The vultures, sensing a freshly-deceased meal, descend.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell anticipates there will be a peaceful transition of power if former Vice President Joe Biden beats President Donald Trump, The Hill reports.
We’ll just see about that, now won’t we?
“Of course,” McConnell told reporters in Kentucky when asked about the possible scenario. “We’ve had a peaceful transfer of power going back to 1792, every four years, we’ve moved on to a new administration.”
We have. What we HAVEN’T had before is a Democrat-Socialist attempt to steal an election that was as blatant and audacious as this one.
On Friday, McConnell tweeted that “every legal vote” should be counted and that “all sides must get to observe the process.”
Which they most certainly have not. Got anything to say about that, Yertle? Anything at all?
The Power assumes that everything will now just go straight back to Mordor on the Potomac business as usual, ante Trump. Will Real Americans disabuse them of that arrogant presumption? Only time will tell.