Once again, Tulsi Gabbard re-establishes her bona fides as the sole honest, sane D卐M☭CRAT still extant.
‘They Think They’re God,’ Tulsi Gabbard Says of People ‘Trying to Erase Us as Women’
OXON HILL, Md.—Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard condemned certain powerful elements in the modern Democratic Party, telling The Daily Signal on Friday that some Democrats undermine Americans’ “God-given rights” and weaponize federal agencies against the “very people they’re supposed to be serving.”
Speaking of the Democrats and others pushing transgender ideology, Gabbard said, “they think they’re God,” able to define the very nature of truth itself.
The notion that biological males are truly women if they claim to identify that way is “insane on its face,” the former Democrat said in an interview with The Daily Signal at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, outside Washington, D.C.
“Anyone who has any common sense recognizes the insanity of what is happening before our very eyes,” she said. Yet the transgender movement also reveals “a deeper problem,” that “people in positions of power deny that there is such a thing as objective truth, such as the difference, the biological difference between a male and a female.”
Gabbard warned that some powerful people “deem themselves as the arbiter of what is true and what is not,” which leaves “no guardrails” in American society. “We have no floor and no ceiling if there is no such thing as truth, and if the only truth that exists is whatever the people in power say it is. This points to the dangerous path of where this ideology leads us, goes far beyond the trans ideology and the erasure of women that we’re seeing in our society right now, and it should be concerning to everyone.”
Gabbard rejected the Democratic Party due to this ideology and this abuse of power, she said.
The party of President Joe Biden is “wildly out of touch with the people of this country, with the Democratic Party that I joined 20 years ago,” she explained. An “elite cabal of warmongers” controls the party, and “they are intent on undermining our God-given rights and freedoms that are enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They are rejecting the reality of objective truth and biology and trying to erase us as women, as an entire category of people, undermining the rule of law.”
She further warned that the party “has led us to the brink of nuclear war.”
Correct, right down the line. From the sound of it, she could very well be on her way to having herself a real Reagan-style Awakening, perhaps. Which beats t’other way ‘round all to hell and gone. Don’t sweat it, Tulsi; as somebody or other once said, you didn’t leave them, they left you. Damn the torpedos, all ahead full.
sole honest, sane D卐M☭CRAT
That she may be among the political officeholder class. She is however, still a “socialist”. Just another name for communist since socialism is never practiced but at the point of a gun.I don’t think she understands this however.
Contrast with Palin or Lake to see the difference.
Until she realizes she should have joined the Republicans instead of the Dumbocrats, and renounces socialism as a failed experiment, she’s worthless except as a benchmark example of how far crazy current Democommunists have become.
She’s not going to call the woke mob back to sanity. They’re going to recognize her as the white chimpanzee in the pack, and then kill her for that. Metaphorically, if not actually.
And not recognizing the obviousness of that is what makes her still an idiot.
Just a half-witted one, instead of a totally witless.
As entertainment, however, it’s like watching Pat Moynihan in the ’80s and 90s: the one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind.
“Until she realizes she should have joined the Republicans instead of the Dumbocrats, and renounces socialism as a failed experiment, she’s worthless”
This line suggests she’s getting there:
Gabbard rejected the Democratic Party due to this ideology and this abuse of power, she said.
Waking up is not an event, but a process. Yes, she’s still a liberal, no argument. That said, I think she should be encouraged for the progress she’s making, in hopes that she’ll continue along the path to righteousness. That means just one more bullet we can save for use against a diehard Lefty zealot, see. 😉
“Waking up is not an event, but a process.”
True enough for those that have been asleep. We shall see just how far down the “right” path Ms Gabbard goes. She of the Bernie support group…
Bit I’m all for saving bullets when the target is as pleasing to the eye as Ms Gabbard 🙂
“Bit I’m all for saving bullets when the target is as pleasing to the eye as Ms Gabbard”
Annnnd there’s that, too. 😀
She’s an attractive Commie Lite.
An American Fang Fang.
A Siren Call to Socialism.