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Hotting up

It’s about fucking time.

Federal agents said Thursday they thwarted a plot to violently overthrow the government as well as kidnap and harm Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer — a conspiracy that included visits to her home in northern Michigan and training with firearms and explosive devices.

The alleged plot mainly involved six conspirators unhappy in part about Whitmer’s coronavirus restrictions, calling her a “tyrant.” They wanted to create a “self-sufficient” society free from they called unconstitutional state governments and discussed plans to storm the Capitol and take hostages, according to FBI documents filed in court.

Organizers allegedly met starting in June, including at a Second Amendment rally in Lansing and in a Grand Rapids shop basement accessed through a secret door hidden under a rug.

The plot also included at least seven members of a Michigan militia known as the Wolverine Watchmen accused by state officials on Thursday of targeting police, making threats to “instigate civil war” and helping to plan Whitmer’s kidnapping, according to state and federal officials. 

The militiamen are, of course, correct: Whitler IS a tyrant, plain and simple. If there’d been any doubt about that before she brazenly declared her intention to defy a Michigan Supreme ruling officially confirming her tyrant-straight-up status, there damned sure can’t be any now.

The federal court filing alleges the conspirators twice conducted surveillance at Whitmer’s personal vacation home in northern Michigan and discussed kidnapping her to a “secure location” in Wisconsin to stand “trial” for treason prior to the Nov. 3 election.

“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”

If they’re tyrants, it ain’t murder. It’s no more than justice—a concept to which “a long train of abuses and usurpations,” to borrow a pertinent phrase, has rendered all too many Americans insensible.

After the charges were revealed, Whitmer slammed President Donald Trump for failing to condemn in strong enough terms hate groups, such as the far-right Proud Boys, whom he told to “stand back and stand by” during the debate last week.

“Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry, a call to action,” the Democratic governor said. 

Yeah, fuck you too. Here’s hoping we’ll eventually learn whether you can sing that same skrawky tune of yours with a nice, stout length of hemp around your neck, bitch.

She also warned those who threatened violence: “We will find you, we will hold you accountable and we will bring you to justice.”

Not if the Wolverine Watchmen, God bless ’em each and every one, catch up with your malignant ass first you won’t. On that most frabjous of days, you’ll get a long-overdue schooling on what “accountability” and “justice” REALLY mean, or did before you and a whole sorry pantload of other evil bureau-rats warped and perverted those fine words beyond any real meaning. And just in case anyone out there has any concerns about the propriety or morality of such seemingly radical steps as these, may I remind one and all:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.

Seems clear enough to me.

Incongruous update! Well, that got weird awful quick.

Several media outlets, including the New York Times and the UK Daily Mail have attempted to cast the individuals as “right-wing” and “Trump supporters,” but at least one suspect, Brandon Caserta, held views more nuanced than that.

Breitbart News reviewed Caserta’s Facebook profile shortly before it was deleted.

In several YouTube videos, Caserta opined about rights and the illegitimacy of government.

“The Constitution is illegitimate,” he said in one posted on May 16, 2020, which was removed after Caserta’s account was terminated.

“Authority doesn’t exist, dude,” Caserta said, seated in front of an anarchist flag, “and, like, the law doesn’t exist.”

Other videos, including some Breitbart News reviewed on Caserta’s Facebook page prior to deletion, the suspect criticized the police, calling them “obedient order-followers.”

Hmmmm. FBI false-flag op, perhaps?

Something rotten update! Stinky, hinky, not on the up and up.

At least two of the six people indicted on Thursday were not right-wing militia members, Trump supporters, or Proud Boys, as Whitmer irresponsibly represented. According to information coming out on Thursday evening, one of the ring leaders of the plot is a leftist insurrectionist anarchist who hates President Trump. Another, Pete Musico, shares the same philosophy.

It makes you wonder what else do we not know about these Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Case Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta, and others up on state charges in Michigan.

Producer Robby Starbuck, Reddit, and probably 4Chan went to work to trace back the social media breadcrumbs left behind by the feds, who likely “disappeared” most of the social media footprints of the men who’d been charged.

Either the Michigan militia boys need to tighten up their recruitment and security sharp-ish, or that’s the cold, ghostly hand of a false-flag op I feel on my shoulder all of a sudden.

3 thoughts on “Hotting up

  1. This is just a set up so the Dems and their media arm can screech about “white supremacy” some more. Whitmer certainly deserves to be removed by whatever means are necessary, but I have more belief in the Tooth Fairy than I do that this was a serious plot by actual grass-roots patriots. If there were supposedly seven “members of a militia” involved, I am guessing six of them were FBI infiltrators and they suggested the entire thing to the one poor gullible sap.

    Meanwhile the Federal Bureau of Incompetence can not spare any agents to investigate Pantifa or Burn Loot Murder and the people funding them. Nope, those pre-placed pallets of bricks and rental trucks full of riot supplies are not signs of organized backers, nope, not at all.

  2. There are no “good cops”. And there are certainly not any good FedPigs!!!

  3. FBI OP all the way IMO. They ginned up a bunch of left wing anarchist kooks into talking about kidnapping the left wing kook of a governor for political purposes.

    But, as Haz said, can’t be bothered to chase down actual perpetrators of violence.

    And we have an ongoing attempt to remove the current President of the United States by the very same FBI…

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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GK Chesterton

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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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