Welcome to Wrist Slap City

Guilty as hell, free as a bird.

FEC Fines Clinton, Dems for Debunked Dossier
The Federal Election Commission fined the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign more than $100,000 for secretly funding opposition research that falsely accused Donald Trump of colluding with Russia.

The commission fined the treasurers of the DNC and Clinton campaign for “misreporting the purpose of certain disbursements” related to the infamous Steele dossier, according to a ruling released on Wednesday. The DNC and Clinton campaign paid more than $1 million in 2016 to fund the dossier project, but labeled the payments as legal expenses. The commission fined the DNC and Clinton campaign $105,000 and $8,000, respectively.

Disgusting, infuriating, absolutely disgraceful. No wonder We The People’s trust and faith in the fundamental integrity of their federal government is draining away faster with every passing day, like dirty dishwater schlurrrping down a brand-new sink drain. How very sad it is to have to admit that—with each fresh outrage against decency, each successive breach of the explicitly-defined boundaries of its Constitutional remit—only an abject imbecile would swallow a single word these audacious vermin vomit forth.

Spells nothing whatsoever hopeful regarding the admittedly way-slim likelihood of seeing Hunter Biden doing the Leg Iron Shuffle, either. Takes the air right out of this, too.

I’m with Morphius here.

SO, then. A lousy hundred grand pried from a rich bitch’s purse, a piffling sum she’ll never even notice is missing, exacted in “punishment” for a manifestly unlawful and consequential offense which William Barr correctly described this way:

Attorney General William Barr said that the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 was “one of the greatest travesties in American history.”

The attorney general told Fox News on April 9 that he is troubled by the findings from the ongoing investigation into the FBI by U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is looking into the origins of the probe as well as what the bureau did after Donald Trump was elected president.

“My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just the mistakes or sloppiness,” Barr told Fox News’s Laura Ingraham. “There was something far more troubling here. We’re going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.”

“What happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history—without any basis, they started this investigation of his campaign,” Barr said.

“And even more concerning, actually, is what happened after the campaign. A whole pattern of events while he was president to sabotage the presidency or at least have the effect of sabotaging the presidency.”

What it was, in truth, was a fucking attempted coup—a for-real case of no-nonsense, full-bore sedition,; raw treason in broad daylight, brazen and unembarrassed, before which the J6 “rioters” can but respectfully bow their heads in awe. Hillary Clinton and her cabal, in collusion with co-conspirators at the highest levels of the US government itself, did in fact plot with foreign nationals to topple a duly-elected and sworn President, nullifying the votes of millions of Americans. It’s an all the more heinous crime because it strikes at the very heart of everything America is supposed to represent, undermining if not outright obliterating the very concept of American self-government for all time. Political crimes just don’t come any more serious than that.

Yet still the witless Swamp creatures persist, studiously hacking away at their own credibility, as if the complete loss of the consent of the governed couldn’t ever have any impact on them. Thou fools. Thou purblind, arrogant fools, to imagine that the time can never come when the American people you’ve wronged over and again will rise up to avenge the long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object you inflicted on them.

Yeah, tell me again all about how important it is that we scrupulously maintain a firm faith in the basic integrity, honesty, and moral probity of the US federal government, whydon’tcha. That one’s my favorite.


The wheels of justice, grinding slowly

But surpassing fine.

In October of 2020, a bombshell report detailing possibly incriminating emails (and generally degenerate behavior) from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden dropped. That report, originally published and expanded on by The New York Post, was relentlessly censored by social media companies and maligned as “Russian disinformation” by the mainstream media and the Biden campaign.

That didn’t stop right-leaning media from digging deeper, and the revelations were stunning, including Hunter Biden making $80,000 a month from a Ukrainian oil company and receiving a $2 million “retainer” to sell influence to the Libyan government. His dealings with China were also extensive and at the very least, seemed to cross into the realm of criminal FARA violations. To this day, Hunter Biden has yet to fully divest from his partial stake in a Chinese-controlled venture capital firm.

Still, all of that has been known for a long time, yet the media’s response has been to completely ignore suppress it while the Biden administration has continued to lie about the origins of the emails. That was, until the last few weeks.

Fixed it for ya.

Suddenly, for no reason whatsoever I’m assured, the liberal news industry, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, decided to “confirm” admit all the reporting we already knew was true. Further, the Post’s write-up goes so far as to detail some of Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings, specifically regarding the Chinese. That’s quite the about-face.

Fixed it for ya again.

We should be asking ourselves why the Times, the Post, etc. just walked through the door with a six-pack and their dancing shoes on. Nothing, and I mean nothing that is harmful to a major Democrat gets printed by accident. There is always an underlying reason why a report gets made at the time it does, especially when we are talking about a story that was previously suppressed.

So what’s going on here?

My guess is that the hidden Power behind the DC throne has decided, for reasons we’ll never know, that it’s just about time to cut the drooling retard Biden’s strings to replace him with another, less laughable marionette as frontman for their ongoing charade. Either that, or Praetorian Media suspects that, their stifling of the Biden laptop story having passed its sell-by date, the whole sordid affair is about to come out whether they will or they nil. So they badly need to find some way, somehow, to hang onto whatever gossamer-thin tatters of credibility they have left by getting out ahead of it. That seems to be where Bonchie is placing his bet:

I think one only has to look at the media’s history to see a pattern when it comes to harmful revelations about Democrat figures. When reports start coming out that simultaneously make major admissions but still attempt to white-wash what’s happening, that’s usually because forces within the government are leaking information in order to get out in front of a story and preset the narrative.

The Times and the Post reported on the Carter Page FISA abuse, but only after it became clear much more was about to come out showing the FBI’s abuse of power. The Times and the Post reported on John Durham indicting Michael Sussmann, but only as a way to suggest the indictment was weak. When the actual indictment dropped, it was far worse than described.

Do you see what I mean? Something big is coming regarding the corruption surrounding Hunter Biden (and possibly his father). That’s why we are getting these reports right now, and that’s why those privy to the FBI investigation into Joe Biden’s son are suddenly leaking like crazy. They want to set the narrative before it becomes apparent just how bad things truly were. That means you can take the Post’s newest report and assume it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

All fine and well, but don’t let’s be counting any chickens as to whether Hunter might actually do time for his serial criminality—much less his senile, corrupt-to-the-marrow dad. All I have to say about THAT is, I’ll believe it when I see it. Also, harrumph.

As counter to my usual cynical suspicion, however, the Bidengate plot is definitely thickening.

On Monday, two Republican members of the United States Senate revealed evidence that Joe Biden’s son Hunter received payments of at least $100,000 from Chinese oligarchs.

As reported by Fox News, Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) took to the floor of the Senate to provide a receipt for a payment of $100,000 from the Chinese energy company CEFC to Wells Fargo Clearing Services, with “further credit” being paid to Hunter Biden’s firm Owasco.

In his speech from the Senate floor, Johnson criticized the mainstream media’s efforts to deliberately cover up Hunter Biden’s numerous scandals.

“Over the course of our investigation into how Hunter Biden used his father’s position and name to enrich himself and his family,” Johnson said on Monday, “the dishonest press published countless stories reporting on the Democrats’ false charge that we were soliciting and disseminating Russian disinformation.”

Mo’ bettah still—but not for Grifter Gropey and his seedy spawn.

On Tuesday, The Federalist reported that two GOP senators, Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, released actual receipts of payments Hunter Biden received from foreign oligarchs that indicate “the extent to which President Biden might be — and almost certainly is — compromised.”

“There’s no middle man in this transaction. This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden,” Grassley said from the Senate floor on Monday. “To the liberal media and my Democratic colleagues: Is this official bank document Russian disinformation?”

Don’t you get it yet, Chuck? To the sleazy, scummy Left, it’s anything they need it to be, or nothing at all. Whatever advances the agenda another step down the road to Marxist utopia and unchecked, limitless power, that’s all that matters here.

Update! A NY Post deep dive into the corrupt Biden Family’s criminal connections to Chinese espionage agents, from last January.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.

In 2018, I was the first to report on Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). Hunter even introduced his dad to a company executive in December 2013 when father and son flew to Beijing on Air Force Two.

In October 2019, Hunter Biden’s lawyer George Mesires said Hunter would be resigning from the BHR board, without receiving any return on his investment or shareholder distributions.

What Team Biden failed to address was the fact that Hunter Biden still owned a stake in the investment fund, said to be 10%.

When I first reported on Hunter Biden’s China ties in 2018, Team Biden denied that they existed. Then they absurdly claimed that his stake in the BHR investment fund was only $420,000.

Steven Kaplan, who conducts research on issues in private equity, venture capital, entrepreneurial finance, corporate governance and corporate finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, said a private equity fund with $2 billion under management will typically generate fees over its life of hundreds of millions of dollars.

“It is difficult to imagine, if not incomprehensible, that a 10% stake in those economics is worth only $420K,” Kaplan said via email. “The distinction they appear to be making is they capitalized the management company with $4.2M even if the fund manages $2B. The value of that management company is likely far in excess of $4.2M if they are managing $2B.”

Much, much, MUCH more follows before landing us here:

These deals are disturbing enough, and are exacerbated by the fact that every one of them was made possible by an individual with ties that sometimes went to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.

But there is also the curious fact that in 2014, Hunter Biden took the unusual step of telling the Secret Service that he did not want protection when he traveled overseas. The request happened shortly after he began securing deals in Beijing.

Money that Hunter Biden received from his overseas deals flowed to other members of the Biden family.

Joe Biden’s brother James  received over $1 million originating from the spy-connected Ye, according to a US Senate investigation.

And Joe Biden benefited, too.

Well, of course he did. Lest we forget, another scrupulously-ignored news item gives the memory a gentle nudge.

Bombshell: Emails show Hunter, Joe Biden shared bank accounts, could drag him into Hunter’s FBI tax probe
WASHINGTON, DC- A blockbuster report by the Daily Mail is reporting that the current occupant of the Oval Office (when he’s not in the fake set across the street) Joe Biden may soon become caught up in the FBI’s probe into Hunter Biden’s finances, according to some experts.

Emails obtained by the Daily Mail gleaned from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show that Joe and Hunter Biden not only shared bank accounts, but also paid each other’s bills. The report also notes that Joe Biden may have in fact contributed to funding Hunter’s 2018 prostitution and drug binge, albeit inadvertently.

The emails, between Hunter and his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, Eric Schwerin revealed the latter was working on Joe Biden’s taxes, showed discussions revealing the Biden’s paid each other’s household bills, fielded requests for a book deal for Joe Biden, then serving as vice president, and also the donation of Biden’s papers from his time as Senator to the University of Delaware.

The emails raised some questions as to why Schwerin was so involved in Joe Biden’s affairs as vice president as opposed to government officials assigned to the vice-president’s office.

The claims made by Hunter of a shared bank account with his father also begs the question if the funds from that joint account were used for Hunter Biden’s May 2018 bender with a prostitute in a Hollywood hotel, the Mail piece reported.

The existence of a federal investigation into his tax affairs was admitted by Hunter Biden himself last December.

Of course all of this also calls into question claims that Joe Biden had made that he had no knowledge of his son Hunter’s business dealings, an important claim because Joe Biden used that as an excuse claiming no quid pro quo in Hunter’s membership on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company whose CEO was being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor.

One expert says that if Joe Biden were not currently president a Democrat he would likely already be on the prosecutor’s radar by now, along with Hunter. So says John Cassara, a former U.S. intelligence officer and treasury special agent, an expert in money laundering investigations.

“Corruption is a predicate offense for money laundering. And besides corruption, it’s the perception of corruption. This kind of thing should not be happening. It undermines full faith in the US government. It undermines trust and our international reputation. It’s an embarrassment.”

As well it should be, to any of us with a shred of integrity and a functional moral compass. Which would most certainly NOT include any of the Biden clan, a family of crooked blood-ticks who have miraculously become filthy rich on a US Senator’s relatively-measly salary (174k, as of last year).


American “election” reform? Don’t make me laugh.

OUTRAGE: To Date Not One Single Independent, Objective and Complete Audit of Dominion Voting Machines Used in the 2020 Election Has Taken Place

Gee, how very shocking and unforeseeable. Never saw that coming, nosirreebob.

Dominion voting machines were used across the country in the 2020 election, not in all states but in many. But these machines have not been completely audited by independent and objective experts at any location since the 2020 Election.

To good Americans, it is outrageous that the Dominion machines have not been completely audited by objective and independent auditors or investigators. It’s high time that this takes place.

Unfortunately, there’s far too few of us left to make it hpppen.

The whole “election” brouhaha is so sleep-inducing at this point it’s now the most powerful and effective anti-insomnia drug since Sominex. The only remotely interesting aspects left at this point, at least for me, are what time blue-state vote-tallying will be shut down this time; what laughable, credulity-reaming excuse they’ll offer for doing so; and how long will Leftymedia wait before jumping in with both boots to pooh-pooh even the most lackadaisical suggestion that hey, the “election” just might, just maybe, just possibly may not have been strictly on the up and up as merely the booze-fed raving of conspiracy-mongering cranks, paranoiacs, terrorists, and wild-eyed insurrectionists seeking to topple the government of Our Sacred Democracy, each and every one of whom of right ought to be summarily hanged without benefit of trial for their treason.

And then we’ll all just calm the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and get the fuck back to business as usual again. Y’know, just like the last time the Demonrats brazenly and audaciously yanked an election right out from under our feet, thumbed their nose at us, and then skated away clean as a whistle, with Official Authority at every level unabashedly proclaiming No Harm, No Foul, No Fiurther Questions, Thanks. Hell, this time around we’ll probably have become so inured to the swindle there won’t be even one hopeless hail-Mary lawsuit filed, I betcher. The Citadel of Democracy will remain safe, sacrosanct, and undefiled this time. There will be no Congresscreatures crouching under tables, hiding from their despised constituents and sweating copiously in fear for their lives. No bumbling Keystone Kapital Kops Korps butterbar looey will feel it necessary to murder an innocent, unarmed, and entirely harmless female citizen in cold blood.

On the brighter side of the whole mess, Offissa Pup will not be honored this time with an official proclamation of weak-kneed gratitude from shamefaced government officials, complete with the obligatory Scroll of Heroism, dewy-eyed praise of his boundless courage in the swift and sure adminstration of Justice, By God! sung in every corner of a supportive “news” media, a cooperative commentariat, and both wings of a complicit Uniparty establishment. EVERY corner, so as to be sure no Joe Sixpack lunkhead, the intellectually-dull sort of oaf who might be relied upon to be in agreement with those murderous Jan 6 radicals, will miss the point.

The resultant stench rising off this Swampy shitfling will be foul beyond enduring. So we have THAT to look forward to, I guess.

Update! I’ve argued before a couple-three times that the only way to minimize vote fraud and meaningfully reform our elections, here or anywhere, is actually quite simple:

  1. Use ONLY paper ballots, marked and counted by hand
  2. Vote ONLY on election day
  3. Require valid ID and proof of voter registration
  4. Voter MUST present himself bodily at his designated polling station—mail-in ballots limited strictly to military personnel, diplomats and emnbassy staff, and people abroad for business purposes, in a strictly-enforced and brief timeframe
  5. Election observers MUST be present—FROM ALL PARTIES— at polling places and, later, at counting stations, allowed unfettered access for close observation of all procedures, personnel, and materials
  6. NO electronic voting or counting machines—NONE, EVER
  7. After voting, participants will receive an indelible mark on their thumb comfirming they’d already cast their ballot, disqualifying them from doing so again

Of course, none of that will work unless and until the Democrat Party (slogan: Election Thievery Since Boss Tweed!) is destroyed utterly, the earth under its mortal remains salted, scorched, and sanctified by a qualified priest or exorcist. It’s long been my opinion that, when it comes to elections, technology is NOT our friend; the old, tested and true methods are best.

Looks like I might have to rethink that opinion.

You may not yet have heard about the brilliance of Redo Voting, but it’s the latest rage in Washington, D.C. Everyone is talking about it.
You’ve heard a lot about “chain of custody” problems in the 2020 election. With Redo Voting, chain of custody is no longer an issue. It is 100% guaranteed from the printer right through exhaustion of post-election excuses. You cast your vote on a secure .gov domain website, and no one but you touches your ballot.

It can be used to vote in person or from anywhere on the planet. Here is how that aspect works:
You get a scratch-off “ballot” (again, based on the same technology as a lottery scratch-off ticket) from any retail store, scratch it, and scan the QR code underneath with your phone (you can also enter the info into your home computer browser).

  • Your browser is then directed to a website.
  • Eligible registered voters cast their votes.
  • The vote is private, secure, and sent directly to a secure database. It cannot be altered or deleted.

When voting is closed, the secretary of State applies a decryption key to the repository and tallies the votes in seconds. She/he can give the key to anyone who wants to see the results (including voters). The tallies can’t be altered.

After a quick scan of the article, I haven’t been able to find a reason to object. It’s a clever melding of old ideas and new tech, and it looks pretty damned good to me. Read the whole thing, it’ll brighten your whole day.


System of spoilage

How to drain a Swamp.

Virtually all Americans believed, until the inauguration of Donald Trump as president on January 20, 2017, that when someone became president, he could begin to implement his agenda. Certainly Old Joe Biden’s handlers have done so with a vengeance since they took over; but when Trump became president, he immediately began to encounter resistance from entrenched members of the government bureaucracy who refused to do as he ordered. Some worked actively against Trump, while the establishment media assured us that these self-appointed “deep state” saboteurs were the courageous guardians of “our democracy.” At his South Carolina rally Saturday night, Trump continued to tease a 2024 run and made a new promise about how he would break the power of the unelected “deep state.”

“We will pass critical reforms,” Trump said, “making every executive branch employee fireable by the president of the United States. The deep state must and will be brought to heel.”

It’s a commonsensical solution, as Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance pointed out. “Everyone is losing their mind about this, but I’ve been calling for it at every town hall I do. Either the president controls the executive branch or he doesn’t. If he doesn’t, we don’t live in a Republic, we live in a civil service driven oligarchy.”

Ummm, hate to be the one to have to tell ya and all, JD, but…

Quite so. And although the “deep state” only came to the attention of most Americans over the last few years, the controversy over the hiring and firing of civil service employees is one of the oldest controversies of the republic. As Rating America’s Presidents explains, Andrew Jackson was elected president in 1828 on promises to end the hegemony of a privileged aristocracy, and, to drain that swamp, he would need his own men in key positions. He removed a large number of civil service employees and replaced them with men of his own faction, which came to be known as the Democracy, or Democratic Party. This came to be known as the spoils system, after the old adage “To the victor belong the spoils.”

The spoils system essentially died with the assassination of President James A. Garfield in 1881. Garfield believed that the spoils system was an unending source of government corruption and pushed for measures that would end it, only to be shot by a man who publicly proclaimed that he was doing so because he belonged to the faction of the Republican party, the Stalwarts, that supported the spoils system. Garfield’s successor, Chester Arthur, was a Stalwart, but he demonstrated immense personal courage and honor in choosing to carry out the wishes of his slain predecessor rather than implement his own contrary agenda. His decision to do this effectively ended his political career, as he almost certainly knew it would, and yet he stood firm.

Can anyone even imagine a modern ProPol sacrificing his almighty DC sinecure solely on principle? Oh HELL no. America was indeed a very different country then, and Americans were very different people.

The proponents of civil service reform never envisioned a situation in which unelected and unaccountable opponents of a sitting president in the FBI, the Justice Department, and elsewhere would be determined to destroy the president — or at the very least make it impossible for him to carry out his policies — and could not be removed from their jobs because of civil service regulations.

Wouldn’t government work more smoothly, and the executive branch be able to operate more effectively in the way the Founding Fathers envisioned it would, if the president were able to clear out the employees of these agencies who opposed him and replace them with people more in line with his vision?

The spoils system has no defenders today, and has had none for over a century. It should have more. Trump is on the right track.

Perhaps, perhaps. However, that Swamp creatures were willing to do murder to preserve their spoils-system perks and privileges all thE way back in 1881 probably tells you all you need to know about just how likely Trump’s proposal really is to ever see the light of day today. There’s no indication that Swamp critters have moderated their determination to defend their prized Ruling Class status, not that I’ve ever seen. Anybody truly serious about ending the spoils system of legalized graft and corruption had best be prepared to commit violence in the attempt; it’s a lead-pipe cinch they’ll have plenty of it visited upon them by those who hope to thwart any meaningful reform.

Blowback for Brandon

Hey, if the shoe fits…which, y’know, it does.

BREAKING: Laid-off Keystone XL pipeline workers BLAST Joe Biden for LYING about American oil production

Laid-off Keystone XL pipeline workers had choice words for President Joe Biden in a Fox News segment Saturday. Focusing on soaring gas prices across America, the segment included interviews with a group of laid-off workers.

“We should be able to sustain ourselves and not depend on other nations raising their price and then affect us. That shouldn’t even be in the question,” one worker told Fox News.

The Fox News reporter then asked: “If we want to get the price of gas down right now, we want to drop the price of gas, what do we need to do right now?”

“Put us to work right now. And you will see not only the fuel prices go down, but you will see the price of everything else go down with it,” the worker replied.

Workers then turned attention to Biden. “He’s pushing for solar and wind power, but it’s been proven over and over, that’s just not as efficient as burning natural gas, refining crude.” Another worked continued, saying: “We are sick of hearing, ‘This is Putin’s price hike.'”

Plenty more where that came from—every word a gem, every word the plain and simple 24-karat truth, the most salient insight helpfully emphasized above by moi. Brandon and his co-conspirators should be made to own their intentional sabotage of American energy independence, though. After all, it’s not as if they haven’t lectured, hectored, and pimped their silly, emasculated electric toy “cars”—along with the whole kit and kaboodle of their obsolete and unworkable “sustainable energy” folderol—long enough for everyone to know their true colors by now: Green, and Red.

It’s not as if they don’t realize the damage their lunatic jihad against fossil fuels—the most efficient, reliable, easily-gleaned and -managed energy source there is as of right this minute, the only one even remotely capable of powering a robust industrial economy—has and will do to the US, its economy, and ordinary Americans, mind. They know full well. It’s just that they don’t give a flying fuck at a plate-glass window about it, that’s all. At this point, they appear to have lost all patience, abandoned the gauzy illusion of logical persuasion and fair debate, and have moved on to openly waging economic war against the legitimate interests of the nation and her people—a most cruel and abominable war indeed.

Alas, but this is who they are. This iswhat they do. For the Left, the Almighty Agenda—raw, untrammeled power and control—always and forever comes first, overriding all other concerns. T’was ever thus, or nearly so. The last honest, honorable, and sincerely patriotic Democrat expired along with JFK or thereabouts, leaving us with the bizarre degenerates we’re saddled with at present. The modern bumper crop of amoral, hedonistic Democrats are an affliction, a cancer, one that must be excised completely, by whatever means necessary, if the body politic is ever to be restored to some semblance of health. Mike Walsh knows the scoremostly.

A specter is haunting America—the specter of the Democrat Party. Like an evil spirit that cannot be exorcised, the Democrats have been plaguing the United States since Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804. Ferociously pro-slavery, the Democrats divided the country practically from its inception, blocked the path to abolition and eventually took up arms against the nation after the election of the first Republican president, firing on Fort Sumter and seceding en masse from the Union. And, a week after they had lost that war, one of them assassinated Abraham Lincoln, elevating a Democrat from a Confederate state to the presidency, and plunging the country into more needless turmoil.

With a track record like this it’s a wonder the party is even still legal.

It really shouldn’t oughta be, and I mean that with every fibre of my being, literally and sincerely. No nation-state with the least regard for its own legitimacy is in any way obligated to tolerate the existence of a powerful political party flatly sworn to undermine, weaken, and injure said nation-state, even as it is diligently beavering away at that self-same project. As for the tyrannies, look to history to provide numerous examples of just how forgiving a dictator and/or ruling cabal usually is when it comes to clutching national parties fomenting unrest and insurrection fondly to its bosom, allowing them to carry on unmolested.

Hell, in those places you’re liable to the get the chop merely for walking around in public view with the smallest, most respectful and innocuous protest sign conceivable hoisted over your shoulder. Anything more radical than the most obsequious and Milquetoast-ian dissent, and the State’s bullyboys will fall on your doomed head like a crap-ton of sizeable rocks. Won’t be no dragging of the feet about the matter, either. The absolute least such an igner’nt fool can anticipate is to wake up next morning chained to a wall of a damp, noisome cell enjoying a ferocious headache; a seriously split lip; a whole passel of fresh new aches, pains, and deep-purple bruising scattered about his body; and little to no memory of how he got himself into this sorry state.

Make no mistake: rhe more strident you wax in your political agitation, the worse things are going to get for you. Count on it. Far better to just keep your lip zipped; walk with a bit of a stoop and a shuffle, no hint of any confident strut showing through; accept whatever Authority gives you without question or complaint; and make sure you’re always securely tucked into the middle of a crowd of other people, safely out of easy sight whenever you’re out and about, and you’ll be all right. Probably. Think “grey, ordinary, bland” so hard you actually project that image bodily, so that the aura of your shy, harmless nature rises off of you in visible waves.

For more on this, you want to take a leisurely stroll through the indispensable Julie Kelly’s AmGreat Jan 6 “riot” archive. These columns are an unflinching examination at the mid-to-late stages of America’s godawful descent from more-or-less proper governance into Tyranny Most Dire, vital material for anyone with a stomach strong enough to handle them. It’s dismal, ugly stuff, trust me it is—achingly painful reading for any poor naif still clinging to the battered belief in the ongoing existence of his cherished but long-extinct Republic, however far afield it may have strayed from the golden dreams of its Founders. Be sure you have a fifth of something stout handy when you do this. Trust me, you’re going to need it.

And yet, after the bloodiest war in our history—and with a sizable component of “peace Democrats” in the North actively rooting and voting against Lincoln in the election of 1864 while supporting his opponent: the failed Union general George McClellan—they’re still around to plague us. It wasn’t until the arrival of Ulysses S. Grant as commander of all the Union armies in 1864 that Honest Abe found the right man for the job: someone who would mercilessly crush the life out of the Democrats and their armies, destroy slavery, and reunite the states.

The midterms are still eight months away but Real America is crying out for succor right now.

Well, DUH. They’re worried, they’re out of work, the grocery-store pickin’s are mighty slim. Which is no real issue anyhow: even if there WAS food on those shelves like in the Goode Olde Days of yore, they couldn’t afford to buy any thanks to Bidenflation. Certainly, a few gallons of gas for the drive over is WAY out of reach. For the first time since the Great Depression, Americans are confronting real deprivation and want, after long luxuriating in the plenitude created by the system they passively watched being ruined a-purpose, when they weren’t actively helping destroy it. Worse, as I’ve said before, this is only the beginning of our national nightmare. When it will end, IF it will end, is known only to God Himself.

I only wish I could believe that this planned disaster, with its concomitant needless suffering, would be enough for Americans to finally and fully understand what the bitter, toxic fruits of Demonrat rule have been for nigh on a century, and to firmly decide they don’t want anything more to do with the lousy bastards. If the howling hell-storm now unfurling all around us finishes the criminal conspiracy masquerading as a political party for good, erasing all traces of their malignant misrule forever, I’d consider it well worth the suffering. Sorry, but I can’t.

Hoping that their Uniparty partners-in-crime might be taken down along with the Dems is just bugfiucknuts. Oh, I suppose it’s barely&mdas;BARELY—possible, sure. But it’s wildly, grotesquely improbable. Nobody should waste any time fantasizing about it, lest such useless woolgathering obscure or distract us from the arduous real-world work required to actually get the thing done.

Gasoline, home heating oil, electricity, natural gas—the prices continue to soar, already past the point of recent plausibility and heading into economic terra incognita. Millions of illegal aliens pour across the nearly erased southern border. A befuddled Joe Biden threatens to sleepwalk us into an armed conflict with the ghost of the old Soviet Union in the form of Vladimir Putin’s Russia, and disinformation is rife on both sides of the conflict in the Ukraine. In a parliamentary system, Biden’s government would have fallen right after the debacle in Afghanistan—but barring a miracle we’ve got another three years to suffer.

For just over a year, Americans have watched with admirable patience as their economy collapsed, their legal system was perverted to serve the interests of a few, their nation’s military degraded, and their freedom of speech subverted via the government’s fascistic and unconstitutional co-opting of the social media sites. Meanwhile, woke corporations and a thoroughly compromised media crack down on the commercial and personal privacy of anybody that runs afoul of the New Normal while manic Greens demand a return to the days of three-masted schooners and windmills. Such relentless cultural and economic sabotage would be considered an act of war if done by anyone else—but here it goes by the fellow-traveler names of “dissent,” “patriotism,” and “progressivism.”

Walsh goes on from there to lob a few undeserved stinkbombs at Trump as if he was still at all relevant, and then this:

The other is Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Smart, pugnacious, and unflappable, DeSantis has emerged as the chief thorn in Joe Biden and the Left’s side. After his narrow win over a guy who was later found dead drunk in a Miami Beach hotel room he was sharing with a gay porn producer who had overdosed on crystal meth, DeSantis has cemented his hold on the former swing state, turning it solid red. Unlike Trump, who at the moment is powerless, the squeaky-clean DeSantis upstages Biden and the Democrats on a regular basis; his canny and unflappable handling of the “pandemic” has given rise to a new nickname for the Sunshine State: the Free State of Florida.

DeSantis, 43, can make no public noises about seeking the presidency at this point. He must get past his re-election for governor in the fall first and hope the voters rally to take back control of Congress from the narrowest-of-narrow Democrat majorities. With his wife, Casey, now seemingly recovered from a bout with cancer, he is sitting pretty.

It’s widely thought that if Trump declares, DeSantis will wait his turn in 2028. But why should he spend four years on ice behind a lightning rod with no further political future? Polls already show him creeping up on Trump and a smashing re-election victory will only gain him more prominence. Lots can happen in three years, especially when his possible primary opponent is getting on in years. After Biden, will America want another geriatric president? Or will the voters prefer a guy 32 years younger, with nothing but upside?

I hope and pray he stays on in Florida instead. DeSantis can render the remaining handful of non-authoritarian fragments of what was once the great American republic far greater service there than in Mordor On The Potomac, where the Deep State’s legions of orcs, trolls, and winged Nazgul will rip him to bloody gobbets of raw meat as they did Trump.

Sorry, Mike, but there really, truly is no voting our way out of this. However it comes about, something far more direct, proactive, and potent than toodling on over to the local polling place to cast a meaningless ballot in a systemically corrupt “election” is gonna be required of us. Possibly, a way may yet be found short of actual, violent revolution against the bloated, evil Federal Leviathan. We should all pray for that. But it WILL involve some level of violent upheaval, of that I’m certain. The yawning divide between us is simply unbridgeable to allow for anything less, and unless and until the Left’s marrow-deep megalomania is well and truly extinguished the conflict will rage on, even intensify.

For my own part, I find myself losing interest more and more in national politics and the DC doings. After all we’ve witnessed since Inauguration Day 2016, the DC charade and rot so gallantly exposed by Trump has left me largely indifferent as to who might be installed in the now-tainted White House as figurehead-of-state, beyond whatever entertainment value one can derive from it. Our self-declared Masters are gonna do what they’re gonna do regardless, leaving the workaday schlubs to pay the freight for their disastrously inept folly as per usual. Until they’ve been thrown off, by hook or by crook, there really isn’t a whole lot for the little guy to do other than just grin and bear it.

Update! More on Brandon’s wholly-intentional and pre-planned fuel-price assault on America.

Nonprofit food deliveries concerned cost of gas could price out volunteer drivers
It’s never been more expensive for volunteer food drivers to make deliveries for nonprofits. The cost of gas in Georgia is more than $4 per gallon, an all-time high.

Meals on Wheels volunteer driver Sal Depasquale brings food to 89-year-old Frances Crowder once a week.

“He’s always on time,” Crowder said. “Oh boy, I don’t know what we’d do without Mr. Sal.”

Inserted betwixt the above paragraph and the next one, we find one of those ubiquitous clickbait links to another related article, which I found modestly amusing:


Gratifying to see this hapless liar floundering so desperately, innit? Allow me to translate Dopey Gropey’s usual ham-fisted prevarication into Truth:

  • Say not “can’t,” Gropey. Say “won’t,” or if that doesn’t suffice to keep the risible, pathetic attempt at deception semi-viable and your lying ass covered, try “have no desire to” instead.
    • Okay, the closing schnauzer-slodder is getting quite damned stale at this point. After so many years watching you blaggards fellate your beloved USSR, all dewy-eyed and face lovingly aflush as you were gratingly demanding the US hew closely to its horrid example, later compounded by your latest beloved candidate for Token First Female President’s use of the Rooskies to underhandedly, illegally, even treasonously slither her way into the White House, your sudden volte face into frothing hatred for all things Russia and/or Putin has a distinctly malodorous aroma wafting from it. As for Putin himself, I just can’t make myself jump into those waters along with everybody and his sister’s cat’s grandmother, seemingly. Yes, yes, yes: dictator, strongman, warlord, thug—got it, granted, so stipulated. So what the bloody deuce did y’all expect from Russia, anyway? I mean, it’s Russia, ferchrissake. Throughout its history, whenever they’ve slipped up and allowed somebody who really WASN’T one or all of those things to take power as head of state, they’ve bestirred themselves to correct the error toot sweet. I do heartily disapprove of his jumping poor Poland, yes; I would much prefer the valiant, indomitable, and admirable Poles to remain free and independent. But is there a soul so innocent and/or oblivious as to have been at all surprised by it?

      His deplorable Ukraine incursion aside, though, which I’m confident will be undone sooner rather than later, I must confess I’m just a wee mite fond of Putin. His sneering, openly-expressed contempt for President Mommy Jeans I thoroughly enjoyed; his proud basking in traditional masculinity and its multitude of related sins, with none of the obllgatory genuflecting and fashionable groveling towards the LGBTQIXN39Whatthefuckever herd-orthodoxy I find refreshing. He’s something of a throwback to an earlier era, a more clear, natural, and honest age. I must say, if the choice was offered of either Putin or the decrepit bleeding hemorrhoid we’re suffering under now as the US president, I’d take the unevolved Rooskie trog any day of the week, and twice on Sundays. We could use a strong, no-bullshit leader like ol’ Vlad right about now, I think.

In any event, Brandon’s odd reflex to blame anything and everything on Russia has not a thing to do with reality and everything to do with Gropey’s will to somehow survive politically, to stanch the copious bleeding of his innumerable self-inflicted wounds. But enough of that, back to the original topic we go.

Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit food delivery service. Depasquale has been a volunteer driver for more than 10 years. 

“It’s a valuable service, and it helps people who need help,” Depasquale said.

It’s never been more expensive for drivers to make deliveries. The cost of gas in Georgia is more than $4 per gallon, an all-time high. Depasquale makes three or four deliveries every week. He’s concerned if prices continue to skyrocket, volunteer drivers like him will drop out. This could dramatically increase his workload and pain at the pump.

Cross Services, Meals on Wheels’s parent company, is watching gas prices around the country. The company still has enough drivers to make deliveries, but are afraid that could change if prices stay this high.

“Hopefully we’ll retain them,” said Cross Services Senior Services Coordinator Mary Jo Buettner. “But, again it depends on how long that price of gas stays up so high and keeps going up.”

As long as Democrats are in charge, be assured that that is precisely what they’ll do. For them, this situation is no disaster, no terrible problem that must be remedied. It represehts the successful implementation of a long-standing policy goal—a win, not a loss or mistake. The misery will not just continue, but increase…until they have been removed from power. Far from being complex or difficult to understand, it really is just that simple, folks.

Want to Make America Great Again, Heritage Americans in flyover country, small towns, and suburban enclaves? You have to Make Democrats Afraid Again, then see to it they stay that way. Like it or not, it’s the only way; nothing less will do the trick.

A final note: my brother tells me that his conversations with other truckers indicate that, should diesel passe the five-dollar/gallon mark, a large number of his fellow independents and owner/operators intend to shut ’em down. They’ll do it too; they’ll have to, they won’t have any choice in the matter. My brother his own self is near that point already; he told me the other day that his every-other-day fillup, formerly around 250 to 300 dollars, cost him well over eight hundred bucks last time. No business can go on hemorrhaging that kind of money for very long before quickly bleeding out. Think the huge truck-driver shortage, a genuinely dangerous situation, couldn’t possibly get much worse than it already is? Think the price of every good, every commodity, can’t keep rising so insanely? Think this is a crisis we’re in now? Just you wait until thousands more trucks, the lifeblood of our economy, have been taken off the road for good.

Again: only the beginning, now unstoppable, needless and nonsensical. All of it, every last bit, a man-caused disaster created entirely and intentionally by Leftard Democrats, for nefarious purposes. That’s the long and the short of it. I won’t be lending my endorsement by participating further in American “elections,” as if they were above-board and credible, thereby granting tacit, open-ended license to my oppressors to do as they please, rather than the bread-and-circuses theatrical distraction they in fact are. But I do wish someone who feels differently about it would sit down and explain to me how ANY decent, reasonably intelligent and informed adult—seeing all that we’ve seen, knowing all that we know, at least nominally awake and of sound mind generally—could even hypothetically justify voting for a Democrat, ever.

And yet.

Where such people are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes, when I’m in a twee coffee bar or near a spontaneous drum circle, I can feel them.

The mind, it boggles.


“When the law-givers ignore the law, is there any obligation to obey the law-givers?”

No, there most certainly is not. At that point, there is but one duty or obligation laid upon the true Patriot: to throw off his oppressors; to dismantle the structural mechanisms of tyrannical rule to the last nut, bolt, and cog; and to take all necessary steps to see that the tyrant’s malign influence is scoured from the land he wilfully betrayed and besmirched.

This question arises in the wake of the Biden regime – the right word, as it conveys the fundamental essence of the thing, as in capo regime…as in gang of thugs – announcing it doesn’t give a tinker’s damn for the recent  federal court stay of its order to private employers of 100 or more to require all employees submit to the Jab – else be Jabbed, themselves, with extortionate fines applied by OSHA.

Which lacks lawful jurisdiction to decree such a thing.

Well, the Fifth Circuit of Appeals – which is a court and a federal one, at that – with legal/constitutional authority to bind the power of the federal government – issued a stay.

Which means that the Jabs cannot lawfully be required – or the fines applied – until after due process of law has elaborated.

Full stop. For now, at least.

This is the way it once worked when this country was governed by laws.

The very bad precedent of executives ordering has of course been around for some time; it predates the Biden regime.

It made possible this regime’s executive ordering.

But – until now – no executive in modern times has ordered in defiance of a federal court order.

That being something very arguably impeachable.

Something that arguably calls for more.

Boy, does it ever. In fact, the situation calls for nothing short of extreme measures in response—the most extreme measures possible, with no action, tool, or tactic ruled unfair or out of bounds. But while we await the squaring of shoulders, steeling of spines, and firming of resolve that precedes every battle, this might be a decent enough first step.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called state legislators to come together next week for a special session to consider several proposals that push back against Biden’s authoritarian COVID-19 vaccine mandates for workers and employers.

The main piece of legislation being weighed is a proposal to decide whether the state should withdraw itself from the partisan oversight of Biden’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The measure was introduced earlier this month and sponsored by Republicans Sen. Travis Hutson and Rep. Ardian Zika after OSHA had finally issued its Emergency Temporary Standard relating to Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 employees or more.

The Republicans hold the majority in both chambers of the Florida state legislature, so it looks likely that the proposal will pass easily. The GOP leaders of both the House and Senate have even already indicated that they intend to kick OSHA’s authority to the curb.

In a statement to an outfit called the News Service of Florida, House Speaker Chris Sprowls laid it all out bluntly.

“If OSHA, the Department of Labor and OSHA, is going to be weaponized as a way to hold hostage businesses throughout the state of Florida, no problem. We want a different plan.

We want out of OSHA. We’ll submit our own regulatory authority and say goodbye to the federal government.”

You may think such maneuvering a waste of time, a stall, or a half-measure; you may very well be right about that, too. The legal process for “separating from OSHA” will undoubtedly be interminable, taking years to unfold in the admittedly iffy event it’s allowed to move forward at all. But I gotta say, that last sentence gave me goosebumps just the same. And there’s more.

The separation from OSHA may not be completed anytime before Biden’s mandate for businesses kicks in on January 4th, but the legislation’s special session will also decide on several other proposals that will provide robust protections for workers and businesses against Biden’s crippling federal overreach.

Some of the other proposals that will be discussed by lawmakers next week include: preventing government employees from being forced into vaccination, requiring employers to allow vaccine exemptions for workers, prohibiting the state’s surgeon general from forcing anyone to get vaccinated against their wishes, giving parents the sole authority over vaccination status and mask-wearing by their children in schools, and giving workers the ability to sue over vaccine mandates, among other important measures.

Florida’s legislature – thanks to decisive action by Governor DeSantis to call a special session—is demonstrating to the rest of the republican states in the nation that they are taking the fight against Biden’s federal overreach extremely seriously – they have already been right about resisting lockdowns and other authoritarian measures to limit the spread of the virus – and now they are leading the way once again in the fight against the federal mandates.

How many other states will follow suit?

Well, that really is the question now, ain’t it? One way or the other, for better or for worse, we’ll soon find out.


Solid brass

Remember the other night, when I said that Field Marshall Lt Major Brigadier Superduper Obergruppenfuhrer His Most Awesome Almightiness Millicent’s several acts of treason, insubordination, and subversion, among various other heinous transgressions, were “the very textbook definition of ‘overstepping his authority'”? Well, today we had a live demonstration of the very textbook definition of the word “chutzpah.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley released a statement through a spokesman that confirmed the reporting in the new book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa that stated Milley had two conversations with his counterpart in the Chinese military that undermined President Trump and also a meeting Milley had with military leaders to insert himself into the nuclear launch command to subvert Trump’s authority as commander-in-chief after the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

Statement released by Joint Staff spokesman Col. Dave Butler:

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs regularly communicates with Chiefs of Defense across the world, including with China and Russia. These conversations remain vital to improving mutual understanding of U.S. national security interests, reducing tensions, providing clarity and avoiding unintended consequences or conflict.

His calls with the Chinese and others in October and January were in keeping with these duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability. All calls from the Chairman to his counterparts, including those reported, are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense and the interagency.

Also in keeping with his responsibilities as senior military advisor to the President and Secretary of Defense, General Milley frequently conducts meetings with uniformed leaders across the Services to ensure all leaders are aware of current issues. The meeting regarding nuclear weapons protocols was to remind uniformed leaders in the Pentagon of the long-established and robust procedures in light of media reporting on the subject.

General Milley continues to act and advise within his authority in the lawful tradition of civilian control of the military and his oath to the Constitution.”

So shut up, you fleabitten pee-ons, and don’t dare get uppity with us. Your Masters have spoken, a benignancy for which such as you ought to be deeply grateful, since They are under no obligation whatever to address the ignorant concerns of the malodorous Lower Orders. We consider this matter now officially and forever closed. Further inquiries or complaints from Our inferiors will be neither entertained nor tolerated, and are illegal. You are hereby advised to know your place, and to be very careful that you never again dare to get above yourselves in any way, shape, or form, lest your Betters make you pay for the offense.


Aid and comfort to the enemy

The very definition of treason—even before you throw in assisting the junta he works for in fecklessly providing the Taliban with all the equipment it needed to become, in a single turnkey, one-stop-shopping jump, the 26th most powerful military force in the world.

Having taken twenty years to lose the last war, the Pentagon has decided to fast-track things and pre-lose the next war:

Twice in the final months of the Trump administration, the country’s top military officer was so fearful that the president’s actions might spark a war with China that he moved urgently to avert armed conflict.

In a pair of secret phone calls, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the United States would not strike, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political reporter Robert Costa…

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay,” Milley told him. “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.”

In the book’s account, Milley went so far as to pledge he would alert his counterpart in the event of a U.S. attack, stressing the rapport they’d established through a backchannel. “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.

So America’s “top general” secretly pledged to the ChiComs that he’d give ’em a head’s up if his soi-disant commander-in-chief was planning anything…

There are phrases to describe countries where the military isn’t under the control of elected officials, and “republic of self-governing citizens” isn’t one of them.

As I’ve said multiple times in recent weeks, key American institutions from the CDC to the NBA act as if the Chinese have already won. The Pentagon has apparently joined them. You don’t need to penetrate Thoroughly Modern Milley: He’s his own Fang Fang.

Given that the interest on America’s debt has largely funded the expansion of the ChiComs’ military (including what’s now the world’s largest surface fleet), Milley’s offer to further hobble his own side seems a little superfluous: the Pentagon are the Washington Generals and Beijing are the Wuhan Globetrotters.

As if all of the above wasn’t plenty enough to justify stretching this filthy traitor’s neck for him until he is dead, dead, dead—and, according to the specifications laid out in plain, eminently comprehensible English by the Treason Clause of the US Constitution (1789-2020, now deceased), it most certainly fucking well IS—there’s also the small matter of the coup cabal he was/is such an important part of.

Washington (CNN)Two days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, President Donald Trump’s top military adviser, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took secret action to limit Trump from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to “Peril,” a new book by legendary journalist Bob Woodward and veteran Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.

Woodward and Costa write that Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, ‘was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.’

Milley worried that Trump could ‘go rogue,’ the authors write.

Oh, somebody definitely went rogue, all right. But it wasn’t Trump. Who happened to be, y’know, THE FUCKING DULY ELECTED COMMANDER IN CHIEF at the time. Which happened to make him, y’know, Perfumed Princess Millie’s superior officer. Which, y’know, used to mean something in regards to how US military personnel—yes, even its flag officers—are expected to respond to direct orders from the CinC, but apparently no longer does.

“You never know what a president’s trigger point is,” Milley told his senior staff, according to the book.

In response, Milley took extraordinary action, and called a secret meeting in his Pentagon office on January 8 to review the process for military action, including launching nuclear weapons. Speaking to senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon’s war room, Milley instructed them not to take orders from anyone unless he was involved.

“No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure,” Milley told the officers, according to the book. He then went around the room, looked each officer in the eye, and asked them to verbally confirm they understood.

“Got it?” Milley asked, according to the book.

“Yes, sir.”

The authors write, ‘Milley was overseeing the mobilization of America’s national security state without the knowledge of the American people or the rest of the world.’

Woodward and Costa also write that ‘some might contend that Milley had overstepped his authority and taken extraordinary power for himself,’ but he believed his actions were ‘a good faith precaution to ensure there was no historic rupture in the international order, no accidental war with China or others, and no use of nuclear weapons.’

Which is, y’know, in no way Millie’s judgment to render, nor his decision to make. Which is, y’know, the very textbook definition of “overstepping his authority.” Also insubordination, treason, mutiny, dereliction of duty, conducting unbecoming, &c—taken as a whole, as flagrant a violation of the UCMJ as can be imagined.

On further consideration, I wish to withdraw my earlier recommendation; hanging is much too good for a miserable cur like Thoroughly Modern Milley. Instead, he should be dragged behind a rusty old pickup truck, at moderate to high speed, to and fro across the entire breadth of the Great Republic of Texas, until there ain’t enough meat left on his scraggly bones to flare the nostrils of a starving boar-hog.

But let’s not anybody think for a moment that Milley is alone in his self-dealing; his grubby, careerist rumpswabbery; the utter lack of any detectable scrap of moral fiber or probity; his shockingly twisted priorities; his inordinately, umm, supple standards and ethics, infinitely adjustable according to the situation; the conspicuous absence of a sense of honor or shame. Sad to say, Millie has plenty of company in the thoroughly-tainted US military when it comes to those repellent traits.

In 2015 a report from the Strategic Studies Institute and US Army War College detailed the corrosion of ethics in the Army.
The report can still be found mentioned in various news articles and reviews that were published around the time of its release. Unsurprisingly the links from those articles to the report go nowhere. It’s been, conveniently, taken offline. But archive copies are still available for those with the stomach to read them.

The message is clear. And while it’s focused on the Army, we know from other documents (such as the Congressional Report on the Fighting Culture of the United States Navy Surface Fleet) that the rot extends beyond the Army. Observation of recent events (from shenanigans like the Air Force Academy Wikan Chapel and fabricated hate crime, Capt. Crozier forced to circumvent the chain of command and then being portrayed as an unbalanced renegade as he tried to care for his sailors, and the cynical handling – including referral for mental health analysis – of Lt. Col. Stu Scheller by the USMC) show that it’s widespread.

The premise is simple.

The “zero-defect” mentality of military promotion intersects with social experiments (with the concomitant “training” burdens) in a truly toxic manner. It is simultaneously unacceptable to have any missed requirements (such as every soldier completing every sexual harassment, anti-extremism, etc. training module.) At the same time, it’s mathematically impossible to complete all of the “woke” training and fundamental, basic military training.

So we have Navy officers who can’t drive ships and navigate, and Army officers who fudge training records as they try to balance tactical and skills training with social science requirements.

Every officer sees it and knows it. They know that their colleagues lie just as they do. And they must, if they hope to be promoted. The pressure increases as officers and NCOs pass some threshold – perhaps 7 or 8 years – on their way to a career and promised retirement benefits. The risk of making the required sacrifices without receiving the benefits is huge.

But….then they stand in front of the mirror and proclaim to their square-jawed, uber badged and ribboned selves, that they represent the pinnacle of ethical probity. Then, having recited that mantra, they go forth and state it publicly to their superiors (in rank), peers and subordinates (in rank.) And finally, with lots of chest-thumping, to an admiring public.

It’s a myth.

And it’s created a culture of endemic lying.

Anybody not already clued in as to why Amerika v2.0 will assuredly get itself a most thorough reaming in any future military conflict—any conflict more demanding than can be fought entirely by empimpled, Cheetoh-noshing fatbodies virtually piloting drones in air-conditioned comfort, from trailers somewhere in a remote Arizona or New Mexico desert, that is—that it might have the titanium-testicled temerity to foolishly involve itself in, is hereby advised to read and re-read all of the above, until it finally sinks in.


Hunter becomes the hunted

Stay on his worthless ass like a bad rash.

Hunter Biden Runs Back Into His House and Slams the Door When Confronted by Journalist and Huge Digital Billboard
Although he has recently granted several softball interviews to friendly corporate media outlets as part of his tone-deaf rehabilitation book tour, Hunter Biden on Monday had no time for an independent journalist who had just a few simple questions to ask.

Hunter initially came down to answer the door when journalist and filmmaker Phelim McAleer showed up outside of his home in Venice, California, but as soon as he realized that McAleer was not a state-approved journalist, “he ran back inside his home and slammed the door,” according to McAleer’s website Unreported Stories.

To be fair, it’s possible that the giant mobile digital billboard McAleer brought with him spooked the scandal-plagued Biden back into his house.

The billboard displayed a rotating menu of pointed questions regarding Cracky McPedophile’s Burisma scam, the Big Guy, and other pertinent topics. After Hunter’s cowardly duck ‘n’ cover, the two intrepid journalists then cruised the rig around Hunter’s posh West LA ‘hood a while before heading over to the Santa Monica Pier for a spell.

The stunt was the work of married filmmaking team Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, who have made the Biden the subject of their latest project, “My son Hunter,” The Hunter Biden Movie.

McElhinney and McAleer were also behind the highly rated movie “Gosnell: The Trial Of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” and the “FBI Lovebirds: UnderCovers” play that was based on the steamy texts of FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Before that, the feisty Irish couple took on the global warming hoax with their documentary “Not Evil, Just Wrong.”

They are currently crowdfunding for their new film about Hunter Biden which they say will “expose the truth behind Hunter Biden’s business and corruption scandals and their direct connection to President Joe Biden.”

“Hunter Biden is terrified of the truth about the corruption being revealed,” explained McAleer. “That’s why he ran back in his house when he realized journalists were there to ask him serious questions. He’s used to easy questions from his Hollywood friends like Jimmy Kimmel, but when he’s faced with the serious allegations against him and his family – he runs scared. Hunter may not have answered us today but we will be back and we will have our questions answered.”

Good on ’em for their tenacity and all, but it’s a safe bet these two brave souls will be quietly “removed” by FBI goons long, long before a single one of those questions gets answered.

A case of murder

Defending the indefensible.

All told, seven people died in connection with the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. But only Ashli Babbitt’s death was directly caused by violence that day. She was a rioter killed by a Capitol Police officer, who fired the only shot by any person during the 4½-hour siege. Yet the story of who he is and why he opened fire remains shrouded in mystery.

The Deep State looks after its own.

More than six weeks after Babbitt succumbed to a single gunshot wound to the upper chest, authorities are keeping secret the identity of the officer who fired the fatal round. They won’t release his name, and the major news media aren’t clamoring for it, in stark contrast to other high-profile police shootings of unarmed civilians.

Baffling, that.

Drawing on interviews with informed sources and available documents, RealClearInvestigations has put together a portrait of the actual shooter and the shooting, which some describe as completely justified and others call murder.

The officer who opened fire on Babbitt holds the rank of lieutenant and is a longtime veteran of the force who worked protective detail in the Speaker’s Lobby, a highly restricted area behind the House chamber, sources say. An African-American, he was put on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation led by the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia, which shares jurisdiction with the Capitol Police. The Justice Department is also involved in the inquiry.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month that the officer has been interviewed and cleared of criminal wrongdoing by a preliminary investigation, suggesting that the police killing may soon be ruled justifiable homicide. But D.C. Police spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told RCI, “This case remains under active investigation.”

The well-placed sources told RCI the plainclothes officer has gone into hiding out of fear for his safety.

Aww, that’s a shame.

They said he worries about reports that some of those arrested in the riots have declared “open (hunting) season” on whoever killed Babbitt, now a martyr in their cause. Twitter accounts have been created in her name, including “We Are Ashli Babbitt” and “Justice For Ashli Babbitt.” “An unarmed American patriot was murdered in cold blood! We need to know who murdered #AshliBabbitt!” proclaimed one recent post.

Meanwhile, numerous lawmakers from both parties have hailed the lieutenant as a hero who saved lives that fateful day.

I’d expect no less from the cringing, despicable cowards.

Most of the circumstances that led to his actions are still unclear. But video footage filmed by rioters shows the lieutenant, after taking up a defensive position in a doorway, carefully aiming and shooting Babbitt as she tries to climb through a smashed window beside a barricaded double door leading to the Speaker’s Lobby, part of a pro-Trump mob of protesters. Babbitt, 35, had no weapon. She died later at a hospital. The decorated Air Force veteran, who had traveled from San Diego, was wearing a Trump flag as a cape when she was shot.

Dressed in a dark suit and white shirt with cufflinks, along with a beaded bracelet on his right shooting hand, the Capitol Police officer fired at her from the side of the barricade, where he had been hidden from view in a doorway. At least from what can be seen and heard from the video, he appears to issue no commands to stop nor any verbal warning that he would shoot.

“That was an execution,” said Jack Feeley, a fellow Air Force vet and friend of Babbitt, adding that it “breaks my heart to know millions of people watched my friend be executed on live television.”

A former White House national security aide and Pentagon official agreed the officer appeared trigger happy. “It was an assassination. I’ve never seen a more clear case in all my years. I’ve seen EJKs that were cleaner than that,” said the former official, referring to an extrajudicial killing, or state-sponsored killing outside the formal legal system of a country. “He stepped into it [the shot] for [expletive deleted] sake.”

But appearances are deceiving, countered the lawyer whom the Capitol officer has hired to defend himself. In an RCI interview, Washington attorney Mark Schamel said his client did, in fact, warn Babbitt and other rioters to keep back — and that he did so firmly and repeatedly.

“It’s a false narrative that he issued no verbal commands or warnings,” Schamel said. “He was screaming, ‘Stay back! Stay back! Don’t come in here!’” He added that witness statements back him up. Schamel explained the lieutenant’s commands were not picked up on the video because it was recorded on the other side of the doors where dozens of rioters were shouting and banging against the doors and drowning out his words. And he said his client could not be seen yelling out the instructions because his mouth was covered by a mask he wore as part of COVID-19 protections.

It’s not clear if the officer in fact warned the marauders breaching the barricade that he would shoot if they did not heed his commands. However, his service weapon — a .40-caliber Glock semiautomatic handgun — was visibly drawn. Some of the rioters spotted it through the lobby windows and shouted: “There’s a gun!” followed by, “He’s got a gun!”

Schamel said his client, who received his training primarily at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers in Glynco, Ga., was acting to protect himself and lawmakers from harm.

“He was acting within his training,” he said. “Lethal force is appropriate if the situation puts you or others in fear of imminent bodily harm.”

Hm. Good to know. So, should an old white male like myself shoot and kill a black intruder breaking into his home late at night, I can expect to be likewise hailed as a “hero” by the authorities in my home state—a state, mind you, which does NOT have a “castle doctrine” law in effect? A state which, on the contrary, mandates that a hypothetical victim of violent criminal assault must jump through quite a few flaming legal hoops before being allowed to defend his very life against his assailant(s) without being subject to judicial persecution as a “murderer” for the rest of his life?

No need to answer; we all already know well enough that lethal force is “appropriate” only if “the situation” puts panicked, trigger-happy LEOs at risk of wetting themselves, and only if the victims are Trump supporting dissidents.

He pointed out that the officer was the potential last line of defense between the rioters and dozens of members of Congress and staffers, who he said had yet to be escorted out of the House chamber by security at the time. (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other VIPs had already been evacuated.)

The Speaker’s Lobby is a hallway that runs behind the chamber and leads to exits on both ends, so the doors where the mob had gathered, which were manned by the lieutenant, served as a strategic chokepoint. Before they arrived, the officer had piled tables, chairs and other furniture from the hallway in front of the doors to create a barricade.

“He stopped them from coming through to the hallway and into the chamber,” Schamel said. “He stopped a potential massacre.”

Gee, hyperbolize much, you ambulance-chasing drama queen?

Pantloads more of such overwrought, self-serving twaddle in the linked article, which frankly I found so repulsive I threw up my hands before I’d gagged my way through much more than half of the thing. Even so, a few things are infuriatingly clear:

  • That Ashli Babbitt was indeed needlessly murdered by a Deep State thug in monstrously disproportionate response to an act of minor criminal trespass which merited nothing more severe than a citation and a small fine
  • That her grieving loved ones will be denied the cold comfort of ever seeing justice done for her barbarous execution
  • That the dishonest slander of both Babbitt personally as a “deadly threat” and the January 6th protest in general as a “riot,” a “massacre,” an “insurrection” undertaken by “white supremacists” and/or “domestic terrorists” will continue, for as long as TPTB find it useful to do so
  • That there will never be any meaningful consequences suffered by the perpetrators of an entire summer’s worth of actually dangerous, deadly, and destructive rioting, all of which was openly and unashamedly endorsed at the time by the self-same ProPol filthbags now striking indignant poses and spluttering in horror over January 6th

As I said: infuriating. But if Ashli’s scurrilous killer is forced to remain in hiding, to live in abject terror of being identified or exposed until the frabjous day he drops dead—hey, I’m good with it, myself. It ain’t much, and is by no stretch a satisfying outcome. But if it’s all we can get, at least for now…well, I’ll take it, in hopes of something better to come along someday.

Update! Much, much more from Gateway Pundit, including photos that reveal the murder to be a blithering incompetent—finger in the trigger well, muzzle-sweeping everybody around him, etc—as well as self-contradictory statements showing him to be an unusually inept liar. If this oaf is typical of Mordor OTP law enforcement, then Mordor OTP is in seriously dire straits.

Poor optics make for clear vision

When they decide to rule us from behind walls, razor-wire, and entire divisions of soldiers with shoot-to-kill ROEs, you know for sure that “of, by, and for the People” is dead as a dodo, and “the consent of the governed” is no longer of any concern.

The handfuls of ordinary people who arrived, as Americans always do, to attend the inauguration of a new president were confronted with heavy weapons and barbed wire.

D.C. had become a Baghdad and Berlin of checkpoints, choking off access to much of the city, closing roads, bridges, and metro stations. Soldiers could be seen on every corner, and the 25,000 troops were bolstered by 4,000 Marshalls, and a motley crew of local forces, including 200 members of the NYPD, 40 members of the Chicago police, New Jersey and Maryland state troopers, Miami-Dade cops, and other law enforcement officers who were needed back home.

24 people were shot in Chicago this weekend and murders are already up 125% this year in New York City. Those officers could have done more good at home, but Democrats don’t care about murder victims in urban areas, instead redeploying officers to D.C. in a show of force.

Biden took office in a city under military occupation whose businesses were closed and boarded up. The D.C. government had tried to force hotels to shut down. The hotels didn’t close, but there were hardly any people. Instead the hotels were filled with soldiers tramping through their lobbies. Any tourists that did come found nothing to see except barricades and barbed wire.

Sometimes what you don’t see is more important than what you do see.

Popular leaders, elected or unelected, might have troops in their cities, but they also have adoring crowds to cheer them on. Biden’s only cheers were coming from employees of huge corporations whose jobs depend on praising him as the greatest thing since SuperPACs.

Biden couldn’t manage the cheering crowds that greeted even the most mediocre presidents on their arrival. The band might as well have struck up a rousing chorus of, “Hail to the Thief.”

Jokes like that are all but illegal these days even though they were ubiquitous during the Bush and Trump administrations. But jokes only need to be banned when they’re too close to the truth. The hysterical fascist theater with troops in the streets and fawning praise on the lips of the press are all efforts to overcompensate for the hollow man taking a false oath on a bible.

This isn’t the pageantry of Stalin or Hitler. It’s the weary theater of Brezhnev, a senescent leader of a decaying regime being propped up by desperate threats of force by the nomenklatura. Even though the media has told us more about Biden’s dogs than it has about any of the Americans killed by Islamic terrorists enabled by the open borders that Biden just reinstated, no one cares.

Biden isn’t a charismatic leader. He isn’t moving the cause forward. He’s a placeholder for a ruling class that wants homes in Dupont Circle that it buys by selling out America to China, by ruining our economy with environmental consulting gigs and racial contract quotas, and for all the manifold ways which the swamp is coming back as Biden’s wetlands restoration project.

“Hail to the Thief” is as much their anthem as it is Biden’s. They fought to keep hold of D.C., the center of their power base not because they care about its history or that of this country, but because it’s where they network, collaborate, and do their dirty little deals at our expense.

The troops in the street are their warning to the rest of the country about who is really in charge.

Precisely so. But I don’t think of Bai-Ding as a placeholder. In my mind, he’s more like Charlie McCarthy; if you want to know who really runs things, you need to look for the guy whose knee he’s propped on—the guy with his hand up the back of Charlie’s shirt, making his mouth and eyeballs move. Look closely enough and sometimes you can even catch the ventriloquist’s lips moving.

But I still do hope that the fortification and militarization of Mordor OTP will be a permanent thing, eventually adopted by every large shitlib city. Let the orcs be forever walled off from the knaves they so cruelly exploit and abuse. Let the knaves be stripped of any lingering illusion concerning the true nature of their masters. Let the Ruling Orc-class be inconvenienced, discomfited, and frustrated to the greatest degree possible, their daily round blighted by the dispiriting pall of the very Shadow they conjured over the rest of us. Let us see the way of things clearly, at long, long last.

Confirmation of what we all already knew

Bidens busted.

With the release Wednesday of Senator Ron Johnson’s (R-Wis.) long-awaited investigation into the Biden family’s corrupt, possibly criminal, ties to Ukraine and other countries, one thing is clear: Had the information in the report been made public a year ago, it’s nearly impossible to believe Joe Biden would still be the Democratic nominee for president.

The fall of 2019 seems like a lifetime ago, but it’s worth revisiting to give context to this bombshell report.

As the Democratic race for president took shape last year, the media started asking uncomfortable questions. “Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?” read the headline of a nearly 11,000-word exposé in the July 2019 issue of The New Yorker.

Other news organizations followed suit. Senate Republicans finally were zoning in on the shady business dealings of their former colleague’s son.

Well, you know the rest of the story. House Democrats successfully changed the subject by manufacturing an impeachment case against President Trump based on the account of a partisan “whistleblower” connected to Biden. The country, once again, was thrown into political chaos.

The Democrats’ gambit worked. They knew Trump would not be convicted by a Republican Senate, but Hunter Biden’s name quickly vanished from the headlines. America’s complicit news media cowered to the mob-like threats of Team Biden and have since kept their mouths shut. Hunter Biden, unscathed, even made a cameo appearance at the virtual Democratic National Convention.

Trump’s impeachment served two purposes: to bury one more scandal under the self-proclaimed “scandal free” Obama Administration and to save Joe Biden’s candidacy. It was straight-up interference with the 2020 election because without the impeachment diversions, it’s very likely that either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, not Biden, would be on the November ballot right now.

Trump’s impeachment served two purposes: to bury one more scandal under the self-proclaimed “scandal free” Obama Administration and to save Joe Biden’s candidacy. It was straight-up interference with the 2020 election because without the impeachment diversions, it’s very likely that either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, not Biden, would be on the November ballot right now.

But, as the Democrat-Socialists bring their upcoming election-fraud plans further out into the clear light of day, how much can the identity of the lead puppets in the 202 Election-kabuki really matter? There can no longer be the least doubt about the intention here. Nor should any Real Americans be indulging themselves with soothing dismissals of their chances for successfully pulling this scheme off, either.

Don’t kid yourselves, people: with deadlines for counting (fraudulent) ballots extended recently in some putative toss-up states to as many as six (6!) days after election day, the Demonrats will be “finding” ballots all over the place—in trunks of cars, underneath whorehouse chaise-longues cushions, and tucked securely into the scrotum-pouch of Biden’s skidmarked Underoos—the totting-up continuing until they reach the number needed to “win.” Let’s not overlook just straight-up throwing Trump ballots away, either.

Then, after all the folding, spindling, mutilating, and simply discarding they deem necessary, the Democrat-Socialist election-theft apparatus will happily announce a tremendous, Constitution-saving Biden “victory,” followed by a demand that Trump be bodily expelled from the White House AT ONCE by the US military, to be tried and duly punished for Crimes Against The State The People Democracy. The order will be complied with by the Puzzle Palace with alacrity, an oh-so-somber, frowny-faced “concern” written all across the “honest” faces of the Blue Falcon flag officers “serving” in the Obama Replacement Corps.

Every bit of this hackery, jiggery-pokery, and brazen lawless chicanery enjoying the full-throated endorsement of Leftymedia, of course. Their choked-up, tear-streaked sincerity as these “journalists” report the Fake News with nearly 15% more fairness and impartiality than ever before—thereby saving the country and changing the course of history, just the way they were taught to in their J-school classes—will fairly well make the welkin ring with admiration for their selflessness and “patriotism.”

Such a fulsome realization of the “ethics” of their “noble” “profession,” demanding and uncompromising as those standards are, will surely swell the hearts of their countrymen with awestruck gratitude. Who among them dared to hope that such heroic courage, such dedication, such fierce resolve, might yet abide in their humble midst? O brave new world/That has such people in ‘t!

So let there be no further doubt about what’s coming: the Demonrats ARE GOING to steal this election. Not just “plan to”; not just “try to.” STEAL. IT. Lock, stock, and barrel. Which leaves us with but three things to be decided:

  • IMPORTANT: What, if anything, will Real Americans do about that, assuming there’s a damned thing that CAN be done about it?
  • MORE IMPORTANT: is there any limit or restriction on the actions undertaken in order to stop them?

Yep, Real Americans are caught on the horns of the prickliest dilemma this nation has ever faced, with absolutely everything riding on the direction they pick to jump off ’em. No matter what your religious convictions (if any) might be, the option of prayer has never looked like a more rational, realistic choice.

If you’re really interested in further discussion and analysis of the intricacies of Johnson’s and Grassley’s report, you can find some here and here.

Myself, I am emphatically NOT interested. As my post-title up there says, the report is merely formal confirmation of things we all already knew anyway. The election, the effort to hijack it, and the larger and rapidly-escalating conflict with the Left have totally eclipsed it.

Should the election turn out badly, there will be no further thought of addressing the crimes enumerated in the report anyway; it will go straight into the burn-bin of history, a non-event to be burned out of the national memory for all time. So to my mind, whatever relevance is still borne by it lies not in the details or conclusions therein, but entirely and exclusively in its usefulness as a weapon to obliterate not only Biden, but the Democrat-Socialist Party itself.

The real criminals

Corrupt, dirty bastards.

Explosive New Flynn Documents Show FBI Goal Was To ‘Get Him Fired’
New documents filed under seal last week by the Department of Justice provide the clearest evidence yet that the investigation and subsequent prosecution of former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was a set-up from the beginning. Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments. The law is widely viewed as unconstitutional and has never been used to successfully prosecute a single American citizen. The previously secret notes do not explain that Flynn was not a private citizen, but rather the incoming national security adviser at the time of his conversations with world leaders.

The explosive new documents support Flynn’s latest claims that Obama-era Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI officials had conspired to set him up from the beginning and that they never had any legitimate basis for investigating him.

The author of the handwritten notes filed under seal last week also wrote, “We have a case on Flynn and Russians,” and “our goal is to resolve case.” Despite those claims of treasonous Russian collusion, Mueller found, after a sprawling, multi-year, multimillion-dollar investigation, that there was zero evidence of illegal collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to steal the 2016 election from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

In reality, the only Russian collusion that happened during the 2016 campaign was between the Clinton campaign and a subcontractor it funded, who was at the time working on behalf of a sanctioned Russian oligarch. That agent, former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, created for the Clinton campaign the entire basis for charges of illegal collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. That document, known as the Steele dossier, has been thoroughly debunked since it was first released in early January 2017. The Clinton campaign, in cooperation with the Democratic National Committee, secretly funded the creation of that document and its distribution throughout the media. To date, none of its key collusion claims has been corroborated.

Sundance offers a reminder:

Keep in mind, the Mueller special counsel knew this all along…

Keep in mind, former DAG Rod Rosenstein knew this all along…

Also keep in mind, current FBI Director Chris Wray and current FBI Legal Counsel Dana Boente knew this all along…

These documents have been inside the DOJ and FBI for more than three years; while they prosecuted him and drove his family into bankruptcy.

It remains doubtful at best that the filthy scum will face any meaningful consequences for these abominable, heinous acts—their corruption, their casual indecency, their raw sedition, the human misery and destruction they so cruelly inflicted. Our only solace is that they’re sure to burn in Hell for them. May their torment be unbearable, and may it last for a thousand years.

Is this something?


A federal judge Monday granted a request from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch to have former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sit for a sworn deposition to answer questions about her use of a private email server to conduct government business.

Clinton has argued that she has already answered questions about this and should not have to do so again — the matter did not result in any charges for the then-presidential candidate in 2016 after a high-profile investigation — but D.C. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth said in his ruling that her past responses left much to be desired.

Of course they did. What we’re talking about here is a person well known to be of extremely dubious moral character, with a sense of entitlement and privilege big as all outdoors—a narcissistic sociopath, really, one long accustomed to being able to get away with murder—literally, in this case. Whenever such a one’s self-interest isn’t served by full and frank disclosure of the truth but by obscuring it, that’s kinda what happens.

“As extensive as the existing record is, it does not sufficiently explain Secretary Clinton’s state of mind when she decided it would be an acceptable practice to set up and use a private server to conduct State Department business,” Lamberth said.

The judge went on to recognize that while Clinton responded to written questions in a separate case, “those responses were either incomplete, unhelpful, or cursory at best. Simply put her responses left many more questions than answers.” Lamberth said that using written questions this time “will only muddle any understanding of Secretary Clinton’s state of mind and fail to capture the full picture, thus delaying the final disposition of this case even further.”

Lamberth even gave some examples of lingering questions about Clinton’s emails, such as how did she come to believe that her private emails would be preserved under normal State Department processes, who told her this and when, at what point did she learn department records management officials did not know about the server, “[a]nd why did she think that using a private server to conduct State Department business was permissible under the law in the first place?”

She knew damned well it was no such thing. Her intention from jump was to flout the law so as to conceal the ongoing criminal actions of the lawless junta she was a part of. As always, she took getting away with it for granted; even if she did get nabbed, she assumed then, and assumes even now, that she’ll never face a serious reckoning. And why the hell not? So far, she’s been correct in every particular.

Given that the settlement attempts and records search took place after Clinton left office, the judge ruled that the deposition should focus on whether she intentionally tried to use her private server to evade FOIA and her understanding of the State Department’s record management requirements.

Oh, fer cripe’s sa….

DUDE, ever hear of Occam’s Razor, perchance? Because trust me, this is the pluperfect place to be applying it, which will suddenly make sorting out this whole kerfuffle a very damned simple project indeed. That’s because it IS simple, in truth, and it always was. To wit: Hillary!™ is nothing but a fucking criminal and always has been, a power-drunk reprobate who unswervingly believes herself to be above the law, wholly exempt from the trifling legalities the rest of us nobodies are held strictly accountable to. As such, she was but one of many Barrackorrhoids who felt/feel likewise, all working for a criminal junta that ditto.

Hats off and all to the judge for making this long-overdue move anyway. Still, though: amazing how hard it can be for some of us to recognize an obvious truth even when it’s staring them right in the eye, waving its arms around wildly, and yelling Hey, look, over here, over here!!, ain’t it?

Some things never change

Daniel Greenfield, as is his wont, jacks another one right out of the damned park.

The truth about disaster relief and pandemic management is that it hasn’t changed much between administrations. The Bush administration dealt with SARS in much the same way that the Obama administration addressed swine flu. And the Trump administration is doing most of the same things.

That’s because the actual decisions are being made by bureaucrats based on existing protocols.

The best example of this was the decision to fly back infected American passengers from the Diamond Princess. This fateful decision helped spread the virus inside the United States.

President Trump had been told that nobody with the coronavirus would be flown to America.

The State Department decided to do it anyway without telling him and only made the announcement shortly after the planes landed in the United States.

According to the Washington Post, as unfriendly an outlet to the administration as there is, “Trump has since had several calls with top White House officials to say he should have been told, that it should have been his decision and that he did not agree with the decision that was made.”

Who in the State Department actually made the decision? That’s a very good question.

It was yet another Obama stay-behind, natch, one Dr William Walters—a State Dept bureau-hack who seems to be of the opinion that officeholders elected by Duh Peepul count for naught. This asshole knows where the REAL power in FederalGovCo resides. He would be correct in that odious opinion, maddeningly enough. The crux of the issue:

You can vote one way or another and the real decisions that matter will still be made by the head of a directorate that is a subsection of a bureau that you never heard of…

And who is almost impossible to fire.

This is how the country is really run. And that’s the problem.

The underlying problem with our government is that it’s too big to control. Voting in an election or even sitting in the Oval Office doesn’t mean you’re in charge. The problem goes beyond the current obsession with the Deep State. The real issue has always been the Deep Industry or the administrative state.

If the coronavirus becomes a critical problem in this country, the blame will go back to an obscure arm of the State Department, but it will never be placed there. Whatever happens a year from now, no one outside a small professional class will have ever heard of the Directorate of Operational Medicine.

The media will spend all its time bashing President Trump, Pence, assorted cabinet members, and perhaps the CDC, without ever drilling down to the facts, even though it has them at hand. The media’s rule of thumb is that natural disasters and disease outbreaks are always successfully managed by Democrats and mismanaged by Republicans. Katrina and Maria were disasters, but Sandy was a success story. The coronavirus is a catastrophe, but the Ebola virus was brilliantly handed by smart people who are handling the coronavirus response. But it’s different because the guy in the White House is.

The truth is that all of these were mismanaged by the same agencies, many of the same people, and by a government infrastructure that excels at drawing up big budget proposals, but is inept at solving problems when they actually emerge, and just follow whatever protocols will cover its collective asses.

Just as after Katrina and Maria, watch for the outpouring of lies, the claims that New Orleans had reverted to cannibalism and that everyone in Puerto Rico was dead, will be matched and exceeded.

There will be a cure for the coronavirus. But there’s no cure for the spread of viral fake news.

There is however a cure for the decisions that led to a coronavirus problem in the United States.

It’s called the Constitution.

America was meant to have a small government under the control of the people, not the bureaucrats. The real disease is bigger than the coronavirus. It’s a fatal illness called big government. Unlike the coronavirus, it has a total mortality rate. No society that has succumbed to it has ever survived.

This one won’t, either. In fact, it’s entirely safe to say that it succumbed a long time ago.

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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