Planned obsolescence?

Veddy interesting. Veeeeddy interesting, indeed.

Could It Be That Anheuser-Busch Tanked Bud Light ON PURPOSE?
So many stories involving the Left these days come down to the core question: are they stupid or evil? Bud Light’s resounding nosedive after making the repulsive and obnoxious fake woman Dylan Mulvaney the face of the brand is the latest.

All this time it has been assumed that Anheuser-Busch was appallingly stupid, tanking its premier brand in a misguided quest for woke points. Now, however, it turns out that they may have been evil all along, wanting to destroy Bud Light because too many of the wrong kind of men drank it — that is, men who are comfortably masculine. A former Anheuser-Busch has now said that the whole thing was done on purpose.

This seems to be a frankly suicidal decision from a business standpoint, but it coincides with what Alissa Heinerscheid, Bud Light’s vice president of marketing, said on March 30, just before Mulvaney came out as Bud Light’s new spokesman. “I’m a businesswoman,” said Heinerscheid with noteworthy self-importance; “I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light.”

This would involve not just working to attract the wild-eyed ideologues, the deluded, and the mentally ill as new Bud Light drinkers, but to alienate the old customers as well. Heinerscheid explained: “We had this hangover, I mean Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out-of-touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach.” So was Mulvaney brought on not just to attract the woke to Bud Light, but specifically to drive away the ordinary guys who had been the backbone of the brand’s audience?

That was what the former employee said. “Why would they do this? What were they thinking?” he asked. “Especially now. This is the worst; it’s like the worst time yet, the best timing….Many of us are talking about that like they planned it in a way…like a strategic destruction of Bud Light.” Anheuser-Busch executives apparently decided it was time to cut loose those MAGA hat-wearing right-wing yahoos once and for all.

Echoing Heinerscheid, the former Anheuser-Busch employee added, “Bud Light has been failing for many years. We’ve talked about that for many years. The numbers of just, you know, little by little deteriorated. And it feels like they said, ‘let’s put this nail in the coffin.’” Bud Light would forever shake loose the frat boys, the flag wavers, the patriots. The woke scorekeepers such as the Soros-funded Human Rights Campaign would give Anheuser-Busch a lifetime gold star. The woke would make Bud Light their beer of choice to own the cons, even if they had to hold it as gingerly as Ted Lieu did.

So maybe Anheuser-Busch executives are not stupid; they’re just evil. They meant to destroy Bud Light all along, to rid themselves forever of their image of being a beer for ordinary Americans who might dare to resist the Left’s authoritarian agenda. Sure, they’d lose a few billion, but in the end, they’d have the approval of the woke, the compromised, and the insane, and that’s all that matters.

One thing you gotta give to the Left: always and forever, in any and all imaginable circumstances, they’re gonna have a plan. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a good or even a workable one; actually, history tells us that they very rarely are either of those things. Nevertheless, count on it: no matter what it may look like they’re doing or not doing, they’re working a plan. Every. Single. Time.


Another non-apology apology

This time from Anheuser-Busch. Spencer’s title is worth a look all by itself.

Anheuser-Busch Issues Statement on Bud Light Brouhaha That Will Satisfy No One (Just Like Their Beer)

Heh. Mind, as somebody who never could stand beer, I have no dog in that particular fight.

It has been nearly two weeks now since Bud Light decided to shove transgender madness down our throats by featuring fake woman Dylan Mulvaney in its advertising, and only on Friday did Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth emerge from his bunker and offer a statement to try to tamp down the controversy. But in this hour of crisis for his company, which has lost $6 billion and counting in market value since Mulvaney became the Queen of Bud Light, Whitworth tried to satisfy everyone, and will only end up satisfying no one at all.

Most of Whitworth’s statement was just blather. “As the CEO of a company founded in America’s heartland more than 165 years ago,” he began, “I am responsible for ensuring every consumer feels proud of the beer we brew.” Now wait a minute, Whitworth. You may be proud of the beer you brew, although that would be a stretch given that it’s Budweiser, but you expect those who buy the beer to be proud of it, too? I’ve drunk a beer or two in my time, although I’ve generally avoided Bud, and I’ve never said or heard anyone else say, “I sure am proud of this beer.” Why would anyone feel proud of the beer he’s drinking? Does Brendan Whitworth feel a similar pride in the food he eats? Does he exclaim at lunch, “I am so darn proud of this ham sandwich!”?

This is a peculiarly twenty-first century form of blather. We’re supposed to be proud of everything now, even perversions and mental illnesses. And since Whitworth is writing to, among others, people who loudly proclaim how proud they are that Dylan Mulvaney is pretending to be a woman, his choice of words is unlikely to have been reflexive or accidental. He seems to be trying to sidle up to the gay pride folks without actually mentioning them straight out.

Whitworth informs us that he spent “time serving this country” and reminds us of “the importance of accountability,” even as he is in the process of evading accountability. “As CEO of Anheuser-Busch, I am focused on building and protecting our remarkable history and heritage. I care deeply about this country, this company, our brands and our partners. I spend much of my time traveling across America, listening to and learning from our customers, distributors and others.” Okay. So what about Dylan Mulvaney?

“Moving forward,” says the proud Brendan, “I will continue to work tirelessly to bring great beers to consumers across our nation.” Terrific. But…what about Dylan Mulvaney?

That was it. Brendan Whitworth went back into his bunker without saying a thing about why everyone was paying attention to his statement in the first place.

He’s right; I read the whole sorry statement earlier, and nowhere will you find any mention whatsoever of the very thing that sparked this whole controversy in the first damned place. Which is understandable, of course, when viewed from the position of an A-B exec. After all, the goal here is to get pissed-off Bud Light drinkers to STOP talking about it, not to spur on further discussion.

C’mon, everyone, let’s just move on, can’t we? It never happened, I don’t know what you’re talking about, and it was three other guys who did it! LOOK, OVER THERE, A SQUIRREL!

Bud Light is in a similar position to the one Harley-Davidson was some years back: an aging customer base, falling profits, dwindling interest among younger people in their products. I remembering reading an interview with some H-D exec or other discussing these very issues back when the Motor Company was down and very nearly out, and how it might possibly be resuscitated.

And shortly after I saw that article, behold! Harley’s big break with the tradition that originally made them, the V-Rod, was introduced. A truly radical departure from H-D’s legendary cruiser/touring bikes, with a brand-new Porsche-designed engine and groundbreaking (for Harley) cosmetics that dispensed with the classic Harley styling—fatbob tanks;  casual, laid-back seating position; wide bars; low to the ground; lots of eye-grabbing chrome—the V Rod was actually quite a success, at least in the overseas market.

Car & Driver said Harley-Davidson’s branding was “culturally rather than technologically driven; so imagine our surprise at seeing the company’s newest ride, the V-Rod, complete with a liquid-cooled DOHC four-valve V-twin developed in partnership with Porsche Engineering.” They added, “we think the V-Rod is a serious threat to its own stablemates as well as to cruisers from other manufacturers. It’s that good”.

Motorcycle Cruiser wrote “The V-Rod was intended to bring in more than the usual suspects, and it did. It became the company’s best-selling bike in other countries. In America, V-Rod buyers often came from other brands, attracted by its modern engine, excellent performance and not-the-usual-cruiser style”.

Gee, coinkydink? I think NOT.

What Harley managed to achieve with its market-base-extending new offering, A-B now hopes to pull off with its tranny-sicko ad campaign: lure in some new customers, and keep them. Just one problem with that, though.

Pro-sanity activist Matt Walsh remarked, “Anheuser Busch has finally released a statement, and it’s just as clumsy and stupid as the marketing stunt that got them into this mess in the first place.” He added, “The statement won’t satisfy their conservative customers because there is no apology or acknowledgment of wrong. And it won’t satisfy the Left because it doesn’t affirm transgenderism and admits at least (without using the word) that the trans issue ‘divides people.’” And most importantly, Walsh said, “the boycott is still on.”

Brendan Whitworth has thus accomplished nothing. And of course, he had extremely little room to maneuver. He couldn’t possibly disavow Dylan Mulvaney without enraging the Left and opening up his company to new boycotts, as well as to the possibility of violence against innocent Bud distributors and stores selling the product. But he couldn’t affirm that the Mulvaney campaign was a great idea without further alienating the patriots who are already making the company feel the heat in their declining market value. So he tried to balance between two barstools and fell off both.

Aww, too bad. My heart just bleeds for them, really it does. Red, that would be, not rainbow-hued.

After being saved by a timely goobermint tarriff increase in 83, the Harley Davidson Motor Company was able to make itself competitive on market ground which had shifted under its very feet, thanks in no part to the Big Four cabal of Jap-bike makers’ diabolically-cunning strategy to destroy the American motorcycle industry by flooding the market with cheap,  lightweight, durable, low-maintenance bikes—a move that actually saw a large portion of their own US dealership franchises driven out of business, having been forced to sell their wares at suicidal, below-cost prices due to the low skullduggery of the rice-burner manufacturers.

Question now is, in a world in which beer-drinkers have long since moved on to pricey boutique-beer, in the main brewed and sold locally, will there ever again be a significant market for the watery, limp pisswater cranked out by companies like A-B? Beer having (d)evolved from being something of a lowbrow preference to snobbish poofery? We shall see, we shall see.

Update! Further thoughts from Bill, who, like myself, is highly dubious of the notion that boycotts and the like ever accomplish much of anything.

Can’t hide this decline

More Blibberin’ Biden.

Something is wrong with President Joe Biden, and everyone knows it.

Last week, Biden was asked if his administration will consider delaying the end of Title 42, a pandemic immigration restriction that allows for fast deportation of migrants illegally crossing our border in the name of stopping the circulation of COVID-19.

Biden started rambling. “No. What I’m considering is continuing to hear from my — my — First of all, there’s gonna be an appeal by the Justice Department. Because as a matter of principle, we want to be able to be in a position where if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need Title 42 that we’d be able to do that. But there has been no decision on extending Title 42.”

It turned out he was talking about mask mandates on airplanes and other forms of transportation. That raises the issue of consistency: If the administration will continue to push masks on planes because COVID is still a threat, isn’t Title 42 protecting against that same threat?

But it would at least be nice if the president knew what he was talking about.

Who would seriously expect any such thing from a lifelong ProPol marionette like Howdy Doody Biden? Moreover, WHY would they? It’s not as if Gropey ever DID know what he was talking about, even back in the days before the Alzheimers had taken him completely off his chump and he’d started angrily hooting and cawing at lawn statuary out of the clear blue sky, or attempting to engage parked cars, restaurant awnings, and manhole covers in casual conversation.

This isn’t simply misspeaking. He seems fully out of it, and we’re all watching quietly.

So? What’s anybody supposed to do about it, anyway? Vote for Romney or something?

On Friday, Biden tried to comment on Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education law and came out with this word salad: “There’s nothing conservative about deciding you’re going to throw Disney out of its present posture because Mickey Mouse? In fact, do you think we should be not be able to say, you know, ‘gay’? I mean, what’s going on here?”

Yeah, like you’d have the vaguest clue about that.

On Easter Monday, a reporter at the White House asked Biden about Afghanistan. As he started answering the question, a staffer in an Easter bunny costume appeared, waving her arms in front of Biden’s face and ushering him along to a different part of the event.

It’s funny, sure, but it’s also kind of scary.

But mostly funny. It’s only scary to the kind of nebbish thumbsucker who still thinks the President has anything much to do with actually running the country.

Who is really running the show at the White House? The president often makes comments about what he’s “allowed” to say, how many press questions he’s permitted to take and which specific reporters he can call on. Who is making these decisions? Is Joe Biden the president or not?

Sure he is, for the time being at least. But he’s exactly the kind of “President” The Power always wanted for itself, and finally has: a shambling, stumbling, biddable meat-puppet who goes where he’s told to go, does what he’s told to do, and says what he’s told to say. He knows his part in this theater production and is content to play it, leaving him no reason to offer the Men Behind The Curtain any resistance or grief about it except maybe when he’s having one of his “episodes,” or coming out from under the reanimation drugs.

A half-century spent assiduously licking Deep State ass; learning every twist and turn in the Swamp there is; and enlisting his entire family in building one of the most brazen and barefaced influence-peddling, baksheesh, logrolling, and out and out bribery operations the world has ever seen prepared one Joe Robinette Biden, hack of all hacks, to do the bang-up job of pretending to govern the nation while lining his pockets, rewarding his friends, and punishing his enemies we’re now witnessing. The soulless, witless empty suit is certainly no statesman. He isn’t admirable, honorable, nor particularly personable, at least from what I’ve seen and read of him. What he IS, though, is infinitely malleable, unimpeded by any of the usual traits that would tend to cause a normal person to hesitate, hold back, or stay his hand: ethics, empathy, dignity, basic human decency.

Is Joe Biden the President? Of course he is; as a senescent figurehead guiding a senescent country gently into That Good Night, he’s one of the very best fits for the job there could possibly be in America’s twilight years. It’s just that some of us old dogs need to let go of the archaic notions concerning what a President is supposed to be and to do which we had hammered into us all these years and get ourselves right with contemporary reality, that’s all.


Not Evil, Just Baffling

Researchers Make Non-Alcoholic Beer Taste Like Regular Beer

The researchers are pleased to be able to contribute to a much healthier lifestyle and hope that their new invention will help more people cut down on alcohol because now they will have equally delicious alternatives.

Maybe the researchers have missed this, but most people drink beer for the alcohol. Whether to numb the drudgery of their lives, to loosen up and laugh at a party, or in order to get laid, the alcohol is the whole point.

People who drink beer only for the flavor should stick to juice boxes. And juice boxes have a straw!

The article told me one thing I didn’t know:

aroma hops are mainly farmed in the west coast of the U.S.

Given that hops are high in phytoestrogens, I wonder if this explains some of the oddities of Washington and Oregon? The people who flock to Portland aren’t exactly manly men, if you know what I mean.


It’s five o’clock somewhere

After the bleak despair of the previous post, how’s about something a little more uplifting, eh?

Some states are declaring what businesses are “essential” and “non-essential.”

Many states, at least, are putting liquor and beer/wine stores in that “essential” category (it’s a pandemic, people, and alcohol has been proven to help*).

But getting out to the store is not easy for everyone — especially for the most vulnerable Americans.

Take Olive Veronesi. She’s 93 years old and lives outside Pittsburgh. She ran out of beer during the coronavirus lockdown and, being in a vulnerable age group for coronavirus, couldn’t leave to get more.

So she made a little sign and held it up in front of her window, holding a Coors Light can. “I need more beer!!” she said from her home in Seminole, news station KDKA reported.

People have sent in comments from all over the world. “Love you to bits all the way from England,” Martin Goodwin wrote. “Oh okay a 93-year-old does it and it’s funny and heartwarming but when I do it I’m an alcoholic,” Ty Mason wrote.

And in this day and age, heroes come in all sorts. Coors stepped up to the task and pledged to help out Veronesi. “Olive asked, and beer is on its way,” Coors Light tweeted Sunday night.

Hey, if Granny wants a beer, she by God oughta have herself one.

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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