Who could have POSSIBLY foreseen…?
Mike’s Iron Law #635: If you make the cost of doing business too steep, it will close.
Fast food workers blindsided by sudden closure of Fosters Freeze in Lemoore
LEMOORE, Calif. (FOX26) — Employees at Fosters Freeze in Lemoore are out of a job.Assistant General Manager Monica Navarro says she was called Monday morning by her boss who was at the restaurant to open, only to find the locks were being changed.
Please do note the insert that immediately follows the above for a strong hint as to why this entirely UNEXPECTED!© tragedy might have come to pass.
[RELATED] New $20 minimum wage for fast food workers in California set to start Monday
Bold in the original, entirely dispositive, and hilarious.
Navarro said she thought it was an April Fools joke.
“I was so caught off guard. We had no type of notice, no type of warning either. I mean the owner had told me happy easter,” she said.
And she wasn’t the only one.
“We had gotten a text in the group chat that we were shutting down, and I completely thought it was an April Fools joke,” said former employee Jason Boado.
After learning it was real, she drove to the restaurant on Hanford Armona Rd, where the owner was handing out final paychecks.
Navarro says the owner, Loren Wright, had previously told her the $20 minimum wage increase for fast food workers was going to be really hard on him.
Navarro says she started working three years ago and worked her way up to assistant GM.
She is a full-time student at Fresno State and was planning to work there until graduation.
She was excited about the wage increase and felt like she was stabbed in the back for not getting any kind of notice.
Bold mine this time, likewise dispositive, and hilarious. From that, one could be forgiven for jumping to the invidious conclusion that Fresno State students might not be all they should in terms of general intelligence and aptitude for deductive reasoning.
In a text from Loren Wright, he stated that he couldn’t survive the mandated wage increases:
I tried to the end to try to figure out a way to make it work. Last thing I ever wanted was to close down,” he said. “By Friday night I knew I was most likely not gonna be able to stay open but I didn’t want to ruin their Easter Sunday. Small businesses can’t survive a 120% plus min wage increase over the last 10 years. We are all more broke than we were 10 years ago its clear raising min wage isn’t helping….I am sad to see my employees off, and sad to see lemoore off. This location has been in business for 35+ years and lemoore has been such a good place. It’s painful to realize that raising min wage and regulating fast foods are putting people put if business but that is the path california leadership has taken. Thank u to my staff for everything and thank u lemoore for all the support over the years.”
“Now they’re getting laid off. They’re losing their jobs,” restaurant owner Angela Marsden told Fox News host Dana Perino. “Gavin Newsom, I hope the United States is watching. I hope he never becomes president. This man is destroying California. I don’t understand why people can’t see that he’s the biggest trickster of all time.”
As if it was only Gruesome Newsome we need to be worried about. Sadly, though, in Amerika v2.0 Newsome is just one little piece of a much bigger puzzle.