Diversity-Americans: not up to snuff

Forget it, Jake, it’s Coontown.

When you order ice cream, you don’t want to hear “We’re out” or “It’s broken,” yet it has been happening so often across the United States in recent years that it became somewhat of a cultural meme that spawned considerable media interest. Reports indicate that up to a quarter of McDonald’s ice cream machines are not operational at any given time.

Ice cream sales make up 3% of total McDonald’s sales (over $22 billion annually), amounting to about a quarter of a billion dollars a year. If the company is losing out on roughly 25% of that, we have a $56 million question on our hands every year.

Media outlets looking to cover the story and capitalize on the “McBroken” meme published dozens of quite lousy pieces concluding that the extensive cleaning process and heat sanitization cycle are to blame for the machine’s maladies. I never bought that story for a few reasons. One thing that doesn’t add up with the “cleaning” explanation is why any restaurant would clean a machine while it is open, and how it could be true that ten to 25% of all working hours in them are dedicated to “cleaning.” Perhaps nobody wants to clean the machines, so they merely say that it is not working.

Then, in April 2021, a YouTuber named Johnny Harris uploaded a now-viral video with over nine million views titled, “The REAL Reason McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines Are Always Broken.” In this 30-minute exposé, Harris elaborates a new theory that has gained acceptance as the actual reason for the McDonald’s ice cream downtime. Harris explains that the manufacturer of the ice cream machines, Taylor, is to blame. Taylor is the industry standard and the same company that makes ice cream machines for most quick-service restaurants, and has been supplying the equipment to McDonald’s since 1956. The next time you see an ice cream machine, look for the manufacturer’s name. It’s probably a Taylor.

Harris posits that Taylor has made the machines intentionally onerous to operate so they can generate future revenue out of repair contracts. The theory is that Taylor deliberately makes ice cream machines that are always in need of service and are generally too complicated for restaurant workers to understand. Hence, they call Taylor’s service technicians, which keeps the company flush with cash flow. It’s an interesting theory, and the video hams it up. There are plenty of suspenseful cuts, long stares into the camera, and moments when you are supposed to be in shock as facts are uncovered, such as the long working history between McDonald’s and Taylor. Harris wants you to believe that corporate greed on Taylor’s end is to blame. In a way, Harris created the perfect scapegoat: shifting the blame from restaurant workers to shadowy business practices. People loved it, too. And it is entirely wrong.

There are some holes in this story as well…

Of all the outlets to cover the story, none of them got close to what I found, including The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, Mashed, Boston Globe, Wired, and Inc. Vice News almost got there; they had the proper dataset to solve the mystery, but they fumbled, as expected.

First, I had to dig back a couple of years to find an article I remembered seeing which confirmed something we already know: restaurants owned by blacks, in black areas, do not perform as well as those in “less diverse” communities. McDonald’s has over 200 black franchisees out of the 1,700 or so owners — enough to make the data statistically reliable. Stores that the black franchisees own an average of $68,000 net less per month than all franchise stores. That’s $816,000 per year, per store, lower than the chain’s average.

There are probably many reasons for this disparity. Some black franchise owners postulated that a lack of black leadership in the McDonald’s corporation is an issue. I’m not sure there is a connection. Another issue raised was that black owners tend to own stores in black neighborhoods, where costs are high and sales are lower. There is a notion that nebulous socioeconomic issues tied to things like “white privilege,” “white supremacy,” and “systemic racism” are to blame: i.e., blacks have less money as a whole to spend on fast food, therefore making the sales of black-owned McDonald’s restaurants lower. To the extent that socioeconomic forces are genuine and legitimate, I will say the issue is not systemic racism or white people, but sub-Saharan genetics.

One of the black franchisees was interviewed about his experience. He said “my stores are hellholes,” and lamented that they are robbed once or twice per month. His further comments revealed that his stores are often vandalized: people destroy the bathrooms and break the windows, and a murder had even taken place on the premises of one restaurant.

The murder in the McDonald’s reminded me of a grocery store in Atlanta called “Murder Kroger.” The Ponce de Leon Avenue Kroger earned that nickname by being the stage for many violent crimes. Some Kroger stores actually left black neighborhoods not far from where I live because their outlets there were the worst in the company, suffering from extreme shoplifting and security issues. After pulling out of these neighborhoods, the company was declared “racist” and blamed for contributing to “food deserts” in black communities. The stores were simply not profitable and not worth the headache to keep open. Although some argue there is a white supremacist conspiracy theory keeping blacks from having nice grocery stores in their neighborhoods, the black community itself runs them out of business through their behavior. As states and cities continue to decriminalize shoplifting, this trend will continue.

Another black McDonald’s franchisee said that his stores were among the worst in the company. They have low cash flows, serious staffing problems, and are often robbed. The black owners often blame McDonald’s corporate. Still, they did not seem to realize that their real gripe is with their own community and the behavior of their racial cohort. Part of the extra costs that the black franchises have to pay are for security, high insurance premiums, and constant repairs.

I interviewed a McDonald’s employee who works in a very “diverse” restaurant. He confirmed some of my theories and observations and added great additional insights. He mentioned that the restaurant where he works often has to repair bullet holes resulting from drive-by shootings in the street where they are located. Sure, racism could be blamed for the lack of sales in black stores in black neighborhoods, but one might also suggest that many people don’t want to put their lives at risk for a McFlurry or Big Mac.

With that information in mind, and knowing that demographics affects the rate of “broken” ice cream machines, we can draw further conclusions.

Ice cream machines do not know they are in black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Thus, we can probably rule out the existence of “racist ice cream machines” that make a conscious decision to stop working so they can deprive black and Latinx communities of ice cream.

Here is where we intersect with the meta-story about journalism. The objective of journalism is no longer to inform the public, but to weave a story of their choosing into a larger tapestry. Here, we see that the mainstream media was not willing or capable of telling the full story. Millions of people reading and watching the dozens of articles and videos on the matter have been led to believe in a conspiracy theory about ice cream machines and corporate greed, when the reality — and much more plausible tale — is one of basic biological differences between groups of people.

Further, it’s possible, and perhaps even likely, that the current mainstream journalist class is made up of people entirely incapable of uncovering deeper truths and unwilling to process any information that might contradict a larger societal theme. Much like the black franchisees, I’m sure they found a way to blame anybody but those actually responsible.

As is the case with everything else in my “social capital anthology,” this isn’t an article about broken ice cream machines. This is about what happens to a society when even the base level of social functionality — the bare minimum standard required to have something that looks like a real society — cannot be met.

At some point along this trajectory, there will no longer be any upside rationalizations to be found. There will come a time when the people who cannot run the ice cream machine are not doing you a favor by making you choose better food options. There will come a time when the people who cannot run the ice cream machine are running things of a much greater importance. What will society look like when the person who is today a McDonald’s Assistant Manager who can’t or won’t ensure that the fries are hot is tasked with staffing air control towers or repairing bridges and roads? What happens when the worker who decided it “wasn’t his job” to clean the ice cream machine feels the same way about inspecting the brakes on your car? What happens when you very much need something to be done correctly, but everybody at the department in charge of whatever you need are those people who could barely keep an ice cream machine running for a full day?

How does that society look?

A very easy question for contemporary Americans to answer, most especially those unfortunate souls trapped in our urban hellholes. All they need to do is look out their window to see it crashing and burning all around them.

A lengthy excerpt from a lengthy article, of which you simply must read the all.

(Via WRSA)


Idiocracy on the Horizon

This is a long essay, about 3700 words, so I’m putting a summary on the front page and the main essay “below the fold”.

Modern, first-world society needs a lot of bright people to keep everything working. Because of a number of social forces, average intelligence in the Western world is declining and can be expected to decline to the point that the modern infrastructure cannot be maintained. Some solutions are proposed for averting this fate.

Continue reading “Idiocracy on the Horizon”

An idea whose time has DEFINITELY come

It is no longer even remotely possible for me to describe how much I love this man.

DeSantis Threatens To Bus Illegal Immigrants Right To Biden’s Doorstep In Delaware If He Doesn’t Secure Border
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday he would send illegal immigrants to Delaware if President Joe Biden didn’t secure the southern border.

DeSantis was responding to a question about secret “migrant flights” sent to Florida from areas near the southern border. White House press secretary Jen Psaki previously said Oct. 19 it should be “no surprise” to Americans that the Biden administration is flying migrants to Florida and New York from the southern border.

“If they’re going to come here, we’ll provide buses. I will send them to Delaware and do that. If he’s not going to support the border being secured, then he should be able to have everyone there,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis issued an executive order in September that prohibited Florida state agencies from helping the Biden administration to transport illegal immigrants. DeSantis also said he would be suing the Biden administration for its “catch and release” program.

DeSantis previously characterized the border crisis as an “intentional policy” based on an “open borders ideology.”

“The Biden Administration refuses to abide by the immigration laws of our country, and states bear the brunt of the federal government’s failures,” DeSantis’ office said in a statement to the Daily Caller. “Governor DeSantis is committed to filling that void of leadership and doing everything in his power to protect Floridians.”

“Of course, it would be ideal if the federal government would do its job and use the resources at their disposal to enforce federal law, but since that’s not happening, the state has to step up wherever possible to mitigate the impact of the Biden Border Crisis,” the statement reads.

“If that means sending illegal aliens to Delaware, or even Martha’s Vineyard, so be it. Since Biden believes the open border free for all is good for our country, I’m sure he won’t object,” DeSantis’ office said.

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz introduced the Stop the SURGE Act on Oct. 19, which would establish ports of entry in a number of Democratic-led areas, including Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Martha’s Vineyard, Governors Island, New York, and multiple locations in California. The bill is intended to “alleviate the massive overload at the southern border,” according to Cruz.

Why yes, as I matter of fact I DID just swipe the whole damned DC article for the above “excerpt.” That’s how much I enjoyed this story. And yes, I do understand that the chances of DeSantis actually following through and making his threat stick for reals hover somewhere between slim and don’t make me laugh, for all sorts of reasons—some of them probably good ones, I suppose. I do not care, not one whit I don’t. The mere fact that America’s Gov is feisty enough to fire so outré and unheard of a shot across Brandon’s shit-smeared bow will do to be going on with as far as I’m concerned.

This brings to mind a couple announcements I need to make, and rat cheer is as good a place as any to make ’em. Numero Uno: I will henceforth be referring to the great and powerful Ron DeSantis not as “America’s Governor,” my own original term of endearment, but as the President of Real America. Nombre Deux: I will henceforth, as and when the mood strikes, be referring to ***”president”*** Brandon not using the standard POTUS acronym, but with the far more apt and insulting FLATUS one, for reasons of side-splitting hilarity which I assume require no further elaboration.

That is all. As you were.


Putting it straight

Not sure where I ran across this one—it’s been just sitting quietly on my desktop for days now, waiting for me to make some P-shop adjustments and then put it to good use here—and I can’t say I know who this Langan fellow might be, either. But I dunno, the part I highlighted in blue just tickled me no end.

Don’t hold back, Chris, tell us how you really feel.


The world they always make

It’s a Black thing, you blue-eyed debbils wouldn’t understand. And probably wouldn’t want to, either.

A news story that hit the airwaves and then rapidly disappeared down the memory hole (see: Rape On The Train) involves a woman being assaulted on a public transit train while bystanders apparently didn’t do anything to help and instead made some home videos. 

More details have emerged and I couldn’t be less shocked to find that the accused rapist is a fella named Fiston Ngoy and looks like this:

Follows, a pic featuring precisely the visage you’d expect, before we move on to some more tedious predictability.

Not only that, he isn’t a garden variety African living in America, he is a fresh off the boat African…

Man Who Raped Woman on Train in Philadelphia as Bystanders ‘Filmed it’ is an Illegal Alien From Congo with Prior Sex Abuse Conviction

Well of course he is! 

Why, I’m shocked—SHOCKED!!! Onwards.

According to the same story, the assault lasted six minutes and bystanders took out their phones to record a man raping a woman. Think about that for a second. It also makes me wonder, a lot, about the race of the woman being raped and if no one intervened for that reason.

I am assuming he is from the DRC, the “Democratic” Republic Of Congo. Not the first time a Congolese has appeared on these pages, three years ago I wrote about the ungrateful bitch of an African named Therese Patricia Okoumou who climbed on the Statue Of Liberty to protest having a better life here or something: The Gratitude Is Heartwarming

As BCE and others have pointed out, the Congo is known for loving them some raping and they are bringing their love of murder, dismemberment and rape to the U.S. To reiterate, bringing third world savages to the civilized West doesn’t civilize the savages, it just makes Western civilization more savage.

The capital city of the DRC is a festering wound on the banks of the Congo River called Kinshasa, a sprawling dump of some 15 million people. Go to Google maps and turn on satellite mode and look anywhere you like in Kinshasa.

Arthur then has a look-see himself, via Goog-sat overheads, at a few of the Dark (and how) Continent’s garden spots, shifting from there to other slices of earthly paradise such as Haiti and (hilariously) Detroit, reaching the inescapable conclusion.

These all have a common thread linking them together: a critical mass of Africans. 

I don’t really blame the Africans for living like this, it is apparently the best they can do apart from intervention from White people. Left to their own devices, no matter the infrastructure they inherited, this is always the end result. Almost no people group on earth is capable of creating and then sustaining the sort of civil Western society we take for granted and this is particularly true for Africans. 

So it really isn’t their fault. 

But it also isn’t my fault. 

When the country my people built is flooded with people who have utterly failed to maintain the basics of civilization wherever they have the opportunity, it invariably turns the country we built into the same sort of place that they fled. We always are lectured about them coming here for a “better life” which they certainly have in America but no one seems to wonder about the lives of the people already here. It doesn’t take much wondering, we know that the result is poorer, dirtier, more violent, less free than what we had in the past.

The near future of America is going to look a lot like the current state in Kinshasa and Lagos. You can’t import the world without inheriting the world’s problems. Most of these new “Americans” are going to end up in the big cities like Philadelphia, turning them into no-go zones.

For my money, Philly was one of those a long, long time ago. I can’t imagine it’s improved any since. This brings to mind a classic ZMan quip: The problem with Africa is that it’s full of Africans.


A new zoo in Wisconsin

No need to visit, the animals are being brought to your house.

The skies over Sparta have never been as busy as when the Biden administration decided to dispatch 13,000 Afghans, including at least one pedophile, to Wisconsin.

Sparta, a small town of less than ten thousand souls, whose claim to fame is being the “Bicycling Capital of America”, could only watch as a population of Afghans outnumbering its own population created a new Afghanistan on the premises of Fort McCoy.

None of the Afghans at Fort McCoy have a Special Immigrant Visa. Biden left the SIV visa holders behind in Afghanistan. The Afghans who have overrun the Wisconsin base are the ones whom the Taliban, for their own reasons, decided to allow through their checkpoints.

And they’re living up to the high cultural standards of the Taliban.

The problems began with the toilets. Then there were issues with the rice, the sexual abuse of young boys, and Afghans simply leaving on their own despite promises of taxpayer cash.

“Afghans were confused and upset by hygiene practices,” a Wall Street Journal article described. “Every toilet on base was Western style, with a seat and toilet paper. But a number of Afghans are accustomed to restrooms that allow them to squat so they don’t have to physically touch the toilet. It led to some cases of Afghans relieving themselves outside.”

This shouldn’t have surprised anyone after two decades in Afghanistan. But political correctness has mostly suppressed accounts of even the most basic facts about the beneficiaries of our great nation building project leaving Americans confused by the behavior of the new arrivals.

A Czech journal article from the Department of Military Hygiene noted that Afghan “people in rural areas were found to defecate almost everywhere according to convenience. It is important to observe that particularly the rural population does not know or does not use toilet paper.”

More accurately, Islamic law is held by some authorities to ban the use of toilet paper.

“You should consider very carefully shaking hands during the contact with the local population,” the journal article warned. Unfortunately their local population is now our local population.

An account of the toilet practices of the defunct Afghan National Army described how our soldiers were forced to “share their toilet with the ANA, as they had been ordered to do by their commanding officers” to win their “hearts and minds”. Unfortunately “it was the custom of the ANA to wipe themselves with their hands, smear their excrement on the walls of the toilet, and rinse their hands in the sink, which left the sinks reeking.”

While great care is taken by Muslims to keep their clothes clean so that they are not “impure” during prayers, bathrooms can be left in a horrifying state because they’re already unclean.

After a horde of troglodytic Muzzrats have passed through, yeah, I expect they are at that. On the bright side, though, just think of all the fascinating new Third World diseases that will soon be spreading like wildfire across every American town the “Biden” junta unloads another passel of these unassimilable knuckledraggers on!

No worries, bigoted white-supremacist Cheeseheads; here’s one of the junta‘s pet “generals” with some reassuring lies to calm you awful H8RZZ down.

General Glen VanHerck however visited Fort McCoy and assured reporters that the enlightened Afghans were much more law-abiding than the racist Americans.

“I’ve done some research and how that compares to populations across the United States,” VanHerck declared. “For example, in six weeks in Operation Allies Welcome, in a population of 53,000, there have been eight reported cases of robbery and theft.”

VanHerck neglected to Google the statistics for assaulting children and women. Or to note that this isn’t a measure of Afghans having lower crime rates than Americans, but a much lower willingness to report crimes to infidels who don’t resolve problems with the use of Islamic law.

“And how long are the Afghans going to be on U.S. military bases?” the FOX News correspondent asked.

“We’re prepared to be here as long as we need to conduct this mission,” VanHerck replied. “We’ll be ready if we need to support through the winter months and into the spring.”

Forget the ‘Forever War’ and get ready for the ‘Forever Refugees’.

It’s almost as if we never actually withdrew from Afghanistan.

Americans are funding three Halal meals a day for tens of thousands of Afghans, our bases are full of mosques, our soldiers are trying to keep Afghans from killing and abusing each other, and we are on the hook for every dollar in welfare spending lavished on the Afghans while Americans struggle. As the Afghans leave Fort McCoy, the occupation of America will begin.

Biden didn’t withdraw from Afghanistan. He brought Afghanistan to America.

Surely there must be SOME way we could thank him properly for that, among so very many other things.

Update! Lest other Red Staters out there get to feeling all smug and superior towards the poor Cheeseheads: you probably shouldn’t just yet (Sorry, forgot to include the link earlier—M).

Four hundred fifteen Afghan evacuees are headed to Nashville, Tennessee, where they’re certain to fit right in. However, instead of breaking out the “Refugees Welcome” signs and patting themselves on the back for their commitment to diversity, as any good politician would, Tennessee’s Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, along with its Governor Bill Lee, all Republicans, have written a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, asking him what steps have been taken to ensure that as these people settle in the state, Tennesseeans will be safe. What’s this? American politicians concerned for the wellbeing of their own people? It’s practically unheard of in these halcyon days of Biden’s handlers’ administration, but apparently in Tennessee, some people still care about Americans.

Sorry, Robert, but I’m afraid I’m gonna wait before I sign off on the idea that they’re sincerely concerned, since so far all they’re doing is “asking questions” to which they’ll never get any honest answers. This is so for the following among several reasons:

  • The Occupation Government can’t afford to give honest answers, because the truth is they don’t give a flying fuck at a plate glass window whether Tennesseeans will be safe or not
  • There have been NO steps whatever taken to vet any of these savages, nor will there ever be
  • There can be NO meaningful assurance that American infidels should ever assume themselves safe or secure once hordes of murderous jihadis have been imported to live among them

If the three Repugs truly do think that even the most “strongly worded” letter imaginable can be sufficient to shield their constituents from violent primordials with absolutely NO respect or fidelity to American law, they’re in for one hell of a harsh lesson on that. Unfortunately, the consequences for said constituents will be a lot harsher.

According to Fox News, the letter goes on to “lay out a number of questions, including what steps the administration is taking to assist U.S. citizens and Afghan allies ‘left behind’ in Afghanistan.” Blackburn remarked: “Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan put terrorists in control and left Americans, Special Immigrant Visa [SIV] holders and applicants, and allies stranded. A very small percentage of Afghans evacuated have proven service to the U.S. military. We do not know who the other Afghans Biden evacuated are, and Tennesseans are demanding answers.”

“Demand” in one hand, shit in the other. You know the drill.

Blackburn stated, sensibly, that immigration officials must “thoroughly vet all Afghans brought into the United States.”

Yeh, whynt’cha hold your breath waiting on it.

But it is not at all clear that such vetting is taking place, or that woke Biden administration officials who identify “white supremacists” as the chief terror threat would know an Islamic jihadi even if he was screaming “Allahu akbar” and slicing off their heads. Accordingly, Blackburn added: “While our state is ready to welcome those Afghans who put their lives on the line to serve our country, the Biden administration owes it to publicly inform states like Tennessee before resettling evacuees into our communities.”

News flash for ya, Marsh: “those Afghans who put their lives on the line to serve our country” were mostly left behind—along with God only knows how many Americans—to the less-than-tender mercies of the Taliban. Ie, those pitiful few who haven’t already been brutally killed surely will be, and that right soon.

Maybe you should think about writing another letter “demanding answers” from our Taliban partners in peace, eh?

Shifting focus

In the previous post, I made reference to “the grindingly slow collapse of America’s quest for righteous retribution into a black sinkhole of futility and cynical manipulation.” Said collapse was in fact the direct result of the serial treachery and betrayal of the US government, unspeakable crimes whose revolting consummation was puked forth—for all the world to gaze upon in horror and disgust—in the disastrous, humiliating, and deadly Biden Bugout. Robert Spencer reveals an aspect that somehow manages to call forth several distinct emotional responses which are rarely seen hanging out in the same neighborhood: rage; stunned incredulity; hopelessness and despair; and finally, paralyzing enervation.

On Friday, September 10, 2021, the Philadelphia chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is presenting a panel discussion entitled “Remember Pearl Harbor to Never Forget 9/11: Teaching Japanese American and Muslim American Histories.” There in a nutshell is much of what has gone wrong in our nation’s response to the 9/11 jihad attacks, and why we are so drastically on the wrong path now.

The CAIR panel is as noteworthy for what it is not about than for what it is about. It is not about the victims of 9/11, the lives lost, the lives destroyed, the magnitude of human suffering that was inflicted. It is most certainly not about the ongoing global jihad: a useful panel could be held on groups that still exist around the world that hold to the same belief system, ideology and goals that the 9/11 plotters and hijackers held, and which are an ongoing threat to Americans and to all free people. Hamas-linked CAIR is never going to hold such a panel, and neither is anyone else.

Instead, CAIR, predictably enough, focuses on the people who hold the same beliefs as the jihad attackers of 9/11 and have, CAIR claims, been victimized and discriminated against in the United States as a result. Statistically speaking, such claims are wildly exaggerated. FBI hate crime statistics show that anti-Semitic hate crimes are far more common than attacks on Muslims, which actually dropped 42% in the last year. No hate crime is justified, but the idea that Muslims are living in fear of MAGA-hat-wearing redneck vigilantes in America is Leftist fantasy.

Nonetheless, that is not just the focus of this unsavory Hamas-linked group, but of the establishment media as well. The Los Angeles Times on Friday published a lengthy weeper entitled “Muslim youth in America: A generation shadowed by the aftermath of 9/11,” all about how some people say rude things to innocent Muslims just because some people did something way back two decades ago. The article begins: “On a rainy day during her sophomore year of high school, as Aissata Ba studied in the library, a photo popped into her phone. It showed a beheading by Islamic State militants, along with a caption in red letters: ‘Go back to your country.’” In the big bad, “Islamophobic” USA, the perpetrator of this horror got off scot-free: “Ba reported the incident. Administrators never tracked down the person who sent it.”

The Times explained how Muslims are the true victims of the 9/11 attacks: “Asked when they thought such incidents became common, the Ba family didn’t hesitate. ‘It started with 9/11,’ said Ba’s mom, Zeinebou, who immigrated to Chicago in 1999. That day in 2001 caused a chain of tragedies — for the nearly 3,000 people who perished during the attacks in New York, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania; for the young men and women who died serving their country in the wars that followed; and for Muslims, and those perceived as Muslim, who became targets of hate.”

It would be much easier to sympathize with all this if not for the fact that since 9/11, CAIR and its allied groups, with eager help from the establishment media, have insisted that any honest investigation of the motivating ideology behind the attacks, and jihad terror in general, constituted “hate.” Then there are the numerous fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, fabricated apparently in order to buttress the claim that Muslims are uniquely harassed and victimized in the United States. The facts don’t bear out this claim.

…The fact that both the LA Times and AP had to lead with stories of people saying rude things to Muslims unwittingly reveals that they didn’t have anything worse to head up their stories: no stories of Muslims being attacked, of mosques being burnt down, of laws targeting Muslims in the United States and denying them basic rights. Nor should there be such stories. But the fact that there aren’t any gives the lie to the entire establishment narrative.

Meanwhile, opponents of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women have genuinely experienced the marginalization that Obeidallah claims to have suffered. They have been defamed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, targeted by the social media giants’ Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, and shunned by the establishment media.

In all this I haven’t even mentioned the misbegotten misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the U.S. government’s adamantine determination to ignore and deny the ideological wellsprings of the global jihad. But it all works together: the lesson most Americans will be told on Saturday is that twenty years ago, some “extremists,” akin to the January 6 “insurrectionists,” hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam, and since then Muslims have been victimized. The moral of the story? We must end all remaining counterterror measures directed at stopping jihadis. They’re “Islamophobic,” and the real problem is “white supremacists,” anyway. What could possibly go wrong? Go back to sleep.

The intentional, nefariously political shifting of all guilt from the actual perpetrators of jihadist atrocities onto the wholly-innocent victims of it might just be the most profoundly brazen crime of them all. Worse yet, it was initiated by—and successfully brought off with the active assistance of—none other than our own goddamned government. Among numerous other once-trusted but now corrupt, faithless, and wholly-subverted American institutions.

Take a bow, assholes.

On 9/11, the world was shown, in one horrific, indelible image, precisely what Islam is all about. Today, to write the previous sentence is to be guilty of Islamophobia. How did that come to be? It began in the days after 9/11 itself, when George W. Bush – by repeatedly insisting that the cause of the jihadists had nothing to do with Islam – effectively ruled out of bounds any criticism of that religion, or any honest education and open discussion about it. Instead, Bush – who had gotten it into his head that all religions are basically good, and who was manipulated by advisors who wanted to project American power in a part of the world about which they knew very little – used 9/11 as an excuse to rein in Americans’ civil liberties and go nation-building abroad. It was a massive folly, doomed to failure. Why doomed? Because Islam is utterly irreconcilable with American-style freedom and incapable of reform, at least not without a far more aggressive effort than America was willing to commit to. Unlike America, moreover, Islam has a long memory. Muslims recall their forebears’ foiled attempts to conquer the Christian West at Tours in 732 and Vienna in 1683; the attacks of 9/11 were part of a history of such actions that goes back to Islam’s earliest days. Yet few Westerners know about this history or are aware that 9/11 was part of it.

Indeed, how many Westerners know, even now, that the word Islam means submission? For a long time, America was the ultimate symbol of the refusal to submit: in World War II, we took on powerful enemies on two fronts and won; during the Cold War, we protected the Free World from Communist takeover. But the Muslim wars we entered into after 9/11 were different. We were hobbled by leaders who refused to name the enemy – and by a corrosive victim culture, born in the academy but rapidly spreading into the mainstream, that divided Americans into oppressed and oppressor classes. It was Muslims who had attacked us on 9/11, and had done so in accordance with their prophet’s directives; but even as our armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan labored to overcome social ills in those countries that were the direct result of Islam’s baleful centuries-long influence, our elites began painting Islam as beautiful and peaceful while casting Muslims in the role of America’s ultimate victims.

So little did Americans understand about Islam as of 2008 that they elected as their president a man who was the son and stepson of Muslims and who’d spent much of his childhood in the Muslim nation of Indonesia, where he’d been registered at schools as a Muslim, taken Koran classes, worn Muslim garb, and attended mosque. In a 2007 interview with Nicholas Kristof, he described the Muslim call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” (Kristof observed enthusiastically that “a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics…if he once studied the Koran with them.”) Delivering an address at Al-Azhar University in Cairo shortly after his inauguration, the new president hailed Islam’s purported contributions to human civilization, inventing an entire alternate history that replaced primitive violence with advanced learning and scientific discovery. If Bush had whitewashed Islam, Obama exalted it, shifting the Overton window even further away from candor about Islamic fundamentals in the direction of sheer fantasy – and deference.

In the years following 9/11, class divisions in the U.S. intensified. And one mark of the difference between the elites and the deplorables was that the former tended to parrot the pretty lies about Islam while the latter didn’t. During this period, the planet’s ultimate elite newspaper, the New York Times, perfected a subgenre of article that has won it the highest of accolades: the shameless Muslim puff piece. In 2007, Andrea Elliott was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for what the Pulitzer website describes as “her intimate, richly textured portrait of an immigrant imam striving to find his way and serve his faithful in America.” The website’s language is indicative of the supremely mendacious way in which our betters routinely frame the subject of Islam.

These are people who rarely write about a member of the Christian clergy unless he’s been caught with his hand in the collection plate or under some altar boy’s cassock. But when they’re profiling an imam, they invariably represent him as a deeply holy man, a virtuous soul “striving” to “serve his faithful.” In order to make such a profile work on the desired warm-and-fuzzy level, to be sure, they need to elide certain uncomfortable details about what that imam actually preaches. Hence the harsh reality of sharia – Islamic law – needs to be kept from the reader; indeed, legitimate expressions of concern about sharia by well-informed members of the public need to be dismissed as the ravings of ignorant bigots. (Dias, for example, quotes a Muslim activist who characterizes various states’ anti-sharia legislation as the product of “hysteria” and compares them to campaigns to ban the teaching of that other gift to mankind, critical race theory.)

By force of arms, we repelled the Taliban and ISIS and al-Qaeda, but we then failed in the absurd drive to turn those countries into simulacra of the free society that America had once been but was quickly evolving away from. In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush said that the terrorists had lost, because the attacks had brought Americans together. Would Bush say now that the terrorists lost? Twenty years on, under the disgraceful Biden, America feels like a damaged and diminished nation – its power weakened, its alliances shaken, its once-unshakable core beliefs largely shattered, not least by the suicidal compulsion to speak well of Islam (as well as of our enemies in China and of the savage gang members who flood across our Southern border, and whom Nancy Pelosi defended with as much passion – “we’re all God’s children,” she gushed about MS-14 – as Hillary Clinton brought to bear in insulting the “deplorables” of middle America). To many Americans, especially the young, the patriotism that inspired Keith’s song now sounds quaint, if not outright offensive; in the view those who hold the future of America in their hands, saluting the flag and singing the national anthem are for “white supremacists.” The America that al-Qaeda struck at on 9/11 is no more; and 9/11 itself, and our tragically misguided response to it, are a very big part of the reason why. Islam plays a long game.

President Biden’s indifference to the parents of the thirteen American armed-forces members killed in Afghanistan spoke volumes. All too many of our elites now view GIs who’ve been wounded or killed fighting Muslims as an embarrassment – as relics of a benighted era when we resisted Islam instead of bowing to it. All those firefighters racing up the stairs of the Twin Towers on 9/11? Todd Beamer shouting “Let’s roll!” as he and some of his fellow passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 rushed the cockpit to foil the Al-Qaeda thugs? In the eyes of many of our most bien pensant types today, these are wince-inducing images – now worn into corny, cloying clichés – that no civilized individual would dredge up any longer except out of sheer Islamophobia. The other day, when Secretary of State Antony Blinken and CENTCOM commander Kenneth McKinsey actually praised the Taliban for its cooperativeness, it seemed clear that the mantra of “America bad, Islam good” had triumphed utterly over the values that the overwhelming majority of Americans of both parties once shared. So it is that, after the fall of Kabul, many of us who, not so long ago, considered America almost immune to the ideological plagues of Europe and elsewhere find ourselves nothing less than shell-shocked, haunted by Ronald Reagan’s cautionary words about freedom never being more than a generation away from extinction.

Let’s see now, what was it that Benjamin Franklin once said concerning “…losing both, and deserving neither…”? Something along those lines, I believe it was.

Looking around the ol’ blogosphere, I’m seeing so many excellent, angry 9/11 anniversary rants that I do believe I’m going to have to renege on last night’s vow to just leave it alone after this post. In fact, there’s such a plenitude of must-reads today that, even with my earlier-than-usual start, I very much doubt I’ll be able to get around to all of ’em. We shall see what we shall see.


Cri de coeur

From a former NCO (E8) with Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children who is truly feeling it.

So after several years of listening to the faint of heart and the lowly in character sob over the use of wrong pronouns, the meritless claims of institutional racism, continual cries of inequity, inequality, privilege and oh yeah, mean tweets, we arrive at today’s latest fruit of globalist clap-trap; 13 dead American Service members and another 15 wounded by some as yet unnamed cabal of Satan worshipping cretins in Kabul.

This follows a week of watching one of the most disgraceful egress operations in the annals of Military History. And it is an easily foretold ending to an historically ill-advised military doctrine which supplanted the hunt-kill strategy in place in Afghanistan until June of 2009. I “predicted” this, that same fateful month and reiterated over the following decade.

I will remind those who forgot and the rest who have been too self-absorbed to know, that in June of 2009 Stanley McChrystal brought to light the fruit of a year of positing, posturing, submitting and frankly, undermining the probability of any kind of favorable outcome in what has been called, the Graveyard of Empires.

But make no mistake, the genesis of this horrific turn in Afghanistan rests with the then newly Minted/Corronated/Sainted, Barrack Hussein Obama 6 months earlier. Obama had been very clear in his narcissistic “memoir”, Audacity of Hope, pg 261 …” I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction…

What makes what we are witnessing in real time all the more frustrating is knowing his not too bright advisors had at least, warned him of the probability of failure a full 6 months before they pulled the metaphorical trigger on the egress.

Again, predictably, the White House Press Corps seems incapable or unwilling to ask the most obvious questions:

Why bother? It’s not as if there’s a snowball’s chance we’ll ever get the smallest grain of truth out of ’em, on this or any other topic.

Instead we have been treated to that age old political witchcraft, enjoined by both politician, bureaucrat, politruk and media entertainer alike: the effort to polish a turd. Somewhere along the line it became knee-jerk to spin a story, create a tale, redirect the public gaze and basically, lie, rather than own up to the mistake.

Unfortunately, a full 50% of this population is more than happy to play along and even gleeful at the prospect of actively participating as long as it props up their questionable selection for the Presidency.

Obama may have started us down this path.

Obama’s Politruk may have sullied themselves in the name of relevancy.

But it is Biden and his corral of miscreants who own this astoundingly shameful excuse for an egress.

And now he can add the names of at least 27 United States Marines; dead and wounded who were tasked with nothing short of a cleanup operation in a vain attempt to help a feckless “president” save face.

Democrats and their legion of facilitators would do well to learn at least one lesson:

Sometimes, a Turd is simply a Turd.

A-yup. The thing to keep in mind is that, no matter how hard they try to sell you on the sweetness of its aroma, the delightful bouquet and attractive coloration it has, that turd still smells like shit.

Herschel—another righteous brother who knows whereof he speaks, and via whom I found the above Strong Message—has plenty to add his own self, including this:

Gen. David Rodriguez made it difficult for Marines in Helmand and during the initial parts of the larger campaign for Helmand he issued an order that every use of artillery receive his approval. The ignorance of U.S. brass taking Viagra to the tribal chieftains so that could continue their abuse of little boys is so repugnant that it’s amazing the enlisted men didn’t turn their weapons on their own command.

Tim Lynch (who has spent longer time in Afghanistan that any English speaking man alive today, nearly ten years) told me personally that the DoD had thousands of hours of video footage of Afghan boys engaged in sexual activity with animals. Against this backdrop, Islamist militants only became more incensed and enraged.

From the beginning I favored sending the Rangers and Marines to the border with Pakistan so that AQ could be killed in the caves of Tora Bora rather than escaping to live and fight again. Chase the Taliban, kill them, and then there would be no Quetta Shura. And then leave. But we had to play armed social worker, and now here we are.

The final exit is a debacle of mammoth proportions, Americans will be left in Afghanistan to be beheaded, and Bagram Air Base (the best and brightest hope for a smooth withdrawal) was shut down. And they are proud of it. Meanwhile, twelve Marines perished today. It is a dark day.

Indeed it was, with more and darker still to come.


Tell ’em NO

To the planned Afghani “refugee” Immivasion.

The same people who tried to morally blackmail you into supporting a failed Forever War in Afghanistan—the ones who declared that you were either on board with the new international interventionist imperative or you were with the terrorists—are now trying to morally blackmail you into supporting open borders with Afghanistan and every other country that America’s incompetent elites thought they could turn into Stepford if only they invaded it hard enough. In truth, the entire foundation of the Washington establishment’s failed foreign policy is its members’ own feelings of guilt.

They felt guilty that Afghanistan looked like an awful place to live, so they set about rebuilding the country in their own image, complete with gender equity courses and lectures on how the predominantly Muslim citizens of the country need to be more like their secular Western counterparts.

They felt guilty about what they spent 20 years doing in Afghanistan—falsely offering hope of an eternal American safety net, constructed and maintained not with their own blood, sweat, and tears, but with those of enlisted American military men and women scoffed at and mocked by the smart set—so you must accept the risk posed by a terrorist who pretended to be a refugee to get across the nation’s increasingly non-existent southern border.

They feel guilty about their wealth and privilege (not guilty enough to give that wealth or privilege to anyone else, of course), so you must accept the lower wages that are the obvious result of inflating the labor supply while depressing demand through job-crushing progressive economic policy.

These concerns about the runaway costs of interventionism, however, are based firmly in reality. Take the story of an Afghan interpreter told in “Outlaw Platoon,” the spectacular war memoir by Sean Parnell, who served as a combat platoon leader in one of the most violent parts of Afghanistan.

In his book, Parnell details how one of the Afghan interpreters in his platoon, a man who had been thoroughly “vetted” and given access to some of the Army’s closest held secrets, helped engineer an improvised explosive attack that killed one of Parnell’s troops, Cpl. Jeremiah S. Cole, and seriously injured four others. That interpreter, who went by the name Yusef, also arranged for the murder of his counterpart Abdul so Yusef would have total access to all sensitive information, such as troop movements and attack plans, which he then passed along to America’s enemies.

“Knowing where Abdul had been going and the road he had used to get there, Yusef’s tip had allowed the insurgents to establish an ambush in time to catch Abdul on his way back to Bermel from his family’s house,” Parnell writes. “With Abdul dead, Yusef knew he would be promoted to head interpreter.”

“We’d gone through our year in country, judging these Afghans through the prism of our own value systems, never fully grasping what we were up against,” Parnell concluded.

Earlier this week, Parnell shared that story on Tucker Carlson’s primetime show on Fox News. Media Matters immediately responded by slicing and dicing the transcript of Parnell’s appearance to smear him as a racist for believing, based on his own personal experience with a vetted Afghan who murdered one of his brothers in arms, that America could not properly vet the thousands of Afghans wishing to immigrate to America.

This is but one story of literally millions from around the Western world, of course. Unfortunately, the Immivasion has already begun, thanks to the conniving US goobermint.

See what I meant when I mentioned priorities in the preceding post? More:

Press propagandists, government bureaucrats, and pro migrant wave activists have continued to claim that virtually all of the Afghans being imported into the United States are akin to “fully vetted” Medal of Honor recipients. These tens of thousands of Afghans are a cadre of patriotic war heroes that “helped us” in our “war on terror,” we’re told. Therefore, they are somehow immediately entitled to permanent relocation into the United States.

And this isn’t a new policy push. For several years, lawmakers have been passing massive funding in Congress to relocate Afghans to the United States on “special immigrant visas,” which entitles them to access the U.S. social welfare system immediately and in perpetuity. It also allows Afghans to avoid deportation under almost any circumstances.

While the migration wave proponents tell us that almost every Afghan is the equivalent of a “fully vetted” Captain America who remained true to the U.S. mission in the country (whatever that actually was still remains unclear), reality tells us a much more grave tale. During the 20 year war, American soldiers have been repeatedly targeted with “green-on-blue” attacks, in which supposedly vetted, trusted Afghan allies turned their US-supplied weapons against our troops.

Hundreds of American service members have been killed and wounded by Afghan army soldiers, who “helped us,” until they didn’t. After cutting a deal with the jihadists, these outwardly allied troops turned their guns on U.S. forces in Afghanistan, repeatedly and consistently.

Why is the Afghan migrant wave so U.S. centric this time around? Well, the European continent is understandably balking at the idea of taking in more Afghans. The 2014-2015 Afghan migration wave into Europe resulted in a massive uptick in criminal activity.

In Germany, which absorbed a 6-figure tally of Afghan migrants and refugees, Afghans stood out as the most frequent perpetrators of gang violence and sexual assault. Now, following the unprecedented violence committed by Afghan migrants, six EU nations are fighting to deport them back to their homeland, even despite the chaos unfolding in their home country.

The massive Afghan migration wave that is coming to the United States will represent a more grave threat to our homeland security than anything that will have occurred over the course of 20 years in the far away lands of Afghanistan.

Indeed it will.

Folks, we now stand at one of those recurring historical pivot-points, or crossroads; the fate of the nation, quite literally, hangs upon which path we choose. If that sounds as if I’m callously advocating for the Biden Bugout to be exploited for political gain…well, yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing. If it seems a bit cynical and opportunistic about this…well, guilty as charged. If you’re worried that the Left will try to weaponize what they’ll decry as “heartless,” “racist,” and/or “selfish” and turn a perfectly reasonable and rational opposition to the importation of hordes of unvetted, unassimilable “refugees” against us…well, of course they will. There’s only one sane response to such moral blackmail. Back over to Davis to spell out what it is.

Like one of those old magic eye posters that contained images hidden among visual white noise, once you see the American ruling elite’s reflex to resort to moral blackmail to win an argument, you can never unsee it. Every policy, every argument, every talking point asserts that you are a racist and a bad person if you believe America’s government should first and foremost protect American citizens. This is a fun game for the failed foreign policy establishment, because they reap all the benefits of using Americans’ blood and money to pump up their self-esteem while bearing precisely none of the costs.

One of the primary reasons this cadre of credentialed incompetents loathed former president Donald Trump is because, as a secular, thrice-married New York billionaire, he was impervious to the moral blackmail that had worked like a charm on everyone else for over a decade. He didn’t much care if they called him racist for wanting to secure the border and put an end to open borders. He didn’t care if they called him heartless for wanting to shut down immigration from “sh-thole countries” to preserve the wages of American workers. And he didn’t care if they called him stupid for refusing to go along with their plans for forever wars all around the globe.

For a time, America had a president who wouldn’t be bullied into doing things that weren’t in America’s national security interests. They hated him for it, and it’s why they spent every waking moment for four years, including two impeachments, desperately trying to throw him out of office.

Moral blackmail only works when the target cares what the blackmailer thinks about him. America’s interventionist elites have publicly failed in the most spectacular way possible, with the evidence of their failures playing on repeat on television for all the world to see.

Breaking their hold on power from here on out is simple: stop caring what they think, and stop caring what they say about you. Their ideas are disastrous and their rhetoric—that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist traitor—is toxic in a society built on free expression. The architects of the nation-building policies from Afghanistan to Iraq are failures and should be treated with the same disdain reserved for flat earthers or bloodletters.

Do you want to prevent the next Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya or Syria from being foisted on the American public at the cost of who knows how many decades, lives, or trillions of dollars? Stop giving them an inch. Stop kowtowing to their moral blackmail. Start telling them no.

Precisely. But that’s only the first step. There are others we’ll have to take, much more drastic and dark ones. But as with any journey, this first step is an absolute must. Because if it isn’t taken, the nation will be irrecoverably lost, and all those other steps will be no more than what-ifs, to be looked back on with regret.


A culture of faith and force

When it clashes—as it inevitably must—with a culture bereft of either and wildly, reflexively averse to both, guess who comes out the winner every time?

Here’s a story about CENTCOM Commander Gen. Frank McKenzie meeting with the heads of the bloody subhumans comprising Taliban, at Doha, in order to beg permission to scuttle out of Kabul without, at best, his people getting their asses chewed off by AAA-fire before the landing gear is in the wells.

That’s where that all is, now.

The second video clip on the page is among the most harrowing that I’ve seen in the whole catastrophe, so far. I can see everything implicit in a scene of illiterate Southwest Asian peasants running alongside and climbing, where they can, onto a C-117 heavy-lift jet airplane, cheering it along a taxiway like some uncanny burden-beast in an appearance in the village festival parade.

We’re talking about the pre-scientific mind. Their leaders have for generations suppressed and overthrown every approach to modern life, all of which is born and borne in the West. Everything they have that’s modern, came from the minds and work of people the like of which they have never raised.

Now, they have fallen to the ravages of this murderously anti-human scourge, the Taliban, among whose stated intents is to bring the whole world under their blade. It’s awful to see anyone driven to such abject mortal terror. Among the recurring attractions of my eye in watching various Kabul videos is the children, almost always holding tightly to an adult hand, illustrating the last shred of trust that someone is going to do something to make everyone stop running and screaming.

This is a very old culture of faith and force, virtually untouched by the attributes of reason which are an essential characteristic of the Western mind, except in various expedient mimicries: they can machine an AK-47 right there in front of their hut, but they’re not interested to work-up what it takes to invent something like that and everything that goes into genuine industry of anything on a national scale.

Their sketch of “government” is Victorian, at best, foggily-lensed as a sort-of cargo-cult apprehension of form and baksheesh in practice — at worst, it’s plainly medieval and it’s about to get medievaler.

For now, the world is just going to have to suffer this one. This; on top of twenty years of America doing its own suffering at just living with a constant state of war so sublime that it takes something like the past forty-eight hours of Afghanistan for even CENTCOM to finally take it seriously as it really is. The imaginable horrors awaiting that place harrow up the soul.

Just imagine the horrors awaiting US, once we’ve upped the importation of these primordials to, say, Merkelian standards.

It’s Billy Beck talking, so you know what you must do, Glasshoppa.


The enemy among us

Make America Mogadishu Again?

So what happens to you now in a country run by the Taliban? It’s hard to think about that. And yet tonight many Americans are thinking about it and they’re feeling distressed as they do. Americans are kind people and generous. They’re quicker and more eager to help strangers than anyone else in the world. We haven’t seen polling on it, but we bet if you asked one hundred people, should we try to help Afghans who are facing persecution for helping us, most Americans would say, of course, we should. And we should be glad that they say that you should be happy you live in a country where your neighbors love children and dogs and want to help refugees. We are generous and empathetic people and we should be proud.

Unfortunately, there are many in our ruling class who are anxious to take advantage of that, anxious, to take advantage of our best qualities. They see our decency and our weakness, and they exploit those things and they do it relentlessly. Let’s try to save our loyal Afghan interpreters, we tell them. Perfect, they think. We’ll open the borders and change the demographic balance of this country. Of course, that’s exactly what they’re doing right now on our southern border, naturally in the name of human rights and compassion. And they would like to do the very same thing with the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan, the disaster that they created. Look at what this kid on MSNBC said yesterday, and remember, as you watch, that he is regarded with total seriousness in Washington as a foreign policy expert and that his fellow foreign policy experts wholeheartedly agree with him.

SPENCER ACKERMAN: We’re talking about an evacuation of people who helped the wars, and that’s an obligation of the United States but it’s sort of a moral floor that’s functioning as a moral ceiling. The Bush administration, I’m sorry the Biden administration, pardon me, isn’t doing things necessary like increasing TPS access and letting in refugees by the millions to escape their certain fate at the hands of the Taliban.

So we must “let in refugees by the millions,” said the mustachioed foreign policy expert. The millions. Millions is not a handful of loyal Afghan interpreters. That’s not even a fleet of cargo planes full of loyal Afghan interpreters. Millions is a good chunk of the entire population of Afghanistan, brought to our country at our expense to live in your neighborhood at the very moment our national fabric is fraying, in case you haven’t noticed, and the United States is becoming unmistakably poorer.

Do we really need millions of Afghan refugees in Phoenix, you ask? Shut up. Racist. OK, go ahead and do it. That’s how the process typically works. In fact, that’s pretty much how it always works with everything now. At this point, fighting racism is the universal justification for every bad idea. Tear down our statues. OK. Stop teaching math. OK. Get rid of standardized testing. All right. Defund the police, move millions of Afghan refugees to swing states to help the Democratic Party. OK. Oppose any of it, and you’re a racist. So in the end, it always happens. And in this case, it may happen. It probably will.

But what happens then to us? How will this new wave of immigration affect America? Will America be a better country or will it be a little more like Afghanistan, which is to say not really a better country? We can’t be sure of what’s going to happen. We can’t see the future. But for a hint, a glimpse, maybe we ought to pay some attention to what has happened in Europe recently. They just went through this. 

OK, so Afghan refugees have destabilized countries into which they have moved in large numbers, but we have a moral obligation to take them anyway. Really? Why is that? Why is this our unique moral burden? Isn’t the U.S. government’s first obligation to its own people? Isn’t that the only point of having a government to look out for its citizens? Why else have a government, actually?

After digesting all the other hard facts Tucker spells out in this crucial piece, the real question we need to ask ourselves is: why have THIS government?

How many of these Afghans and their family members, you have to wonder, are excited about coming to America? Huh. It’s interesting, maybe you should ask that question, maybe you should ask Ilhan Omar. Her position is the only reason that American citizens might object to being flooded with millions of new refugees from Afghanistan is that Americans, people who are born here and built this country are actually mediocre and insecure.

ILHAN OMAR: And then you’ve got these crazy people on the right doing what they always do with their fear-mongering and their hateful rhetoric, and I know what some of these people are worried about is that they’re worried that refugees like myself when they come to this country, will outshine them.

So the obvious response to that is to attack poor Ilhan Omar, but we’re not going to do that. The truth is, this is our fault. It is our fault. Ilhan Omar is living proof that we are not very good at resettling refugees. She was saved from a refugee camp in Kenya as a child by the kindness and generosity of America. And yet she has grown to hate America and the people who live here.

Where did she learn those attitudes? Well, of course, in college, our colleges, we taught her to hate our country. She became worse after she got here. We ought to pause before we do that again, to anyone, even if they’ve been translators.

Reading this article, it fairly well slaps you upside yo’ haid that the enormity of the multitudinous problems we face is simply overwhelming, almost beyond human ability to comprehend. That said, those problems all flow from a single source. We know full well what that source is, just as we also know the one and only way it can ever be shut down. That’s the long and the short of it, folks.


“America’s Elites are trash”


Former US intelligence colleagues are angry and deeply worried at what has happened in Afghanistan. Here’s what I’m hearing, and why there’s nearly universal belief that America and the world are in for one of the most dangerous, unpredictable times in modern history.

Afghanistan has shown the world — enemies & allies alike — that our military & intel assets are largely irrelevant because we can’t deploy them successfully. The blame lays at the feet of multiple Presidents. The Generals. The Spies. The Congress.

America’s Elites are trash. China knows it. They will become emboldened, covertly & overtly. War over Taiwan and contested islands in the S. China Sea and E. China Sea is now more likely. Russia will consider similar covert & overt moves, focused on Crimea, & former Soviet satellites. The fear is that China & Russia will act in concert.

Why? America was whipped by a tiny rebel force and couldn’t even retreat properly. Meanwhile, the American people are angry, COVID weary, & divided. If there were ever a time to push American hegemony aside, this is it. If Cold War III grows hot, America will need to quickly build up & work with foreign counterparts. But who will trust America after Afghanistan? Who believes we have the leadership to use our military might well? Who will trust us when we say “We Will Stand With You”?

Nobody with half a lick of sense, on every one of those questions. Including me.

Beyond China/Russia, others will take gambles too. Terror orgs like al-Qa’ida & ISIS are degraded but not dead. Their ideology is very much alive. Iran’s Hizballah — with terror cells throughout the US — may see an opening to create chaos too.

Meanwhile, the disaster inside Afghanistan is only just beginning. The Taliban will launch a terror campaign against American collaborators. The pictures will shock the conscience of the world, further degrading American moral authority. Biden & Co will struggle to respond.

There’s also the nightmare of tactical weaponry now awash in Afghanistan, in the hands of the Taliban and — soon — on the global black market. These arms will fuel chaos around the world for decades. The Pentagon has no idea where this stuff is and no plans to destroy it.

Finally, if Afghani refugees pour into the US, there are profound implications for security, culture, the economy, & politics. Are they properly vetted? Do they hold Western/tolerant values re: women, gays? Do they bring skills/education? Which party will they support?

More questions for which sentient beings already have the answers: no, RUFKM, HELL no, and three guesses, DUH. Expect to see much more splodeydopery, head-choppery, and sidewalk-murder-trucks driven into crowds up close and personal-like all across the too-feckless-to-bother-saving-itself Woke West, as the victorious Taliban expands its power and reach to put all those new war-toys abandoned by the fleeing Uncle Sam to best use.

The existential problem is that America needs good leadership to right its ship but there is none. Our federal bench is weak. Biden is a corrupt old man. Impeachment is a long shot; VP Harris is an unpopular paperweight. The Legislature is a feckless cabal of empty suits. Leadership could come from a state Governor, it’s true, but not soon enough. The above threats by China, Russia, & Co will metastasize well before the 2024 elections, and even a heroic new President will need years to clean things up.

Hate to be the one to hip ya, buddy, but the problem is even more existential than you may realize. NO President—however heroic, over whatever span of time he’s given—can or will clean this up. The mess is simply too big, the rot too deep, the national fabric too tattered and torn. This Augean stable is beyond hope of restoration; even the mighty Hercules himself would only throw up his hands in despair and just walk away from the job, shaking his head and muttering under his breath about what a total dick that damned King Eurystheus was for assigning it to him in the first place. Which, as it turned out in the end, he really was a dick. Anyhoo.

Again, our enemies and allies know this. Upshot: There is fear and outrage streaming through former intel officers over the Afghanistan debacle. America is rudderless. And the world now knows it. Grave dangers lie ahead, some predictable, others unimaginable.

‘Fraid so. The closing plea to “vote for change” is risible and pathetic, of course, in enforced accord with Beck’s First Law of TINVOWOOT™. But the rest is pretty much spot on, I’d say. Makes one wonder, since Wright is identified as a “former CIA ops officer,” whether there might not actually be a few white hats in the US spook community after all. Or might have been in the past, shall we say.


Whistling past the graveyard

Wherein I must take issue with something ZMan says, which I’ll put in bold.

One of the underappreciated qualities of liberal democracy is its ability to grow and develop its own opposition. In the Cold War this was not obvious as communism in the form of the Soviet Empire filled the role. Domestically, the inner party had the outer party as a fixed partner. Democrats controlled domestic policy, with some mild opposition from the Republicans. On the other hand, the Republicans controlled foreign policy with some mild dissent from the Democrats.

This partnership collapsed when the Soviet Union collapsed. A year after the voters overwhelmingly approved the appointment of former C.I.A. man George H. W. Bush as the successor to Ronald Reagan, the logic of having spooks run the country no longer made much sense. The system quickly pivoted to Saddam Hussein as a temporary fill in for the evil empire, but he was a poor replacement. In the next election the Cold War generation was replaced with the Woodstock generation.

The Clinton years were really just an interregnum. The system needed to learn how to create new enemies. We got the beginnings of the great Islamic enemy and an effort to recreate the holocaust in the Balkans. It was not until the son of the former C.I.A. man that we got the threat of international Islam as the new enemy. Fear of men on flying carpets carried the system into the Obama years. Toward the end of his second term, the search for a new enemy had started.

The crusade against the Mohammedans was the first full attempt to recreate that old magic and provide the regime with legitimacy and authority. It is why 9/11 became a solemn holiday celebrated by both sides of the regime. Even though the left-liberals opposed the right-liberals in the prosecution of the crusade, they completely accepted the origin of it and the centrality of it. Note that the last anniversary of 9/11 came and went without much ceremony. It no longer matters.

Actually, umm, no. Not just noHELL NO.

After thousands of dead and dozens of serious terrorist acts in the US alone since 9/11; tens of thousands of jihadist attacks around the world in what you might call the modern era, ongoing since the 1970s; and the ceaseless campaign of conquest and domination Muslims have waged since their twisted pseudo-religion’s inception in the 7th Century AD, the notion of any unwarranted “crusade” against Muzzrats contrived for purposes of subterfuge by the goobermint is laughably absurd. Nobody, but nobody, needs to make up a goddamned thing about the threat posed to Western Civ by jihadis; they’ve made that abundantly clear all by themselves, thanksveddymuch.

Not that the goobermint WOULDN’T do such a thing, mind. It’s just that in this particular case, they don’t have to. Steyn offers just one example that proves the point.

Kurt Westergaard and I were successive winners of the Danish Free Press Society’s Sappho Award. I was very flattered to find myself in his company, but couldn’t honestly say I deserved to be. Kurt was one of the bravest men of our time – not because he was inclined to bravery, but simply because, when it was required, he met the challenge and never backed down.

Sixteen years ago Flemming Rose of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten decided to conduct a thought experiment in public after an author casually revealed that he couldn’t find any Danish artist willing to illustrate his book about “the Prophet Mohammed” (as the BBC now routinely styles him). So Flemming called twelve cartoonists and invited them to depict the late Prophet. Kurt Westergaard’s cartoon was the memorable one, and the one you recall as the years roll by. It was a pithy visual jest: Mohammed’s turban as a bomb with a lit fuse. See picture at top right.

“I attempted to show that terrorists get their spiritual ammunition from parts of Islam, and with this spiritual ammunition, and with dynamite and other explosives, they kill people,” Kurt told my old newspaper The National Post a few years back. “I showed this in a cartoon and what happened? They want to kill me, so I think I was right.”

Like most of the men and women I have shared a stage with in Europe this century, he was an old Sixties radical sufficiently principled to think the same kind of jokes he’d applied to church, monarchy, parliament and every other societal institution should also be applied to Islam. He never wanted to be a “free speech hero”, but gamely bore the burthen once it had been dropped on him. He certainly never wanted to be world-famous, albeit more so in Mogadishu than Manhattan and Lahore than Los Angeles. It cost him a comfortable retirement, weakened his health, and an ever more craven culture denied him the consolations of monetary exploitation. When I expressed sympathy, he laughed and said he’d do the same cartoon all over again even knowing what he was in for.

The blood lust began with a trio of imams on the make shopping the twelve cartoons (plus three cruder fakes) round the Muslim world, and leaving it to the usual Islamonutters to take it from there: In nothing flat, over two hundred people were dead – which meant that CNN & Co were obliged to cover the story. They did so by modifying Westergaard’s cartoon, with Mohammed’s face pixilated, as if he’d entered the witness protection programme. If only. In reality, it was that dwindling band of people who believe in free speech – and, indeed, free speech itself – that found itself in the witness protection programme.

And so it went on. On the fifth anniversary of the cartoons, I was being interviewed in Copenhagen by Flemming Rose and his colleagues when we were alerted that a one-legged Chechen had accidentally self-detonated in his hotel room en route to blow them up. Whenever I tell this story, the phrase “one-legged Chechen” always gets a laugh, although it is in fact no laughing matter hopping across an hotel room with a homemade bomb. But these guys are always a laughingstock, aren’t they? Until, as at Charlie Hebdo, they finally pull it off.

To the end of his life, al-Qa’eda and its affiliates had a combined eight-figure bounty on Kurt Westergaard’s head. His death, a day after his eighty-sixth birthday, prompted a few Scandinavian chums to assure me that he’d had the last laugh – that now no jihadist would ever collect those multi-millions.

Maybe. But the excitable Mohammedans aren’t really the issue; the unexcitable west is. On the home front we are remorselessly trading core liberties for a supposed quiet life and congratulating ourselves for doing so. The most lauded cartoonist in America, Garry Trudeau, took it upon himself – in prepared remarks delivered on stage – to blame the dead of Charlie Hebdo for getting themselves murdered. Trudeau’s rationale is that in mocking Islam these cartoonists are “punching down” at a disadvantaged minority – as opposed to doing what Trudeau has been doing for half-a-century and having the guts to “punch up” by attacking the, er, GOP. Only in the crapped out monodailies of the dying American media could this talentless twerp become wealthy and important.

For my own part, I would have liked Kurt Westergaard to have outlived the far inferior draughtsman Trudeau. In my initial reaction to the Motoon crisis, I channeled Nelson Eddy:

The minute there were multimillion-dollar bounties on those cartoonists’ heads, The Times of London and Le Monde and The Washington Post and all the rest should have said ‘This Thursday we’re all publishing all the cartoons. If you want to put bounties on all our heads, you better have a great credit line at the Bank of Jihad. If you want to kill us, you’ll have to kill us all. You can kill ten who are stout-hearted men but you’ll have to kill ten thousand more. We’re standing shoulder to shoulder, and bolder and bolder.’

But they didn’t do that. And as the years passed, in the leading cities of the west, even the rote pro forma defenses of free speech grew fainter and faded away. Kurt Westergaard bore a decade-and-a-half of continuous murder threats – coupled with indifference and condescension from Trudeau and other pampered eminences of his own profession – with good humor, steely determination, and no doubts about the justice of his cause. We need more like him. Rest in peace.

Seconded, most heartily. As Steyn said, we need more like him—as many as we can possibly get. If you truly think we’ve all been misled into unjustly considering Mooselimbs a deadly, and deadly-serious, enemy, you got some more thinking to do, I’m afraid.

Truth hurts

Some questions are better left unasked.

The Turkish DNA Project, an online endeavor to track Turkish genetics, is enraged at the popular genealogy site and has called for it to be boycotted for stating an inconvenient truth: many, and possibly most, modern Turks are the descendants of the Greeks who once formed the overwhelming majority of the population of the land that is now Turkey. In this as in so many other instances, the truth hurts, but that doesn’t make it any less the truth.

Greek City Times reported that the Turkish DNA Project tweeted: “AncestryDNA prioritizes to demonize the Turkish people and delegitimaze [sic] their presence in Turkey rather than giving information about the genetic structure of the relevant population.” The Turkish DNA Project called upon “all Turks to boycott this company: Ancestry.”

After Greek City Times called attention to the tweet, the Turkish DNA Project took it down, but it still has up a retweet calling for a boycott of, as well as a tweet fulminating with incandescent rage against Greek City Times’ Athens Bureau chief Paul Antopoulos, whom it calls a “white supremacist.” Very original line of attack you got there, guys.

Greek City Times explained that the Turkish group was enraged “because correctly highlighted that many Turkish citizens are indeed mostly unrelated to Turkic peoples from Central Asia and are rather native Anatolian people that have been Turkified… highlighted that after the Ottoman conquest of Pontos in today’s Turkey’s southeastern Black Sea coast, the “Pontian Greeks adopted Turkish language and culture, and many converted to Islam in order to have greater opportunities in Turkish society. also highlighted that another round of Turkification of Pontian Greeks occurred after the second Russo-Turkish War (1828-29).”

This is not at all surprising, and nowhere even close to a false claim. Throughout history, when Muslims have conquered an area, they relegate the non-Muslims to second-class status, denying them numerous rights and mandating that they pay a tax, the jizya, for the privilege of practicing their religions without being killed. There is one easy way for the subjugated dhimmis to escape this state of humiliation and degradation: they can convert to Islam.

(Turkish journalist Uzay) Bulut observed: “Why are Turkish nationalists so terrified of the truth? Because if they face it, the lies they’ve come up with will be shattered to the ground. Through these lies, hatred has grown which made them commit so many crimes against Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, Jews and others. Then they will realize that by destroying those peoples, they’ve actually destroyed their own ancestors and cultural heritage. The truth will set us all free and bring much needed peace to the region.”

We can only hope.

I couldn’t begin to guess why, but I just can’t stop laughing at this story.


Preview of coming attractions

Planet Of The Apes 2021.

Whites arrived in South Africa in 1652, not long after the Mayflower arrival in America. They had as much right to be there as any other new-world settlers. They built a wonderful country against daunting odds. The British were their first real antagonists. During the Anglo-Boer War, Britain built the world’s first concentration camps; more than 26,000 Afrikaans women and children died.

We survived, despite Britain’s greed for our gold, diamonds, and minerals. For 350 years, we toiled to sow the seeds of Western Civilization. Millions of Africans moved to South Africa from other parts of the continent seeking work and security from wars and conflict.

South Africa’s whites are the only substantial white population left in sub-Saharan Africa. There are only about four million of us in a country with a population of some 60 million. No one knows the real population of our country because millions of Africans have streamed across our borders since the African National Congress (ANC) came to power in 1994. Since then, there has been no border control.

Our country was handed over by the previous white government to a revolutionary gang. This happened because of enormous pressure from the West, especially from the United States. The ANC’s first president was Nelson Mandela, and the ANC’s path to power has been well documented. Whatever the world press has said about the “struggle for freedom,” the party took power through terror and the barrel of a gun. Nelson Mandela refused to renounce violence as a condition of his release, and violence continued well after he took power in 1994. It is his party, the ANC, that is destroying what was once a thriving first-world country. It was one of only six in the world that exported food; many neighboring African countries depended on us for jobs, security, and food.

Many of us knew that the dream of a non-racial democracy would end up as a black dictatorship. Many of us fought desperately to stop the takeover, but the West had a bizarre need to see black rule in this part of the world, whatever the consequences. Being right doesn’t mean you win. Giving “democracy” a chance here was a death sentence for our country. Whites voted for “negotiations,” bamboozled by the promise of power-sharing, world approbation, and acceptance into the “community of nations.” Nelson Mandela was never the icon portrayed by the world and especially by American liberals. South Africa today is his legacy.

What we see now in America follows the same pattern. The system is evil; it discriminates. There is no justice. It’s always someone else’s fault. Black Lives Matter has led to increased demands, and once these demands are met, there are always more. But you still have the wherewithal to resist.

In South Africa, conservatives were called far right, fascists, divisive, haters, intolerant. By nature, conservatives are not wild men in the streets, but you must act. The “progressive” philosophy sounds good, but it takes you into quicksand. We know. We saw it here. We lost. Don’t let your country slip through your fingers.

What follows is adopted from an article published by TLU SA — the Transvaal Agricultural Union South Africa. TLU SA is the oldest agricultural organization in South Africa, established at the end of the 19th century.

This is what you can expect if you fail to act.

A prognostication most grim, from a woman who saw the nightmare firsthand and lived to tell the tale. Our longtime friend Kim DuToit has been issuing like warnings for a good many years now; that previous link is to his “Africa” category archive, but the best place to start is probably his seminal “Let Africa Sink” post from way back in 2002 (!), republished here. A taste:

I lived in Africa for over thirty years. Growing up there, I was infused with several African traits — traits which are not common in Western civilization. The almost-casual attitude towards death was one. (Another is a morbid fear of snakes.)

So because of my African background, I am seldom moved at the sight of death, unless it’s accidental, or it affects someone close to me. (Death which strikes at total strangers, of course, is mostly ignored.) Of my circle of about eighteen or so friends with whom I grew up, and whom I would consider “close”, only about eight survive today — and not one of the survivors is over the age of fifty. Two friends died from stepping on landmines while on Army duty in Namibia. Three died in horrific car accidents (and lest one thinks that this is not confined to Africa, one was caused by a kudu flying through a windshield and impaling the guy through the chest with its hoof — not your everyday traffic accident in, say, Florida). One was bitten by a snake, and died from heart failure. Another two also died of heart failure, but they were hopeless drunkards. Two were shot by muggers. The last went out on his surfboard one day and was never seen again (did I mention that sharks are plentiful off the African coasts and in the major rivers?). My experience is not uncommon in South Africa — and north of the Limpopo River (the border with Zimbabwe), I suspect that others would show worse statistics.

The death toll wasn’t just confined to my friends. When I was still living in Johannesburg, the newspaper carried daily stories of people mauled by lions, or attacked by rival tribesmen, or dying from some unspeakable disease (and this was pre-AIDS Africa too) and in general, succumbing to some of Africa’s many answers to the population explosion. Add to that the normal death toll from rampant crime, illness, poverty, flood, famine, traffic, and the police, and you’ll begin to get the idea.

My favorite African story actually happened after I left the country. An American executive took a job over there, and on his very first day, the newspaper headlines read:

“Three Headless Bodies Found”.
The next day: “Three Heads Found”.
The third day: “Heads Don’t Match Bodies”.

You can’t make this stuff up.

You really can’t. Suffice it to say that the overall situation on that blighted hell-continent has NOT improved any since DuToit made his escape either, nor is it the least bit likely to if history is any indication. Happily, though, you can wash away the horrible taste left by perpetual African reality with something else for which Kim is justly renowned, bless that boy’s coal-black heart.

But is there really no good answer to be found? Is there no way out of our awful plight? Well, could be, could be. In what might be the most ironic turn of all time, a possibility was brought forth by the very Brit BLM bint who had her chronic lead deficiency addressed the other day:

Outlining the party’s manifesto in what was her first interview with a national publication, she called for a national register of alleged racists that would ban them from living near people from ethnic minorities.

‘If you live in a majority-coloured neighbourhood you shouldn’t reside there because you’re a risk to those people – just like if a sex offender lived next to a school he would be a risk to those children,’ she said.

So basically, segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever, then. What the hell, fine by me. Vox puts some flesh on the bones of the core concept.

Perhaps Black Lives Matter is on to something. Who could possibly question their position that racists should be banned from living near people from ethnic minorities.

Perhaps we could call the place that the racist microaggressive people live “Europe” and reserve a very large safe place for all the members of all the marginalised groups where the racists wouldn’t present a risk to them. And we could call it “Africa” “Wakanda”. We would, of course, maintain a very strict exclusionary policy, so as to prevent any risks to the Wakandan children.

Don’ trow me inna dat dere briar patch, Brer BLM!

It’s nice when everybody can finally agree on something, eh?


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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