We’ve compromised our Nation and ourselves into a semi-Soviet, woke, ‘through the looking glass’, turning our children into travesties of human beings, and now are seriously talking about giving the Communists what they need to finish the job, namely, disarming the American public.
THIS is the way to stop ‘mass shooters’: Carry, Practice. Carry. Practice. And, if that time comes, ‘Take Out the Trash!’
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Tuesday that he is going to give a bipartisan group of Senators more time to work out how many of our constitutional rights we will lose.
How many? Nah, it’s just the one, actually—the same one it always is, and always has been. As the Duke of Wellington said at Waterloo, they’re coming at us in the same old style. But at long last, it is imperative that Real Americans foresake General Picton’s advice and not meet them in the same old style anymore. The tit-for-tat, proportionality über alles method has permitted them to advance so far that the 2A has been very nearly extinguished as a practical matter, so it’s time and past time for a newer, more defiant and bellicose approach. Unless we swap the kid gloves for a set of knuckledusters with a quickness, all will be lost, and that right soon.
How magnanimous of the Leader. He and the Dems are apparently not in any rush to institute a laundry list of Second Amendment infringements. Why should they be? Each day that goes by their lapdogs in the mainstream media make their case for them. Even FOX News has joined in. FOX’s news actors positively gushed Tuesday over Matthew McConaughey’s recent guns-are-bad performance. “It was so emotional,” one of their vacuous news actors muttered.
And hey, it’s NEVER a bad idea to base national policy purely on emotion instead of reason, logic, and the fucking US Constitution, right? Not that the Democrats would agree, natch—their entire policy platform has been based exclusively on emotion since the mid-60s, if not longer.
Enough is enough.
I am sick of watching our gun rights being bartered away by RINOs, Quislings and traitors, none of whom speak for me. None of whom understand guns. None of whom have likely even fired a damn gun. And, quite frankly, I don’t care which liberal Hollywood actor they drag in next to buttress their case.
We have nothing to gain by entering into discussions with the gun banners. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Conversely, we have everything to lose. Our team should immediately walk away from the table. It’s not like we’re going to get anything from the talks. The gun banners expect us to willingly give up some constitutional rights. They won’t give up anything. This is not even an actual discussion. It’s a strong-arm robbery.
DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING WE HAVE A WINNAH! I swear, the above paragraph is so chock-full of rich, buttery goodness you could get fat from reading it.
Instead, we need to hold the line. We need to understand that the Uvalde killings weren’t caused by you or me or the guns in our safes. They weren’t caused by the NRA, the GOA, the SAF, the USCCA or by the scores of state-level gun-rights groups. Neither were the killings the fault of the gun or the gunmaker. The madman was at fault, may he continue to rot in hell.
Correct as far as it goes, which isn’t quite far enough. The madman, directly, yes. Indirectly, the societal rot carefully seeded, nurtured, and brought to full emetic flower by the Evil Left. WE understand this perfectly well already; THEY may or may not, but will never, ever admit the inescapable truth therein, lest their ongoing program of tyranny, subjugation, and untrammeled power suffer for it.
The gun banners excel at instituting a sense of mass guilt whenever one of these atrocities occurs. Unfortunately, many of our lawmakers buy into it and surrender our rights as a result. There are a lot of slices of bread on the table right now – expanded background checks, RKBA infringements for 18-20-year-olds, waiting periods and a national Red Flag law. The gun banners are salivating. I say we put them on a carb-free diet.
Carbs, my squinted eye. The only thing that will work is to put them on a hot-lead diet, as we all damned well ought to know by now. These filthy, conniving shitweasels must never again be treated with as if they were anything other than exactly what we know them to be: liars, manipulators, sneak-thieves, and amoral opportunists with less probity and abstemiousness than a rabid wolverine in rut. Henceforth, the only thing they should ever get from us is the backs of our hands—quite literally, in a way they’ll never forget.
Chuckles Schumer and his fellow Uniparty grubworms think to take guns away from blameless American citizens who have done no wrong whatever, do they? Let them try, then.
Bring it, motherfuckers. Let’s just see what it gets you in the end.
(Via WRSA)
Only one very minor quibble – “their entire policy platform has been based exclusively on emotion”
Their “platform” is the same as every other communist/marxist/fascist country: They are the masters and you are the slaves.