Your FBI©, as always, STILL remains baffled as to motive.
BREAKING: Nashville Transgender Shooter’s Manifesto Leaked, Huge Revelations on Motive
SHOCKING REVELATION: it reads just about like you probably expected it would—ie, the quasi-coherent, nominally-literate ravings of an obviously bugfuck-nuts, Looney Tooney no-hoper—providing a broad hint as to what Your FBI©’s rationale for their desperate Day One scramble to suppress the fucking unholy mess and damned well keep it suppressed might have been.
The purported manifesto of Nashville transgender school shooter Audrey Hale, a woman who “identified” as a man, has been leaked. Hale entered Covenant Presbyterian School on March 27th, 2023, murdering six people, including three children, before heroic police officers killed her.
According to photographs released by Steven Crowder, the manifesto contains writings about a “Death Day” as well as racist language to describe the shooter’s eventual victims.
The pictures show police vehicles in the background as well as someone wearing protective gloves holding the actual notebook. That would denote that they were taken during the initial stages of the investigation when the manifesto was recovered (perhaps in the shooter’s car at the school).
On one page, Hale used an anti-white slur, writing about her desire to “kill all you little crackers.” In another instance, she complained about those at the school having “white privlages.”
This would seem to confirm that the shooting occurred due to ideological hatred towards the children who attended it. Hale reportedly resented her devout Christian family and the fact that they wouldn’t affirm her “identity” as transgender. The anti-white racism is a new detail, though, and sheds more light on the motive behind the deadly attack.
Also included in the manifesto was a complicated timeline that included her eating breakfast. It’s a small detail, but it stood out in my reading of the document. To schedule something so normal right before going to murder children certainly strikes me as psychotic.
At this point, the question should be asked why this has been kept hidden from the public.
Oh, I think we all already know the answer to that one well enough, thanks: to avert the inevitable wave of “genocidal” attacks perpetrated by marauding hordes of reflexively violent, bigoted ÜberUltraMegaMAGAReichwingNaziDeathBeast insurrectionists against the shitlibs’ Pet Oppressed Minority of the Month. Y’know, like happens time after time to those poor Mooselimbs in the wake of the latest routine bombing, bludgeoning, shooting, stabbing, and/or Mass Sidewalk-Homicide by Stolen Motor Vehicle jihadi outing. Rightly so, too; those Severely Conservative, Trump-licking MFers are some gott-dang scary sumbitches, no joke.
Update! To the surprise of precisely no one, Nashville’s shitlib mayor is duly OUTRAGED!™
Following the leak of the transgender Nashville shooter’s alleged manifesto on Monday morning, Mayor Freddie O’Connell said that the city has launched an investigation into how the images of the writings were released.
“I have directed Wally Dietz, Metro’s Law Director, to initiate an investigation into how these images could have been released. That investigation may involve local, state, and federal authorities. I am deeply concerned with the safety, security, and well-being of the Covenant families and all Nashvillians who are grieving,” O’Connell said in a statement, according to WSMV.
Bonchie says to hell with that noise.
If there was any question about whether the photos released by Crowder were real, this answers them. You don’t start an investigation into the leak of something that doesn’t exist.
Still, it’s odd to see Mayor Freddie O’Connell so upset with the fact that this went public. How does knowing the killer’s state of mind and possible motive put anyone in Nashville at risk? Aubrey Hale is no longer among the living, having been dispatched the day of the shooting.
While the topic is obviously very sensitive, it is fair to ask why those in charge have taken such desperate measures to keep this information out of the public eye. Given that manifestos are very often released in other cases, specifically when the shooters fit a certain profile, why only in this case are things expected to be different? One would be forgiven for suspecting that politics is playing a role in this case.
I can’t think of any legitimate reason why the shooter’s anti-white racism should have been kept a secret for nearly the past year. Even if the authorities wanted to not release the actual wording out of concern for the families involved, the public should have been made aware of the situation with a basic description. Instead, false promises were made in what appears to be an attempt to completely memory-hole the entire ordeal.
Already told ya, B-man: this is the shitlibs’ Pet Oppressed Minority of the Month we’re talking about here. Any evidence suggesting that those healthy, one hundred percent well-adjusted “transgender” Wymrrynnzz Of Penis and/or Chest-Feeding Manwomen might in fact be prone to sudden bouts of anti-social behavior; inexplicable fits of rage, elation, and/or depression; self-inflicted bodily harm; even random acts of violence against others—all those and more induced by their psychological disorder—must be kept scrupulously hidden from the public, lest said public should come to doubt the “liberal” shibboleth proclaiming this pitiably-afflicted sub-sub-minority to be every bit as normal, common, and stable as anyone else.
Why, let this gauzy illusion dissolve into nothingness and there’d be simply no telling what other sacraments of the “liberal” catechism those stupid proles might dare to call into question next. Unrestricted abortion? “Common-sense” gun control? Punitive taxation? Big government? Mandatory EVs? Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™? Affirmative action? Unquestioned obeisance to a sanctioned “expert” class? “Equity,” whatever they mean by that? Stifling of all dissenting opinion? Toxic Masculinity?
Good grief, the entire skein of Rule By “Liberal” could unravel right before our very eyes, the Superstate megalith so painstakingly constructed over many decades be reduced to so much rubble, rack, and ruin. Forbid it, Almighty God! Not that there is one, of course.
Important but seldom mentioned and the ramifications never explored (that I recall seeing): She (“he”) had been taking testosterone therapy as part of her (“his”) transitioning.
Common effects of testosterone on the brain include anger, aggression, violent thoughts, and suicidal thoughts.
Men (real men) are flooded with testosterone their whole lives and most learn to deal with it without killing everyone they see, or themselves.
Transmen (ie, women) who get suddenly flooded with testosterone don’t have the experience of dealing with and suppressing anger and violent or suicidal urges. From what I hear, few women undergoing transitioning are properly monitored or counselled on the effects. If anything, it’s surprising that more transmen don’t go on a murder spree, but I suppose that most who can’t deal with it just commit suicide instead.
Good point