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The wheels of justice, grinding slowly

But surpassing fine.

In October of 2020, a bombshell report detailing possibly incriminating emails (and generally degenerate behavior) from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden dropped. That report, originally published and expanded on by The New York Post, was relentlessly censored by social media companies and maligned as “Russian disinformation” by the mainstream media and the Biden campaign.

That didn’t stop right-leaning media from digging deeper, and the revelations were stunning, including Hunter Biden making $80,000 a month from a Ukrainian oil company and receiving a $2 million “retainer” to sell influence to the Libyan government. His dealings with China were also extensive and at the very least, seemed to cross into the realm of criminal FARA violations. To this day, Hunter Biden has yet to fully divest from his partial stake in a Chinese-controlled venture capital firm.

Still, all of that has been known for a long time, yet the media’s response has been to completely ignore suppress it while the Biden administration has continued to lie about the origins of the emails. That was, until the last few weeks.

Fixed it for ya.

Suddenly, for no reason whatsoever I’m assured, the liberal news industry, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, decided to “confirm” admit all the reporting we already knew was true. Further, the Post’s write-up goes so far as to detail some of Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings, specifically regarding the Chinese. That’s quite the about-face.

Fixed it for ya again.

We should be asking ourselves why the Times, the Post, etc. just walked through the door with a six-pack and their dancing shoes on. Nothing, and I mean nothing that is harmful to a major Democrat gets printed by accident. There is always an underlying reason why a report gets made at the time it does, especially when we are talking about a story that was previously suppressed.

So what’s going on here?

My guess is that the hidden Power behind the DC throne has decided, for reasons we’ll never know, that it’s just about time to cut the drooling retard Biden’s strings to replace him with another, less laughable marionette as frontman for their ongoing charade. Either that, or Praetorian Media suspects that, their stifling of the Biden laptop story having passed its sell-by date, the whole sordid affair is about to come out whether they will or they nil. So they badly need to find some way, somehow, to hang onto whatever gossamer-thin tatters of credibility they have left by getting out ahead of it. That seems to be where Bonchie is placing his bet:

I think one only has to look at the media’s history to see a pattern when it comes to harmful revelations about Democrat figures. When reports start coming out that simultaneously make major admissions but still attempt to white-wash what’s happening, that’s usually because forces within the government are leaking information in order to get out in front of a story and preset the narrative.

The Times and the Post reported on the Carter Page FISA abuse, but only after it became clear much more was about to come out showing the FBI’s abuse of power. The Times and the Post reported on John Durham indicting Michael Sussmann, but only as a way to suggest the indictment was weak. When the actual indictment dropped, it was far worse than described.

Do you see what I mean? Something big is coming regarding the corruption surrounding Hunter Biden (and possibly his father). That’s why we are getting these reports right now, and that’s why those privy to the FBI investigation into Joe Biden’s son are suddenly leaking like crazy. They want to set the narrative before it becomes apparent just how bad things truly were. That means you can take the Post’s newest report and assume it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

All fine and well, but don’t let’s be counting any chickens as to whether Hunter might actually do time for his serial criminality—much less his senile, corrupt-to-the-marrow dad. All I have to say about THAT is, I’ll believe it when I see it. Also, harrumph.

As counter to my usual cynical suspicion, however, the Bidengate plot is definitely thickening.

On Monday, two Republican members of the United States Senate revealed evidence that Joe Biden’s son Hunter received payments of at least $100,000 from Chinese oligarchs.

As reported by Fox News, Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) took to the floor of the Senate to provide a receipt for a payment of $100,000 from the Chinese energy company CEFC to Wells Fargo Clearing Services, with “further credit” being paid to Hunter Biden’s firm Owasco.

In his speech from the Senate floor, Johnson criticized the mainstream media’s efforts to deliberately cover up Hunter Biden’s numerous scandals.

“Over the course of our investigation into how Hunter Biden used his father’s position and name to enrich himself and his family,” Johnson said on Monday, “the dishonest press published countless stories reporting on the Democrats’ false charge that we were soliciting and disseminating Russian disinformation.”

Mo’ bettah still—but not for Grifter Gropey and his seedy spawn.

On Tuesday, The Federalist reported that two GOP senators, Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, released actual receipts of payments Hunter Biden received from foreign oligarchs that indicate “the extent to which President Biden might be — and almost certainly is — compromised.”

“There’s no middle man in this transaction. This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden,” Grassley said from the Senate floor on Monday. “To the liberal media and my Democratic colleagues: Is this official bank document Russian disinformation?”

Don’t you get it yet, Chuck? To the sleazy, scummy Left, it’s anything they need it to be, or nothing at all. Whatever advances the agenda another step down the road to Marxist utopia and unchecked, limitless power, that’s all that matters here.

Update! A NY Post deep dive into the corrupt Biden Family’s criminal connections to Chinese espionage agents, from last January.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.

In 2018, I was the first to report on Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). Hunter even introduced his dad to a company executive in December 2013 when father and son flew to Beijing on Air Force Two.

In October 2019, Hunter Biden’s lawyer George Mesires said Hunter would be resigning from the BHR board, without receiving any return on his investment or shareholder distributions.

What Team Biden failed to address was the fact that Hunter Biden still owned a stake in the investment fund, said to be 10%.

When I first reported on Hunter Biden’s China ties in 2018, Team Biden denied that they existed. Then they absurdly claimed that his stake in the BHR investment fund was only $420,000.

Steven Kaplan, who conducts research on issues in private equity, venture capital, entrepreneurial finance, corporate governance and corporate finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, said a private equity fund with $2 billion under management will typically generate fees over its life of hundreds of millions of dollars.

“It is difficult to imagine, if not incomprehensible, that a 10% stake in those economics is worth only $420K,” Kaplan said via email. “The distinction they appear to be making is they capitalized the management company with $4.2M even if the fund manages $2B. The value of that management company is likely far in excess of $4.2M if they are managing $2B.”

Much, much, MUCH more follows before landing us here:

These deals are disturbing enough, and are exacerbated by the fact that every one of them was made possible by an individual with ties that sometimes went to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.

But there is also the curious fact that in 2014, Hunter Biden took the unusual step of telling the Secret Service that he did not want protection when he traveled overseas. The request happened shortly after he began securing deals in Beijing.

Money that Hunter Biden received from his overseas deals flowed to other members of the Biden family.

Joe Biden’s brother James  received over $1 million originating from the spy-connected Ye, according to a US Senate investigation.

And Joe Biden benefited, too.

Well, of course he did. Lest we forget, another scrupulously-ignored news item gives the memory a gentle nudge.

Bombshell: Emails show Hunter, Joe Biden shared bank accounts, could drag him into Hunter’s FBI tax probe
WASHINGTON, DC- A blockbuster report by the Daily Mail is reporting that the current occupant of the Oval Office (when he’s not in the fake set across the street) Joe Biden may soon become caught up in the FBI’s probe into Hunter Biden’s finances, according to some experts.

Emails obtained by the Daily Mail gleaned from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show that Joe and Hunter Biden not only shared bank accounts, but also paid each other’s bills. The report also notes that Joe Biden may have in fact contributed to funding Hunter’s 2018 prostitution and drug binge, albeit inadvertently.

The emails, between Hunter and his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, Eric Schwerin revealed the latter was working on Joe Biden’s taxes, showed discussions revealing the Biden’s paid each other’s household bills, fielded requests for a book deal for Joe Biden, then serving as vice president, and also the donation of Biden’s papers from his time as Senator to the University of Delaware.

The emails raised some questions as to why Schwerin was so involved in Joe Biden’s affairs as vice president as opposed to government officials assigned to the vice-president’s office.

The claims made by Hunter of a shared bank account with his father also begs the question if the funds from that joint account were used for Hunter Biden’s May 2018 bender with a prostitute in a Hollywood hotel, the Mail piece reported.

The existence of a federal investigation into his tax affairs was admitted by Hunter Biden himself last December.

Of course all of this also calls into question claims that Joe Biden had made that he had no knowledge of his son Hunter’s business dealings, an important claim because Joe Biden used that as an excuse claiming no quid pro quo in Hunter’s membership on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company whose CEO was being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor.

One expert says that if Joe Biden were not currently president a Democrat he would likely already be on the prosecutor’s radar by now, along with Hunter. So says John Cassara, a former U.S. intelligence officer and treasury special agent, an expert in money laundering investigations.

“Corruption is a predicate offense for money laundering. And besides corruption, it’s the perception of corruption. This kind of thing should not be happening. It undermines full faith in the US government. It undermines trust and our international reputation. It’s an embarrassment.”

As well it should be, to any of us with a shred of integrity and a functional moral compass. Which would most certainly NOT include any of the Biden clan, a family of crooked blood-ticks who have miraculously become filthy rich on a US Senator’s relatively-measly salary (174k, as of last year).

3 thoughts on “The wheels of justice, grinding slowly

  1. There is no Truth. Only the Narrative.

    Post Modernism, Humpty Dumpty style redux.

  2. The pravdamedia are trying to limit the revelation to the Bidens having driven through a stop sign and not let it out that there was a body in the trunk.

  3. The NYT Denial is now a tell for anything that is damaging to Dems being True.

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