Except, of course and as usual, when they are.
New York Becomes First State to Pass Legislation Banning Use of Natural Gas for Heating and Cooking
The Biden Regime said reports claiming they were seeking to ban gas stoves was a conspiracy theory.Chuck Schumer went out of his way to chastise those concerned saying, “Nobody is taking away your gas stove.”
Although Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm mocked the millions of Americans concerned about the federal government’s plans to put restrictions on gas stoves, she admitted the Biden Regime wants to ban “some” gas stoves.
Now, New York State is banning the use of natural gas for heating and cooking in some new buildings.
According to The New York Times, “The provisions will require new buildings to be constructed with only electric hookups for appliances and utilities beginning in 2025. The law will go into effect for buildings with fewer than seven stories beginning in 2026. The requirements will kick in for taller buildings by 2029.”
Gonna be veddy interesting to find out where they think the electricity to power those new appliance hookups is going to come from—especially once the millions—hundreds of millions, that is—of mandatory EVs start being plugged in for the hours of intensive re-juicing necessary to move the useless fire hazards more than forty feet. Before they, y’know, explode, then burn your house to the ground.
Unavailable for comment at presstime were all those “avid lifelong hunter” D卐M☭CRATs who absotively, posilutely aren’t coming for your guns.
I hope they all freeze
And go hungry in the dark just before they freeze to death.
The real shame is that nobody sells Zyklon B.
Meh, more bread and circuses doom porn from those genie asses
Every bit of this is about control.
It’s NEVER about what they say it’s about.
It’s ALWAYS about them Getting More Power and Control.
And $$$$