One of Ace’s longtime Moronettes, Alexthechick, shares some real-world personal experience that walks us through some of the numerous problems with red-flag laws, currently the très fashionable gun-grabber ploy getting the old shitlib/Vichy GOPe hard-sell as this year’s “reasonable,” “common-sense” “compromise” measure that will help put an end to the deranged, known-wolf school shooter phenomenon for us.
alexandriabrown @alexthechick
To show the potential issues with Red Flag laws, I shall discuss what happened to a client with the issuance of a protection order against him. He had an ex-wife who was bipolar and who refused to take her meds. She continued to harass him years after their divorce.She showed up to court with a black eye and said he punched her in the face. She sought a protective order against him, which the judge issued. She also filed a criminal complaint for assault against a woman. The protective order statute requires gun confiscation until hearing.
Client learned about this when the police showed up to serve him with the order and summons for court appearance. He was stunned by this not only because he didn’t hit her but because he was out of the state on the date this supposedly happened. He told the police this.
The police shrugged and said we’re just here to serve you and get your guns. That is true. The cops do not adjudicate, they only do what the court says. So he turned over his guns and then got in touch with us later that day. Boss [I assume this means alexthechick’s boss at the law firm] and he were long time friends.
Boss told him to get together every bit of documentation about him being out of town, hotel receipts, meal receipts, any video of him at the gathering he was attending, all of it. Boss also got in touch with the DA and said he was out of state, he couldn’t have done this.
DA said I’m not dropping this but move to dismiss and we’ll hear both motions at the 10 day hearing on the protective order. So we filed the motion to dismiss and motion to consolidate and then Boss went to the hearing. The crazy ex didn’t show up to the hearing at all.
Boss presented everything to the judge. Judge told the DA withdraw the charges or I’m dismissing. The DA said fine, I’ll withdraw. Now, it’s better for the stats on the DAs side to withdraw than to have the case dismissed. Judge also refused to extend the protective order.
Client asked where do I pick up my guns. Judge said you have to go through the paperwork to do that. We’d anticipated that so we had the forms ready and the judge signed the forms. Client said where do I pick them up and judge said this has to be processed, it’ll take three weeks.
Client also asked the DA when the hearing would be for the ex’s perjury charges. The DA said what perjury charges? Client got very upset because it was obviously perjury, he wasn’t even in the state, she provably lied, that’s perjury. DA said no we don’t charge in these cases.
Three weeks go by and client starts calling the sheriff’s office to get his guns back. He keeps getting the run around. Boss had to threaten to go back to court to get an order compelling compliance. When client picked up the guns, his Mossberg shotgun was gone.
The sheriff’s office initially denied that he even had one, luckily he’d kept a copy of the inventory. It took seven months for him to get reimbursement for the Mossberg. The sheriff’s office never did say what happened to it other than there must have been a mix up.
While all of that is going on, client was looking for work. He had two interviews that went well and he was told that he would be offered the job once the background check was done. Both jobs retracted offers after the background check came back.
So we had to get copies of the background checks from the background check services. Sure enough, due to how the database on the state side was maintained, the data scrape pulled the protection order and the charge but the dismissal wasn’t showing up yet.
Client now had to decide if he wanted to disclose to a potential employer that, hey, I have a crazy ex who claims false things about me, here’s a copy of the dismissal paperwork or if he wanted to wait the five weeks it would take for the dismissals to propagate through the dbase.
Also the dismissal paperwork on the criminal charges was marked dismissed due to failure of complaining witness to appear. That said nothing about she lied about this entire thing. Boss had to explain the situation to an employer who, thankfully, listened.
Because they were friends, Boss handled this at a very low rate. It still cost the guy $2,500. If it had been at Boss’s standard rate? Well over $10,000. All for something that was an actual lie. But but but alex! Due process! It worked! Sure. In theory, it did.
The protection order was not renewed. The criminal charges were dropped. He got all but one of his guns back. He got a job, eventually. It all worked. Sure it did. All it cost him was $2,500, months of his life, humiliation during interviews, and immense stress. For a lie.
This guy, mind, had done nothing wrong; he had committed no crime, had never harmed a single soul with his deadly, e-ville ARSENAL!!! of GUNSGUNSGUNSGUNSGUNS!!! He did, however, make one mistake, a really bad one: he married a psychotic, vengeful, conniving bitch, then decided to rectify his error and ditch her batshit-crazy ass formally and legally.
And that—thanks to the megalomania and ghoulish opportunism of American ProPols, Soviet-style “red-flag” laws, and the cowardly anti-gun mania of the typical American “liberal” panic-ninny—was all it took for the ÜberState to get its talons well and truly into him and turn his whole life upside down and inside out.
Now lest we forget, this guy is one of the lucky ones. The story ended more or less happily for him; dude got two of his three guns back and was eventually reimbursed for the Mossberg shotter the cops stole, after lying about it—albeit only partially, it seems safe to assume. But for every gun guy with a grudge-nursing spouse, neighbor, or co-worker who somehow gets to skate away as relatively cleanly as Alexthechick’s lucky client, you can be sure that, as this “red-flag” horseshit continues to gain traction across the FUSA, there will be at least five, perhaps even ten less fortunate but equally innocent souls who, after five or ten years of desperately fighting a losing battle with The Power, ends up bankrupted by lawyer’s fees, fines, and court costs; jobless, maybe even homeless also; and stripped of not just a gun collection he spent years and mucho dinero and trabajo putting together, but a painful chunk of everything else he owns as well.
No one seems to really know for sure, but there are currently betwixt twenty and perhaps as high as forty thousand-plus gun laws on the books in this *cough cough* “free” country—a country in which a solid share of its citizenry is constantly congratulating itself on having done such a bang-up job of understanding, treasuring, and defending its precious Second Amendment rights. INESCAPABLE FACT: One more gun-control law, or a hundred of them, is not going to prevent a single sad-sack whackadoodle bound and determined to engrave his name into the annals of mass-murdering fiends from securing his fifteen minutes of notoriety. Only children and/or the blood-simple could seriously imagine that a real solution might be so easily found.
Are there effective measures that could be taken to make it more difficult, even damned near impossible, for such sickos to consummate their diseased fantasies of score-settling and schoolyard mayhem? Absolutely, yes. But we’re unlikely to avail ourselves of them, because they will necessarily involve a sort of cascading series of long-term projects that will strike a lethargic, by-and-large contented adult population as too extreme, too unpleasant, and in direct contravention of the verymost fundamental American principles. Which, okay, I admit they are at that. But still. For whatever it might be worth, then, we must:
- Surgically excise the malignancies seeded by the Left like time-bombs throughout American society and institutions, which in turn will require that we
- Disrupt and erode the Left’s ability to exercise unwholesome or destructive influence on American society and institutions henceforth, no matter what it might take
- Develop uncompromising, proactive strategies to counter and/or prevent dissemination of political philosophies which advocate replacing our Founding ideals with collectivist, Statist, Marxist/socialist, or totalitarian-Left ideological systems
Doing those things won’t rid us of this nightmarish scourge immediately; nothing can, more’s the pity. But, in concert with a broad resurgence of enthusiasm for Christian piety and restraint, responsible adulthood, traditional family life, maturity, and moderation, as the very middle-class (ie, Whypeepuh) virtues the Left spent decades denigrating as suffocating, stilted, and unnatural gradually come back to preeminence, these school shooters As J Christian Adams so brilliantly opined in his seminal 2018 piece:
The millennial generation might be surprised to learn that theirs is the first without guns in school. Just 30 years ago, high school kids rode the bus with rifles and shot their guns at high school rifle ranges.
After another school shooting, it’s time to ask: what changed?
Thirty years ago, kids who brought their rifles to the high school shooting range didn’t wonder about evil and cultural decay. They simply lived in a time in America when right and wrong were more starkly defined, where expectations about behavior were clear, and wickedness hadn’t been normalized.
The idea that guns caused the carnage we have faced is so intellectually bankrupt that it isn’t worth discussing.
Perfectly true, I couldn’t agree more. So it’s high time we stopped discussing it then, wouldn’tcha say? Gun-grabber SOP after each of these hideous massacres has become so familiar, so by-rote and predictable, it’s now gotten tiresome as well as pointless. We know what they’re really after; they know that we see through them and have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of letting them achieve their ultimate goal. From here on out, let’s not allow them to drag us along for yet another ride down the same old road. From here on out, the discussion is OVER. We ain’t gonna play your game anymore. The one and only way you’re ever going to get them will be bullets first. Period, full fucking stop, end of fucking story.
At this late date, statistics, comparative analysis, common sense, the historical record, and observable reality have all made it perfectly clear that, here in the United States of America in this, the Year of our Lord 2022, we do NOT have a gun problem. What we have is a Democrat problem, a Leftist problem, a liberal problem. From the calculated rubbling of a once healthy, orderly, and decent society—said rubbling being the fruit of a dimwit nihilism that provided a kind of soul-stunting chrysalis from whence, like so many Death’s-Head moths, the school shooters could crawl into the light of day; to staggering hyperinflation; to a wantonly shattered economy; to unprecedented shortages; to unheard-of prices for the fossil fuels which are the very lifeblood of every First World economy in the name of a risibly phony climate “crisis”; to burdensome, prosperity-throttling overregulation; to a sprawling, meddlesome, Constitution-profaning central government; to rogue, out of control, and unaccountable federal agencies and agents; to in-your-face exhibitions of sexual dementia thrust upon bewildered five year olds in our public schools and libraries; to public school teachers, aides, principals, administrators, and boards of education who misperceive their mission as indoctrination instead of education, seduction rather than instruction, but who even so are such brave, transgressive Warriors for Justice they desperately try to hide the truth of what they’re up to from parents and dishonestly deny the whole thing when caught red-handed, like the slinking cowardly shitlibs they are; to rampant urban lawlessness overseen by a “justice” system so thoroughly corrupt and dysfunctional it can’t even begin to rein in the marauding thugs; to a power grid so decrepit, overstressed, and ill-maintained no knowledgeable person seriously expects it to hold together for very much longer—virtually ALL of our nation’s problems, issues, and failures can rightly be laid on a single doorstep. Which happens to be nailed to the front porch of the House Of Progressivism.
Gee, if only there was some way we could properly thank these fine folks for all they’ve done for to us…
It is amazing how quickly things will change if “Law Enforcement” is not confident they will make it home safely at the end of their shift!
There certainly is a way to show them our gratitude LOL but please call these communists what they are communists
If he tracked down the ex and the D.A., and shot them both in the face on the courthouse steps on live TV, I’d vote to no-bill him, and if he was charged, I’d vote to acquit under self-defense.
Ditto if he shot the cops coming to enforce any future order at any future date.
That’s “due process” and “equal protection”.
I clicked on the link about 20-40 thousand gun laws. For a moment a box popped up with Cyrillic writing, then disappeared.
And I see nothing about the gun law numbers other than an assertion that somebody said so.
I’d take that link down. Something with it is corrupt. YMMV.
Hmm, bizarre. The link is to the Bartley Law Office, which specializes in 2A cases. I just checked it again, and it works as intended for me.
I tried it a couple more times, much later and didn’t get the pop up screen in Cyrillic, so maybe it was just an anomaly. It was odd though, that screen popped up as soon as the Bartley screen came up and I’ve never seen that before.
So, I’ll call it a false alarm 🙂
We know exactly where these red flag laws lead. While it *might* make sense to keep weapons out of the hands of the criminally ill, there is no way to do that and respect the rights of the individuals, and the laws will clearly be abused and used to take weapons away.
The story told by Alex the Chick probably happens multiple times every day and we just don’t hear about them.