
A diehard NeverTrumpTard comes around.

I just donated $300k to Trump
I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.

Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.

By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.

Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.

I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do. 

I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.

Fair enough so far, but then ol’ boy lapses into a brief near-delusional endorsement for the veracity of Her Herness!©’s long-since-debunked Russia Collusion hoax. Maybe he’s crazy, but he demonstrates he ain’t stupid with his next section, containing some up-close-and-personal observations and analysis on Asscrackistan, Bribem’s failed foreign policy initiatives, and beyond.

My “radicalization” towards the center
August 16th, 2021 was the day I knew I could never support Joe Biden or any of the senior officials in his administration. This was the day that Afghans fell to their deaths from US C-17 airplanes at the Kabul International Airport, or KAIA as ISAF forces referred to it.

Back in 2012 I deployed to Afghanistan working for DARPA. I used to fly out of KAIA at least weekly, usually taking a Blackhawk to Bagram Airfield (BAF), but sometimes jumping on a C-130 down to Kandahar (KAF).

I’m not going to go into all of the details here, but this was personal for me — as it was for anyone that served in Afghanistan. Most have the wrong impression of what happened there. Afghanistan wasn’t Iraq. And real progress had been made. It took roughly 15 years to stabilize most of Afghanistan, but the ISAF coalition had gotten it to the place that little girls were going to school in Kabul, sometimes walked there by their mothers who weren’t even wearing Burkas anymore. All of this was unimaginable a decade prior.

And then there’s the strategic aspect. The US’s most strategic base in Afghanistan was Bagram Airfield. Unless you’ve been there it’s impossible to imagine how strategic this base is, and how easy it is to defend. Nestled in a remote valley at the foothills of the Himalayas. Within a couple hour flight of China and Iran, and a few minute flight to Pakistan. I believe this airfield could have been held for 50+ years with 50,000 men. A similar scale to the US permanent forces stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany or the US bases in Okinawa, Japan.  

We gave up one of the most strategic air bases in the world, and arguably stability in Kabul, for political gain — to be able to say that President Biden ended the War in Afghanistan. And we did it in the most incompetent manner possible, literally with people falling from our airplanes. Everyone I have spoken with that served in Afghanistan knows this.

It wasn’t just Afghanistan, I believe that the Biden administration has had some of the worst foreign policy in decades. And this has manifested in two major Wars breaking out during their administration, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Iran’s proxy attack against Israel.

Was the timing just bad luck? I don’t believe so. I believe that a weak America leads to a chaotic world.

Just for the sake of contrarianism if nothing else, a few questions:

  • Are there any serious, well-informed souls left who are entirely comfortable with Amerika v2.0’s FederalGovCo apparat arrogating to itself the role of World Policeman?
  • Has there ever been a time when the world wasn’t chaotic to some degree or another?
  • Can a shambolic, inept, and badly over-committed Amerika v2.0 credibly be considered NOT weak?

Asking for a friend. Follows, the meat of the matter.

The next topic that has boiled my blood are the double standards and lawfare that Trump has faced. Here are some examples:

  • Classified documents: Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence and Donald Trump were all caught with classified documents. Only Trump was indicted. Either it’s a crime for all of them or none of them. All of the arguments about quantity of documents or obstruction are distractions to justify a double standard.
  • The Border Wall: remember how Trump was villainized for promoting a border wall? Biden resumed building sections of it after pausing them, which the legacy media has been very quiet about.
  • Election denialism: yes, Trump denied the 2020 election results. But as we linked to above, so did Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden regarding the 2016 results. As have hundreds of other politicians since 2000. Either they’re all election deniers, or none of them.
  • Corruption charges: every inch has been searched for Trump corruption while Joe Biden’s involvement with foreign countries (through Hunter) have been swept under the rug. Here are some examples. 
  • Three strikes for thee but not for me: Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill, which most attribute as the source of the mass incarceration we saw over the next two decades (especially amongst black communities). Crack cocaine in particular was treated harshly when combined with the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act. Watch this video. Hunter Biden would be locked up for life if the same rules were applied to him that Joe Biden imposed on thousands of others.

This is just the tip of the double standard iceberg.

Ain’t it, though. Ain’t it just. The article carries on from there—some of it insightful and eminently reasonable, some of it…ehh, not so much. Greatly to his credit is his diligence in maintaining a genuinely even-handed approach to his subject matter, I must say. Several of his professed “concerns” are plain-as-day indicators of his abiding liberal-Leftism, his declaration that he’s a libertarian notwithstanding.

All in all, if you’re looking for support for the contention that there in fact are some more or less sane, open-minded, non-wild-eyed zealot shitlibs still extant who might actually be worth bothering to talk with, debate, and/or attempting to persuade, this could very well be your cup of tea. Myself, I blew past that stage at speed and left it in the rearview a goodish while back, so I can’t in all honesty say it’s mine.

Reassuring as it is to know such thoughtful, agreeable rara avii haven’t gone totally extinct just yet, in my estimation there aren’t anywhere near enough of them to matter much now. Our stolen, intentionally-broken nation is ablaze; open, no-shit existential war is close at hand, therefore making the hardening of Real American hearts a non-negotiable requirement if we intend to prevail. And prevail we must—in this strictly-binary solution set, the lone alternative is far too ghastly to even contemplate.

(Via Stephen Green)


The great Justice Clarence Thomas

A good and decent man whose understanding of the Constitution as written by our Founding Fathers is matched only by his abiding reverence for it, we are fortunate indeed to have him on the Court.

Clarence Thomas and Me
To speak as a black man at odds with the consensus of other blacks can be burdensome—and liberating.

Clarence Thomas is a black American icon. There is no more American story, and no blacker story, than his. We should celebrate him as a living embodiment of this nation’s greatness, given his rise from the challenging circumstances of his upbringing—poverty, segregation, colorism, linguistic alienation—to holding a seat on the Supreme Court. Excluding Thomas from any history of African-descended people in this country would render it incomplete,  just as ignoring his influence would leave any history of the current Court incomplete. 

Justice Clarence Thomas is unquestionably a towering figure in American jurisprudence. As Scott Douglas Gerber, a leading authority on his legal theories, has noted, Thomas’s impact on constitutional law over the last quarter-century has been stunning. His long-standing views have carried the day in major cases. He has stuck to his principles in his three decades on the Court, and it has paid off. Thus, his insistence that the Commerce Clause does not empower the federal government to regulate everything under the sun is now the law. His position that federal agencies should have relatively restricted power is now the law. His view that the Second Amendment means what it says, and that individuals have a fundamental right to carry firearms, is now the law. His conviction that no constitutional right to an abortion exists is now the law. And, perhaps most poignantly, his passionately articulated view that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause forbids racial preferences in higher-education admissions decisions is now the law. Indeed, his principled stance that the Court’s job is to discern the original understanding of the constitutional provision at issue in a case has become the Court’s dominant approach. One could even plausibly hold that this is now Justice Thomas’s Supreme Court, not Chief Justice John Roberts’s. Thomas is its longest-serving sitting member, and his legacy will continue well after his time on the bench is over, as many of his former clerks are now federal judges themselves. 

And yet, despite his now-undeniable skill as a jurist and judge, Thomas finds himself the target of criticism that differs in kind from that reserved for the Court’s other conservative justices. One expects public disagreement with his most controversial opinions; we should welcome intellectually rigorous dissent, for no one can test the validity of ideas without it. But too often, critics attack not Thomas’s ideas but the man himself—and this is especially true of black critics, who regard him not merely as mistaken but as a traitor who has forfeited his status as “authentically black.” For them, he is an Iago-like figure, driven by a perverse impulse to degrade African Americans. The quasi-religious conviction that Thomas’s reasoned defense of capitalism, color blindness, and individual liberty amounts to a disgust for his fellow blacks is, in my view, the outcome of a projected disgust for Thomas himself.

Most close observers of Thomas’s place in American life are accustomed to this reaction. Nobody blinks, for example, when Ibram X. Kendi issues yet another broadside against yet another of Thomas’s perceived sins. As far back as 2013, before Kendi was crowned the arbiter of racial goodthink, he questioned how a man like Thomas could hold the opinions he does. Writing of Thomas’s concurring opinion in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, Kendi finds that the justice is “either being blatantly dishonest” in his comparison of affirmative action and de jure racial segregation or that he has a “blatant inability to decipher, to assess and to judge.” It could not be that Thomas is intellectually capable of coming to this conclusion and that he believes it. What black person who grew up in segregated Georgia could? (Never mind that Kendi misreads Thomas’s opinion, accusing him of questioning the sincerity of the University of Texas’s position on diversity, while believing the sincerity of segregationists’ “separate but equal” doctrine. Thomas clearly disbelieves both.) 

This tendency to respond to Thomas by questioning either his honesty or his competence has been a through-line for his critics for decades. Thomas himself noted the phenomenon in his speech before the National Bar Association in 1998. At the time, he regularly heard the charge that he was merely following Antonin Scalia’s lead rather than working out his own conclusions about cases before the Court. Thomas remarked:

With respect to my following, or, more accurately, being led by other members of the Court, that is silly, but expected, since I couldn’t possibly think for myself. And what else could possibly be the explanation when I fail to follow the jurisprudential, ideological and intellectual, if not anti-intellectual, prescription assigned to blacks. Since thinking beyond this prescription is presumptively beyond my abilities, obviously someone must be putting these strange ideas into my mind and my opinions. Though being underestimated has its advantages, the stench of racial inferiority still confounds my olfactory nerves. 

Thomas was right to point to the racist undercurrent that flowed through questions about his competence and independence. Only a failure of intellect, of courage, of race pride, or some deeper, unnamed corruption could account for his departure from the “common sense” of his tribe. Such an attitude ironically demonstrated the soundness of Thomas’s long-standing critique of affirmative action—that it made its beneficiaries, whatever their objective merits, appear less competent than their white peers. Here was Thomas, a beneficiary of affirmative action at Holy Cross and Yale Law School, encountering the exact questions about his abilities that he worried could haunt any black person as long as affirmative action persisted.

Who asked those questions? Some whites, yes. If we are being generous, perhaps they could be forgiven for asking—if only in their minds—the questions that affirmative action suggested. But shouldn’t blacks know better? We know that the best of us are just as good, just as smart, just as competent as the best of everyone else. So why were so many blacks eager to unleash against Thomas the very tropes about inferiority that had dogged us for centuries?

Because the “Uncle Tom” mythos is so indelibly ingrained in the “liberal” psyche it’s damned near reflexive by now, a near-instinctual reaction to every black man like Justice Thomas who dares to abandon the D卐M☭CRAT intellectual plantation and think for himself—a mythos reaching far enough to ensnare blacks who have been brainwashed by dogmatic Left-liberalism, as so many others have, in its fetid toils to this very day.

I repeat: Real Americans are most fortunate to have him on the USSC, but we’re hardly the only ones to benefit: the US Constitution itself is fortunate to have as staunch, able, and wise a defender and protector as Justice Clarence Thomas on its side. A little of the backstory for those younger folks who weren’t around for it, or for any of us greybeards who might have forgotten.

Thomas was born in Pin Point, Georgia. After his father abandoned the family, he was raised by his grandfather in a poor Gullah community near Savannah. Growing up as a devout Catholic, Thomas originally intended to be a priest in the Catholic Church but was frustrated over the church’s insufficient attempts to combat racism. He abandoned his aspiration of becoming a clergyman to attend the College of the Holy Cross and, later Yale Law School, where he was influenced by a number of conservative authors, notably Thomas Sowell. Upon graduating, he was appointed as an assistant attorney general in Missouri and later entered private practice there. He became a legislative assistant to U.S. Senator John Danforth in 1979, and was made Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education in 1981. President Ronald Reagan appointed Thomas as Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) the next year.

President George H. W. Bush nominated Thomas to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in 1990. He served in that role for 19 months before filling Marshall’s seat on the Supreme Court. Thomas’s confirmation hearings were bitter and intensely fought, centering on an accusation that he had sexually harassed Anita Hill, a subordinate at the Department of Education and the EEOC. Hill alleged that Thomas made multiple sexual and romantic overtures to her despite her repeatedly telling him to stop; Thomas and his supporters alleged that Hill and her political supporters had fabricated the accusation to prevent the appointment of a black conservative. The Senate confirmed Thomas by a vote of 52–48, the narrowest margin in a century.

Since the death of Antonin Scalia, Thomas has been the Court’s foremost originalist, stressing the original meaning in interpreting the Constitution. In contrast to Scalia—who had been the only other consistent originalist—he pursues a more classically liberal variety of originalism. Thomas was known for his silence during most oral arguments, though has since begun asking more questions to counsel. He is notable for his majority opinions in Good News Club v. Milford Central School (determining the freedom of religious speech in relation to the First Amendment) and New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen (affirming the individual right to bear arms outside the home), as well as his dissent in Gonzales v. Raich (arguing that Congress may not criminalize the private cultivation of medical marijuana). He is widely considered to be the Court’s most conservative member. Thomas has accepted luxury trips and gifts from Harlan Crow, a wealthy Republican donor, for two decades since at least 2004 and failed to report them.

The above having been culled from shitlib Wikipedia *GAG SPIT*, it’s no surprise that they’d just HAVE to get that last little dig in as if it amounted to a goddamned thing, anymore than the patently spurious Hill smear-job attempt did. Nice try, ya fucktards.

Having risen above the initial controversy of his appointment and confirmation to assume the mantle of a true titan of American jurisprudence, Clarence Thomas is hands-down the greatest USSC Justice we’ve had in my lifetime, probably of ALL time. Long may he live and continue to serve; we shan’t see his like again.


Go, Gabbard!

Once again, Tulsi Gabbard re-establishes her bona fides as the sole honest, sane D卐M☭CRAT still extant.

‘They Think They’re God,’ Tulsi Gabbard Says of People ‘Trying to Erase Us as Women’

OXON HILL, Md.—Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard condemned certain powerful elements in the modern Democratic Party, telling The Daily Signal on Friday that some Democrats undermine Americans’ “God-given rights” and weaponize federal agencies against the “very people they’re supposed to be serving.”

Speaking of the Democrats and others pushing transgender ideology, Gabbard said, “they think they’re God,” able to define the very nature of truth itself.

The notion that biological males are truly women if they claim to identify that way is “insane on its face,” the former Democrat said in an interview with The Daily Signal at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, outside Washington, D.C.

“Anyone who has any common sense recognizes the insanity of what is happening before our very eyes,” she said. Yet the transgender movement also reveals “a deeper problem,” that “people in positions of power deny that there is such a thing as objective truth, such as the difference, the biological difference between a male and a female.”

Gabbard warned that some powerful people “deem themselves as the arbiter of what is true and what is not,” which leaves “no guardrails” in American society. “We have no floor and no ceiling if there is no such thing as truth, and if the only truth that exists is whatever the people in power say it is. This points to the dangerous path of where this ideology leads us, goes far beyond the trans ideology and the erasure of women that we’re seeing in our society right now, and it should be concerning to everyone.”

Gabbard rejected the Democratic Party due to this ideology and this abuse of power, she said.

The party of President Joe Biden is “wildly out of touch with the people of this country, with the Democratic Party that I joined 20 years ago,” she explained. An “elite cabal of warmongers” controls the party, and “they are intent on undermining our God-given rights and freedoms that are enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They are rejecting the reality of objective truth and biology and trying to erase us as women, as an entire category of people, undermining the rule of law.”

She further warned that the party “has led us to the brink of nuclear war.”

Correct, right down the line. From the sound of it, she could very well be on her way to having herself a real Reagan-style Awakening, perhaps. Which beats t’other way ‘round all to hell and gone. Don’t sweat it, Tulsi; as somebody or other once said, you didn’t leave them, they left you. Damn the torpedos, all ahead full.

Sarah “Shut ‘Em Down” Sanders

Sarah Huckabee Sanders—for whom, it seems, I’m gonna have to start appending “The Great” as a prefix to her first name, like I’ve been doing with Ron DeSantis; Lord knows she’s earned it—tore China Joe a new one in her HOTU response.

‘Crazy’ and ‘Wrong’: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Destroys Biden Narrative in SOTU Response

Despite being in office for just a few weeks, Arkansas GOP Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is no stranger to the limelight and her rising star shined bright on Tuesday night during her Republican rebuttal to President Biden’s second State of the Union address.

The youngest governor in America, Sanders began her speech talking about her experiences as a mother that left her “not believing much of anything I heard tonight from President Biden.”

Reiterating that America is the “greatest country the world has known” because it is the “freest” ever known, Sanders affirmed the belief that “government exists not to rule the people, but to serve the people.”

Contrasting herself with Biden, Sanders said “At 40, I’m the youngest governor in the country. At 80, he’s the oldest president in American history. I’m the first woman to lead my state, he’s the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is,” the governor said, rightly turning up the heat on Democrats.

Blasting Biden and the “radical left” for its vision for Americans that “taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire” while “you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country,” Sanders didn’t let those across the aisle off the hook for anything.

Saying “the Biden administration seems more interested in woke fantasies than the hard reality Americans face every day,” Sanders explained that “most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a left-wing culture war we didn’t start and never wanted to fight.”

“That’s not normal,” Sanders said speaking for Republicans and countless Americans. “It’s crazy, and it’s wrong.”

Incredible as it may seem, there’s more yet, every bit of it meeting the same high standard for quality as the above. As I mentioned the other day, Sanders was the best Presidential press secretary ever under Trump, and she’s on track to be the best governor Arkansas ever had now. You go, girl.


Another silver lining

This time, I am NOT being sarcastic about it for a change.

Midterm Voters Rewarded Elected Officials Who Stood Up To Covid Tyrants
Notable governors who fought to keep their states open and senators who pushed to hold Covid bureaucrats accountable were rewarded Tuesday.

Despite Democrats’ attempts to backpedal their Covid shutdowns and fearmongering, the American people haven’t forgotten their radical abuses of power (as evidenced by how close New Yorkers came to electing a Republican governor after the Covid-era malfeasance of the state’s Democrat leaders). But voters also haven’t forgotten who pushed back against the insanity.

From governors who fought to keep their state economies open to senators who pushed to hold Covid bureaucrats accountable, many major figures who stood up to Covid tyrants were rewarded by their constituents at the ballot box on Tuesday.

Follows, the list, along with a brief summary of their actions in opposition to the Plandemic panic: Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, Eric Schmitt, DeSantis, Noem. Don’t know how much of a role their resistance to the general bovine stampede might (or might not) have played in their election/reelection wins this week, but no matter. Good on ’em, each and every one, just the same.

I do remember commending Noem specifically at the time for her principled demurral, flatly stating that as governor she simply did not have the authority to shut down businesses and institute across-the-board lockdowns. She displayed a keenly-honed Constitutional awareness that is all too rare in America’s political class today, whatever perceived missteps she may have made later on other issues.


Parade lap

Now THAT’s a victory speech.

On Election Day, at his victory party at the Tampa Convention Center, Governor Ron DeSantis celebrated with around 4,000 of his supporters as he cruised to a 19+ point victory for reelection over Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Crist.

He gave several memorable lines, with Churchillian overtones, and a clear and repeated message to keep fighting, never give up, and never back down. Indeed, it was a wartime speech, as America fights to preserve its liberty and its sovereignty. “Florida was a refuge of sanity when the world locked down,” he roared to a frenzied crowd. “We stood as a citadel of freedom for people across this country and indeed across the world. We faced attacks, we took the hits, we weathered the storms, but we stood our ground. We did not back down. We had the conviction to guide us, and we had the courage to lead. We made promises to the people of Florida, and we have delivered on those promises. And so today, after four years, the people have delivered their verdict. Freedom is here to stay.”

He pointed out how Florida has gone deep red in very unexpected areas, to the delight of those in attendance. Every time Fox News showed Miami-Dade County with huge vote advantages for DeSantis and Senator Marco Rubio, they exploded with applause.

“Thank you to Miami Dade County!” DeSantis bellowed. “Thank you to Palm Beach County! Now we’re still tallying the votes, but it’s clearly apparent that in this election we will have garnered a significant number of votes from people who may not have voted for me four years ago and just want to let you know I am honored to have earned your trust and your support over these years.”

The most touching moment was when he thanked his wife Casey, who, earlier in 2022, fought and beat breast cancer.

“And most important of all, thank you to the greatest first lady in all 50 states,” he said, “for being a great wife, giving unwavering support, being a tremendous mother to our three young children, and serving as an example for women throughout this state especially going through the battle of cancer. She is remarkable.”

Indeed she is. An excerpt from the speech:

Now this great exodus of Americans, for those folks, Florida, for so many of them, has served as the promised land. We have embraced freedom. We have maintained law in order. We have protected the rights of parents. We have respected our taxpayers and we reject woke ideology.

We fight woke in the legislature. We fight woke in the schools. We fight woke in the corporations. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. People have come here because our policies work.

Leadership matters. We refuse to use polls and put our finger in the wind. Leaders don’t follow, they lead.

We set out a vision. We executed on that vision and we produced historic results and the people of this state have responded in record fashion.

Now, while our country flounders due to failed leadership in Washington, Florida is on the right track. I believe the survival of the American experiment requires a revival of true American principles. Florida has proved that it can be done.

We offer a ray of hope that better days still lie ahead. I am proud of our achievements in this state. I am honored by your support and I look forward to the road ahead. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race and [unintelligible due to crowd noise].

We’ve accomplished more than anybody thought possible four years ago, but we’ve got so much more to do and I have only begun to fight. God bless you all. Thank you very much. Thank you for a historic landslide victory.

I find this quite heartening, seeing as how I don’t see a whole heck of a lot of presidential-run groundwork being laid in any of the above.

Update! A look at How Ron Won.

Yes, DeSantis has the incumbent advantage. And yes, he was lucky enough to ride the Trump wave after 2016 (and smart enough to adopt what worked). But his decisive victory should also signal to Republican state leaders across the country: In today’s political climate, voters are rewarding competent governance and tactical culture war offensives.

Too many Republican governors have taken office only to reject the concerns of the people who voted them in. Republicans, from Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb to Utah Gov. Spencer Cox to Arkansas’s Asa Hutchinson to South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, have opposed bills by their state legislatures to keep sexually confused males out of girls’ sports. (DeSantis signed the Florida legislature’s bill to do just that, signaling that Florida is “going to go off of biology, not ideology.”)

Holcomb shuttered church buildings and limited services to 10 people or fewer during the Covid panic. Cox defended excluding white kids from a basketball scholarship program based on their skin color. Noem refused to call a special session to allow her legislature to pass a bill banning Covid vaccine passports. Republican Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland compared people (including many of his constituents) who chose not to wear a mask during Covid to drunk drivers. The office of Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee refused to condemn the politicized Justice Department’s prosecution of peaceful pro-life demonstrators in his state and the FBI’s raid on the home of one pro-lifer, 73-year-old Tennessean Chester Gallagher.

It shouldn’t be hard for red-state governors to stand against boys in girls’ sports, the sterilization of sexually confused kids, the killing of babies in the womb, porn in school libraries, or racist school curricula. By latching onto the fringe depravity in their own party, Democrats have made Republicans’ jobs of opposing them easy! Republican politicians watching DeSantis turn Florida from a purple state that voted for Obama twice into, this year, a reliably red state that elected its GOP incumbent by certain double digits, should take note.

Follows, a brief list of three reasons why DeSantis trounced the grisly Crist so thoroughly. A representative sample, culled from Item #1.

1. Pick Culture War Fights
Instead of rolling over for corporate interests or worrying about criticism from The New York Times, Republican governors should be seeking out opportunities to tactically punch back. There are plenty.

Other GOP governors and legislatures should pass laws prohibiting teachers from lecturing kindergarteners about “sexual orientation or gender identity.” When those commonsense protections of parental rights are incessantly attacked by corporations like Disney that enjoy special privileges from the state, governors should reconsider those special privileges, not give in to corporate pressure.

They should insist on protecting students from being inundated with critical race theory and sign legislation doing so. States affected by President Joe Biden’s border crisis (which increasingly means all of them) should take action to show they won’t put up with the Biden administration secretly shipping illegal aliens into their states. They should all pass vigorous protections of unborn life (and many have). They should make it clear that lawless rioting threatening their communities will not be tolerated. They should pass laws to help protect their citizens from Big Tech censorship and prohibit Silicon Valley giants from meddling in their elections.

Notably, DeSantis’ culture war fights also appear to have earned him historic support among Hispanic voters, in a sea change every Republican should be taking notes from. After losing the Florida Hispanic vote by 10 points just four years ago, Axios reported the day before Election Day 2022 that DeSantis was leading his Democrat opponent 51 to 44 percent among likely Hispanic voters. In Miami-Dade County, which is 69 percent Hispanic or Latino, DeSantis went from losing the county by 20 percentage points in 2018 to winning it by an 11-point margin this year (as of election night, with 93 percent of votes in). For context, in 2016 Hillary Clinton carried the county by 30 points, Joe Biden won it by 7 points in 2020.

In sum, then: do your fucking job; keep your fucking promises; and never flinch from engaging The Enemy not as if he was an “esteemed colleague” but as exactly what he truly is: a fucking enemy. You’ll definitely want to read all of this bracing piece, folks.

Updated update! Another terrific quote from DeSantis’ speech: “We will never ever surrender to the Woke mob. Florida is where the Woke goes to die!” You GO, Gov! No idea why the excerpt I ran earlier cut the last line out of that bit, it was the best part if you ask me.


A-feuding we will go

Although I do still like DeSantis, I wholeheartedly agree with Trump on this one.

Fresh off of the backlash for calling Florida Governor Ron DeSantis “Ron DeSanctimonious,” Donald Trump doubled down on stupid by warning DeSantis that if he runs for president in 2024, he will dish dirt on him.

In an interview with Fox News Digital after his Monday night rally in Ohio, Trump said that even though there is no “tiff” with Ron Desantis, he would be making a “mistake” by running in 2024.

“I don’t know if he is running. I think if he runs, he could hurt himself very badly. I really believe he could hurt himself badly,” Trump said. “I think he would be making a mistake, I think the base would not like it — I don’t think it would be good for the party.”

“Any of that stuff is not good — you have other people that possibly will run, I guess,” Trump added. “I don’t know if he runs. If he runs, he runs.”

Then Trump said that if DeSantis does decide to run, “I would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering — I know more about him than anybody — other than, perhaps, his wife.”

Make no mistake about it, Trump feels entitled to the 2024 GOP nomination, and Ron DeSantis is the biggest threat to Trump winning the nomination, should both men run. So far, DeSantis has not indicated that he will run for president in 2024; clearly, Trump doesn’t want him to. Maybe DeSantis won’t; that’s his decision, but he certainly isn’t talking about 2024 while he’s running for reelection in 2022.

As I’ve said lots of times already, even going so far as to email the lovely, gracious, and extremely talented Christina Pushaw about it not long ago, I fervently hope DeSantis foregoes a Presidential run in 2024 myself. We need him right where he is now, so’s those of us on Team Liberty will have a viable place to flee to when everything goes pear-shaped on us, as it surely must.


Dictators is dictators

Gabbard Goes There.

Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard compared President Biden to Adolf Hitler at a rally in New Hampshire and claimed the two men appear to share a “mindset” about how to lead a country.

Gabbard, who announced last week that she was leaving the Democratic Party, made the comparison while blasting Biden for his speech last month in Philadelphia on former President Donald Trump and anti-democratic extremism, according to audio obtained by the Daily Beast.

“And this is something that is, you know, throughout history, we look at authoritarian leaders and dictators in other countries,” she said while campaigning alongside New Hampshire GOP Senate hopeful Don Bolduc in Manchester on Sunday.

“I’m pretty sure they all believe they’re doing what’s best,” she said. “Even Hitler thought he was doing what was best for Germany, right? For the German race. In his own mind, he found a way to justify the means to meet his end.”

The remarks came less than a week after the former 2020 presidential candidate declared that she was leaving the Democratic Party, citing “anti-white racism” and “cowardly wokeness” on the left.

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers … who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms that are enshrined in our Constitution,” she said in a blistering Twitter video.

Gabbard, who previously endorsed Biden’s presidential candidacy, urged “fellow common-sense, independent-minded Democrats” to abandon the party as well.

Gabbard announced her plans to stump alongside Buldoc, the retired brigadier general and occasional election denier challenging incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan, last Wednesday.

“[Tulsi Gabbard] is a fellow change agent and independent-minded outsider willing to speak truth to power,” Buldoc tweeted last week.

Sadly, when it comes to Gen Bolduc, I has questions.

“I tried to get words like compassion, empathy, and humanity in the dialogue of leadership traits in the military, but they were considered by the leadership as being too soft terms,” Buldoc told the New Hampshire Union Leader after Sunday’s campaign stop.

Oof. That touchy-feely twaddle could easily have been lifted, word for word, from the Woke 101 crib notes. Ah well, baby steps, I suppose.

Update! Sounds like Wayne Allyn Root is all in for Team Tulsi.

My hope is that Tulsi is the canary in the coal mine. She is the model. She has started a trend. She has started a tsunami away from the radical, insane, extreme, America-hating Democrat Party.

Tulsi then backed up her words by immediately endorsing four MAGA, America-First, Republican candidates- Joe Kent for Congress in Washington; GOP Senate candidate Dan Bolduc in New Hampshire; Kari Lake for Arizona Governor and Blake Masters for US Senate from Arizona. I don’t know if Tulsi is officially joining the GOP, but even if she chooses to remain an independent, this is certainly a great start!

Tulsi, it’s great to have you on my team. Welcome to “Wayne’s World.” You may have just changed the direction of America. You may have just saved the GOP with your raw truth. God bless you.

Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Krysten Sinema, are you listening? If you’re not radical traitors; intent on destroying America; hating white people; supporting criminals and pedophiles; killing free speech; and intent on starting a nuclear war; Tulsi says it’s time to leave the Democrat Party. I whole-heartedly second that motion. America needs you.

Oh, I dunno if I’d go so far as all THAT, now. She’s a refreshing departure from the usual insane-Left ranting, and for that I do like her, but I just can’t see that America “needs” her or her former DemonRat Party colleagues quite yet.


She didn’t leave them, they left her

The last sane Democrat…is no longer a Democrat.

Tulsi Gabbard Formally Leaves Democratic Party

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) announced on Tuesday that she was finally leaving the Democratic Party over its increasingly radical positions, and further explained her stance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show.

As reported by The Daily Caller, Gabbard described the Democratic Party as being “controlled by fanatical ideologues who hate freedom.” She added that today’s Democrats despise the Constitution,” and “actively find ways to undermine our God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution like freedom of speech.”

“They will do all that they can to destroy you, silence you, smear you, work with Big Tech, work with corporate media to actively destroy anyone who dares even question their agenda. They are against freedom of religion,” Gabbard continued. “They are hostile towards people of faith, people who have their own spiritual practice, especially Christians, finding ways to be vindictive, to discriminate, to punish people who happen to exercise that freedom of religion.

“The list goes on and on but the foundation of freedom is really what was at the heart of my making this decision that I cannot be a member of the party that is against freedom and actively trying to undermine it,” she added.

Good for you, ma’am. It is greatly to your credit that you feel that way, and says nothing but good things about who and what you are down deep. If there still even is anything we could correctly call a “loyal opposition,” Ms Gabbard is its last standard-bearer for sure and certain.

Update! The plot thickens.

Trust must be earned, especially in the polarizing world of politics. Many conservatives cheered when former Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard announced yesterday that she was leaving the Democrat Party. Others were skeptical; she may have been a libertarian-leaning moderate Democrat during her political career, but she was STILL a Democrat.

Old wounds are hard to heal. And while she has been a thorn in the side of the Democrats she used to caucus with on Capitol Hill, she also voted with them on most issues. That’s why many of us — and I’m included on this list — waited to see who she would endorse, if anyone, for the upcoming midterm elections.

Would she push for Lisa Murkowski like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have? Would she jump on the Dr-Oz-bandwagon and endorse the RINO over his unambiguously dangerous Democrat opponent, John Fetterman? Would she throw her weight behind Trump-hating Brian Kemp because Stacey Abrams represents the radicalization of the Democrat Party that drove Gabbard away?

Nope. She just endorsed Trump-backed MAGA patriot Joe Kent.

Well, that makes me feel much better about her. I’m not ready to say I fully trust Gabbard. Like I said, she worked against the America First agenda when she was on Capitol Hill. But endorsing Joe Kent, a former Green Beret and unabashed Trump supporter, is a great first step toward making me think there’s hope for former Democrats who aren’t just going to embrace milquetoast moderates.

Well, I can’t say I’d be willing to go quite as far as all that just yet. Then again, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as the saying goes. Perhaps in her case, the operative word here may turn out to be “FORMER.” And as we all already know, Tulsi would hardly be the first liberal Democrat to go on to great things after having come to her senses. Time will tell, I suppose.

Updated update! Tulsi takes Kumswalla Harris down. Again, that is.

Former Hawaii Congresswoman and now-former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard sat down with Joe Rogan on his podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience” and had a very interesting conversation. Part of this conversation involved a discussion around vice-President Kamala Harris, whom Gabbard is partly famous for absolutely demolishing on stage during the 2020 Democrat primaries.

Rogan brought up the fact that the relationship between Gabbard and the Democrat Party began to sour the moment she made Harris look bad. Gabbard told Rogan that Harris was the Democrat Party’s chosen one at the time and exposing Harris as a liar who did many things that the Democrat Party claims it was against made her something of an enemy.

Gabbard noted that the info about Harris wasn’t that hard to find and yet despite this, no media figure or candidate was willing to bring it up.

“No one in the media did that. There’s no other candidate on the debate stage who had the balls to bring that up.”

“How are voters supposed to be able to make their best-informed decision when the media and fellow Democratic candidates who are running, who are her opponents in that race, don’t have the courage to ask a very factual question on a record that she says she’s proud of?” Gabbard continued.

Gabbard guessed that the reason no one called Harris out was due to her status as a woman of color and no one wanted to be the one accused of racism and have their career ruined for confronting her about her record. Sure enough, after Gabbard did it, she massively fell out of favor with the Democrat Party.

She also guessed she was well-connected and that the Democrat Party also favored her because they knew they could count on her to be obedient.

“She was connected,” Gabbard said of Harris. “She’s playing the game. She’s somebody that the Democratic Party knows that they can control.”

OOF. That’s gotta smart some. At this point, Tulsi might want to look into going in halfsies with DeSantis on hiring a few bodyguards, I’m thinking.



Another LTC decides that honoring his oath outweighs sullying his personal integrity by staying in long enough to collect his pension.

Army Officer LTC Paul Hague Resigns in Protest – ‘Marxist Takeover of the US Military’
Army officer LTC Paul Hague has turned in his resignation after 18-19 years of active duty service. Though part of it had to do with the mandatory vaccines, it was also due to what he described as the ”Marxist takeover” of the US Military. He is the 2nd officer to walk away from retirement, i.e. USMC Lt Col Scheller, who was removed from his position and may be court martialed for his views. LTC Hague left voluntarily.

This comes as the Democrat chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez threatened to subpoena SecDef Austin for refusing to testify on the disastrous Afghanistan pullout. Gen Milley has been using every tactic he can to place blame for the debacle on others. Both of them have pushed forward talking points that are a death knell to war fighting and military cohesion.

First, and foremost, I am incapable of subjecting myself to the unlawful, unethical, immoral and tyrannical order to sit still and allow a serum to be injected into my flesh against my will and better judgment. It is impossible for this so-called ‘vaccine’ to have been studied adequately to determine the long-term effects…

I would like nothing more than to continue in the Army to reach my 20 years of active federal service and retire with my pension. However, I instead will join those who have served before me in pledging my Life, my Fortune, and my Sacred Honor to continue resisting the eternal and ever-mutable forms of oppression and tyranny – both from enemies outside our nation‘s borders, and those within.

These words are a strongly worded statement against the US Military under the Biden administration. LTC Paul Hague’s wife told reporters that her husband drafted the letter on August 23, but after revising it several times, did not submit it until August 30 and failed to change the date. He was focused on the use of the Covid vaccine as a political tool when she was asked about all the normal vaccines required for the military.

It is not easy for any officer to walk away from a 20 year retirement. That his wife is supportive is a huge plus to taking a stand against what has been happening in the military.

”We may be personally defeated, but our principles, never.” William Lloyd Garrison 1805-1879

LTC Hague’s statement can, and definitely should, be read in full at the link. A respectful doffing of the CF Chapeau to the good Colonel who, like his Marine colleague LTC Stuart Scheller, has not only taken a morally-righteous stand based on his beliefs and values, but has also bravely put himself at considerable risk of Deep State retaliation in the doing.

May God forever bless and protect you and yours, sir. Let the fine example you’ve set of what real patriotism, honor, and selflessness look like serve as inspiration to your fellow soldiers, and to every true American as well.

Update! NC Scout puts it bluntly.

On 19 June 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg met their deserved fate.

Having been convicted of giving the Soviets critical information on the US’ technological developments in the decade just past the conclusion of WWII, they were very correctly blamed for the technological parity the Soviets quickly gained costing American lives in the wars that would follow.

We didn’t kill enough of them.

The Left has reveled in certain claims over the years, always running contrary to the interests of this once-great nation in every attempt at stymieing its progress whilst rotting away its very core. Very cleverly they understood that the 1950s era represented the pinnacle of capitalist achievement, juxtaposed to the rampant poverty of a broken post-war USSR. There were jobs, a roaring economy, great advancements in technology, and a properly run education that – gasp – met standards and produced giants.

The Rosenburgs acted against a nation and people they hated. Why else could one betray his nation, very knowingly culpable for the killing of his own countrymen? And yet, the Rosenburgs knew not directly the staggering cost of war. When it was discovered by the War Department that Rosenburg, an engineer for the Army’s Signal Corps, was a member for the Communist Party, he was fired, but he didn’t stop there. For the communist, Revolution is duty.

While the Soviets were adept at spy recruitment in that era, after all, many in the US infrastructure had well known communist leanings prior to WWII, they understood well that the source of a nation’s pride is its ability to levy war. Until the US military could be broken, there would be no hope of communist revolution in the United States. Having a Flag Officer handing secrets, or even so much as consorting with an enemy nation, would be unthinkable. The solution then is communist revolution within the ranks.

This leads us to the case of General Mark Milley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared Maoist under oath, academic adherent of communist revolution, and now the subject of accusations of contacting his Chinese Communist People’s Liberation Army counterpart ahead of a possible President Donald Trump asserting his Constitutional duty to the nation and declaring a fraudulent election what it in fact was.

A very easy case can be made here condemning this man to death. Nothing further should need stating; collusion with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is rather blatant should these allegations be factual. That said, the book, by longtime leftist journalist Bob Woodward, should be taken as valid on its face by the very hubris that the Left continues to exhibit. Why should they hide? Who will prosecute them? By their own actions they have exposed themselves as thus. Milley deserves a firing squad.

But we should not stop there.

Damned skippy. Indeed, if we hope to excise the Leftist tumor from the body politic in any effective fashion, we MUST not stop there. Executing Thoroughly Modern Millicent for treason, while satisfying, would barely even amount to a good start on that daunting but vital project.


Sleep, sleeeeeep

Since the successful theft of the 2020 “election,” the installation of Befuddled Joey Diddleyfingers as figurehead of the Occupation Government, and the likewise-fraudulently overhyped Jan 6th tempest in a teapot, I find myself becoming more and more impatient with all the purblind Pollyannas of the Vote Harderer!™ movement. This has led me to give up reading a depressing number of Righty pundits who I had previously much admired, and whose take on things I reliably agreed with.

It saddens me deeply to have to add the once-great Kurt Schlichter to that ever-lengthening list.

Clean House in 2025

Shoulda been done in 2017, too late to do it now. Trump’s baffling failure to do so—whether out of naive cluelessness, or because he was always in on the Swamp scam himself as some assert—is the main reason he’s out in the cold now and is going to stay that way, no matter how many new websites he launches.

When President DeSantis is sworn in at 12:00 pm on January 20, 2025, he should give a short speech and by 12:10 be firing people. Lots of people.

Okay, it might not be the current Florida governor – we do know it’s not going to be Gov. Nikki! Haley (R – Establishment) or Kristi! Noem (R-NCAA) – but whoever beats Kamala Harris like a drum needs to come into the Oval Office ready to clear-cut the bureaucracy.

Riiiight. Because, having just pulled off the greatest political hijacking of all time, there’s absolutely no reason at all to think the Uniparty cabal would dare to do it again next time around.


Every keen observer understands that Donald Trump’s first and foremost failure as president was personnel. He did not get it right until the end, and then it was far too late. There are two reasons for this. The first is that for all his iconoclasm, Trump used to believe in our institutions and it took him a while to see how totally corrupt they truly are. For years, he gave the NYT interviews even as it trashed him because, well, it was the Times and the Times was prestigious.

For much of his term, he had that same kind of deference to establishment figures. He thought Rex Tillerson would be great because he was a rich head of a huge corporation. He thought generals were impressive because they had medals, and he famously got shafted by each and every one of them that he relied upon. He thought, for too long, that the DoJ and FBI and other agencies really had America’s interests at heart instead of the liberal establishment’s priorities. 
It was all baloney.

They were all terrible, and they all worked ceaselessly to undermine and even imprison him. It was only at the end that Trump found trustworthy folks who would do their jobs instead of pursue outside agendas. For example, Trump’s third National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, was the best National Security Advisor maybe ever – gee, he only oversaw peace achieving in the Middle East – and the reason you might not recognize his name is because he never became the story like McMaster or Bolton. Mike Pompeo – who also will never be president, sorry – was likewise a loyal and effective Secretary of State. But it took almost four years to get the team on-board.

Fine and well so far; so stipulated, without demur. And then off the rails we go again.

The other issue was that Trump had no Rolodex. The other issue was that Trump had no Rolodex. The Bush cabal had thousands of loyal obedient minions/potential staffers to call upon in the off-chance that hell froze over and Jeb! got elected to something other than “Most Likely to Fail.” Trump had no one to call. That’s a big part of why his administration was staffed with people who had zero loyalty and spent their time undermining him and his policies.

Dude, SRSLY?!? One of the most successful, savvy, well-known, and well-connected NYC movers and shakers in history “had no Rolodex”? It’s difficult for me to accept that there could still be anybody out there with intact powers of observation who truly believes that.

President De Santis will not have that problem – there’s a whole generation of experienced conservatives out there to call upon to staff his administration. And they will to be ready to separate the wheat form the chaff when they take up their places.

President De Santis will certainly not have that problem, right enough…because there ain’t gonna BE any “President De Santis,” and whichever mental-defective, rumpswab, or common con artist the Uniparty fiends put on offer will assuredly NOT be beaten like a drum. As for that “whole generation of experienced conservatives” bushwa: what, you mean there weren’t any of those available before, but now they all of a sudden sprout up just when they’re needed most? Puh-LEEZE.

He needs to get to firing. And right away.

No, Trump needed to do that. He was the last desperate throw of the dice; the opportunity was missed, and there ain’t no do-overs or second chances in this game.

It just goes on from there, all adding up to yet another clueless, pointless Meat Beat Manifesto—the same sad daydream, unvaried and futile as ever.

Update! WE’RE SAVED!!!

GOP Now Threatening to Break up Facebook After Decision Upholding Ban on Trump


As we reported earlier today, Facebook’s Oversight Board upheld the social media platform’s indefinite ban on President Donald Trump, despite also finding that an indefinite ban violated Facebook’s own rules and calling on the platform to “determine and justify a proportionate response that is consistent with the rules that are applied to other users of its platform.” They gave the platform six months to come up with that proportionate response.

The decision was not well received by Republicans who already feel that the platform has not been fair to them and imposes its rules unevenly.

Mark Meadows, President Donald Trump’s former chief of staff decried the decision and said that members of Congress were looking into whether they needed to break up Facebook.

Coming soon: the appointment of a blue ribbon panel to look into this very, very, very grave issue. Follows, Congressional hearings, in which Fuckerberg will be brought in to lie his ass off like he did the last seventeen times. After that, another rigged election to convince all you pesky rubes that you really DO have a say in how you’re governed. Then: FREE COOKIES!!!


Remember when

Then: statesmen. Now: career politicians.

I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is “needed” before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents’ “interests”, I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can.

Barry Goldwater, of course, whose 1964 defeat-by-smearjob qualifies as possibly the most damaging missed opportunity this poor country ever inflicted on itself. He was a fount of pithy, memorable quotations, some of them expressing viewpoints that might not always be quite what one would expect. For instance:

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.


You don’t have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight.

It’s not at all difficult to find more in that unexpected vein, which still doesn’t detract from the good stuff:

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.

Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality, ladies and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism. Fellow Republicans, it is the cause of Republicanism to resist concentrations of power, private or public, which enforce such conformity and inflict such despotism. It is the cause of Republicanism to ensure that power remains in the hands of the people.

I feel certain that Conservatism is through unless Conservatives can demonstrate and communicate the difference between being concerned with [the unemployed, the sick without medical care, human welfare, etc.] and believing that the federal government is the proper agent for their solution.

The material and spiritual sides of man are intertwined; that it is impossible for the State to assume responsibility for one without intruding on the essential nature of the other; that if we take from a man the personal responsibility for caring for his material needs, we take from him also the will and the opportunity to be free.

Such, then, is history’s lesson, which Messrs. Acheson and Larson evidently did not read: release the holders of state power from any restraints other than those they wish to impose upon themselves, and you are swinging down the well-traveled road to absolutism. The framers of the Constitution had learned the lesson. They were not only students of history, but victims of it: they knew from vivid, personal experience that freedom depends on effective restraints against the accumulation of power in a single authority.

Most important of all: in our anxiety to “improve” the world and insure “progress” we have permitted our schools to become laboratories for social and economic change according to the predilections of the professional educators. We have forgotten that the proper function of the school is to transmit the cultural heritage of one generation to the next generation, and to so train the minds of the new generation as to make them capable of absorbing ancient learning and applying it to the problem of its own day.

As the public grows more and more cynical, the politician feels less and less compelled to take his promises seriously.

The Conservative also recognizes that the political power on which order is based is a self-aggrandizing force; that its appetite grows with eating. He knows that the utmost vigilance and care are required to keep political power within its proper bounds.

One of the last of the real-deal conservative statesmen, Goldwater never did make it to the White House. And now, no true conservative ever will again. GP hints at one of the reasons why.

Remember the good old days when we could have serious discussions about the constitutional limits of government, and if the myriad government programs we have put in place actually met the constitutional requirement? And how much we would be able to reduce the size and scope of government, and how the first priority of the government was to protect the freedoms and liberty of American citizens?

Yeah, me neither. That is to say, I would dearly like to get back to the point where we could talk about things like this, but we are far beyond this. In fact, we are not even within shouting distance of it. Our disagreements with progressives are not over the size and scope of government, but down lower, way lower, down at some basic, fundamental level where questions about the very nature of men and things must be resolved.

Well, that and them wanting us dead. That has to be resolved, too.

Oh, it will be…one way or another. As it happens, another visionary leader had a few words to say himself on the topic.

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

The frightening is that nowadays one can only wonder just how many of us are left who would agree with that last proposition.

The Last Sane Democrat speaks truth

Yes, yes, I know she’s a libtard. Yes, I disagree with her policy positions on just about everything. But dammit, I still can’t help but like the woman. When viewed beside the reeking muck-pit the rest of her colleagues happily splash about in, she glitters like a crazy diamond.

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii warned that people such as California Rep. Adam Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan and Big Tech executives who are “trying to undermine” Americans’ constitutional rights are much more dangerous than the people who stormed the Capitol three weeks ago.

“The mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country,” she said in a tweet Tuesday.

“But let’s be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in big tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance are also domestic enemies — and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol.”

Gabbard called on President Joe Biden and lawmakers to reject any measures that would infringe on Americans’ constitutional rights.

Umm, good luck with all that, babe. I know you mean well and all; your heart is definitely in the right place, to be sure. But the sad, sorry truth is that the ship in question has definitely sailed. In fact, it’s waaaay over the horizon and clean out of sight at this late date.

Simple human decency

While the vile, soulless Left in its entirety celebrates today’s horrible news in the usual fashion—ghoulish gloating over the suffering of their political opponents, fervent wishes for a long, painful death, etc—the Last Sane Democrat demonstrates yet again why I’ve always referred to her that way.

Bless you, Ms Gabbard; would that we had many more like you. Alas, it’s our poor, bleeding nation’s tragedy that we don’t—emblematic of why we are where we are, and are headed where we’re headed.

Update! Heh.

Trump Preemptively Pens Dying Wish Canceling Out RBG’s Dying Wish
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Lying ill in the White House, Trump weakly asked for a pen and paper. Once these had been retrieved for him, he wrote out his dying wish — just in case the worst should happen — canceling out Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish.

“I, Donald Trump, your favorite president, hereby state that my dying wish is for Amy Coney Barrett to be confirmed to the Supreme Court,” Trump wrote as friends and family looked on somberly. “She’s a great nominee. The best, maybe ever. That Kavanaugh guy was alright, he was pretty good. But Barrett is the real deal.”

Legal scholars frantically tried to find a loophole so the nation could honor Ginsburg’s dying wish but not the president’s, but unfortunately for them, the plan was foolproof. “We are forced to honor this as legitimate,” they said. “There’s no way around it. Since we accepted Ginsburg’s dying wishes as constitutional law, now Trump’s are also legitimate. Should have thought that one through.”

Probably so, yeah.

Pinch me, I must be dreaming

Okay, I did NOT see this one coming.

Rob Lowe Stuns Conan O’Brien By Revealing Friendship With Justice Clarence Thomas

*vigorously shakes head, rubs eyes, pours stiff drink, downs it in one*

“Wait, you know him?” a seemingly surprised O’Brien responded, as reported by Fox News.

According to Lowe, the two met when he was inducted into the Horatio Alger Society a few years ago, prompting their friendship.

“I do know him. I got inducted into the Horatio Alger Society a couple years ago. … It’s a very exclusive, very amazing society that provides scholarships for kids who come from terrible, terrible backgrounds,” Lowe said. “But they are the best and the brightest in their classes. And the people in it are pretty studly. He’s one of them. That’s how we met. They put the medal on me in the halls of the Supreme Court.”

“Wow. Okay,” O’Brien said.

Lowe described Thomas as a generous man who even provided some helpful career advice to his own son.

“The reason I bring it up is he’s one of those people who occupies such a perception in people’s minds and he’s like, ‘If you ever need anything, call my number. This is my cell phone,’” Lowe said. “And then my son Matthew was going to law school. So I had some ideas about clerking and things like that.”

“So I call this cell phone and he answers it. And you’re like, ‘Geeze. Shouldn’t there be, like, a vetting process?’ And 45 minutes he’s giving me advice on what my son should do vis-a-vis law school and clerking,” he continued.

Though his political stance is murky at best, Rob Lowe has never conformed to the Hollywood leftist dictates that seek to ostracize conservatives from all of public life by dismissing their ideas and leaders as subhumans unworthy of debate or quarter. The Hollowverse characterized him as a liberal-leaning man that respects conservative views. For instance, he previously said, “Liberal politics is built on empathy. I think conservative politics, from my opinion, is built on logic.”

A tolerant, rational Hollywood liberal is unexpected. That he forged a friendly relationship with Clarence Thomas is surprising. That he would unapologetically admit to the friendship in a broadcast interview is extraordinary. That this person would turn out to be Rob Lowe vaults it on up into the realm of actual slackjawed, bug-eyed shock. Kudos to the man. He provided me a rare opportunity to dust off an old post category of mine for the first time in I can’t even remember when.

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"Mike Hendrix is, without a doubt, the greatest one-legged blogger in the world." ‐Henry Chinaski

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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