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Days that will live in infamy

Both of these bitter anniversaries tremendous losses for America That Was and all who loved her and now lament her death—murder, actually. First up, probably the most outrageous, destructive trampling of liberty in all of US history.

15 Days to Slow the Spread
This story first appeared in 1600 Daily, the White House’s evening newsletter. Subscribe now to get breaking news from President Trump before anyone else.

This afternoon, President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force issued new guidelines to help protect Americans during the global Coronavirus outbreak.

The new recommendations are simple to follow but will have a resounding impact on public health. While the President leads a nationwide response, bringing together government resources and private-sector ingenuity, every American can help slow the virus’ spread and keep our most high-risk populations safe.

Leslie Eastman offers a few salient points.

This is the vital point: The announcement and associated policies were suppose to be about slowing the spread…not stopping it cold. The idea was that the virus’ effects on the respiratory system were so bad, that slowing the spread was imperative to get the medical resources into position so the healthcare system could handle (it).

I would like to note that two weeks earlier, I was growing concerned about the nature of the Trump administration’s response to the virus. I urged the implementation of the severe flu protocol that had been successfully used in years previously. I also highlighted risk factors for severe infection that could only be addressed on an individual basis.

Subsequently, “15 days to Slow the Spread” morphed into a liberty-crushing horror with impacts that we are still feeling across the nation (and in many other parts of the world).

Now, the nation is facing the choice between the two top candidates:

  • Trump, who foisted Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx on this country.
  • Biden: The senile occupant of the Oval Office who mandated the vaccines and prolonged the pandemic response.

Personally, one part of my decision-making will be based on which candidate will not repeat the mistakes in the covid response…and avoid entangling this nation with the World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Treaty“.

I will never forget March 16, 2020.

Nor should you, nor should any of the truly liberty-oriented among us. Next, another costly loss, one which, in its own small way, might almost be considered as badly damaging to Real American prospects as the ScamDemic stampede has been.

Hushed Limbaugh
How did this nation ever get to the point where a man once considered nothing more than a tacky, loud, nouveau-riche liberal NYC real estate mogul/celebrity, with an orange complexion and a crazy pompadour/combover, would be transmogrified into the ultimate scapegoat for the failings, crimes, and corruption that have plagued our government and society since at least the end of the Second World War; the locus and symbol of the most unbridled hatred by the very same global elite that, in point of fact, are guilty of those sins and that he once perhaps was a part of? If I had to venture a guess, I’d say in nearly the same manner as “just some guy in golf pants” (as he once described how the elites tagged him) who at one time happened to have the largest sustained radio audience in history.

Last week marked the third anniversary of Rush Limbaugh passing away after a yearlong battle with terminal lung cancer. In a career that spanned nearly a third of a century, Limbaugh become far and away the most listened-to talk radio host in broadcast history. The conventional wisdom, which is something that Limbaugh defied on a daily basis, was that he had some sort of Svengali-like appeal over masses of mostly white, male, Bible-thumping bumpkins from flyover country by telling them what to think. In point of fact, it was just the opposite. Limbaugh’s success was being able to articulate what a vast swathe of the nation felt—a well-founded angst about the direction of the country especially since the beginning of the Clinton years and for sure with everything in the wake of the 9/11/01 attacks.

Last week marked the third anniversary of Rush Limbaugh passing away after a yearlong battle with terminal lung cancer. In a career that spanned nearly a third of a century, Limbaugh become far and away the most listened-to talk radio host in broadcast history. The conventional wisdom, which is something that Limbaugh defied on a daily basis, was that he had some sort of Svengali-like appeal over masses of mostly white, male, Bible-thumping bumpkins from flyover country by telling them what to think. In point of fact, it was just the opposite. Limbaugh’s success was being able to articulate what a vast swathe of the nation felt—a well-founded angst about the direction of the country especially since the beginning of the Clinton years and for sure with everything in the wake of the 9/11/01 attacks.

He, more than any other political and cultural leader, held both a moral high ground and most crucially a bully pulpit that gave voice to a true silent majority. In examining the life and times of Limbaugh, as well as the gigantic sword of Damocles above Donald Trump’s head, and collectively whatever is left of the United States as we knew or imagined it, a bit of reflection on how we got here, or to coin a phrase, how we—or at least I—got “woke” to the world as it is, is in order.

Although he passed just as the three years-plus FauxVid dumpster fire was really starting to blaze, Limbaugh was astute enough to see what was coming well beforehand.

I’m watching this coronavirus thing, and even the media that you would think would be on whatever we would call “our side,” they’ve lost it too. To them, this is nothing more than a story, and they can’t wait. I mean, everybody is waiting for the next worst headline, the next worst scenario, the next worst possibility. They can’t wait for it and they can’t wait to report it, and they can’t wait to talk about it. And that’s not me.

I resent this. I could never be a journalist. And these people, they’re a pack now. And I don’t care what network you’re talking about or website—there might be some exceptions to websites. Can’t read ’em all, don’t know. But you can’t turn on TV without seeing the same thing on any network. It doesn’t matter what network it is during the news coverage portion. Not so much the opinion programs and prime time. But the news coverage portion.

I mean, it’s now conventional wisdom that the country’s gonna shut down. It’s conventional wisdom that 150 million people are gonna get infected. It’s conventional wisdom that this is deadly, it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened, oh my God. It’s horrible. It’s worse. And nobody’s ever had it as bad or worse. And everybody gets caught up in it. As I watch the media, I don’t see one doubting Thomas. I don’t know how you do that.

JJ notes well the date of this tragically prescient analysis.

That was on March 13, 2020, literally just as the ChiCom/Anthony Fauci-created COVID-19 was just starting to swamp us. Or as Limbaugh seems to have clearly understood, the artificially generated fear of it. We now know, or at least we should know, that it was all one massive lie; from its origins, to its lethality, to the at-best uselessness to at-worst lethality of the vaccines. Yet anyone who back then stepped up and claimed the mantle of a “doubting Thomas” faced destruction.

America, the land of the First Amendment, has now openly toyed with the notion of “Disinformation Governance Boards,” a fancy name for what is essentially a Ministry of Truth. Universities that were supposed to be bastions of the free exchange of diverse viewpoints now silence anyone and anything even a micrometer to the right of Leon Trotsky. Our government is working hand in hand with Big Tech to have them act as censors for ideas, opinions, and facts that run contra to the narrative that they are putting out as truth, to be accepted blindly and unquestioningly without examination or critical review.

The only reason this is happening is because they no longer have a monopoly on the dissemination of information. Lacking that, as everything they have done to this country that has utterly collapsed our economy, erased our border, endangered our citizens at home, and threatened our national security abroad nearly to the point of a global conflict, the junta has no compunction about completely ignoring even the most basic red lines of ethics, morality, and the rule of law to silence all critique and squash all political opposition.

It’s academic as to whether or not we would have come to this point without the coming of alternative media to question the narrative, or what Limbaugh described as “the daily soap opera.” If nothing else, the mere presence of Rush Limbaugh and then Donald Trump has forced the junta to reveal itself for what it is, not for what their erstwhile media gatekeepers used to be able to bamboozle the public with ease. Trump’s greatest achievement as president isn’t actually what he achieved policy-wise (and they were some of the most incredible achievements ever); it was his mere presence as an oppositional force to the hypocrisy and corruption of the past eighty years that caused the masks and illusions of an America that no longer exists to drop. And there couldn’t have been a Donald Trump without a Rush Limbaugh to pave the way.

Mega dittos owed and mega dittos given.

Indeed so, with whipped cream and a cherry on top. May Rush Limbaugh forever rest in peace, much though it must pain him to look down from Heaven upon all that’s transpired since he departed this Earthly plane. Although I admittedly had problems with him over the years—enough so that by the time he died I’d long since stopped listening to him altogether, out of sheer frustration—it’s to our incalculable detriment that we shan’t ever see his like again.

Update! The Panic, and the damage done.

Four years ago, Las Vegas’ casinos shut down for 78 days. The fallout was brutal
About a month after casinos in Macao were closed for 15 days to slow COVID’s spread, then-Gov. Steve Sisolak on March 17, 2020 ordered all casinos as well as restaurants, bars and other nonessential businesses in the state to close for 30 days.

Brendan Bussmann, a gaming industry analyst with Las Vegas-based B Global, recalled the dark start of the shutdown.

“I still remember driving the Strip the next morning and there was nobody there and it either looked like we were occupied or that a bomb had gone off,” he said.

As a result of the 78-day closure, the Nevada Gaming Control Board estimated Nevada’s 219 major casinos lost $6.2 billion, a 25.2 percent decline from revenue generated a year earlier.

An estimated 26,140 people from a workforce of 162,066 lost their jobs and the unemployment rate soared to 33.4 percent. With demand for travel to Las Vegas lost, airlines canceled hundreds of flights.

As Ed quips, the operative words here might be—should be, in fact MUST be—THEN-Governor. Or, as a Fremen oath from Frank Herbert’s sprawling sci-fi epic Dune has it: Never to forgive. Never to forget. Damned skippy.


7 thoughts on “Days that will live in infamy

  1. Yep, Trump kicked this shit off.  Here’s another example of his “leadership” during the Covidiocy.  When Georgia Governor Brian Kemp realized that this is the fucking United States and we don’t close down the world, Trump ripped him:

    Trump says he told Kemp: ‘I totally disagree’ with move to reopen Georgia – POLITICO

    “But what was Trump supposed to DOOOOOOO???

    He was listening to the EEEEEEXXXXXPERTS!”

    Well, the problem is that I didn’t vote for Anthony fucking Fauci.  I voted for Donald Trump, who promised to “drain the swamp” and hire “all the best people.”

    Instead he hired the swamp and made Little Lord Fauci the God of the Scamdemic.

    Which is why I don’t trust him.  I’ll vote for him again, as I did in ’16 and ’20, but I have no faith whatsoever that he’ll right the ship.  I had faith and trust in 2016.  In 2020, it’s more of the type of “lesser of two evils” vote I cast for the Republicans every four years.  I was too young to vote for Reagan, but I think that would have been an enthusiastic vote.

    1. “Yep, Trump kicked this shit off.”

      More lies from the deranged. The scam was not perpetrated by Trump, it was perpetrated by the deep state to damage Trump, something you try to do every moment of your life. You’re one of the biden cabals many handmaidens.

      Trump had no choice but to take the news he was presented with seriously. ANY president that didn’t would have been derilict. NO ONE, especially the septic non Skeptic knew precisely what we were dealing with, with the exception of the actual virus releasers. They knew what they were doing and it has all been gamed out and prepped by our own CIA, courtesy of the American taxpayer.

      As for lying liars that lie, septic has read what Kenny figured out long ago but continues to spread the same lies:

      Kenny reported:

      SO I went in and restudied this whole canard about criticizing Kemp, and of course found out it was Lying Liars Lying.

      On April 17 Trump proposed Phased Reopening since the Governors ignored his calls to Fully Reopen. So, he had to change Tactics. This was politically palatable.

      He immediately began working with DeSantis, pushing him to adopt this Approach.

      Meanwhile, on April 22 Kemp, who contended for most businesses it was not Safe to ease restrictions, could allow Beauty Parlors and Barber Shops to reopen. Why a Beauty Parlor and not a Restaurant? It was haphazard, arbitrary and open to political criticism.

      So Trump strongly disagreed with this approach, yet STILL acknowledged that Federalism meant that Kemp could “do what he thinks best for GA”. he didn’t criticize Reopening, he criticized this particular example of reopening arbitrarily.

      On May 1 RDS adopted “Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step”, a plan for Reopening based upon Trump’s outline.

      Trump heartily endorsed it.

      So it was obvious that Trump all throughout April and going forward was pushing for Reopening as soon as possible and doing it in a politically palatable way to convince Governors they could do it Therefore, Trump was obviously NOT opposed to Reopening since he was pushing for Reopening.

      Had Trump been for Lockdowns and opposed to Reopening he would have criticized Stitt and Noem.


      Oh wait, no only 2 Governors didn’t Lock Down.

      Well, after two weeks it was obvious that the Lockdowns either worked or didn’t and when Trump said Reopen by Easter EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN GOVERNORN WHO FOLLOWED THE NON-MANDATED GUIDELINES AND ISSUED LOCKDOWN ORDERS IMMEDIATELY REOPENED.

      Oh wait, no, they all continued to follow FraudXi and keep the Lockdowns.

      Of course, when Trump came up with an alternate plan when the Governors refused to end the Lockdowns EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR WHO HAD ISSUED THE LOCKDOWN ORDERS IMMEDIATELY EMBRACED THE TRUMP PLAN.

      Oh wait, it took two weeks for Ron to adopt a Plan he tried to pass as his own which was essentially Trump’s Plan with some minor changes. Which kept Florida.partially Locked Down for 5 more months. Then he claimed he immediately Reopened, which was a lie as the last EO unlocking FL came in mid-September 2020.

      I bet if we checked the Archives Not Skeptic was a Daily Punditeer ZOMG WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!! Hypocrite.

  2. The lockdowns were created for Trump, not by Trump, and the GOPe, in lockstep with their Democommunist handlers, didn’t dismantle them until the Fake Election and Fraudulent Winner were enshrined into the public narrative.

    This is what happens when your president is slow to comprehend his own Replacement Strategy.

    Biden, by contrast, is having a good day if there are raisins in his oatmeal, and they put a straw in his juice box for him.

    1. Yes, but if Trump was slow then the rest of the Republicans were

      Or, Just On The Other Side.

      The Governors Locked Down. Either they were fooled and STILL didn’t listen to Trump when he caught on after two weeks, OR they were Treasonous too.

      A Hobbesian choice there…

  3. “Leslie Eastman…”

    Leslie is great. Legal Insurrection is controlled opposition however. Not one article about the stolen 2020 election. Not one. Why? Because they were just fine with removing Trump by any means. On a scale where National Review is a “10”, LI is a 9.5.

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"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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