You knew this all along, right?
Climate Expert: Gas Car Cancellation Is Intended to End Private Transport
Soon after a World Economic Forum partner was caught calling for an “end” to private car ownership, a climate expert is warning that the push to cancel gas-powered cars is just a ploy to end private transport. The climate crisis is a hoax, but it’s such a darn useful hoax for authoritarian globalists.
Ain’t it though. Ain’t it just—placing it fully and firmly into the selfsame category as the Scamdemic trial run, according to both type and hype.
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano went on Fox Business Thursday and discussed how the Democrat and globalist push to replace gas cars with electric vehicles (EVs) isn’t about helping the environment but restricting Americans’ freedom of movement. “This really isn’t about them driving an electric car,” Morano said, highlighting how this is a top-down decision not based on popular demand. “This literally is — the banning of gas-powered cars — is being done just like a COVID lockdown without a vote,” he added. From California to the Biden Environmental Protection Agency to Australia, leftists are trying to force ordinary citizens into a corner with their gas car restrictions.
Indeed, Pew Research Center published the results of its new survey on June 28, which found that “Less than half of the [U.S.] public (40%) favors phasing out the production of gas-powered cars and trucks.” It’s also significant that EV batteries actually generate lots of toxic waste, so they’re not better for the environment.
“The intent is not to necessarily force people into an electric vehicle,” Morano went on. “The intent is to collapse our plentiful freedom of movement and force us to use mass transit. They want us on the subway.” It’s a global collusion. “They want us on buses. That is what this is about,” Morano insisted. “[Former UK PM] Boris Johnson’s transportation secretary said owning a car was outdated ’20th-century thinking’. They are rationing vehicle use. It’s very simple. You can look at Cuba to see how that turned out; you are going to have a lot of used cars.”
Which, for those of you keeping score at home, is in pluperfect compliance with Mike’s Iron Law #187, if you care to look it up. Those beat-up, jig-rigged old vintage rides being said workaround, natch. Just as in Cuba, see, which newly-minted sister-state status with the FUSA for Them amounts to a feature, not a bug.
Oh, but the coinkydinkal (HA!) confluence with various of my Iron Laws only multiplies from there, alas. Since we already know, thanks to MIL #149, that it’s never actually about what they’re telling us it is, and also from MIL #4296-54e, addendum 67 that they lie reflexively, compulsively, and continually, the only mystery at this late date is why ANYBODY would trouble themselves with taking their words at face value anymore. That’s the real stumper here, a bona fide brain-buster I for one simply cannot figure out.
Update! Moar Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ follies. Spoiler: it ain’t just your ICE car the illegitimate Bribem junta intends to take from you. Not by a long yard, it ain’t.
Biden Regime Making Americans Sweat, Moves to Make Air Conditioning a Thing of the Past
This one’ll really make your blood boil: with either remarkable tone-deafness or a haughty contempt for the people it’s supposed to be serving, the Biden regime chose some of the hottest days of this summer (and if the climate propaganda is to be believed, some of the hottest days in human history) to announce plans to restrict the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are used in refrigerators and air conditioners. If the regime’s high-handedness and authoritarianism don’t already have you in a sweat, just wait.The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Tuesday that it was “issuing a final rule to implement a 40% reduction below historic levels from 2024 through 2028.” So if you’re keeping cool these days with your air conditioner set at a certain temperature, be prepared for our moral superiors to force you, on pain of who knows what, to turn it up significantly. And you won’t be sweating out just this summer alone: “The rule aligns with the bipartisan American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act’s goals to reduce the production and consumption of these climate-damaging chemicals by 85% by 2036 and help avoid up to 0.5 °C of global warming by 2100.”
Bipartisan? Well, that’s another indication of how the establishment Republican hacks in Washington have failed betrayed the American people.
Fixed it for ya there, Robert. No need to thank me, I’m only too happy to help out. A giver, that’s moi.
Cars; gas ranges; guns; charcoal BBQ grills; wood-burning stoves for home heating; your Constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of speech; the Constitution entire—yep, there really is nothing they’re willing to leave alone. Calls for another addition to the Mike’s Iron Laws collection, methinks.
What “they” want, what “they” work for is for you to be their slave. You will not move nor cook nor be comfortable unless it benefits “them”.
Why should you be allowed to consume “their” energy?