
Ain’t this rich.

Tennessee Teacher Says Her Profession Can’t Be Trusted With Guns
On Wednesday, I addressed a teacher in Tennessee who said that she didn’t want to carry a firearm while performing her job. My take was that if she didn’t want to, she shouldn’t. It’s a pretty simple concept. It’s something each person should decide for themselves and they should be able to decide for themselves.

That’s where my goal is been on the entire subject of armed teachers.

After all, if teachers can have firearms, would-be mass murderers may well decide it’s not worth the risk to target schools.

But an op-ed out of Tennessee written by a student teacher appears to argue that her profession just can’t be trusted with guns. Let’s start with the headline that reads: “Teachers like me are trained to educate kids. Arming us will make everyone less safe.”

Now, to start with, arming teachers in Tennessee, under the proposal currently being considered, requires approval from the school board and a very extensive training course. I fail to see how it’ll make everyone less safe unless there’s something inherently unsafe about teachers.

But let’s look at her arguments. Maybe she can make the case.

Follows, an examination of her pathetic, fact-free emoting…uhhh, “arguments.” Then:

Nope. She’s still making the argument that teachers can’t be trusted with guns.

Far as I’m concerned, she couldn’t be righter. Very, very few teachers could be, or even should be, being hoplophobic shitlibs to practically the last man Jack of ‘em. Clearly, this silly bint is one of the other kind. Be that as it may, Knighton’s closing queries are truly priceless:

But you know what? If she’s going to say the profession she’s pursuing is full of people who can’t be trusted with guns, I’m more than willing to take her word for it.

If that’s the case, though, then why should they be trusted with our children?

PRO TIP: They shouldn’t. They really, really shouldn’t. I mean, seriously now, these are the selfsame folks who sneak kids off to Dr Frankenstein & Pals “Health” Clinic PA for puberty blockers, surgical mutilation, and miscellaneous ”gender affirming care” absent parental consent, consultation, or even notification. TRUST the despicable propaganda-pimps?!? Not on your life, pal. Personally, I wouldn’t trust them to mow my fucking lawn without close, constant adult supervision.

Hell, I sincerely hope someone remembers this when the subject of teacher pay comes before the legislature in Tennessee. If they can’t be trusted, why should they get paid even more?

Frankly, this op-ed makes me just that much happier that we ended up homeschooling my daughter. At least I can trust her teacher with a gun.

Heh. Good ‘un, Tom. Not that any of these craven, firearm-fearful “educators” will grok your sense of humor, natch.


D卐M☭CRAT shows her true colors

Well, I guess this would explain a few things, no?

Why wait for legislative action to achieve wealth redistribution when you can just go ahead and take it?

Sen. Nicole Mitchell, a Minnesota state senator, boasted of helping to “create and teach a Diversity and Inclusion program” and “is committed to working toward a more just and equitable Minnesota.”

Like her DFL colleagues, that means taking stuff from people.

But even her DFL colleagues usually have a different process. Still, you have to admire initiative in a socialist.

A Minnesota lawmaker was arrested for alleged burglary Monday, less than a week after she advocated for safer communities at the state’s Capitol building.

Detroit Lakes officers booked State Sen. Nicole Mitchell, DFL-Woodbury, for first-degree burglary, according to local jail records. Police found the senator inside a Detroit Lakes home around 4:45 a.m. after the homeowner reported a burglary, according to FOX9.

State Sen. Mitchell joined Moms Demand Action Tuesday, an organization supporting restrictions on gun ownership, to promote solutions for gun violence.

Understandably, if you’re going to break into people’s houses, you would prefer that they not be armed.

Yeah, I suppose you would at that. Like all shitlibs and many career housebreakers, she doesn’t seem to accept that getting her ass ventilated is an occupational hazard in that particular job, instead believing that she and her fellow criminals ought to be exempt from such grim consequences. Hardly atypical amongst her ilk, hilariously enough.


Take on off, already

Oh yeah, we can live peaceably side-by-side with these disgusting, America-hating swine. The question I keep asking, however, remains: Should we even want to?

Do note, at 1:20, the fat broad stridently proclaiming, “I love Osama, I wanna suck his dick!” Got some bad news for ya, sweetcheeks: 1) Osama is dead as your average doornail, therefore unavailable for the fellatio-enabled; and 2) as a devout Muzzrat, he’d be unlikely at best to allow a rancid Western infidel whore like yourself anywhere NEAR his jihadist dick, unless it was as a participant in a mass gang-raping-to-death of your stupid, oxygen-thieving ass. That aside, though, I’m sure we could find plenty of patriotic non-lunatics willing to kick in for the purchase of one-way plane fare to the Moslem nation of your choice—to include the entirely fictional “Palestine” areas—where your overfed carcass can then be disposed of properly.

Not that being obese would have anything much to do with this stupid assclown meeting the agonizing fate she so richly deserves, mind. Live alongside insufferable idiots like this? Yeah, fuck all that noise.

(Via Powerline)


No, this is definitely NOT Roman Gabriel’s NFL

Nor Johnny Unitas’s, nor Ollie Matson’s, nor Bart Starr’s, nor Jim Brown’s, nor Mike Ditka’s. Nor mine, nor yours. The people running the show now don’t want it to be, see. And as far as I‘m concerned, may they have joy of their choice, they can fucking well have it.

NFL Funded Left-Wing Group Bailing Out Anti-Israel Bridge Blockers
Community Justice Exchange received grants from NFL’s ‘Inspire Change’ program as recently as 2022

The left-wing nonprofit that bailed out anti-Israel protesters who blocked bridges and highways across the country last week was a multi-year partner of the NFL’s “Inspire Change program” whose work is still promoted on the NFL’s website.

Community Justice Exchange set up a “bail and legal defense fund” for those arrested during last week’s A15 protests. The protests targeted major airports, highways, and bridges in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia. Their explicit goal was to disrupt economic “choke points” to maximize financial disruption, as explained on their website.

The online fundraiser, hosted by ActBlue and organized in conjunction with A15 Action, told donors that the funds will “support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine.”

As an official “Inspire Change” partner, the Community Justice Exchange received grants and publicity in its work “to end money bail and pre-trial detention at the local level and immigration detention at the national level.” The NFL’s partnership with the Community Justice Exchange was last extended in June 2022, according to an announcement from the league. The league touted the left-wing group’s “work with organizers, advocates, and legal providers across the country that are using community bail funds as part of efforts to radically change local bail systems and reduce incarceration.” The grants went toward “coordinating and supporting the 100+ local protest to bail funds and a centralized rapid response fund to support those protesting for racial justice.”

The partnership appears to have since lapsed—the nonprofit wasn’t on the list of grantees announced in May 2023. The NFL’s “Inspire Change” website lists Community Justice Exchange under “Previous Grant Recipients” and still includes a link to the group’s website.

Proud of their little Left-wing fascist goon squads, aren’t they? Like I said, they can have it, all they want and then some. Myself, after being the most rabid Cowboys fan imaginable from my childhood well into my “adult” (a-HENH!) years, I haven’t watched any NFL game—regular season, playoffs, Stupid Bowl, whatever—in several decades now, haven’t missed it even slightly, and almost certainly will never watch another.

Enjoy your “partnership” with the selfsame Leftard pussyfarts who have been trying to get football banned altogether for being “too violent,” “too dangerous” for, oh, ’round about twenty-thirty years or so, while it lasts. You can all go straight to Hell together for all me, and good fucking riddance to the whole sorry lot of you.

Via Sefton—welcome back, JJ!

Update! How we know for sure and certain that there’s really no such thing as zombies, the living dead, angry ghosts who walk among us seeking vengeance against the hated living, &c: Because the shades of Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, John D Rockefeller, Tom Landry, and many others—all of whom were hardcore capitalist Reich-wingers, if not straight-up Fascists, in life—haven’t risen from the grave en masse to tear out Wokester throats in righteous rage over their wanton despoliation of all they once held dear on this tormented Earth. That’s a by-God “tell” if ever I saw one.

Well, excepting the ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOO!!!))))-hate, of course. That would been totally jake with at least a couple of the aforementioned.


Another day…

…another looney-tooney “transgender” attempted murder.

School Ignored Trans Student’s ‘Hit List, Leading to a Bloody Beat-Down
“I’m gonna murder you,” shouted the trans-identifying student at Pennbrook Middle School as the 13-year-old blindsided a 12-year-old girl last week and bashed her skull repeatedly with a Stanley cup (ie, a ThermosM). The victim had to be hospitalized, her scalp stapled back together, and she had to go through a concussion protocol, according to police.

It’s about as horrible a middle school assault as can be imagined, not in the least because students and staff alike were well aware of the perpetrator’s “hit list.”

The Daily Mail reported Monday that another 12-year-old female student — remaining anonymous because of her age, like the victim and the thug — made a public statement that “she and two fellow students filled out paperwork explaining what they knew was going to happen if nothing was done and said that she was warned ‘watch your back’ at lunch.”

“You could’ve stopped it,” she said. “It was five hours from when I told you it was going to happen. I don’t get how you couldn’t have stopped that.”

“We had to watch [the victim] taken out with blood dripping down her face and I will never forget that! Laying in bed last night I just kept repeating it in my head.”

Reportedly, she was next on the hit list — the one the school did nothing about except to tell the “trans” kid’s potential victims, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not gonna happen.”

Let’s talk for a moment about the so-called “trans” phenomenon we’ve seen explode these last few years.

NononononoNOOO, we shouldn’t. In fact, we mustn’t, not for any reason whatsoever. That would be WRONG, see.

So naturally, the vicious anti-“trans person” H8RRRbigot author then goes on to do precisely that, the “transphobic” sumbitch. Why, it’s an act of actual, literal genocide, that’s what it is! Probably another of those vile, vicious, H8ful Trump-suckers, I bet.

If these deranged mutants keep it up with the batshit-insane mayhem—which they will; the voices in their heads seem to require it of them, while Leftard chaos-pimps stand up and cheer, denigrate the brutalized victims, or at best maintain strict silence—one has to wonder how much longer it’s going to be before these twisted maniacs wind up with some real, bona fide hatred and retaliatory violence to contend with. For the nonce, it’s as our blog-buddy of twenty-mumblemumble years’ standing Stephen concludes, in response to yet another explicit threat of freakshow-violence against specific cis-het oppressors:

But don’t worry. He won’t actually hurt anyone. Right up until he does.

Pretty much, yeah.

Update! At the “Thermos” link above, Ace coins a term I expect will come in mighty useful for saner sorts going forward, regrettably: “Transgender Rage.”


When he’s right, he’s right

Which, sadly enough, is not terribly often. But in this particular case, I’m glad Elon hipped me to it.


MOAR trouble with teachers

I have a small question: what the actual fuck are “furries” doing in schools in the first fucking place, anyway?

Evidently, the “furries” these kids are complaining about are fellow students, not teachers—somewhat surprisingly, since the whole “furry” phenomenon started out as a sexual kink among “people” well past the age of majority (notice I did NOT say “adults” or “grown-ups”), and not a relatively innocuous if odd childhood declaration of their affection for household pets.

Be that as it may, the fact the “furries” are there at all is indicative of a failure of the teachers to maintain discipline in their classrooms, seems to me. Not an entirely unreasonable one, sadly enough, since the faculty and administrators seem to realize what would happen to them if they DID try to enforce discipline: “cancellation” by the Wokester hordes; loss of their jobs and careers; discrimination lawsuits; mass Leftist rent-a-mob protests at their homes in the dead of night, and etc.

Eventually, such dangerous White Supremacist insurrectionist Sacred Democracy™ defilin’ teachers (if any) will have their doors kicked in by FBI/SWAT paramilitary brigades, their dogs shot, their children forced out in their pajamas and laid facedown on the front lawn beside the corpses of their bullet-riddled pets with a select-fire M4 pointed at their heads—all the usual sort of thing, you know the drill by now.

Be sure to watch it to the end for the students’ near-disbelieving confirmation that their school “leadership” has actually put litter boxes in the girls’ bathrooms to oblige  their delusional “furry” students. No really, apparently they did that. The “furries” would have been better served if they installed a few fire-and-brimstone Baptist preachers in there instead, methinks. Assuming they haven’t all been rounded up and imprisoned without benefit of trial by now, that is.

HATE SPEECH!! HAAATE SPEEEEECH!!! I hereby denounce myself.

Update! Via Dave Renegade: did somebody just say “failure to enforce discipline”? Why yes, I believe someone did.

That scrawny, worthless nigger should have been strung up by his thumbs from the nearest oak tree in plain view of all his likeminded filthbags, pour encourager les autres, within no more than three (3) minutes of doing this shit, for no less than a full five (5) day school-week. Unacceptable, unforgivable, completely inexcusable and intolerable, that’s what. Instead, the shitlibs will probably give the little turd some kind of medal for his “bravery” in fighting against his “oppressors.”

Know why teachers in every semi-urban government school say they’re in constant fear every day they show up to work? Putting up with shit like this without dealing out some hard, swift consequences the instant it even looks like happening, that’s fucking why.


Digging a hole, digging a hole, digging a hole

Too, too funny.

After Being Completely Exposed by Its Own Editor, NPR Responds in the Worst Possible Fashion
On Tuesday, a 25-year veteran of NPR who still serves as an editor at the outlet thoroughly exposed the left-wing network’s bias and its attempt to quash stories inconvenient to the Democratic Party. In a self-written article, Uri Berliner laid out multiple examples of how NPR has heavily skewed its news coverage while allowing essentially no viewpoint diversity in the newsroom.

Some examples Berliner gave included the “news” organization’s coverage of the COVID-19 origins, the Russian collusion hoax involving Donald Trump, and the Hunter Biden laptop story.

No worries, though. I’m happy to inform you that NPR has told NPR that NPR is doing just fine. That includes a doubling down on the DEI regiment that has led the network to reduced viewership and a cratering of its credibility.

NPR’s chief news executive, Edith Chapin, wrote in a memo to staff Tuesday afternoon that she and the news leadership team strongly reject Berliner’s assessment. 

“We’re proud to stand behind the exceptional work that our desks and shows do to cover a wide range of challenging stories,” she wrote. “We believe that inclusion — among our staff, with our sourcing, and in our overall coverage — is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world.”

Without realizing it, Chapin has just admitted the primary problem with forcing “inclusion” by way of racially-based diversity quotas. Doing so does not lead to an increased range of viewpoints. Instead, because DEI is exclusively a left-wing pursuit, it leads to an overabundance of the same viewpoints in the newsroom. Far from being “critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world,” it has led to NPR having no nuance in its reporting, instead parroting whatever its far-left staffers agree on.

The NPR article responding to Berliner goes on to miss the point yet again by bragging about how four out of 10 staffers are “people of color.”

In recent years, NPR has greatly enhanced the percentage of people of color in its workforce and its executive ranks. Four out of 10 staffers are people of color; nearly half of NPR’s leadership team identifies as Black, Asian or Latino.

It’s like talking to a wall. They just can’t grasp how stocking the newsroom with DEI hires instead of hires based on actual viewpoint diversity could possibly lead to the outcome Berliner exposed in his piece.

It’s LIKE talking to a wall because it IS talking to a wall; shitlibs never listen, they only ever double down, again and again and again, no matter what. It’s all they know to do, almost as if “smug,” “stubborn,” and “irrational” were hard-coded in their DNA or something. Because hey, they’re smarterer than you stupid troglodytes, see. If you don’t believe it, just ask ’em, they’ll tell ya…at excruciating length, they will.


Crime control ain’t no joke

She appears to be serious, as incredible as it seems.

Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime wraps up first set of meetings
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – All eyes are on Memphis as leaders from states across the country meet in the Bluff City for the first-ever Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime.

That coalition, created by Memphis Mayor Paul Young in partnership with the African American Mayors Association, is looking for discussion and solutions around public safety.

“We are solidified and resolved in the fact that we are stronger together. The national crime data may show some decreases in overall crime stats, but what we discussed today is that if people don’t feel safe, then the statistics don’t matter,” said Mayor Young.

Whether you’re walking the streets of Memphis and Shelby County, pumping gas, or just sitting in your home, you deserve to feel safe wherever you go.

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones says she’s taking back strategies used in Atlanta for nightclub owners and eyeing ways to reduce crimes around convenience stores.

“We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations,” said St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones. “So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime? Some of the things are already doing, we’re finding other mayors are doing as well.”

Bold mine, and completely batshit insane. “Hold business owners accountable”…for WHAT, exactly? “Accountable” for being victimized by ghetto ferals with their pants down around their ankles

  • Robbing them and/or their customers
  • Vandalizing their premises
  • Terrorizing every white woman within leering distance—regardless of age, physical attractiveness, or attitude—via sexually-explicit taunts, bodily gyrations, direct threats, and overtly aggressive behavior
  • Loitering outside the store in large groups chugging quarts of OE, huffing cheeba, tossing the wrappers of their shoplifted food, spent roaches, and/or empty malt-liquor bottles on the parking lot
  • Generally menacing said customers to the point they’re actually afraid to so much as pull into the lot, sensibly opting instead to just drive on by to another store possessed of a bit less “urban” ambience and inner-city “charm”

Years ago, there was a convenience store just like this near my house. My wife would happily drive miles out of her way to avoid passing the place late at night, and I couldn’t blame her either. I wasn’t any too comfortable driving by the horrible place late my own self, honestly; the coppery funk of predation, chaos, and imminent danger fairly wafted off the place in great waves. Bayou Peter puts it to ‘em straight, no chaser.

If you’re going to go after business owners for crimes committed by others, pretty soon you won’t have any business owners within your city limits. Then your citizens won’t be able to buy food, get their vehicles serviced, or do anything else that requires a business to provide the service. Then where will your precious city be???

I repeatedly think that we’ve plumbed the absolute depths of human stupidity…only to be proved wrong again and again by doofi such as Mayor Jones.

Nah, not quite yet we haven’t. That doesn’t truly kick in until the selfsame pig-ign’ant NICs (Niggers In Charge) start in bitching, pissing, and moaning about “food deserts” and such-like affronts. “Food deserts” which, mind, they created themselves, the inevitable by-product of their own rank stupidity.

Well, that, and RAYCISSISMS ’n’ sheeit, natch.

One last incredible no-joke factoid from the above-cited article: The Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, appears to be named (checks notes, checks again, shakes head in awe-struck disbelief) Chokwe Antar Lumumba. No, seriously, I swear I am NOT making this up.

Wait, you mean to tell me it’s NOT made of green cheese?

Q: Is Sheila Jackass Lee (Dumbass, TX) the stupidest Congresscritter EVAR?

A: Probably, yes.

Democrat congresswoman incorrectly tells schoolchildren that moon is “made up mostly of gases”
During an eclipse event at Booker T. Washington High School in Houston, Texas Monday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee made puzzling remarks about the moon’s composition, incorrectly suggesting it was “made up mostly of gases.” This statement diverged sharply from established astronomical facts, sparking both amusement and concern over public understanding of basic space science.

Key Details:

  • The comments were made as Jackson Lee participated in a community event focused on Monday’s eclipse, aiming to engage and educate attendees about astronomical phenomena.
  • Lee, a former member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, described the moon as a “complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases,” a description that inaccurately represents the moon’s solid, rocky nature.
  • The incident underscores the importance of accurate scientific communication, especially by public figures, in educational settings where misconceptions can significantly impact public understanding and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Another Q that springs immediately to mind: How is it that this chowderhead isn’t doing a job she’s better suited for: cleaning hotel rooms, say, or manning a drive-thru window?


If at first they don’t succeed…

If you thought there was any end to shitlib stupidity, that there simply had to be some point at which the perfidious chowderheads would smack their foreheads and mutter to themselves, “DAYUMM, this isn’t working! Could it be that we’re at fault here—that, instead of doubling down again and again on each successive failure, it might be time for us to rethink our basic premises?” PRO TIP: There isn’t, and they won’t.

San Francisco Bill Would Let People Sue Grocery Stores for Closing Too Quickly
A proposed ordinance would empower people to sue supermarkets that close without giving the city six months’ advance notice.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is considering a remarkable policy that would allow people to sue grocery stores that close too quickly.

Earlier this week, Supervisors Dean Preston and Aaron Peskin introduced an ordinance that, if passed, would require grocery stores to provide six months’ written notice to the city before closing down.

Supermarket operators would also have to make “good faith” efforts to ensure the continued availability of groceries at their shuttered location, either through finding a successor store, helping residents form a grocery co-op, or any other plan they might work out by meeting with city and neighborhood residents.

Lest one thinks this is some heavy-handed City Hall intervention, the ordinance makes clear that owners still retain the ultimate power to close their store. It also creates a number of exemptions to the six-month notice requirement. If a store is closing because of a natural disaster or business circumstances that aren’t “reasonably foreseeable,” it doesn’t have to provide the full six months’ notice.

Still, should stores close without providing the proper notice, persons affected by the closure would be entitled to sue the closed store for damages.

Preston has been floating this ordinance since January when a Safeway in the city’s Fillmore neighborhood announced it was closing before city officials intervened to keep it open a little longer. The policy itself is decades old.

In 1984, the board of supervisors passed an identical policy to what Preston and Peskin are proposing now, but it was vetoed by then-Mayor Dianne Feinstein. At the time, Feinstein described the policy as “an unnecessary intrusion of governmental regulatory authority.”

Ahhh, 1984—as in, the title of Orwell’s how-to manual for contemporary “liberals,” now superceded and kinda quaint. How perfectly apropos.

Preston is more comfortable with the intrusion.

Of course he is. Gee, color me shocked—SHOCKED!

“It was a good idea then, and it’s an even better idea now,” he told the San Francisco Chronicle in January.

Obviously so. I mean, any fool can see that it’s been working out so nicely for all concerned up to this point; it’s just that the original scheme didn’t go far enough, that’s all. I blame Trump, myself. Even way back when, the Orange Man was nothing but a garden-variety shitstirrer.

“We need notice, we need transparency, community input, and a transition plan when major neighborhood grocery stores plan to shut their doors.”

Know what you really need? To get government’s meddlesome mitts out of affairs not properly its own, and let private citizens engage in commerce with honest vendors as, when, and how they prefer, in accordance with A) their own free choice, and B) the laws of supply and demand.

Yeah, I know, in SF (symbolic capital of Amerika v2.0) that’s just crazy talk.

“Transparency, community input, and a transition plan.” Anybody besides me wondering just where the owner’s and/or shareholders’ needs might come into play here? Or, for the matter of it, be taken into consideration at all?

Whatever the impact of this proposed policy, it does provide a telling insight into just how much micromanagement San Francisco politicians think their city needs.


(Via Ed Driscoll)

“OOOOH, titties!”

I scream, you scream, we all scream for…umm, “ice cream.” Some of us guys more girlishly than others.

The Damage Caused by Trans ‘Inclusion’ In Female Athletics: a Massachusetts Case Study
A single biologically male high-school student has invaded female categories in at least four different sports—negatively affecting hundreds of girls and women in the process.

“A 6’ Tall, Bearded Trans Basketballer Arrogantly Slams a Young Girl to the Ground—She Collapses in Agony,” was how Britain’s Daily Mail headlined the latest transgender sports scandal. Some may roll their eyes at the Mail’s sensationalist (and uniquely verbose) headline style. But in this case, at least, no one can accuse the newspaper’s copy editors of getting the facts wrong.

The author of that article was one Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimming star who now helps lead the campaign to protect women’s sport from transgender-identified males. It’s a cause I happen to support. As this Massachusetts high-school basketball controversy attests, male participation in female sports categories isn’t just unfair to girls and women. It’s often dangerous, as well.

One argument that’s commonly invoked in support of male-bodied “inclusion” in female sports categories is that, as Minnesota-based activist group Gender Justice asserts, “trans women are very much underrepresented in sport,” and “professional trans women athletes are extremely rare.” The idea here is that, no matter the obvious advantages that men have over women in athletics, few female athletes will be negatively affected by the handful of trans-identified males who choose to compete in categories that align with their gender identity.

And, to give these activists their due, it is quite true that most elite male athletes, even those afflicted with gender dysphoria, understand that they don’t belong in protected female spaces. It requires either a blinding sense of arrogance, or perhaps social cluelessness, for a man competing as a woman to fail to understand how disdained (and, in some cases, reviled) he will become if he insists on persistently invading female athletics—notwithstanding the forced displays of camaraderie and acceptance that affected women typically feel obligated to put on for the cameras.

Hey, anybody out there remember back at the beginning of this sudden surge—UNEXPECTED!©—of “concern” about the “rights” of “transgenders,” some of us saying that canonizing this mental disorder as if it were all not just perfectly normal and above-board but actually admirable would provide opportunities for loser-perv Manwomen to invade female sports locker rooms, Ladies restrooms, and other restricted spaces in order to indulge their own predatory urges?

Nah, me neither, musta dreamed it or something.

And it’s not just a question of who gets to go home with the medals. As demonstrated by the case of the aforementioned “bearded trans basketballer”—Massachusetts high-school senior Lazuli Clark—just a single male athlete who chooses to invade protected female athletic spaces can antagonize, intimidate, or endanger dozens, or even hundreds, of female co-competitors.

Thanks in large part to The Independent Council on Women’s Sport, an American-based advocacy group, almost 9-million people have seen the infamous video clip of Clark injuring a female opponent during a February 8 high-school basketball game. Clark, a student at KIPP Academy in Lynn, MA, also reportedly hurt two other girls during that same game. Following the third injury, the coach of the opposing team, Collegiate Charter of Lowell, MA, chose to forfeit the game rather than risk losing more players.

Basketball isn’t Clark’s only sporting pursuit. By my count, Clark has opted into female categories in at least four separate sports. (I am making a deliberate attempt to avoid describing Clark with pronouns, as it isn’t clear which ones apply. While many public news accounts of Clark’s exploits use “she” and “her” descriptors, a Saugus, MA-based Tae Kwon Do studio recently appears to have described Clark, who is apparently a “black belt student,” as “them,” suggesting a non-binary identity.)

Recently, Quillette received a leaked copy of an October 12, 2022 letter sent to the United States Rowing Association (commonly known as USRowing), the sport’s national governing body, in which 15 parents of elite female Massachusetts-resident rowers detailed their concerns about Clark.

In an interview with Quillette, one of the signatories reported that Clark joined the female rowing club in 2021, after placing poorly (“near the bottom,” by this parent’s account) with the club’s corresponding male team. Clark reportedly didn’t bother to shave or otherwise maintain the outward aesthetic pretenses of female gender identification, and even continued to wear the male club’s uniform.

In one documented 2022 incident, it is alleged, Clark walked into the girls’ changing room, spotted a female rower who was topless, and made a lewd comment about her breasts (“Oooh, titties”). As a result, documents reviewed by Quillette indicate, Clark was reported by team officials to the U.S. Center for SafeSport, a congressionally mandated body dedicated to “ending sexual, physical, and emotional abuse on behalf of athletes everywhere.” After SafeSport took action in late 2022, Clark never rowed for the club again—in either gender category. (Efforts to contact Clark or adult members of Clark’s family about these allegations, as well as other events described in this article, were unsuccessful.)

Bold mine, because…well, I really don’t have to say it again, do I?


Another day, another disruption

Man, FUCK these filthy dirtbags all to Hell and gone, until their anguished cries of pain make the welkin ring.

BLM Continues to Try to Destroy Free Speech Rights of Kyle Rittenhouse — Protests Erupt at WKU (Watch)
The video below shows Black Lives Matter protesting Kyle Rittenhouse’s slated speech at Western Kentucky University. Take a moment to watch. We’ll wait.

It’s no secret the Left hates free speech, but they really don’t hide it anymore. As the video references, they recently succeeded in overrunning one of his speaking events in Memphis; unfortunately, to this writer’s mind, this has only spurred them on.

It seems most of X agrees.

Follows, this screencap of a low-to-no IQ lardass hilariously self-beclowning via her extravagantly stupid little sign memorializing Kyle’s predatory, violent “victims.”

The inescapable conclusion.

No matter how you may feel about Mr. Rittenhouse, on November 19th, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, he was adjudicated not guilty and, therefore, still has all of the same civil liberties as every other American.

In this writer’s opinion, the ‘outrage inc’ culture we’ve built in this country needs to go the way of the Woolly Mammoth if we have any hope of remaining a free people.

Yeah, well, it “needs to” right enough. That said, Real Americans shouldn’t oughta be waiting around for another world-altering meteor strike or some other galactic cataclysm to take care of the heavy lifting for us. Unfortunately, though, that looks more and more like yet another of those notorious Jobs Americans Just Won’t Do. Perhaps enacting legislation strictly mandating the execution of stupid people…


Rowling rips ’em up

The indomitable JK Rowling, that is, who is the pluperfect example of what I once famously called a Tough Chick.

Much, much more—entirely too much, actually, it’s sickening stuff—before we get to that last one, of which Ace helpfully provides a transcription.

She finished the thread by posting an essay — and daring the Scottish Speech Brute-Squad to come and arrest her.

In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls. The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women’s and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex.

For several years now, Scottish women have been pressured by their government and members of the police force to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears, repudiate biological facts and embrace a neo-religious concept of gender that is unprovable and untestable. The re-definition of ‘woman’ to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women’s and girls’ rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors.

It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.

I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.

If you agree with the views set out in this tweet, please retweet it.

#ArrestMe #AprilFools #HateCrimeActScotland

I’m glad she’s doing this. They like going after people with small voices that won’t be heard. They like going after people they can abuse in the darkness and silence.

Well, J.K. Rowling does not have a small voice.

If you really want to arrest people for saying that men are men and will remain men — then start with the near-billionaire with millions of followers on social media. Someone who can not only hire the best lawyers in the world, but who will villainize you for an audience of millions if you arrest her.

So do it, Thought Police.

Or are you just cowards?

Oh, I think we all know the answer to that one well enough, thanks. Then, after the bimbelinas at NAG (the National Association of Gals, in the Limbaugh parlance) slagged Rowling for her…ummm…(checks notes)…White Supremacism (???), Based Megyn Kelly puts in her two cents worth.

Well said, Megyn, you pretty thang, you. Heh—sorry, just couldn’t help it. I DENOUNCE MYSELF!


Senile Grampy Gropey puts his oar in

Jeez, this guy. This fookin’ guy.

Okay, we’ve all enjoyed pointing and laughing at the buffoonish antics, pratfalls, fictitious self-aggrandizement, and meandering tall tales emitted by this doddering old fool all along, sure. But at this point, I have to say it’s just getting tiresome.

Praetorian Media to dismiss this latest episode as simply another instance of the “stuttering” problem Vigorous Auld Jaux never evinced the slightest trace of throughout his entire life up until the last three years or so in 4…3…2…


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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