Kid, you don’t even KNOW from violence

And that’s too bad as far as I’m concerned, because she could really, really use a crash course in it.

I’m a student who was arrested at a Columbia protest. I am not a hero, nor am I a villain.
New York Mayor Eric Adams has said that there were no incidents of violence. That’s not true.

Yeah, whyn’tcha eat a whole bag of dicks there,  Bimbelina. To my way of thinking, the violence hasn’t started until the nightsticks have come out.

Tuesday night, two dozen Columbia University students linked arms in front of the student-occupied Hamilton Hall at dusk. I was one of them. 

We sang with broken yet mighty voices, “Your people are my people, your people are mine; your people are my people, our struggles align.” We were a group of activists of differing faiths and none, friends and strangers united, linking arms with one another and, in spirit, with the generations of courageous students who came before us. Electricity crackled through the air from the growing protests echoing just beyond the university gates – gates I had just moments ago slipped through and sprinted from like a bat out of hell. 

We knew we were likely to be arrested for being on campus despite the university-mandated shelter-in-place order, but chose we to run into the fire anyway.

As a human chain, draped in keffiyehs and shaking like leaves in the autumn wind, we sang with hushed tones and breathed deeply as hundreds of New York police officers armed with flash grenades and pepper spray marched toward us like a military parade. 

As they approached from multiple directions, we sang with frail and cracking voices, “This love that I have, the world didn’t give it to me; the world didn’t give it, the world can’t take it away,” as officers threatened student journalists with arrest, presumably to ensure minimal coverage of the aggression they were about to exert. 

Students in dorms craned their necks and shakily stretched their iPhones out windows to observe the impending attack. 

We clung tighter to one another as they approached us, and seized us like rag dolls and slammed us into the hallowed ground of brick and concrete. But unlike rag dolls, we bleed, we crack, we bruise, we feel.

Police at Columbia were anything but professional

Once dispersed, I held my hands up to show I was neither resisting nor armed. In response, I was handled brutally by police alongside other students being shoved down concrete steps saying with shameless condescension, “Watch your step.” We were arrested, bound and shuttled down to 1 Police Plaza, where the New York Police Department had a pizza party prepared for arresting officers. 

They threw us in cells like animals – cells where the only toilets women could use lacked any privacy and where our naked bodies were in plain sight to throngs of male officers.

Aw, poor widdle dawlin’. Ain’t much fun being in the slam, huh? And bad as jail is, even that isn’t a patch on actual, y’know, prison. Later in the article, this deluded, pig-ign’ant young ‘un manages to come off as at least somewhat reasonable, if still ignorant, blind, and historically illiterate.

On Saturday, I hosted a Passover Seder at my cramped Manhattan apartment for many of my closest friends. Representing many faiths and none, we broke bread together and celebrated the Jewish liberation from slavery and a broken, unjust system of oppression. 

On Tuesday I was shackled and arrested as part of the campus movement that many in the news media are calling “antisemitic.” It isn’t.

Critically, our fellow Jewish students are not the villains in this story. They are our friends, our family, our blood, our fellow foot soldiers. Like us, they bleed, they crack, they bruise, they feel. At no point have the student organizers called for or promoted violence against our Jewish brothers and sisters. We are calling to end the violence and genocide against our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

“Genocide,” yet. “Genocide,” yet AGAIN. Know who really IS calling for genocide—truly, literally, and without embarrassment or hesitation—means every word they say when they do, and has tried over and over again to get the genocide ball a-rolling? Three guesses, first two don’t count.

I realize you’re severely handicapped in your quest for knowledge by not having any non-Lefty-idjit teachers to ask about it; being surrounded by ideologically-rigid, obstinate clods wearing the mask of “educators” at your overrated Leftybaby factory makes it a tough row for any sincere, open-minded knowledge-seeker to hoe. But I beg, don’t let that stop you. Cast off the shackles of arrogance-in-ignorance native to callow youth; stop the sob-sister whining when your criminal actions bring consequences you are in no way prepared to shoulder; and, as Minor Threat suggests in the song “12XU,” flex your head.

Trust me, girl, you’ll be a much better person for it. No easy, obvious path is ever worth following, likewise an angry, destructive mob.



Yeah, he’s just fine, no Alzheimers issues here, nosireeBOB.

Follows, several more videos confirming Pedo Peter’s total lucidity, clearheadedness, and remarkable facility for quick-wittedness and spontaneous speech, all from the same Medal of Presidential Paralympics in Freeduuhhhh…yeah, you know, the thing.


Elon is at it again

Speaking the plain truth, being reviled to the rafters for it by shitlib morons. Y’know, the usual sort of thing.

Elon Musk posted about the West’s Achilles heel and man oh man did it make a lot of people angry
Elon was up at 1:30 a.m. and decided to spit some fire on the interwebz:

Hoo boy.

You know you can’t say things like that on the internet, Elon!!!

Follows, the typical Mark-1 Mod-0 foaming, frothing, nonsensical hissy-fit, wherein the Usual Gang of Idiots can’t even manage to stay on-topic. Gee, wonder if Mr Musk gives a lumpy fart. Myself, I’m beginning to suspect he tremendously enjoys hacking off the stupes and dupes, and is now doing it on purpose, just for his own amusement. Good on ya either way, sir.


Your feel-good video of the week

New York shitlib vandalizes Florida man’s truck because it has an anti-Biden bumper-sticker on it, is too goddamned stupid to realize the parking lot has video cameras recording his felony offense, gets his sorry ass hauled off to jail in handcuffs.

Beautiful. As I always say: couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole. Rot in jail, fuckface; hope you enjoy being repeatedly gang-butt-raped while you’re in stir.

Brainwashing personified

Jesus Tapdancin’ Christ, but what a complete moron this kid is.

Not that it will make a blind bit of difference when all’s said and done, but mucho kudos to Kirk anyhow for giving this obliviated, mind-raped stupe plenty of rope to dangle from the way he does here. It’s fun to imagine Dr Brainiac’s profound, lasting humiliation once he’s hit, oh, forty or thereabouts, the deep-conditioning has finally worn off, and his own kids unearth the historical record of dear old Dad’s regurgitative self-immolation in his callow, clueless youth, for purposes of ridiculing him to actual tears.



Catchers, more like, since their job actually is when, not if, the raddled old stumblebum trips over his own aged, shuffling feet these so-called “walkers” can catch him before he faceplants into the grass and snatch him back upright—hopefully, before the press gang can get their cameras aimed and snap a pic of the senescent old fart falling down yet again.

1 big thing — Scoop: Biden’s walkers

President Biden has introduced a change to his White House departure and return routine: Instead of walking across the South Lawn to and from Marine One by himself, he’s now often surrounded by aides.

Why it matters: With aides usually walking between Biden and the press’ camera position outside the White House, the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old’s halting and stiff gait, Axios’ Hans Nichols and Alex Thompson report.

Some Biden advisers have told Axios they’re concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.

Weeks ago, the president told aides that he’d prefer a less formal approach, a White House official told Axios. He suggested that they walk with him.

White House staffers and reporters alike noticed the sudden change in Biden’s walk routine beginning in mid-April, after more than three years in which he’d typically walked solo.

Yeah, sure—for certain values of the word “walked,” that is. Bold in the original, and utterly, utterly hilarious.

(Via Ed Driscoll)

Update! Unmentioned in the above article is another cause for Bribem’s staggering, undead-like gait besides extreme old age, native clumsiness, and decrepitude: the near-impossibility of finding decent footwear that cloven hooves can fit into comfortably. That thickly-furred, reverse-hinged knees thing can be physically awkward, also.



Haven’t mentioned this story yet, I was waiting around for a certain well-known news and opinion website’s take. Finally, it’s here.

Man Sets Himself On Fire To Show How His Side Is The Sane And Rational One
NEW YORK, NY — To show that his side is the side of sanity, logic, and rationality, a local man has decided to set himself ablaze, incinerating his own body on live TV.

Eyewitnesses report that the man, who was clearly in a healthy, stable state of mind, doused himself in gasoline before striking a match and igniting his own body, presumably for a very sane and noble reason.

As flames engulfed him, onlookers were immediately convinced of the truth of his cause, ending all debate once and for all.

“Well, I guess that settles that. He’s right and I’m wrong,” said local man David Thatch. “This is how you win arguments, folks! Self-immolation clearly proves the superiority of his worldview.”

“Boy do I look stupid, and irrational now for disagreeing with that guy,” added other onlookers. “He just proved that he’s the sensible one that we should be listening to and everyone else is wrong.”

And with that, every shitlib D卐M☭CRAT in the nation nodded their heads in solemn, somber agreement. My title, in case you were wondering, refers to the old joke about the distinction between the chicken and the pig seen at breakfast-time: the chicken is dedicated, but the pig is committed.



Stephen says, “I’m trying to think of a bad decision she missed but I’m coming up short. The implied supposition that the car dealer has the shopper’s best interest at heart might be the biggest though.” Agreed, one hunnerd percent.

Mom, 28, forced to sell her dream car after forking out $40,000 in INTEREST alone over three years – as America’s auto debt spirals to $1.6 TRILLION
Three years ago, 28-year-old Blaisey Arnold entered a local auto dealership and came away with the keys to an $84,000 Chevy Tahoe.

Despite paying $1,400 a month in payments totaling more than $50,000, she still owes a balance of $74,000 to her lender – GM Financial.

Not only did she not make a down payment, she said she traded in a previous car on which she had fallen into negative equity.

Negative equity occurs when a driver owes more on their car loan than the vehicle is now worth. Sometimes, a dealer or lender can offer to roll the balance of an existing auto loan onto a new one, making it more expensive.

While rolling over debt into a new loan can seem convenient, it can be very dangerous and dealers have been known to not properly inform buyers that they will still be responsible for the remaining balance.

‘Honestly, it blows my mind that I have paid $50,000 into this car and only paid off $10,000,’ Arnold said. 

She told the loan was issued to her on the very day she visited the dealer – and that had an APR of 10.2 percent.

‘I did not go with my husband and as a female I feel they took advantage of me. They knew I really wanted the car and that I was by myself,’ she said.

Oh believe me, Bimbelina, they didn’t take advantage of you “as a female.” Not at all. They took advantage of you as a goddamn dumbass, is what they did. I strongly suspect that your husband isn’t any smarter than you clearly are—otherwise, how could he stand being married to you?—and the dealership would have given him the exact same reaming you got.

All car salesmen LIVE to see people like you walk into the showroom; as artillerymen have long described troops in the open, you’re their meat—a wet dream come true.

Some of us always say that stupidity should be painful, and know what? Sometimes, it actually is.


The Cowardly Lion

Don’t hold back, Chris, tell us what you really think.

Joe Biden Is a Sniveling, Unabashed Coward
Joe Biden is a coward in every sense of the word. Cowardice emanates from him like rotting garbage. Cowardice overflows his speeches like a drain backing up from a clogged sewer line. Cowardice infects everything he touches. The well from which he extracts his cowardice is truly bottomless. To witness it, in its shameless, reeking putrescence, is utterly cringeworthy.

There is nothing beneath the man. There is nothing he won’t say or do to retain power. This is true of many politicians, but most understand in some Machiavellian sense that at least some show of strength, however artificial, is required from time to time. Even Barack Obama had a moral compass that, on rare occasions, would spring to life just long enough to effect confident, decisive decisions like killing Osama bin Laden (you should recall that everyone in the room except Biden supported the move, a point of shame about which he brags).

Over the years, Biden’s media quislings have laughably associated many virtuous adjectives with him in efforts to fortify his reputation. Decent. Moderate. Accomplished. Steady. Lucid. It is telling that nobody, not even the most ludicrous of leftist outlets, has ever called him brave.

OOOF! I gotta say, this one’s such a fun, enjoyable piece you might actually come in your pants a little from reading the whole thing. Not that you should let that stop you, of course. Just, y’know, be forewarned of the possibility, that’s all.


Your feel-good video of the…um…welllll….

EVER, I’d say.

If you don’t particularly feel like watching the vid—which, you really, really, REALLY should, it’s a joy and a wonder to behold—this meme sums it up quite nicely:

Nicely, and word for word, also. Excellent work, Ms Williams, ya done good.


Moar Jackass Lee stupidity, stat!

Apparently, the sub-sentient moron never learned the old “If you’re in a hole, stop digging” rule.

In a weird way, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is the gift that keeps on giving, not so much in the way she represents her constituents in Congress but in how when you’re feeling down, out of sorts, and in need of a little comedic relief, she will be there.

When last we left you, the failed mayoral candidate was in Houston at the Mickey Leland Federal Building to observe the total solar eclipse, which in and of itself was pretty amazing to see. The rambling speech Jackson Lee gave ahead of the eclipse, however, was another matter entirely, as we previously reported:

“[Unintelligible] provide unique light and energy so that you have the energy of the moon at night, and sometimes you’ve heard the word ‘full moon,’ sometimes you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see a full moon is that complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gasses. 

And that’s why the question is why or how could we as humans could live on the moon. Are the gasses such that we could do that? The sun is a mighty powerful heat, and it’s almost impossible to go near the sun. The moon is more manageable. And you will see in a moment, not a moment, you’ll see in a couple of years, that NASA is going back to the moon.”

The longtime Congresswoman was, of course, roundly mocked over it, so much so that she took to the Twitter machine to respond to her many critics – which in the process made matters worse for her:

So a member of Congress acting stupidly and who clearly does not know not what the hell they’re talking about when it comes to science is not something that should “really matter” according to Jackson Lee, who I should remind folks once served on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee and the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee.


Is there more, you ask? It’s Sheila Jackass Lee we’re talking about here, people; of COURSE there is. Lots of it, as it happens, the last instance of which will leave you rolling on the floor laughing until the tears flow copiously and a floating rib has parted its moorings from the ludicrous hilarity of it all. Now, back to cleaning my hotel room, Sooperdoopergenius!

Update! Moar yet, even.

During a 1997 visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Jackson Lee, who was then serving on the House Science Committee and on the Subcommittee that oversees U.S. space policy, asked a guide whether the Mars Pathfinder would be able to show an image of “the flag the astronauts planted there before.” When it was subsequently pointed out that the flag to which she was referring was in fact the one that Neil Armstrong had planted on the Moon—not Mars—in 1969, Jackson Lee complained that she was being mocked by bigots. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” her then-chief-of-staff wrote angrily in a letter to the editor.

You especially gotta love how, after being sliced, diced, and fricasseed for her original dumbassery, Jackass Lee desperately scrambled to cover her wet-brained sun/moon switcheroo by blibbering, “Obviously, I meant to say the sun.” Oh, izzatso, Einstein? And you want to be “first in line” to live there, you say?

Okay then, fine by me. Some smart soul really needs to head-shed with Elon Musk and see if launching her stupid ass directly into Old Sol can be arranged, thereby making Vacuum-head’s dream come true at last. It’d be a real shame to throw away a Starship doing it though, I guess. On the other hand, it might well be a price worth paying in the long run—particularly if we stipulate that four or five other Congresscritters be compelled to take the one-way ride with their “esteemed colleague.”

Never forget: these are the “people” we allow to (mis)rule us.


Damn fools about it

As Wellington said after Waterloo: “They came on in the same old way, and we sent them back in the same old way.” Or, as WC Fields said: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. Then quit. There’s no use in being a damn fool about it.”

S’truth. And yet.

Woke Extremist Minneapolis City Council Demands $30.60/Hour Minimum Wage for Uber and Lyft Drivers; Uber and Lyft Both Announce They Will Abandon Minneapolis
Faced with public anger about driving out the popular ride-share services, the woke extremists of the city council say they may delay when the order goes into effect.

But they’re only doing that to allow other ride-share companies — are there any? — to enter the Minneapolis market.

By the way, I base the headline claim of a $30.60 per hour minimum wage on the city council’s demand that drivers be paid a minimum 51 cents per minute when ferrying passengers.

California recently imposed a $20/hour minimum wage for fast food workers. There’s now a $16/hour minimum wage for all other jobs.

Companies immediately began firing workers and closing down stores.

A pizza chain announced the closure of five stores in California.

Analysts forecast that this law will gift California with increased unemployment for years.

That’s putting it in the best possible light.

And there you have it. As Billy Pilgrim said: “All this happened, more or less.” And so it goes.

Crime control ain’t no joke

She appears to be serious, as incredible as it seems.

Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime wraps up first set of meetings
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – All eyes are on Memphis as leaders from states across the country meet in the Bluff City for the first-ever Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime.

That coalition, created by Memphis Mayor Paul Young in partnership with the African American Mayors Association, is looking for discussion and solutions around public safety.

“We are solidified and resolved in the fact that we are stronger together. The national crime data may show some decreases in overall crime stats, but what we discussed today is that if people don’t feel safe, then the statistics don’t matter,” said Mayor Young.

Whether you’re walking the streets of Memphis and Shelby County, pumping gas, or just sitting in your home, you deserve to feel safe wherever you go.

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones says she’s taking back strategies used in Atlanta for nightclub owners and eyeing ways to reduce crimes around convenience stores.

“We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations,” said St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones. “So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime? Some of the things are already doing, we’re finding other mayors are doing as well.”

Bold mine, and completely batshit insane. “Hold business owners accountable”…for WHAT, exactly? “Accountable” for being victimized by ghetto ferals with their pants down around their ankles

  • Robbing them and/or their customers
  • Vandalizing their premises
  • Terrorizing every white woman within leering distance—regardless of age, physical attractiveness, or attitude—via sexually-explicit taunts, bodily gyrations, direct threats, and overtly aggressive behavior
  • Loitering outside the store in large groups chugging quarts of OE, huffing cheeba, tossing the wrappers of their shoplifted food, spent roaches, and/or empty malt-liquor bottles on the parking lot
  • Generally menacing said customers to the point they’re actually afraid to so much as pull into the lot, sensibly opting instead to just drive on by to another store possessed of a bit less “urban” ambience and inner-city “charm”

Years ago, there was a convenience store just like this near my house. My wife would happily drive miles out of her way to avoid passing the place late at night, and I couldn’t blame her either. I wasn’t any too comfortable driving by the horrible place late my own self, honestly; the coppery funk of predation, chaos, and imminent danger fairly wafted off the place in great waves. Bayou Peter puts it to ‘em straight, no chaser.

If you’re going to go after business owners for crimes committed by others, pretty soon you won’t have any business owners within your city limits. Then your citizens won’t be able to buy food, get their vehicles serviced, or do anything else that requires a business to provide the service. Then where will your precious city be???

I repeatedly think that we’ve plumbed the absolute depths of human stupidity…only to be proved wrong again and again by doofi such as Mayor Jones.

Nah, not quite yet we haven’t. That doesn’t truly kick in until the selfsame pig-ign’ant NICs (Niggers In Charge) start in bitching, pissing, and moaning about “food deserts” and such-like affronts. “Food deserts” which, mind, they created themselves, the inevitable by-product of their own rank stupidity.

Well, that, and RAYCISSISMS ’n’ sheeit, natch.

One last incredible no-joke factoid from the above-cited article: The Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, appears to be named (checks notes, checks again, shakes head in awe-struck disbelief) Chokwe Antar Lumumba. No, seriously, I swear I am NOT making this up.

Wait, you mean to tell me it’s NOT made of green cheese?

Q: Is Sheila Jackass Lee (Dumbass, TX) the stupidest Congresscritter EVAR?

A: Probably, yes.

Democrat congresswoman incorrectly tells schoolchildren that moon is “made up mostly of gases”
During an eclipse event at Booker T. Washington High School in Houston, Texas Monday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee made puzzling remarks about the moon’s composition, incorrectly suggesting it was “made up mostly of gases.” This statement diverged sharply from established astronomical facts, sparking both amusement and concern over public understanding of basic space science.

Key Details:

  • The comments were made as Jackson Lee participated in a community event focused on Monday’s eclipse, aiming to engage and educate attendees about astronomical phenomena.
  • Lee, a former member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, described the moon as a “complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases,” a description that inaccurately represents the moon’s solid, rocky nature.
  • The incident underscores the importance of accurate scientific communication, especially by public figures, in educational settings where misconceptions can significantly impact public understanding and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Another Q that springs immediately to mind: How is it that this chowderhead isn’t doing a job she’s better suited for: cleaning hotel rooms, say, or manning a drive-thru window?


A new low

This level of stupid really oughta be actually, physically painful. Or, y’know, as I proposed the other day, punishable by execution.

Not Satire: U.S. Senate Candidate Blames Climate Change for NJ Earthquake

Oh, it’s satire all right. Whether or not the BiQ (Bimbelina in Question) knows it, it’s satire all to hell and gone.

(America First Report)—There’s dumb. Then there’s Democrat-Dumb. But even higher on the list of total idiocy is Democrat-Climate-Cultist-Dumb and a U.S. Senate candidate from New Jersey just hit this pinnacle with the worst earthquake reaction of the week.

Christina Amira Khalil quickly deleted her offending Tweet but not before getting lambasted by the masses.

Because of COURSE she did; they always delete ‘em, every single time. The Bee’s response, happily, is still up.

Writers at the Bee really do have the toughest jobs in the world, don’tchathink? Back to Rucker for more hi-larity.

Technically, she’s running for the Green Party but the vast majority of her support will come from Democrats. But if any of those voters are on Twitter they might think twice before voting for this “moron.”

Gee, ya think? Why would they, prithee tell? After all, Amira-Kahlil-Achmed-Jibroni just proved herself to be One Of Them; she’s right up the D卐M☭CRATs’ ally. Running in deepest-blue Noo Joisey, the vacuous twat will probably win in a landslide. Honestly, I kinda hope she does—the entertainment value will be off the charts with this semi-sentient whackadoodle. Oh, just THINK of the fun we’ll have!


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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