Bringing it on home

Remember when the whole idea of the War On (Some) Terror was to fight them over there, so we wouldn’t have to fight them over here?

Nah, me neither, I musta dreamed it or something.

North Dakota Muslim Terrorist Planned to Kill Thousands
How one cop with a handgun stopped a heavily armed terrorist’s massacre

Mohamad Barakat packed three long guns, four handguns and a vest with magazines in every pocket, as he drove through Fargo, North Dakota. The Downtown Street fair, which claims over 150,000 visitors, was on its second day and 5 minutes away. The Red River Fair, which recorded nearly as many people, was two days away from ending and 15 minutes away.

And just don’t ask, please, what a guy named Mohamad Barakat and not Smith or Jackson or something Norwegian with a lot of gargling, choking, and gagging in the proper pronunciation of it was even doing in fucking Fargo North Fucking Dakota in the first fucking place. Just…please…don’t. In Amerika v2.0, that’s a Gulaggable offense.

The Muslim terrorist joined other rubberneckers who stopped to look over the scene of an accident, but unlike them Mohamad was after more than a few pictures to put up on social media. The concentration of police officers and firefighters had proven to be irresistible.

Al Qaeda and ISIS both encourage crowdsourced Muslim terrorists to take out law enforcement officers before hitting civilians. And Muslim terrorists, like the attacker who came after NYPD officers in Times Square with a machete during the New Year’s Eve ball drop, have done that.

In a related development, the FBI released another copy of its usual pre-mass-printed statement declaring itself utterly confusticated as to what Mohamad “Jihad NOW, all praise be to Allah, the one true God, greater than all others, PBUH” Bakarat’s motive might possibly have been to the Fake News media, immediately before seven (7) FBI Blackhawk assault helicopters fired tactical nuclear weapons at Donald J Trump’s Mar A Lago home, killing thousands, in “retaliation” for the jihadist attack.

Mohamad was packing a whole lot more than a machete. Pretending to be a casual observer, he hung around waiting until police officers were passing nearby and then he opened fire.

The Muslim terrorist raised his rifle and shot through the open car window of his gray sedan, ambushing three Fargo police officers, shooting and killing Officer Jake Wallin, an Afghanistan and Iraq war vet who had recently joined the force, and wounding Officer Andrew Dotas and Officer Tyler Hawes. He also shot and wounded Karlee Koswick: a young woman who had been in the accident. Dotas and Hawes were saved by their flak jackets and by the courageous firefighters on the scene who stayed under cover while Mohamad shot at them, but then rushed to help the wounded officers and kept them alive until they could be brought to a hospital.

And then Mohamad ran into trouble.

He did at that.

While the three officers he had shot had not even gotten a chance to draw a gun, Officer Zach Robinson did not go down and he returned fire. With Mohamad’s .223 caliber rifle pitted against the officer’s 9mm handgun, Officer Robinson still managed to “incapacitate” the Muslim terrorist’s weapon. The Muslim terrorist had burned through most of the 60 rounds in his double stacked mag while the officer had managed to draw his fire, reload and keep him occupied.

Then one of his shots disabled the Muslim terrorist’s rifle from 75 feet away. With his primary weapon gone, Mohamad grabbed a handgun and tried to continue the fight, and was shot dead.

Well, good. Although at this point I’m not quite prepared to go so far as to say that the only good Muzzrat is a dead Muzzrat, if somebody else wanted to I might be inclined to put a yes to it. And now, let’s just get right down to the meat and potatoes of the matter, shall we?

Why then was Mohamad in America? As previously revealed by a Front Page Magazine investigation, decades of aggressive refugee resettlement has fundamentally changed the face of this quintessentially American city. 8% of Fargo is foreign born and Somalis, Iraqis and other Muslim refugees outnumber Hispanics in the school system. The nearby mega-mosque, blocks from where Mohamad carried out his attack, and Muslim businesses attracts other arrivals.

A previous Muslim terrorist attack in a Minneapolis mall had been carried out by Dahir Adan, a Somali refugee who had initially been resettled in Fargo, and who had roamed the mall shouting, “Allahu Akbar” and asking people if they were Muslim before stabbing them.

Fargo recently elected State Rep. Hamida Dakane, its version of Rep. Ilhan Omar, to the state legislature representing the growing Muslim population in the area. Both Republicans and Democrats in the area and the state have their share of responsibility for this crisis.

A city and a state that no one would have associated with Islamic terrorism in the past has nurtured two Islamic terrorists. Mohamad’s no doubt planned to kill more than one police officer and wound a few others. He had come prepared for an extended firefight and with the two fairs going on in the area might have succeeded in killing hundreds if not thousands.

Gov. Doug Burgum had previously resisted ending refugee resettlement under Trump while claiming that the pipeline of foreign migrants showing up in the state had been vetted and were safe. Concerned North Dakota residents want answers after this latest Islamic terrorist attack.

Oh, I imagine real North Dakotans have figured out the answers on their own already, thanks. Which is all the answer they’re ever gonna get from AINO/Uniparty officialdom.

“We really need a diverse population to be more like a normal American city,” Mayor Tim Mahoney had previously argued. After Fargo’s second Muslim terrorist and first major Muslim terrorist attack, does Mayor Mahoney feel that the city is diverse enough?

Fat chance. Go ahead and pull the other one, Daniel, it has a bell on it.

How many people have to die so that Fargo will meet its diversity quota?

As many as it takes to rid itself of those über-ultra-mega MAGA Whypeepuh deplorables for good, thus successfully closing out the Great Replacement program at long, long last. Which program doesn’t exist, remember, being merely another figment of wild conspiracy-theorist imaginations and all.


Put up or shut up

Turns out, being a “sanctuary city” isn’t nearly as much fun when you have to actually, y’know, BE one.

Sanctuary Cities Seethe as Illegal Immigrants Actually Arrive
The surest sign that public policies are simply virtue signals is when the messages don’t cost anything. The easiest way to tell when that signal starts to fail is to watch politicians flounder as the costs start to rise and voters demand relief.

It was free—and meaningless—for progressive churches to post banners calling themselves “nuclear free zones” during the Reagan era. Their dwindling congregations loved it. It was free, after George Floyd’s murder, to post woke catechism signs on your front lawn, proclaiming “In this house, we believe: Black Lives Matter, women’s rights are human rights, no human is illegal” and so on. Maybe the neighbors gave you high-fives. And for years it has been free for deep-blue cities to proclaim themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants. That’s changing now that voters want some sanctuary for themselves.

Changes like this happen when voters realize the old virtue signals actually entail serious costs—and that they will have to pay them. That is exactly what’s happening in New York City and Washington D.C. now that Texas governor Greg Abbott is sending those cities a few busloads of illegal immigrants from his state.

These progressive bastions were silent when the Biden administration flew planeloads of illegal immigrants to suburban airports in the middle of the night. TV coverage was prohibited, and the arrivals were secretly dispersed. Abbott’s buses, by contrast, arrive downtown greeted by local TV crews. Now you can hear the politicians screech.

These shrill noises are the sound of progressive politicians being squeezed. They proclaim their cities are “sanctuaries” but—surprise, surprise—they don’t actually want more illegal immigrants. Not that they can voice that reservation, of course, given their activist political base. Neither can they support serious efforts to manage the underlying problem by closing the border, or even trying to. Doing so would mean a humiliating return to Donald Trump’s tough policies: building the wall, requiring asylum seekers to remain in Mexico as their applications are processed, and encouraging Mexico’s armed forces to deploy along the border to prevent illegal crossings. Biden overturned all those policies, to cheers from his party’s left-wing base. That was when they thought it would be costless.

Now the costs are mounting, and so are the consequences for progressive politicians. The pushback is coming, not from their base but from disillusioned centrists and independents. Those voters are groaning under the costs associated with this rising tide of illegal immigrants, including welfare benefits, social services, schooling for more children, emergency room visits for uninsured patients, and a need for additional police without sufficient additional tax revenues to pay for all of them. Drug-smuggling cartels now find it much easier to cross the border, so these cities also have to cope with more heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl on the streets, more hospitalizations, and more deaths from overdoses. It’s an ugly picture.

So fucking what if it is? It’s the selfsame picture that smug shitlibs and their pet-poodle politicos have drawn for small Texas border towns, thinking themselves safely insulated from the consequences of their sanctimony by simple geographical distance.

Abbott’s goal is to squeeze the vise tighter on those politicians, to force them to change course on national immigration policy and lessen the flood of immigrants into his state—or else pay the price in their home states.

Of course it is—and what could possibly be fairer than that? Now that Abbott and DeSantis have forced them to put their money where their mouths are, both literally and figuratively, they ain’t digging it. How very odd. Dare we say it: H8RRRRZZZ!!! BIGOTS!!! RACISTS!!!! MURDERERS!!!!!!

Heh. Suck on it, shitlibs.


In praise of Tommy Robinson

Life in a time of monsters ascendant.

Three Cheers for Tommy Robinson
The backbone of Britain.

The last time we heard from Tommy Robinson was early last year. In a revealing documentary called The Rape of Britain, he took us to the town of Telford, England (population 142,000), where Muslim gang members had raped innumerable white girls while local police had refused not only to arrest the perpetrators but also to protect the victims. Now he’s back with an equally illuminating documentary entitled Silenced.

It begins with a minor incident that took place in 2018 on the playground of the Almondbury School in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. According to the mainstream media version, Bailey McLaren, a racist white boy in his early teens, had “waterboarded” Jamal Hijazi, an innocent refugee from Syria of about the same age, and had acted utterly without provocation.

The story spread quickly around the globe. There was just one problem: it wasn’t remotely true. Bailey hadn’t waterboarded Jamal. He’d thrown a cup of water at him. It was on video. It wasn’t about race, and it certainly wasn’t unprovoked. In fact, Jamal had threatened to rape Bailey’s sisters. And, as Tommy discovered by doing the kind of footwork on the case that no other reporter bothered to do, Jamal had done much else besides. He’d knocked one classmate unconscious. He’d caused a boy to bleed by sticking him in the leg with a compass (presumably the kind used in math classes, not in navigation).

He’d threatened to stab a boy. He’d beaten up girls. He hit one girl with a hockey stick and bit another one so viciously that it caused a horrible wound. He routinely called female teachers “bitches.” He’d been caught carrying a knife and screwdriver at school. Adults who’d worked there described him as rude, nasty, a “little bastard,” a “horrible boy” with “no respect for women at all.” “He started on everyone,” recalled one school worker.

And they denied that Jamal was the victim of racism on anybody’s part. There’d been several other Syrian kids in the school at the same time, and none of them had experienced – or caused – any problems. Much was made by the media of a photo of Jamal with his arm in a cast; though the injury was blamed on Bailey, it turned out to be the result of another incident in which Jamal attacked a much younger boy only to be pulled forcefully off the child by a kid his own age.

As for Bailey, school staff agreed he was no bully. And no racist, either. “He had two half-caste sisters,” one of them pointed out. The man who’d been head teacher at the time of the incident said that Bailey was a “very articulate lad” who, if he hadn’t ended up at the center of this international firestorm, would likely have been looking forward to a “great future…I could see him being a lawyer or something.” He was also a decent kid who “would stand up for his peers.” Another school staffer agreed: “The way they treated poor Bailey was disgusting.” The audio of the playground incident makes it clear that when Bailey threw water at Jamal, he didn’t say anything racist; he said something like: “What are you going to say now?” In short, he was responding to something Jamal had said – namely, Jamal’s threat to rape Bailey’s sisters.

But nobody in the mainstream media reported any of this. Commentators around the world spoke about Bailey as if he was a monster and about Jamal – well, they spoke about Jamal in pretty much the same way that millions of ideologues spoke about George Floyd in the summer of 2020, or, if you prefer, in the way they’re now speaking about New York subway criminal-turned-martyr Jordan Neely. The execrable Piers Morgan, who likes to posture from time to time as a brave opponent of political correctness but who’s always prepared to virtue-signal about Islam, was quick to refer to Bailey as a “thug,” as a “lowlife,” and as “vermin,” and even to call for “severe retribution” against the child. (“Never,” notes Tommy in Silencing, “have I labeled Muslim children as vermin or called for violence against them.”)

Piers must’ve been pleased by what happened next. Bailey received thousands of online messages – threats to kill him, to firebomb his family’s home, to shoot his mother, to rape his sisters. Gangs prowled the streets of Huddersfield looking for him. Savages wandered the corridors of his school with machetes, ready to slice him up. Police drove Bailey and his family to what was supposedly meant as a safe place – a shabby little pay-by-the-hour fleabag hotel owned by Muslims and within spitting distance of three mosques. Rejecting this insulting offer, Bailey’s mother took matters into her own hands and quickly found a better hiding place for herself and her kids.

Utterly disgusting. I think it safe to say that the Second Battle of Britain hasn’t worked out nearly as salutarily as the first, probably owing at least in part to the absence of anything like a contemporary Winston Churchill on the current scene. Mucho kudos to Robinson for giving it the old college try anyhow, though. Read on for the ugly, ugly denouement, which is…well, ugly. This isn’t going to end well, not for Muzzrat “Great” Britain, not for Bailey or Robinson (who, disappointingly, even Elon Musk fucked over for no good reason), not for anybody.

NYC does not ❤ illegal aliens

Apparently, what’s sauce for the goose is decidedly unappetizing for the gander.

Quebec tells Eric Adams to stop buying NY migrants bus tickets

The government of Canada’s second-most populated province is demanding that Mayor Eric Adams “immediately” stop helping migrants illegally enter the Great White North, as recently revealed by The Post.

“Any form of assistance to migrants crossing the border where it is strictly forbidden to do so should stop immediately,” a spokesperson for Quebec Premier Francois Legault said.

“We understand that the situation of migrants in New York poses major challenges, but the situation in Quebec and particularly in Montreal is even worse and constitutes an important humanitarian issue.”

Earlier this month, The Post exclusively reported that Adams was using taxpayer funds to get bus tickets for migrants in the Big Apple to travel upstate to Plattsburgh.

From there, migrants take taxis and vans to a cul-de-sac at the end of Roxham Road in Champlain, where they walk across the border and surrender to Canadian Mounties to seek asylum, as The Post documented on Feb. 5.

Why, that’s just INHUMAN! SAVAGE!! CRUEL!!! I am gobsmacked by the callous indifference displayed by Adams towards these poor, put-upon fellow hoo-monz. As the mayor of a proudly self-declared Sanctuary City, surely he must realize that No Human Being Is Illegal.

I note also, with intense amusement, that the number of illegals Adams is bitching and moaning about as having “overwhelmed” NYC’s resources over the course of the past several months is probably about the same as the onslaught being dealt with in tiny Texas border towns on a daily basis. And now here he is, in typical smarmy-shitlib fashion, foisting the problem he literally asked for, in so many words, off on much-smaller Montreal.

But while the Big Apple’s population is nearly 8.5 million, Montreal’s is just 1.7 million.

As the saying goes, Eric, one of these things is NOT like the other. Think about it, kwitcherbitchin’, and just suck it UP, buttercup. Mmmmkay?


Moar police stories

From today’s Quora Digest email.

As a police officer, have you ever responded to a call and once you got there said to yourself, “Nope, not worth it” and just left?

Once. I pulled up behind a car stopped on the shoulder of the interstate. 5 Hispanic gang banger types standing around it. I ask if they need help. They spoke very little English but they spoke Spanish among themselves. I noticed they kept encircling me. I would step out of their circle and they would encircle me again. Then a guy in the back seat hiding under a blanket appears. Hackles on my neck are standing straight up by now. So…I get back to my squad car and drive away. I don’t know how it would have turned out had I stayed but I am pretty sure I would not be here to write this answer.

Edited to add the following. In rural areas there is no backup. I was the only squad car within 50 miles. Secondly while I thought these guys were acting weird they were not actually doing anything illegal, they were simply stopped along side the interstate and standing beside their car.

I’ve known enough LEOs over the years, and heard enough similar stories from them, to know that the refinement of exactly that sort of sixth-sense intuition can be the difference between life and death, quite literally.

Update! Another one, same source.

What’s something a police officer knows that would scare normal people?

Seeing how quickly and unexpectedly you can die.

Man went to McDonald’s — which was a treat — for his family’s dinner, and on the way back, was broad-sided in the driver’s door. He’s dead in the driver’s seat and his family’s dinner is all over the front of the car. When he didn’t come back, his 10-year-old son went looking for him on his bicycle and came up on the accident scene. The child climbed into the wrecked car and was hugging his dead father. We weren’t going to stop him, and the fire department stayed longer than they normally would have in case there was any unexpected fire.

Another officer took the child home in his police car and informed the wife of what had happened. Prime example of one of those evenings when a cop skips dinner because he has no appetite.

The driver that hit him was a teenager who had just stolen a tank of gas from the local AM/PM Mini Market, and was being chased by the idiot store manager in his own car. We arrested them both, though that did not make the outcome any better.

The only decent thing that came out of it is that the owner of a local McDonald’s franchise read about it, came in the station and we helped him arrange to pay for an elaborate funeral. The owner insisted we not talk about it publicly; he didn’t want his kind act to look like a PR move. That is class.

Indeed it is.

How quickly and unexpectedly any one of us can die is something I unfortunately know all too much about, from my own personal experience losing my late and much-mourned wife. I’ve had occasion to sit down and try to comfort other folks who have had the same bitter, painful experience of losing a loved one unexpectedly and much too soon, particularly my life-long friend Rick, whose 21 year old son died in a car wreck about five years ago.

What I straightaway said to Rick is the same thing I’ve told others: don’t waste a moment of your time trying to make sense of it, casting about for some explanation you’re never going to find. There IS no sense in it; how the hell does a 21 year old’s death make any kind of sense, to his hearbroken father and mother? It’s just something you see on the local evening news shows and automatically think of as one of those things that happens to someone else.

Until suddenly, one day, it isn’t.

My heart bleeds

Aww, that’s a shame, I hate it for ya.

NYC mayor Eric Adams says the city is at ‘breaking point’ as 400 asylum seekers arrive EACH DAY – and submits an emergency aid request to Gov. Kathy Hochul to help shelter hundreds of migrants
New York City Mayor Eric Adams said the city has reached its ‘breaking point’ as 400 asylum seekers arrive at the Big Apple every day.

Adams has submitted an emergency mutual aid request to the state and Gov. Kathy Hochul asking for immediate help over the weekend to house the incoming migrants.

‘We are at our breaking point,’ Adams said. ‘Based off our projections, we anticipate being unable to continue sheltering arriving asylum seekers on our own.

‘Our initial request is for shelter to accommodate 500 asylum seekers, but, as New York City continues to see numbers balloon, this estimate will increase as well.’

Yeh, yeh, yeh. Tell it to El Paso, or any other of a huge number of Texas border towns, whydon’tcha.

The plea for help comes a week after Colorado joined the list of states busing migrants to New York City to alleviate the burden for those near the southern border and to get the asylum seekers to their preferred destination.

Adam’s office noted that the city has received more than 3,100 asylum seekers in the previous week, averaging about 400 each day, with 835 arriving on Thursday alone.

‘All this is pushing New York City to the brink,’ Adams said. ‘Since last spring, the city has stepped up to welcome approximately 40,000 asylum seekers, providing them with shelter, food, and connections to a host of resources.

Which still amounts to a mere drop in the proverbial bucket of the tsunami of illegals the border states have been inundated by, for years now. This next bit of blue-on-blue, friendly-fire aggression, though, is something kinda new.

The mayor also appeared to take a swipe at the Biden administration and federal lawmakers over the lack of solutions at the border, which saw a spike in illegal immigration in recent months.

‘The absence of sorely needed federal immigration reform should not mean that this humanitarian crisis falls only on the shoulders of cities,’ Adams said.

Sez you, Mr “In this house, we believe that no human being is ‘illegal’.”

‘We need support and aid from our federal and state partners and look forward to working together to meet this crisis head-on.’

Always with the beggar’s-hand out with these smarmy asshats, innit. Quelle surprise, that.

Later in the piece, Mayor Whinezalot bleats and moans about how very, very “unfair” it is that Colorado is joining the ever-lengthening list of much-put-upon states who have decided to shift a mere tithe of their wetback burden to NYC, but “unfair’ is hardly the right word here. Forcing self-proclaimed “sanctuary” cities like NYC to put their money where their self-righteous yaps are at last and share in a problem they did a great deal to help create is the very definition of “fair.”


An odd omission

HAD to have been an oversight, I’m guessing.

‘Take your a** home!’ Heavily-armed black rights groups march through Austin chanting anti-illegal migrant slogans, demands Biden ‘close the border’ and calls for ‘reparations to be paid NOW’

Armed activists with a coalition of black self-defense groupsmarched in Austin, Texas over the weekend calling for an end to illegal immigration and demanding that President Biden close the borders.

Some of the activists chanted ‘close the borders’ and ‘take your a** home’ as they marched toward the Texas Capitol in the ‘Second Amendment Unity Walk’ on Saturday.

The march was led by The Elmer ‘Geronimo’ Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club. Their demands also included reparations for descendants of enslaved people and a hate crime bill protecting Black Americans.

The group faced opposition from a handful of Trump supporters and other protesters gathered at the Texas State Capitol to support January 6 defendants.

Saturday’s march comes after Texas Gov. Abbott and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey sent thousands of migrants by bus to Washington, D.C., New York City, and Chicago, Illinois – all three sanctuary cities that have pledged not to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.

Video and photos of the third annual ‘Second Amendment Unity Walk’ show marches armed with guns as they walked through the streets of Austin toward the Texas State Capitol.

Other than The Elmer ‘Geronimo’ Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club, several other groups were involved including the Black Riders Liberation Party.

‘Reparations now!’ the group chanted, according to Ford Fischer who tweeted from the march.

‘We don’t say ‘hands up, don’t shoot!” one explained. ‘Guns up!’ they chanted. ‘Shoot back!’

‘Close the borders!’ they chanted. One yelled ‘build the wall’ but the phrase didn’t catch on.

‘Immigrants, we’ve been here!’ another person yelled. ‘Take your ass home!

Vehicles honked their horns at the activists as they marched through the intersections chanting: ‘What do we want? Closed borders! When do we want it? Now!’

Once at the capitol building, a speaker summarized the group’s demands as ‘Reparations now, delineation, a stop to illegal immigration.’

Aside from that increasingly tedious “reparations” horseshit, I must admit I’m not finding a whole hell of a lot to disagree with here. Brothas got some right-nice hardware, if the pics are any indication. As for that strange “omission” I mentioned, here t’is: I scanned the whole piece without ever once running across a single usage of words like “extremist,” “radical,” “violent,” “terrorist,” etc. Didn’t see any of the usual FBI agents provocateurs in amongst ’em, either. Funny, that.


Can you smell the “enrichment”?

I can, from all the way down here.

If Martha’s Vineyard Tried To Prove It Cares About Immigrants, It Failed Miserably
When Republican governors send 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, it’s a humanitarian crisis. When 51 migrants who were encouraged to cross the border by Democrats die in the back of a truck, well, that’s a statistic.

In September of 2014, I found myself in a town hall meeting in Lexington, Nebraska — population 10,000. It’s a meat-packing town about three hours west of Omaha, and not what one would call a wealthy town. I was there on a campaign stop with Sen. Ben Sasse, and the people of Lexington were very concerned with one issue in particular: what to do about the 11 Central American kids the federal government had dropped off unannounced in Lexington the month prior, just before the start of school. There had been a rapid influx of unaccompanied minors crossing the border that summer, and the Obama administration just relocated many of them around the country in towns such as Lexington.

It bears repeating that these were children that needed taking care of. Whatever social services you think are needed to take care of regular migrants, this was a much bigger and more expensive issue for the town. Self-sufficiency wasn’t just a matter of finding them work — these kids had to be clothed, fed, educated, and generally looked after for years.

The townspeople were alternately irate about being put into this situation and genuinely concerned for the kids’ welfare, given the town’s limited resources. After listening to the townspeople plead for help, we got on the campaign bus and drove to the next stop. For all I know, those migrant kids are still in Lexington, and the community of Lexington is hardly unique. Hundreds, if not thousands, of American towns have had to rise to meet challenges as a result of the federal refugee resettlement.

Perhaps you can start to see why I was unimpressed with the residents of Martha’s Vineyard for harboring 50 migrants for two days before sending in the military to herd them off. And yet, because the DeSantis stunt — and there are valid objections to flinging migrants hither and yon to make a point — exposed a great deal of hypocrisy among Democrats, there is a campaign afoot to portray Martha’s Vineyard as a model of compassion for the way they treated these immigrants.

In my wildest dreams, I could not have made up CNN’s headline that was this unintentionally parodic and unflattering: “‘They enriched us.’ Migrants’ 44-hour visit leaves indelible mark on Martha’s Vineyard.”

Valid objections, is it? Name three. DeSantis, Abbott, and Ducey, having been reduced to real desperation because of the untenable position their local small-town communities have been forced into by DemonRat open-borders policies, are doing no more than precisely what FederalGovCo has been doing to THEM for many years. If the über-rich MV twats don’t enjoy the taste of their own rancid medicine, well, tough noogies for them.

In fact, Martha’s Vineyard is so broke it started a GoFundMe to help with the 44-hour crisis — yes, the town actually issued a statement calling it a “humanitarian crisis.” The GoFundMe, which has since closed, was organized by Sarah Goulet on behalf of the Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation. Sarah Goulet is a New York communications executive whose clientele seems to consist largely of art galleries, and her husband is a journalist at GQ magazine. She’s apparently made six campaign donations to Kamala Harris, our deeply unpopular vice president and “border czar” who recently assured us that our southern border is secure. As for the Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation, it’s already sitting on a slush fund of $16 million. According to the foundation, they are using that money for efforts “addressing the effects of climate change on the Island,” “eradicating racism,” removing “the barriers that prevent equal rights for all,” and “ultimately eliminating inequality and injustice.” (Once again, I must attest to the fact that these details are real and not parody.)

How many community organizations do you think there are in Lexington, Nebraska, that have $16 million to help solve civic problems? A single charity on Martha’s Vineyard, and one heavily committed to social justice causes, could have easily supported 50 migrants on the island indefinitely until they were self-sufficient and fully incorporated into the community.

Well, there’s just one problem left to address. There’s a housing crisis on the island. Fortunately, former President Barack Obama has 29 acres on the island. Surely he could donate a plot of land and tap his own personal fortune — the deal for the Obamas’ memoirs alone was worth $65 million — to construct a shelter for these people seeking a better life here in America, right? After all, it’s the least he can do — Obama’s personally responsible for many of the immigration policies that created this “humanitarian crisis,” and he’s directly responsible for burdening other towns such as Lexington, which didn’t seem to have the option of sending their migrants elsewhere.

By now, the point here should be clear — there are no easy answers to the problems of mass immigration.

Like hell there ain’t. The solution to our immigration problem is simplicity itself: halt ALL immigration for a period of, say, five years at the very least, preferably ten—until, as Trump said, we can “figure out what’s going on” with our effectively non-existent southern border. The realization that there is absolutely NO chance of such a thing ever happening will confirm for all time that what we have isn’t really an immigration problem, it’s a “liberal” problem.

The solution to that one is pretty simple also, if admittedly a bit unpleasant to contemplate. In the meantime, strictly as far as immigration is concerned, Wayne Allen Root proposes a handy-dandy fix for it.

Democrat Governors are calling up the National Guard in panic. DeSantis has hit a homerun. I should know- it’s my idea. But now we have to double down. Put it into overdrive. Put pedal to the metal. Every other GOP Governor needs to join the fight. It’s time for national expansion.

We have to make it rain illegals wherever rich liberals live.

First, don’t stop at Martha’s Vineyard. Let’s hit all the rich, woke, liberal, spoiled brat, Democrat towns. Send thousands of illegal aliens each week to the Hamptons, Scarsdale, Great Neck, Beverly Hills, Malibu, Palo Alto, La Jolla, Napa Valley, Beacon Hill (in Boston), the Gold Coast of Chicago, the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Georgetown in DC.

Bury all the rich liberal towns with illegals. Make sure elitist, woke, liberal Democrat hypocrites have to step over hordes of illegals to get into Starbucks, their hairdresser, nail salon, supermarkets, restaurants, and their kid’s schools. Make them scream “Uncle.”

DeSantis has the right idea to flood Vice President Kamala Harris’s lawn with illegals. But don’t stop there. Flood the lawns of every Democrat politician who supports open borders: Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, clueless Transportation Secretary Pete Butthead, and send a few extra busloads to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s mansion.

But don’t stop with national Democrat leaders. Flood the homes of Democrat Senate candidates like John Fetterman in Pennsylvania, Tim Ryan in Ohio, Senator Raphael Warnock in Georgia and Senator Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada. Make them answer questions about open borders while their neighborhoods are overrun by illegals.

Let’s see who the real “racists” are. If Democrats like illegals so much, you can live with them.

By all means, let’s. Let them wriggle, writhe, and scream all they want, with their ludicrous claims of “cruelty,” “barbarism,” “inhumanity,” and even, ferchrissakes, “kidnapping.” It’s nothing of the sort; this is a matter of plain and simple fairness, no more nor less.


EVERY town is a border town now

Waitwaitwait, are you telling me that diversity is NOT our strength all of a sudden?

Martha’s Vineyard’s ‘humanitarian crisis’ is what cities on southern border see in a few hours
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis flew around 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, sparking uproar in liberal enclave

Martha’s Vineyard on Thursday was facing approximately 50 migrants sent by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, leading one group to call it a “humanitarian crisis” – even though the numbers are dwarfed by those encountered at border cities and towns on a daily basis.

“To our Island community, here is an update on [the] current humanitarian crisis on Martha’s Vineyard….we thank people for their continued help,” the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce tweeted.

Fox News Digital first reported on Wednesday that DeSantis’ office had sent two planes to Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts. The moves comes after border states like Texas and Arizona have been busing migrants to Washington D.C., New York City and Chicago.

“We take what’s happening at the southern border very seriously, unlike some,” DeSantis said in a Thursday speech, “and unlike the president of the United States, who has refused to lift a finger to secure that border.”

DeSantis noted that the numbers being sent to sanctuary cities and jurisdictions was just a fraction of those being encountered at the border.

“The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, they go berserk, and they’re so upset that this is happening. And it just shows you that their virtue-signaling is a fraud,” he said.

About time my man DeSantis got his ass off the pot and joined his colleagues Abbott and Ducey in trying to even things up a bit. To no one’s surprise, the self-proclaimed “elite” denizens of Martha’s Vineyard got busy having a horror-struck shitfit over having two planeloads transport of all of fifty (50) illegal aliens into their tony, oh-so-exclusive environs.

How utterly delightful, seeing these snooty, preachifying rich liberals reduced to conniptions when they get the teeniest, tiniest fraction of exactly what they’ve been dumping all over the rest of the country hurled right back in their perfect teeth. The Bee’s report hits way too close to home for Skip and Libby’s comfort.

MARTHA’S VINEYARD, MA — Residents of upscale Martha’s Vineyard are in a panic after several buses dropped off illegal immigrants from Florida this week. One terrified resident reportedly called the authorities after seeing Hispanic males outside her home, not even operating a leaf blower or any other kind of gardening equipment.

“Hello, is this 911? Yes, there are brown-looking Latinx people outside my 20,000-square-foot seaside home, and they aren’t even carrying leaf blowers,” said a terrified Mavis McWhite to the dispatcher. “They aren’t even holding so much as a rake. They’re up to no good. I’m scared! Please send help!”

Early reports from one of the wealthiest zip codes on earth indicate that approximately 50 people from countries south of the equator are striking fear in the hearts of local oligarchs, movie stars, and millionaire politicians who reside there. “It was so inconsiderate for DeSantis to ship these dark-skinned people up to our neighborhood without the tools they need to maintain our multimillion-dollar properties,” said Town Councilmember Pam Karen-Cindy. “What else are they going to do all day? Just despicable.”

At publishing time, the Hispanic immigrants who currently work as landscapers and house servants in Martha’s Vineyard for minimum wage had organized a demonstration to protest the arrival of new Hispanic immigrants who will work for even cheaper.

My gal Christina with another of her typically-brilliant smacks in the gob:

“Residents of Martha’s Vineyard overwhelmingly support illegal immigration and call for more diversity,” wrote DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw on Twitter. “Governor DeSantis was kind enough to grant their wishes.”

In the deathless words of the Greatest President EVAR: you would think they would be saying thank you. And yet. Lots of sidesplitting hilarity over at Ace’s joint, including but not limited to this rip:

Lol. Commenter on Twitter just now:

“Ron DeSantis has done more to diversify Martha’s Vineyard in 24 hours than its privileged and elitist residents have done since its founding in 1642. This is a win for diversity, why aren’t they all celebrating? This man needs to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.”

Posted by: Jane D’oh

Lastly, but by no means leastly:

A: you shouldn’t. Ever.


“9/11, Islam, and the US: What Have We Learned”

Apparently, nothing worth knowing.

Twenty-one years after 9/11 in this supposedly “Islamophobic” country, U.S. Muslims have gained unprecedented political and cultural influence. The Muslim population in the U.S. increased to 3.85 million in 2020. Mosques have more than doubled from 1,209 in 2000 to 2,769 in 2020. These are not grounds for any grudge, as the U.S. is magnet for people seeking prosperity and religious freedom.

But it is troubling that for a country based on the rule of law, Islam and Muslims have acquired an immunity and exemption from any critical scrutiny, no matter how justified. This “Islamic exceptionalism” operates blatantly at the political and cultural levels and is a recurring pattern going back to almost immediately after 9/11, when George Bush declared that “Islam is peace.”

Ilhan Omar, a Muslim supremacist, who has made herself invincible by donning the woke cloak of “fighting for justice, for equality, for the right for us [Muslims] to equally exist in this country” and notably ungrateful to the U.S., given her life history, vaporized the human suffering of 9/11 when she said, “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”

Her breezy dismissal of the 9/11 carnage came in the same speech that she opened by lamenting “a tragic, tragic nightmare that has happened to Muslims in New Zealand,” referencing the Christchurch attacks. For comparison’s sake, the New Zealand attacks left 49 dead against the 2,997 on 9/11. She has suffered no political consequences and is invariably elected by her “Islamophobic” voters.

“Islamophobic”? Hardly. Her so-called “constituents” having gradually invaded, occupied, and gained overwhelming-majority status in her Minnesota district, they’re Muslims.

The determination to exonerate Islam is deeply embedded in mainstream media. On September 11, 2018, the New York Times tweeted (and later deleted) that “airplanes took aim” at Twin Towers on 9/11. For the Times, the malignant agency of Osama bin Laden and the international team that planned the carnage counted for nothing.

During the Pulse Nightclub attack in Orlando in 2016, the killer Omar Mateen placed a “chilling, calm, and deliberate” call to 911, calling himself an “Islamic soldier.” Obama admitted that Mateen had pledged allegiance to “ISIL” and said that “countering this extremist ideology is increasingly going to be as important as making sure that we are disrupting plots from the outside.”

Yet, if an attack that is clearly terrorist in nature (it is immaterial if it was mixed up with troubled sexuality, as claimed) is somehow transmogrified and elevated seamlessly into a national memorial for gay rights and excludes any reference to the Islamic motivation of this act, then we as a nation have traveled long and hard down the road of self-delusion and surrender to Islam.

Major Nidal Hasan’s terrorist attack in Fort Hood in 2009, which killed 13 people and wounded dozens, was classified, incredibly, as “workplace violence.” In 2021, he exulted and congratulated the Taliban in a triumphant victory message from death row after they had seized control of Afghanistan. On death row, Nidal’s sentence is likely meaningless, as he will probably live his full life.

Although Muslims make up a bit more than one per cent of the U.S. population, they constitute about nine percent of the state prison population. Muslim immigration has dramatically increased the risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) which is understood in many Islamic countries as a religious obligation. In North America, Muslims commit most of the honor killings.

We have reached here because of the unbreakable alliance of the left and Islam. Leftists’ frequent accusations of “Islamophobia” are grossly exaggerated and more powerful than any weapon. This does not imply that Muslims cannot be targeted. But the left’s partnership with Islam has succeeded in achieving a unique moral inversion. Leftists have conferred upon a specific religion and its followers blanket immunity from hostile examination, and simultaneously labeled those as making any enquiry, no matter how justified by facts, as intolerant, and excluded them from the streams of authorized debate.

September 11 was the day that the towers fell, and the U.S. began its submission to Islam. Unless checked, it will surely hasten our downfall as a nation.

It has, it is, and it assuredly will. Bad as all the above is, though, there’s worse still.

When news that military prosecutors are negotiating a plea deal with 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed hit my desk, I had to check the source to see if it wasn’t satire. Of all days for this news to hit, why drop it now?

According to Fox News:

U.S. military prosecutors are reportedly negotiating potential plea deals with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other conspirators imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. The plea deals may allow the five dependents to escape a potential death penalty, according to CBS. Mohammed is widely credited with being the architect of the 9/11 terror attacks. The other four defendants are Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, Walid bin Attash and Ammar al-Baluchi.

Attorneys for the defendants reportedly say they would be willing to enter a guilty plea in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table, as well as for getting treatment for alleged torture they experienced while in CIA custody.

Retired actor and active patriot James Woods noticed what many of us did, that the timing of the news is an outrage:

To see this headline on September 11 is appalling. Why is justice such an elusive concept in America today? Will the heinous among us never be held accountable? This is an outrage, and to read about it on this sacred day is an insult to the fallen.

The timing of this news is not a coincidence any more than the timing of the Benghazi attack was a coincidence. They’re insulting us. They’re laughing at us. This regime truly and absolutely hates America and they’re proud of that fact.

Incredible, and thoroughly sick-making. How bitter a pill, that rather than avenging our 9/11 dead, we choose instead to profane their memory so disgracefully.

Update! And just like that, a DemonRat ProPol plummets from merely disgusting before auguring in to truly, deeply appalling.

Senate Intelligence chair says it’s ‘stunning’ that over 20 years after Sept. 11, attacks on the symbol of democracy are ‘not coming from terrorists’ but from ‘insurgents’ at the Capitol on Jan. 6

It’d be nice to think so, but I doublechecked, and no, this is NOT the Bee, alas.

Senate Intelligence chair Mark Warner said it’s “stunning” that 21 years after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, “the attack on the symbol of our democracy” hadn’t come from foreign threats but from within the US.

“I remember, as most Americans do, where they were on 9/11. I was in the middle of a political campaign and suddenly, the differences with my opponent seem very small in comparison and our country came together.”

Yeah, yeah…for all of three whole days, when the first shitlib claims that America had brought 9/11 on itself and therefore “had it coming” appeared, shattering the phony, short-lived sense of “unity.” I expected precisely that to happen, even posted about it here at the time, as I recollect. In fact, it’s a big part of the reason I named the blog what I did.

“The stunning thing to me is here we are 20 years later, and the attack on the symbol of our democracy was not coming from terrorists, but it came from literally insurgents attacking the Capitol on January 6th,” he added.

Warner said that he felt the country is “stronger,” and the “intelligence community has performed remarkably,” compared to 21 years ago.

“I think the threat of terror has diminished,” he said.

However, he added that he’s concerned about internal threats.

“But I do worry about some of the activity in this country where the election deniers, the insurgency that took place on January 6th, that is something I hope we could see that same kind of unity of spirit,” he said.

“Unity”? With self-serving shitlib poseurs like yourself? I’d rather gargle diarrhea, thanks.


What goes around, comes around

Hilariouser and hilariouser.

Chicago welcomes Texas migrants, then sends them to Burr Ridge
BURR RIDGE, Ill. — WGN Investigates has learned several dozen of the migrants Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent to Chicago have now been relocated to a hotel in the suburbs without advance warning to the local mayor.

“I am concerned neither the village administrator nor I were told about this,” Burr Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso told WGN. “We want to know: Why Burr Ridge?”

The answer to that seems obvious enough to me, but no way in hell WGN’s article is gonna touch it. So Ace helps out the more obtuse of us with a handy-dandy explainer.

Here, let me take a wild stab in the dark at that:

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Burr Ridge, IL are White (Non-Hispanic) (75.5%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (14.7%), White (Hispanic) (3.43%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.78%), and Other (Hispanic) (1.16%).

Is Burr Ridge IL wealthy?Burr Ridge (formerly Harvester) is a village in Cook and DuPage counties in the U.S. state of Illinois. A suburb of Chicago, it is among the wealthiest towns in Illinois and is locally known for its large, elegant mansions and luxury lifestyles. Per the 2020 census, the population was 11,192.
— Wikipedia

This is all of you right now: “Oh my God Ace your brain is just so throbbing and pulsey with Hot Facts…”

Heh. Yep, I for one stand in slackjawed awe of ye, buddy. Back to the WGN report.

Just days ago, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blasted Abbott for treating the migrants like “cargo” and not providing her with advance notice they were arriving.

“My frustration comes from the actions of the governor of Texas,” Lightfoot said Sunday, when the first bus load of 50 migrants arrived. “There could be a level of coordination and cooperation, but he chooses to do none of those things and instead tries to send human beings — not cargo, not freight — human beings across the country to an uncertain destination.”

What, you mean like Obama and Biden did/are doing, quietly sneaking busloads of illegals in the dead of night to small communities all across the nation, with neither advance notice nor disclosure? For that matter, what the hell is so damned “uncertain” about self-proclaimed “sanctuary” destinations such as your own Murder Central, Mordor On The Potomac, and NYFC, anyway?

On Wednesday, a group of 75 more migrants arrived in Chicago from Texas.

Awww, my heart truly bleeds for poor put-upon Chicago. I suspect those small-town Texans that have borne the brunt of the onslaught of literally millions of inbound illegals for years now might have a thing or two to say to Mxzzs Lightfoot about the way she squeals like a stuck pig over what amounts to the merest drop in the very large bucket of misery intentionally inflicted on their communities by posturing DemonRat politicians.


Tables: TURNED

The wailing of Sanctuary City shitlibs is as sweet, sweet music to mine ears.

Texas sends buses of migrants to Chicago for first time, dropped off at train station
Chicago is the third Democrat-run city where Texas officials have sent migrants illegal aliens

FIFY, assholes.

An estimated 80 to 100 people were on the buses, including 20 to 30 small children. Many of the migrants said they were from Venezuela.

Chicago is the latest city where migrants have been bused to from Texas, following New York City and Washington, D.C., all of which have Democrat mayors.

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in a statement that he looks forward to seeing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot welcome the migrants since Chicago is a sanctuary city.

“President Biden’s inaction at our southern border continues putting the lives of Texans—and Americans—at risk and is overwhelming our communities,” Abbott said. “To continue providing much-needed relief to our small, overrun border towns, Chicago will join fellow sanctuary cities Washington, D.C. and New York City as an additional drop-off location. Mayor Lightfoot loves to tout the responsibility of her city to welcome all regardless of legal status, and I look forward to seeing this responsibility in action as these migrants receive resources from a sanctuary city with the capacity to serve them.”

A statement from Abbott’s office said that Chicago is being added as a “drop-off location” for future migrant buses in response to “President Biden’s open border policies overwhelming border communities in Texas.”

A spokesperson from Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s office said in a statement that Abbott is “without any shame or humanity.”

Actually, I have to agree; it IS kinda inhumane when you think about it, sending those poor illegals to a murderous shitpit like Chicago.

“As a city, we are doing everything we can to ensure these immigrants and their families can receive shelter, food, and most importantly protection. This is not new; Chicago welcome hundreds of migrants every year to our city and provides much-needed assistance,” a spokesperson for Lightfoot’s office said. “Unfortunately, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is without any shame or humanity. But ever since he put these racist practices of expulsion in place, we have been working with our community partners to ready the city to receive these individuals.”

New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams, upon meeting the migrants on Aug. 7, said that the actions of Abbott are “horrific.”

After sending the migrants to New York, Abbott said that the area is an “ideal destination for these migrants.”

“In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City is the ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within the sanctuary city,” said Abbott. “I hope he follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border towns can find relief.”

Annnnd bingo. Well said, Governor, and good on ya.

You preening, sanctimonious libtards love to talk all your “sanctuary” talk at the rest of us, but when forced to walk the walk yourselves for a change you nearly shit your pants in agony over the horror, the INJUSTICE!!! of having the merest pinch of your own shit thrown back into your pinched, smarmy faces.

After years and years of A) flatly refusing to maintain the security of our southern border, B) denying the very concept of the US even having a border at all, and C) blithely averting their eyes from the financial hardship, criminal predation, and general anarchy said refusal directly imposes on towns all along said border, Lefty asswipes now have the brass, the stones, the unmitigated fucking gall to whine like little bitches when the governor of one (1) state affected by their self-serving, unworkable policies and programs?


Word to Bowser, Adams, Lightfoot, and every other “sanctuary” city mayor: Eat a big bag of dicks, whydon’tcha. There’s a clear, simple, and highly valuable lesson to be learned here, if only you had the wit to pay heed.

Update! As always, liberalism is a luxury none but the most affluent society can afford to indulge for very long.

The surest sign that public policies are simply virtue signals is when the messages don’t cost anything. The easiest way to tell when that signal starts to fail is to watch politicians flounder as the costs start to rise and voters demand relief.

It was free—and meaningless—for progressive churches to post banners calling themselves “nuclear free zones” during the Reagan era. Their dwindling congregations loved it. It was free, after George Floyd’s murder, to post woke catechism signs on your front lawn, proclaiming “In this house, we believe: Black Lives Matter, women’s rights are human rights, no human is illegal” and so on. Maybe the neighbors gave you high-fives. And for years it has been free for deep-blue cities to proclaim themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants. That’s changing now that voters want some sanctuary for themselves.

Changes like this happen when voters realize the old virtue signals actually entail serious costs—and that they will have to pay them. That is exactly what’s happening in New York City and Washington D.C. now that Texas governor Greg Abbott is sending those cities a few busloads of illegal immigrants from his state.

These progressive bastions were silent when the Biden administration flew planeloads of illegal immigrants to suburban airports in the middle of the night. TV coverage was prohibited, and the arrivals were secretly dispersed. Abbott’s buses, by contrast, arrive downtown greeted by local TV crews. Now you can hear the politicians screech.

Abbott’s goal is to squeeze the vise tighter on those politicians, to force them to change course on national immigration policy and lessen the flood of immigrants into his state—or else pay the price in their home states.

Kinda tough to see how that’s anything but totally fair, but then I’m not a shitlib retard either.

The buses are a political stunt, of course, but a very shrewd one. Abbott is up for reelection, and he’s visibly showing his support for beleaguered Texas cities and counties. He’s putting his liberal Democratic opponent, Beto O’Rourke, in an awkward position. O’Rourke specializes in showy, high-profile gestures but has no plan to alleviate the migrant problem. Finally, Abbott hopes to force the hand of national Democrats, who don’t care one iota about the social, financial, and law-enforcement burdens facing his state, but do care about those immigrants arriving in Manhattan or D.C.

Lipson goes on to speculate that eventually, shitlibs will begin to pressure their national “leaders” to reconsider the program of intentionally swamping the nation with illegal aliens for purely political purposes. But having never in all my many years seen a single instance of a “liberal” admitting error and reversing course, on any level at all, I can’t honestly say I expect any such thing myself. Such an admission would require a humility and honesty not one of them possesses, in any degree whatsoever.


Goose, meet gander

Suck a fat one, bitch. In writing, no less.

For the second time, the Pentagon denied a request on Monday by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser to activate the National Guard to assist with thousands of migrants who have been arriving in the nation’s capital in recent months.

Bowser first asked for National Guard help last month, but it was rejected by the Pentagon on Aug. 4. She then sent another letter on Aug. 11, requesting that 150 National Guard troops be deployed to “help prevent a prolonged humanitarian crisis in our nation’s capital resulting from the daily arrival of migrants.”

Defense Department executive secretary Kelly Bulliner Holly wrote in a letter to Bowser on Monday that the D.C. National Guard is not trained to assist migrants and activation would lead to “diminished readiness” for the troops.

“The DCNG has no specific experience in or training for this kind of mission or unique skills for providing facility management, feeding, sanitation or ground support,” Holly wrote in the letter, which was reviewed by Fox News.

About 7,000 migrants have been bused from Texas to Washington, D.C., since April and another 900 have arrived in New York City, according to Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.

“Before we began busing migrants to New York, it was just Texas and Arizona that bore the brunt of all the chaos and problems that come with it,” Abbott said Friday. “Now, the rest of America can understand exactly what is going on.”

Oh, I’d say heartland America understands well enough by now. As always, it’s the Sanctuary City-dwelling shitlibs, long accustomed to scrupulously shielding themselves from the consequences of the idiocies they piously inflict on the rest of us, who are only now being schooled by Abbott’s ingenious turning of the tables on them.



Don’t anybody worry; I’m sure those good, über-competent patriots at our awesome FBI will spring into action any moment now to announce their total confustication as to what the motive for this might possibly have been.

Author Salman Rushdie is likely to lose one of his eyes and is currently on a ventilator after he was attacked on stage at a literary event in upstate New York on Friday, a report said.

“The news is not good,” the 75-year-old writer’s agent, Andrew Wylie, told The New York Times.

“Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged,” said Wylie.

Rushdie, who is still unable to speak, was attacked by a lone man while speaking at an event at the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, NY, about 75 miles south of Buffalo.

He was scheduled to speak about the United States as a place for exiled authors “as a home for freedom of expression,” according to the institute. After the stabbing, he was transported by helicopter to a hospital in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Yeah, well, not anymore, Salman. Not for a good, long while now, I’m afraid. That’s a battle we lost many moons ago, as you just found out yourself in a most horrible way.

A witness who was in the audience told The Post that Rushdie tried to run off the stage, and the two men scuffled before audience members rushed onstage to subdue the attacker.

Wait for it…waaaiiiit for it…

His alleged attacker, 24-year-old Hadi Matar, of Fairview, New Jersey, was arrested by a state trooper at the scene, the Times reported.

Hm. Nice solid, all-American name there, wouldn’t you say? Why, a name like that fairly well screams “bred-in-the-bone, 100% AMERICAN by birth, lineage, and creed” to the high heavens. No wonder the FBI always finds itself so deeply perplexed every time yet another of these bizarre, inexplicable events happens, right out of a clear blue sky and against every expectation. Guess we’ll never know for sure what caused it.


Catch and Release

The federal government of the United States has abrogated its responsibility to secure the land borders of United States territory. The few illegal aliens who are caught are released on their own recognizance and the attorney general recently showed that he’ll scrounge for any excuse to avoid deporting even convicted criminals.

Well, “catch and release” can work for our side, too.

Sheriffs can enthusiastically look for illegal aliens to arrest. Aliens who commit violent crimes against Americans would be best, of course, but illegals who take jobs from Americans and illegals who consume social services paid for by Americans will do, too.

Once an illegal is in custody, the sheriff gets up and announces that he’s not going to bother with the paperwork to charge him because the federal government has corrupted the system to the extent that it would just be a waste of taxpayer dollars. No, he’s simply going to release the illegal at a few minutes past midnight tomorrow, at 10010 County Road 46, and that his deputies will immediately leave the area because they have other things to do.

And let nature take its course.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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