Capsule summary

A Sarcastica sum-up.

The Repubs continue to threaten us with a loss in November to a senile clown with their circular firing squad and other antics ………3 Soros backed Negroes with a combined integrity of a street corner heroin dealer are prosecuting persecuting (like him or not) our former President like third world shitholes do, while the media cheers them on for ratings and future lucrative book deals…………our coward-and- chief, who spends more time at home (where not subject to official call and visitor logs) than he does in the oval office, can’t regularly make it past 12 noon without a visit from Dr. Feelgood (yeah I said it) shits his pants and lies his ass off and has gone to shouting like a South American dictator about his opposition on the campaign trail………..we are being reassured of the fact throwing $80K a year at an elite institution of higher learning can produce just as many idiots as intelligent people…………and let’s not forget 185 pound trannies beating up 15 year old girls in their own school restrooms. But if all that doesn’t make you want to drink yourself into a stupor, Taylor Swift’s new album is being criticized for being poorly written……….OH THE HUMANITY!

BUT, on the upside, congress agreed to throw away send out more of your tax money and the Ukrainian civil service employees are assured of their 4 weeks of paid vacation and Zelinsky’s ol’ lady can take her regular summer Paris shopping trips.

That about covers it, I believe.


Yet ANOTHER “Ask a silly question” entry

Is Biden About To Declare Himself Climate Dictator?” Waitwaitwait, I thought he DID that already.

Democrats have already made it clear that they will stop at nothing – nothing – to prevent Donald Trump from winning in November. So, we aren’t surprised to read reports that President Joe Biden might declare a “climate emergency” this year in hopes that it gooses his reelection odds. Never mind that such a declaration would put the U.S. right on the path to a Venezuela-style future.

Late last week, Bloomberg reported that “White House officials are weighing whether to declare a national climate emergency several months out from the 2024 election.”

Let’s leave aside the entirely fatuous notion that there is anything even remotely constituting a climate “emergency.” What would be the basis for such a declaration? The number of hurricanes, fires, floods? None of these has been trending upward. Death rates from natural disasters are a tiny fraction of what they were 60 years ago, and lower than they were 20 years ago. Food production is way up.

But Biden has already used the “climate crisis” as an excuse to impose a draconian electric vehicle mandate on the country, attack a host of household appliances, pour billions into “clean energy” scams, and more.

As Bloomberg notes, declaring a climate emergency “could enable the president to halt or limit crude exports for at least a year at a time, suspend offshore drilling, and throttle the movement of oil and gas on pipelines, ships, and trains.”

Apparently all that is not enough “newfound authority” for Biden’s minions.

Whatever you think of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he is one of the few who has been outspoken about the dangers the COVID precedent set.

“We’ve now established a precedent in this country – they suspended the First Amendment: religion; freedom of association when they did the lockdowns,” he told Fox News.

“[They restricted] freedom of speech. They banned jury trials against vaccine companies – that’s [a violation of] the Seventh Amendment. They abolished property rights [which violates the] Fifth Amendment [when] they closed 3.3 million businesses with no due process, no just compensation, although there was no pandemic exception in the United States Constitution.”

Not that I hold any truck with a great many of his views, but hey: when the man’s right, he is damned well right, clear down to the friggin’ bone and with big ol’ bells on.

Declaring a climate emergency would give Biden the ability to control anything that uses energy – which means literally all human activity – in the name of fighting this emergency.

If Biden were to declare a “climate emergency” and if – God forbid – it helps him win reelection, there will be little hope for the future of this nation.

What, you mean there still IS some? I musta missed a meeting, or something.

I repeat: this isn’t about the climate, nor about humanity being good stewards of our natural enviroment, nor about saving Mother Gaia. It’s not about animal/plant/insect species going extinct, nor about reducing pollution, CO2, and/or industrial emissions. Nor is it about polar ice caps shriveling away before our very eyes. It will assuredly NOT create good jobs, save boucoup money, revitalize the economy, or enrich/empower a living soul aside from the ProPol-class and proven-failure “green energy” concerns they choose to shower FederalGovCo cash upon as the gentle rain—companies, mind, which have no hope of surviving absent government largesse.

No, the Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ bunco is really about the same old-same old: POWER, and CONTROL. Always was, always will be. Period fucking dot.

Update! Tell me the one again about how Biden hasn’t declared himself Climate Dictator, Daddy. That one’s my favorite.

President Joe Biden and his administration have taken over 200 actions against the U.S. oil and natural gas industry as energy prices have gone up, according to a new report.

“President Biden and Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase,” the Institute for Energy Research states in a new report. “Since Mr. Biden took office, his administration and its allies have taken over 200 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America.”

The analysis highlights actions Biden took on his first day in office, listing them chronologically through March of this year. The first act was canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, issuing a moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and revoking Trump administration executive orders that decreased regulations in order to expand domestic production.

Within a week of being in office, Biden issued additional moratoriums on new oil and gas leases on public lands or in offshore waters and imposed new regulations related to permitting and leasing practices, which were tied up in the courts for years. It was not until last month that a federal court upheld the first oil and natural gas lease sale on federal lands. Last December, the Fifth Circuit also ruled that Gulf lease sales must go forward.

Other actions ahead of the midterm elections include threatening to tax the oil and natural gas industry, blaming them for profiteering. Roughly six months before the general election, his administration has proposed $110 billion tax hikes on oil, natural gas and coal. In response, U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., led a coalition of 24 senators expressing “grave concern” about his “continued hostility towards American energy production.”

Even if Pedo Peter hasn’t expressly said it in the exact words, he’s definitely talking the talk and walking the walk. Which oughta be plenty enough for anybody, I should think.


SitRep for Amerika v2.0

Situation Normal: ALLLL Fucked Up.

The citizens of the United States of America are in deep trouble. Why? I’ll tell you why.

The following are objectively true statements about the United States of America in 2024. These statements are not in any way hyperbolic, and they represent a stark reality that not even the most rabid Fascist Democrat can deny. Here they are:

1. The leader of the nation’s opposition party is currently defending himself in a series of contrived #lawfare criminal and civil suits reminiscent of fascist Hitlerian/Stalinesque show trials of the 20th Century, for the primary purpose of making it extremely difficult for him to be elected as President of the nation.

2. On campuses throughout the nation, Jewish students are being persecuted and attacked in a manner reminiscent of the German Nazi Party’s Kristallnacht of November 9 and 10, 1938.

3. In many states across the nation there are no voting laws enforced that effectively verify that ballots come from qualified citizen voters.

4. Individuals who peacefully protested the matter of #3 have been imprisoned by the federal government in inhumane conditions for literally years without trial.

5. The nation’s Southern Border is wide open to the point where any person who is capable of walking can cross into the nation AND receive free money and support necessary to survive. There is no mechanism to ensure that criminals and terrorists are not taking advantage of such situation.

6. The current President constantly displays symptoms of advanced elder dementia.

7. The current President has repeatedly labeled the opposition party as a “threat to democracy,” often alongside visual imagery similar to that used by Hitler and other fascist leaders of the 20th Century.

8. The nation’s debt equals over 120% of its annual GDP.

9. As a consequence of inflation and interest rates, most middle class citizens of the nation cannot afford to purchase a home.

10. The political party that controls the Presidency and the Senate has actively supported sending tens of billions of dollars to foreign governments who are credibly accused of money laundering funds provided to such party members, while not providing remotely similar assistance to the residents of the State of Hawaii who were burned out of their homes.

11. The nation’s military has equipment readiness rates making it incapable of fighting effectively, while instead focusing on “diversity” initiatives that promote race/gender/sexuality over war fighting skills and competency.

12. The overwhelming majority of the nation’s mass media refuses to report on any of the above matters, and in most cases the people running such mass media have close familial and personal connections to the people directly responsible for the above matters.

These are symptoms of a nation on the verge of disintegration. Moreover, these are qualities consistent with failed fascist regimes of the 20th Century.

What are we going to do about it, Patriots?

Ahh, the eternal question. The eternal answer: I don’t know.

This time out, I decided to just cut to the C&P chase without doing the usual Tweet embed. For that, head on over to the Place de la Renegade.


“Higher” “education”? In a pig’s eye

Another plainspoken, common-sensical missive from the febrile mind of Mike Rowe, whose Twitter/X/Whatthehellever feed I am pleased and proud to subscribe/follow/whatthehellever. It must seem to him at times as if he’s just screaming at a wall with his writing—a despairing, draining feeling of ultimate futility I’m all too familiar with myself after twenty-some-odd years of throwing this stuff out there to little apparent good effect. However, some things simply gotta be said, no matter what. To my mind, even if it changes nothing, merely annoying the shitlibs and pissing them off makes the endeavor well worth the effort.

Once again, I’ll circumvent the “Read more” clickbait for y’all’s convenience with a little C&P action.

For a guy who runs a foundation that sends young people to trade schools all over America – trade schools where I’m pleased to report, no one is calling for the extermination of Jews – today’s headlines are once again offering another excellent reason to consider redirecting whatever financial support you might earmark for the Ivy League, to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. Why? Because the Ivy League has truly lost its mind.

Consider the latest madness at Columbia University, where the president, Minochuhe Shafik, has announced a new round of remote learning – effective immediately – in response to a noisy rabble of thugs and bullies calling for the eradication of Israel.

If I had a kid at Columbia, I’d be livid. It’s simply mind-boggling that the president of this university would rather consign her students to another crucible of remote learning, than permanently expel the protesters. I mean, seriously, what does it take to get expelled from Columbia? These creeps are on camera, literally screaming into the faces of Jewish students.

“They yelled at us to go back to Poland, said we have no culture, and chanted, ‘Strike, strike Tel Aviv,” said one terrified student. Followed by, “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,” “Go Hamas, we love you, we support your rockets, too.”

In a now-infamous image, one demonstrator appeared before a group of counter-protesters holding Israeli and American flags with a sign pointing in their direction that read, “Al-Qasam’s next targets.”

That’s what you get for $68,000 a year at Columbia – an administration who cowers in the face of thugs and bullies, and a university president who would rather make your kids try to learn off campus, than take a truly hard line with those students calling for the murder of Jews. For the love of God, expel them. Calling for murder is not protected speech.

In the meantime, mikeroweWORKS is accepting applications for our next round of work ethic scholarships. Deadline is the end of the month. It’s worth noting that the careers we’re training people for cannot be taught, or preformed, remotely. It’s also worth mentioning that we accept donations year-round and spend the money we take in with great discretion. You can apply for a scholarship, or donate, at

Excellent questions, excellent advice, bluntly expressed with nary a trace of flinching, prevarication, or weasel-wording throughout. Good on ya, Mike, and keep up the fine work.


Another day…

…another looney-tooney “transgender” attempted murder.

School Ignored Trans Student’s ‘Hit List, Leading to a Bloody Beat-Down
“I’m gonna murder you,” shouted the trans-identifying student at Pennbrook Middle School as the 13-year-old blindsided a 12-year-old girl last week and bashed her skull repeatedly with a Stanley cup (ie, a ThermosM). The victim had to be hospitalized, her scalp stapled back together, and she had to go through a concussion protocol, according to police.

It’s about as horrible a middle school assault as can be imagined, not in the least because students and staff alike were well aware of the perpetrator’s “hit list.”

The Daily Mail reported Monday that another 12-year-old female student — remaining anonymous because of her age, like the victim and the thug — made a public statement that “she and two fellow students filled out paperwork explaining what they knew was going to happen if nothing was done and said that she was warned ‘watch your back’ at lunch.”

“You could’ve stopped it,” she said. “It was five hours from when I told you it was going to happen. I don’t get how you couldn’t have stopped that.”

“We had to watch [the victim] taken out with blood dripping down her face and I will never forget that! Laying in bed last night I just kept repeating it in my head.”

Reportedly, she was next on the hit list — the one the school did nothing about except to tell the “trans” kid’s potential victims, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not gonna happen.”

Let’s talk for a moment about the so-called “trans” phenomenon we’ve seen explode these last few years.

NononononoNOOO, we shouldn’t. In fact, we mustn’t, not for any reason whatsoever. That would be WRONG, see.

So naturally, the vicious anti-“trans person” H8RRRbigot author then goes on to do precisely that, the “transphobic” sumbitch. Why, it’s an act of actual, literal genocide, that’s what it is! Probably another of those vile, vicious, H8ful Trump-suckers, I bet.

If these deranged mutants keep it up with the batshit-insane mayhem—which they will; the voices in their heads seem to require it of them, while Leftard chaos-pimps stand up and cheer, denigrate the brutalized victims, or at best maintain strict silence—one has to wonder how much longer it’s going to be before these twisted maniacs wind up with some real, bona fide hatred and retaliatory violence to contend with. For the nonce, it’s as our blog-buddy of twenty-mumblemumble years’ standing Stephen concludes, in response to yet another explicit threat of freakshow-violence against specific cis-het oppressors:

But don’t worry. He won’t actually hurt anyone. Right up until he does.

Pretty much, yeah.

Update! At the “Thermos” link above, Ace coins a term I expect will come in mighty useful for saner sorts going forward, regrettably: “Transgender Rage.”


Short, definitely not sweet

CF Lifer hhluce has a brief Substack post following up on my own “Yeah, no” jeremiad from a cpl-three days ago, which he commended to our attention in the comments and I felt was worth a main-page mention here as well. Go ye and read of it, for it is…well, damned disturbing, actually, if you own a car manufactured in the last five years.

Montana sitrep

Q: Are things coming to a head, even in Big Sky Country?

A: Yes. Yes, they are.

There’s Gonna be a War in Montana
An analysis of visible propaganda in Bozeman, Big Sky, and Three Forks

In popular culture, protagonists and antagonists battle eternally for Montana’s precious land. Country folk fight off city folk in Yellowstone and the podcast Land Grab: A Podcast About the Place We Call Montana. Long before that Montana (1950) pit sheep farmers against cattle farmers. In Last of the Dogmen (1995) cowboys faced Cheyenne Indians. Of the 14 major film/TV projects scheduled to be shot in Montana, every single one involves some take on the battle for Montana’s soul. And Montana’s soul is in its land.

Land conflicts have led to at least one recent murder, but despite Yellowstone’s depiction of ranchers (our heroes) massacring greedy real estate developers with machine guns, so far Montana hot wars have been relegated to fiction.

My wife, toddler, and I attended a family reunion on a ranch in Tom Miner Basin—one of the most beautifully preserved parts of the state—for a week. Six years ago I attended the same event at the same ranch. There is indeed something special about the land and particularly the sky in Tom Miner Basin. Rural Montana is astonishing. I won’t bore you with more cringey descriptions because that’s all there is to say. Jockeying for Montana’s land provides great stakes for drama because the prize is priceless.

More interesting to me were the parts of Montana I saw by accident. A new coldness grips the relationship between visitors and locals. I first noticed it at the ranch. Six years ago the kitchen helpers were a happy mix. The chef was known for his thoughtful local cuisine, elk with au jus, beef burgers from ranch cattle, loaded baked potatoes, hearty mac and cheese. The servers wore big smiles. The progressive boomers attending the reunion were comfortable with this type of staff, the same hodgepodge they interacted with at home. Much backslapping occurred.

This time, the help had clearly experienced a vibe shift. They were all white, and distant. The food was awful—boiled carrots and reheated pork steaks, the result of some Aramark-type lowest-bidder supply chain. The new staff had been mostly hired on Coolworks, a website for low paid service jobs on ranches, resorts, and other “great places.” They came from the surrounding towns, forgotten about, left behind, bright red Trump country. Young women with sloped posture and heavy eyeshadow, barely 18. Their clothes don’t fit, they looked impoverished, hungry, skittering. The young chef who had once proudly presented his take on local food was gone. The guests no longer chatted with servants. There was separation and silence.

Then my wife tested positive for COVID so we fled to Bozeman. Throughout the subsequent week, I explored Bozeman and Big Sky, ultra-hot destinations (and now homes) for the woke bourgeoisie, and Three Forks, the polar opposite, a totally different world a razor thin distance away. I saw two groups of people, an overclass and an underclass, pressed up against each other, spoiling for a fight, just waiting for the littlest spark to set their fury ablaze.

Over what? The soul of Montana of course. One-of-a-kind land. That’s nothing new. What’s new is the character of the warring factions. They aren’t who you see on TV. On one side you have global interests imputing their values, importing cheaper labor, hollowing out Montana’s attractions and selling them to an international bourgeoisie for maximum profits. On the other you have the new underclass. Not the friendly Christian country folk of times past. And not Cowboy Hat Republican Rancher Dad either. No, these are a new kind of country person. Angry, exasperated, poor, Trump-loving service-workers—the Oxy takers, the meth cookers, the eaters of Chick-Fil-A. This group is acutely aware of just who controls Bozeman and Big Sky, and believe that the same people are coming for their territory. And they’re right.

If you listen, you can hear the two groups screaming at each other in silence, waiting for their very own Gavrilo Princip to spark this thing off.

You can at that, and not just in Montana, either. Then again, when shitlibs are screaming at the top of their lungs exactly what they intend to do to you, it probably behooves you to listen. Because if you don’t think they’ll really do it—not they themselves necessarily, but through their Wokester governments; their Wokester banks and other corporate entities; their Wokester cultural mafia; their monolithic Wokester “education” edifices from pre-K to post-grad; their grim, whey-faced Wokester bureacrats—then you probaby aren’t paying attention anything like closely enough. Divemedic knows:

Indeed so.

(Via WRSA)


MOAR trouble with teachers

I have a small question: what the actual fuck are “furries” doing in schools in the first fucking place, anyway?

Evidently, the “furries” these kids are complaining about are fellow students, not teachers—somewhat surprisingly, since the whole “furry” phenomenon started out as a sexual kink among “people” well past the age of majority (notice I did NOT say “adults” or “grown-ups”), and not a relatively innocuous if odd childhood declaration of their affection for household pets.

Be that as it may, the fact the “furries” are there at all is indicative of a failure of the teachers to maintain discipline in their classrooms, seems to me. Not an entirely unreasonable one, sadly enough, since the faculty and administrators seem to realize what would happen to them if they DID try to enforce discipline: “cancellation” by the Wokester hordes; loss of their jobs and careers; discrimination lawsuits; mass Leftist rent-a-mob protests at their homes in the dead of night, and etc.

Eventually, such dangerous White Supremacist insurrectionist Sacred Democracy™ defilin’ teachers (if any) will have their doors kicked in by FBI/SWAT paramilitary brigades, their dogs shot, their children forced out in their pajamas and laid facedown on the front lawn beside the corpses of their bullet-riddled pets with a select-fire M4 pointed at their heads—all the usual sort of thing, you know the drill by now.

Be sure to watch it to the end for the students’ near-disbelieving confirmation that their school “leadership” has actually put litter boxes in the girls’ bathrooms to oblige  their delusional “furry” students. No really, apparently they did that. The “furries” would have been better served if they installed a few fire-and-brimstone Baptist preachers in there instead, methinks. Assuming they haven’t all been rounded up and imprisoned without benefit of trial by now, that is.

HATE SPEECH!! HAAATE SPEEEEECH!!! I hereby denounce myself.

Update! Via Dave Renegade: did somebody just say “failure to enforce discipline”? Why yes, I believe someone did.

That scrawny, worthless nigger should have been strung up by his thumbs from the nearest oak tree in plain view of all his likeminded filthbags, pour encourager les autres, within no more than three (3) minutes of doing this shit, for no less than a full five (5) day school-week. Unacceptable, unforgivable, completely inexcusable and intolerable, that’s what. Instead, the shitlibs will probably give the little turd some kind of medal for his “bravery” in fighting against his “oppressors.”

Know why teachers in every semi-urban government school say they’re in constant fear every day they show up to work? Putting up with shit like this without dealing out some hard, swift consequences the instant it even looks like happening, that’s fucking why.


Boeing: What happened?

From a half-century as one of the world’s premier, most respected aircraft manufacturers to…well…

Meme purloined from the awesome Ken Lane. Now to the who, what, how, and why of it.

Suicide Mission
What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane

John Barnett had one of those bosses who seemed to spend most of his waking hours scheming to inflict humiliation upon him. He mocked him in weekly meetings whenever he dared contribute a thought, assigned a fellow manager to spy on him and spread rumors that he did not play nicely with others, and disciplined him for things like “using email to communicate” and pushing for flaws he found on planes to be fixed.

“John is very knowledgeable almost to a fault, as it gets in the way at times when issues arise,” the boss wrote in one of his withering performance reviews, downgrading Barnett’s rating from a 40 all the way to a 15 in an assessment that cast the 26-year quality manager, who was known as “Swampy” for his easy Louisiana drawl, as an anal-retentive prick whose pedantry was antagonizing his colleagues. The truth, by contrast, was self-evident to anyone who spent five minutes in his presence: John Barnett, who raced cars in his spare time and seemed “high on life” according to one former colleague, was a “great, fun boss that loved Boeing and was willing to share his knowledge with everyone,” as one of his former quality technicians would later recall.

But Swampy was mired in an institution that was in a perpetual state of unlearning all the lessons it had absorbed over a 90-year ascent to the pinnacle of global manufacturing. Like most neoliberal institutions, Boeing had come under the spell of a seductive new theory of “knowledge” that essentially reduced the whole concept to a combination of intellectual property, trade secrets, and data, discarding “thought” and “understanding” and “complex reasoning” possessed by a skilled and experienced workforce as essentially not worth the increased health care costs. CEO Jim McNerney, who joined Boeing in 2005, had last helmed 3M, where management as he saw it had “overvalued experience and undervalued leadership” before he purged the veterans into early retirement.

“Prince Jim”—as some long-timers used to call him—repeatedly invoked a slur for longtime engineers and skilled machinists in the obligatory vanity “leadership” book he co-wrote. Those who cared too much about the integrity of the planes and not enough about the stock price were “phenomenally talented assholes,” and he encouraged his deputies to ostracize them into leaving the company. He initially refused to let nearly any of these talented assholes work on the 787 Dreamliner, instead outsourcing the vast majority of the development and engineering design of the brand-new, revolutionary wide-body jet to suppliers, many of which lacked engineering departments. The plan would save money while busting unions, a win-win, he promised investors. Instead, McNerney’s plan burned some $50 billion in excess of its budget and went three and a half years behind schedule.

Swampy belonged to one of the cleanup crews that Boeing detailed to McNerney’s disaster area. The supplier to which Boeing had outsourced part of the 787 fuselage had in turn outsourced the design to an Israeli firm that had botched the job, leaving the supplier strapped for cash in the midst of a global credit crunch. Boeing would have to bail out—and buy out—the private equity firm that controlled the supplier. In 2009, Boeing began recruiting managers from Washington state to move east to the supplier’s non-union plant in Charleston, South Carolina, to train the workforce to properly put together a plane.

That move, also, didn’t work out so well for the now-floundering aerospace company. The story details a toxic mish-mash of Wokesterism, the rise of a know-nothing MBA class, and a creeping, not-my-problem/not-my-fault corporate blame-shifting culture that replaced the former all-American can-do, git-er-done spirit which may well prove fatal to the once-mighty Boeing…and probably should, frankly.

It’s a sign o’ the times in Amerika v2.0, by no means unique but an increasingly commonplace story—and an extremely sad one.

(Via Ed Driscoll)


Just in time for riot season!

St George of Fentanyl v2.0, the new Martyr Of Color (type: “UNARMED!”) whose wholly justified shooting will be used to spark the upcoming Summer Of (mostly peaceful) Love v2.0.

The Press Are Pushing a New George Floyd, and the Headlines Are Dangerous and Shameless
The shooting death of Dexter Reed by police in Chicago has captured the attention of the mainstream press, and they aren’t exactly being honest in their coverage of the incident. Desperate for a new George Floyd, perhaps because it’s an election year, news outlets are shamelessly misleading about the incident.

In March, Reed was pulled over and approached by police. Body cam footage shows one officer asking him to roll the window down and then attempting to open the door after Reed tried to roll the window up. It’s at that point that shots ring out and the officers are seen running away to take cover. A gunfight ensues and with Reed stumbling out of the car, the officers discharge their weapons again.

While the press has reported that the officers fired “96 times” as a way to sensationalize the situation, 11 of the shots were actually from Reed, with his initial burst striking an officer in the arm. He can be seen bleeding on the extended body camera footage.

Misinformation about the situation began to be reported immediately, including from Reed’s family.

“If he was supposed to get pulled over for a traffic stop, why do they have four guns pointed at him? He was scared. And after he was already on the ground there, they still put him in cuffs instead of checking to see if he’s breathing. They shot to him 96 times and reload the clip three times,” Reed’s sister Porscha Banks said during a Tuesday press conference.

As the footage clearly shows, guns were only pointed at Reed after he refused to comply and started to roll his window up. The officer who was conducting the stop first approached the vehicle in a normal manner. Seeing Reed’s gun through the window may have prompted him to draw his weapon. There’s also the fact that Reed was out on pre-trial release for a variety of violent felonies related to a shooting he allegedly committed. Did the officers run his tag and know who he was? That could be another reason the officers were overly cautious in drawing their weapons after Reed refused to comply.

Regardless, you would expect a family member to defend their loved one. What shouldn’t be expected is for the press to be so incredibly irresponsible in its reporting.

Rilly? Pray tell, WHY would it not be expected, given everything we all already know about the lying Enemedia?

Much is being made about the number of times the officers fired and the fact that Reed no longer had the gun once he exited the vehicle. Both points are incredibly misleading. Once a suspect opens fire and strikes an officer, any expectation that the use of force will be limited goes out the window. At that point, the mission is to neutralize the deadly threat fully. No officer is going to count the number of shots they fire in the heat of the moment to make it look better for the press. Further, there would have been no way to know whether Reed was still armed or not after he exited the vehicle and began to move around it. That is hindsight that has no place in a fair analysis of what occurred. 

I have written many pieces criticizing the police over the years. My position has never been blind support but to judge every incident based on its own set of facts. This was a justified shooting by every metric, yet one would be forgiven for speculating that members of the press want violence to occur in response to it. Why else would they go so far to cover up what actually happened?

Well, actually, I can think of several possible alternate reasons for it, foremost among them being that for them, lying is so ingrained as to be nearly an instinctive reaction to any and every situation, regardless of whether it helps their cause or no. And if you don’t like that one, I have others.


Damn fools about it

As Wellington said after Waterloo: “They came on in the same old way, and we sent them back in the same old way.” Or, as WC Fields said: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. Then quit. There’s no use in being a damn fool about it.”

S’truth. And yet.

Woke Extremist Minneapolis City Council Demands $30.60/Hour Minimum Wage for Uber and Lyft Drivers; Uber and Lyft Both Announce They Will Abandon Minneapolis
Faced with public anger about driving out the popular ride-share services, the woke extremists of the city council say they may delay when the order goes into effect.

But they’re only doing that to allow other ride-share companies — are there any? — to enter the Minneapolis market.

By the way, I base the headline claim of a $30.60 per hour minimum wage on the city council’s demand that drivers be paid a minimum 51 cents per minute when ferrying passengers.

California recently imposed a $20/hour minimum wage for fast food workers. There’s now a $16/hour minimum wage for all other jobs.

Companies immediately began firing workers and closing down stores.

A pizza chain announced the closure of five stores in California.

Analysts forecast that this law will gift California with increased unemployment for years.

That’s putting it in the best possible light.

And there you have it. As Billy Pilgrim said: “All this happened, more or less.” And so it goes.


Sadly, all too many of us seem terribly confused of late as to who the enemy really is. PRO TIP: it is NOT Israel and/or ((((Dem pesky JOOOOOOZ!!!))).

“A Palestinian writer”
The above tweet from Amnesty International is still up. In case it disappears, here is the text:

Amnesty International
The death in custody of Walid Daqqa, a 62-year-old Palestinian writer who was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails after 38 years of imprisonment, is a cruel reminder of Israel’s disregard for Palestinians’ right to life

Last edited
6:39 PM · Apr 8, 2024

The tweet calls Walid Daqqa “a Palestinian writer”, as if he had been imprisoned for his writings – as if he were the sort of prisoner of conscience on whose behalf I used to write letters on that special blue Air Mail paper, back when I was a member of Amnesty International.

To be fair, although you would never guess it from their tweet, the linked article by Amnesty does make perfunctory mention of the non-literary crime that caused Walid Daqqa to be put in prison:

On 25 March 1986, Israeli forces arrested Walid Daqqah, then 24, a Palestinian citizen of Israel. In March 1987, an Israeli military court sentenced him to life imprisonment after convicting him of commanding the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)-affiliated group that had abducted and killed Israeli soldier Moshe Tamam in 1984.

Perhaps concerned about her wordcount, Amnesty’s writer, Erika Guevara-Rosas, did not say much about Moshe Tamam. She cited Walid Daqqa’s youthful age at the time, 24, but did not see fit to say that his victim Moshe Tamam was just 19. And she skips over some relevant details in that brief word “killed”. Daqqa and his PFLP comrades did not just kill Moshe Tamam, they tortured him to death. They gouged out his eyes and castrated him. Then they murdered him.

Sick fucks. But, if we can tear ourselves away from weeping, wailing, and gnashing our teeth for the “over 30,000 innocent civilians” Hamas speciously claims have been killed by the IDF in Gaza—FOR NO REASON, THE INHUMAN BRUTES!—for just a moment, it’s plain that the loathsome Walid Daqqah is hardly an outlier, a grotesque exception, but perfectly typical of his vile cohort.

Hamas Treats Captive Israeli Women as Animals — for ‘All Are Ridden’
The Hamas terrorists behind the Oct. 7, 2023, jihadist raid literally view their female Israeli captives as horses and other animals — to be “ridden.”

During a recent press conference, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari stressed that Hamas members could be heard in their own (now captured) recordings referring to their female captives as sabi (or sabiya), an Arabic word that in Islamic jurisprudence refers to non-Muslim female slaves, whom Muslim men could freely copulate with — in a word, concubines (see here for more on sabis).

Sex slavery is not only an ironclad aspect of Islam; it is a reflection of “piety,” as well captured by a 2015 report:

In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

“He said that by raping me,” recalled the 12-year-old, “he is drawing closer to God.”

“Every time that he came to rape me, he would pray,” explained another girl, aged 15. “He said that raping me is his prayer to God. I said to him, ‘What you’re doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.’ And he said, ‘No, it’s allowed. It’s halal.’”

Seeing rape as a pious gesture is only one of the “oddities” of Islamic sex slavery. In the same press conference, Hagari said that “Hamas treated young women…like animals” and that one terrorist could be heard describing “a woman as a noble mare.”

No doubt, to most (non-Muslim) readers, references to Israelis as animals are a mere reflection of Hamas’s contempt for its “infidel” victims, nothing more.

Mind you, this mind-bending abuse is NOT to be inflicted on Israeli women exclusively, nor even on Jewish females more generally. No, this bestial savagery is Koran-endorsed treatment for ALL “infidel” women, all over the world, as non-Islamic nations inevitably are brought under the sway of Mooselimb rule.

As the article describes, for Moslem males raping “infidel” women of any age is not only permissible, it is actually commendable, taking on the aspect of an act of religious devotion—a divine gesture of pious, reverential obeisance to their fucked-up Murder God.

I repeat: SICK. FUCKS.

Anyone who sincerely believes that ((((Dem JOOJOOJOOJOOOOZ!!)))) are the primary problem confronting Western Civ is refusing to see the forest for the trees, sorry. Hell, most American Jews are more or less atheists anyway—call ‘em JINOs, perhaps, Jewish by ethnic inheritance rather than avowed faith—not being religiously observant, nor even somewhat interested.

No, the primary problem is that, by a huge majority, the religion practiced by American Jewry is liberal/Leftism. Don’t ask me why that is; given, y’know, pretty much all of recorded history, I find it quite perplexing myself.

Be that as it may, though, the essential fact remains: even if you exterminated and/or expelled every last Jew in the US tomorrow—the secular, the way more conservative Orthodox, the ultra-hardass Lubavitchers* alike—you’d be astonished and dismayed the day after that by how very little change would’ve resulted from your longed-for Final Solution. Alas, appalling numbers of shitlibs/Progressivists/Leftards/whatever would remain, along with all the strife, trouble, and woe they cause.

In a nutshell, then, what the Hebe-hatin’ Right are fond of deploring as “the Jewish problem” is not, in fact, much of a problem at all. It’s merely a distraction, a sideshow which draws attention away from the Main Enemy: collectivism, Statism, Leftism, whatever label you wish to slap on it. And, of course, the jihadist plague the Leftards have imported and encouraged, which now flourishes in our very midst.

It beggars belief that the memory of 9/11/01 could have been as thoroughly expunged from American minds as this nonsensical folly suggests. The disgraceful embrace of the plethora of preposterous, repeatedly debunked conspiracy theories on the subject must have been more widespread than sensible sorts feared.

Islam is no more compatible with ordered liberty, individual self-determination, and the rest of our Founding principles than liberal/Leftism is; they are diametrically (triametrically?) opposed, eternally in conflict, irreconcilable and antipodean in both practical and philosophical terms. Lose sight of that fundamental home truth, and you will surely lose everything ere the end.

* As it happens, I lived amongst the Lubavitchers my last cpl-three years in NYC; in fact, the apartment we lived in was over a shul, owned by a young Lubavitcher congregant named Mike to whom the building had been passed down as sort of an early, pre-death inheritance from his father. What a trip the Lubavitchers were, with the big hats; the long, heavy black overcoats worn year-round, even in the stifling August heat; the payess, which are those funny-looking spiral locks hanging down like overgrown sideburns or something; the rocking, swaying, and bobbing as they read from the Tanya, prayed, and sang their, uhhh, hymns (?) out on the sidewalk after synagogue let out. Strange stuff indeed for a Carolina boy who had only ever known one (1) Jew his entire life before traipsing off to NYC, definitely. Really nice folks once you got to know ‘em, though


The FauxVid fraud

Rand Paul nails ‘em to the wall AGAIN.

The Great COVID Cover-up: Shocking truth about Wuhan and 15 federal agencies
Shame on all the federal employees who covered up these facts about COVID-19

How vast was the Great COVID Cover-up? Well, my investigation has recently discovered government officials from 15 federal agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19.   

These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research.

Government officials representing at least 15 federal agencies were briefed on a project proposed by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Read all of it; penned by the highly esteemed Sen Paul himself, the man knows whereof he speaks and takes it all the way down to the nuts and bolts of the issue. Bottom line: 1) FauxVid was actually not “Chinese CoVid,” but “US Covid,” bought and paid for entirely by FederalGovCo; and 2) Fauci is, as some of us have said all along, the most prolific mass-murderer in human history—willfully so, as is definitionally required for the charge of murder to apply.

It is not merely “unfortunate” or “regrettable” that none of the truly evil blackguards responsible will ever pay a price for their myriad crimes against humanity, it’s an atrocity.


Bee speech

From the daily missive sent by the Babylon Bee email list.

Two years ago, The Babylon Bee was suspended from Twitter for “misgendering” Admiral Rachel Levine.

We were given the following choice from the content moderators at Twitter: Remove the tweet and check a box admitting we participated in hate speech, or lose our platform. 

Here is the internal conversation we had where we decided how we would respond:

We decided to stand for the truth, because the truth is not hate speech.

We had no idea that this decision would play a role in one of the biggest wins for free speech in years.

It wasn’t long after we refused to censor ourselves that Elon Musk bought Twitter, changed his bio to “Chief Twit,” and issued an urgent directive: “Bring back the Babylon Bee.” He then changed the platform’s name to X and has committed to making it the freest place for truth-tellers on the internet. 

Our commitment to you, our readers, is this: we will never back down from this fight. The truth is worth it, and always will be.

Gotta love those guys. Elon Musk too; his takeover/liberation of the insidious Twitter propaganda-mill has been beneficial in multifarious ways nobody expected or foresaw at the time. Yeah, yeah, Musk is no conservative; don’t care, not one bit I don’t. All one has to do is take a look at the ongoing anguished wailing of pretty much every last man Jack of the Goosesteppin’ Left for confirmation of the incredible impact losing a single social-media platform had.

Keep on stingin’, Bee!


Fast food holocaust


California’s new $20-an-hour fast food minimum wage law poses headaches for school districts: ‘Harder to hire’
California’s new $20-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers won’t just impact consumers who have to pay higher prices for menu items, but it could also make it more difficult for some public schools to retain low-paid cafeteria staffers.

Cash-strapped school districts in the Golden State could be forced to compete with billion-dollar corporations such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Pizza Hut parent company Yum! Brands for food service workers who are badly needed in California.

The state – which became the first in the country to guarantee free meals for all students regardless of income – will distribute 70 million more meals this year compared to 2018, according to education officials in Sacramento.

Actually, the lunch-line-ladies angle I hadn’t consider myself before—but then, I ain’t the one in charge of decreeing absurd minimum-wage hikes for low-to-no-skill-required jobs, either. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest:

Mod Pizza closes 5 California locations as $20-an-hour minimum wage law takes effect
A popular West Coast pizza chain shuttered five of its California locations shortly before the state enacted its new minimum wage law this month that raises fast-food workers’ pay from $16 an hour to $20.

Mod Pizza — which has 500 locations across the US and Canada and has been dubbed “the Chipotle of pizza” — abruptly closed up shop at its location in Clovis, near Fresno, two weeks ago, according to former employees.

“It just kind of seemed like the right timing, two weeks before all of the fast food locations in California got that increase that we closed,” one fired worker, who was among 15 that were let go, told Fox 26 TV on Tuesday.

The law, which went into effect on April 1, has been blamed for ballooning menu prices at major fast-food chains like Burger King, as The Post reported.

The ex-worker said that while he initially supported the idea of an increase in the minimum wage, it may have come at too steep of a cost.

“For the extra money, yeah,” he said. “I mean, nobody is going to turn down a raise, but at the end of the day, with repercussions like this, was it worth it?”

I dunno, you tell me: was it?


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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