Little Dutch girl hits it into the cheap seats

No insult intended by that “little Dutch girl” schtick, mind; I was just playing off the old “Little Dutch Boy” cultural meme, that’s all. At any rate, the brilliant, brave, and beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek is about as formidable as formidable comes.

Dutch Activist: The Fall of Europe, the Most Important Speech You’ll Hear
Dutch commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek spoke at CPAC Hungary and began by talking about the stabbings and a riot in European countries and another church burning down in Europe in just the past two days.

As she said, everyone knows, and the governments know, there is a link between mass migration and crime.

This is one of the most important speeches you will hear. A rushed transcript follows the video.

Boy, is it ever—no punches pulled, no flinches flinched, nothing but the straight dope, like a nine-pound hammer straight to the kisser. Just a smidge from said transcript:

Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, murders, shootings, and even beheadings, but let me be clear about one thing, this did not used to happen before. This is a newly imported problem.

Samuel B Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago when he wrote, and I quote, “In the New World of mass migration, the most pervasive important and dangerous conflicts will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between people belonging to different cultural entities, tribal wars, and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations.

Well, boy, was he right, and the worst part is we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it. When another white boy or white girl dies at the hands of an immigrant, we might shake our head; we might let out a sigh; we might even get angry for a minute or two, and then we go on with our lives. We are for the family, thoughts, and prayers, but nothing ever changes.”

What does that say about us?

This is the response of a society that has already given up. A society that has already accepted its defeat. But is this true? Have we given up? Do we really accept the new reality that our globalist leaders have in mind for us? I know one thing for sure, and that if nothing changes, if we don’t fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, for our countries, then this time that we live in, will go down in history as the time in which western nations no longer had to get invaded by hostile armies to be conquered.

The esteemed and estimable Ms Vlaardingerbroek carries on in like vein from there, and it is some truly heady stuff. Francis calls her “A Voice Of Sanity,” and he couldn’t be righter about that; my sincerest thanks to him for the steer, and to Maura Dowling for the transcript. How pitifully far we’ve fallen, that simple, plainspoken truth like this should come as such a shock to us. If you prefer watching to reading, the vid is available at the link. Speaking of Fran, his closing ‘graph caps things off perfectly.

It’s time, as Eva Vlaardingerbroek has told us, to stand and fight: not for the dominance of the world by the white race, but simply for the right to be left alone in our own lands. Unless we elect to do so – and to scorn the race-hustlers and grievance-peddlers demanding that we accept an endless onslaught of “diversity” – our future will be one of marginalization and eventual extermination. Vermin and savages will enjoy – “appropriate?” – what we leave behind…while it lasts. Our ghosts will have only the bitter satisfaction of watching them turn on one another when our legacy is exhausted.

Indeed so, sir, and very well put, as per usual.


“Higher” “education”? In a pig’s eye

Another plainspoken, common-sensical missive from the febrile mind of Mike Rowe, whose Twitter/X/Whatthehellever feed I am pleased and proud to subscribe/follow/whatthehellever. It must seem to him at times as if he’s just screaming at a wall with his writing—a despairing, draining feeling of ultimate futility I’m all too familiar with myself after twenty-some-odd years of throwing this stuff out there to little apparent good effect. However, some things simply gotta be said, no matter what. To my mind, even if it changes nothing, merely annoying the shitlibs and pissing them off makes the endeavor well worth the effort.

Once again, I’ll circumvent the “Read more” clickbait for y’all’s convenience with a little C&P action.

For a guy who runs a foundation that sends young people to trade schools all over America – trade schools where I’m pleased to report, no one is calling for the extermination of Jews – today’s headlines are once again offering another excellent reason to consider redirecting whatever financial support you might earmark for the Ivy League, to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. Why? Because the Ivy League has truly lost its mind.

Consider the latest madness at Columbia University, where the president, Minochuhe Shafik, has announced a new round of remote learning – effective immediately – in response to a noisy rabble of thugs and bullies calling for the eradication of Israel.

If I had a kid at Columbia, I’d be livid. It’s simply mind-boggling that the president of this university would rather consign her students to another crucible of remote learning, than permanently expel the protesters. I mean, seriously, what does it take to get expelled from Columbia? These creeps are on camera, literally screaming into the faces of Jewish students.

“They yelled at us to go back to Poland, said we have no culture, and chanted, ‘Strike, strike Tel Aviv,” said one terrified student. Followed by, “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,” “Go Hamas, we love you, we support your rockets, too.”

In a now-infamous image, one demonstrator appeared before a group of counter-protesters holding Israeli and American flags with a sign pointing in their direction that read, “Al-Qasam’s next targets.”

That’s what you get for $68,000 a year at Columbia – an administration who cowers in the face of thugs and bullies, and a university president who would rather make your kids try to learn off campus, than take a truly hard line with those students calling for the murder of Jews. For the love of God, expel them. Calling for murder is not protected speech.

In the meantime, mikeroweWORKS is accepting applications for our next round of work ethic scholarships. Deadline is the end of the month. It’s worth noting that the careers we’re training people for cannot be taught, or preformed, remotely. It’s also worth mentioning that we accept donations year-round and spend the money we take in with great discretion. You can apply for a scholarship, or donate, at

Excellent questions, excellent advice, bluntly expressed with nary a trace of flinching, prevarication, or weasel-wording throughout. Good on ya, Mike, and keep up the fine work.


Take on off, already

Oh yeah, we can live peaceably side-by-side with these disgusting, America-hating swine. The question I keep asking, however, remains: Should we even want to?

Do note, at 1:20, the fat broad stridently proclaiming, “I love Osama, I wanna suck his dick!” Got some bad news for ya, sweetcheeks: 1) Osama is dead as your average doornail, therefore unavailable for the fellatio-enabled; and 2) as a devout Muzzrat, he’d be unlikely at best to allow a rancid Western infidel whore like yourself anywhere NEAR his jihadist dick, unless it was as a participant in a mass gang-raping-to-death of your stupid, oxygen-thieving ass. That aside, though, I’m sure we could find plenty of patriotic non-lunatics willing to kick in for the purchase of one-way plane fare to the Moslem nation of your choice—to include the entirely fictional “Palestine” areas—where your overfed carcass can then be disposed of properly.

Not that being obese would have anything much to do with this stupid assclown meeting the agonizing fate she so richly deserves, mind. Live alongside insufferable idiots like this? Yeah, fuck all that noise.

(Via Powerline)


No, this is definitely NOT Roman Gabriel’s NFL

Nor Johnny Unitas’s, nor Ollie Matson’s, nor Bart Starr’s, nor Jim Brown’s, nor Mike Ditka’s. Nor mine, nor yours. The people running the show now don’t want it to be, see. And as far as I‘m concerned, may they have joy of their choice, they can fucking well have it.

NFL Funded Left-Wing Group Bailing Out Anti-Israel Bridge Blockers
Community Justice Exchange received grants from NFL’s ‘Inspire Change’ program as recently as 2022

The left-wing nonprofit that bailed out anti-Israel protesters who blocked bridges and highways across the country last week was a multi-year partner of the NFL’s “Inspire Change program” whose work is still promoted on the NFL’s website.

Community Justice Exchange set up a “bail and legal defense fund” for those arrested during last week’s A15 protests. The protests targeted major airports, highways, and bridges in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia. Their explicit goal was to disrupt economic “choke points” to maximize financial disruption, as explained on their website.

The online fundraiser, hosted by ActBlue and organized in conjunction with A15 Action, told donors that the funds will “support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine.”

As an official “Inspire Change” partner, the Community Justice Exchange received grants and publicity in its work “to end money bail and pre-trial detention at the local level and immigration detention at the national level.” The NFL’s partnership with the Community Justice Exchange was last extended in June 2022, according to an announcement from the league. The league touted the left-wing group’s “work with organizers, advocates, and legal providers across the country that are using community bail funds as part of efforts to radically change local bail systems and reduce incarceration.” The grants went toward “coordinating and supporting the 100+ local protest to bail funds and a centralized rapid response fund to support those protesting for racial justice.”

The partnership appears to have since lapsed—the nonprofit wasn’t on the list of grantees announced in May 2023. The NFL’s “Inspire Change” website lists Community Justice Exchange under “Previous Grant Recipients” and still includes a link to the group’s website.

Proud of their little Left-wing fascist goon squads, aren’t they? Like I said, they can have it, all they want and then some. Myself, after being the most rabid Cowboys fan imaginable from my childhood well into my “adult” (a-HENH!) years, I haven’t watched any NFL game—regular season, playoffs, Stupid Bowl, whatever—in several decades now, haven’t missed it even slightly, and almost certainly will never watch another.

Enjoy your “partnership” with the selfsame Leftard pussyfarts who have been trying to get football banned altogether for being “too violent,” “too dangerous” for, oh, ’round about twenty-thirty years or so, while it lasts. You can all go straight to Hell together for all me, and good fucking riddance to the whole sorry lot of you.

Via Sefton—welcome back, JJ!

Update! How we know for sure and certain that there’s really no such thing as zombies, the living dead, angry ghosts who walk among us seeking vengeance against the hated living, &c: Because the shades of Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, John D Rockefeller, Tom Landry, and many others—all of whom were hardcore capitalist Reich-wingers, if not straight-up Fascists, in life—haven’t risen from the grave en masse to tear out Wokester throats in righteous rage over their wanton despoliation of all they once held dear on this tormented Earth. That’s a by-God “tell” if ever I saw one.

Well, excepting the ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOO!!!))))-hate, of course. That would been totally jake with at least a couple of the aforementioned.


Writing: ON THE WALL

Jim Kuenstler puts it to ya straight.

Let’s get real on Islam. Its core principle is to exterminate the humans on this planet who are not of Islam. Islam has been pissed-off at Western Civ since the Crusades, its animus renewed in 1683, when Islam’s advance into Europe was halted at the gates of Vienna, and then again in modern times when Islam got pushed around because Western Civ wanted its oil. Islam is overrunning Europe again and penetrating the USA through our southern border. Islam means business. It wants to wreck us, kill us, and take our stuff. And it dearly, sorely, wants to deep-six Israel, which Islam contemptuously refer to as “the Zionist entity,” as if it were some crypto-insectile space alien.

America (and Europe, too) wants to play this both ways: to grudgingly help Israel survive while at the same time pretending not to notice Islam’s true aims. Looks like Israel has decided to go for broke on this one whether we ride to rescue or not. Israel may have to go “Mad Dog” in its neighborhood. They may lose this thing anyway. The rest of the world will affect to hate them for it no matter how it ends. Meanwhile, all over Europe the Islamic birth-rate way outpaces the Euro peoples’ birth rate. And how many angry, determined “sleepers” has Islam snuck into the USA the past several years across “Joe Biden’s” open border. It’s a bit disturbing to contemplate. Also, never under-estimate the damage that can be wreaked with small arms against “a pitiful, helpless, giant,” as Dick Nixon once described our country in an earlier time of distress. There’s your lightning storm.

In an age when London’s twelve-term mayor is an “Englishman” named Achmed Allahu-Akhbar Mohammed Yusef al Jihad rather than Pongo Twistleton-Twistleton, say, or Sir Reginald Smith-Smythe-Smythingden, “a pitiful, helpless giant” sums the West up pretty well, I’d say.



Sadly, all too many of us seem terribly confused of late as to who the enemy really is. PRO TIP: it is NOT Israel and/or ((((Dem pesky JOOOOOOZ!!!))).

“A Palestinian writer”
The above tweet from Amnesty International is still up. In case it disappears, here is the text:

Amnesty International
The death in custody of Walid Daqqa, a 62-year-old Palestinian writer who was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails after 38 years of imprisonment, is a cruel reminder of Israel’s disregard for Palestinians’ right to life

Last edited
6:39 PM · Apr 8, 2024

The tweet calls Walid Daqqa “a Palestinian writer”, as if he had been imprisoned for his writings – as if he were the sort of prisoner of conscience on whose behalf I used to write letters on that special blue Air Mail paper, back when I was a member of Amnesty International.

To be fair, although you would never guess it from their tweet, the linked article by Amnesty does make perfunctory mention of the non-literary crime that caused Walid Daqqa to be put in prison:

On 25 March 1986, Israeli forces arrested Walid Daqqah, then 24, a Palestinian citizen of Israel. In March 1987, an Israeli military court sentenced him to life imprisonment after convicting him of commanding the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)-affiliated group that had abducted and killed Israeli soldier Moshe Tamam in 1984.

Perhaps concerned about her wordcount, Amnesty’s writer, Erika Guevara-Rosas, did not say much about Moshe Tamam. She cited Walid Daqqa’s youthful age at the time, 24, but did not see fit to say that his victim Moshe Tamam was just 19. And she skips over some relevant details in that brief word “killed”. Daqqa and his PFLP comrades did not just kill Moshe Tamam, they tortured him to death. They gouged out his eyes and castrated him. Then they murdered him.

Sick fucks. But, if we can tear ourselves away from weeping, wailing, and gnashing our teeth for the “over 30,000 innocent civilians” Hamas speciously claims have been killed by the IDF in Gaza—FOR NO REASON, THE INHUMAN BRUTES!—for just a moment, it’s plain that the loathsome Walid Daqqah is hardly an outlier, a grotesque exception, but perfectly typical of his vile cohort.

Hamas Treats Captive Israeli Women as Animals — for ‘All Are Ridden’
The Hamas terrorists behind the Oct. 7, 2023, jihadist raid literally view their female Israeli captives as horses and other animals — to be “ridden.”

During a recent press conference, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari stressed that Hamas members could be heard in their own (now captured) recordings referring to their female captives as sabi (or sabiya), an Arabic word that in Islamic jurisprudence refers to non-Muslim female slaves, whom Muslim men could freely copulate with — in a word, concubines (see here for more on sabis).

Sex slavery is not only an ironclad aspect of Islam; it is a reflection of “piety,” as well captured by a 2015 report:

In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

“He said that by raping me,” recalled the 12-year-old, “he is drawing closer to God.”

“Every time that he came to rape me, he would pray,” explained another girl, aged 15. “He said that raping me is his prayer to God. I said to him, ‘What you’re doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.’ And he said, ‘No, it’s allowed. It’s halal.’”

Seeing rape as a pious gesture is only one of the “oddities” of Islamic sex slavery. In the same press conference, Hagari said that “Hamas treated young women…like animals” and that one terrorist could be heard describing “a woman as a noble mare.”

No doubt, to most (non-Muslim) readers, references to Israelis as animals are a mere reflection of Hamas’s contempt for its “infidel” victims, nothing more.

Mind you, this mind-bending abuse is NOT to be inflicted on Israeli women exclusively, nor even on Jewish females more generally. No, this bestial savagery is Koran-endorsed treatment for ALL “infidel” women, all over the world, as non-Islamic nations inevitably are brought under the sway of Mooselimb rule.

As the article describes, for Moslem males raping “infidel” women of any age is not only permissible, it is actually commendable, taking on the aspect of an act of religious devotion—a divine gesture of pious, reverential obeisance to their fucked-up Murder God.

I repeat: SICK. FUCKS.

Anyone who sincerely believes that ((((Dem JOOJOOJOOJOOOOZ!!)))) are the primary problem confronting Western Civ is refusing to see the forest for the trees, sorry. Hell, most American Jews are more or less atheists anyway—call ‘em JINOs, perhaps, Jewish by ethnic inheritance rather than avowed faith—not being religiously observant, nor even somewhat interested.

No, the primary problem is that, by a huge majority, the religion practiced by American Jewry is liberal/Leftism. Don’t ask me why that is; given, y’know, pretty much all of recorded history, I find it quite perplexing myself.

Be that as it may, though, the essential fact remains: even if you exterminated and/or expelled every last Jew in the US tomorrow—the secular, the way more conservative Orthodox, the ultra-hardass Lubavitchers* alike—you’d be astonished and dismayed the day after that by how very little change would’ve resulted from your longed-for Final Solution. Alas, appalling numbers of shitlibs/Progressivists/Leftards/whatever would remain, along with all the strife, trouble, and woe they cause.

In a nutshell, then, what the Hebe-hatin’ Right are fond of deploring as “the Jewish problem” is not, in fact, much of a problem at all. It’s merely a distraction, a sideshow which draws attention away from the Main Enemy: collectivism, Statism, Leftism, whatever label you wish to slap on it. And, of course, the jihadist plague the Leftards have imported and encouraged, which now flourishes in our very midst.

It beggars belief that the memory of 9/11/01 could have been as thoroughly expunged from American minds as this nonsensical folly suggests. The disgraceful embrace of the plethora of preposterous, repeatedly debunked conspiracy theories on the subject must have been more widespread than sensible sorts feared.

Islam is no more compatible with ordered liberty, individual self-determination, and the rest of our Founding principles than liberal/Leftism is; they are diametrically (triametrically?) opposed, eternally in conflict, irreconcilable and antipodean in both practical and philosophical terms. Lose sight of that fundamental home truth, and you will surely lose everything ere the end.

* As it happens, I lived amongst the Lubavitchers my last cpl-three years in NYC; in fact, the apartment we lived in was over a shul, owned by a young Lubavitcher congregant named Mike to whom the building had been passed down as sort of an early, pre-death inheritance from his father. What a trip the Lubavitchers were, with the big hats; the long, heavy black overcoats worn year-round, even in the stifling August heat; the payess, which are those funny-looking spiral locks hanging down like overgrown sideburns or something; the rocking, swaying, and bobbing as they read from the Tanya, prayed, and sang their, uhhh, hymns (?) out on the sidewalk after synagogue let out. Strange stuff indeed for a Carolina boy who had only ever known one (1) Jew his entire life before traipsing off to NYC, definitely. Really nice folks once you got to know ‘em, though


How to build a border wall

The President of Mexico—or Egypt, or some other place, who can really say for sure—shows us the way.

What is the Israeli Defense Force supposed to do with a million or so Palestinian refugees as their operations to kill every last Hamas wipes the Gaza Strip from north to south like a giant, well-armed squeegee?

The President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who is sometimes mistaken for the President of Mexico, has an answer to that vexing question — and it’s something of a completely routine miracle how the mainstream media and the Global Professional Outrage Machine have both ignored it.

The essence of el-Sisi’s answer is: “Do what you will to the Palestinians, Israel, but they aren’t coming here to Egpyt (or maybe Mexico).”

In practice, it’s much easier just to show you how Egypt protects its border with the Gaza Strip.

Follows, a Twatter/X/whatevs vid, which I won’t bother embedding here. Then:

That’s what Egypt’s border wall looks like from the Gaza side near the city of Rafah. There are concrete barriers in front of what appears to be a steel wall — 30 feet tall is my guesstimate — featuring three layers of concertina wire. It looks a little like somebody took a World War I obstacle and turned it up on one end. 

As Aviva Klompas, who posted the video clip noted, “Egypt REALLLLLY doesn’t want any Palestinian refugees.”

That might seem strange on the face of it since, for 20 years, Gaza was part of Egypt. It gets more curious still when you realize that if Egypt had wanted Gaza back, it could have gotten it (along with the entire Sinai peninsula) in its 1979 peace treaty with Israel.

Instead, then-Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat told Israeli PM Menachem Begin, “Nah, we’re good. You keep Gaza.” Sadat left a few hundred thousand fellow Arabs to the tender mercies of those hated Zionist colonial occupiers because it was the least bad option for Egypt.

Before the refounding of Israel in 1947, Jewish settlers to the British Palestine Mandate (and pre-WWI, to Ottoman Turkey’s South Syira province) often called themselves Palestinians. The local Arabs were a collection of mostly Syrians, plus some Egyptians, Lebanese, and others. “Palestinian” didn’t come into vogue for the Arab refugees of the Israeli War for Independence until the 1960s — and that was at the Soviet-funded behest of Yassar Arafat and his Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Some folks, who I’m otherwise inclined to agree with on Middle East issues, insist that there still isn’t any such thing as a Palestinian. But I must respectfully disagree.

Generations spent unprecedented as refugees, mixed up with the awfulness typical of occupation and lavish funding for terrorist leaders, have resulted in a uniquely Palestinian national identity.

It is also uniquely toxic.

It is at that. So, since they have again and again demonstrated their unwillingness to rethink their position and prefer to double, triple, and quadruple down on A) the destruction of Israel; B) the unquestioned supremacy of Pisslam, established by global jihad; and C) the extermination of every last Jew on Earth, let them perish from said toxicity, then.

While we’re all waiting for that suicide-by-Netanyahu to transpire, Bayou Peter has a question for Amerika v2.0’s “pResident”-ish*** Tyrantosaurus Wrex.

The new border wall was started immediately after the October 7th terrorist attacks in Israel, and it’s already been completed – very fast work. Egypt clearly had a pretty good idea what was coming, and wanted to shut down its border with Gaza ahead of the streams of refugees who would doubtless have attempted to cross. It looks like it succeeded.

Let’s see, now…If President Biden wants to improve US relations with both Egypt and Israel, why doesn’t he hire the Egyptian firms who built that wall so well and so quickly to protect the USA’s border with Mexico in the same way? I’m sure their prices would be a lot lower than local companies, and they’ve got the experience to work fast and well. They could even please the migrants by hiring them as itinerant laborers to build the wall – provided they ended up on the Mexican side of the wall when it was complete.

The only thing missing are lethal defenses to back up the passive ones. Egypt’s taken care of that by sending tanks and armored personnel carriers to patrol the wall. We could do likewise. Employment for the National Guard, perhaps?

Excellent questions, both of them, the answers to which we already know, unfortunately. Which foreknowledge suggests another regrettably familiar question, namely: what is to be done about it?


Dog bites man!

Spencer tears Hamas jihadi murderers a new asshole, although there’s really nothing here that should come as any big surprise to any even sem-sentient being who hasn’t been Rip Van Winkling the last, oh, four-five decades away.

Hamas Member Reveals That Organization’s Goal Is Not Just to Free ‘Palestine’
Virtually every political and media analyst in the Western world agrees that Hamas is a national liberation movement, dedicated to freeing Palestine from an alleged Israeli occupation. Most also assume that if the Palestinians are given a state, Hamas’ mission will end, and the organization will fade away. A video that surfaced Saturday, however, suggests that all of that analysis, despite being nearly universally accepted, is false.

The video is of a hijabed woman, identified as “Elham, Member of Hamas, Planner of a Suicide Bombing,” explaining matter-of-factly that “we don’t only fight against occupation. Our goal is to spread Islam to all, everywhere.” This suggests that Hamas would not be satisfied with a Palestinian state, but would continue its war against the diminished Israel that would remain after the creation of a Palestinian state until the remainder were Islamized as well. What’s more, Elham’s statement amounts to a declaration of war against every state that is not governed under Islamic law.

Of course, there is no indication that Elham speaks for Hamas as a whole. However, many other Hamas spokesmen have said essentially the same thing. Last December, Fathi Hammad, a member of Hamas’ Political Bureau, also spoke of Hamas as having a universal mission beyond the destruction of Israel. He explained that “the [Palestinian] people have been soldiers throughout history. They are now preparing to liberate Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and I am saying this loud and clear: [The Palestinian people] are preparing to establish the Caliphate, with Jerusalem as its capital city, Inshallah. Jerusalem will not only be the capital city of Palestine as an independent state – it will be the capital city of the Islamic Caliphate.”

In Sunni Islamic theology, an Islamic caliphate is a supranational state that commands the allegiance of all Muslims worldwide, transcending nationality and ethnicity. Thus Hammad, like Elham, sees Hamas as far more than just a movement dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Another Hamas official, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, explained in a December 2022 interview that Hamas’ universal mission would eventually bring it into war with Christianity.

Which, it will; in fact, it must. Allow me to remind all and sundry at this point of the way Pisslam divides the entire world into two separate but decidedly unequal parts: the Dar al Islam, or “House of Submission” (contra the idiot George W Bush, the word “Islam” actually means “submission,” not “peace”) and the Dar al Harb, or “House of War.”

Then there’s another ironclad truism that all sensible Westerners desperately need to acknowledge: Radical Muslims want to kill you. Moderate Moslims want the radical Moslims to kill you. Apart from a vanishingly small contingent of truly moderate, more evolved Moslims—for whom the overwhelming majority of Moslims worldwide have a specific designation: apostates, which is a de facto death sentence in and of itself—that really is all any non-Moslem needs to know.

In truth, to even refer to “radical” Muslims at all is a serious misstatement, a real clanger, as the Brits would say. Those wild-eyed, yodeling, bloodthirsty zealots are the mainstream, not the lunatic fringe. Some pusillanimous, dewy-eyed Western mugs and marks still await a phantasmagorical Moslem “reformation” that will bring the jihadi hordes more or less into line with civilized peoples, enabling them to coexist peaceably with the developed world.

Unfortunately, this pitiful triumph of hope over reality blithely ignores the fact that they already had one, back in the mid-to-late 1970s. It was conceptualized, initiated and led by one Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and…well, let’s just say that a kinder, gentler, less fanatical variety of Pisslam did NOT win out in the end.

Meanwhile, shitlibs are weeping, wailing, and gnashing their teeth over Israel’s daring rescue of two more hostages, for which Ace’s header and opening riposte meet the case sufficiently enough to suit me, no further verbiage necessary.

Israel Rescues Two Hostages in Rafah; Leftwing Propaganda Media Emphasizes the Number of Palestinians Killed in the Operation
—Disinformation Expert Ace

I. Don’t. Care.

Annnnd bingo. Nor do I, buddy, not one tiny little iota I don’t. Kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out, Bibi; as the kids say nowadays, ZFG over here. Sorry, not sorry.


Congresswoman Ilhan “Omar,” D-Mogadishu

Oh, fret not, she’s representing her constituents and her country all right. It’s just that her constituents aren’t Americans from her Congressional district in the state formerly known as Minnesota, and her country isn’t what we sometimes mistakenly refer to as the United States of America.

I’ve Been Identifying Ilhan Omar as ‘D-Mogadishu’ for Years. It Turns Out I Was Right.
Ilhan Omar rocketed to notoriety a few years back by warning that some American officials have dual loyalties. As it turns out, she was one of them.

Back in 2019, the winsome and patriotic congresswoman had the courage to declare, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says that it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” She was talking about American officials who supposedly had loyalty to both the U.S. and Israel, but on Sunday, a video appeared on X showing Omar telling a Somali crowd that they all were “Somalis first, Muslims second.” Nothing about being Americans. And that was the least jarring and offensive part of the speech.

Omar was speaking in Somali, and the translation was made by someone who clearly opposes her; however, in response to the controversy that her statements sparked, she didn’t take issue with the accuracy of the translation, but only with its interpretation. To a certain extent, Omar is right about this. She is being criticized for saying, “We Somalis must have the confidence in ourselves that we call the shots in the U.S. The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else.” 

That sounds terrible, but an Omar defender on X contended that it was innocuous: “Omar says she is representing the interests of Somalis in the United States, which is a legitimate task, as a Congresswoman in any democratic system.” Commenting approvingly on that post, Omar herself added: “It’s not only slanted but completely off, but I wouldn’t expect more from these propagandists.”

All right. Certainly, a representative should stand for the interests of his or her constituents. Everyone acknowledges that. But Omar was speaking in Minneapolis and yet says nothing, at least in the available video, about fighting for her constituents’ interests in the United States. Likewise, she says nothing, as you’d expect, about fighting for the interests of the U.S. itself. Instead, she says that the U.S. government “must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia…Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system.”

In the speech, Omar said of herself: “The woman you sent to Congress is working day and night to protect your interest. She knows your plight and that of Somalia. I am as concerned about Somalia as you guys are. Together we will protect the interests of Somalia.” 

That’s swell, but members of the U.S. House of Representatives take this oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Do you see anything in there about protecting the interests of a foreign country? Neither do I. Ilhan Omar has the dual loyalties that she has claimed supporters of Israel have. In the wake of the release of this speech, many are calling for her to be expelled from the House à la George Santos, and she should be. But given the left’s tendency to circle the wagons and defend its own no matter what, that is about as likely as Old Joe Biden uttering a coherent sentence.

Expelled from the House? She ought to be expelled from the goddamned country and sent straight back to the shithole whence she slithered and slimed her way to our shores, with a quickness. But none of us should be holding our breaths waiting for it. Lest we forget:

The repellent Ilhan Omar—a traitor to this nation condemned by both her words and her deeds, and who is in this country illegally—will not be censured, expelled, impeached, or deported. There’s a reason for that, a most shameful one: it’s because WE are the ones who failed to learn the lessons of the Black Hawk Down incident, not her. Clearly, she learned and understood them completely.


Justice, (well) done

Served up piping hot.

The Chickens Come Home to Roost for Chuck Schumer As Pro-Hamas Radicals Target His Daughter
Chuck Schumer and his daughter found themselves on the receiving end of pro-Hamas extremism on Friday evening. While the two ate dinner for Shabbat, “protesters” showed up at the apartment building shouting for a “ceasefire” and accusing Schumer of killing children.

The scene was a familiar one, with crazed Hamas supporters spending the months after the October 7th attack in Israel harassing people and shutting down infrastructure. All in the name of blood-thirsty terrorists who murdered babies, raped women, and beheaded people on camera because they are just so darn “oppressed.”

My feelings about this specific situation involving Schumer are complicated.

Mine aren’t, not even slightly: FUCK him, his whole family, and the horse they all rode in on. Right in the liver, with a rusty railroad spike.

What kind of deranged psychos picket the apartment of a Jewish woman, screaming for a ceasefire with genocidal lunatics, just because her father is a senator? There’s nothing right and good about that, and the protesters themselves should be maligned and condemned.

On the other hand, Chuck Schumer wanted this. He has spent years excusing antisemitism in his own party, refusing to call out bigots like Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar. In lieu of that, he’s blamed all the world’s ills on nebulous, nearly non-existent “right-wing extremists” and “white supremacy.”

When you feed the alligator, I’m not sure you deserve much sympathy when it bites your arm off.

Exactly, precisely so—which is why my sympathy for steaming, stinking pieces of dung like Schemer is not just limited, but entirely nonexistent. He and every other conniving, double-dealing shitlib like him can all die in a fire, screaming, for all me. Protesters showing up at their homes shouting at them is but a mere tithe of what they actually deserve. To paraphrase one of my dear old grandma’s go-to aphorisms, you lay down with Jew-hating Muzzrat terrorists, you get up with fleas. So be it, then.


An “open air prison”

It’s not that the Paleosimians in Gaza are angry about being “mistreated” by the Israelis; they’re angry that Israel—and ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOOOZ!!!)))) generally—exists at all.

Yep, pre-Oct 7 Gaza sure looked like Hell on earth for those poor suffering Paleosimians, didn’t it? After being treated as inhumanely as that—forced by the Israelis (who, by the way, control absolutely everything and everyone in the entire world) to live in such extreme squalor and deprivation as seen above—no WONDER they’re so implacably pissed off. What rational, reasonable human being yearning only to breathe free and be left alone to live their lives in peace WOULDN’T be?

But hey, you know ((((DemPeskyJOOOOOZ!!!))) and their never-ending propaganda trickery. The above footage was probably shot in Milan or Nice or Martinique, and the IDF just P-shopped in the Arabic-language signage on the storefronts and whatnot to fool everybody. JOOJOOJOOJOOOOOOOO!!! Plus, they all have big noses, wear funny hats, are greedy as hell, and sound like a throat-cancer victim trying to hock up the world’s worst phlegm-ball when they talk in that fucked-up Yid language of theirs, the rat-bastards. Right, Jew-haters?

And those JOOOOOO women, they’re just the WORST, right? Compare, contrast:

Yep, looks like a no-brainer to me all right. Then again, I’ve obviously been deceived by the International JOOOOO Conspiracy©, so never mind, I guess.



Four legs good, two legs very, very bad.

An Israeli survivor of the horrific Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7 is speaking out about the barbaric gang rape and murder of a young woman “with the face of an angel.”

Yoni Saadon, 39, a shift manager in a foundry who has four children, was hiding under the stage at the Supernova music festival when Hamas attacked. He said a young woman hiding next to him was shot in the head and fell to the ground next to him.

“I pulled her body over me and smeared her blood on me so it would look as if I was dead too,” he told The Times. “I will never forget her face. Every night I wake to it and apologize to her, saying ‘I’m sorry.’”

After an hour, he looked out. “I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her,” he recalled. “She was screaming, ‘Stop it — already I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’ When they finished they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head.”

“I kept thinking it could have been one of my daughters,” he continued. “Or my sister — I had bought her a ticket but last minute she couldn’t come.”

Later, hiding in some bushes, he saw further horrors as two more Hamas terrorists attacked another young woman. “They had caught a young woman near a car and she was fighting back, not allowing them to strip her,” he said. “They threw her to the ground and one of the terrorists took a shovel and beheaded her and her head rolled along the ground. I see that head too.”

Nah, never happened; Hamas flatly denies it, see, so it couldn’t have, it’s unpossible. And their friends, allies, and enablers in The Squad, shitlib media, and the ((((JooJooJooJOOOOO!!!)))) hatin’ Right all enthusiastically endorse the lies, like moldy, stinking peas in the same rotting pod. If any of these “people” were capable of shame, they’d all be hanging their heads from it.

The antidote? Rat cheer.

UFC star Conor McGregor could be trading his boxing gloves for a suit.

The featherweight champion hinted yet again this week that he is planning a run for the presidency in Ireland — a massive career change Elon Musk lauded as “not even fair” to other contenders.

McGregor, 35, who has been outspoken in recent weeks amid violent rioting in Dublin, said Monday he would serve at the whim of the people should he throw his hat in the 2025 election: “It would not be me in power as president, people of Ireland. It would be me and you.”

Tesla founder and Twitter owner Musk quickly showed support for McGregor, stating the longtime politicians wouldn’t stand a chance against the newcomer.

“I think you could take them all single-handed. Not even fair,” Musk replied, alongside a crying laughing emoji.

In a lengthy response to the Space X CEO, McGregor pointed out that the road to the nomination would be a tedious process, but he feels strongly that he’d find success on the other side: “I’d fancy my chances Elon, 100%”

His main goals, McGregor claimed, would be for “transparency” in government.

“Currently there is none. Not an iota. False promises come around the time of election and then it is literally straight ignorance into the face thereafter. It’s disgusting…This is why I’d run, if I was to. To be a voice of the people that deserve to be heard.”

McGregor initially showed interest in Ireland’s highest office last week after a man knifed three children — including a seriously injured 5-year-old — and an adult during riots in Dublin.

He chastised the violence, warning that he would step in to course correct if the current government can’t.

“If they do not act soon with their plan of action to ensure Ireland’s safety, I will,” he said.

I hope like hell he does. Run, Conor, run! Your country never needed you more. As I said, we could use someone like you over on these sad shores right about now.

The difference

All boldface mine, indicative of the real bottom line here, the Big Question that every Western society must soon ask itself—and answer—else surrender to eternal subjugation as another conquered part of the Dar al Pisslam.

The anxiety among Jews is perhaps most pronounced in Great Britain, where 500,000 Jews are outnumbered 10-1 by five million Muslims. Close to half of British Jews now say they are thinking of emigrating, so great has their sense of insecurity become.

What do British people think? Would they be glad to see so many British Jews leave the country, where they have for many centuries been loyal, productive, and creative citizens, driven out by Muslim migrants who have been neither loyal, nor productive, nor creative citizens of the land where they batten on government benefits of every kind, regarded as a kind of proleptic “jizyah,” and openly declare their hope and expectation, through demographic conquest, to turn the U.K. into part of Dar al-Islam, where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere? Is that the future the British feel helpless to prevent, or will they come to their senses in time, and do the following: first, put a stop to any further Muslim immigration; second, deport all migrants who are in the country illegally; third, deport all Muslims convicted of crimes after they have served their sentences; fourth, halt all welfare benefits to migrants during the first five years of their presence in the U.K.?

FIFY with that closing strikethrough, which is most apposite of all. Sefton dots the last “i” and crosses the last “t” for us.

France imported God knows how many million Arabs and Muslims from North Africa and elsewhere and the result was not millions of new French citizens, but the transformation of whole swathes of the country into beachheads of Dark Age barbarism. True, the French government and people did essentially nothing to even try and assimilate these people, but it was a lost cause from the get go. They were invited in and behaved as outsiders and, as per the tenets of Islam, the first wave of Islamic conquerers.

As the article states, 500,000 Jews still live in England but there are upwards of 5 million Muslims. The most popular baby name in England is Mohammed, and that alarming cultural warning sign first happened like five or 10 years ago. Aside from the West adopting the most radical solutions, including the mass stripping of citizenship and deportations, the trend is irreversible. It also presupposes political leadership and a mass movement of the citizenry to adopt measures that go against Western tradition and by recognizing in the first place that Islam is completely incompatible and anathema to the past 2,000 of civilizational development and progress. That too is a non-starter.

The other huge and bitter irony is that places like Germany opened their borders to mass migrants because of guilt over what they did to the Jews between 1933 and 1945. Yet look who they let in to assuage their guilt over the Holocaust: dark age throwbacks mostly from Turkey and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Perfect.

So that leaves it up to the citizenry to take matters into their own hands as they had done in Ireland in the wake of last week’s stabbing spree in Dublin. Problem is that Western governments in the main are firmly against their own people.

And as we all know, with a wide open non-existent border and joke of an immigration system over here, what’s happening in Europe will be and in fact is happening here. We are being transformed into Yugoslavia right before our very eyes.

Yugoslavia? We should be so lucky, JJ. Yemen or Ethiopia, more like.


Hotting up

The War On Christmas has gone international, and escalated considerably.

Oh, and speaking of Christmas:

German Police Arrest Islamist Teens Planning Attack on Christmas Market, Synagogue

I remember, seven years ago, writing about two young women I’d met, from opposite ends of Germany, who told me they’d decided not to sing with their caroling groups at Christmas markets any more because, as one put it, “Christmas is now a target”. And I also recall how many friends on the so-called “right” suggested I was exaggerating the threat. This was the headline on Ed West’s Spectator column the following year:

Christmas markets without armed police are now a thing of the past

And so the first sign of the holidays in Europe, and indeed in New York, is watching the Christmas bollards get installed in preparation for the season of goodwill to all men – if you can afford all those security barriers. From longtime reader Robert Strauss six years ago:


There’s something so disheartening and depressing about the closing of the Lyons Christmas market due to the cost of security concerns that it makes a person just plain tired. Christmas markets are such wonderful traditions: fun and kitsch (in the most wonderful way) and beautiful and singularly atmospheric. I love walking through them. It’s where a kid’s face lights up and a grandparent can escape back into kid-like memories.

And now it’s going away. I can’t help but think of the hashtag-“not-going-to-let-it-affect-our-daily-lives” mantra coming from the likes of Obama, Sadiq Khan, Theresa, and soda-tax enthusiast Jim Kenney. Hey, the gift-packaged barriers really look nice and Christmasy, don’t they? Nothing abnormal there, people. Just pretend there still is a Christmas market when you look at the cute, packaged barriers and enjoy the carols in your earbuds.

What a sad, heartbreaking crock.

Bob S.

As I received the above, came news of the 2017 vehicular jihad in a thoroughly bollardized Melbourne. That last one I wrote about, but you can’t write about them all – because you’d go mad writing the same column over and over while the western world’s political class sticks its fingers in its ears and says, “Nya-nya, can’t hear you!” No amount of death or destruction will persuade them to address the issue. And so once open, shared traditions become throttled by bollards and security. And in meekly agreeing to surrender our future we lose our past, too.

How could it be otherwise? The war being half-heartedly waged against yodeling Pisslamic jihadis isn’t some small-scale “police action” or yet another far-removed brushfire conflict which effete Westerners can laconically forget about or ignore as a minor annoyance that doesn’t really affect them all that much—most especially not when we’ve permitted our so-called “leaders” to dump several divisions’ worth of enemy soldiers into our very laps, either via studiously looking the other way as they waltz across our nonexistent southern border or just importing them directly, resettling them en masse under the threadbare cover of “refugee” status.

No, this one is for all the marbles, I’m afraid, with the highest imaginable stakes for every last one of us. It’s an existential war, quite literally, and the losing side in that sort of war loses absolutely everything.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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