Another day, another…

Another madman shoots up a school, another demand for law-abiding, non-insane people who have never shot anybody and never WILL shoot anybody to surrender their 2A rights.

Las Vegas police: 3 dead, 1 injured after Wednesday shooting at UNLV
A source close to the investigation says that the suspect is believed to be a 67-year-old college professor.

President Biden on Wednesday afternoon issued a statement on the shootings in Texas and Nevada:

“Yesterday, in Austin and San Antonio, at least six people were killed and several more injured by a gunman—leaving families devastated, and communities forever changed. And just hours ago, the University of Nevada at Las Vegas became the latest college campus to be terrorized by a horrific act of gun violence, and the community is still awaiting information on casualties.

Jill and I join citizens across our nation in praying for the families of our fallen, and for those who were injured during these latest acts of senseless violence. We are also grateful for the courageous work of law enforcement—who risked their own safety to bring an end to these deadly shooting sprees. Federal law enforcement officials are on the ground working with State and local law enforcement in both states and I have directed that all necessary support be provided to assist in the investigations and support these communities.

This year alone, our nation has experienced more than 600 mass shootings, and approximately 40,000 deaths due to gun violence. This is not normal, and we can never let it become normal.

For all the action we have taken since I’ve been President, the epidemic of gun violence we face demands that we do even more. But we cannot do more without Congress. Republican lawmakers must join with Democrats in Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, pass a national red flag law, enact universal background checks, require the safe storage of guns, and advance other commonsense measures that will help stem the tide of gun violence. And together, we must do more to prevent more families, and more communities like Austin, San Antonio, and Las Vegas, from being ripped apart by gun violence.”

Yeah, let’s allow you gun-grabber shitweasels to rip the entire fucking country apart by gun “control” and/or confiscation instead. From the above sub-hed, sounds to me like what we could really use here is some reasonable, common-sense loony-toony-college-professor control, Mr “President.” A good first step might be to enact strong legislation preventing opportunistic, lying scum-sucker ProPols like yourself from clambering atop the nearest podium before the sound of the shots has even stopped echoing to thump your scrawny chests and lecture the rest of us about what we must and must not do.

Update! For my money, the great Charlton Heston said it best.

Sure, I’ll be happy to give up my guns to you rat-bastards: bullets first, any old time you feel froggy enough.


Know your rights

Alllll three of ‘em, as Joe Strummer once sang.

Not long ago, I heard about an incident I want to bring to your attention. A motorist, traveling outside his state of residence, was the victim of a minor traffic accident. However, during the investigation, an officer found two handguns in his car. The motorist was arrested for carrying without a permit, a felony in that particular state.

The problem was that the motorist had a concealed-carry permit alright—but only in his home state. This man was not a criminal. He had no prior-arrest record. He simply was in a state that refused to recognize another state’s license. What that oversight meant for this gentleman was a trip to jail, very expensive legal fees and possible time in prison—and loss of his Second Amendment rights.

We spend a lot of time talking about guns and gear and even some time talking about tactics. But, I’m not sure we spend enough time discussing the various laws concerning personal defense. It is possible to be otherwise justified in defending oneself, yet still be charged with a crime for some violation of legal procedure.

For example, some states have the so-called “Stand Your Ground” law. That is, if you have a legal right to be where you are, then there is no requirement to retreat before defending yourself. Other states require you to attempt to retreat, sometimes with an exception when you’re in your home, before responding to a violent attack. What do they consider a legitimate attempt to retreat?

While you may know the law in your home state, you are bound by the law, whatever it is, in the state that you are visiting. And, trust me, they are not going to be the least bit interested in how you do it back home.

That’s a fact, Jack. In Amerika v2.0, the State’s one and only interest is locking you up, first, last, and always. The Constitution itself clearly states that no State law may traduce the US Constitution—which certainly includes the 2A—rendering gun-grabber legislation in even the most Left-“liberal” of states null and void. “Shall not be abridged,” remember? Yet somehow, well, here we all are nevertheless.

What a travesty. As the bumper stickers have it: the Founders would have been shooting a loooonnnng time ago.

(Via Insty)


Hotting up

The War On Christmas has gone international, and escalated considerably.

Oh, and speaking of Christmas:

German Police Arrest Islamist Teens Planning Attack on Christmas Market, Synagogue

I remember, seven years ago, writing about two young women I’d met, from opposite ends of Germany, who told me they’d decided not to sing with their caroling groups at Christmas markets any more because, as one put it, “Christmas is now a target”. And I also recall how many friends on the so-called “right” suggested I was exaggerating the threat. This was the headline on Ed West’s Spectator column the following year:

Christmas markets without armed police are now a thing of the past

And so the first sign of the holidays in Europe, and indeed in New York, is watching the Christmas bollards get installed in preparation for the season of goodwill to all men – if you can afford all those security barriers. From longtime reader Robert Strauss six years ago:


There’s something so disheartening and depressing about the closing of the Lyons Christmas market due to the cost of security concerns that it makes a person just plain tired. Christmas markets are such wonderful traditions: fun and kitsch (in the most wonderful way) and beautiful and singularly atmospheric. I love walking through them. It’s where a kid’s face lights up and a grandparent can escape back into kid-like memories.

And now it’s going away. I can’t help but think of the hashtag-“not-going-to-let-it-affect-our-daily-lives” mantra coming from the likes of Obama, Sadiq Khan, Theresa, and soda-tax enthusiast Jim Kenney. Hey, the gift-packaged barriers really look nice and Christmasy, don’t they? Nothing abnormal there, people. Just pretend there still is a Christmas market when you look at the cute, packaged barriers and enjoy the carols in your earbuds.

What a sad, heartbreaking crock.

Bob S.

As I received the above, came news of the 2017 vehicular jihad in a thoroughly bollardized Melbourne. That last one I wrote about, but you can’t write about them all – because you’d go mad writing the same column over and over while the western world’s political class sticks its fingers in its ears and says, “Nya-nya, can’t hear you!” No amount of death or destruction will persuade them to address the issue. And so once open, shared traditions become throttled by bollards and security. And in meekly agreeing to surrender our future we lose our past, too.

How could it be otherwise? The war being half-heartedly waged against yodeling Pisslamic jihadis isn’t some small-scale “police action” or yet another far-removed brushfire conflict which effete Westerners can laconically forget about or ignore as a minor annoyance that doesn’t really affect them all that much—most especially not when we’ve permitted our so-called “leaders” to dump several divisions’ worth of enemy soldiers into our very laps, either via studiously looking the other way as they waltz across our nonexistent southern border or just importing them directly, resettling them en masse under the threadbare cover of “refugee” status.

No, this one is for all the marbles, I’m afraid, with the highest imaginable stakes for every last one of us. It’s an existential war, quite literally, and the losing side in that sort of war loses absolutely everything.


EXCELLENT questions

Brandon Smith asks ‘em.

At what point does radical activism cross the line and become a declaration of war? It’s a question I’ve been pondering for a long time, as well as the implications it has for the concept of “democracy.” How much should civilization and heritage bend to the desires of contrary groups in the name of freedom? If a movement has consistently proven itself to be a destructive force that seeks to undermine the foundations of the west, should they be allowed to stay in the west? Is it authoritarian to kick them out? If it is, does it matter?

Not to me it doesn’t. But let me ask one: would they rather we kill them instead? Because frankly, that’s the only viable alternative to the proverbial bum’s rush I can descry. Onwards.

If these activists hate western culture so much, why would they want to stay in places like the US? Why not leave of their own accord to a nation or society that fits their philosophical demands? The only logical conclusion is that they stay because they want to sabotage the US and force everyone else to submit to their political vision. The truth is, leftists are ideological colonizers pretending to be “victims” of colonization.

But maybe the system of liberty is not made for people who want to tear it down. Maybe they don’t deserve its benefits.

Leftists think they have the edge because you have rules while they do not. They see their Utopian vision as absolute, and anyone that stops them from getting what they want is a tyrant that must be eliminated by any means necessary. Usually this involves overwhelming less organized targets with a mob, tearing the community (or country) down piece by piece until there’s nothing left. Once deconstruction is complete, they then build whatever society they want on the ashes.

Gee, THAT doesn’t sound at all familiar, does it? Thank goodness it could never happen here.

Woke acolytes and their elitist masters are not pursuing activism, they are pursuing war. It’s a 4th Generation war using tactics of treachery, subterfuge and psychological manipulation, but it is a war all the same. And since they are at war with us, this begs the question – Is it not acceptable to return fire?

Acceptable? Not so much. Say rather, ESSENTIAL.

It’s not all doom and gloom; the woke movement has suffered multiple defeats in the culture war the past couple years. The public is growing tired of the propaganda saturation used by the establishment media and people are sick of woke busybodies inserting themselves into every aspect of daily life. That said, such monsters don’t go quietly into the night, they will try to wreak havoc as they are pushed back.

We can’t forget that through all of this turmoil the globalists still remain in their positions of power and influence. If they are not eliminated from the equation then it really doesn’t matter how many times leftists are defeated in the social arena, the money men will always have the resources to fund and train more radicals and the whole mess starts over again.

Or, to slightly adjust the old Doritos ad: Crunch all you want, they’ll make more. Fine and well, then, just as long as we remember to keep on crunching ‘em.

The logical conclusion is to recognize that these people will have to be removed from western culture, by force if necessary. This is not an outlandish prospect. Many nations including western nations have provisions for removing destructive people and organizations from their borders, even when they are natural born citizens.

In the US, this would be considered a violation of the 14th Amendment and the rules of citizenship, but of course, the 14th Amendment only applies to how the federal government conducts itself, not the general populace. And when someone engages in a war with a large percentage of the American public in an effort to annihilate their way of life, they do not deserve to be treated with kid gloves.

We all know where this conflict is heading. The balkanization of the US is assured in the near future, and this might ease tensions. But can red states and blue states live peacefully next to each other for very long? The political left and the globalists will NEVER give up on their fantasy of a fully centralized and socialist America, where all memory of true liberty is wiped away.

True, dat. An abundance of wonderful quotes bearing on this eternal conflict ring down through the annals of human history, from the ancients to more contemporary thinkers, including but by no means limited to:

Wise words all, but perhaps most apropos to the current circumstances are the ones John Wilkes Booth shouted as he leapt down from the balcony of the Presidential box at Ford’s Theater, drawn from the first official seal of the sadly-diminished state of Virginia: Sic semper tyrannis! In light of all the above sagacity, though, none of us need be in any confusion about what the great Liberty Titan Thomas Jefferson would have to say to his posterity right about now:


Granted, Jefferson would probably NOT have used the common vernacular, nor expressed the thought in meme format; so proposed, so stipulated. But still.


The “climate change” Trojan Horse

In this as in everything else, it’s never really about what they tell you it is.

I have thoroughly debunked the idea of man-made climate change in previous articles and I won’t be spending time on that here. Instead, I want to examine the end goal of climate change policies – The ultimate solution, which is NOT to save the planet, but to dominate the populace.

The names used for the climate change “reset” vary, but it is often referred to by globalists and the UN as Agenda 2030 or Sustainable Development Goals. These programs wear a facade of environmentalism but they are ALL rooted in economics. That is to say, all climate change efforts exist to destroy industry and trade and establish a government/corporate partnership to dominate production. Climate change is a Trojan Horse to introduce authoritarianism.

I believe one of the most important aspects of Agenda 2030 for globalists is something called the “15 Minute City”; a project which involves hundreds of city mayors from across the US, Europe and Asia working closely with groups like the World Economic Forum. Any mention of this idea in a negative light and the media erupts with anger as well as mockery as if it’s not a real issue worthy of debate.

The establishment paints an interesting picture of 15 Minute Cities – A Utopian future in which everything you need is only a short walk away and private transportation is superfluous (or banned). You might even live in mega-complex, much like a giant mall where you also work. You could spend months within one square mile of space, never having to leave for anything.

It’s no mistake that this idea was pushed hard during the pandemic lockdowns. The public was awash in fear propaganda over a virus with a 99.8% survival rate and that fear made the unthinkable idea of staying at home all the time suddenly thinkable. Media pundits continue to call the connection between covid lockdowns and climate lockdowns a conspiracy theory, but the idea is openly admitted in UN and WEF white papers.

Some people argue that most cities are already “15 Minute Cities” with necessities all within walking distance of their homes. These folks don’t understand what a 15 Minute City really is. As numerous establishment descriptions of the project note, it’s not just about convenience or close access, it’s about changing every aspect of our current philosophy of living. It’s not about gaining amenities, it’s about making an array of sacrifices in order to appease the gods of carbon emissions.

The 15 Minute City is more like a recipe, containing every single ingredient of the climate change and covid lockdown agendas in a single comprehensive Orwellian vision. It includes removing motor vehicles, removing private transportation and roads, smart city and AI monitoring of each person’s electricity usage, monitoring of product consumption and “carbon footprint”, biometric surveillance within a compact and stacked urban landscape, the cashless society concept, equity and inclusion cultism, population control, etc.

It is the culmination, the end game; a massive prison with no bars. A place where you are conditioned to grow accustomed to artificial limitations on privacy, no civil liberties, no private property, and no work options or mobility. You are tied to the land and the land is owned by the state (or corporation). If you want a historic comparison, the closest I can find is the feudal system of Medieval Europe.

It’s important to understand that these compact cities will not be designed for your comfort. They will not be designed so that you can have all the amenities you have today closer to your fingertips while also providing “sustainability.” That’s how the globalists try to sell it, but that’s not what it will be. Rather, these cities will be designed to better CONTROL you, so that you can be forced to make the sacrifices they say are necessary for sustainability to be possible.

They are erroneously billed as “decentralized communities,” but they are the exact opposite – They are utterly centralized, like a hamster cage where you are the pet. The core philosophy behind them is dependency. If you live in a place which is specifically constructed to eliminate your ability to provide for yourself, then you are a slave. Though, to be sure, even slavery can be made to look noble if people are convinced that their chains are necessary for the good of the planet.

Thanks to these bloated, endlessly grabby, monstrously-powerful governments, the world becomes a scarier, more threatening place with every passing day, don’t it? Why, it’s almost as if the Founding Fathers actually knew whereof they spoke when they so vehemently warned future generations against the dangers of permitting their central goobermint to outgrow the box it originally came in or something.

Lisa Liberal splutters hysterically: but…but…but…HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY HAVE FORESEEN (fully semi-automatic assault weapon riflepistol guns at every WalMart, available for purchase by any man, woman, or child with no background check, waiting period, permit, or registration required AT ALL, EVER/unlimited-capacity self-reloading magazine clips/Cop Killer bullets/shoulder thingy that goes up/heat-seeking .50 caliber incendiary rounds/GAIA-raping ICE automobiles/rural electrification/deadly gas ranges/insert Leftard bugbear of the month HERE)?!?


Amygdala Fever

I said from the very start that once We Duh Sheeple accepted The Mask Of Submission, we’d never be rid of the blasted bacteria-traps. Bad Cat examines why I was right, and how it came to pass that the MOS would blight American lives and liberty forever.

of masks and masquarades
how pushing the idea of “duty” onto others engenders rage and helplessness

i think it’s always going to be with us. the damage was too deep and there is a certain sort of person who is just never going to let it go.

because this was their happy place.

i think the mask-querade really came down to one potent messaging mantra repeated endlessly until it broke brains and shunted aside critical faculties thereby becoming endlessly integrated into medical mythology:

“your mask protects me.”

“your mask protects me” was made up science but it was phenomenal propaganda.

this pseudo-moralistic psyop probably cannot ever be cured among the anxious and authority craving. it was just too perfect.

this pervasive propaganda essentially reframed the issue of wearing masks from being a “choice” into being a “duty.” that’s powerful stuff.

that’s how you take away the perception of freedom to act.

it’s also how you give everyone who complies permission to attack those who do not comply.

“why are you threatening me!”

it turns your aspirations toward autonomy into perceived assault on/by others. in this, it represents the perfect way to pit society against itself and turn it into its own self-policing tyranny.

those who comply are instantly furious with any who do not. “i’m caring for you, why won’t you care for me!?!” is permission to act beastly while cloaked in purported virtue. and that’s impossibly seductive stuff for the addled, anxious, and angry.

truly, it was an astonishing piece of messaging.

El Gatio goes on at length from there to apply this analytical framework to sundry other psychological-warfare campaigns, notably including the ongoing “misgendering me/denying me unrestricted sexual access to your children/refusing to honor my choice of pronouns is GENOCIDE” overhype-extravaganza. It’s rich, heady stuff indeed, of which you should definitely read the all. In fact, I thought highly enough of it that I’m gonna try to figure out how Substack’s “Cross post” option works, and make good use of it if I can get it straight.

Update! SUCCESS! The cross-post thingamabobber works like a charm. Nobody ever believes me when I tell ‘em so, but I’m a damned genius, I am. A-HENH!

One-way colonization

And guess what: it ain’t the West doing the colonizing anymore.

Part of the reason for these failures to win the clash of civilizations is that population movement only occurs in one direction. For all the bleating about “colonizers” from the radical Left, it’s the Western world that has been colonized, as is painfully evident in Europe.

Culture spreads through believers. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Western thinkers got this idea that culture was spreading through commerce. They thought the Berlin Wall was pulverized by blue jeans and rock & roll.

There is some cultural transmission through commerce and communications, to be sure. Books, films, and music definitely spread ideas. The problem is that authoritarian regimes can contain that type of ideological contamination with censorship and violence.

A far more durable method of spreading cultural ideas, tried and true across the span of centuries, is to simply move warm bodies across borders. This is especially true when vulnerable Western societies do not require, or even encourage, assimilation.

Our culture has essentially been rigged to self-destruct at the slightest contact with aggressive alien ideas. Academia has taught generations that our society is fundamentally corrupt, systemically racist, sick with evil since its very inception.

No culture wracked by that much manufactured guilt and cultivated self-doubt is going to propagate itself, especially not within authoritarian societies with heavy strains of nationalism, theology, and religious extremism.

This is especially true because there has been no significant movement of Westerners into Islamic nations since 9/11. No warm bodies crossing borders and bearing ideas. The Western presence in places like Iraq and Afghanistan is treated like a disease to be quarantined.

The big population movements were all in the other direction, and they happened with astounding speed, driven by open-borders ideologues and well-financed organizations devoted to increasing Westward migration.

Could you imagine what migration in the other direction would even LOOK like? Millions of Americans or Europeans settling in other countries, demonstrating in their streets, exerting a gravitational pull on their politics? They’d be excoriated as “colonizers” if they tried it.

Could you imagine any autocratic or theocratic nation simply ceding portions of its cities to American or European immigrants, shrugging and writing them off as “no-go zones” for the locals, allowing mosques to be converted into churches, tolerating huge pro-America protests?

Two decades ago, our media wouldn’t allow us to see Palestinians dancing in the streets and passing out candy to celebrate 9/11 because we supposedly couldn’t handle it. Our elite lacked confidence in the people it rules, and it’s only gotten worse since then.

We were deliberately made wide-open for conquest, and invaders have marched in – both physically and with toxic ideology. Our elites utterly failed to liberalize the world, so now they just offer terms of surrender to tyrannical aggression, and they don’t negotiate hard.

Myself, I’d be perfectly content not to go out a-colonizing the troglodytic, smelly sonsabitches, if they’d only agree to just leave us the hell alone and stick to slaughtering each other in their own barely-habitable, primordial, sewer-state shitrapies in return. Regrettably, the barbarians of the Moslem world are no more capable of leaving others alone to live as they wish than our domestic Leftard antagonists are.

In both cases, conquest, oppression, and brutal subjugation aren’t some unfortunate side effect of an otherwise noble and benignant creed, they’re the whole fucking point of an irredeemably evil one. This is a primary locus of confluence between the brattish, self-absorbed Men Without Chests currently dismantling their own laboriously-constructed, uniquely-successful civilization and their momentary allies of convenience, the savage jihadi hardasses who are only too happy to take full advantage of the unlooked-for assist.

This inherently unstable relationship has created a strange, pragmatic truce between two irreconcilable modes of personal conduct: hedonistic abandon to the pursuit of worldly pleasure versus a dour, ascetic self-abnegation pushed to extremes of fanatacism and mad zealotry. For however much longer such an arrangement can last, at any rate.



At last, Kuenstler has written a column that I can’t quibble with, complain about, or disagree with in even the smallest, most niggling way.

Our nation, under the leadership of “Joe Biden” (…iden…iden…iden…iden…), has deployed our mighty warships in the waters all around and amongst Israel’s adversaries. Hard to see how that couldn’t happen, our sacred duty and all. If called upon, they can probably do a lot of damage — though there is plenty of reason to believe that Iran has enough anti-ship cruise missiles to create a big problem for us. Heck, Iran has enough long range conventional guided missiles to turn Haifa and Tel Aviv into ashtrays. But then, five minutes later, the same would be true for Teheran and Damascus, only they’d be radioactive. And who knows what those swarms of moiling migrants in the US and Euroland might be inspired to do, when it comes to that?

Jihad is in the offing. Too many are itching to set it off. Now they’re just waiting for an excuse, a reason to ignite the fuses. The obvious excuse would be an Israeli military incursion into Gaza. That would git’er done, I’m sure. The Israelis must realize this. Despite prior expectations, though, and even given the thirst for vengeance, they might realize it’s unnecessary. They’ve done enough bombing in Gaza. They could neutralize the command network of Hamas pretty much the same way they got the Black September ringleaders of the Munich Olympics massacre, 1972 — a methodical hunt over years, decades. They don’t have to shout from the rooftops, either. Everyone will know.

There is the fate of the Gaza hostages to consider. It doesn’t look good. Given enough time, of course, they can be shuttled around geographically here, there, and everywhere and concealed for years. They have value. World opinion will turn on the hostage-takers, though you might argue that no longer matters. I rather expect that rescue operations are well-planned and some may be carried out. But, overall, many of these poor pawns are apt to be lost. Tragic is tragic.

If we manage to avoid World War Three, America has its own grave problem to consider, which is comprehensive collapse — of economic activity, the financial scaffold for it, and of civil order in a society under deadly stress. Most of this damage has been induced by our own political leaders. Now that the House of Representatives has been put in order, it’s time for that body to act expeditiously and relieve “Joe Biden” of his responsibilities…and then Ms. Harris…and then Messrs. Garland, Mayorkas, and Wray. Out with them, post haste, and begin the project to save our own country.

Seconded, wholeheartedly—every word of it, to the last detail. Well, except that nothing in the last two sentences—which demonstrate that poor old James is still eager to succumb to the usual unfounded over-optimism about the likelihood of even one item on his devoutly-to-be-wished list coming to pass, desirable as they would doubtless be—has a ghost of a chance of happening. I say again: this is NOT America as we once knew it, not in any way, shape, or form. This is Amerika v2.0, and the sooner we can all get our heads around that dismaying home truth, the sooner something useful might actually be done about it.


Demography is destiny

An oldie-but-goodie Steyn rerun which, once again, is every bit as relevant today as it was when it first ran in 2009. Probably more so, in fact.

“Israel is unfashionable,” a Continental foreign minister said to me a decade back. “But maybe Israel will change, and then fashions will change.” Fashions do change. But however Israel changes, this fashion won’t. The shift of most (non-American) Western opinion against the Jewish state that began in the 1970s was, as my Continental politician had it, simply a reflection of casting: Israel was no longer the underdog but the overdog, and why would that appeal to a post-war polytechnic Euro-Left unburdened by Holocaust guilt?

Fair enough. Fashions change. But the new Judenhass is not a fashion, simply a stark reality that will metastasize in the years ahead and leave Israel isolated in the international “community” in ways that will make the first decade of this century seem like the good old days.

A few months after the curtailed Holocaust Day tour, I found myself in that particular corner of Tower Hamlets for the first time in years. Specifically, on Cable Street—the scene of a famous battle in 1936, when Sir Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, in a crude exercise of political muscle, determined to march through the heart of Jewish East London. They were turned back by a mob of local Jews, Irish Catholic dockers, and Communist agitators, all standing under the Spanish Civil War slogan: “No Pasaran.” They shall not pass.

From “No Pasaran” to “If you go any further, you’ll die” is a story not primarily of anti-Semitism but of unprecedented demographic transformation. Beyond the fashionable “anti-Zionism” of the Euro-Left is a starker reality: The demographic energy not just in Lionel Bart’s East End but in almost every Western European country is “Asian.” Which is to say, Muslim. A recent government statistical survey reported that the United Kingdom’s Muslim population is increasing ten times faster than the general population. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, and many other Continental cities from Scandinavia to the Côte d’Azur will reach majority Muslim status in the next few years.

Brussels has a Socialist mayor, which isn’t that surprising, but he presides over a caucus a majority of whose members are Muslim, which might yet surprise those who think we’re dealing with some slow, gradual, way-off-in-the-future process here. But so goes Christendom at the dawn of the third millennium: the ruling party of the capital city of the European Union is mostly Muslim.

There are generally two responses to this trend: The first is that it’s like a cast change in Cats or, perhaps more precisely, David Merrick’s all-black production of Hello, Dolly! Carol Channing and her pasty prancing waiters are replaced by Pearl Bailey and her ebony chorus, but otherwise the show is unchanged. Same set, same words, same arrangements: France will still be France, Germany Germany, Belgium Belgium.

The second response is that the Islamicization of Europe entails certain consequences, and it might be worth exploring what these might be. There are already many points of cultural friction—from British banks’ abolition of children’s “piggy banks” to the enjoining of public doughnut consumption by Brussels police during Ramadan.

And yet on one issue there is remarkable comity between the aging ethnic Europeans and their young surging Muslim populations: A famous poll a couple of years back found that 59 per cent of Europeans regard Israel as the greatest threat to world peace.

Proviong yet again that the more things change, the more they stay the same. But will the West learn the lesson at long, long last? Not bloody likely, alas.

The Muslim world has spent decades peddling the notion that the reason a vast oil-rich region stretching thousands of miles is politically deformed and mired in grim psychoses is all because of a tiny strip of turf barely wider than my New Hampshire township. It will make an ever more convenient scapegoat for the problems of a far vaster territory from the mountains of Morne to the Urals. There was a fair bit of this in the days after 9/11. As Richard Ingrams wrote on the following weekend in the London Observer: “Who will dare to damn Israel?”

Well, take a number and get in line. The dust had barely settled on the London Tube bombings before a reader named Derrick Green sent me a congratulatory e-mail: “I bet you Jewish supremacists think it is Christmas come early, don’t you? Incredibly, you are now going to get your own way even more than you did before, and the British people are going to be dragged into more wars for Israel.”

So it will go. British, European, and even American troops will withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, and a bomb will go off in Madrid or Hamburg or Manchester, and there will be nothing left to blame except Israeli “disproportion.” For the remnants of European Jewry, the already discernible migration of French Jews to Quebec, Florida, and elsewhere will accelerate. There are about 150,000 Jews in London today—it’s the thirteenth biggest Jewish city in the world. But there are approximately one million Muslims. The highest number of Jews is found in the 50-54 age group; the highest number of Muslims are found in the four-years-and-under category. By 2025, there will be Jews in Israel, and Jews in America, but not in many other places. Even as the legitimacy of a Jewish state is rejected, the Jewish diaspora—the Jewish presence in the wider world—will shrivel.

And then, to modify Richard Ingrams, who will dare not to damn Israel?

The joke about Mandatory Palestine was that it was the twice-promised land. But isn’t that Europe, too? And perhaps Russia and maybe Canada, a little ways down the line? Two cultures jostling within the same piece of real estate. Not long ago, I found myself watching the video of another “pro-Palestinian” protest in central London with the Metropolitan Police retreating up St. James’s Street to Piccadilly in the face of a mob hurling traffic cones and jeering, “Run, run, you cowards!” and “Allahu akbar!”

You would think the deluded multi-culti progressives would understand: In the end, this isn’t about Gaza, this isn’t about the Middle East; it’s about them. It may be some consolation to an ever-lonelier Israel that, in one of history’s bleaker jests, in the coming Europe the Europeans will be the new Jews.

And so it has come to pass. If you wonder where this all might be headed, you need only look to the name of London’s sitting mayor for a clue.

Do not go gently

Into that no-good prison.

President Donald Trump has declared that he’s “willing to go jail” as he vowed to break a federal judge’s gag order against him.

During a rally in Iowa, Trump told hundreds of supporters in suburban Des Moines that he will never be silenced.

Trump held the rally just 91 days before Iowa Republicans are due to hold the first-in-the-nation 2024 presidential caucuses.

Earlier on Monday, Obama-appointed federal District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan slapped a gag order on Trump.

The order bars the 45th president from attacking or criticizing witnesses, prosecutors, and court staff involved in his Washington, D.C. criminal case.

Wrong answer, Mr President, sir.

I mean, on the one hand it’s a good thing he’s “willing to go to jail,” I suppose, since that’s exactly where he’s headed in any event. But speaking strictly for myself and no one else, I’d like to see a bit more of the “hell no, I won’t go” spirit of outraged defiance from him, a little more “come and get me if you think you can, motherfuckers.” Submissive resignation—a shrug of the shoulders and a “well, whatchagonnado” as if equality under the law still meant a goddamned thing in Amerika v2.0—just ain’t gonna cut the mustard anymore.


Ask a hard one next time

A question from Gatito Bueno:

i am just a kitten, so please forgive me i(f) this is an obvious question to which most people know the answer and i do not but:

is this some sort of really dry sarcasm or just an astonishing lack of self-awareness?


Heh. Oh, I think we all know the answer to your question right enough, Gatito. In fact, right offhand I can think of a few others to go along with it.


High crimes and misdemeanors

Seems there’s never a Fletcher Christian around when you really need one.

Elections used to be the means of turning the ship of state around, to go into a different and more beneficial direction. The people used to have some say, if not a great deal, often enough to let the natural inclination of the masses guide it away from the more disastrous of futures. It was this means that taught politicians how far they could go in any given direction, but the unwillingness to let the people speak through these elections means that there is no civilized way to change course.

That leaves only the uncivilized.

When the captain of a ship is clearly insane, or reckless, endangering the lives of the crew and indeed the ship they all need for survival, there are means of removing him from his position. There’s logic and reason, but when all else fails and the lives of the crew are at stake, only mutiny will suffice. It’s ugly and is fraught with danger, because, if unwarranted, it can lead to a death sentence, but someone has to utter the word, someone has to suggest the unthinkable to resolve a condition that is likewise unthinkable.

The trouble with America, right now, is that there is no more sane person to put in the captain’s chair. There is no way to effect a mutiny when the officers are as insane and reckless as the captain. It’s as if everyone in charge of anything significant is infected with the same suicidal, destructive disease.

And, it’s the people who will pay, not only in the immediate, but in the future as well.

We are facing the end of the United States of America no matter what we do, or don’t do. The financial situation just got worse with the passage of the Continuing Resolution (CR) and only more inflation can come of it. There is no political will to stop the disastrous spending put into every congressional bill. The BRICs nations will benefit from this act, more aid and comfort to those trying to destroy the US, but the competing nations are doing so because they recognize the insanity that has gripped the officers of our ship of state. Those nations see as well as most citizens that the United States is acting in increasingly irrational and self-harmful ways, taking their investments down with it, so they’ve stopped buying our debt and started liquidating our bonds as a defensive measure against our recklessness.

Americans can not just continue to use the means and methods that have always worked before, they no longer work. Elections, legal action, petitions, protests and revolts have been hijacked, turned into criminal activities instead of political expressions of disapproval. That ensures the United States can do nothing other than collapse, taking all of us down into the dark, cold sea.

Unless the common sailors stand up and challenge not only the officers, but any in authority, they will go down with the ship. In this scenario, they will try to kill us all before we can do that, but they’re doing that just to get to some enormously stupid Net-Zero. They are that evil.

They are undeniably that; the way our Masters and their pet-poodle media manufactory work in concert to conceal their motives and intent, deflect or misdirect any attempt to closely examine their actions, then flat-out lie about their results—all point unerringly towards that inescapable conclusion. I left TL’s final ‘graph out of the excerpt so as not to spoil anybody’s Christmas, but it states the underlying cause of this whole sordid, stinking mess flatly, concisely and with nary a flinch. The rest of the essay is every bit as well-written and direct, and you’ll probably never forgive yourself if you don’t go read the whole thing.


NOTICE: “Ballistic fingerprinting,” like “drug-sniffing dogs,” is the bunk

DM reports, Kevin derides.

Well, the news of Maryland’s Integrated Ballistics Identification System database being a failure has made the rounds of the blogosphere. Kim commented on Wedneday, so did Say Uncle (with an Instalanche). Triggerfinger, Keith Devens, and No Quarters, did too. The Geek with a .45 gives a link to the actual report in a PDF file (graphic, rather than text file, though,) and Irons in the Fire commented on that.

I’ve been pretty busy, but I had a chance to read the report yesterday, and it’s an interesting expansion on the other reports I’ve read. There are two from California’s ballistic imaging feasibility study, and the original Maryland study. All of these reports reference New York’s system, but I have yet to find a study of that system specifically.

The general consensus of all of the blog pieces was a sarcastic “big freaking surprise!” which is understandable given our stated biases. The response from the gun confiscation, er, control, um, SAFETY groups was a bit more muted. JoinTogether didn’t make a peep, as far as I could tell. No press release from the Brady Campaign. Ditto for the Violence Policy Center. But one thing that struck me, as immersed in this topic as I am, was this comment at Say Uncle:

I am fairly green, could you explain why the idea would not work.

I can see their problem of the guns not being indexed, but would it would seem that that could be solved by indexing all the guns.

Several respondents made a valiant effort to explain the problems inherent in the system, but a couple of paragraphs is insufficient. Like most controversial topics, there’s a whole lot of “there” there, and no simple two- or even ten-sentence response is enough. Sometimes I forget that a lot of people don’t have the basic information I’ve accumulated over the last ten years. (Generally not, though, which is one reason my posts – like this one – tend to the Den Bestian in length.)

So here, in some detail, is a dissertation on just some of the problems with the concept of “ballistic fingerprinting” as a crime-fighting tool.

Much, much, MUCH more here (including supporting links throughout), of which you should read the all. Taken altogether, it’s as thorough and comprehensive a debunking—with pictures, yet—of the “ballistic fingerprinting” hokum as you’re ever gonna see. Now, about those “drug-sniffing dogs…

In a nutshell, then: Everything we’ve been told for lo, these many, many years by FederalGovCo and anti-2A, anti-freedom shitlibs (BIRM) is a goddamned lie.

Put-up job

Right from the very start.

teflon tony goes to langley?
just when you thought you’d seen the bottom of the rabbithole

i am old enough to remember when “covid-19 escaped from a lab” was a “conspiracy theory.” to my own embarrassment, i initially suspected this was correct because using coronaviruses as a base for a bioweapon seemed like a poor choice and it was my presumption that this was the claim.

then i came across the whole peter daszak story and the wild and reckless GoF projects to work on various forms of vaccines and some truly crazy ideas about spreading hotwired covid to wild bat colonies. and everyone from ecohealth to peter hotez has their snouts in the trough.

this changed my mind and made “lab leak” look to me like by far the odds on (and frankly, near certain) choice. it also made an awful lot of people look like overt and deliberate liars not least of which was teflon tony himself. last i checked, perjury to congress is still a crime but hell, who knows these days?

the whole affair became one vast fox commission investigating the henhouse murders as the very people who funded and made this mess were empaneled to investigate it. it’s been a truly top to bottom whitewash from start to what seemed like the finish.

as many of you likely saw, a whistleblower came forward to discuss the fact that a number of CIA analysts appear to have been paid to change their takes on covid origins.

and now guess who looks to have been right in the middle of this imbroglio? oh yeah, the fauch-meister, faucharama, the fauch a ding ding: talking-point tony himself.

and while, sure, they are just asking some questions here (for now) goodness, they certainly do seem to be some VERY specific questions. one might even go so far as to call them “the sort of questions one only asks if one already knows the answer” but you know me, “mr suspicious paws.”

this certainly has some interesting dovetails into “the great pivot” where fauci and numerous others all suddenly went from “it’s fine, go on a cruise, masks are silly, go live your life” to the crazed and evidence free covidian stances of lock down, mask up, and jab, jab, jab that they instantly adopted upon the arrival of debbie birx to the white house (after being sent not by health agencies, but by the national security advisor.)

and there certainly was an awful lot of poorly explained and deeply unusual military involvement in and around covid.

Supporting links throughout, which as usual I didn’t bother transcribing, but which nonetheless are pretty damning. “Suspicious” doesn’t even begin to cover it, and even “stinks to high heaven” just barely meets the case. But if we let them get away with it again, in the face of a ziggurat-like preponderance of titanium-clad evidence as to what the whole FauxVid ploy was really all about…well, frankly, that will be entirely on us.


Truck THIS

Is this post related to the one immediately below? Oh, you just bet your numb ass it is.

Truck This: Why I’m Leaving the Long-Haul Industry
I’ve been a truck driver for over 20 years. I suppose I always knew I would be, ever since that career day in the third grade when among all the kids dressed like doctors and baseball players, there I stood dressed like Jerry Reed from Smokey and the Bandit. Pop culture in the 80s painted the picture of truckers as rugged men, wild and free, burdened by nothing except their own wanderlust. That romanticized version of the American truck driver still lingers in the back of my mind, but in recent years the burden of government regulation has proven to be greater than my desire to see what’s over the next hill.

Oppressive regulation in the trucking industry has been around almost as long as the iconic chrome bulldog on the hood of Mack trucks. Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Federal Motor Carrier Act (FMCA) of 1935 during his first term. This gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), an agency originally formed to regulate railroads, the authority to regulate the burgeoning business of moving goods by tractor-trailer. The ICC ultimately decided which companies could haul certain goods, for whom, where, and what they could charge. The ICC even decided if new transportation companies could enter the market by requiring eager upstarts to prove their services were “needed.”

The only exemptions to these laws were in the agricultural sector. FDR and his horde of central planners did not want to cause an increase in food prices during a time when many Americans were already struggling to put food on the table. Nevermind the tacit admission that the FMCA would raise prices on all other goods. This exemption had its own unintended consequences. While independent drivers, commonly referred to as wildcatters in driver slang, were not subject to the price floors previously mentioned, they were limited to hauling only agricultural goods. This limitation caused a significant logistical dilemma for wildcatters delivering in industrialized parts of the country, and is largely responsible for the mythos of the outlaw trucker we all know today from music and film. Whether in an old country song from Red Sovine or Kurt Russell’s character in Big Trouble in Little China, such renegades are almost always hauling agricultural goods.

Thankfully, a trend towards deregulation began in the 1970s, and the cesspool of cronyism and perverse incentives created by FDR was substantially reined in with the FMCA of 1980. This is why we now see hundreds, if not not thousands of company names sprawled along the sides of 53-foot trailers. Granted, we still have the ICC, though today it is known as the Department of Transportation, and any truck driver that has had to spend 10 hours at a scale house without a shower or a hot meal over a minor infraction of hours of service rules (another specter of the FMCA of 1935) will tell you it remains quite burdensome. But things are still better than they used to be.

Unfortunately, the federal government continues its misguided attempts to control an industry regulators know little to nothing about. But today’s attempts tend to focus more on something they understand even less than trucking: technology.

Odd, innit, how so much of the intrusive, meddlesome legislation that still hobbles ordinary workaday Americans to this very day originated with über-Left/liberal FDR—scion of one clan amongst several of a de facto if not de jure American Royalty class, a class which to this day we flatter ourselves does not, indeed cannot, exist—who is still worshipped by contemporary shitlibs as if he were some kind of demi-God.

The author goes on to discuss electronic logs, the godawful Regen/DPF devices, and speed governors, soon to be inflicted on big-rig jockeys nationwide by our know-nothing DOT czar Pete “Penelope” Buttplug, before arriving at his grim but inevitable conclusion:

However well-intentioned these rules and regulations might be, it’s clear that no one is consulting with the long haul truckers about the totally foreseeable bad outcomes. The great problem with all central planning is that regulators lack local knowledge, and are not inclined to speak to the people living with the consequences of their decrees. Probably because we would tell them what idiots they are.

The last two decades I’ve spent traversing this beautiful nation have, by and large, been a wonderful experience. I have countless stories to share with other drivers over a cup of coffee at my favorite fuel stops or with my more stationary friends over a cold beer. I wouldn’t trade the things I’ve seen, the binds I’ve been in, or the successes I enjoyed, for anything. But the burden that has been laid on these old tired shoulders by bureaucrats and central planners has become more than I’m willing to bear. I’ll always yearn for the open road, but now I’ll have to satisfy that wanderlust in my pick-up truck. I’m pulling the parking brake on this Peterbilt for the last time.

Having spent well over twenty years myself as a freight-humper (ie, loading-dock ape) and -hauler, whose younger brother still slaves away in the industry*, I can understand the sentiment—although I must disagree vehemently with the risible notion that restrictive edicts that destroy livelihoods, erode liberty, and ruin lives are in any way “well-intentioned.” On the face of it, they cannot possibly be any such thing, being just one part of a well-established historical pattern that has never ended well for hoi-polloi kulaks such as truck drivers.

* When his dispatcher can even find any work for him, which has dried up almost completely thanks to the Biden Economic MIRACLE!©


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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