Pete” Biden?
A: NO. No, there most certainly is NOT.
DISGUSTING: Joe Biden Calls Grieving Mother of Killed Soldier and Misleads About Beau Biden Again
Chalk this up as another story that dumbfounds me, with Joe Biden once again fibbing to a grieving military family about how his son, Beau Biden, died.As RedState reported, three U.S. Army soldiers were killed in Jordan in late January after an Iranian-backed group attacked it with drones. The deceased have been identified as Sergeant William Rivers, Specialist Breona Moffett, and Specialist Kennedy Sanders. Good Morning America broadcast the call Biden made to the family of Specialist Sanders in which he proceeded to mislead them about his son’s death, something he’s done in numerous calls to Gold Star families.
How many times does this need to be explained to the president? It is tragic when anyone’s child dies, and that includes Beau Biden. With that said, there is no comparison between a parent losing a child in combat and having a child pass after a long battle with cancer. When a person goes to sleep one night thinking their child is fine and then wakes up the next morning to find out their child has been brutally killed, that does something different to a person. That is not the type of pain and suffering anyone should compare themselves to unless they’ve experienced it first-hand.
Joe Biden got to be at his son’s bedside. He was able to say his goodbyes and plan for what was coming, both emotionally and practically. The parents of these killed soldiers will never have that opportunity. So no, Biden hasn’t “been there,” and no, Iraq was not how he lost his son. To this day, there’s no actual evidence that burn pits used during the conflict caused Beau Biden to develop cancer. There’s not even any evidence Beau Biden had any extensive exposure to them. He died of cancer half a decade after leaving the military.
Still, the president has repeatedly stated as fact that his son “died in Iraq” or some variant of the claim, making it sound as if he were killed in combat. It’s gross, and it long ago became stolen valor.
Bad as it is, this is still but one example from a long, long litany of Faux Jaux’s abominable crimes. Does it get even worse, though? Oh, just gimme a goddamned break, willya?
Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, a Marine who survived the explosion in Kabul that killed 13 Americans, says that when Joe and Jill Biden came to his hospital room, the president reached out to shake his hand even though his arm was gone, immediately started talking about his son, and… pic.twitter.com/5axewScAPk
— Greg Price (@greg_price11)
Note ye well, the three dead soldiers were killed only after 150+ similar attacks in the ME against US troops perpetrated by Iran, all of which went unanswered by our slowly-putrefying Commander In Thief. And remember, that’s just since Israel went after Hamas in Gaza post-10/7, mind. But now, Faux Jaux has the boldness, the narcissism, the unmitigated fucking gall to make this latest one all about his son Beau in the course of “comforting” the families of the dead? Bonchie closes his piece with a regrettably asinine statement:
I don’t know what needs to happen to get Biden to stop doing this, but his handlers need to get a hold of it. It’s not acceptable for the President of the United States (or anyone) to continually lie about something like this.
You may not know, Bonch, but I certainly do: Bribem will not stop “doing this” until he’s stumbled and staggered on off to join Hell’s Own Choir Invisible, not before. And even then, he’ll probably pester the lesser demons, fallen angels, and other permanent residents to utter distraction with his endless lies, self-serving misrepresentations, and tall tales. If Eff Joe Biden wasn’t already going there for all the other things he’s done over lo, these many years, the congenital lying would be enough to guarantee him a prominent position in Hell all by itself.
It’s sad, but it’s not congenital lying.
20 years ago, maybe; now, not so much.
It’s profound Alzheimer’s, from a guy who couldn’t tell you whose underpants he was wearing or spell CIA correctly three times in a row.
Emperor Poopypants is pants-shittingly profoundly retarded, and he’s losing his tenuous grip on civilization and normal behavior.
He told the lies and in his dementia probably does now believe them. Those around him know better and they let that dingbat continue prattling on…