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A new zoo in Wisconsin

No need to visit, the animals are being brought to your house.

The skies over Sparta have never been as busy as when the Biden administration decided to dispatch 13,000 Afghans, including at least one pedophile, to Wisconsin.

Sparta, a small town of less than ten thousand souls, whose claim to fame is being the “Bicycling Capital of America”, could only watch as a population of Afghans outnumbering its own population created a new Afghanistan on the premises of Fort McCoy.

None of the Afghans at Fort McCoy have a Special Immigrant Visa. Biden left the SIV visa holders behind in Afghanistan. The Afghans who have overrun the Wisconsin base are the ones whom the Taliban, for their own reasons, decided to allow through their checkpoints.

And they’re living up to the high cultural standards of the Taliban.

The problems began with the toilets. Then there were issues with the rice, the sexual abuse of young boys, and Afghans simply leaving on their own despite promises of taxpayer cash.

“Afghans were confused and upset by hygiene practices,” a Wall Street Journal article described. “Every toilet on base was Western style, with a seat and toilet paper. But a number of Afghans are accustomed to restrooms that allow them to squat so they don’t have to physically touch the toilet. It led to some cases of Afghans relieving themselves outside.”

This shouldn’t have surprised anyone after two decades in Afghanistan. But political correctness has mostly suppressed accounts of even the most basic facts about the beneficiaries of our great nation building project leaving Americans confused by the behavior of the new arrivals.

A Czech journal article from the Department of Military Hygiene noted that Afghan “people in rural areas were found to defecate almost everywhere according to convenience. It is important to observe that particularly the rural population does not know or does not use toilet paper.”

More accurately, Islamic law is held by some authorities to ban the use of toilet paper.

“You should consider very carefully shaking hands during the contact with the local population,” the journal article warned. Unfortunately their local population is now our local population.

An account of the toilet practices of the defunct Afghan National Army described how our soldiers were forced to “share their toilet with the ANA, as they had been ordered to do by their commanding officers” to win their “hearts and minds”. Unfortunately “it was the custom of the ANA to wipe themselves with their hands, smear their excrement on the walls of the toilet, and rinse their hands in the sink, which left the sinks reeking.”

While great care is taken by Muslims to keep their clothes clean so that they are not “impure” during prayers, bathrooms can be left in a horrifying state because they’re already unclean.

After a horde of troglodytic Muzzrats have passed through, yeah, I expect they are at that. On the bright side, though, just think of all the fascinating new Third World diseases that will soon be spreading like wildfire across every American town the “Biden” junta unloads another passel of these unassimilable knuckledraggers on!

No worries, bigoted white-supremacist Cheeseheads; here’s one of the junta‘s pet “generals” with some reassuring lies to calm you awful H8RZZ down.

General Glen VanHerck however visited Fort McCoy and assured reporters that the enlightened Afghans were much more law-abiding than the racist Americans.

“I’ve done some research and how that compares to populations across the United States,” VanHerck declared. “For example, in six weeks in Operation Allies Welcome, in a population of 53,000, there have been eight reported cases of robbery and theft.”

VanHerck neglected to Google the statistics for assaulting children and women. Or to note that this isn’t a measure of Afghans having lower crime rates than Americans, but a much lower willingness to report crimes to infidels who don’t resolve problems with the use of Islamic law.

“And how long are the Afghans going to be on U.S. military bases?” the FOX News correspondent asked.

“We’re prepared to be here as long as we need to conduct this mission,” VanHerck replied. “We’ll be ready if we need to support through the winter months and into the spring.”

Forget the ‘Forever War’ and get ready for the ‘Forever Refugees’.

It’s almost as if we never actually withdrew from Afghanistan.

Americans are funding three Halal meals a day for tens of thousands of Afghans, our bases are full of mosques, our soldiers are trying to keep Afghans from killing and abusing each other, and we are on the hook for every dollar in welfare spending lavished on the Afghans while Americans struggle. As the Afghans leave Fort McCoy, the occupation of America will begin.

Biden didn’t withdraw from Afghanistan. He brought Afghanistan to America.

Surely there must be SOME way we could thank him properly for that, among so very many other things.

Update! Lest other Red Staters out there get to feeling all smug and superior towards the poor Cheeseheads: you probably shouldn’t just yet (Sorry, forgot to include the link earlier—M).

Four hundred fifteen Afghan evacuees are headed to Nashville, Tennessee, where they’re certain to fit right in. However, instead of breaking out the “Refugees Welcome” signs and patting themselves on the back for their commitment to diversity, as any good politician would, Tennessee’s Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, along with its Governor Bill Lee, all Republicans, have written a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, asking him what steps have been taken to ensure that as these people settle in the state, Tennesseeans will be safe. What’s this? American politicians concerned for the wellbeing of their own people? It’s practically unheard of in these halcyon days of Biden’s handlers’ administration, but apparently in Tennessee, some people still care about Americans.

Sorry, Robert, but I’m afraid I’m gonna wait before I sign off on the idea that they’re sincerely concerned, since so far all they’re doing is “asking questions” to which they’ll never get any honest answers. This is so for the following among several reasons:

  • The Occupation Government can’t afford to give honest answers, because the truth is they don’t give a flying fuck at a plate glass window whether Tennesseeans will be safe or not
  • There have been NO steps whatever taken to vet any of these savages, nor will there ever be
  • There can be NO meaningful assurance that American infidels should ever assume themselves safe or secure once hordes of murderous jihadis have been imported to live among them

If the three Repugs truly do think that even the most “strongly worded” letter imaginable can be sufficient to shield their constituents from violent primordials with absolutely NO respect or fidelity to American law, they’re in for one hell of a harsh lesson on that. Unfortunately, the consequences for said constituents will be a lot harsher.

According to Fox News, the letter goes on to “lay out a number of questions, including what steps the administration is taking to assist U.S. citizens and Afghan allies ‘left behind’ in Afghanistan.” Blackburn remarked: “Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan put terrorists in control and left Americans, Special Immigrant Visa [SIV] holders and applicants, and allies stranded. A very small percentage of Afghans evacuated have proven service to the U.S. military. We do not know who the other Afghans Biden evacuated are, and Tennesseans are demanding answers.”

“Demand” in one hand, shit in the other. You know the drill.

Blackburn stated, sensibly, that immigration officials must “thoroughly vet all Afghans brought into the United States.”

Yeh, whynt’cha hold your breath waiting on it.

But it is not at all clear that such vetting is taking place, or that woke Biden administration officials who identify “white supremacists” as the chief terror threat would know an Islamic jihadi even if he was screaming “Allahu akbar” and slicing off their heads. Accordingly, Blackburn added: “While our state is ready to welcome those Afghans who put their lives on the line to serve our country, the Biden administration owes it to publicly inform states like Tennessee before resettling evacuees into our communities.”

News flash for ya, Marsh: “those Afghans who put their lives on the line to serve our country” were mostly left behind—along with God only knows how many Americans—to the less-than-tender mercies of the Taliban. Ie, those pitiful few who haven’t already been brutally killed surely will be, and that right soon.

Maybe you should think about writing another letter “demanding answers” from our Taliban partners in peace, eh?

15 thoughts on “A new zoo in Wisconsin

  1. Sounds like these guys are rural Deobandi Muslims. Chances are that they’re not literate in Pashtun or Dari, much less English. Arabic isn’t spoken or written in Afghanistan. Music and dancing is sinful to these guys, as is art. They will destroy both if given the chance. They’re the same kind of people that did this in Paris a few years back: They’re on a mission to bring the whole world under submission to Allah, and their law, Shari’a, is superior to any Western law. Any female, out walking the streets without a male guardian, is a legitimate target for rape; back in Afghanistan, it’s a death penalty offense (usually by stoning) for the female victim. Insults to Mohammed of any sort invite lethal retribution. Let’s see – they don’t date. The husband meets his future wife on his wedding night, his father buys her with cold, hard cash from her father, usually at a young age. The wedding ceremony is essentially a transfer of ownership. Women have *no* rights, period. It’s going to be interesting to see how the woke types deal with these guys, because if they find out what the woke guys are like, there’s likely to be bloodshed…

    1. The Woke are Cucks. The “men” will don Burkhas when they find out what their new Masters are like.

  2. It used to be, that lawbreakers got taken by the sheriff to the county line, to start walking and don’t ever come back. A modified version of this might be to ship them to Delaware, dump them at the state line, and tell them to start walking…

  3. Allow me to retort..everybody including family member Afghan vets I have talked to have said, no body did anything for us in the Stan, they worked for money, period. I was told the historic translators were known in most cases to be playing both sides. and specifically stated that if a firefight occured the first one who ought to be shot was the translator.

    1. +10
      It’s precisely what I understand. It’s precisely the way it’s always been.

  4. Tennessee’s Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, along with its Governor Bill Lee, all Republicans, have written a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

    OMG, they… wrote a letter!

    Next thing you know, they’ll be shaking a fist at him & then walking away in disgust. That’ll teach ‘em!

    Next time there’s a fire, do be sure to send a letter to the fire dept. urgently requesting their assistance!

    Ok, ok, I’m being unfair.

    After all, if we don’t let them create an endless stream of unmitigated disasters, how else are they going to keep coming up with justifications for more & more government intervention & overreach?

    1. But was it a sternly worded letter? Perspiring minds wanna know!

      Deja Moo. That unmistakable feeling that you’ve seen this bullshit before.

      1. Speaking of which, I just saw they raised the Debt Ceiling.

        In our world Groundhog Day means a Turtle Jumps the Shark over and over forever.

    2. Sounds like it was a polite letter.

      They’re going to escalate to a sternly worded letter in a few months if this continues.

  5. Hey Marsha. If you want the job done right you gotta do it yourself.

    If the Feds won’t, and they won’t, then the State needs to do it. If the State won’t, well then, We, The People are gonna have to roll up our sleeves and get the job done.

    When it gets to that point We, The People may get the idea that there’s more to do than just disciplining some troublesome stone age people.

  6. Afghans were confused and upset by hygiene practices

    Or, in the real world – Afghans were too stupid to squat over a toilet.

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Ezra Pound

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GK Chesterton

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