There is only one recourse now.
Civil Disobedience Starts Here
As COVID-19 cases increase, the Los Angeles County public health director is threatening – yes, that’s the right word – another indoor mask mandate. It’s a hob-nailed boot on the neck. Angelenos need to resist, for themselves and the rest of the country.
“As COVID cases and other viruses continue to rise, the Southland is inching closer to a mask mandate,” the Los Angeles CBS affiliate reported Sunday. Barbara Ferrer, the county director of public health, who is not a physician, not a nurse, not even a paper shuffler at a doctor’s office, but a social welfarist, said last week that “masking” is one of several “commonsense mitigation strategies” that “remains a very sensible approach.”
Do please note that “and other viruses” business. That’s what’s known in poker-playing circles as a “tell.” If I need to explain to you just what I mean by that, you aren’t tall enough for this ride, and should leave immediately to go seek out something to read that’s more your speed.
Don’t mistake mask mandates as harmless cases of officials acting in an abundance of caution or just covering their backsides, as government always does. Mask mandates are open displays of outright meanness, a manifestation of authoritarian urges to control others. There is no data, no reputable research that tells us mask mandates works.
In fact, the data tells the opposite. Yet officials such as Ferrer and the Sacramento schools chamberlains are insisting that masks must go back on. It’s no coincidence that the madness is starting in a state where personal freedoms are routinely tread upon as if they’re gifts that can be handed down by the government rather than God-given.
People who think this way are dangerous.
Only as dangerous as We The People permit them to be, and not a jot or tittle more. Never, ever forget that.
But what about those N95 respirators recommended by Washington? What if everyone wore one of those? First, if we did, we would look like monsters from a cheesy apocalyptic science fiction movie and yet at the same time like a herd of faint-hearted cowards. But foremost, they don’t work, either.
“Researchers at Canada’s McMaster University … found no statistically significant difference in protection between” the cloth coverings that “offer ‘the least’ protection and N95 respirators,” Just the News reports.
More than two years of experience clearly indicate that “Masks Still Don’t Work,” says the headline of an article written by Jeffrey Anderson, former director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the U.S. Justice Department, posted in City Journal in August.
“The best scientific evidence continues to suggest that masks don’t work,” says Anderson. “Meantime, the public-health establishment continues to ignore that evidence. Public-health officials also remain almost completely blind to masks’ profoundly adverse effects on human interaction and quality of life.”
As I have vehemently insisted from the very start of this shit-circus, it really shouldn’t matter to any Real American who values what pitiful, tatterdemalion shreds of freedom he has left whether they “work” or they don’t. There can be but one and only one issue here, one central criterion that of right ought to override absolutely every other concern: FREEDOM.
That was made manifest from the way we saw petty would-be despots, from Mordor On The Potomac all the way down to the smallest of podunk town councils, jump with such alacrity on the opportunity to rescind American liberty at all levels, with no Constitutional authority to back any of it up, ostensibly based on a “science” that was clearly anything but, spewed all over the landscape by bureauweasel “experts” who were no such thing.
How can there be a grand American experiment in freedom, a future for widespread human liberty if freedoms can be suspended at whim, wrecking the trajectory toward a non-coercive society and taking progress back to another time?
Officials, elected and unelected, have to be reminded they work within limits. If it gets a little ugly, then so be it. Freedom has its enemies and they can’t be allowed to plow at will through our lives. Don’t put on the mask.
Gott-damned skippy, right down the line. And should they persist anyhow, then it’ll be time to start shooting motherfuckers in their fucking pinched, sallow faces.
So fucking be it.
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