Justice, (well) done

Served up piping hot.

The Chickens Come Home to Roost for Chuck Schumer As Pro-Hamas Radicals Target His Daughter
Chuck Schumer and his daughter found themselves on the receiving end of pro-Hamas extremism on Friday evening. While the two ate dinner for Shabbat, “protesters” showed up at the apartment building shouting for a “ceasefire” and accusing Schumer of killing children.

The scene was a familiar one, with crazed Hamas supporters spending the months after the October 7th attack in Israel harassing people and shutting down infrastructure. All in the name of blood-thirsty terrorists who murdered babies, raped women, and beheaded people on camera because they are just so darn “oppressed.”

My feelings about this specific situation involving Schumer are complicated.

Mine aren’t, not even slightly: FUCK him, his whole family, and the horse they all rode in on. Right in the liver, with a rusty railroad spike.

What kind of deranged psychos picket the apartment of a Jewish woman, screaming for a ceasefire with genocidal lunatics, just because her father is a senator? There’s nothing right and good about that, and the protesters themselves should be maligned and condemned.

On the other hand, Chuck Schumer wanted this. He has spent years excusing antisemitism in his own party, refusing to call out bigots like Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar. In lieu of that, he’s blamed all the world’s ills on nebulous, nearly non-existent “right-wing extremists” and “white supremacy.”

When you feed the alligator, I’m not sure you deserve much sympathy when it bites your arm off.

Exactly, precisely so—which is why my sympathy for steaming, stinking pieces of dung like Schemer is not just limited, but entirely nonexistent. He and every other conniving, double-dealing shitlib like him can all die in a fire, screaming, for all me. Protesters showing up at their homes shouting at them is but a mere tithe of what they actually deserve. To paraphrase one of my dear old grandma’s go-to aphorisms, you lay down with Jew-hating Muzzrat terrorists, you get up with fleas. So be it, then.



Four legs good, two legs very, very bad.

An Israeli survivor of the horrific Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7 is speaking out about the barbaric gang rape and murder of a young woman “with the face of an angel.”

Yoni Saadon, 39, a shift manager in a foundry who has four children, was hiding under the stage at the Supernova music festival when Hamas attacked. He said a young woman hiding next to him was shot in the head and fell to the ground next to him.

“I pulled her body over me and smeared her blood on me so it would look as if I was dead too,” he told The Times. “I will never forget her face. Every night I wake to it and apologize to her, saying ‘I’m sorry.’”

After an hour, he looked out. “I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her,” he recalled. “She was screaming, ‘Stop it — already I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’ When they finished they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head.”

“I kept thinking it could have been one of my daughters,” he continued. “Or my sister — I had bought her a ticket but last minute she couldn’t come.”

Later, hiding in some bushes, he saw further horrors as two more Hamas terrorists attacked another young woman. “They had caught a young woman near a car and she was fighting back, not allowing them to strip her,” he said. “They threw her to the ground and one of the terrorists took a shovel and beheaded her and her head rolled along the ground. I see that head too.”

Nah, never happened; Hamas flatly denies it, see, so it couldn’t have, it’s unpossible. And their friends, allies, and enablers in The Squad, shitlib media, and the ((((JooJooJooJOOOOO!!!)))) hatin’ Right all enthusiastically endorse the lies, like moldy, stinking peas in the same rotting pod. If any of these “people” were capable of shame, they’d all be hanging their heads from it.

The antidote? Rat cheer.

UFC star Conor McGregor could be trading his boxing gloves for a suit.

The featherweight champion hinted yet again this week that he is planning a run for the presidency in Ireland — a massive career change Elon Musk lauded as “not even fair” to other contenders.

McGregor, 35, who has been outspoken in recent weeks amid violent rioting in Dublin, said Monday he would serve at the whim of the people should he throw his hat in the 2025 election: “It would not be me in power as president, people of Ireland. It would be me and you.”

Tesla founder and Twitter owner Musk quickly showed support for McGregor, stating the longtime politicians wouldn’t stand a chance against the newcomer.

“I think you could take them all single-handed. Not even fair,” Musk replied, alongside a crying laughing emoji.

In a lengthy response to the Space X CEO, McGregor pointed out that the road to the nomination would be a tedious process, but he feels strongly that he’d find success on the other side: “I’d fancy my chances Elon, 100%”

His main goals, McGregor claimed, would be for “transparency” in government.

“Currently there is none. Not an iota. False promises come around the time of election and then it is literally straight ignorance into the face thereafter. It’s disgusting…This is why I’d run, if I was to. To be a voice of the people that deserve to be heard.”

McGregor initially showed interest in Ireland’s highest office last week after a man knifed three children — including a seriously injured 5-year-old — and an adult during riots in Dublin.

He chastised the violence, warning that he would step in to course correct if the current government can’t.

“If they do not act soon with their plan of action to ensure Ireland’s safety, I will,” he said.

I hope like hell he does. Run, Conor, run! Your country never needed you more. As I said, we could use someone like you over on these sad shores right about now.

The difference

All boldface mine, indicative of the real bottom line here, the Big Question that every Western society must soon ask itself—and answer—else surrender to eternal subjugation as another conquered part of the Dar al Pisslam.

The anxiety among Jews is perhaps most pronounced in Great Britain, where 500,000 Jews are outnumbered 10-1 by five million Muslims. Close to half of British Jews now say they are thinking of emigrating, so great has their sense of insecurity become.

What do British people think? Would they be glad to see so many British Jews leave the country, where they have for many centuries been loyal, productive, and creative citizens, driven out by Muslim migrants who have been neither loyal, nor productive, nor creative citizens of the land where they batten on government benefits of every kind, regarded as a kind of proleptic “jizyah,” and openly declare their hope and expectation, through demographic conquest, to turn the U.K. into part of Dar al-Islam, where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere? Is that the future the British feel helpless to prevent, or will they come to their senses in time, and do the following: first, put a stop to any further Muslim immigration; second, deport all migrants who are in the country illegally; third, deport all Muslims convicted of crimes after they have served their sentences; fourth, halt all welfare benefits to migrants during the first five years of their presence in the U.K.?

FIFY with that closing strikethrough, which is most apposite of all. Sefton dots the last “i” and crosses the last “t” for us.

France imported God knows how many million Arabs and Muslims from North Africa and elsewhere and the result was not millions of new French citizens, but the transformation of whole swathes of the country into beachheads of Dark Age barbarism. True, the French government and people did essentially nothing to even try and assimilate these people, but it was a lost cause from the get go. They were invited in and behaved as outsiders and, as per the tenets of Islam, the first wave of Islamic conquerers.

As the article states, 500,000 Jews still live in England but there are upwards of 5 million Muslims. The most popular baby name in England is Mohammed, and that alarming cultural warning sign first happened like five or 10 years ago. Aside from the West adopting the most radical solutions, including the mass stripping of citizenship and deportations, the trend is irreversible. It also presupposes political leadership and a mass movement of the citizenry to adopt measures that go against Western tradition and by recognizing in the first place that Islam is completely incompatible and anathema to the past 2,000 of civilizational development and progress. That too is a non-starter.

The other huge and bitter irony is that places like Germany opened their borders to mass migrants because of guilt over what they did to the Jews between 1933 and 1945. Yet look who they let in to assuage their guilt over the Holocaust: dark age throwbacks mostly from Turkey and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Perfect.

So that leaves it up to the citizenry to take matters into their own hands as they had done in Ireland in the wake of last week’s stabbing spree in Dublin. Problem is that Western governments in the main are firmly against their own people.

And as we all know, with a wide open non-existent border and joke of an immigration system over here, what’s happening in Europe will be and in fact is happening here. We are being transformed into Yugoslavia right before our very eyes.

Yugoslavia? We should be so lucky, JJ. Yemen or Ethiopia, more like.


Hotting up

The War On Christmas has gone international, and escalated considerably.

Oh, and speaking of Christmas:

German Police Arrest Islamist Teens Planning Attack on Christmas Market, Synagogue

I remember, seven years ago, writing about two young women I’d met, from opposite ends of Germany, who told me they’d decided not to sing with their caroling groups at Christmas markets any more because, as one put it, “Christmas is now a target”. And I also recall how many friends on the so-called “right” suggested I was exaggerating the threat. This was the headline on Ed West’s Spectator column the following year:

Christmas markets without armed police are now a thing of the past

And so the first sign of the holidays in Europe, and indeed in New York, is watching the Christmas bollards get installed in preparation for the season of goodwill to all men – if you can afford all those security barriers. From longtime reader Robert Strauss six years ago:


There’s something so disheartening and depressing about the closing of the Lyons Christmas market due to the cost of security concerns that it makes a person just plain tired. Christmas markets are such wonderful traditions: fun and kitsch (in the most wonderful way) and beautiful and singularly atmospheric. I love walking through them. It’s where a kid’s face lights up and a grandparent can escape back into kid-like memories.

And now it’s going away. I can’t help but think of the hashtag-“not-going-to-let-it-affect-our-daily-lives” mantra coming from the likes of Obama, Sadiq Khan, Theresa, and soda-tax enthusiast Jim Kenney. Hey, the gift-packaged barriers really look nice and Christmasy, don’t they? Nothing abnormal there, people. Just pretend there still is a Christmas market when you look at the cute, packaged barriers and enjoy the carols in your earbuds.

What a sad, heartbreaking crock.

Bob S.

As I received the above, came news of the 2017 vehicular jihad in a thoroughly bollardized Melbourne. That last one I wrote about, but you can’t write about them all – because you’d go mad writing the same column over and over while the western world’s political class sticks its fingers in its ears and says, “Nya-nya, can’t hear you!” No amount of death or destruction will persuade them to address the issue. And so once open, shared traditions become throttled by bollards and security. And in meekly agreeing to surrender our future we lose our past, too.

How could it be otherwise? The war being half-heartedly waged against yodeling Pisslamic jihadis isn’t some small-scale “police action” or yet another far-removed brushfire conflict which effete Westerners can laconically forget about or ignore as a minor annoyance that doesn’t really affect them all that much—most especially not when we’ve permitted our so-called “leaders” to dump several divisions’ worth of enemy soldiers into our very laps, either via studiously looking the other way as they waltz across our nonexistent southern border or just importing them directly, resettling them en masse under the threadbare cover of “refugee” status.

No, this one is for all the marbles, I’m afraid, with the highest imaginable stakes for every last one of us. It’s an existential war, quite literally, and the losing side in that sort of war loses absolutely everything.


The West’s number-one import

“SHOCKING”?!? Hardly.

SHOCKING: How Many European Women Will Be Raped Before Their Leaders Do Something About Those ‘Refugees?’
The globalists’ plan to take over the West by importing the third world has been both wildly successful and shockingly brutal, especially to European women.

As the globalists gavaged “asylum seekers” from toilet countries into Germany, France, Sweden, Ireland, England, and elsewhere, they were also sure to threaten the mostly white citizenry that complaining about the rape crisis would make them “racist.”

From an OAN interview with PJ Media’s own Robert Spencer, one of the world’s preeminent Islam scholars:

The Quran says you can take infidel women and make them what are called ‘captives of the right hand’ and it’s very clear in the Quran that these are essentially sex slaves who are non-Muslim women captured, who are captured and used in this way. This is allowed in the Islamic holy book and not only that but many of the people who are participating in the Muslim rape gangs actually said this to their victims and explained it in terms of the Quran. And many — one of them even said, raping you can [be] my prayer to Allah. Because obviously, if Allah allows this, then in a certain sense it’s a holy act, as twisted as it sounds to non-Muslim sensibilities.

So Muslim men poured into Christian nations, believing raping women is a “holy act,” and if the women complain they are considered bigots. What could go wrong?

Oh, just the obvious, that’s all—thereby confirming once again that when a developed, 1st-world nation imports hordes of unassimilable 3rd-world savages, it quickly becomes a 3rd-world nation its own self. Whodathunkit?

Not sure the link above will work, it’s a PJM VIP piece I ran through the 12ft Ladder paywall-buster. Worked fine for me, but YMMV.


Conor McGregor for Taioseach!

I’m down with that. In fact, I could wish we had one like him over here.

Today’s headline may become a regular feature here at SteynOnline – because in the vibrantly multicultural west the stabbing of the native population is becoming a routine event. Following Saturday’s pogrom at a village dance in rural France, in Dublin yesterday three schoolgirls and a member of staff were stabbed. Or as the BBC put it, lapsing into the passive voice:

Three children and a school care assistant were injured in a knife attack in the city centre.

Oh, that’s so sad. Did the knife attack them all on its own or was there a human being as its accomplice? Ah, well…

The “extraordinary outbreak of violence” had come after “hateful assumptions” were made based on material circulating online in the wake of the stabbings…

It is understood that included false claims that the attacker was a foreign national.

Sources have indicated to the BBC that the man suspected of carrying out the attack is an Irish citizen in his late 40s who has lived in the country for 20 years.

Really? You’re being a bit coy, aren’t you? If “sources have indicated to” you, maybe you could indicate to us a bit more about what those sources indicated. The “false claims” online were that the stabber was an “Algerian immigrant” or “a man from Algeria”. So is the BBC saying merely that this “Irishman” may well have originated in Algeria but he managed to procure an Irish passport so that makes him as Irish as Paddy O’Peat-Bog? Because while that may be true as a matter of law it doesn’t render the underlying claim in the least bit “false” – or the broader point: that a certain percentage of immigrants to the west enjoy stabbing infidels.

So the only “falseness” here is on the part of the Beeb, in seeking to airbrush, as they always do, the fruits of diversity.

To be fair, the Dublin media are not quite as invested in the multiculti omerta as the French press, which spent the days after the Crépol attack reporting it, much to the fury of the locals, as a teenage “brawl” – or une rixe. A brawl requires two sides – Sharks rumbling with Jets in West Side Story. This was a one-side story: A gang of North Africans rode out from the big town for the express purpose of killing whites, bringing 25cm blades with which they intentionally stabbed sixteen-year-old Thomas in the throat and in the heart. Notwithstanding the media-government omerta, everyone in France who wants to know the truth knows it.

Back in the real Ireland that Commissioner Harris purports to police, 75 per cent of people think the country has taken in too many refugees – whatever that word now means. And that figure rises to 83 per cent among supporters of Sinn Féin – who, a third of a century back, murdered Mr Harris’s dad but are not generally regarded as “far right”. The Shinners do, however, appear to discern an existential question for today’s Irish state: what’s the point of throwing off the Protestant Ascendancy only to replace it with an Islamic Ascendancy?

Given the choice between the French reaction to Saturday’s stabbings and the Irish reaction to Thursday’s, I’ll take the latter. “Virtue-signalling” is a cutesy phrase but, if it can encompass the sacrifice of your own children on the altar of diversity, then our society does not deserve to survive. If you can’t summon righteous anger over attempted re-enactments of the Massacre of the Innocents, when can you?

That seventy-five per cent poll response ought to be the baseline in the nations of the west. The political class has embarked on a mad and unprecedented experiment that discards all the most basic maxims of prudence: They have determined to transform our nations into something other. You can vote, as Britain did, for a party that promises to reduce immigration to mere thousands only to wake up to hear that its wretched and traitorous leadership have admitted 1.2 million migrants last year alone. That’s over four times as many immigrants as the United Kingdom took in during the nine centuries between 1066 and 1950 (about 200,000 Jews, 50,000 Huguenots, and a bit of flotsam and jetsam from hither and yon). What western governments are doing to their peoples is not normal, and should not be treated as such.

Twenty years ago, I still hoped we might be able to vote our way out of societal suicide. But that is increasingly unlikely. The media coverage of the Crépol and Dublin stabbings confirms that, when asked to choose between the multiculti madness and their lyin’ eyes, the elites are too invested in the former to be in the least bit susceptible to reality.

So there will be more stabbings of children. And there will be more responses to it – some like the passive weepy vigils of Wednesday but, eventually, more like the Dublin rampage of Thursday. The Irish, of all people, should surely be aware that, when push comes to shove, violence does not remain a monopoly of one side.

A shame, but the conduct of officialdom this past week suggests that in the chancelleries of Europe and the rest of the west they will leave the citizenry no other option.

Indeed so; as I’ve said more than once, if said citizenry is left with no hope for justice but vigilantism, then vigilantism it will surely be, sooner or later. Ah, but where might McGregor fit in to all this, you ask? Why, rat cheer, I fire back.

Is Conor McGregor Running for Office? Fed-Up UFC Legend Makes Vow After Violent Attack in Ireland\
Friday on X, formerly Twitter, McGregor threw down the gauntlet and promised to fix what ails his home country.

“There will be change in Ireland, mark my words. The change needed,” McGregor wrote as part of a lengthier post.

On Thursday, riots erupted in the Irish capital of Dublin following a knife attack that wounded five people, including three children. Irish journalist John McGuirk identified the suspected assailant as “an Algerian national in his 50s who came to Ireland several decades ago.”

McGregor condemned the riots but also acknowledged the rioters’ concerns.

“Last nights scenes achieved nothing toward fixing the issues we face. I do understand frustrations however, and I do understand a move must be made to ensure the change we need is ushered in. And fast!” he wrote.

“I am in the process of arranging. Believe me I am way more tactical and I have backing,” he added.

That last line undoubtedly raised eyebrows. At minimum, it raised the question of whether McGregor might attempt to follow the likes of Milei and former U.S. President Donald Trump as celebrity outsiders-turned-populist leaders.

McGregor then cited immigrant violence against Irish citizens as the context for his promised change.

“In the last month, innocent children stabbed leaving school. Ashling Murphy murdered. Two Sligo men decapitated,” the former UFC champion wrote.

“This,” according to McGregor “is NOT Ireland’s future!”

“If they do not act soon with their plan of action to ensure Ireland’s safety, I will,” he added.

Naturally, the goobermint responded to such threats of violence, Islamophobia, and bigotry exactly how we in Amerika v2.0 have come to expect.

Irish Authorities Investigate Conor McGregor for “Hate Speech”
It looks like a lot of Irish have had enough. Farmers are ordered to kill cows, crime is increasing, and illegal aliens are pouring in. The new Prime Minister thinks the country is too white at 93%, so he’s doing something about it. His election was lauded because he’s of Indian descent and gay. Maybe they should have gone for actual qualifications.

As Elon Musk said, the Prime Minister hates the Irish people, making his hate speech laws very ironic.

McGregor called out the police.

“Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough.”

“There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.”

“Make a change or make way. Ireland for the victory. God bless those attacked today, we pray.”

He also posted on X: “Do not let any Irish property be took over unannounced. Evaporate said property. It’s a war,” he added.

Run, Conor, run! As increasingly seems to be case across the Western world, your government has declared itself your enemy. So be it, then—let them be treated as such, in all ways great and small. To wit:

MMA Superstar Conor McGregor has been outspoken about the potential alien issue in the stabbings. He’s effective so he’s a target.

“McGregor’s posts are being assessed by the gardai, the Irish police, as part of an inquiry into the dissemination of online hate speech,” reports the Times.

“Disgraceful! Conor repeatedly condemned any illegal activity and is only expressing the view of the majority of Irish people on uncontrolled immigration,” remarked Keith Woods

“This state is at war with its own people,” he added.

Some Irish people are talking about having Conor run for PM. So, what does the government do? The Irish authorities investigate him for “online hate speech.” It’s a Soviet-style tactic used throughout the West, especially in the United States.

They investigated him for an alleged sexual assault in June, but couldn’t come up with charges.

Of course they couldn’t. There, as here, the process is the punishment. Godspeed to Conor McGregor, another stout lad who’s had a bellyful of it, whatever he may choose to do going forward.

Update! In case you didn’t know—I didn’t myself, until I’d read Caim McDonnell’s wonderful Bunny McGarry series of novels—the Irish PM is generally known in-country as the Taioseach. Pronounced “tee-shercchhh,” more or less, in that baffling way the Gaelic language has about it.

Update From Barry:
At the risk of stepping on the great ones toes*, Mike, I’ll link to Tucker and Bannon discussing this very topic:

*If Mike had toes, but being the “Worlds Greatest One Legged Blogger” does require sacrifices 🙂


There already IS a “Palestine”

Has been for many years now, and we need another one like I need another hole in my fucking head.

Geert Wilders Correctly Notes That Jordan Is ‘Palestine’
Hallelujah! There is a politician who actually knows history! Geert Wilders, who just won an election victory in the Netherlands, caused uproar after stating the simple historical fact that Jordan is the Arab nation that “Palestinians” keep claiming they don’t have.

On November 25, Wilders, whose party came out on top in this past week’s Dutch election, posted an article on Twitter/X Nov. 25 with the comment “Jordan is Palestine!” and the title “Arab states condemn Wilders for push to relocate Palestinians to Jordan.”

PJ Media’s Robert Spencer previously explained how “Palestine” was used as a regional term, never as the title of an ancient or medieval nation. Then in the 1920s, the League of Nations granted administrative powers to the British for a part of the collapsed Ottoman Empire, with instructions to create a “national home for the Jewish people.” Sadly, the British chose to favor Arabs over Jews.

Britain immediately turned over 77% of the Mandate to the Arabs to create Jordan but remained generally committed to establishing a Jewish national home in the remainder. This was known as the Mandate for Palestine. Sometimes Leftists point to it as the Palestinian state that supposedly predated Israel, but this claim relies on the ignorance of the fact that this British territory had been explicitly set aside for Jewish settlement; nine years before the founding of the modern state of Israel, a 1939 flag of “Palestine” sports a star of David.

When the State of Israel was founded in 1948, it immediately had to fight a war for its survival against the surrounding Arab nations that had vowed to destroy it. Then there was finally an occupation — in fact, two: Egypt occupied Gaza and Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria (which it renamed the West Bank)… [A] Palestinian state, if it is ever created, would be the first-ever such entity in the history of the world. There is actually no Israeli occupation at all.

The so-called “Palestinians” are actually a conglomeration of other Arab peoples, invented as a separate “people” in the 1960s. Ancient Israel was a Jewish nation over a thousand years before Islam was invented. Islamic scriptures endorse killing non-Muslims, and as heinous as the Oct. 7 attack was, it is sadly the latest egregious example of decades of Arab jihad on Israel.

Wilders later retweeted an alleged Hamas statement responding to him, mocking Hamas as clowns. “Hamas complaining about international law,” he tweeted. Employing its usual tactic of labeling its opponents with a name that accurately describes itself, the terrorist group Hamas — with its avowed goal being Jewish genocide — actually called Israelis and their allies Nazis. “We strongly condemn the statement of the Dutch extremist Wilders, who calls for the displacement of our people to Jordan, which calls for widespread international condemnation,” the statement began. These are terrorists, who mutilated and burned alive children, calling Wilders an extremist!

I’d say the main conclusions to take from Hamas’s statement are that anyone calling Wilders a “racist extremist” is agreeing with terrorist propaganda, and that if you are infuriating one of the most evil and perverted terrorist organizations in the world, as Wilders did, you are probably doing something right.

A-yup. Myself, I’d also add that if your dislike for ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOOZ!!!)))) leads you to agree with absolutely anything the jihadists are saying or doing, you very much need to rethink a few things—your reflexive prejudice has led you badly astray, as it tends to do.


No, one of these things is NOT like the other

Despite what way too many people who really ought to know better are saying these days.


I screencapped this one rather than embed it like I ordinarily would because for some reason Twitter/X wanted to chop it off after the first few lines and insert one of those obnoxious “Show more” clickbait-links of theirs. Hopefully the text isn’t too small for some of the older eyes out there to make out; it’s really good stuff, and IMHO a very important read. If it is, maybe try this link instead, it might work better for y’all decrepit old fossils. More along similar lines from Harris, with whom I feel like I should be more familiar than I actually am, and likewise-important reading.

In the wake of Hamas’s October 7 attack, it’s important to keep in view the bright line that exists between good and a very specific form of evil. It is the evil of bad ideas—ideas so bad that they can make even ordinary human beings impossible to live with. 

There’s a piece of audio from October 7 that many people have commented on. It’s a recording of a cell phone call that a member of Hamas made to his family, while he was in the process of massacring innocent men, women, and children. The man is ecstatic, telling his father and mother, and I think brother, that he has just killed ten Jews with his own hands. He had just murdered a husband and wife and was now calling his family from the dead woman’s phone.

Of course, all of this horror is compounded by the irony that the Jews who were killed on October 7 were, for the most part, committed liberals and peace activists. Hamas killed the sorts of people who volunteer to drive sick Palestinians into Israel for medical treatments. They murdered the most idealistic people in Israel. They raped, tortured, and killed young people at a trance dance music festival devoted to peace, half of whom were probably on MDMA feeling nothing but love for all humanity when the jihadists arrived. In terms of a cultural and moral distance, it’s like the fucking Vikings showed up at Burning Man and butchered everyone in sight. 

Just think about what happened at the Supernova music festival: at least 260 people were murdered in the most sadistically gruesome ways possible. Decapitated, burned alive, blown up with grenades…and from the jihadist side, this wasn’t an error. It’s not that if they could have known what was in the hearts of those beautiful young people, they would have thought, “Oh my God, we’re killing the wrong people. These people aren’t our enemies. These people are filled with love and compassion and want nothing more than to live in peace with us.” No, the true horror is that, given what jihadists believe, those were precisely the sorts of people any good Muslim should kill and send to hell where they can be tortured in fire for eternity. From the jihadist point of view, there is no mistake here. And there is no basis for remorse. Please absorb this fact: for the jihadist, all of this sadism—the torture and murder of helpless, terrified people—is an act of worship. This is the sacrament. This isn’t some nauseating departure from the path to God. This isn’t stalled spiritual progress, much less sin. This is what you do for the glory of God. This is what Muhammed himself did. 

There is no substitute for understanding what our enemies actually want and believe. I’m pretty sure that many of you reading this aren’t even comfortable with my use of the term enemy, because you don’t want to believe that you have any. I understand that. But you have to understand that the people who butchered over 1,400 innocent men, women, and children in Israel on October 7 were practicing their religion, sincerely. They were being every bit as spiritual, from their point of view, as the trance dancers at the Supernova festival were being from theirs. They were equally devoted to their highest values. Equally uplifted. Ecstatic. Amazed at their good fortune. They wouldn’t want to trade places with anyone. Let this image land in your brain: they were shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) all day long, as they murdered women and children. And these people are now being celebrated the world over by those who understand exactly what they did. Yes, many of those college kids at Harvard and Stanford and Cornell are just idiots who have a lot to learn about the world. But in the Muslim community, and that includes the crowds in London and Sydney and Brooklyn, Hamas is being celebrated by people who understand exactly what motivates them. 

S’truth. It’s beyond dismaying how, in such a relatively short span of time after the 9/11 atrocities, so many Americans could have forgotten so much already—especially seeing as how the jihadist filth have carried right on with their 1500-year campaign of bloodcurdling horror and brutality, committing numerous, if less spectacular, crimes against humanity across the civilized world since 2001. Can the Leftist Enemy really be as adept at propagandizing, brainwashing, and desensitization as that? Are American college students really so incapable of learning, of thinking for themselves, that they’d be susceptible to such Satanic blandishments? Will entire generations of our historically-illiterate young people have to be written off as irretrievably lost to pure evil?

The above excerpt is from a partial transcript of a longer audio interview with Harris, which is available at the link also. Like I said before, I’m minimally aware of Sam Harris as some kind of controversial New Right figure, and…well, and that’s about it, really. Never have read any of his stuff before; I do know he’s one of those gadfly pundits that routinely catches a crapton of condemnation from just about every side. Beyond what you just read, I can’t honestly say I know a thing about his views on other topics—as insightful and incisive as the above items are, he could still be full of shit as a Christmas turkey on everything else for all I know. I should probably try to do a little self-edjumacation on him, I reckon.

(Both via KT)


TWANLOCs exposing themselves

Would anyone like to explain to me again why we should think of these subhumans as our “countrymen,” rather than as what they actually are: our enemies?

Osama bin Laden’s infamous ‘Letter to America’ after 9/11 promoted by TikTok influencers, goes viral
Others on social media are promoting the terrorist’s justification of attacks on the U.S., antisemitic rhetoric

A TikTok influencer went viral this week for promoting Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America.”

Online personality and pro-Palestinian activist Lynette Adkins urged her over 175,000 TikTok followers on Tuesday to read the words of the terrorist mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. 

“I need everyone to stop what they’re doing right now and go read- It’s literally two pages. Go read ‘A Letter to America,” Adkins said the video. “And please come back here and just let me know what you think because I feel like I’m going through, like, an existential crisis right now and a lot of people are, so I just need someone else to be feeling this.”

Her video received roughly 800,000 views and over 80,000 likes on TikTok.

So there it is then, in plain, black and white numbers: 800k (at least) “people” who very much need to be, umm, removed, shall we say, without further ado before we can call this a truly civilized country again.

Update! Megyn Kelly, smokin’ hot as always (in more than just the obvious way), puts it to ‘em straight.

Said a mouthful there, girlfriend.


Of Remembrance and forgetfulness

As Steyn notes, it’s a sad distinction.

The “Free World” the Leader purports to lead is increasingly like that, don’t you find? Stumbling around, unsure what it’s doing or why it’s here. In the years immediately after the Great War, “remembrance” was easy – because they were your sons, husbands, fathers, fiancés, and they’re not around. Then the decades roll by, and for newer generations, even though you never met those you’re “remembering”, they’re still your great-uncles or great-grandfathers, and thus part of the bond that connects you to your country and its inheritance.

And then a few more decades drift on and now we’re all multicultural, and diversity is our strength, and a nation is no more or less than whoever happens to be standing around in it, like Gate 87 at Heathrow or LAX. And the bond is non-existent – because the Glorious Dead are not your kith and kin – and, even if they were, you’ve been taught since kindergarten that they were irredeemably racist and colonialist.

Yet it is surely significant, after a month in which stooped, aged Royal British Legion poppy-sellers have been bullied and shoved away from their traditional street corners and railway stations, that this hideous, treacherous constabulary could not bring itself to show any kind of solidarity with the old soldiers.

And even the Met’s official evenhandedness – of trying to ensure that both the Royal British Legion and Hamas get to share the public space – is taking a side, is it not? Because it enables Islam to achieve its aim – of appropriating one of the most solemn days in the national calendar for its own purposes. Islamic supremacism does nothing by accident: the end of the Great War was also the end of the Caliphate and the dawn of a fractured Middle East under the French and the British, who promptly put a Jew in charge of their “Palestine” mandate.

Whether hijacking Armistice Day should be legal or illegal, it would not, in a healthy polity, be considered seemly. That’s why I always quote the otherwise wholly forgotten Lord Moulton, Director-General of the Explosives Department during the First World War, and his observation that the health of a society is determined not by what is permitted or prevented by law but by what is self-regulated by the citizenry in “the realm of manners”. In the realm of manners, the citizenry don’t need a law forbidding competing groups from swamping and desecrating Armistice Day because you couldn’t find enough people willing to do anything so obviously inappropriate. But multiculti diversity rots out the realm of manners – because the population no longer has enough in common to sustain social cohesion and so you need an ever bigger and more powerful state to mediate the competing interests of different identity groups.

And, of course, these groups are not static. Some are in decline, some are in the ascendant. What happened this weekend is not so very difficult to figure out. As some “niche Canadian” wrote almost two decades ago, the future belongs to those who show up. Well, on the streets of London, the future showed up.

It did at that, among all too many other places. Quelle surprise, that it turned out to look even bleaker, darker, and more dismal than even the worst pessimist among us feared it might.


Jewish “journalist” SHOCKED to learn murdering Hamas terrorists are, in fact, murdering Hamas terrorists

…and, being a pluperfect, Mark-1 Mod-0 example of what our blog-bud JJ Sefton aptly dubbed “self-gassing Jews,” is scrupulously careful to make sure that he learns absolutely nothing whatsoever else.

I’m a Jew at ‘The Guardian.’ I Don’t Feel Safe at Work.
An anonymous employee describes the hostile environment at Britain’s foremost left-leaning newspaper.

I wake up on October 7 to a text from my brother-in-law: “Thoughts are with your family in Israel. I hope everyone is safe.”

I check the news. Hamas has entered southern Israel. They’re in a kibbutz. My partner’s family is in that kibbutz. His cousin is nine months pregnant. He’s in contact with them; they’re in the safe room. Terrorists are outside.

I check social media. Reports of hostages, maybe three. I check again; perhaps ten.

There has been a massacre at a music festival. I look at the video. Who do I know there? I check social media again; there are videos of hostages. I look at their faces. Do I know them?

We lose contact with family in the kibbutz. I tell myself that the phone lines are down because the IDF are there. I watch Hamas footage as it is coming out. I go on Telegram for the first time in my life and I see a room full of bodies covered in blood. I see children gunned down. I see the bodies of raped women. I see families holding each other as Hamas livestreams atrocities. I look for people I might know.

I look at the papers the next day. The newspaper I work for has a tank on the front page: ‘Hundreds die and hostages held as Hamas assault shocks Israel’—victorious terrorists hold a Palestinian flag. The subheading reads ‘Netanyahu declares war as 150 Israelis die. 230 Palestinians killed in air strikes.’

I don’t understand. I know people, Israelis, who were murdered. They did not “die,” as if in some kind of accident. I saw footage of terrorism. It was not an “assault.”

On Sunday, we get more information about what happened to my partner’s family, about how Hamas set the family’s house on fire when they thought it was empty, how my partner’s cousin screamed for her life when the room filled with smoke, how her husband had to pin her down to stop her cries, how Hamas laughed when they realized the family would need to crawl out of the room, how they refused to leave the burning building. We hear that they somehow survived and walked out through pools of their neighbors’ blood, pieces of dead children littering the street; kids who’d been playing on a Saturday morning.

My group chats are exploding as family and friends work out what has been happening, who is alive. I go back to the news. I type the name of the kibbutz into the wires. Nothing. I read how Hamas invaded “settlements.” They’re not settlements! They’re small, pre-state kibbutzim.

I find out that a friend of a friend was at the music festival and is missing. I’m shaking at work.

I see a colleague who had posted about “decolonization” all over social media over the weekend. They’re laughing with the rest of their team. They’re having a great day. I used to love their podcast, full of hot takes and celeb gossip. Now they’ve evolved into an expert on the Middle East. It doesn’t look like their family is in the middle of it, though.

No one else at work speaks to me about it. I nod my way through conversations about fonts and I stumble home.

I go back the next day. I look at the front page. A photo of Gaza and “violence escalates.” Israelis “dead” but Palestinians “killed.” If they can’t empathize with the Jews now, they never will.

Hate to be the one to break it to you, schmendrick, but guess what: they never will. Nor will any but the tiniest handful of left-wing ((((JoojoojooJOOOOOOOZ!!!)))) learn, either. Too uncomfortable a truth for any diehard shitlib to ever even consider taking on board, see. Better get used to it, at least until you and yours somehow scrape up the stones to finally remove those tired, worn-out old ideological/intellectual knickers and try a new pair on for size. We won’t be holding our breaths for that, I’m afraid. Until then, it will remain as Ace says:

“If I just repeat the leftwing mantra that will protect me from their hatred.”

Can I see your ticket, sir? Yes, I see; your ticket is in order.

The trouble is, sir, that this ticket proves that you bought the ticket, and now you’ll have to take the ride.

I know: How could you have foreseen this? Socialists and communists are never antisemitic, never ever!

Pretty much, yeah.

How ANY self-respecting person of Jewish descent could even dream of aligning himself with the Left-wing religious creed—much less a solid majority of them—is way beyond me. Yet somehow…well, here we all are, as we have been for years.


The exception that proves the rule?

Okay, raise your hand if you saw THIS coming. I must say, I didn’t.

Muslim Group Publicly Condemns Anti-Semitic Violence and Hate, Hamas, Terrorist Attack on Israel
As violence and hatred toward Jews continues to worsen amid the Middle East war sparked by Hamas’ terrorist attack on an Israeli music festival, one Muslim group is denouncing antisemitism in all its forms and sending a message to their Jewish “brethren.”

“We Muslims have one word for Jews. Shalom,” reads the headline of the message pinned to the top of the social media page of Muslims Against Antisemitism (@MAA_UK on X/Twitter). Posted on Saturday, the message that follows is a reprint of a statement tweeted by MAA when it was formed back in 2018.

When Hamas attacked Israel last month on October 7, the Muslim group immediately began condemning both the attack and those who take joy in it (emphasis added):

“Let’s be very clear. Celebrating the brutal murder of Jews (or Palestinians), is NO cause for celebration. Today, many people have lost their precious lives. Celebrating in cars at this time is horrible & shows utter contempt and antisemitism towards all Jews.”

“Please watch out for each other at this time. Antisemitism must not be tolerated in communities because of what is taking place in the Middle East. Jews in the U.K. cannot and must not be targeted by those who carry the poison of antisemitism within them.”

“There is NO justification for murder,” MAA declared on October 8, the day after the attack, noting that “Killing Israelis going about their lives has nothing to do with a ‘free Palestine’ but everything to do with brutal murderous barbarism by fundamentalists.”

The message closes with a quote, in Hebrew, from the Book of Psalms:

“In peace, we say these words: Hiney ma tov u’ma-nayim. Shevet ach’im gam ya-chad.”

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” is the English translation of the Bible quote.

WOW. According to strict interpretation of the Koran, Surah, and Hadiths, this is of course balls-out apostasy, but all the more courageous of them for being so. Hats off to the MAA for their reasonable, humane, and downright noble stance, that’s all I have to say about it. Coming at such a time, it is most welcome.

(Via Sefton)

The enemy inside the wire

What a disgusting, obscene joke this putative “nation” has become.

White House slammed for ‘tone deaf’ unveiling of anti-Islamophobia strategy as antisemitism surges
The Biden administration faced backlash Wednesday after announcing that it would develop “the first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia” in the US amid rising levels of antisemitism.

The White House’s focus on combatting Islamophobia comes one day after both the arrest of a 21-year-old self-identified “Hamas fighter” in New York who allegedly threatened to kill and rape Jews at Cornell University and FBI Director Christopher Wray telling senators that antisemitism is reaching “historic levels” in the US following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

“For years, Muslims in America and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks,” Vice President Kamala Harris said in a video posted on X.

Surprising absolutely no one who isn’t a ((((JOOJOOJOOJOOOOOOO!!!))))-hating “liberal,” that last is just a rerun of the tired, worn-out Wokester lie the Left has been wailing on and on about for decades.

“As a result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents across America,” she added, referencing the brutal slaying of a six-year-old Palestinian American boy in Chicago last month.

Referenced by Lying Whore Harris because, horrific as it certainly is, it’s just about the only incident she could reference—a lone incident perpetrated by a guy who is clearly a deranged lunatic. The continuous drone from shitlibs bemoaning “Islamophobia” is yet another example of one of their perpetually-imminent-but-never-materializing hobgoblins, ever since 9/11. Assuming anybody out there still remembers why that date used to have some significance attached to it, that is.

Harris indicated that the plan – still in the works – will aim “to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim from hate, bigotry and violence. And to address the concern that some government policies may discriminate against Muslims privilege domestic jihadi terrorists and their left-wing supporters and shield them from all potential consequences for their vile, hateful transgressions against decency, sanity, and the very concept of human civilization.”

Fixed it for ya there, Willie-Licker.

Canadian professor Gad Saad, who referenced the statistics Wray presented to senators Tuesday, was one of many who took to social media to express dismay with the Biden administration’s anti-Islamophobia announcement.

“According to the [FBI] director, Jews make up 2.4% of the US population but are the targets of 60% of hate crimes. This is why it is apparently important to fight Islamophobia according to the White House,” Saad, who was born into a Jewish family in Lebanon, wrote on X.

GAAAAH, THE TRUTH, IT BURNS US, IT BUUURRRNNNNS USSS! GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY!!! More 24k truth ***”pResident”*** Slo-Jo Stumblebum and his vapid-whore Veep would rather we all ignore:

Direct quotes:

HAMAD: Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and it it must be finished. We are not ashamed to say this, with full force…

We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight. Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.

Q: Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?

HAMAD: Yes, of course. The existence of Israel is illogical. The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood, and tears. It is Israel, not us. We are victims of the occupation. Period. Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October 1,000,000 — everything we do is justified.

And there ya go. Any further questions? When an enemy of all civilized humanity openly, explicitly declares his intentions like this, I’d suggest you should take him at his word…and either quarantine or kill him, along with all of his adherents you possibly can.

I especially like that “on our land” horseshit. Sorry, Charlie, but that land had been known as either Israel or Judea (as in, JEWdea, get it?) for about, oh, three thousand fucking years before your precious Pedophile Prophet was even fucking born.

“Never forget” 9/11—and now, a (un)duly-“elected” US administration is issuing stern fatwas deploring a nonexistent Islamophobia to its dimwitted, cowed subjects, spending money it doesn’t have to claim a moral high ground it’s too improvident and reprehensible to ever even locate, much less reach. Yeah, I’d say 9/11 has been well and truly forgotten at this point, shamefully so, its lessons blithely tossed into the dustbin of history until our next painful schooling.

Bottom line update! Bayou Peter has it.

There is no place in a civilized world for anyone who can speak so casually about the mass gang-rape and murder of women, and the mass slaying of children, as “justified”. Any person, and any organization, that can say such things so openly has self-defined as being in need of elimination, so that the rest of human society can rest easier at night.

It’s as simple as that. Israel needs no further justification to eliminate Hamas. That organization has already provided enough, and more than enough, out of the mouths of Mr. Hamad and its other spokesmen. As I’ve said before, there is a moral imperative upon Israel to do its utmost to protect innocent victims in Gaza…but that it must eliminate Hamas, even at the tragic cost of some innocent victims, is an overwhelming, pre-eminent priority. Far too few people appear to realize that – even in Israel.

That’s because it’s a difficult, brutal calculus to confront: that this world could be so hard, so cold, that there would exist people in it who are beyond any hope of redemption or reform; that among us there will always be those who are utterly without worth—that the Law of the Jungle remains forever in effect, that for all their advancement and sophistication, even decent, kind, eminently-civilized and high-minded people must eventually either kill or be killed.


One-way colonization

And guess what: it ain’t the West doing the colonizing anymore.

Part of the reason for these failures to win the clash of civilizations is that population movement only occurs in one direction. For all the bleating about “colonizers” from the radical Left, it’s the Western world that has been colonized, as is painfully evident in Europe.

Culture spreads through believers. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Western thinkers got this idea that culture was spreading through commerce. They thought the Berlin Wall was pulverized by blue jeans and rock & roll.

There is some cultural transmission through commerce and communications, to be sure. Books, films, and music definitely spread ideas. The problem is that authoritarian regimes can contain that type of ideological contamination with censorship and violence.

A far more durable method of spreading cultural ideas, tried and true across the span of centuries, is to simply move warm bodies across borders. This is especially true when vulnerable Western societies do not require, or even encourage, assimilation.

Our culture has essentially been rigged to self-destruct at the slightest contact with aggressive alien ideas. Academia has taught generations that our society is fundamentally corrupt, systemically racist, sick with evil since its very inception.

No culture wracked by that much manufactured guilt and cultivated self-doubt is going to propagate itself, especially not within authoritarian societies with heavy strains of nationalism, theology, and religious extremism.

This is especially true because there has been no significant movement of Westerners into Islamic nations since 9/11. No warm bodies crossing borders and bearing ideas. The Western presence in places like Iraq and Afghanistan is treated like a disease to be quarantined.

The big population movements were all in the other direction, and they happened with astounding speed, driven by open-borders ideologues and well-financed organizations devoted to increasing Westward migration.

Could you imagine what migration in the other direction would even LOOK like? Millions of Americans or Europeans settling in other countries, demonstrating in their streets, exerting a gravitational pull on their politics? They’d be excoriated as “colonizers” if they tried it.

Could you imagine any autocratic or theocratic nation simply ceding portions of its cities to American or European immigrants, shrugging and writing them off as “no-go zones” for the locals, allowing mosques to be converted into churches, tolerating huge pro-America protests?

Two decades ago, our media wouldn’t allow us to see Palestinians dancing in the streets and passing out candy to celebrate 9/11 because we supposedly couldn’t handle it. Our elite lacked confidence in the people it rules, and it’s only gotten worse since then.

We were deliberately made wide-open for conquest, and invaders have marched in – both physically and with toxic ideology. Our elites utterly failed to liberalize the world, so now they just offer terms of surrender to tyrannical aggression, and they don’t negotiate hard.

Myself, I’d be perfectly content not to go out a-colonizing the troglodytic, smelly sonsabitches, if they’d only agree to just leave us the hell alone and stick to slaughtering each other in their own barely-habitable, primordial, sewer-state shitrapies in return. Regrettably, the barbarians of the Moslem world are no more capable of leaving others alone to live as they wish than our domestic Leftard antagonists are.

In both cases, conquest, oppression, and brutal subjugation aren’t some unfortunate side effect of an otherwise noble and benignant creed, they’re the whole fucking point of an irredeemably evil one. This is a primary locus of confluence between the brattish, self-absorbed Men Without Chests currently dismantling their own laboriously-constructed, uniquely-successful civilization and their momentary allies of convenience, the savage jihadi hardasses who are only too happy to take full advantage of the unlooked-for assist.

This inherently unstable relationship has created a strange, pragmatic truce between two irreconcilable modes of personal conduct: hedonistic abandon to the pursuit of worldly pleasure versus a dour, ascetic self-abnegation pushed to extremes of fanatacism and mad zealotry. For however much longer such an arrangement can last, at any rate.


Of leashes, muzzles, and chains

Anybody surprised at all by this revoltin’ development? Anybody? Bueller…?

Israel Delays Ground Invasion Because US Is Unprepared to Defend Itself
Israel has been prepared to enter Gaza to eliminate Hamas, but the ground invasion keeps getting delayed. The reason why?

The US is unprepared to defend US military installations in the area.

This is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. However, I am not sure that the Biden Administration isn’t just pressuring Israel to delay for other reasons as well, given their neverending expressions of concern for Gaza.

Israel has agreed, for now, to a request from the U.S. to get its air defenses in place to protect U.S. troops in the region ahead of an expected ground invasion of Gaza, U.S. and Israeli officials said.

The Pentagon is scrambling to deploy nearly a dozen air-defense systems to the region, including for U.S. troops serving in Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to protect them from missiles and rockets. U.S. officials have so far persuaded the Israelis to hold off until those pieces can be placed, as early as later this week.

Israel is also taking into account in its planning the effort to supply humanitarian aid to civilians inside Gaza, as well as diplomatic efforts to free more of the hostages held by Hamas, officials said.

The new excuse by the Biden Administration looks utterly pathetic because it is an admission that despite decades of having troops and assets in the region, our military is not prepared to defend our interests.

That is quite the reality if true, and quite the message to our enemies if either true or false.

WhoawhoawhoaWHOA there, big fella! Ixnay on the oosetalk-lay, if you please. Surely you must know that, according to the Progressivist catechism, Amerika v2.0 HAS no enemies, only “friends” who haven’t been appeased, bribed, beseeched, and groveled before sufficiently yet.

In fact, the word “enemies” itself is strictly verboten, reserved exclusively for domestic use to describe violent ÜberUltraMegaMAGA insurrectionists; non-“liberal” Whypeepuh; the traitor Trump and anyone who has ever spoken with, seen, and/or been closer than ten (10) statute miles from him bodily; all Republicans; and assorted Christians, Normals, rednecks, slope-browed ridgerunners, and cishet-binary Breeder freaks. In matters of foreign policy, this ugliest, most foul of epithets must never be uttered by more enlightened, evolved, sophisticated beings such as ourselves.

Fortunately, we have our Chinese friends to help guide us on the Path To Peace For All.

Tracking major warship movements in response to the developing situation in Gaza and beyond has been interesting. Most people have focused on the comings and goings of the US Navy in or towards the Eastern Mediterranean. Even the USN itself seems to have taken its eye off other potential flashpoints, as something has happened which never normally would: the most powerful naval force in the Gulf is Chinese.

Just fourteen days ago, US Navy movements were being passed off as ‘business as normal’. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Gerald R Ford was in the Mediterranean anyway. The Dwight D Eisenhower (Ike) carrier group deployment was planned anyway, just brought forward.

About ten days ago this changed. Ford’s stay in the Med was extended and it was stated that Ike was going to join the Ford. Two super-carriers in the same place – that’s big medicine. Articles were written noting this, by me among others. We armchair admirals also noted that the USS Bataan and USS Carter Hall, amphibious ships carrying the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) were dispatched from the Gulf to the Red Sea and the command-and-control ship Mount Whitney, complete with a 3* Admiral and his staff, was pulled off Nato duties and sent to take charge in the eastern Med. This could no longer be passed off as ‘planning adjustments’.

The only way to work out what’s going on is to take away the drinking straw through which you are looking at Gaza and zoom out, a long way out.

One thing jumps out straight away. The US Navy, for now at least, is not the preeminent naval force in the Gulf. That distinction now belongs to the 44th and 45th naval escort groups of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The two groups, one of which has just arrived to take over from the other, have a total of six ships. Two are Type 052D destroyers equipped with YJ-21 hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missiles.

No worries; I’m sure they mean well, no harm done. Carry on, Most Puissant Lords and Masters. As you were.

Back when I was playing wargames a lot as a staff officer, we found that if a war with Iran was going to start, the Bab el Mandeb strait at the bottom of the Red Sea and/or the Eastern Med were likely places for the Iranians to start it. This is partly because it exposes the problems of having three US Combatant Commands converging, but mainly because it draws assets away from the root of the problem – Iran. And now we have attacks happening in both places, launched by Iranian-backed organisations in both cases. Suddenly there are not many assets left near the Strait of Hormuz, where Iran menaces all traffic in and out of the Gulf. It all looks a bit like the beginning of some of those Iran-vs-the-West wargames.

Large naval deployments affect oceans and continents way beyond the coastlines off which they sail. Experts in land power and followers of land wars sometimes forget this. One has to zoom way out and look at all of the moving parts to even have the first idea of what effect things like carrier strike groups may have and even then, don’t be surprised if you are wrong or if it changes.

Winston Churchill got this when he said, “a battleship exercises a vague general fear and menaces all points at once. It appears, and disappears, causing immediate reactions and perturbations on the other side”. There will be many conversations along these lines in the corridors of Washington DC and Whitehall – and it’s to be hoped that the planners remember that Churchill used this phrase to compel the deployment of Force Z, with its battleships without air cover, against the advice of the Admiralty. More than eight hundred British sailors paid the price.

As is perfectly typical of D卐M☭CRAT administrations going all the way back to loathsome cockroach Woodrow Wilson, the Chaos Party has a nasty little habit of involving the US in needless, futile Tar Baby Wars, mismanaging them ludicrously, then leaving the next Republican president to shoulder the burden of finding some way of extricating the nation from the gooey, sticky mess—reviling said Republican as a “warmonger” the whole while, natch.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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